Archive | April 2023


The Experience Of Being

Of life itself consciousness is the very seed.
At its simplest it means sentience, cognizance, or
The awareness of internal or external
Existence. Consciousness is the very kernel
Of one’s being. It’s something that one can explore
With abandon such that the true spirit is freed.

Consciousness, often synonymous with the mind,
Is sometimes seen as merely an aspect of it.
It’s the capacity for experiencing.
It is connected to an eternal wellspring
Of existence. If one is able to permit
Its expansion, then much happiness one will find.

It pervades and illuminates mind and body.
It’s beyond the mind’s contents, such as memories,
Fantasies, thoughts, and feelings. It’s the foundation
Of the mind itself. It’s most helpful to the one
Seeking truth to know that it can be done with ease.
All it takes is a bit of curiosity.

Advancing one’s awareness into the higher
Levels of being is the most beneficial
Thing one can do for oneself and humanity.
What existed before mental activity
Will exist when it’s finished. It is eternal.
Nothing here in this world does it need to acquire.



The ability to understand and to share
The feelings of another is called empathy.
It’s a sensitivity to and awareness
Of others’ emotions. People need to express
Their compassion. The only motive is truly
Understanding the feelings of those in despair.

Empathy makes it difficult to turn a blind
Eye to the suffering of others. It helps us
To relate to them so that we can respond to
Their not well situation. All that we can do
To bring comfort to them is a blessed thing plus
It brings to both parties involved some peace of mind.

Everyone’s born with this capability, but
It may need to be redeveloped or relearned.
Many in modern society have lost touch
With their sense of compassion because it’s too much
Of a bother. About others they’re not concerned
Empathy can’t be practiced when the heart is shut.

The process of spiritual awakening
Concerns sensitivity to the collective
Consciousness of humanity. There’s no such thing
As another. We all are simply one being.
No one can be told which is the right way to live.
Everything’s affected by what you’re offering.


Mental Contents

A concept is a name or a label that’s used
To identify objects. It’s an idea
Or a mental picture that is agreed upon
By society. Then its elite echelon
Makes it part of the whole verbal diarrhea.
It’s no wonder there is such a word as ‘confused.’

Concepts are produced by the ego thinking mind
That is limited to its perceptually
Created abstractions, language, labels, and names.
To describe and explain things is one of the aims
Of the ego’s agenda. In reality,
Nothing is close to being the name it’s assigned.

It’s true for all phenomena in existence,
Whether physical objects or intangible
Ideas, like spirit, being, or consciousness.
Yet the ego cannot fully function unless
It creates its abstractions. It can be helpful
If one realizes the ego’s concept sense.

Concepts are important and are necessary
For people to communicate and get along
In a world everchanging. Our understanding
That nothing can be as we describe it will bring
Clarity of consciousness. One cannot go wrong
In accepting the ego as illusory.


Law And Order

It’s a branch of knowledge and philosophy, and
It deals with moral principles, obligation,
Good and bad, right and wrong, and with moral duty.
Religious institutions and society
Provide guidelines for conduct and the creation
Of the laws people live by and must understand.

The main human problem is that of ignorance.
Ethics serve as a guide to our daily living
And help us to determine if we are aligned
With behavior appropriate as it’s defined
By the laws because they are designed for giving
Us direction in every kind of circumstance.

Guidelines for behavior are taught and practiced in
All religious and spiritual traditions.
Spiritual masters of each have taught us much
In the way of behavioral scripture and such.
It’s one of society’s primary missions
To absolve all of humanity of its sin.

Know what is right, do what is good, and discover
Peace of mind, true contentment, and serenity.
The practice of self-mastery is a virtue.
Raise your level of consciousness and you will do
Your part in raising that of all humanity.
It’s okay to be a human nature lover.


Helping Hands

When concern for the welfare of others is more
Than one has for oneself, is that called compassion?
It’s not pity, wishful thinking, or attachment.
It does not mean that self-regard isn’t present.
It’s the greatest virtue in almost every one
Of the religious teachings as ever before.

True compassion is the ability to be
Sympathetic and empathetic. The desire
To alleviate another’s pain and distress
Becomes stronger. Tangibly one wants to express
Understanding and kindness. One doesn’t require
Anything back. Indeed, it’s given willingly.

Compassion motivates us to help others, and
It helps us to see past our own self-interest.
It directs our attention towards others who
Are in need of attention. Everything we do
To provide them some comfort is doing our best
To make much better the situation at hand.

It’s a necessity. It’s not a luxury.
It’s a question of human survival that we
Learn to help one another. We will otherwise
As one troubled collective see our own demise.
All pathways to God honor the reality
Of the need for compassion. Who would not agree?


Prayer Of Asking

Faith is confidence or trust in a person, thing,
Or concept. In the context of religion, it
Is belief in a God, and doctrines and teachings.
It’s not blind. It’s intelligent because it brings
On a peace that is greatly to one’s benefit.
Even with no evidence it’s enlightening.

Conscious knowledge and practicing good deeds is part
Of the process for growing spiritually
In some religious contexts. One’s obedience
To the scriptures does not make a whole lot of sense
Without some understanding of what comes to be
The foundation of living and dear to the heart.

To know more about God and the infinite plan
For one’s finite existence is what one who seeks
True enlightenment cares about. Faith allows one
To discover that knowledge. Verification
Is achieved through employment of psychic techniques
People practice. It’s something that anyone can.

Nothing in this world should be dearer to the one
Seeking truth than the development of wisdom,
Which will lead to faith, which will lead to certainty.
Truth is found by those who seek it ultimately.
The omnipotent Source is where true faith comes from.
Faith is maintained only by sincere devotion.



Beliefs are what determines one’s experience.
A belief is a certain mental attitude
Of acceptance toward a position without
The full knowledge required to prove beyond all doubt
That it’s true absolutely, and thus it’s valued
As something fundamental. It makes perfect sense.

Beliefs are then conceptual programs that run
Within the human ego, therefore they create
And maintain personalities. Initially,
They’re adopted in childhood and programmed by the
People in our environment. It’s not by fate
That beliefs take on meaning for most everyone.

A belief is entirely conceptual and
Intellectual. The ego mind generates
What it needs to convince itself of what it knows
To be true, therefore it bears the need to oppose
Certain things, and a firm attitude it creates.
Often beyond this mindset one cannot expand.

It’s best to summon up compassion for all those
Dominated by ignorance and limiting
Belief systems and to endeavor to undo
Dualistic programming. One’s own point of view
Can be made to be inclusive of everything.
Consciousness becomes more enlightened as it grows.


Freedom Of Release

An intentional and voluntary process
By which one undergoes a change in feelings and
Attitude regarding an offense – this is what
Is defined as forgiveness. When the heart is shut
It can’t happen, so it’s helpful to understand
The most beneficial nature of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual
Tool especially for people willing to move
Away from the lower levels of consciousness.
It’s a virtuous act. You don’t have to express
To the offender your change of heart because you’ve
Reached a place where you’re not into that rationale.

Emotional forgiveness is for you – not the
Offender. Scientific studies have proven
That people who forgive are much happier than
Those who harbor resentments. So make it a plan
To forgive your trespassers. Healing begins when
You decide that it’s healthier to be hate free.

People are programmed by society and past
Karmic tendencies. The collective ignorance
Of the world keeps folks trapped in the lower levels.
Justified is our anger, and it bedevils
Our behavior. Are we in a spiral death dance?
Can forgiveness become a part of the forecast?


Communication Of Ideas

Behavior is the actions and mannerisms
Of the individual in conjunction with
Themselves and others within their environment.
Behavior is the product of conscious intent.
That it cannot be changed is a popular myth
Among people susceptible to social whims.

It includes a person’s conduct, nature, presence,
Attitude and demeanor. They all are shaped by
Psychological traits. The personality
Type varies from person to person. There can be
Manifold motivations. The main reason why
One behaves is a matter of psychic suspense.

Behavior is acceptable depending on
Social norms. Regulated by social control,
Human behavior is studied by the social
Sciences. Their insights are in fact precocial
Birds of wisdom that fly deeply into the soul
Of the psyche from where information is drawn.

The ego mind is a learned and programmed set of
Behaviors. The ultimate spiritual goal
Is to transcend the conditioning by virtue
Of the power within the self that is most true.
Higher levels of consciousness can make one whole.
All of existence is integrated with love.

It’s Not Lost

American Village

All white men are created equal. It’s Not Lost
In the language of those who came here to conquer
Or to ‘colonize.’ It’s working exactly how
It was written. The document didn’t allow
Any mention of women. They were, as it were,
Nonexistent as people. How much has it cost?

Striking is the stupidity of landing here
Thinking that you’ve reached India. What a mistake.
But no one ever talks about that. It’s okay
To treat the indigenous people in this way.
It’s Not Lost. It is written. Why not come awake
To the truth which is made to all perfectly clear?

Merciless savages are what natives were called.
Black people were seen only as sixty percent
Of a person. So only land-owning white men
Could be called “We The People.” The document, then,
Is a work of irrelevance. It’s only meant
For a certain group. Everyone should be appalled.

Should it shock us that women are still making less
Than their male counterparts? Should we not be surprised
That our prisons are filled with people of color?
Can we not see that the gap between rich and poor
Only grows? What is written, although it’s despised,
Is the foundation of this nation’s wickedness.


At One

Awareness is one’s very capacity for
Experiencing. As such, it’s primary to
All of life and existence. Without awareness
Nothing could be known. Consciousness is nothing less
Than a miracle. It’s the being part of you.
Within yourself there’s plenty for you to explore.

Are you conscious? Are you alive. Are you aware
That you are? How do you know that you’ve come to be
Who and what you are? Within you there’s a knowing
That you know that you are. There’s no sense in going
Through mental calisthenics in order to see
That awareness is much an internal affair.

Perception through the senses depends on something
Greater than oneself. The body could not perceive
Itself were it not for the mind. The foundation
Of the mind is awareness. Every creation
Is born out of awareness. All that you achieve
Is through conscious attention on what you’re doing.

Only pure awareness can state that it’s beyond
All concepts of existence and nonexistence.
Turn the mind inward upon itself and behold
The presence of divinity. Then you’ve found gold.
Benefits of awareness are truly immense.
Be aware of how the universe will respond.


Comforting Touch

Every emotion you feel in life is a choice,
Which means that you control everything that you feel.
You were meant to enjoy life. If you can learn how,
You’ll never be a burden on others. Allow
That to be your gift to others and the ordeal
Of your own neediness you will not want to voice.

The least selfish thing you can do and the most kind
Is to be in alignment with the best of you.
It’s also the most loving and graceful of things
You can do. Clarity and wellbeing it brings.
So, can it be called selfless? What you choose to do
To help others can in itself be self-inclined.

Everyone has the right to live their life as they
Choose to live it, as long as they don’t interfere
With the same right of others. “We love the things we
Love for what they are.”
When you love genuinely,

Empathy becomes natural. Then you can hear
What the other is saying. Fear washes away.

What you think of yourself must be more important
Than what others think of you. You give up control
In the moment you let others know you’re willing
To do anything for them. You can by filling
Your heart with love reach into someone else’s soul.
It’s okay to be selfless. There’s no one who can’t.


In Your Mind

I feel good about having the ability
To find joy very quickly, but there’s just one thing.
Should I then speak about it in vivid detail?
If I do, then the issue will only prevail
Through my life. I’d like to keep it on the upswing.
I can get back on track if I pet my puppy.

My work in social media exposes me
Often times to disturbing content. I regret
Only that aspect. Everything else is okay.
In fact, it brings much excitement into my day.
It would be wonderful for me if I could let
The upsetting part not mess with who I must be.

I can be more proactive if I activate
Something other than that which knocks me off my game.
My incessant bombardment with information
Is my source of psychic overstimulation.
Being happy with my work is my only aim.
Most everything about life I appreciate.

The Source within me knows where I am with respect
To where I want to be, and it shows me the way
To get there through brief moments of inspiration.
Trusting in it will help me with the creation
Of a life beyond measure and with no delay.
It’s that Source with which I mostly want to connect.

Starting Your Day

Beginning The Segment

When you first start out your day – anytime, really –
You get to choose which frequency you will tune to.
Things are already moving. Law of Attraction
Picks up right from where you are. If nothing is done
To align yourself with the better part of you,
Then the peace that you would have will not come to be.

If you had an argument with someone last night
Then you start that whole ball of wax over again
By defending yourself and by justifying
Just how wrong they were, then you’re only denying
Yourself of who you really are. You will know when
The events of the present day don’t turn out right.

In the same way, you can’t tune your radio dial
To ninety-seven FM and expect to hear
What’s broadcasted on ninety-five FM because
The frequencies are different. These are the laws
Of the physics of this world. It’s perfectly clear
That you should choose a frequency that is worthwhile.

And that’s easy. You simply have to be aware
Of your point of attraction, and then do something
About it if it’s tainted. You evaluate
How you feel in each moment. You get to create
Your experience, and it’s exhilarating
To behold life improving because of your care.

Money Will Flow

Legal Tender

When you don’t have enough money you ask for more.
Then what happens is that the universe gets hold
Of your wish and it turns into reality.
It’s become manifested vibrationally
Until you line up with it. Then things will unfold
In your favor. You will get what you’re asking for.

Everything that you’ve asked for is already done.
In your willingness to accept the existence
Of this vibrational reality, you will
Be in a place where the universe can fulfill
Your request. You know that its power is immense.
Focus in the direction of what has begun.

Everything in your physical experience
Morphs to match the vibration that you’re offering.
If you say, “I want more, but I don’t have enough,”
Then your getting what you want will be really tough.
Thoughts of lack can keep your wishes from becoming
Your reality. This is also common sense.

“Money would be good for me. More money would give
Me more freedom to do the things I’d like to do.
I could be of more value to others, and I
Can get more in alignment by speaking of why
I will have it.”
This conversation will get you

There much faster. It’s a fulfilling way to live.

The Clogged Pipe Analogy

Directing The Flow

There’s this pond on a property fed by many
Little rapids that feed into another pond
That’s much larger. For years the owners enjoyed it.
It was beautiful and they had the benefit
Of a landscaping marvel that is far beyond
Ordinary. It is really something to see.

The water became cloudy after many years.
They thought it was the filter. They replaced it, but
The water was still cloudy, so they checked the pipes
With rods, plumbing snakes, and devices of all types.
They were clogged severely, and they didn’t know what
They could do, yet it wasn’t the worst of their fears.

They laid new pipes on top of the ground to make sure
That the problem was found. It was definitely.
The water became clear and the issue resolved.
It is interesting how the process evolved
In the way of relating an analogy.
It is hoped that the message implied will endure.

You may have beliefs that you have been carrying
For a long time. They may have you clogged up inside.
Think in terms of just laying some new pipes, and then
Things will start to flow, and you’ll see clearly again.
Fresh new ways of thinking open your mind up wide.
When you change your beliefs you have changed everything.

Mastery Of Life

Family Fun

I’m on top of the world. Life is going so well
That I don’t have to worry about anything.
My life is moving forward. I see through the eyes
Of the larger part of me. I now realize
All the wonderful things being happy can bring.
In a state of perpetual joy I do dwell.

I believe that the Law of Attraction helps me
By arranging cooperative components
Of my main point of focus into what is real
In the physical. It’s by the way that I feel
That I master my life, and it makes perfect sense
That it only gets better. My mood is the key.

In this moment, my quest is to identify
What I choose for my point of attraction to be.
I joyously watch the universe fill in all
The details, and I know that it’s right on the ball
Regarding what I ask for. Now I’ve become free
Of resistance. My focus is the reason why.

Would you call me delusional? If it’s seeing
The world differently than most others folks do
And more than most would want me to, then I suppose
You’re correct. But the most evolved part of me knows
Nothing but wellbeing from its broad point of view.
Fantastic is the life of this human being.

Going General

Natural Peace

Make the journey your goal, then you’re having success
Instantly, but if you make the destination
More important and you’re not there, you introduce
Resistance. All your efforting is of no use.
On the way to what you want, you want to have fun.
Letting go of the goal leads to your happiness.

Get your emphasis in the right place. It’s easy
To let go of the absence of what you wish for.
Look for things to be happy about on the way
To forever. It’s important for you to stay
In the state of receiving what you want and more.
You will get what you wish for eventually.

It helps if you go general. “I always get
What I want. It may take a while. Usually,
It has happened quite quickly. So I can expect
That it will happen this time. I have a direct
Link to the vortex of all that I’ve come to be.
I’m okay with it not having come to be yet.”

“I’m really good at this now that I understand
How the laws of the universe work, and I’m sure
That my vibration is in tune with my desire.”

With this attitude there’s nothing you can’t acquire.
On your journey you don’t want to take a detour
Into darkness. Of your life you are in command.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

The Larger Part Of You

At One With The Universe

You are so much more than your physical body.
Come to know this because it’s absolutely true.
Before you emerged here in this reality,
You were spirit, but you exist eternally.
Even right now, you and The Larger Part Of You
Coexist as a being that others can see.

This means that you’re not all here. The much larger part
People don’t get to witness, but you have access
To that larger part of you when you meditate
Or find things about your life to appreciate.
It all can lead to your ultimate happiness.
You get to The Larger Part Of You through the heart.

With who you really are you can find resonance
Through your practice. Take care of the way that you feel
In each moment, and the vibrational patterns
You create will eliminate all your concerns.
The wholeness of who you really are is for real.
Your connection can never be a game of chance.

You find resonance with The Larger Part Of You
By accepting that it exists and allowing
It to guide you. In the absence of resistance
You receive it. No matter what your circumstance,
You become able to handle most anything.
Plentiful is the grace that you can tap into.

Focus On Why

Joyful Expectation

Why is it so important to Focus On Why?
Because that speaks to your desire generally.
Answering this question puts you in the right place
Of rampaging your way via infinite grace.
Wonderful thoughts can fill up your mind completely.
Answer the question righteously. Do not be shy.

You can answer this kind of question easily,
But if you ask, “Where is it going to come from?
Who is going to bring it? How long will it take?”

You cannot know the answers. Give yourself a break
From frustration. Believe that what you want will come
In good time. From the angst you can get yourself free.

Why do you want what you want? “I want it because
I’ll feel better by having it, and I’m worthy
Of the things that I ask for. I’m the creator
Of my reality, and what I’m asking for
Is a natural consequence meant just for me.
I believe in the truth of spiritual laws.”

“It’s so much fun to get my hands into the clay
And to mold it. I want to feel my own power
And to know that there are nonphysical forces
Working for me. The whole universe endorses
What I wish for, and I expect it to shower
Me with blessings.”
You can learn to speak in this way.

Why We’re So Anxious

Extreme Concerned

When you feel like there’s something you must do to get
To a place where you will have some security,
Is it normal? Or is it just an illusion
To be so anxious that you can’t get a thing done?
If you want long-lasting peace and serenity,
Don’t worry that it hasn’t manifested yet.

Our anxiety is a permanent feature
Of our lives here as humans. We are to the core
Anxious beings. We hold powerful fantasies
About things we could get that would bring us more ease
In our everyday living. What do we live for
But to struggle? How can life be the best teacher?

When we find the right home, status, or lover, we
Think that we’ll be much happier. This isn’t so.
We will always be restless, but we can show some
Compassion for our fellows. We can overcome
Our discomfort through the process of letting go
Of the fear and the desperation completely.

We can learn to laugh about our anxieties,
Laughter being the exuberant expression
Of relief. We can hug people much more often
Than we do now. Anxiety dissipates when
We share with others our unique situation.
Learn to see the way that your inner being sees.

Do You Believe?

Close To Receiving

Do you know how to find just one thought that feels good?
Not so much in the moment? You do have control
Of your point of attraction. You have one, you know.
It’s what you focus on mostly and it’s also
A magnetic vibration – the heart of your soul.
You’ll feel better when some of this is understood.

Your emotional guidance system is for you
An asset of great value. It lets you know how
Far you are from your truest self so that you can
Make the proper adjustment. You do know more than
You may think, and you do have the wisdom right now
To choose not to continue with what isn’t true.

From a not feeling good place you can easily
Feel a little bit better by your choosing to
In the moment. You must be constantly aware
Of how you feel. It’s all about your taking care
Of yourself. It’s the easiest thing you can do
To stay as happy as you can possibly be.

The momentum of negative thought can be slowed
By going general instead of specific.
The reverse is true also. Increased momentum
Happens when thoughts are happy, and you will gain from
Getting more specific. There is no special trick
To remaining always in the positive mode.

You Are Choosing

Forward Momentum

Have I not chosen wisely by starting my day
Cursing some person out who I don’t even know?
Sometimes I can’t catch myself. I end up doing
Things that I’d rather not do. If I’m pursuing
Some righteous indignation, how far can I go
Before my sense of selfhood begins to decay?

I have got to choose better if I am to be
In alignment with my true self. I can become
Lazy before I’ve had breakfast. If I can stay
In high spirits at the very start of the day,
Then I’ll have accomplished something really awesome.
Maintenance of my vibration is up to me.

With each choice I make I’m creating momentum.
When I choose something, then I choose the opposite,
I get nowhere. I need to stay focused on what
My desire is, otherwise, I’m stuck in a rut
I achieve nothing when my energy is split.
There is some resistance for me to overcome.

Energy that creates worlds is available
To me all the time. It courses through me always.
How much am I allowing it to work for me?
If I keep reaching higher, in time I will be
Indestructible. Being happy always pays.
All I need do is keep my vibration stable.

An Afterlife Preview

Spiritual Transition

This world is one of wonder. There are many things
To appreciate. Picturesque it is in space
Spinning in its own orbit and on its axis.
Natural is its beauty. It’s hard to dismiss
Its magnificence nestled in infinite grace.
When this is contemplated, what comfort it brings!

There are those who are sensitive to vibrations
Of pure spirit, and many books have been written
About things that happen after we transition
From this earthly life into a new edition
Of existence. People seem to have been bitten
By the bug for more knowledge of these locations.

They describe an omnipotent omnipresent
Source of everything. It’s a being of pure light
Who’s all loving and giving of all that is good.
Only that which is of love can be understood
In this place where everything is perfectly right.
All activity done is with much fulfillment.

One does not have to die first to experience
The presence of divinity and of spirit.
You can put yourself in the mode of receiving
Information from spirit by your believing
It can happen. You have not the need to fear it.
What you can get from it can be really immense.

You Create With Your Focus

In A Moment Of Wonder

Life has caused you to focus. That’s why you are here.
You came for the experience of sifting through
All the contrast life offers. You came to express
What could be done to lead to your own happiness
Then to have fun through the process as dreams come true.
You knew that you would find many things to hold dear.

What you give your attention to is what you get.
Life shows you how you’re feeling no matter if you
Are exuberant or in a deep depression.
While you’re here on earth you have taken possession
Of emotional guidance which can lead you to
Anything you choose. It’s a tremendous asset.

The Source within you is giving its attention
To whatever you’re giving your attention to,
But it may be of a much higher frequency.
Its opinion may differ from yours completely.
In that case there is only one thing you can do,
And it’s not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

You always know more clearly what you want when you
Are right smack dab in the middle of the contrast.
Negative emotion lets you know right away
That things aren’t to your liking. It’s easy to stay
Clear of all that upsets you. You must be steadfast
In your acceptance of your Source’s point of view.

Align With The Numbers

Lucky Numbers

If you don’t play, you can’t win. If you feel the urge
To go purchase that ticket, what you can expect
Is some lingering feelings of doubt that you’ll win.
Any thought of not winning is a mortal sin
With respect to your lining up with the object
Of your wishes. These different roads must diverge.

How do you take the urgency out of it all?
You want money – and lots of it – to come to you
In a hurry. You’ve asked for it, and it is done.
First, believe that, and then transition has begun
To more clarity. You’ll have a new point of view
That still has some resistance, but it’s very small.

Get your kicks from the pleasure of the unfolding
Of your journey. You don’t want to get to the end
In one fell swoop. You want to have fun on the way.
When you don’t need the ticket you cannot fall prey
To the urgency aspect. The money you spend
When you’re doubtful is another kind offering.

Everything you do to justify the doneness
Of something that’s already done pulls you in the
Opposite direction. You know that it’s coming
Don’t get hung up on how the universe will bring
It to you. You can trust the process completely.
In your happiness you’re always making progress.

Make It Come

Inspirational Wear

Of this whole darned deliberate creation thing
I don’t have an understanding. I’m on the brink
Of a wonderful thing coming my way, but I
Can’t not notice its absence. The harder I try
To ignore it, the more negative thoughts I think.
What I’m going through is rather interesting.

What I want and its absence are joined at the hip.
So, how am I going to stop noticing that
What I want isn’t here yet? Think about something
Other than what I want? What on earth can that bring
But frustration? Engaging in mortal combat
With oneself is in no way a positive trip.

Give more airtime to other things that uplift you –
Not to things that upset you. You can’t keep doing
What you’re doing and get something different than
What you’re getting. You can manifest a new plan.
Anything that’s delightful is worth pursuing.
Don’t be tempted to feel bad whatever you do.

Make an end run around your negative feeling.
Understand the emotional scale and that you
Are the creator of your own reality.
Keep your focus upon that which is already
Going well. Then the chance of your dream coming true
Is made much better. Now isn’t this appealing?

Get Out Of The Way

Locomotive Progression

Like a dog on a bone, I’m trying to fix some
Problem that I’ve created. I’m focused upon
What is wrong, so I’m introducing more contrast
To the simple equation. Time doesn’t move fast
As I struggle. My confidence is all but gone.
It’s as if I don’t remember where I came from.

Yet, I know that the lager part of me does not
Share the same view as I do. It sees everything
As a great opportunity. That difference
In vibration is responsible for the sense
Of distress and confusion that I’m now feeling.
But does it know at all when I’m in a tough spot?

Yes! It does know. It always shows me the best way
Through an issue, but sometimes I’m not in a place
To receive inspiration. It keeps emitting
The exact signal that will ultimately bring
What I need. I’m receptive to infinite grace.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.

I feel worthy enough to let myself feel good.
I trust that things are working out for me always
And that wellbeing is the natural order
Of the universe. Only good things can occur.
Getting out of my own way definitely pays.
The momentum I’ve created is understood.

Momentum In Every Thought

Thought Under Construction

Long division is simple, that is if you know
Your times tables. If you don’t, it can be a bear.
Any third grader knows this and that it’s required
To get through mathematics. They often get tired
Of the memorization aspect. They don’t care
For the work involved. Progress may be rather slow.

This is similar to the Law off Attraction.
There are fundamental concepts one must master
To allow things to work themselves out correctly.
You can manifest anything if you can be
In the state of receiving. It can come faster
If you stop treating it like a complex fraction.

Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Sift through contrast. You’re in a situation where
There’s a shift in the current. As it picks up speed,
Know that you have everything in the world you need
To live life to its fullest. The more that you care
About how you feel, the more good things come to you.

Negative emotion means you’re not connected
To your higher self and to all that you desire.
Recognize when you’re there. Do something about it.
The creative process is for your benefit.
Manifest the next thought that will take you higher
Than you are now. Your whole life will be affected.

Dissolve All Your Worries

Expression Of Worry

A concern is your in-the-moment focused thought
That there’s something the matter. Your inner being
Does not have the same thought that you do here and now.
The feeling it gives you, you don’t like anyhow.
Because your inner being is not agreeing
With your thought, in a world of confusion you’re caught.

No concern is legitimate. You’re focusing
Upon something and using it as your reason
To not line up with how your inner being sees
What you see as a problem. It never agrees
That there is one. It doesn’t have an off-season.
It cares not to play along with your suffering.

Most concern is habitual. People focus
On things that they don’t want happening to them, so
That becomes their attraction point. The universe
Will deliver more of the same or even worse.
People get so used to experiencing woe
That it’s the topic that they most often discuss.

There’s no reality anyone has to face.
You create it with your thoughts and feelings and by
Following the guidance that’s always within you.
Changing your focus will lead to a big breakthrough.
There’s nothing in the world you need to justify.
Do believe in your access to provident grace.

Stop Noticing The Lack


What’s the trick to this notion of not noticing
The lack of what I want? Is there something I can
Do to gain understanding? It’s so hard to be
Super excited about something I can’t see.
Obvious it is that I’m trying harder than
I need to. How do I deal with this sort of thing?

You do it by getting good at focusing on
Things that are easier, and by keeping your mind
Off subjects that are harder. You have to align
With the attitude that things always work out fine.
From anywhere you are you can easily find
A better feeling thought just as day follows dawn.

You can own how you feel about your not having
What you want. Be explicit, but do not pretend
That you don’t want it after all. It’s already
In production, albeit vibrationally.
You’re attached to it, but you do not have to spend
Much time there because it’s just an acknowledging.

Then ask yourself the questions that will lead you to
A more general space. “Have I not been worthy
Of the things I’ve received in the past? Am I not
Worthy now? Am I thankful for all that I’ve got?”

Just this much will change your vibration completely.
Get in touch with the most expanded part of you.

Control What Comes To You

Easily Manifesting

The universe is responding to you. What are
You responding to? The things you’ve been practicing
That feel good to you are not very far away
As the universe acts on them without delay.
It responds to the vibration you’re offering.
Neither is this unheard of nor is it bizarre.

If you’re responding to shopping for furniture
And you’re feeling good, then the universe gives you
More of that nice experience. But the reverse
Is true also. If you feel bad, it’s like a curse
Cast upon you. No matter what you try to do
Things screw up and you end up feeling insecure.

How are you feeling? What’s your point of attraction?
If you’re worried or impatient, the universe
Will respond with more stuckness and catastrophe.
Your feelings can guide you to where you want to be.
If you don’t listen to them, things get a lot worse.
In fact, you will have started a chain reaction.

You Control What Comes To You by being aware
Of how you feel in each moment. Find simple things
To feel good about, and without difficulty
You will be in a place that is resistance free.
The world is your oyster when your happy heart sings.
Manifesting is a vibrational affair.

Trust The Process

Mundane Movement

There’s nothing that exists that you cannot fully
Manifest. If this time space reality can
Cause you to want for something, then it can provide
It to you. To you nothing is ever denied.
You prefer to see things this way much rather than
Living life by default – not deliberately.

Everything is vibration. All that you perceive
Is merely a translation through your five senses.
But the physical world is slowed down energy.
Things that exist vibrate at their own frequency.
Be cognizant of when awareness commences
Of the state of alignment you want to achieve.

What you think is more tangible than vibration
Really isn’t. Once you begin to understand
The full nature of vibration, you will be clear
About what you want and you will have conquered fear
Of the process. You will have taken full command
Of your newfound ability for creation.

Care enough about how you feel to stay focused
On your wishes no matter what is going on
Anywhere around you. Learn to live on purpose.
Is there anything further we need to discuss?
You’ll rejoice knowing that some resistance is gone.
In this elegant process you can come to trust.

Allow What You Want

Sparkling Darkness

The contrast causes you to ask for improvement.
It becomes a vibrational reality
Instantly. Every particle of existence
Is made conscious of what you want. The more intense
Your emotion, the greater the chance you will see
What you want manifested one hundred percent.

Your vibrational reality is such that
It collects all your wishes form since you were born
And before that. It stores everything you ask for
In an energy vortex. All that you adore
Is contained there. The larger part of you is sworn
To maintain that vibration. It never falls flat.

But you want that vibrational reality
To become physical – not just a vibration.
Tune yourself to the frequency of your vortex.
You can do this. It’s not something very complex.
Your emotional guidance is the foundation
And the driving force of who you have come to be.

Recognize that when you are not doing that thing
That keeps you from allowing what you have asked for,
You release your resistance. The first evidence
Is a wonderful feeling. It makes perfect sense
To acknowledge it so that it will yield you more
Feelings like it. The things that you want it will bring.

When It Feels Close

Joyful Anticipation

If the journey is your goal, then instant success
You can’t but have in each moment along the way.
But if you make the journey secondary to
Your wanted destination, things won’t come to you.
If you find satisfaction throughout every day,
Then the universe will support your happiness.

Get your emphasis in the right place. Letting go
Of the absence of what you want is the only
Way to get it to manifest. Stick with your dream
And have fun on the way even though it may seem
That you’re not doing much to make it come to be.
You’ve done all that you need to. Let happiness flow.

You’re not ever going to let go of your dream
So you might as well go for it. There’s no hurry
For it to be fully manifested right now.
Put yourself in the receptive mode and allow
It to happen because it vibrationally
Does exist. It is one with your energy stream.

When you’re right on the brink of manifestation
Just stay there in that vibrational attitude
Of alignment with what you want. Feel better now
And along the way. You do not need to know how
To do anything but be aware of your mood.
How you feel is your manifesting foundation.

Act As If You Have It

Lavish Living

Everything that’s perceived is a realization
Of vibrations. Your senses translate them into
Your reality, so your interpretation
Is something that’s experienced by everyone,
And to see what’s always being revealed to you
Requires readiness to receive information.

Your path of least resistance is now and always
Projected with such clarity, but sometimes you
Are not in the receptive mode. If you’re bummed out
Or you feel somehow unworthy, then there’s no doubt
That you won’t see what’s coming from out of the blue
To assist you in ways that delight and amaze.

Your receptive mode does vary from day to day
And from moment to moment within each, and you
Can notice when you have moments of clarity.
Your emotions will indicate accurately
How receptive you are. It has nothing to do
With the people and things you think get in your way.

Find the feeling place of what you want and believe
That you already have it. You can conjure it
By pretending and acting as if it’s all done
And by ignoring the advice of anyone
Who does not share your vision. You will benefit
From the altered vibration that you will achieve.

Effortless Healing

Meditative State

“Let the weak man say, ‘I’m strong.’” Though I’m not at war
With a tribe or a nation, I can understand
That the words must be backed with passion and intent.
If they’re not, I will not find any fulfillment
Of my wish to be healthy. I do have command
Of the state of wellbeing that I’m reaching for.

It makes sense, but there’s effort – a slight backfiring
Factor present. Every subject is two subjects:
What I want and the lack of it. If I’m feeling
Weak but I say that I’m strong, I’m not appealing
To the truth of the matter. It’s not that complex
Of a puzzle, yet it can be awe-inspiring.

Trying to overcome what I’ve got going on
Vibrationally with words just doesn’t get it.
It only increases the effort expended
In the process, so it is not recommended
That I fake my way into believing I’m fit.
That I’m not truthful is a conclusion foregone.

Vibrant health is my birthright. It’s within my reach.
I need only step out of the way and let my
Body heal as it knows how to naturally
Without outside influences. I want to be
In a state where my body is my best ally.
Passion must be the driving force behind the speech.

Don’t Worry About What Others Think


People spend most of their lives in gut wrenching fear
Of what others may think of them. They lie awake
At night wondering how they would cope without the
Approval of others, and they obsessively
Change their image when they find the slightest mistake.
They can’t get satisfaction from how they appear.

To the verdicts of strangers we all surrender
Our freedom to fail gracefully. Those we don’t know
And don’t even like all that much we cater to.
Even though we don’t like being told what to do,
We do it without thinking. It causes us woe.
We play the role of the malignant pretender.

Don’t complain. Don’t explain yourself to anyone.
“Become independent of the good opinion
Of other people.”
Trust yourself. You and only

You know the enlightened one you were meant to be.
Don’t let other people’s judgments have dominion
Over how you feel. Then awareness has begun.

When we really mess up, almost no one will be
Looking or caring very much. They’re too involved
With their own issues. Our disgrace will be subsumed
Into social amnesia, so we’re never doomed
By unwanted attention. One who is evolved
Is above that kind of negative energy.

Everything That Happens Is A Lesson


How do I not feel bad when bad things do take place
Like disasters and hate crimes? Do I just ignore
My emotions completely? That doesn’t seem right.
I do not have an insatiable appetite
For adverse situations, yet I would be more
Of an android if tragedy I didn’t face.

When bad things happen out there, I can either get
A good lesson from it, or I could play the role
Of the innocent victim. The choice is my own.
There’s no dark quandary into which I am thrown.
If I ponder the lesson, I will be made whole.
If the victim I do play, I will know regret.

People may do things to me. It’s how I react
To what’s done that’s the difference between being
A fully functioning person or a victim.
The latter only leads to a future that’s dim.
I may kick myself in the butt for not seeing
The big picture and from it all I can extract.

If something that has happened has made me feel bad,
Then why did it wait until I knew about it?
The fact is that I make my own self feel this way.
Bad things happen. That’s life. It’s up to me to play
Life in a way that is to my full benefit.
I may find that my teacher is my best comrade.

Defining Who God Is

Changing Sky

In the present moment you have total access
To the power of life itself. Need you define
What it is that keeps energy flowing through you?
People need to have some kind of rational clue
To deal with the ineffable, so we align
With a standard that represents our righteousness.

We spend God awful time defining the divine
When we could be experiencing it always.
‘It’ becomes a real consciousness that is within
And without. When your mind is quiet you begin
To experience ‘It’ in ways that will amaze
And fulfill you because you are of ‘Its’ design.

This continuum of life, from our perspective,
Is a bit screwy. We believe that we come here,
Live our lives, and then pass over into spirit.
But we’re always in spirit. Our lives we don’t quit.
After ‘death’ we are focused on what is most dear
To the heart. We are all a spirit collective.

Our belief is only a poor substitute for
The reality itself. No mental concept
Can compare to the feeling of divinity.
We are meant to experience ‘It’ consciously.
In the heart is where much of our knowing is kept.
Our intention is what always opens the door.

The Life That You Want

Happy Thoughts

If I think about it long enough and I keep
Myself focused there with a picture in my mind
Of my having it, then it has to manifest.
I create from a higher state and do my best
To stay there. I find the universe to be kind.
Things can happen for me even while I’m asleep.

The coincidences of my life I manage.
I can place my attention on what I would like
To create in my life, and with this attitude,
Only pure positive energy I exude.
Getting there is as easy as riding a bike
On the down slope. I could go on a joy rampage.

Higher levels of consciousness can be achieved
Just by sitting and dreaming. I could meditate,
Chant, or fast, or go on a spiritual quest
For enlightenment, but I need only divest
Enough focus upon what I want to create
And be thankful for what I’ve already received.

The reptilian mind meets the neocortex
Where awareness of others can yield empathy
For all those who are suffering. I feel the pain,
But I can’t let the world’s issues drive me insane.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to get myself free
Of the status quo and all its harmful effects.

About Life

Work Woe

Most people are living a kind of hypnosis
Wherein they pledge allegiance to the opinion
Of a vacant society instead of to
What they feel in their hearts they would much rather do.
It can feel like the outer world has dominion
Over their souls. It is a social sclerosis.

The plan and purpose of life is obedience
To one’s inner nature. We are here to express
Life as we instinctively feel it ought to be.
It’s not healthy to be trapped in low energy.
We’re supposed to be in a state of happiness
Fairly often. We are creatures of refulgence.

Everything vibrates and emits a vibration.
Ours consist of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and acts.
They form an energy pattern which is our vibe.
It remains difficult for someone to describe,
But you know when you feel it. It either attracts
Or repels you. It is a point of causation.

All these vibes come together and form what we know
As the Collective Consciousness. It sponsors war,
Mass shootings, pandemics, earth disasters and such.
It can yield good things also, yet we pay to much
Attention to past horrors, and we expect more
Of the same for the future. How then can we grow?

The Power Of Intention

Choice Of Mind

If your thoughts are on what always has been, and you
Do not like what always has been, you’ll continue
To attract what always has been. Life works that way.
It makes sense, so it’s worthwhile then for you to pay
Close attention to your thoughts and your feelings too.
You can be assured that it is easy to do.

Many of us don’t know what our own intentions
Truly are, so we go through our lives day to day
Unfulfilled in performance of meaningless tasks.
We will go on until something within us asks,
“Why the heck are you carrying on in this way?”
Insight comes to us from the inner dimensions.

What you are aiming for must be perfectly clear.
You’re intention then is focused on your desire,
And the tasks you perform are in full alignment
With your purpose. So nothing on earth can prevent
You from getting the thing that you want to acquire.
You are now in a more creative atmosphere.

Into the inconceivable you may ascend.
Put your thoughts and attention only on what you
Want to manifest. Don’t put your thoughts on what’s not
Happening for you. Be thankful for what you’ve got.
You can change all of your limiting points of view
And the obstacles in your life you will transcend.

Creating Momentum

Ominous Force

On the cusp between stagnation and hopefulness
I reside presently. Motion forward is nil.
Nothing seems to excite me. I don’t even care
To do things I like doing. Though it’s not despair,
It’s a feeling of emptiness and lack of will,
And it certainly isn’t the way to success.

I remember, though, that I am emanating
A signal all the time. Everything comes to me
In response to that signal. My emotions are
The most magnificent guidance system by far.
I accept the awesome responsibility
For my point of attraction and what it will bring.

There’s a natural tendency for a moving
Object to keep on moving unless some outside
Force prevents it from doing so. This resistance
I can overcome. I can’t depend upon chance
To get my behind moving lest I be denied
Of my now situation ever improving.

I commit to my feeling better here and now.
It’s the only way I’ll receive inspiration
That will motivate me as it properly should.
I’m doing very well when this is understood.
Things fall into place when momentum is begun
To feel better is always my primary vow.

You Can’t Give Away What You Don’t Have

Giving Heart

“You can’t give away what you don’t have.” People who
Are not good at giving away love cannot give
It because they do not have it to give away.
You get back from the world how you feel everyday
About life. It’s precisely the way that you live
That determines what life will reflect back to you.

When you stop asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?”
And instead ask, “In what way can I assist you?”
You begin shifting energy. The universe
Will ask you the same question, then it will disburse
Many blessings upon you, and all that you do
Will be given back to you exponentially.

If you have anger, fear, or contempt in your heart
Then that’s what you’re projecting, so what you get back
Is exactly what you put out – grief and despair.
You will find that you take your hatred everywhere.
If it’s kept up, it may lead to a heart attack.
From a wholesome life your sickness holds you apart.

The ego teaches us that who ‘I am’ is not
Only what I have. It’s what I accomplish too.
We get hung up on the idea of success.
We’re obsessed with this illusion of happiness.
Life is not about all of the things we accrue.
Give away what you have and you get back a lot.

As You Think, So Shall You Be

Serious Wondering

“As You Think, So Shall You Be.” These seven words are
Perhaps the most important ones that we can learn
And master in our lives. I become what I think
About all day long. I can remain in the pink
By just thinking and not being fraught with concern
Over anything, and I don’t find it bizarre.

Once I know that what I think about everyday
Forms an energy vibration as it expands
Outward into the universe, I can expect
That back to me my circumstance it will reflect.
So, what happens in my life is all in my hands.
In this state of alignment I mostly can stay.

Don’t allow your thoughts to be on anything that
You don’t want to experience. Think only of
Things that uplift you and bring you subtle delight.
Believe that everything in your world is alright
And that everything is bathed in infinite love.
There’s nothing in your life that you need to combat.

When you start thinking good about yourself, you will
Start feeling a lot better because you’re aware
That your thoughts and emotions are pure energy
And that just by deciding to live happily
Ever after, you’re taking the very best care
Of yourself. Your life can be the ultimate thrill.

Shift Your Vibration

Vortex Focus

Where you are is where you are, and what you do now,
Whether you worry, are hopeful, or you complain,
Determines the direction of you in the stream.
If you’re fighting against it, everything may seem
To get screwy too often. It helps to abstain
From your battles so that happiness you allow.

You can view where you are optimistically.
Talk yourself back into remembering who you
Really are, which is pure positive energy.
You don’t have to justify your reason to be.
Let your heart be the only voice you listen to.
You know that you’ll find your place eventually.

While you can’t change your circumstance right now, you can
Change what’s happening three days or three weeks from now.
If you don’t change it for then, then right now will be
Carried forward into the same reality.
Just get happy because you already know how
To do that. It’s always a magnificent plan.

To where you are now you pay too much attention
So that you keep projecting ‘what is’ everywhere.
You have to change your most dominant vibration
To the one that will lead you to the creation
Of a wonderful life that is beyond compare.
Keep your focus upon the higher dimension.

Let The Stream Carry You


There’s this stream, and it’s powerful. You are in it.
It will carry you to everything you desire.
No matter how you’re living, eventually,
You will go with the current, and to the degree
You oppose it, the things you want you can’t acquire.
This stream is in existence for your benefit.

When you die you will get to your destination
In one fell swoop, but while you’re alive you can be
Enjoying all the good things you find on the way
To forever. You can find delight in each day.
You can be determined to let go completely
Of the struggle which causes your consternation.

Negative emotion means that you’re competing
With the powerful current. Let it inform you
That you’re doing so. It’s just an indicator.
Acknowledge it because you are the creator
Of your experience. You’re the only one who
Can decide which of your thoughts are worth deleting.

You can reach for the best feeling thought you can find
In the moment from where you are, and in this way
You relax and allow the current to turn you
Back around. It’s an easy thing for you to do.
In alignment with the awesome current you’ll stay.
When you go with the flow you leave troubles behind.

The Bigger Picture

In Perfect Proximity

The perfection of who you are is nothing new
To the universe since you are a part of it.
It is perfect in every way and it reflects
How you feel about your life. Your feeling affects
How it treats you. So it is to your benefit
To be happy. In this way, more joy comes to you.

Find a way to love yourself no matter what may
Be your negative programming. You are not here
To work hard at redemption. You’re more than worthy
Of wellbeing and happiness. Get yourself free
From the mindset of lack generated by fear.
Don’t let what others think of you lead you astray.

You want to talk to fewer people about stuff
And to be much more generally accepting
Of what’s going on. You want to step back and see
How this earth spinning in perfect proximity
To other spatial bodies is an awesome thing.
Wonder is such that you can never get enough.

Understanding The Bigger Picture, you’re aware
Of the higher thoughts that hold the planets in place
And that you can tap into. Your best creating
Is done when you know that all is advocating
For your utter fulfillment. The infinite grace
Of the universe is for everyone to share.