Tag Archive | pinching

Allow The Nonphysical

The Intelligent Void

The fullness of who you are is not only you.
It includes many others who now are deceased
But who knew you. Your fullness may also include
Relatives now in spirit. Their infinitude
Of existence is lighter than the human beast.
Helping us with our lives is part of what they do.

Healers and teachers throughout the ages are part
Of the fullness of who you are focused right here
And right now on whatever you’ve got going on.
Your awareness of your fullness depends upon
Your belief in the nonphysical atmosphere.
Since they were human they know of the human heart.

The nonphysical is focused on you right now
So ask yourself these questions, “What am I doing
With this moment? Am I allowing the magic
To happen?”
Your not asking allows the tragic

To occur. Your happiness is worth pursuing.
The nonphysical can show you exactly how.

There’s power, grace, passion, and eagerness for you
From the spirit world. You’re a beloved being
Who is blessed beyond your ability to know.
You raise your vibration by simply letting go
Of resistance. You will find spirit agreeing
With your wildest most exciting dreams coming true.

Nonphysical Forces

Old Church

Consciousness is eternal. It has not an end
Or beginning and like energy it cannot
Be created or done away with. It can change
From one form to another. So is it so strange
That people throughout time have given it a lot
Of attention? With its existence we contend.

We can’t speak much about it because when we do
We get hung up on words and concepts that come from
Our connection to physical reality.
It can only become known spiritually.
Consciousness never looks for the final outcome
Because it’s nonexistent from its point of view.

All who have gone before us are now in a place
Outside of what is physical. Their energy
And attention of focus on what we do here
Is benevolent and powerful and with clear
Intention that we all live our lives happily.
We have the tendency to call it divine grace.

Worthy, blessed, and beloved beings are we
Who have come into this physical dimension
To create as we’re meant to in this here and now.
Our being spiritual means that we allow
Unseen forces to guide us. You’re an extension
Of the nonphysical here temporarily.

Nonphysical Forces

Celestial Being

It’s been said that there’s nothing to worry about
As the earth spins in perfect proximity to
The sun and other planets. The physical world
Is an elegant mystery to be unfurled
And respected because it’s the right thing to do.
It’s a wonder how everything seems to work out.

Before time, space, and physical reality…
Or perhaps along with it, the spiritual
World existed. It gave birth to all that is known
To be physical. It means that we’re not alone
In this huge cosmic haystack though it’s natural
For a person to think that’s the way it must be.

Outside time and perception there’s no resistance
To the flow of thought energy so consciousness
Is complete and eternal. It has to take part
In creation. This notion is taken to heart
By all those who have nothing but love to express.
All of existence didn’t just happen by chance.

All those who’ve come before you who have passed away
Are still with you. They’re focused on your here and now.
Are you letting the magic happen or are you
Pinching it of by doing that thing that you do
That prevents it? It doesn’t take much to allow
Spiritual forces to take part in your day.

Don’t Think Too Much


It’s because you’ve practiced micromanaging things
That you fear that you’ll squash the manifestation.
You’ve practiced controlling conditions. You don’t yet
Trust the universe to yield what’s best. You can’t let
Life occur on its own. You may feel frustration
Over the universe’s perceived offerings.

There’s a difference between your believing you
Have to figure it all out and make it happen
And understanding that everything is aligned
Perfectly. In your thinking you just have to find
Ways around your resistance. Your outlook will then
Be more positive. You’ll have a fresh point of view.

Your work is to allow it to be realized
By you not to make it happen. The difference
Between going after it and recognizing
It when it comes is huge and it means everything
To your point of attraction. Is this making sense?
The art of allowing is what is exercised.

Just accept that good things are happening to you
All the time. Be aware of them and be thankful
And expectant of wellbeing and abundance.
Life has absolutely nothing to do with chance.
Let the powerful provident universe pull
You in the right direction – the one that’s most true.

Let All Your Money In

Wealth Satisfaction

How much treasure is there lined up for you today?
Does it have anything to do with how you feel
About life and abundance? How much of your dream
Are you letting come true? How does everything seem
To be going? Are you living your life with zeal?
How much wealth and wellbeing is coming your way?

If you can feel hopeful about it being there
Instead of disappointed that it hasn’t come
As of yet, then you’ll find yourself moving toward
Your desires. You know that you don’t have to work hard
For the money. You know where abundance comes from,
And about how you’re feeling you know you must care.

It’s not a matter of winning the lottery
Or getting an inheritance. It’s not about
Landing a great job or finding education
That may increase your value. You don’t have to run
The rat race and remain in perpetual doubt
Of ever getting to the place you want to be.

It’s about letting in what you have already
Put into your own vibrational bank account.
You can change your life story. The universe knows
Not the difference between what’s real and what goes
On in your mind. You have an enormous amount
In vibrational escrow. Let it come to be.