Tag Archive | body

Past Trauma And Your Body

Troubled Solitude

Are you easily startled by sudden loud sounds?
Do you feel on edge constantly? These could be signs
That past trauma your body is holding onto.
Trauma deregulates everything about you.
You may have something medical science defines
In provocative terms that may be out of bounds.

Your deregulated nervous system throws you
Into a constant state of hyper vigilance
Or hyper arousal. Every situation
Is a possible threat. The perpetuation
Of unease enters into every circumstance.
That your safety is somehow threatened isn’t true.

Trauma not only changes the shape of your brain.
It interrupts the natural development
Of reflexes by sending you from fight or flight
To dissociative episodes and it’s quite
Difficult on the body. How can one prevent
This from happening? Does this mean we’re all insane?

You can heal your nervous system. Time it will take
And patience. Deep breathing and proper nutrition
Release tension and stimulate the vagus nerve.
The best care of your nervous system you deserve.
By rewriting your brain you can recondition
Its performance. Just think of how much is at stake.

Create A New Life

Self Care

Take time out of your busy day to disconnect
From your world. Turn your cell phone off and the TV.
Power down the computer. Relax your body.
Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and get you mind free
Of its chatter. You want to be absolutely
In this moment. Give yourself its proper respect.

Your mind wanders to the predictable future
Or the familiar past which is normal. Just be
Aware of your thoughts but always bring yourself back
To the present. Don’t worry about keeping track
Of your progress. It all should come naturally.
Keep your focus on nothingness simple and pure.

You’re your most creative when you’re in the moment.
While you’re there ask yourself if you can be defined
By the future instead of failures of the past.
What do you want in your life? Amid the contrast
That life offers what preferences come to mind?
What can you manifest by your conscious intent?

As you begin to think about the answers to
Your questions your brain starts to change. New sequences
And new combinations of neuron firing
Happen when you’re focused on what you’re admiring
And your new life of true happiness commences.
Don’t give up because there’s so much in it for you.

Decide on the emotions that you’ll feel when you
Manifest what you’re wanting. Rehearse in your mind
Who you’re going to be when you open your eyes.
Do this often and before long you’ll realize
A new self which has been completely redesigned.
You have much in the way of success coming due.

A Breath Of Wellbeing

Joyful Friendship

The earth spins in its orbit. Is this a big deal?
…Not so much to most people unfortunately
Unless they fancy science. The rest of us are
Too consumed with our issues. Earth’s orbit is far
Down the list of things that makes one yodel with glee.
Truthfully though why doesn’t it have more appeal?

Wellbeing is the dominant force throughout all
Of the universe and here we are tucked away
In a fold of infinity and burgeoning.
One would have to admit it’s a wonderful thing
To consider. It can even brighten your day
If you let it. Wellbeing is not something small.

It’s so real you can breathe it so breathe in and out
With intention. You want to get fresh oxygen
To all parts of your body. You want to breathe in
Wellbeing and breathe out chaos. You can begin
To feel better instantly. It happens again
And again. The next breath comes without any doubt.

It’s the most natural thing that you’ll ever do
So do it with appreciation in your heart
For your life and all things that make it worth living.
Wellbeing is like breathing. They’re both life-giving.
Give this moment, your day, and your life a fresh start
By just breathing in the wellbeing meant for you.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Ease And Resistance

Daily Run

A magnificent piece of work is your body.
You achieve peak performance by doing what you
Think is necessary as a daily routine.
Also you know you must keep your vibration clean
Of resistance. Among all the good things you do
For yourself it’s important that you be happy.

It may be hard for some to keep themselves on track
Only because they think that hard work is required
To maintain a fit body. It does take a lot
Of focus. You have to give it all that you’ve got
In order to achieve the result that’s desired
And it all becomes easy once you get the knack.

The cells of your body are so compliant to
How you’re thinking in each moment. If you can change
Your thoughts to those of health and utter wellbeing
Then the cells of your body can’t help agreeing
With your new thinking. Do Not think that this is strange.
Science has proven this is actually true.

Your desire has inspired you to the path of least
Resistance for right now because your alignment
With what you want allows you the freedom to be
On the leading edge of waves of thought energy.
Struggle is not the way to your being content.
May your strength of alignment be ever increased.

Joy In Every Moment

Joy Of Business

In your life there are wonderful things happening
And as you count your blessings you can count on more
Of them coming. You’re in just the right place to be
In a state of alignment perpetually.
Here and now you have everything you’re looking for.
It’s easy to find something that makes your heart sing.

When your asking is powerful, powerful too
Must be your understanding of the solution
To your asking. Every question has an answer.
Every new issue becomes a mood enhancer.
Strong momentum accounts for the evolution
Of your point of attracting all that comes to you.

You came into this life experience to be
Where you are here and now. You came here to create
With the much larger nonphysical part of you.
It always has the most positive point of view.
You know to get into the meditative state
When something is keeping you from being happy.

You need not explain anything to anyone
About why you’re so happy. If they’d like to know
Why you are you can tell them that you’ve found the way
To get happy when you’re not therefore you can stay
Satisfied on your journey wherever you go.
Take some pride in the spiritual work you’ve done.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

When Things Aren’t Working Out

Mild Concern

The money isn’t flowing. Your body is sick.
Your lover has just left you and you hate your job.
Does this cover the gamut of what’s going wrong
In your life? Does it have to be such a sad song?
At the moment it’s quite enough to make you sob.
On you it seems that life is playing a mean trick.

As you focus on any of them the distress
Becomes greater. You cannot hit any head on
Without feeling discomfort. You only prolong
And make much of your agony. To remain strong
Is a challenge. Much of your energy has gone
To continuing with this life draining process.

Step back from the specifics that are already
Activated and find something that causes you
To feel good now like taking in the beauty of
A flower, the whole earth, or the stars up above.
Do whatever it takes to return yourself to
Feeling much better as you should naturally.

You can’t change what has already happened but you
Can always find a way to feel better right now.
You can clean out that closet or wash the damned car.
These achievements will prove to yourself that you are
Able to feel much better able to allow
The wellbeing that you are most entitled to.

Don’t Put People In Boxes

Moving Day

Boxes are an invention of society
And because human nature is fatally prone
To the drawing of lines and the taking of sides
In an instant the ignorant ego decides
Who someone is when nothing about them is known.
We put people into boxes too easily.

There’s us and there’s them. We can feel comfortable
With some people but with others we would prefer
To keep at a distance. There are those we can share
Something with but with others we don’t seem to care.
We must learn to not judge a book by its cover.
What’s to become of us if we’re just unable?

There are those of us with many chapters and those
Just starting our own stories. There’s the well to do
And those doing what they can do just to survive.
There are those with the goods and they want to deprive
Everyone else of theirs. There are those who are true
To their higher selves and through their actions it shows.

The continuing drama of human affairs
Is unending. The time that we take to sort out
Everyone on the planet can be better used
For reflection. The ego is always confused
About others and itself. It’s fettered in doubt.
Stay in touch with the spirit within you who cares.


Thinking Too Much And Trying Too Hard


In a state of anxiety over things that
I have no control over, I think way too much
About human continuance. I have my views
About faith in a species that can’t even choose
Survival over profit and power. There’s such
A colossal failure regarding where we’re at.

That’s why I meditate. It puts my mind at ease.
When I focus on nothingness I can suspend
Negative thoughts. In doing so I can achieve
Clarity. It puts me in the mode to receive
Information that will help me to comprehend
Human nature. I long to see as spirit sees.

That’s the piece of the puzzle. I don’t want to get
Invested in the object of my creation
Instead I want to enjoy the state of being
With my inner being forever agreeing.
My discomfort is my truest indication
That I’m generating way too much psychic sweat.

I cannot pay an uncomfortable price and
Give life my best performance. I’ll do whatever
Is needed that is possible for me to do.
“Let go of your old habits and welcome the new”
Is a motto that may not be all that cleaver
But it’s one that both spirit and I understand.

Make It Easy For Yourself

Simple Delight

To anticipate positively is easy
If you haven’t been negatively doing so.
Make It Easy For Yourself.  Meditate early
In the day. Segment intend so that you can be
In control of your moments. Let wellbeing flow
Into your life. You are meant to live happily.

And don’t try so hard to make this about thinking.
Let it be about receiving information
From the Source that knows all. You’re not separate from
The all knowing consciousness from where all things come.
Powerful is the mind that wants to get things done.
In so doing a person may end up drinking.

When a tree falls in the forest it makes no sound
If there’s no one to hear it and in the same way
If you’re not thinking thoughts that separate you from
Who you truly are then many blessings will come.
Pay attention to what your spirit has to say.
Usually it’s nothing complex or profound.

“I like my feeling of becoming. I like the
Feeling of the influence I’m under and I
Like receiving impulses. I love having fun
And I know that I will never get it all done.
With what my spirit suggests I want to comply.
More than anything else I love being happy.”

Happy And Positive Always

Pure Happiness

Once I was bright and happy – a source of sunshine
To the people in my life, in fact, everyone
I encountered enjoyed my enthusiasm.
Now it seems that a part of my heart has grown numb
Due to all of the struggle and hard work I’ve done
For things in my life that will never become mine.

Yet I know by now that by my being happy
My health benefits. My mind and body work best
When I’m happy. There’s plenty of strong evidence
To prove this and it makes absolutely good sense
To make sure that I remain at my happiest.
I want to give to this world the best I can be.

Pleasantness is the issue. Of life energy
Pleasantness is called bliss and of my surroundings
It’s called success. Pleasantness of my emotion
Is called love, compassion, and complete devotion
To the needs of my fellows. My pleasantness brings
Into focus my power. It’s who I must be.

If I’m feeling ecstatic I will hit the ball
A lot better than otherwise but I am not
The issue if I don’t. Once I understand this
Then I am only one moment away from bliss.
No way am I the enigma that time forgot.
How I feel in each moment is truly my call.

Are You Allowing?

Winter Cool

You’ve been doing the work. You’ve been meditating
In the morning and throughout the day you find things
To appreciate. Lists of positive aspects
About life you make often and your world reflects
Your vibration and responds to your offerings.
You find everything about life stimulating.

When you ask, it is given. But you must align
With receiving, which means stop your asking and then
Find a way to get happy, then you will receive.
It’s the feeling of having you want to achieve.
If you drop out of line you can get there again
The moment you perceive that you’re not feeling fine.

Ask yourself, “Is my body tight or is light?
How well am I allowing the goodness to come?”

Like a sponge in a bowl of water you absorb
The universe. Your body’s an energy orb
And the bowl is the quantum field. There may be some
Resistance squeezing your sponge with relative might.

Is your energy body tight and constricting?
Are your thoughts heavy or are they lighter than air?
Are you thinking too much about things or are you
At peace in your mind? You know what you need to do
To give yourself the best ever possible care.
Do only those things that are goodness inflicting.

A Powerful Healing Prayer

Prayer At Dusk

A Powerful Healing Prayer is needed when
There’s a moral dilemma. To pray constantly
Is to continue asking. Yet doesn’t God hear
Everyone’s voice? Is this question anywhere near
Being answerable? It’s out of urgency
That we just keep on asking again and again.

What’s there to pray about? That’s made perfectly clear
By the pain felt by portions of society.
“Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that
You’ve received it.”
There isn’t a special format

One need follow but one must focus intently
On the healing instead of on how things appear.

We recognize the need for God’s intervention
In the course of humanity and of its home –
Mother Earth. We believe that the time has now come
For our enlightenment and deliverance from
Our own selves. We seem to be an errant genome
On the planet. About us something should be done.

If we’ve failed to be righteous we know that by now
And we ask your forgiveness. We know that you see
Only our perfection. May your vision become
Ours as well. We know well where all goodness comes from.
We accept your idea of how things should be.
May your eternal blessing be ours to allow.

Matters Of The Heart

Holding The Heart

Endlessly the heart beats. Every once in a while
It may skip one because of some wonderful thing
Having happened that makes one feel a certain way.
That it beats at all means it has something to say
To the world that gave birth to it. It’s offering
What it knows best which is how to make others smile.

It pumps blood through the body much in the same way
That the earth moves molten metal throughout its core.
This movement creates the electromagnetic
Field around the earth. Blood and metal are both thick
And the iron within the blood does account for
The field that the heart generates day after day.

The heart’s electromagnetic field becomes more
And more refined and it extends farther out from
The body where it intermingles with others’
So emotional communication occurs
At that level. The heartbeat is the sacred drum
Of the body. It’s wonders are ours to explore.

Interconnected bubbles of heart energy
We become as a species and a consciousness
More aware of its function. The heart is the way
To the soul and it is from that place that we pray
That our sacred survival is not of distress.
Our hearts communicate rather literally.

Before Sleeping

Sleeping On Air

About one third of human life is spent sleeping.
It’s a huge chunk of time therefore it’s important
To prepare yourself properly for a good night
So that you will wake up feeling sunny and bright.
The next day will be problematic if you can’t
Give attention to your nocturnal upkeeping.

Sometimes you may wake up feeling way out of whack
For no reason apparent. You can incubate
Either good or bad feelings as you fall to sleep.
Naturally it comes down to what kind of sheep
You are counting. One does not have to speculate
On the cause of your feeling profoundly off track.

Eat at least three to four hours before going to
Sleep so that digestion is already complete.
Drink some water and take a nice lukewarm shower.
The sensation of water tends to empower
The body to relax. It’s important to treat
Yourself kindly. You’ll be rewarded when you do.

What you think is your body is not. So, remind
Yourself of this. Breathe in, “I am not the body.”
Then breathe out, “I am not the mind.” In this way you
Release lots of resistance. Besides, it is true.
You deserve to sleep soundly and wake up carefree
With the issues of yesterday left far behind.

The Third Eye

Targeted Mind

There’s not much scientific evidence to prove
Its existence yet it has been connected to
The pineal gland which secretes melatonin
And it is thought to play an important role in
Regulating circadian rhythms in you.
Blockages to its functioning you can remove.

Through some kinds of yoga and through meditation
You can get The Third Eye to give up something more
Than its usual substance. You can use it to
Heal and strengthen the body. It can give to you
A resilience that you’d never dreamed of before.
Strength and longevity become your creation.

It can be used to simply create blissfulness.
Like a drug it can keep you intoxicated
To the point where you don’t care about anything
But what your newfound world of contentment can bring.
Benefits of this cannot be overrated.
It’s and effective way to eliminate stress.

With daily practice it enhances perception.
When you’re carefree and joyful you stand in the breeze
And it passes right through you. You’re lighter than air.
In essence, the pineal gland makes you aware
Of your soul’s deep connection with all that it sees.
With The Third Eye your vision is second to none.

Invisible Friends

Ethereal Guidance

I have friends who aren’t visible. Does that make me
An odd person perhaps because only children
Are allowed such a pleasure? Am I of ill mind
To believe that there are spirit beings assigned
To my life? Do these questions deserve an amen?
Does it matter that my friends are out of body?

These playmates of mine enrich my life immensely.
They’ve a great sense of humor and they take delight
When I take my life not so damned seriously.
They remind me of who I came to earth to be.
They alert me when everything isn’t alright.
These beings some consider imaginary.

“What’s my work while I’m here on earth?,” often I ask
And I’m told, “Being Human.” I get to define
What that is for myself. My personality
Is a tool and the most minuscule part of me.
I learn much from these invisible friends of mine.
Personality, they remind me, is a mask.

About death I have asked them every now and then.
They say it’s absolutely safe. It’s like taking
Off a tight shoe. Now how would they know such a thing?
It’s because they were human and they’re offering
What they can out of kindness. The wisdom they bring
To my life gives me comfort again and again.

Satisfy Your Dreams


Your body is responding primarily to
The content of your thoughts, and right here and right now,
It is benefiting from your positive view
Of your life. Let the fresh air invigorate you.
Let the fullness of each breath begin to allow
Your adventurous spirit to dream something new.

Your life is supposed to feel good to you, and you
Are meant to feel happiness in your life. You are
Meant to satisfy your dreams. Breathe in; then breathe out
All the mental clutter and the feelings of doubt
From the day before. What you’ve accomplished thus far
Is alignment. Breathing is all you have to do.

Physical wellbeing is flowing to you now.
Breathe in all your abundance. Breathe out negative
Belief structures. Your are doing extremely well.
By the way that you’re feeling you surely can tell
That your body’s responding. The more that you give
It attention, the more wellness you will allow.

Relax and enjoy the unfolding. Be aware
Of what’s happening to you and appreciate
What is now. Be most eager about what’s to come.
There’s no doubt that you’ll get immense benefit from
Breathing your way into a more positive state
Of being. About how you’re feeling you must care.

Emotions And Your Body

Feeling Spectrum

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and
Act. This is one type of mind/body connection.
When you’re stressed, anxious, or upset, your body may
Develop high blood pressure or ulcers. To stay
In good health, you can confide in the direction
Of your inner being who has the upper hand.

The manifestation in the body is an
Exaggerated version of what’s going on
With your feelings, but you can shift an emotion
With much more ease than after the damage is done.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.
Your awareness is important to your game plan.

If you wait until there’s a manifestation,
Then it’s much harder to emotionally get
Around what’s taken place in your body, therefore
Catch it in the beginning and do not explore
All the things about your life you deeply regret
Having gone through even though it’s your creation.

Understand your emotions and recognize why
You are having them. Sorting them out can help you
To cope with them. Find some form of relaxation
Such as yoga, Tai Chi, guided meditation,
Or just listening to music. Things you can do
Are quite many. It’s worthwhile to give some a try.



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.


The Experience Of Being

Of life itself consciousness is the very seed.
At its simplest it means sentience, cognizance, or
The awareness of internal or external
Existence. Consciousness is the very kernel
Of one’s being. It’s something that one can explore
With abandon such that the true spirit is freed.

Consciousness, often synonymous with the mind,
Is sometimes seen as merely an aspect of it.
It’s the capacity for experiencing.
It is connected to an eternal wellspring
Of existence. If one is able to permit
Its expansion, then much happiness one will find.

It pervades and illuminates mind and body.
It’s beyond the mind’s contents, such as memories,
Fantasies, thoughts, and feelings. It’s the foundation
Of the mind itself. It’s most helpful to the one
Seeking truth to know that it can be done with ease.
All it takes is a bit of curiosity.

Advancing one’s awareness into the higher
Levels of being is the most beneficial
Thing one can do for oneself and humanity.
What existed before mental activity
Will exist when it’s finished. It is eternal.
Nothing here in this world does it need to acquire.

Daily Practice

Taking Life In

It’s all about my newfound determination
To focus with the intent of generating
Good feelings no matter where I happen to be.
Through the Art of Allowing, I’m perfectly free
To inhale life because it’s invigorating.
I feel as if I’m the center of creation.

For about twenty minutes or so every day,
With the intent of filling your body with air,
Just breathe in and out… in and out. Appreciate
The delicious oxygen. You don’t have to wait
To partake of the freshness. Become most aware
Of how quickly the stress begins to wash away.

It’s the most natural thing in the world to do.
When you’re moving your body, you are doing it
Automatically, but you can consciously
Allow in the abundance. Your focus is key
In taking and releasing to your benefit.
You are worthy and loved simply for being you.

So much is ready to come into fruition.
Just breathe it into being. Breathe in happiness.
Fill your lungs and let it infiltrate every part
Of your being. Right now is a good time to start
Taking in all the goodness and releasing stress.
Breathing life is only about your volition.

Something You Can Control

Physical Pain

I’m in pain, and it’s chronic. I find no relief.
Positive thoughts escape me. What else can I do
But to suffer throughout life? My ailing body
Is the source of my torment. I so want to be
In the best of health. I know something is askew
With something I don’t know about, which gives me grief.

How can I think positive thoughts when I’m in pain?
Is that not a fair question, given that I take
This body everywhere I go? It’s a big part
Of how I feel at any moment. In my heart
I know that there’s an answer. God, give me a break
From the psychic conundrum. I’ve nothing to gain.

Positive emotion is what I want to feel.
I have to separate out the emotion from
The manifestation that I call my body.
The emotion I can control quite easily,
But the body has already gained momentum,
So it may take time for it to completely heal.

Between fear and hope there is a big difference…
Like between life and death or recovery from
A health issue. If I can manage to prolong
The manifestation of pain, I can’t go wrong.
The condition will have an amazing outcome
Feeling better is what to me makes the most sense.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.

You Are Given What You Allow


The only approval you need is from within
To receive your heart’s wishes without resistance.
Energy is being traded on waves of thought,
Yet sometimes, in your struggle, you tend to get caught
In a trap of beliefs. It gives you not the chance
To accept that you’re absolutely free of sin.

For example, how does a person go about
Body shaping? It seems like a difficult task
That requires lots of focus. How hard can it be
To do something that most everyone would agree
To be helpful? This is a good question to ask,
But the answer may be digested with some doubt.

Each cell of your body is conscious and aware
Of itself, others like itself, and you also.
By your thinking, you have convinced them of some things.
But as you change your thinking, this act alone brings
About changes specific to how your cells grow.
The path of least resistance is taken with care.

The universe will give you what you will allow
Right up to the degree of resistance that you
Have in place. Get rid of it by your choosing ease
Over struggle. See what your inner being sees
From its broader perspective. Go with what is true
To your heart, and be always at peace with your now.

The Most Important Story

A Relaxing Good Read

Once I had mental illness. Perhaps I still do
And don’t know it, but that’s okay. I’m feeling fine.
If I had something physical, I might feel pain.
Would I then have a reason to bitch and complain
About life? It could be that I’m ill by design.
Any excuse for my behavior I’ll cling to.

There’s a kind of arthritis that cripples the mind
And makes of it a battlefield. I remember
Ways that I’ve treated others. I shelter my shame
In my writing. I have but my own self to blame
For the damage. This life has been a disaster
As I now reflect on how to leave it behind.

Positive thoughts evade me when pain is intense.
I can think only thoughts that reflect how I feel
At any given moment. The need to detach
Is apparent. I am a vibrational match
To all that enters my life. My self-made ordeal
Is a foolishly pathetic psychic expense.

My body with its sick mind is different from
The intense emotion that steals my attention.
I can change how I feel much easier than I
Can get rid of the illness. I don’t have to try
To get better. I remain in this dimension
Looking forward to whoever I may become.

Calm And De-Escalate

Dealing With Stress

The intense sense of threat or fear, if left unchecked,
Can cause harm to the body. The brain, in this state,
Goes into survival mode. Reason and logic
Are switched off, and the primitive portion will kick
Into high gear. That’s why people cannot think straight
When they are escalated. Good sense they reject.

This part of the brain’s job is to keep one alive.
Harm or danger ignites it. When we are angry,
Stress hormones then start flowing. Blood pressure will rise.
Inconceivable madness is seen in the eyes.
Cues nonverbal we tend to read negatively.
All this part of the brain wants to do is survive.

So, how does someone deal with someone who’s irate?
Empathy is the best way. People have to know
That their feelings are valid, and it is okay
To express them in safety. You can in this way
Have a calm interaction. The care that you show
For their tough situation can de-escalate.

Regulate their emotions. Do not educate.
Stay with what they are feeling, and validate it.
Slow down your body movements, and lower your tone.
People relax when they know that they’re not alone
With regard to their feelings. They will benefit
From the nurturing atmosphere that you create.

Get Ready!

Be Prepared!

Life Is Now! It’s not when you reach your final goal.
An occasional cruise it is not, nor is it
Just a simple vacation. It’s every moment
That you have to be you and totally present.
It is not once you’re retired that you benefit
From the good things in life that will render you whole.

Who you are and what you’re about is your focus
But your inner being has an interest too.
It’s appreciating where you are and is proud
Of your progress in life and that you have allowed
It to guide you along the path that’s true for you,
And your readiness is helpful to all of us.

Only wonderful things occur past heaven’s gates.
In this physical world they can be realized
Because this world creates them through people’s desires.
To experience heaven on earth it requires
That your feeling your best only be emphasized.
When asking is powerful, the answer awaits.

Get Ready for the next moment, then the next one…
And the next… Life’s a series of single pieces
Of creative existence. If you can maintain
Your intent to be happy, you’ve so much to gain.
The more you allow, the more your joy increases.
Happily ever after is how life is done.

You Chose To Come To Earth

The Adventure Of Being

A moment in eternity meant to be you
In its fullest expression. That moment is now.
Looking back on your past lives and forward to those
Of magnificent promise, your higher self knows
That you came to this planet in part to allow
Your true self to emerge from all that you may do.

Do not think you were ‘put’ here. You did make the choice
To be part of everything that’s now occurring.
This thinking disempowers you. You are the one
Who decided to come here mostly to have fun…
But to experience and to keep on growing.
You are here now, and it is time that you rejoice.

Belief systems that no longer work you release
And replace them with those that are in alignment
With who you truly are. This is co-creation
At its most basic level. All that you have done
From the earliest times to the very present
Is for the purpose of your enjoyment and peace.

To assist with the emerging paradigm shift
With passion and a vision as clear as can be,
You came here. It’s a blessing that you are on earth.
This is evident at every single one’s birth.
Concern with the outcome let go of completely.
In the heat of the chaos you’re here to uplift.

Change Your Life

The Most Fundamental Decision

Disconnect from your busy world. Shut off your phone.
Power down your computer. Turn off the TV.
Sit your body down for a while, and close your eyes.
This is done regularly by people most wise.
Take a break from the routine so that you can be
Properly replenished. You must spend time alone.

Take some deep breaths and center yourself in right now.
Put you attention into the present moment.
You will have more energy with which to create.
After doing this little bit you will feel great.
When the mind wanders, as it will, do not lament.
Just return to the now. By now, you should know how.

Ask yourself, “Can I be defined by a vision
Of the future instead of perverse memories?
What do I want in my life?”
Answer truthfully.

Your are changing brain patterns most assuredly.
Decide on which emotions you would gladly seize
For your life moving forward into the long run.

Rehearse in your mind who you are going to be
When you open your eyes after meditation
Or when first waking up. What choices will you make?
You will be better focused while you are awake.
More efficiently you will be getting things done.
Keep this up and your life will change noticeably.

The Most Important Story

The Greatest Tale To Be Told

Once there was an old man who did not feel worthy
Of the slightest of good luck or the smallest chance
Of a blessing because of a mountain of guilt.
Psychological walls over time had been built.
Those whom I’ve harmed should know that I’m not in a trance
But my excuse is absolute insanity.

I’m in pain. The body hurts. I’m coming of age
Where I see things more clearly than ever before.
I find myself pre-living a full life review.
How can my thoughts be positive? What can I do
To feel better? Is there something I can explore
That will help me to not be a fool upon stage?

A complete separation from the emotion
Of the pain is accomplished through conscious intent.
I can manifest general feelings of hope.
If I get to remain here I’m willing to cope
With the mess that I’ve made and to somehow repent
For a life that was mostly spent in delusion.

In the face of what is unwanted I can still
Feel the goodness life offers, and I might as well.
Punishing myself for what I’ve done can’t be done.
Once I have wrapped my heart around this I’ve begun
To climb out of my peculiar version of hell.
Making this story right shall relieve me of ill.

Healthy Start

The Beginning Of A Great Day

Morning is the most important part of the day.
Once you’ve tackled the morning you’ve a better chance
Of dealing with the afternoon and the evening.
So begin your good day of great health by drinking
A few glasses of water. While in your sleep trance
You had not been hydrated. You can’t stay that way.

Seventy percent of the body is water.
It’s essential to keep batches tucked well away
In the muscles and tissues for proper function.
Again, while you were sleeping the body had none.
Add some lemon juice to it to wake up your day
But do all that you’re doing just as you prefer.

You must get yourself moving when you first awake.
It will lubricate your joints. It will mobilize
And warm up all your muscles. It will improve mood.
Doing something aerobic and eating good food
At the start of the day will win you the day’s prize.
These are common and simple things done for your sake.

Oats with water or milk and plenty of berries
Provides most of the nutrients the body needs.
It’s a good source of non-animal based protein
Which is better for keeping the intestines clean.
One who starts out the new day in this way succeeds
In the fine art of living the fun life ease.

The Meditative State

The Peace Of Total Alignment

Should I meditate more often than I do now?
My business I have time for but also for me.
If I’m not happy all the time I must conclude
That I must meditate more to heighten my mood.
I can be much more consistent if I need be
In knowing what I’m doing – also knowing how.

I’m not trying to receive a message before
I am ready. I just want to quiet the mind
Of its clutter filled chatter and engineering.
My intent is my letting go and allowing
My vibration to rise until I am aligned
With my innermost being who can but adore.

Meditation is the way that I can let my
Innermost being teach me about alignment.
It is always there. When I am not, it’s okay.
Reconnecting is easy enough. I can’t stay
In that state forever, but I can find content
In how my life unfolds, and I need not know why.

Letting go of thought is my only intention.
In the absence of resistance I can allow
My vibration to raise. Resonance will happen
With my innermost being. Enlightenment then
Is the logical outcome. I need not know how
The whole process works. My life cannot be undone.

Letting Go

Profound Releasing

…Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub…
The heartbeat is a rhythm that moves life along
As the intimate drummer becomes different
In each moment of being. To disorient
Is the mission of Satan, the master of wrong.
Any verse can provide a spiritual scrub.

There’s so much information. It floods consciousness
Through the integral networks of society.
I must know what is going on, and I must feel.
Images of the horror and torment are real.
Nervous systems, extended by technology,
Are more interconnected. Has there been progress?

The unthinkable misfortune brought to you by
Your efficient news network can eat at your soul.
Take as much as you can of it, then let it go.
Your psyche will not be haunted by its shadow.
There are some things over which we have no control.
The frustration and sorrow are hard to deny.

I can be with the feeling and not deny it.
I can put my attention on just the feeling
Without thinking about where the feeling comes from…
Or about anything. Do not beat any drum
That will start thought momentum. Just by allowing
The feeling without resisting, I can stay fit.

Change Your Life

Life Despite Contrast

There’s a life that needs changing. Perhaps it’s my own.
There are no others near me. It suits me just fine
For the moment because I’m at step number one.
The main part of my journey is now just begun.
To invest in a future, I must make one mine
And ignore the small detail that I’m way past grown.

There must be disconnection from all that I know
Throughout each day for some time to be connected
To myself and the present. Devices need be
Put into silent mode. Noting can disturb me
While I make it my goal to be redirected
To the self who wants nothing better than to grow.

Ask myself if I can be defined by something
Of a possible future or of the dark past.
What would I want to change in my life if I could?
Contemplate in a way that is best understood
To come up with a vision I know that will last
As the subtle brain tissues now start firing.

Personality is composed of these three things:
How I think, how I act, and the way that I feel.
I can change who I am just by changing one thing.
Clarity and conviction in life it would bring.
I believe that my future can be most ideal.
Much control I can have over what my life brings.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?

The Beating Body

Cellular Intelligence

Everyone is talking about covid nineteen.
It’s a topic of interest, so I will too.
What I know of the damned thing is not very much.
Complicated descriptions my mind cannot touch.
I am astounded by what viruses can do.
It seems like they are consciousness and a machine.

We don’t care about origin as we once did.
We’ve skyrocketed past that. The world in crisis
Is concerned with immunity and transmission
And a war between them and us now has begun.
Accusations of where it came from we dismiss
Lest we enter places that heaven would forbid.

Yet there is some hell present, but not all that much,
In the form of protesters of God only knows.
To drink pee or drink Clorox is not a fair choice.
Do you nut cases out there deserve a free voice?
Those who want to remain healthy strongly oppose
Outrageous demonstrations of drama and such.

The body has its own ways of fighting disease
Its defenses are elegant. Yet as a whole
Humankind is susceptible to invasion.
The virus knows its enemy has next to none
Of the virtue come vital in saving its soul.
In this experience there’s a lesson to seize.

Talk To Your Cells

Bodily Wisdom

Most of us assign all thinking ability
To the big blob of gray matter between the ears.
This indeed is an inaccurate assumption.
Transmission and reception of pure thought is done
By each cell of the body. To us it appears
That we do all the thinking most exclusively.

Each cell has consciousness, and each wants to feel well
But the conscious decision is not all that strong.
So the body responds to the collective thought
Of the whole human race and to thoughts that are not
Beneficial to wellbeing. Living cells long
To be given direction that they may excel.

Doctors think that some ills are hereditary
But the fact is that cells of the fetus receive
Worrisome thought transmissions from the sick parents.
The fetus thinks not consciously so it makes sense
That the force that is stronger is what cells perceive
As the way that is normal and the way to be.

You may talk to your cells in a personal way
Telling them that you love them each and every one.
You can speak to them as if they are your old friends.
Tell them what you want from them. This one act transcends
The beliefs of society. All that is done
To communicate wellbeing strengthens your day.

Are The Dead Still In Heaven?

Beyond Earth's Illusions

Are the dead still in heaven? Or do they return
To this earth or one like it or one alien
To this one altogether? Do they become bored
After eons of blissfully praising our Lord?
Are they crazy enough to go through this again?
Does this place for them generate cause for concern?

I know I’ll go to heaven despite my bad deeds.
One hellish life review I will have to go through
Until I find the pathway to God’s loving light.
Am I here to discover what is wrong from right?
Or am I to be guided in all that I do?
Sometimes I’m caught up in the spiritual weeds.

The nonphysical part of me projected here
In this physical body experiences
That which causes expansion in the here and now
But also through eternity. I can allow
My ongoing becoming. My life commences
When I see death as nothing so dark and austere.

Born again I am each time that I realize
That my life is eternal. I never lose sight
Of the sense of my being me no matter where
Or when I am occurring. This life is a prayer
Of thanksgiving and mercy. I remain contrite
Until this lesser part of me finally dies.

Good Intake

Eating Properly

It’s a biotic engine. This body on loan
To the heart of my spirit for one humbled while
Is a biomechanical marvel to praise.
It sustains my existence in wonderful ways.
But if I treat it wrongly it will turn hostile.
Fascinating is this structure I seem own.

The word ‘health’ comes from the word ‘whole.’ What does it mean?
Harmony among body, mind, and the spirit
Is the true indicator of health excellent.
Constantly running engines must be kept content,
And the fuel that it’s given will help keep it fit.
It is all kept in check through digestive hygiene.

Someone is not in good health if there’s no ailment
Yet the energy level is grossly wanting.
Food that’s cooked loses enzymes that can’t be replaced
By the strongest of gut systems and it is faced
With an uncalled for struggle – a truly daunting
Thing to put a machine through. The soul must lament.

Eating foods that are living, like herbs, nuts, and fruits,
Is the best for the body that’s also alive.
They contain the ingredients for digestion.
Try it out for a few days. What will have begun
Is the process of living not just to survive.
Energy is the life force for worthwhile pursuits.

From Wine To Divine

High On Life

To be drunk like a guru is simply divine.
May the Buddha be bubbly as spirits above
Who have left their old bodies within the earth’s crust.
Totally out of context, I’ve no need for trust
In the world’s condescension, for I am in love
With the true self within me. I always feel fine.

Look into my eyes deeply. There’s someone in here
Who is present and balanced. Life overflowing
Is the essence your senses pick up instantly.
It is truly my pleasure. I’m happy To Be,
And the fact that I’m with you just makes my heart sing.
I imbibe life abundantly and without fear.

Always it’s my intention to freely let go
And indulge my fine senses in really nice things.
This can be therapeutic for any ailment.
The nice thing about it is it don’t cost a cent.
I have no doubt regarding the joy my life brings
To myself and to others. I hope you will know.

Life is wine to be drunk on. Three bodies align –
Physical, energy, and mental – properly,
They compel the bliss body to full expression.
I am here for the purpose of having much fun
In all that I partake. I’m so glad to be me.
There is nothing more important than feeling fine.

Think Through Your Body

The Marriage Of Mind And Body

There are manifold bodies contained within one
Integrated completely. No such thing as mind
Can exist independently from other ones.
Each one has its own mind, so the whole can have tons
Happening simultaneously if inclined
To reach that state of consciousness. It would be fun.

Some can operate at once on many channels.
Others don’t seem to notice and take for granted
That these folks are amazing in what they can do.
Anyone can achieve it. Sadly, only few
Give it some attention. Then they’re disenchanted.
The spirit may be strong, but the body rebels.

It’s not just in the head. Thinking through the body
Has one sure benefit. One can’t get a headache.
The thousands of things that are always going on
Are by no means confusing. Relying upon
What the cellular presence provides for one’s sake
 Is the path to enlightenment naturally.

There’s a deeper dimension in everybody.
We are each just as capable as anyone
To attain such alignment that brings total peace.
One will notice at first a gradual increase
In the general feeling of wonder and fun.
Get to know all your bodies. Indeed, they’d agree.

A Call To Deep Rest

Requirement For Detachment

I must use the word ‘I’ but I does not exist.
And it baffles the rational mind easily
To consider who I is at any moment.
Characters we must play; the body may resent.
If we just keep on acting and show no pity
We may need to befriend a good psychiatrist.

I am not the performer. The roles that I play
Represent parts of myself who act out of fear.
I am not the damned poet that I’d love to be
Nor am I my well crafted personality.
What I am truly is something sacred and dear.
I am that which is programmed to stand in its way.

Sadness happens to everyone once in a while
And is brief in duration, whatever the cause.
Depression is a different animal, though.
It’s my body informing me that it wants no
More to do with my avatar. So it withdraws
Into a state of disease to where I can’t smile.

When the body says, “Screw you,” and it is ignored,
Then in retaliation it will be depressed.
Depressed means that a Deep Rest is clearly called for.
I must answer that calling. My act is a chore
That I use for survival. Yet there’s no conquest
That is of more significance than self explored.


The Wealth Of The Waking Dream State

Many know of the dream state where one can control
Narrative, the environment, and character
Of experience totally. While in this state
One becomes most attuned to new things to create.
What would happen would be just as one would prefer.
It’s believed that this method achieves any goal.

Famous people had used it before science new
It was something to study in every detail.
Since then, many are taking advantage of it.
Benefits are amazing. One can be more fit
To live life with exuberance while on its trail.
Yet, there’s some preparation the novice must do.

While awake throughout each day, reality checks
Should be done very often. A good one to use
Is the ‘finger through hand’ test. When one is dreaming
The finger will go through the hand – such a strange thing!
Now, I know that to many, this isn’t big news.
But my job is to share interesting subjects.

How to get to the lucid dream state is easy
And involves waking then going right back to sleep
While the mind remains active and widely awake.
While the body’s paralysis is no mistake,
It returns one to REM sleep. It’s best that one keep
Pen and paper available expectantly.

How Life Enters The Body

Intra-Cosmic Gestation

The realm of the eternal is where all come from.
Aliens of the spirit descend and take hold
Of this time space reality within bodies
To remain for a brief while as flesh entities.
Here to know one another in ways manifold,
The experience can be difficult for some.

Every being has free will. Decisions are made
But can change at an instant, and nature responds
To the slight imperfections in the energy
Of the person becoming someone all can see.
Sometimes spirit and body cannot hold their bonds
And stillbirth leaves the mother and father dismayed.

Once our mothers expecting were pampered a lot.
Nowadays, they keep working. “It’s not a big deal!”
…But it was to the ancients. Women who were wise

Knew that comfort and pleasantness would crystalize
In the soul of the fetus a friendlier feel.
It still owns the decision to be here or not.

In the scull, there’s a front door… a trap door it was
At the time of our infancy. It was soft skin –
Not of hard bone, but supple, All exit through there.
Until then, our survival is treaded with care.
Now that I know I’m stuck here, it’s time to begin
Living out what was intended by the first cause.

Racing Thoughts

Formula 1 Brain

So one after the other, they leapfrog around
And create their own business that can’t be resolved
By themselves nor known others. Their quest is futile.
In their race for more heartache each painstaking while,
They prevent me from being more spirit evolved.
What they come up with isn’t at all that profound.

Keeping me wide awake at nights, they have control
Of my very existence. I need to detach
From the process that isn’t a real part of me.
Knowing that it is not me allows me to see
What it is that would be but a more fitting match.
I know that which I don’t want and what makes me whole.

Panic thinking is useless. It serves no purpose.
From that powerful standpoint I’m able to choose
Something else to focus on as hard it may be.
I may regain some control eventually.
It seems to be a gamble. There is much to loose
Because if I do nothing, further I’ll regress.

Then there’s always the body – the final frontier.
Since I know thinking sucks now, I know my breathing
Will provide a diversion and needed relief.
When caught up in a problem, relaxing is chief.
A small pocket of comfort this small act will bring.
Issues still will exist, but stress will disappear.