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Mostly Vibrational

Blended Realities

You are Mostly Vibrational. Your frequency
Is determined in any moment by how you
Think and feel. It creates your point of attraction.
When you’re in a state of complete satisfaction
Then you’re able to let what you wish for come true.
Your vibration is best when it’s resistance free.

You can manifest what you want if you’re willing
For a little while to let it be about how
It feels to have what you want. Feeling enhances
Your desire so that much better are your chances
Of receiving what you want. This way you allow
Your life to be rich, wholesome, and most fulfilling.

Abstract nouns are that way because they’re vibration
As is everything yet the distinction is made
Between vibration and physical beingness.
Nothing comes into being in this world unless
It is first a vibration so don’t be afraid
That it isn’t the proper start of creation.

You exist in this physical reality
Which is Mostly Vibrational so that you can
Sift and sort through the contrast and practice your skill
At bringing things into existence by your will
And your conscious intent. They’re more powerful than
Your resistance to living your life happily.

No One Is Perfect

I Did It

When was the last time someone stabbed you with a knife?
Such a thing never happened? Then you’re fortunate.
People say things, however, that get you upset.
Many things people say can be seen as a threat.
So how can you remain in a positive state
And get on with the business of living your life?

Human nature is such that it doesn’t know how
To keep quiet. It says whatever comes to mind.
So a mind filled with chatter will spew constantly
Utter nonsense and versions of reality
That aren’t real. They become unconsciously unkind.
Such behavior hurts you only if you allow.

No one likes being spoken to in a bad way.
You should walk away from someone who offers you
Anything but their kindness. Don’t waste energy
On defending yourself. You and everybody
Has a higher self so the best thing you can do
Is ignore the despicable things people say.

There’s no such thing as a perfect human being.
Everyone you know will hurt you time and again
But only if you let them. Your pain is caused by
You and you only. So start asking yourself why
You feel so disconnected. You’ll realize then
That with your higher self it is not agreeing.

Guilt And Responsibility

Justice Street

It can impact one’s self-worth but guilt can also
Slip into life dressed as responsibility.
When you’ve done something awful you feel guilt and shame
And it’s difficult because you’ve no one to blame
But yourself. Your true self you’re not able to be
Even if what has happened was so long ago.

People go through a long process of letting go
Of their guilt and shame before they’re actually
Willing to allow themselves to experience
Responsibility in a positive sense.
You know that you’ve acted out of integrity
But let not that prevent you from wanting to grow.

Why wallow in self-judgment? By doing so you
Hold yourself in a place where you cannot allow
Energy to flow through you to get you aligned
With the next proper action. Don’t be so unkind
To yourself. Remember, that was then. This is now.
Keep yourself focused now on the right thing to do.

Burdensome is the feeling of negative space
In your soul. Guilt and shame are self-sabotaging.
Accept responsibility for what you do
And get on with your life. The evolved part of you
Will guide you in doing the appropriate thing.
What you will do from now on is what to embrace.

Leverage Of Alignment

Linear Focus

It takes practice to get better at anything.
Can your feeling better be thought of as a skill?
You can feel your way up the emotional scale
To the point where the happiest feelings prevail.
You can train yourself to attain this state at will.
Many blessings to you your alignment can bring.

There’s relief in each piece of resistance released.
From despair to revenge is a step in the right
Direction and from there to anger is one more.
You’re feeling more empowered than you did before.
You can continue until you find sheer delight
In each moment and your will to live is increased.

When you cross the fulcrum into satisfaction
You’ve let go of enough resistance to achieve
An increase in momentum toward ecstasy,
Passion, exhilaration, and life energy.
This is when you’re in the perfect mode to receive
Many blessings to match your point of attraction.

When you’re in the state of satisfaction you’re more
Likely to win the lottery or meet the love
Of your life so you have every reason to feel
Satisfied. As you see your dreams becoming real
You will thank God and angels in heaven above
For a wonderful life that you’ll come to adore.

Negative Energy


Sometimes I’m in the presence of people who are
Not quite so positive thinking and sometimes I
Can’t even come up with something helpful to say.
Should I say nothing, turn around, and walk away?
That would be nasty of me. Perhaps I should try
To accept where they’re coming from though it’s quite far.

If negative people are driving you nuts it’s
Because you’re wobbly. Unsure of your vibration,
You may look for positive energy in those
Around you but you must remain in the shadows
If you’re the one who’s causing the aggravation.
Be thankful for your silence and its benefits.

Stand in the midst of something that’s not positive
And look for the nugget in it. You might receive
An answer to the question or issue at hand.
You’re the one in the long run who must understand
That a state of immunity you can achieve
By deciding that happily you want to live.

People who are annoying are just going through
Something all of us go through from time to time, so
Accept it as a fact of human behavior.
Let the positive within you be your savior.
Do what it takes to allow your spirit to grow.
You control ultimately what happens with you.

Let Life Be About Happiness

Energy Smile

Are you willing to just let it all be about
Being happy? Is it such a terrible price
To pay for your existence in this here and now?
You’re fortunate in that you already know how
To get happy and stay there which is rather nice.
You can get happy when you’re not, without a doubt.

How do you feel about being vibrational
Mostly and partly physical? How does it feel
To translate a vibration into what you know
To be physical? What is your manifesto
About life? Is it something you’d want to reveal
To the world? Would the world find it sensational?

Let it be about happiness just for a while
Without justification. You get to decide
To be happy without the manifestation.
Get yourself in the sweet spot of co-creation.
Certain laws of the universe, when they’re applied,
Help you to have a more satisfying lifestyle.

Things are always working out for you and you know
This already. It’s just that sometimes you forget
So you need a reminder that being happy
Is your reason for being a reality.
Live the life you were meant to – one without regret.
Let the blessings of the universe to you flow.

Reaching For Satisfaction

Totally Relaxed

Freedom, growth, and joy are the three reasons that you
Decided to take part in this experience
As a physical being. You satisfaction
Is dependent upon your point of attraction.
Reaching For Satisfaction boosts you confidence
In your doing the things that you’ve chosen to do.

You’re so free you can choose to hold yourself apart
From the blessings you have coming as you decide
To remain in a bad mood. If you choose to stay
Satisfied in each moment then throughout your day
The floodgates of wellbeing will be opened wide.
You’ve the freedom to give each moment a fresh start.

Growth happens naturally because the contrast
Causes you to ask which causes the expansion
Of the universe. The whole creative process
Cannot exist to your satisfaction unless
You make joy your priority. By having fun
Many blessings begin to accumulate fast.

Joy is easy to get to once you’re in a state
Of complete satisfaction with where you are now.
Life is supposed to be satisfying for you.
Your feelings are worth your paying attention to.
Find delight in your journey and learn to allow
All the wonderful things in your life that await.

You’re So Close

Jump For Joy

What could be more important than your feeling good?
When you do you’re of benefit to yourself and
The whole universe. As you move throughout your day
Reach for good feeling thoughts. Do your utmost to stay
In alignment with your true self and understand
That things can turn out just the way you feel they should.

You can’t find the best feeling thought you’ve ever thought
And hold onto it. That’s impossible to do
But you can reach for a thought that feels better than
The thought that you’re now thinking. This means that you can
Get to where nothing much on earth can bother you.
Into your life the blessing of freedom is brought.

You’re So Close to what you want. All you need to do
Is align yourself fully to what you believe
Will bring you satisfaction. Tune your vibration
To the fact that what you want is already done.
Now it’s your job to get in the mode to receive
All the good things in life that are lined up for you.

When you want something please let yourself go with it.
Imagine it. Dream it. Talk about it. Don’t keep
Arguing for your limitations all the time.
Explaining where you are is the ultimate crime
To fulfillment. In time you may come to a deep
Understanding of how wellbeing you permit.


Angry And Loud

When you ask, it is given, but you must allow
It to come by being in the receptive mode
And your asking must be from a positive state.
If you operate from a position of hate
Then upon you nothing but dismay is bestowed.
Your Negativity must be dealt with somehow.

Negative emotion is a way of asking
For what you want but what you will get in return
Is the same messed up energy. You become more
Ornery. Everything will be just as before.
Give yourself permission not to be so concerned
With conditions because they don’t mean anything.

You just want to feel good. Who can’t understand that?
Negative emotion is a blessing to you.
It tells you that you’re nowhere near being happy
But from there you can get to where you want to be
By reaching for a better thought. This you can do
No matter the situation or where you’re at.

If you’re stuck in the asking mode get yourself free
By shifting your attention away from the thing
That causes you to forget who you really are.
Your true essence is that of a bright shining star.
Get your mind off of whatever is happening
Long enough to recover your humanity.

Avoid Negative Energy

Mind Attack

Like a virus it’s caught. It affects everyone
On the planet. To have negative energy
Is the human condition. Like the common cold
Negative energy has a lethal stronghold
On humanity. Is this the way it should be?
Should one worry about what on earth could be done?

What does one say when having a conversation
With someone with an attitude? You don’t want to
Agree with them or fight them so you say nothing
For a while because there’s nothing you want to bring
To that table but there is something you can do
And that is be aware of your own vibration.

Negative people are driving you nuts because
Your vibration is wobbly. You’re not sure about
Where you are in the moment. You need them to be
Positive so that you feel good basically
And when that doesn’t happen the more you will doubt
That the universe is governed by certain laws.

In the midst of something that’s not positive you
Can stand easily when you are in alignment.
Find the gold nugget in it. Give folks permission
To be negative. You can disarm anyone
With compassion. Your spiritual refinement
Is the upper edge people mostly respond to.


The Art Of Feeling Better

Well At Home

Take the time to refresh yourself. Find something that
You’re not faking or trying about. Find something
That just feels good and focus on it for a while.
Let it resonate in you until there’s a smile
In your heart. Let the provident universe bring
More blessings than you ever could shake a stick at.

What’s so difficult about thinking about things
That feel good? Is it too much of a price to pay
For wellbeing? You’ve been taught that it takes effort
To succeed but the evidence doesn’t support
Such a notion. There are those who have their own way
Without hard work or struggle. Their wellbeing rings.

You cannot talk about things that you don’t want and
Move toward things that you do want. Talk about why
Certain things are appealing. Go on a rampage
All about your receiving them. This stets the stage
For the manifestations to happen. Don’t try
To make it come together. One cannot demand.

You control your life experience by the way
That you choose thoughts that feel good. You need not compare
Yourself to others. Ask and it’s given to you
And the only thing in the world you need to do
Is relax and feel better. This is taking care
Of yourself. In alignment you’re likely to stay.

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

Your Highest Priority

Serene Solitude

In order to live a life of awareness and
Freedom, in other words, to create Authentic
you need commitment, courage, compassion,

And appropriate action. Communication
With others is more conscious. You feel terrific.
You’ve found what allows your consciousness to expand.

All are of equal importance but commitment
Helps to get the ball rolling. Commitment to what?
To yourself and to your becoming more aware
Of your purpose. It’s important for you to care
About how you are feeling deep down in your gut
About living your life to the fullest extent.

To create more consciously and constructively
Is all part of your purpose. Being able to
Connect with people better than you’re doing it
Presently can be of tremendous benefit
To your growth as a spirit. You’re able to do
What it takes to develop spiritually.

Commitment is the deep fuel. It’s the thing that makes
It all happen. Rather than withdrawing into
Judgment or needing to please others you can be
Much more aware of Your Highest Priority.
May you have freedom that before you never knew.
The decision on your part is all that it takes.

Your Soul’s Greatest Potential

World Of Wonder

Everyone’s got gifts to give. We each are unique
In what we have to offer. Your sense of meaning
Is your inner compass which means that when you feel
Meaning in your life you can then live it with zeal.
Your potential is greatest when you are leaning
In your soul’s direction. It’s alignment you seek.

As meaning empties from your life you’re moving in
The opposite direction. Everything goes wrong
In your life. You start creating destructively
But with Authentic Power you’re able to be
More in touch with your meaning. You’re where you belong
When you absolve yourself of all your fear-based sin.

When you feel negative emotion be aware
That you can simply feel it and not react to
The cause of the injustice. While feeling the pain
You can act in love. This may sound weak and insane
But with practice you’ll find that good will come to you
In that you’ll be around those whose feelings you share.

You’re unique. You have gifts to give. What keeps you from
Giving them? It is fear. Don’t let others tell you
That you can’t do something. They’re not coming from love
But from fear. It’s not possible to get rid of
The ill feeling instantly but what you can do
Is observe and not contribute to the outcome.


Look Of Elegance

It’s an honor to be considered one of class.
Out of eight billion people not everyone can
Be entitled and be granted immunity
From what everyone else has to go through. To be
Of a group that considers itself better than
All the others is to have one’s head up one’s ass.

What does privilege look like? The things people wear,
What they drive, where they live, how much money they make,
And a number of other things are outward signs
Of abundance. But what actually defines
Privilege is the absolute freedom to take
Full advantage of life with the utmost of care.

If a class of students is each given a ball
Then they’re told to throw the ball into a basket
At the front of the room, those who’d say it’s unfair
Are the ones at the back. Those up front, not aware
Of their essential privilege, have no regret
For the circumstance they’re in. They fret not at all.

You’re alive. Take notice of the things around you
That uplift you. You are in a class of your own
Understanding. You have the power to achieve
Anything that you want if you truly believe
In yourself. About you there is much to be known.
Be aware of your privilege in all you do.

A Question About Karma

Flight Of Spirit

If I don’t live a good life, I will pay the price
In a future one or in the time remaining
In this present one. This causes me great concern
Because I know that I’ve many lessons to learn
About life still. I have no hope of regaining
Any grace. The truth is that I haven’t been nice.

Karma means ‘action’ or ‘work.’ The body and mind
Create karma, and the law of cause and effect
States that consequences for my actions must be
Realized. The whole thing scares the hell out of me.
I’d been given a lot of chances to correct
My mistakes, and by now, the courage I can’t find.

So how does the Law of Attraction fit in here?
My inner being is always looking forward
To all the possibilities for my success,
But right now my life seems like an absolute mess,
And the harm I’ve done to others can’t be ignored.
I’m a loser, and that’s why I’m riddled with fear.

Now I’ve talked myself into a ragged dead end.
Does it help to have come here? It does if I can
Find in it some assurance that I’m still worthy
Of existence. My choice is to live happily.
It is up to me only to follow that plan.
To be redeemed of my sins is what I intend.

What Are You Going To Do?

It Is What It Is

What Are You Going To Do that’s different than
What you’ve been doing? You could be looking for more
Positive aspects – not when you’ve identified
Something negative. Let that vibration subside
Completely. You can get in alignment before
The day happens. This is a beneficial plan.

When you first awake take some time to meditate.
For fifteen or twenty minutes quiet the mind.
Listen to something steady and not distracting
To your focus on nothing as you’re contacting
Your true spirit – the essence which is undefined.
You feel bliss and detachment when you’re in that state.

After having done this you are now ready to
Take the day on. The environment has shifted
Because you’ve moved your energy to a new place
And you’re now more receptive to infinite grace.
In the ways of the spiritual you’re gifted
And the new day turns out to be a dream come true.

What you do to get ready to get ready to
Enjoy life to its fullest is of paramount
Importance. You have nothing to lose anyway.
You feel more wholesome when you can preset your day.
On the help of your inner being you can count
To bring everything that is wonderful to you.

Believe In Yourself


From a textbook you can’t learn everything that you
Need to know to be healthy and happy. Some say
That when you’re in the trenches of life, you will know
That this world is a tough place. Is this really so?
It may be true for those programmed in such a way
That they can’t escape from what they believe is true.

Getting what you want and making the most of the
Time you have here requires that you put yourself in
The position to succeed. It means you see a
Finish line before one exists. If you can stay
Focused on your fulfillment, then you will begin
To see proof that what you want is coming to be.

You either accomplish something or you do not
In a binary system. Results people see –
Not the hard work and long hours you’ve dedicated.
If you’re satisfied with what you have created,
Then you are living your life most successfully.
Your belief in yourself really matters a lot.

True ambition means that you’re cloaked in confidence.
When you look in the mirror, you believe in who
Stares back at you. You see the unseen. You’re willing
To choose for yourself a life that is fulfilling.
Life has failures and setbacks, but you make it through
By the power that guides your very existence.