Tag Archive | dominant

Set Your Own Tone

Omnidirectional Faces

It’s not difficult for you to set the tone in
This physical realm. You’ve got a tone flowing to
You always from nonphysical and if you choose
A thought that resonates with it you cannot lose.
You’ll be lined up with the most evolved part of you.
Set Your Own Tone. Right now is the time to begin.

When you’re in that state you feel enthusiasm,
Passion, joy, clarity, and extreme confidence.
If however you concentrate on something that
Doesn’t feel good then your vibration will be flat.
When you’re happy the power you have is immense.
Between you and your higher self there’s no chasm.

Nothing is more important than your feeling good.
It’s so foremost in your life that you’re willing to
Spend more time with that good feeling friend and much less
With the not so good feeling one. Your happiness
Is the paramount issue. The more you can do
To get happy the more that life is understood.

It’s a simple decision. Judge everything by
How it feels. You then get to decide what to do.
If it feels bad then do something to get away
From the circumstance. Try your best always to stay
In alignment with the most evolved part of you.
Life becomes easy for you when you’re flying high.

The Law Of Resonance

Inner Contact

It’s been said that the Law of Attraction does not
Imply that the universe will bring you what you
Focus on. What’s been said is that what you attract
Is who you are. This notion turns out to be fact.
All the meditation and focus wheels you do
Help you to manifest so you do them a lot.

Who your are, then, must be accurately defined
In terms of what you want. Be absolutely clear
About it. Don’t let anything get in the way
Of your centering process. It’s easy to stay
In alignment when to your intent you adhere.
Keep thoughts of negativity out of your mind.

It’s not about your dominant thought. It’s about
Your dominant identity. Be more aware
Of who you are. Become the thing that you desire.
Only your state of resonance does it require
And it can become something you’re willing to share
With the world. You’ll want to give it a huge shout out.

Keep on visualizing. The universe gives
You who you are. Don’t try to bend reality.
Just keep focusing on it until you become
One with it. You get a lot of leverage from
Your determination to live life happily.
You want to live the way that your higher self lives.

In The Mode Of Receiving

Wet Fun

You’re there usually but you want to stay there
A lot longer and more often. When you allow
Wellbeing to embrace you then you must achieve
What you’re after. In yourself you have to believe.
You can get to anywhere from right here and now.
You enjoy the freedom to live life without care.

People nowadays talk about calibration.
Calibration is known as segment intending.
It’s preparing yourself for the segment ahead.
You can change how the future will turn out instead
Of just letting it happen and end up spending
Time and energy undoing your creation.

You’re identifying how you want to feel and
Just what you want your point of attraction to be.
What is it that is easiest for you to feel
Really good about? If it’s enough to appeal
To your heart then focus on it wholeheartedly.
In this way your next segment is very well planned.

Look for things to feel good about. Be thankful for
The deliciousness of your life. Be excited
About what’s to unfold for you. Your connection
To your true self points you in the right direction
So that along your path you remain delighted.
Keep yourself open to receiving evermore.

Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive

Pointing To Time

If we do create our own reality, then
The question is how do I collapse the time frame
From my thinking it to its manifestation?
By turning impatience to anticipation
I can do that, then life is a wonderful game –
One that I can play over again and again.

I’m frustrated sometimes because it takes too long
Yet the lag time helps me to fill in the details
Of the unfolding drama that I’m creating.
As I focus there I can translate the waiting
Into gratitude. This simple trick rarely fails.
I’ll never get it done so I can’t get it wrong.

How can I Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive
What I want? By improving my ability
To clearly recognize it I’ll shorten the time.
Contemplating what I want I’m in a sublime
State of sheer expectation. It must come to be.
In this process I must have the heart to believe.

What I’ve put into my Vortex of Creation
Would feel good to me right now but I must feel good
To begin with then I’ll have that experience.
Every moment can be filled with utter suspense
When I know that things work out the way that they should.
Being happy always shortens the duration.

Focus Wheeling And Freedom

Cosmic Target

If you think you need to clean up some resistance
In your life on a specific topic you may
Do a focus wheel feeling that it’s all you need
To deal with it and without a doubt you’ll succeed
With your clean up and you’ll cast resistance away.
This works rather well under any circumstance.

The idea of cleaning up a vibration
Has some resistance in it because there’s something
To clean up and if you focus on it too long
Or too hard then you send the universe the wrong
Affirmation and what you don’t want it will bring.
Too much focus wheeling leads to your frustration.

So when you find yourself weary of the subject
It’s a sign that your offering too much effort.
At that point you can give up. “Enough Already!”
You can say to yourself. You have reason to be
Liberated. The process you need to abort
If you’re not getting from it what you would expect.

Once you give it up you reach an uncluttered space
Of becoming aware that you can start anew
On a fresh subject where there’s no cleaning to do.
Allow yourself to witness your dream coming true
By surrendering to the evolved part of you.
Shift you focus to something you fully embrace.

Let The Money In

Money In Hand

There’s a bunch of abundance. It’s waiting for you
To behold and to have. It comes as no surprise
That your hopefulness leads to your satisfaction.
You know now that it’s never about the action.
It’s about allowing yourself to realize
All the pleasure of having your wishes come true.

You may be surrounded by those who don’t want you
To look foolish or in some way delusional.
They would rather you not stick your head in the sand
But the thing about life that they don’t understand
Is that when you ask it’s for certain that it shall
Be given. They have issues with this point of view.

‘Telling it like it is’ is highly regarded
But it will also hold ‘like it is’ forever
Where it is. You’ll be stuck there indefinitely.
Tell the world and the universe a new story
Where the wealth you envision will surely occur.
The story you’ve been telling can be discarded.

Whether it’s true or not makes not a difference
To the universe. It knows but the vibration
That has been activated. It will then respond
To your story with detail that reaches beyond
Your own wonderfully wild imagination.
Be prepared for magnificent times to commence.

Your Main Mantra

Relaxation Therapy

Every guru is governed by one simple phrase
Of their choosing. The words have specific intent.
Usually it’s used to keep oneself aligned
With one’s purpose. Most gurus just want to be kind
And of service. They’re experts at being content.
No matter what’s occurring they’re happy always.

Watch for the next opportunity and the next…
And the next to be happy. Your mantra should be,
“I’m to live happily ever after.” Make it
Your Main Mantra and use it to your benefit.
Your only work in life is to live happily.
Do what the best part of you sincerely expects.

The eternal symbol is what you’re reaching for.
You don’t need to accomplish some world changing feat
To be happy. Your recognition of success
Is in how many lives in this world you can bless
With your positive presence. Be willing to greet
Everyone with the love that is everyone’s core.

When you’re in that conscious intertwining with who
You are truly you are love, the world is a place
Of much beauty and wonder, and life is a breeze.
You can navigate any circumstance with ease.
The whole universe of which you are you embrace.
The power of happiness resides within you.

Write It Down!

The Scribe

Write It Down and the universe brings it to you.
You create your own reality in this way.
It’s a vibrational universe and things are
Always working out for you. You’re not very far
From receiving. Your writing it down helps you stay
Focused on your desires. This is not something new.

To the degree that you’re compliant, allowing,
Soft, and open you get what you’ve been asking for.
Evidence of things working out for you is clear.
You do your best in a positive atmosphere.
Though the things that upset you are hard to ignore
You must do it or you won’t receive anything.

Get off by yourself. Get in the mode to receive
Inspiration from your inner being about
Things you really like doing. What feels good to you?
Write It Down! Be amazed by what this trick can do
For you focus. Do Not try to figure things out.
Just a good feeling is what you want to achieve.

Let that be the thing that you focus upon for
As long as it takes for the universe to bring
On the manifestations. You want to create
When your spirit is in a high energy state.
If you Write It Down you can receive anything.
Take out pen and paper and begin to explore.

Change Your Life Within Days

New Lease On Life

You do have absolute creative control of
Your own experience, in fact you intended
To have that before you came here. With that control
You have dominant vibrations. They play a role
In your overall attitude. Recommended
Is that you tune your vibration to that of love.

You can tell what your dominant vibrations are.
When you think about money do you feel freedom,
Fun, and fancy? Or do you have feelings of dread?
Your habit of vibration is easily read
By yourself and by others. As you beat your drum
It is heard by the universe both near and far.

There’s a game that’s called virtual reality.
It is used to enhance your point of attraction.
Think a thought that already makes you feel happy
Then just stay there for thirty seconds. You will be
Magnetized by the feeling. This simple action
Of the mind and heart is something done easily.

Practice this. It will get easier as you do.
Give yourself a vacation from what you’re facing.
Within thirty days your dominant vibration
Will reflect all the positive work you have done.
Virtual reality is worth embracing.
You will be the one who sets the tone within you.

You Need Not Wait So Long


Why does it take so long? Am I doing something
That I shouldn’t? What is it that I need to do
To get things to move faster? The longer I wait
The more anxious I get until I can’t see straight.
I can have my cake, but can I still eat it too?
The time lag for me is extremely frustrating.

The time lag is most helpful in closing the gap
So that more contrast causes you to fill in more
Of the details. You clarify your creation.
It exists, but it is totally vibration.
Let the universe bring you what you’re asking for.
Then go meditate, or perhaps, go take a nap.

You improve your ability to recognize
Your creation. It is all about perception.
You want to be under the influence of your
Higher purpose. The faith in your heart must be pure.
To get in the receiving mode, go have some fun.
This is what any wise one on earth would advise.

You reduce impatience by anticipation
Of what’s coming, by dreaming of where it’s going,
And by tasting the sweetness of the expansion.
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
Be aware of what the universe is showing
That fits in with your magnificent creation.

A Joyful Intertwining


Since I’m here to live happily ever after,
I watch out for the next opportunity and
The next one, and the next, to feel the best I can.
That is basically all there is to my plan.
I embrace my heart firmly that it may expand
With the universe. This is what I’d most prefer.

I’m not here to accomplish things. The only goal
That I’m reaching for is the eternal symbol
Or recognition of success which is pure bliss.
I know it doesn’t get any better than this
And that I have become an astute and nimble
Sifter of my reality and of my soul.

I want the intertwining of myself with who
I am truly. This accomplishment will suffice.
A joyful rendezvousing of myself and me
I witness. It’s not hard at all for me to see
Many things about my life that are truly nice.
Every moment of my life becomes fresh and new.

That part of me who is pure love is consciously
Sending me bright impulses and inspiration
To keep me on the right track. Don’t sweat the small stuff,
And it’s all small. My intention is quite enough
To keep me focused in a state of elation.
I am thankful for being alive and carefree.

Manifest In Record Time?

Immediate Harvest

If time is of importance then let it be known
That right now is eternal. It always will be
The right time for you to manifest anything.
You are now able to tap into your wellspring
Of abundance. Your fortune is now completely
Ready. All of the dreams that you’ve planted have grown.

The main part of you is in spirit, but the part
That is here in your body deciphers contrast.
In this time space reality your physical
perspective is unique. Law of Attraction shall
Help you sort through the contrast. What you have amassed
Includes everything that is dearest to your heart.

Be forward feeling rather than current looking.
You will bridge the gap between you and your desire
Faster by paying attention to how you feel.
Your current situation is not the ideal,
But you can find something that sets your heart on fire
In this moment. It is a natural blessing.

You will find that there’s no difference between what
You’ve asked for and what has manifested. Quickly
Bring about a good feeling. There is leverage
In alignment. The more that you choose to engage
In maintaining contentment, the more you will see
Good things happen. This method is surely clear cut.

Your Dominant Mantra

Your Eternal Song

You Are Love. Don’t forget that. It may not seem so
During times of frustration. There are two of you.
One is your fettered ego. The other is bliss.
In your everyday lives it’s easy to dismiss
The ascended part of you. So what can you do
So that more of this other being you may know?

Watch for the next opportunity and the next,
And your dominant mantra to the universe
Is that I’m to live happily ever after
No matter what conditions around me occur.
You know which kind of energy that you disburse
By the nature of your life. You can’t be perplexed.

You’re not here to accomplish things. Your only goal
Is your intertwining with who you really are.
The symbol or the recognition of success
Is how much you appear to be in joyfulness.
In finding your contentment do not look so far
From your center that you end up losing your soul.

And when you are in that conscious intertwining
With your truest self, you are love in every sense
For yourself and the situations of others.
You will find that it is what your ego prefers.
Feeling good leads to your ultimate transcendence.
So do make it your mantra. It means everything.

Shorten The Time

Rely On The Timeless

Happy Days were upon us. Some want their return
And will do anything to grasp tightly those roots.
Onward though does the dial move away from the past.
Fettered dreams of simplicity fade away fast
In the heated up present. Regretful pursuits
Are the game plans of many with little concern.

Some believe our democracy hangs by a thread
As perhaps it did always from its bloody start.
It is something to fight for. Just saying the word
At the start of our sports events is as absurd
As the sheer lack of justice that cuts to the heart
Of a once perceived order that now appears dead.

All the things that I’ve wanted this nation to be
Is a dream that I still have. The contrast is good
As it causes me to fill in much more detail.
I’d prefer it not be at the pace of a snail.
How do I cut the time frame, indeed if I could?
…By not focusing on things I don’t want to see.

I improve my ability to recognize
What it is that I’m wanting. It’s perceptual
In its humble beginning. Yet it picks up speed.
Focusing more there, I am essentially freed
To explore all the fruits of my best accrual.
One small change in my outlook is one worthy prize.

An Amazing Life

Wholesome Being

Why does ‘what is’ often dominate my life game?
It need not be that way, but the reason is clear.
I put way too much credence in my five senses
Which is fine for the ego and its defenses
But to pay more attention to what we hold dear
Is to live life in absence of sorrow and shame.

Among known ways of knowing, emotions are those
Which are subtle yet potent in how I behave.
We pay little attention to how they evolve
Until suddenly there’s a big problem to solve.
How we feel is important. Much grief one does save
In the process of living as consciousness grows.

I can hear you and touch you and that is okay.
Satisfaction and wonder my senses give me.
But to say that ‘I’m sensing you’ is but to say
I can feel your awareness of me through the day.
There’s a sense of fulfillment knowing I can be
In the state of connection the natural way.

My emotional center I can establish
Then more dominant than the senses it can grow.
My awareness of living is bound to improve.
Personal encounters evidently will move
With the flow of magnificence, and I will know
What it’s like to live life on the cusp of a wish.

These Words

Every Moment Is New

Focus wheels are a good thing if not overdone.
Residue of resistance in my vibration
Can be eradicated if I work them well.
But to focus too long or too hard is sheer hell.
It defeats the whole purpose. Indeed it will bring
The issue into dominance. What had begun
As a helpful solution turns out to be none.

Simple problems encountered are handled with ease
When the focus required is not too much to bear.
If after a good while, improvement isn’t seen,
Then it’s time to just give up and wipe the slate clean.
Starting over is done often. Rarely it’s rare.
Every moment is new to do with as we please.

Trying too hard at anything isn’t the way
To achieve what I’m after. A wonderful thing
Happens when I find out that I am weary of
The whole subject completely. Then, like an old glove,
I’ll abort and discard so that newness can bring
On the breakthrough that I need to get through the day.

An uncluttered space of pure desire I behold.
I’m fast forwarded there with a sense of freedom
To ponder big the question, “Now what do I choose?”
Since I am starting over, I’ve nothing to lose.
In the long run I can’t help but truly become
A being of wellbeing as it does unfold.

Your Dominant Mantra

The Vibration Unique In The Universe

Happily Ever After is how life unfolds.
Watch for and expect the next opportunity…
Then the next, and the next… And be fully aware
That your place in the universe is something rare.
Let Your Dominant Mantra allow you to be
Intertwined with creation and all that it holds.

Happily Ever After is how you’re to live.
You need not to accomplish, or even set goals
Because what you are reaching for through your success
Is the symbol eternal of true joyfulness
In connecting with who you are. All of our souls
Have the power to receive and also to give.

 You were not meant to struggle nor wallow in pain.
Disconnected from yourself, you cannot allow
The goodness that the universe offers freely
To all that which it’s made of. There’s no need to be
Serious about living. You need not know how
Only that you are worthy of maximum gain.

By not sweating the small stuff, which is of all things,
You will tune your awareness toward who you are.
At your core, you are pure love, and this consciousness
For yourself and your circumstance gives you access
To your life of fulfillment, which never is far.
Be open to the bounty your universe brings.