Tag Archive | vibration

The Truth About Phychics

Scientific Thought

Some folks claim to be psychic. They’ll tell you that they
Can see spirits and often times communicate
With nonphysical beings. Can this be the case?
Is it true that these kinds of events can take place?
How can one be in this most unnatural state?
What’s one simple thing that can cast all doubt away?

Being psychic doesn’t always mean that you’re tapped
Into nonphysical. To be psychic means you
Read thought energy. There’s plenty of it around
And both negative and positive can be found
Among people now living. You’re receptive to
These thought forms. At interpreting them you’re quite apt.

Terrified about crossing bridges suddenly,
One may consult a psychic who may determine
That because once the bridge took a terrible blow
People died. Even though it happened long ago
Fearful thought forms are deeply embedded within
The very space time fabric through eternity.

You’re tuned into lots of different frequencies
And depending upon where you’re tuned you’re picking
Up on thought forms so you may be vulnerable
To things that you don’t want to become meaningful.
If things get too bizarre then it’s worthwhile sticking
With a world where clear information you can seize.

It Gets Better

Mental Torment

No matter how it looks everything is always
Working out for you. Everything that’s happening
To you is temporary so take it in stride.
Know that the universe is always on your side
If you can but allow it. It’s not a big thing.
Don’t beat up on yourself for your current malaise.

You can contour your vibration all day every
Day into precisely that which will fulfill you.
This cooperative universe is showing
You always that wellbeing is overflowing.
Everyone on earth goes through what you’re going through.
It’s a blessing though that it’s not necessary.

There’s no chance, fate, assertion, or lack of control.
Absolute control you have over how you feel.
You’ve the ability to think, feel, and behold
What takes place. You can cause want you want to unfold
Once you take your circumstance not as an ordeal
But as an exercise that will strengthen your soul.

Think and feel then observe what goes on around you.
Watch the universe gather cooperative
Components that match up with your own vibration.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.
In a world of contentment you’re able to live.
It Gets Better. Believe it is all you need do.

Don’t Overthink Things

Strongly Considering

On the lower half of the emotional scale
People operate sometimes and life can be seen
As an intricate puzzle that cannot be solved.
In your confusion you don’t want to get involved
With your tough situation. When you’re in between
A rock and a hard place unsureness will prevail.

When you try to think your way out of a problem
All you do is make it bigger than it should be.
Actually you’re trending in opposition
To what you want. It just won’t come to fruition.
Overthinking then becomes your reality
And it’s from where all your negative feelings stem.

If, however, you’re tuned in, tapped in, and turned on,
And ideas are flowing, it feels fantastic.
Thoughts flow with the same momentum, but clarity
Is abundant. You see the world differently
Than you do when you’re troubled. It’s like being sick.
When you’re happy many of your issues are gone.

You want to be a feeler – not a thinker right
Now because your feeling is always accurate.
You cannot over feel things. Let your feelings guide
You to the right solution. It’s wise to confide
In your deep inner knowing. You can mitigate
The darkness by allowing a smidgen of light.

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.

Feel That It’s Done

Everything's Fine

That which you want to happen is already done.
There’s no two ways about it.  You’ve got to believe
That it’s done first and foremost, and then let it go.
Remain positive and let the universe show
You what it can do. Be in the mode to receive
What you’re wanting. It’s good advice for anyone.

You and the universe are made of vibration.
You’re the creator of your own reality.
There’s a vibrational version of everything
You could ever want. Lining up with it will bring
On the physical version eventually.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.

Sometimes you may not recognize that it’s all done.
You may revert to trying to figure things out
Rather than finding vibrational resonance
With what you want where you’d have a much better chance
Of receiving. Manifestation is about
Focusing your mind with intent and emotion.

What you want is queued up. Once you tune yourself to
The emotion of having it. You will succeed
In achieving it quickly. The intensity
Of emotion you offer can definitely
Get you where your receiving will greatly exceed
Expectations as the universe supports you.

All That You Want


Expectation is the key to manifesting.
You get what you expect so it matters what you
Keep your mind on. Focus only on your desire
And trust that what you want to happen will transpire.
When you know something will happen all you need do
Is get happy and make peace with your requesting.

When you keep a thought active Law of Attraction
Assembles the cooperative components
That match your vibration and so it manifests
Into your life experience. All your requests
Are honored by the universe and it makes sense
That things always work out to your satisfaction.

When some manifestation begins to occur
Or some evidence of it then you begin to
Expect it which means now your belief is so strong
That there’s no possible way that you could be wrong
About what you want happening. Dreams do come true
When you focus only upon what you prefer.

Don’t let what is ‘true’ dampen your expectation.
A belief is just a thought someone continues
To keep thinking until it becomes manifest.
Don’t let ‘true’ things train your expectation. The best
Judge of your progress is you and you get to choose
What to think. Your life is of your own creation.

Give Up The Struggle

Buried In Work

It’s as if someone pointed at a twenty ton
Boulder and said, “Please carry it way over there.”
You should not care about that because you will not
Implement such an impossible task. A lot
Of stress you can relieve if you’re willing to care
About how you feel in every situation.

But if you really need to get it over there
And you focus upon what you want and why you
Want it, a way to get it over there will be
Revealed to you. You want to be completely free
Of the struggle that you think you need to go through.
Of the path of least resistance you’ll be aware.

Feeling good is a no brainer. If you feel stress
Then you want to feel better. So what can you do
To get yourself out of a stressful atmosphere?
Focus elsewhere and the solution becomes clear.
Give attention to something that elevates you
To the level of eventual happiness.

The reason you feel struggle is because you get
Yourself into a vibration where you can’t hear
What your true self is saying. Give Up The Struggle.
Find a blanket of joy and within it snuggle.
Things are not as terrible as they may appear.
Your surrender to who you are is an asset.

Stop Resistance

Connected Hearts

Why do my manifestations always seem to
Go somewhere else? It’s as if I’m creating for
Other people. There must be something wrong with me
Or with how I’m creating. I just want to be
Of the proper vibration. What can give me more
Of an edge? What is it that I clearly must do?

Finding the path of least resistance I know will
Benefit me greatly but where do I begin?
It’s by practicing feeling good ‘til I’ve allowed
Something to manifest. My head’s not in a cloud
About it. At this game of life I want to win.
Many dreams in this world I have yet to fulfill.

I’ve been defending and justifying to those
Who don’t think I deserve what I want which has caused
My vibration to wither but now I’m aware
Of what happened. I don’t have to stay focused there.
If I do then the good flowing to me is paused.
I’ll go with what the most evolved part of me knows.

What I know now is different from what I knew
Before indoctrination into the mindset
Of innate insufficiency. My life reflects
What I know now. I look for positive aspects
In every situation. I’m willing to let
It all happen without my having much to do.

Allow The Nonphysical

The Intelligent Void

The fullness of who you are is not only you.
It includes many others who now are deceased
But who knew you. Your fullness may also include
Relatives now in spirit. Their infinitude
Of existence is lighter than the human beast.
Helping us with our lives is part of what they do.

Healers and teachers throughout the ages are part
Of the fullness of who you are focused right here
And right now on whatever you’ve got going on.
Your awareness of your fullness depends upon
Your belief in the nonphysical atmosphere.
Since they were human they know of the human heart.

The nonphysical is focused on you right now
So ask yourself these questions, “What am I doing
With this moment? Am I allowing the magic
To happen?”
Your not asking allows the tragic

To occur. Your happiness is worth pursuing.
The nonphysical can show you exactly how.

There’s power, grace, passion, and eagerness for you
From the spirit world. You’re a beloved being
Who is blessed beyond your ability to know.
You raise your vibration by simply letting go
Of resistance. You will find spirit agreeing
With your wildest most exciting dreams coming true.

Only One Minute Away

Time Adrift

On that high flying disk is where I want to be.
I love feeling excited about everything
In this wonderful universe. Out of thin air
I can pull this great feeling and I can stay there
Just as long as I want to. Much joy I can bring
To this moment. I love living life happily.

If I start out my day this way it’s easier
To remain in alignment. Before negative
Thoughts of yesterday flood into my consciousness
I find all kinds of things in the moment to bless.
I’m delighted that I’ve chosen this way to live.
I love knowing that I can have what I prefer.

Things that make me feel better or put me at ease
I must focus on. Music and meditation
Put me there in a hurry. My intent is to
Feel as good as I can so whatever I do
Is only for that reason. As my creation,
This moment is the only one for me to seize.

Distraction from whatever is keeping me from
My alignment is welcomed most wholeheartedly.
There’s nothing else I need to accomplish today.
My happiness is Only One Minute Away.
Getting happy and staying there is up to me.
I’m anticipating all the good times to come.

Joyful Co-Creation

Young Friendship

The Source within you often has a different
Opinion than you do about most everything
If you’re feeling anything less than wonderful.
Which one in any moment has the stronger pull
On your person is your choice. It’s nice when you bring
Yourself into a proper and wise alignment.

Everything that happens is a co-creation
And if you decide you’re going to blame someone
Who seems most at fault instead of owning your part
Then you end up with bad feelings stuck in your heart.
Your true nature is joyful. You’re meant to have fun.
From wellbeing there should be no deviation.

We are all cooperative components to
One another not to cause ourselves suffering
Or to teach each other lessons. We’re here to sift
Through the data and find ways to praise and uplift
One another. It’s within our power to bring
About peace on the planet. It all starts with you.

Feel your clarity rather than your confusion.
If your desire to feel good is strong enough you
Will always find a way to come back into your
Personal power. Your happiness is the cure
For what ails you. Adopt your Source’s point of view.
And come out of the world of doubt and confusion.

You Are A Creator

Home Business

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself a new
And improved version of your now reality.
The improvement that you’ve been asking for is in
The vibrational works. You’re prepared to begin
To receive your impressions of how things should be.
You become aligned with the evolved part of you.

The way you feel is your indicator of how
Near or far you are vibrationally from where
You would like to be. It lets you know just what you
Need to do if you’re feeling a little bit blue.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Only then are you in the right mode to allow.

You don’t need others to cooperate with you.
If you think you do then you end up hindering
Your alignment. Stay focused on your creation.
Let the universe handle what needs to get done
Then the people will show up and their offering
Will be more than sufficient from your point of view.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Others won’t make them willing to cooperate.
Feeling good lines you up with cooperation.
You’re co-creative process is all about fun.
You create with perfection when you’re feeling great.
Take control of the wonderful life that you live.

Directly From Source

That I Am

Can a person communicate with the divine
Directly just as if God were a dear old friend?
Yes one can. It’s been done throughout all history.
Anyone can converse with God and easily.
Through the practice of meditation you transcend
Negative mental constructs of errant design.

God broadcasts on a frequency which everyone
Can receive. It’s a matter of tuning into
The right signal. You must learn to quiet the mind.
In that silence a feeling of peace you will find.
Answers to questions will come easily to you.
You get progressively better once it’s begun.

If you’re full of the question then you cannot hear
The answer. They are two different frequencies.
At the same time you can’t keep both activated
Because a tug of war will have been created
In your consciousness. Handel the issue with ease.
Let the question be answered and don’t interfere.

Let the question rest within you only until
It is clarified then let the universe do
What it does so efficiently. You must believe
That you’re way more than worthy enough to receive
What you want to know. Meditation can help you
To relax and succumb to God’s provident will.

How To Get What’s Not Coming


“It’s not coming,” to yourself you keep on saying
And it won’t if you continue beating this drum.
It’s apparent. The thing you want hasn’t come yet
And your focus upon this will only beget
The same unfulfilled feeling. What you want can’t come
Because your attitude is too self-betraying.

Be a perfect vibrational match to what you
Want to happen. There can be no contradiction
Within you about having it. Sadness of face
Keeps one from the receiving of infinite grace.
No one will tolerate the grotesque infliction
Of your story upon them. You know this is true.

When you have a desire and continually
Notice that what you want has not yet been achieved
You enhance the vibration of not having it
So in order to get it it’s best that you quit
Focusing on its absence. It will be received
By you only if you live your life happily.

To what you want you want to give your attention –
Not upon its not having been manifested
As of yet. You can speak more about what’s to come.
You can get a whole lot of satisfaction from
Simply telling it so it can be digested
Easily. ‘What is’ isn’t worthy of mention.

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

From Moment To Moment

Tender Togetherness

What you think right now is a manifestation
Even though it’s intangible, and how you feel
Is also your creation. What’s happening now
You create but you may not know exactly how
This is done. This topic may not have much appeal
But perhaps it may turn into fascination.

Just like the car in the garage and all the nice
Things that you find of value that are physical,
Thoughts and emotions are manifestations too
In fact everything that is happening to you
Is a manifestation. It’s illogical
To assume that your life is a throw of the dice.

The most important manifestation is how
You are feeling From Moment To Moment because
You control every other manifestation
From this moment. Your life is your own creation.
Keep your primary focus away from what was
And keep yourself always in the mode to allow.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’ll experience your power and clarity
In so doing. Let how you’re feeling tell you how
To keep track of this moment and all that is there.

All You Need To Know


Many things are worth knowing. Who wouldn’t agree
But then there comes the question of what one should know
And it gets complicated. It boggles the mind.
Among so many things to know how do I find
The perfect set of knowledge in order to grow?
It’s true that I create my own reality.

From this fundamental knowing that I create
By my thoughts and emotions I now realize
That my thoughts do the asking and the allowing.
How I feel right now is the most important thing
I can ponder and it comes as no big surprise
That life gets good when I’m in a positive state.

As I clean up my thinking and care more about
How I feel in each moment I gradually
Let go of more resistance which means I increase
My level of allowance. With each new release
Of resistance I’m closer to where I should be
Then how things happen for me leaves me without doubt.

I don’t face the reality that produces
Within me a vibration that prevents me from
My own wellbeing. That’s what it all comes down to.
What I want also wants me. All I have to do
Is prepare for the wonderful blessings to come.
I know now that I have no need for excuses.

Two Realities

Merging Worlds

There’s a reality that you’ve been explaining,
Defining, exploring, documenting, and such,
But it doesn’t mean diddly. It’s just a façade
Of the consciousness which is a rather slipshod
Manager of perception. It offers not much
On its own yet it’s also worth your maintaining.

You’re standing in your now not really happy with
Where you are then you’re justifying how you got
Where you are by explaining it to everyone
Then you wonder why you can’t get anything done.
It just keeps the vibration active so it’s not
Recommended. Of joy you want to be the pith.

There’s another reality that’s parallel
To the physical. It consists of vibration
And it’s present tense. It’s happening here and now.
When you feel your way into it then you allow
It to be a physical manifestation.
It beats the other reality all to hell.

Here and now is simply a platform from which you
Can propel yourself into the reality
That you have been creating through your hopes and dreams.
Take a different view of the world as it seems.
Activate some new patterns vibrationally.
Be prepared for all of your wishes coming true.

Thinking On Purpose


I’ve been doing so much fun and joyful thinking.
I’m achieving amazing results as I do.
I just keep getting happier throughout each day.
I know that things are always working out my way.
I’ve no doubt that my most cherished dreams will come true
And that things come with ease and not by my swinking.

I do focus wheels and make lists of positive
Aspects but I deliberately and mainly
Pay attention to how I feel in each moment.
I’m cognizant of how my precious time is spent.
I prefer thoughts that are absolutely gainly.
I think that this is the best way for me to live.

A cooperative component I must be
With the universe’s orchestration of my
Happy story. It shows me how well I’m doing
With my life. I don’t have to spend time pursuing
Much of anything. Without my having to try
I attract what I want and most confidently.

I’ve begun to feel the power of directing
My thoughts relative to everything that I care
Much about. I can create deliberately
My own positive version of reality.
I can feel better anytime and anywhere.
My wellbeing is what I’m always expecting.

Negative Energy


Sometimes I’m in the presence of people who are
Not quite so positive thinking and sometimes I
Can’t even come up with something helpful to say.
Should I say nothing, turn around, and walk away?
That would be nasty of me. Perhaps I should try
To accept where they’re coming from though it’s quite far.

If negative people are driving you nuts it’s
Because you’re wobbly. Unsure of your vibration,
You may look for positive energy in those
Around you but you must remain in the shadows
If you’re the one who’s causing the aggravation.
Be thankful for your silence and its benefits.

Stand in the midst of something that’s not positive
And look for the nugget in it. You might receive
An answer to the question or issue at hand.
You’re the one in the long run who must understand
That a state of immunity you can achieve
By deciding that happily you want to live.

People who are annoying are just going through
Something all of us go through from time to time, so
Accept it as a fact of human behavior.
Let the positive within you be your savior.
Do what it takes to allow your spirit to grow.
You control ultimately what happens with you.

Let Life Be About Happiness

Energy Smile

Are you willing to just let it all be about
Being happy? Is it such a terrible price
To pay for your existence in this here and now?
You’re fortunate in that you already know how
To get happy and stay there which is rather nice.
You can get happy when you’re not, without a doubt.

How do you feel about being vibrational
Mostly and partly physical? How does it feel
To translate a vibration into what you know
To be physical? What is your manifesto
About life? Is it something you’d want to reveal
To the world? Would the world find it sensational?

Let it be about happiness just for a while
Without justification. You get to decide
To be happy without the manifestation.
Get yourself in the sweet spot of co-creation.
Certain laws of the universe, when they’re applied,
Help you to have a more satisfying lifestyle.

Things are always working out for you and you know
This already. It’s just that sometimes you forget
So you need a reminder that being happy
Is your reason for being a reality.
Live the life you were meant to – one without regret.
Let the blessings of the universe to you flow.

Let In What Is Done

Child's Play

It’s already completed. You don’t have to try
Any harder. You simply watch expectantly
As things unfold exactly the way you had planned.
The laws of the universe you well understand.
Accept that it’s done then in alignment you’ll be
With that part of you who is always flying high.

That it hasn’t materialized you may say
But don’t wallow in how it feels not to have it.
When it’s done it means you need not do any more
Than relax. You know all that has happened before
Validates optimism and you benefit
From your own attitude in a very big way.

When something’s done, it’s done! It’s a different feel
Than when something is not done. You find resonance
With the doneness by feeling it deep in your soul.
Of how you feel in this moment you can control
Therefore you can maneuver any circumstance
Into one which to you is of much more appeal.

When you say that ‘it’s possible’ what do you mean?
If you mean that ‘it’s done’ then you’re well on your way
To experiencing its manifestation.
Every bit of it is of your own creation.
Your alignment with yourself is on full display.
Let in what you know your heart has already seen.

Spiritual Aid

Sacred Setting

Help is needed because I have no where to go
But within and of that place I’m truly afraid.
Guilt and shame are a part of my anatomy.
How can I help myself out spiritually
When my own sense of humanity I’ve betrayed?
Is there some truth that I’m able to come to know?

Deep remorse I feel. What can I do to undo
What I’ve done? Radioactive I’ve come to be.
I’ve burnt bridges and severed familial ties.
Many things that I’ve done with my life were unwise
To the point where I’m a threat to society.
How I wish to the universe this were not true.

What I know is that all those who’ve gone before me
Along with healers and teachers are focused here
In this powerful moment to guide me along
And they seem to forgive me for what I’ve done wrong.
The amends that I make will be righteous and clear.
I know that I have work to do karmically.

What I do with this moment determines how I
Will move forward. I’m sorry for what I have done.
I beg that I could go through what I put you through.
I hope that brings enough satisfaction to you.
The last part of my journey is surely begun.
I’ll have taken care of business before I die.

Feel It All Come To Be

Moment Of Cheer

Act as if it is and it will be. This is true
But you have to believe it. You cannot pretend
That you have it and not feel it deep in your soul.
As a professional actor you play the role
Of someone who has figured out how to transcend
Old beliefs that have not been of good use to you.

Ask yourself why you want it. Find the vibration
That’s within your desire. What’s the feeling that’s at
The heart of your wanting? Get that feeling going
Until you’re consumed with the absolute knowing
That what you want is done. It’s as simple as that.
This is the art of deliberate creation.

If you can get yourself this far keep practicing.
The Law of Attraction will take care of the rest.
That’s your work. From the vibration that exists to
Its full manifestation – it’s managed by you.
Wonderful things happen when you’re feeling your best.
Be aware of the kinds of things you’re attracting.

You control your emotions. You can come into
Alignment no matter what happens to occur.
Feel your way to alignment with what you desire.
The feeling of it is what you want to acquire.
It’s so easy to live the life you would prefer.
Feel as if what you want has now happened for you.

Clean Up All Your Relationships

Happy Couple

In a rotten relationship you may have been
Or you may be experiencing one right now
Which means you’re launching rockets of what you’d prefer
To the universe and it no doubt will concur
With your wishes but you have to trust and allow
All cooperative components to happen.

The relationship you have with yourself is the
Most important so give your vibration the care
It deserves by meditating regularly.
Be appreciative of who you’ve come to be.
Your best you is the you that you most want to share
With the world. You’re of value to society.

At this standpoint as you find alignment with who
You are truly, things are already working out
In your favor and in the meantime you can see
Bits of evidence. You can get there easily.
In your absolute worthiness you mustn’t doubt.
Give yourself a break and give credit where it’s due.

With who you are find vibrational alignment.
Love must be unconditional. You don’t have to
Put up with what you don’t want. Your goal is to be
Able to without condition live happily.
What you want you can surely have happen for you.
It all starts from a place where you’re feeling content.

Readiness Ready

Life Run

If it’s happened, I’m ready. If not, then I’m not
Otherwise things would be manifesting for me.
My Vortex of Creation I do believe in.
To deny it would be for me a mortal sin.
Here and now I’ve decided to live happily.
Life is short so I will give it all that I’ve got.

Because of what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling
Moment to moment I create kind of a grid
That fills in incrementally with all the things
That I have ever wanted. My happiness brings
Wonderful things to me even when I’m amid
Utter turmoil. I now know with what I’m dealing.

I don’t want it all right this red hot minute. I
Want it to come when I’m ready for it to come.
I don’t want the full contents of my Vortex to
Flood into my life all at once. What would I do
With a ton of wellbeing? This may seem to some
Not a thing to be pondered. The question is ‘Why?’

I’ll be ready to be ready to receive more
Inspiration to do what I need to get done
In any situation. Vibrationally
I prepare for the wonders that will come to be.
This mindset is applicable to anyone
Who wants to receive everything they’re asking for.

That Was Then, This Is Now

So What?

Rather than talk about how things used to be you
Can speak of what’s becoming. The thing about ‘then’
Is that focusing on it keeps you where you are.
Following such a path will take you very far
From where you’d like to be. Magic can happen when
You decide to begin something totally new.

Maintaining you vibration is absolutely
Your most important work. Feeling good is your goal.
The path of least resistance is manifested
To all things in your whole life that you’ve requested.
Trust that the universe has things under control.
Again, your only job is to live happily.

Try your best not to go where you don’t want to go.
Don’t get hung up on what you did not know before.
What you know now is much different from what you
Knew before. There are so many things you can do
To maintain your alignment so you can get more
Inspiration to complement all that you know.

Yet to take a little trip down memory lane
Can sometimes be uplifting because everything
That you lived validates what you know here and now.
What was then, if it’s troublesome, do not allow
It to mess with the myriad blessings you bring
To the world. Nothing you do is ever in vain.

Don’t Focus On The Absence

Spatial Emptiness

Emptiness is a real thing. Deeply I feel it.
The big hole in my gut that I fill with my mind
Keeps expanding as I approach reemergence
Into spirit. Why didn’t I have enough sense
To prepare something of value to leave behind?
That I’ve been a hell of a person I admit.

Yet if I keep on beating this old drum I will
Prevent my moving forward. I apologize
For my past ill behavior. I need to let go
Of my shame and guilt. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow.
I know that I’m human by the tears in my eyes.
My demise I hope will give my victims a thrill.

On the absence of something that might have occurred
Had I not been a certain way I’ll not focus
Because that will only prolong right here and now.
I can get to a better place and I know how
To do it when I need to. This is a big plus
To my credit. My salvation is much preferred.

I need to get my mind off of disappointment
And onto the feeling of evolving into
Something better. It’s an emotional journey
I must take but I can do it successfully
Even if feeling better is all that I do.
I can get anywhere by my conscious intent.

You Get What You Expect

Perplexed And Annoyed

It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration is most dominant. If you’ve practiced
Thoughts that don’t feel good then you have probably missed
Out on so many blessings because you never
Saw them coming. It gives you no satisfaction.

Your power is in your now. You’re marching toward
An amazing scenario if you allow
It to happen by choosing thoughts that uplift you.
Because of what you’re giving your attention to
You attract things to you. You should know this by now.
How you feel is something that should not be ignored.

How do you positively affect an outcome?
You keep practicing a positive thought until
It is the thought that comes to you most easily.
In a matter of only minutes you can be
In a state where the kind universe will fulfill
Your wishes as you’re beating the positive drum.

Take the emotional journey. Learn to expect
Good things to happen for you and you will succeed
In the manifestation of what you hold dear.
Get yourself into a positive atmosphere
And to where your creative potential is freed.
This is when positively your world you affect.

Your Alignment With You


Every feeling that you have is only about
Your relationship between what you’re thinking and
What the Source within you thinks about the same thing
So it helps to be mindful of what you’re thinking
Or else things may not turn out the way that you’d planned.
Your Source is a part of you that’s worth checking out.

It has its own opinion about everything
Which is that everything is magnificently
Put together in this universe you behold
And sometimes it’s difficult for you to be sold
On this outlook but if you adopt it you’ll be
In alignment and life will be satisfying.

Would you rather feel confusion or clarity?
If you answer the latter then you’ve moved toward
The direction of your Source. It’s just that easy.
Would you rather feel love or the insanity
Of the holding of grudges against all abhorred?
Can you answer these kinds of questions truthfully?

When there’s no contradiction in your vibration
You increase the momentum of your becoming
More aligned with that part of you which is your Source.
Doing this you become a benevolent force
In your world and the universe as you’re chumming
With the best part of you. Honor your elation.

Marching Towards Manifestation

Destiny Walk

Every moment of every day you get to choose
To get closer or further away from what you
Want to happen in your life. You cannot demand
What you want from the world. It does not understand
Indignation. There’s no telling what it will do.
Negative behavior by you it won’t excuse.

The world gives you what you deserve – what you offer
By way of your vibration which you can control
Through your conscious awareness of just how you feel
In each moment. Both the fantastic and the real
Intertwine and become the magnificent whole
Of existence. With this outlook can you concur?

You’re the chooser of the thought that you have right now.
If your standing in a place where you’ve been cut off
At the knees you can’t reach a state of happiness
In an instant but reaching for something that’s less
Of a pain is something at which one cannot scoff.
Only thoughts that feel good to you should you allow.

If you’re feeling good you’re marching toward something
That when you reach it will be exciting indeed.
The reverse is true also. Stay conscious of that.
How you’re feeling is something worth your looking at.
Unseen forces are guiding you to what you need
To stay happy. Don’t you find this interesting?

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

Nonphysical Forces

Old Church

Consciousness is eternal. It has not an end
Or beginning and like energy it cannot
Be created or done away with. It can change
From one form to another. So is it so strange
That people throughout time have given it a lot
Of attention? With its existence we contend.

We can’t speak much about it because when we do
We get hung up on words and concepts that come from
Our connection to physical reality.
It can only become known spiritually.
Consciousness never looks for the final outcome
Because it’s nonexistent from its point of view.

All who have gone before us are now in a place
Outside of what is physical. Their energy
And attention of focus on what we do here
Is benevolent and powerful and with clear
Intention that we all live our lives happily.
We have the tendency to call it divine grace.

Worthy, blessed, and beloved beings are we
Who have come into this physical dimension
To create as we’re meant to in this here and now.
Our being spiritual means that we allow
Unseen forces to guide us. You’re an extension
Of the nonphysical here temporarily.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Your Vibration

Energy Profile

Electricity and magnetism are real.
They’re invisible forces yet we know that they
Do exist in the same way your own vibration
Emanates from you. Though it’s of your creation,
It’s intangible, and this is all just to say
That reality has to do with how you feel.

What you think, how you feel, and therefore what occurs
In your life is always a vibrational match.
If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted
You’re marching toward something that will have daunted
Your own sense of wellbeing. It’s better to latch
Onto that which your truest self strongly prefers.

Now if the drum you’re beating is one that feels good
Then you’re marching toward something that will surprise
And delight you every step along your journey.
Doesn’t it make good sense to live life happily?
Your whole life becomes better when you realize
How to tweak Your Vibration as everyone should.

First believe that you transmit a signal always
And that it tells the universe and the world how
To treat you. Then believe that you have access to
The higher, wiser, and more evolved part of you.
It guides you in the ever present here and now
And it remains with you throughout all of your days.

Struggle Begone!

Impossible Task

Put yourself in the situation of someone
Who must lift the weight of the world over their head.
How would you go about this impossible task?
Is this not an absurd question for one to ask?
You would look upon this circumstance with much dread.
Feeling this way then there can be no solution.

You must not care about moving that kind of weight
Anywhere simply because you’re no going to
Move the world with your struggle. If you really need
It to be moved the only way you will succeed
Is if you’re in alignment with that part of you
That gives you the ability to co-create.

What you want grows within you. There must be some way
To get this thing accomplished but you mustn’t care
About doing something you know you cannot do.
Trust that the universe will work things out for you.
You’re not going to get that huge thing over there
If you look at your situation with dismay.

It’s pointless so surrender. Push it to the side
For the moment and focus on being ready
For the way to respond to be revealed to you
And for now be satisfied with all you can do
To ensure that you’re living your life happily.
All that you get without effort can’t be denied.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Make The Universe Listen

Much To Tell

How do you Make The Universe Listen to you?
Well, if you’re telling the same old boring story
Then it has every right to ignore what you say
But it doesn’t. It responds to you anyway
Whether you live in happiness or misery.
You can change things by telling a story that’s new.

Tell your story the way that you want it to be
Rather than the way it is and you will notice
The cooperative universe helping you
To rewrite your life story and then make it true
And as sure as my name could never be Otis
You’ll let go of much of your negativity.

As you tell your new story you will purify
Your vibration of stuff that you never became
Quite adjusted to. The power of letting go
Is immense. It allows positive thoughts to flow.
To be happy in your life is your only aim.
You can do so without really having to try.

Ignore all that you don’t like. Adore what you do.
It’s that simple. The universe hears you clearly
All the time. You just have to be much more aware
Of the story you’re telling. Be willing to share
The new person that you’ve made yourself out to be.
Let the universe hear the very best of you.

Perfect Timing

Fun Time

You’re approaching a red light and it becomes green
Right before you start thinking about slowing down.
Or you might pick the right stock before its decline
On the market. You’re timing’s great when you align
With that part of you that can never wear a frown.
There’s no problem with keeping your vibration clean.

Often times things seem to come right out of the blue
But it’s just an illusion. There’s no assertion
In a world that’s attraction based. Things come out of
The oblivious. You can get yourself above
The unwanted grossly negative horizon
Simply by hooking up with the best part of you.

Things come out of the vibration that’s most practiced
But the reason it feels like they creep up on you
Is because you forget that it’s your vibration
That things are responding to. It’s your creation.
Your words and actions really have nothing to do
With the Perfect Timing that you know must exist.

You’re offering a vibration and practicing
It and practicing it and practicing it and
Thus becoming an expert at it enough to
Manifest Perfect Timing in all that you do.
Don’t give too much attention to what you had planned.
Be more open to what your vibration can bring.

Dominance Of Wellbeing

Bright Horizon

Don’t you love knowing that you’ve the ability
To contour your vibration all day everyday
Into precisely that which will satisfy you?
Isn’t it nice to know that your dreams will come true
When you focus on them in a persistent way?
Isn’t this a perfect time space reality?

There’s no fate. There’s no chance. There’s not one single thing
Pushing itself into your life experience.
How you think and feel determines what comes to you.
No matter how it looks believe that this is true.
The wellbeing existent is rather immense.
It eclipses the wave of human suffering.

This cooperative universe is showing
You the very components that are equally
In the vibration that you’ve got activated.
This is how your reality is created.
You can have things the way you’d prefer them to be.
Abundance and wellbeing are overflowing.

You can think, feel, and then watch what happens to you.
A vibrational match they are, you’ll come to see.
Things are always working out for you and it’s time
You start living a life that is richly sublime.
Focus your attention more deliberately
Only on the wellbeing you have access to.

Divine Timing


I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now understanding that where I
Am now is an utterly temporary place.
I can cope with the many issues I must face
By the power within me. Still I wonder why
Things take so long to happen. It keeps me depressed.

I know that I’m impatient. It’s just part of me.
I know that I can’t be a vibrational match
To what I most desire if I’m feeling this way.
If I want things to speed up I’m willing to pay
More attention to how I feel. If I can catch
A bad feeling thought early enough then I’m free.

I don’t want it all right now. I want to receive
Only what I’m ready and able to allow
Into my life experience right at this time.
There’s hope of redemption for committing the crime
Of impatience and I can have it here and now.
Contentment is a state that’s not hard to achieve.

I’m never going to be fully satisfied
With where I am and that’s a good thing because I
Want to tweak that dissatisfaction to where it
Feels fresh and titillating. It just takes a bit
Of fine tuning in order to keep flying high.
I can say then that time is always on my side.

Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive

Pointing To Time

If we do create our own reality, then
The question is how do I collapse the time frame
From my thinking it to its manifestation?
By turning impatience to anticipation
I can do that, then life is a wonderful game –
One that I can play over again and again.

I’m frustrated sometimes because it takes too long
Yet the lag time helps me to fill in the details
Of the unfolding drama that I’m creating.
As I focus there I can translate the waiting
Into gratitude. This simple trick rarely fails.
I’ll never get it done so I can’t get it wrong.

How can I Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive
What I want? By improving my ability
To clearly recognize it I’ll shorten the time.
Contemplating what I want I’m in a sublime
State of sheer expectation. It must come to be.
In this process I must have the heart to believe.

What I’ve put into my Vortex of Creation
Would feel good to me right now but I must feel good
To begin with then I’ll have that experience.
Every moment can be filled with utter suspense
When I know that things work out the way that they should.
Being happy always shortens the duration.

It’s Coming

Patiently Waiting

While it seems like you’re waiting for something to come
You’re just living one good moment after the next
On the way to wonderful things coming to you.
You’ve asked for it. It’s done! Now all you have to do
Is get happy. There’s no reason to be perplexed.
Be certain of where all your good feelings come from.

When you ask, it is given almost instantly
But you have to become a vibrational match
To receiving it, meaning don’t do anything
That prevents what you want from ever happening.
From all your negative feelings you must detach
If what you’ve asked for is to be reality.

All the specifics of what you want happen when
You first ask. You know just how you want things to be.
As cooperative components assemble
You will see things in your life start to resemble
Your most treasured desire automatically
Negative moments you may still have now and then.

Once you have lived the problem you have created
The solution. It’s now time to go general
With your wanting and have fun along your journey.
The answer to all wanting is to get happy.
It’s best to adopt a happiness rationale.
To your happiness you must be dedicated.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Change For The Better

Colorful Humanity

Do know that you can be, do, or have anything
That you want. There is nothing off limits. If you
Can remember that life is supposed to be good
For you always then things will work out as they should.
Your life will change immediately if you do
What it takes in order to get your heart to sing.

It takes not much to get from where you are to where
You’d prefer to be – in love perpetually
With your life and the universe. The world will treat
You much better. You’ll find that all life is replete
With the full consciousness of divine energy.
Of the good in all things you become more aware.

Most people are conditional vibrators. We
Vibrate according to conditions we observe
Then get more of it yet we can turn this around
To where first we focus on some good thing we’ve found
Thereby simply attracting what we most deserve.
We can vibrate things into the way they should be.

Satisfaction does not come from your jumping through
Even ‘well-meaning’ hoops. Satisfaction only
Comes from your wanting something then moving your way
Toward it. Change will happen as long as you stay
In alignment with the person you’re meant to be.
Keep in contact with the most evolved part of you.

Your Only Work

Huge Wish

Figure out how to enjoy the fresh breath of air
That a new desire gives you. Your work is to be
Receptive to the constant flow of abundance
And you can do this under any circumstance.
Get connected to universal energy.
It’s available to you from out of nowhere.

Resist the temptation to face reality
Just for a little while. Lean in the direction
Of optimism rather than pessimism.
Of the light of God you’re a most worthy prism.
The universe is of absolute perfection.
You feel that when you’re living your life happily.

The only thing that keeps you from moving to where
You want to be is talking about where you are.
Talk about where you’re going – not where you are now
And have been for a long time. Forget about how
Things are going because they’re exceedingly far
From where you want to be. Of yourself take good care.

Letting go of ‘what is’ is a tough thing to do
Because it’s so much in your face but it’s not good
To make ‘what is’ a strong habit. Talk more about
What’s becoming but only if you have no doubt
That it’s coming. Your resistance is understood
By the most expanded and evolved part of you.

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

In The Money

Raw Currency

We’ve been trained to believe that hard work is the key
To success in any endeavor. We’ve been told
That our struggle is virtuous so we believe
That it’s necessary in order to achieve
Any good life can offer. We’ve been undersold
By a mindset with which our true selves can’t agree.

Irritated by those who have lots of money,
Those who don’t demonize them yet at the same time
They would like to be like them. There’s a tug of war
Going on in their minds because what they abhor
They want badly and this is a huge psychic crime.
Negative emotion simply isn’t funny.

The truth is that you can attract what you desire
By your focusing on it and staying aligned
With you highest vibration which means get happy.
Practice it until it comes on naturally.
To yourself and to all those rich bastards be kind.
Nothing but a little patience does it require.

Consider abundance as a dominant gene
Because it’s overwhelming. If you can let go
Of the mental resistance and take it easy
It will all come together. Indeed you will be
In a situation where the money will flow.
You’re most powerful when your vibration is clean.

It’s A Winner!

Lucky Sign

Those who buy lottery tickets usually
Do so out of boredom, hope, or desperation.
When you’re in this vibration things can’t possibly
Work out for you yet most people don’t seem to see
That their winning is through identification
Only with pleasant feelings and good harmony.

Can you meditate and manifest the winning
Lottery numbers? You cannot get there from there.
It’s like saying that you want everything right now.
It’s much better for you if you learn to allow
It to come gradually. Take time to prepare
Your Vortex of Creation and get it spinning.

You must know how you’re feeling so that you can tell
If you’re headed upstream or downstream. If you feel
Not your best you can find a better feeling thought.
You attract best when your beliefs and wants are brought
Into perfect alignment. Your Vortex is real.
You can always count on your life working out well.

If you feel overtaken with euphoria
As you put down your money then most probably
You will be a big winner. You don’t really need
The ticket when the true self within you is freed.
In a state of elation is where you must be.
Feeling your best is always a good idea.

…Like The Air That You Breathe

Happy With Cash

You can think about money as if it were air.
When you inhale and exhale your body receives
All the oxygen it needs and gets rid of waste.
The cells of your body are rarely ever faced
With the lack of what they need. The one who believes
In abundance will find it indeed everywhere.

You can be a vibrational match to what’s in
Your Vortex of Creation by just feeling good.
When the thoughts that you’re thinking bring you much delight
Everything about your life will turn out alright.
As the laws of the universe are understood
Life becomes an exciting game that you can win.

Flashback to when you had a good conversation
With someone about something. The moment you shared
You can use as your reason for feeling good now.
Thinking little thoughts like these helps you to allow
Abundance and wellbeing. Get yourself prepared
For a life filled with wonder and fascination.

Believe that there’s something bigger going on here.
Universal forces keep everything aligned.
Hook up with your good feeling thoughts and you will be
At the center of a pleasant reality.
Take advantage of any good thought you can find.
Keep your focus only upon what you hold dear.