Tag Archive | irrelevant

Don’t Overthink Things

Strongly Considering

On the lower half of the emotional scale
People operate sometimes and life can be seen
As an intricate puzzle that cannot be solved.
In your confusion you don’t want to get involved
With your tough situation. When you’re in between
A rock and a hard place unsureness will prevail.

When you try to think your way out of a problem
All you do is make it bigger than it should be.
Actually you’re trending in opposition
To what you want. It just won’t come to fruition.
Overthinking then becomes your reality
And it’s from where all your negative feelings stem.

If, however, you’re tuned in, tapped in, and turned on,
And ideas are flowing, it feels fantastic.
Thoughts flow with the same momentum, but clarity
Is abundant. You see the world differently
Than you do when you’re troubled. It’s like being sick.
When you’re happy many of your issues are gone.

You want to be a feeler – not a thinker right
Now because your feeling is always accurate.
You cannot over feel things. Let your feelings guide
You to the right solution. It’s wise to confide
In your deep inner knowing. You can mitigate
The darkness by allowing a smidgen of light.

Your Greater Inner Freedom

Freedom And Joy

Those who now understand your own inner workings
Are most fortunate. You must beseech yourselves to
Creating a more positive earth atmosphere.
In a world inundated with hatred and fear
It may be that our survival is up to you.
People who hold the light can do amazing things.

If like most of us you don’t seem to realize
What goes on in your inner world some adjusting
Is needed but you will eventually see
What is truthful and how of service you can be
To the world. Inner freedom relies on trusting
In benevolence. Those who believe this are wise.

You allow the freedom which already exists
Inside to surface when you decide to do so.
Each of us is a bright, effervescent creature
Of divine light. We have as an added feature
Enough love in our hearts that we’re able to grow
Even as negativity on earth persists.

Look no further than within for the qualities
Of compassion and caring. They lie inside you
Begging for the opportunity to rise and
Shine the way so that all consciousness may expand.
Present your truest essence in all that you do.
You can maintain alignment with relative ease.

Decide To Get Happy

It's To Laugh

Life is not complicated but we make it so
Because we don’t remember the promise we made
To ourselves before we were born to be happy.
It’s so simple yet we can’t do it easily.
For decades we’ve been on a survival crusade
And we’re weary due to all the pain and sorrow.

Many books have been written about feeling good
But there isn’t anything that you didn’t know
The day you were born. You’re just being reminded
Of what you have forgotten. We’ve all been blinded
By the bright light of reason that won’t let us grow
Into happiness as easily as we should.

Getting happy means making peace with where you are.
In most cases you need not take any action
But do whatever it takes to get yourself there.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
In this universe it’s all about attraction
And a state of contentment is never too far.

Being glad to wake up and being excited
About life is delicious. You were meant to be
Happily ever wandering this wonderland.
Simple happiness isn’t hard to understand.
Even in a most fragmented society
You can find a way to always be delighted.

Get Happy!

Positive Message

So, sing alleluia, and then just Get Happy!
Many books have been written that say just as much,
Yet it’s not complicated nor too difficult
To get there. You’ll be delighted with the result.
You were meant to be one who is warm to the touch.
Be one who folks want to have in their energy.

Do whatever it takes to Get Happy. If you
Have to run away from home or go to the beach
Everyday, then do it. No action is required
Necessarily. Focus on what is desired
Which is happiness. It’s not too far of a reach
From where you are. There’s nothing that you need to do.

Make peace with where you are, then the gap you will close
Between you and your happiness. Your vibration
Emanates directly from how you think and feel.
The power of your happiness can often heal
The problems of the present. Your having more fun
Brings more of it. By now, this is how your life goes.

Find some reason to feel good. Be interested
In something. In you living be fully enthralled.
Be receptive to spiritual energy.
Where you’re going is the place you’re wanting to be.
Do remember that you are the one who is called
And is chosen. Happiness is looking ahead.