Tag Archive | understand

Nothing Blooms All Year Long

Blossoming Fruit

When your heart loves someone unconditionally
Then your mind suffers most. Love a person who tries
Their best to understand you. Never make someone
Special in your life who has absolutely none
Of the qualities you value. Open your eyes
To the wonderful loving person you could be.

When a toxic person can no longer control
You they will try to control how others see you.
Let not that behavior cause you any distress.
Strong people don’t have many friends. Your happiness
Is of utmost importance in all that you do.
Get away from whatever’s not keeping you whole.

You bloom with others who understand you. Never
Walk, fight, smile, try, or cry alone. Stop looking back
With regret. Instead look forward with hope. Don’t lose
Your self-respect. It’s a form of self-care. Excuse
Not the bad one’s behavior yet don’t show a lack
Of compassion. It will stick with you forever.

Nothing Blooms All Year Long. Don’t expect yourself to
Nor the people around you. Give yourself a break
From yourself and others by regaining access
To your best self – the one you most want to express
To the world. It’s about time that you come awake
To the manifold blessings set aside for you.


Solitary Connection

Love Yourself. It can be hard but it will always
Be worth it because you’re worth a huge amount to
This world that has created you. Maybe you feel
That you’re not worthy so much that you can’t conceal
Your uncertainty about how others see you
As a person yet you’re one who’s worthy of praise.

Self-Love isn’t always about taking baths and
Going to the spa. Sometimes it’s about setting
Yourself down and doing some evaluating
Of the life that you so far have been creating.
People do things that they may end up regretting
Because no one is perfect. You must understand.

Sometimes it’s about analyzing how you go
Wrong and taking proper accountability.
It’s about correcting what you have control of
And evolving to knowing that you’re made of love.
Have that hard conversation then get yourself free
Of the past pain. In this way your spirit will grow.

Love Yourself enough to correct what will allow
You to become a better version of who you
Truly are. You deserve that kind of love always.
Love Yourself so that your point of attraction stays
At its sharpest and it’s easy enough to do.
Love Yourself. There’s no better time to than right now.

Unlock Your Inner Peace

Youth Yoga

There are many ways to achieve inner peace and
Happiness. One way might work for you but not for
Someone else. It takes some experimentation
To find the right path for you. The elevation
Of your consciousness is the main reason for your
Seeking inner peace which you know and understand.

Spending time in nature can prevent your mind from
Thinking stressful thoughts. Take a deep breath of fresh air.
Take short walks and appreciate all that you see.
You can conquer depression and anxiety
Through exposure to nature. Become more aware
Of the beating of nature’s therapeutic drum.

Practice mindfulness. Meditate regularly.
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining
About what you lack. Those who are most satisfied
With their lives have a grateful heart that’s open wide.
Such people have no problem at all maintaining
Their alignment with their positive energy.

Take full responsibility for your actions.
Be accountable for everything that you do.
Everyone screws up sometimes. These are lessons learned.
They should be steppingstones as far as you’re concerned.
But don’t let your mistakes of the past define you.
It does no good to dwell on your past infractions.

Love yourself. Practice acceptance and contentment.
Exercise regularly. Eat healthy. Be kind
To yourself and others. Get rid of your clutter.
Show your magnificence with the words you utter.
Take control of your life and within it you’ll find
That your reflecting upon it is time well spent.

You Are A Creator

Home Business

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself a new
And improved version of your now reality.
The improvement that you’ve been asking for is in
The vibrational works. You’re prepared to begin
To receive your impressions of how things should be.
You become aligned with the evolved part of you.

The way you feel is your indicator of how
Near or far you are vibrationally from where
You would like to be. It lets you know just what you
Need to do if you’re feeling a little bit blue.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Only then are you in the right mode to allow.

You don’t need others to cooperate with you.
If you think you do then you end up hindering
Your alignment. Stay focused on your creation.
Let the universe handle what needs to get done
Then the people will show up and their offering
Will be more than sufficient from your point of view.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Others won’t make them willing to cooperate.
Feeling good lines you up with cooperation.
You’re co-creative process is all about fun.
You create with perfection when you’re feeling great.
Take control of the wonderful life that you live.

The Only Thing Of Lasting Value

Happy Heart

Love is the only thing that prevails. When you see
Your immense capability to love you will
Realize that your true worth is inherently
Within you. You have so much divine energy
Flowing through you that it can most easily spill
Onto others as you live your life happily.

You are loved beyond human measure for love in
And of itself cannot be measured but of course
People try to put it on a pedestal. They
Covet it, hide it, and do whatever they may
To believe that it’s some kind of mystical force
Or a game where only certain people can win.

You are love itself. The energy which is love
Pervades all of existence no matter whether
Or not you can feel it. When you feel it you are
Effervescent, joyful, buoyant, and not too far
From your dreams and wishes all coming together
Like a symphony composed by heaven above.

Not allowing yourself to feel love causes you
To swallow yourself up in psychological
And physical pain expressed as misery, lack,
And depression. Love remains the primary hack
For a life unfulfilled. Truly it’s natural
To feel love. It’s the only thing you want to do.

What Conflict Really Is

Eruption Of Tension

What about human nature makes us want to fight
To the bitter end? Why do egos get enflamed
And combative? What’s to become of humankind?
Why are answers and solutions so hard to find?
Our unwillingness to make peace is to be blamed
For conflict. Each one thinks only they can be right.

What we all want is to find our own inner peace.
It exists in each one of us but the ego
Who defends the persona will do anything
In its power to keep you from recognizing
Any civil solution. It wants you to know
That your hold on your position you can’t release.

Our egos spend a lot of time and energy
Avoiding failure. It causes inner conflict.
No room exists for reasonable conclusions.
Those who can’t accept failure indeed are the ones
Most susceptible. No one on earth can predict
Their behavior and that’s not the way it should be.

The elusive solutions become apparent
When the circumstance is looked at objectively
Without inflamed emotions. From the perspective
Of your higher self who knows how you want to live
You have kissed and made up quite emotionally.
Your higher selves have reached a perfect agreement.

Your Greater Inner Freedom

Freedom And Joy

Those who now understand your own inner workings
Are most fortunate. You must beseech yourselves to
Creating a more positive earth atmosphere.
In a world inundated with hatred and fear
It may be that our survival is up to you.
People who hold the light can do amazing things.

If like most of us you don’t seem to realize
What goes on in your inner world some adjusting
Is needed but you will eventually see
What is truthful and how of service you can be
To the world. Inner freedom relies on trusting
In benevolence. Those who believe this are wise.

You allow the freedom which already exists
Inside to surface when you decide to do so.
Each of us is a bright, effervescent creature
Of divine light. We have as an added feature
Enough love in our hearts that we’re able to grow
Even as negativity on earth persists.

Look no further than within for the qualities
Of compassion and caring. They lie inside you
Begging for the opportunity to rise and
Shine the way so that all consciousness may expand.
Present your truest essence in all that you do.
You can maintain alignment with relative ease.

Do Only What You Want

Bold And Carefree

How do you feel when someone tells you that you must
Do something? You probably don’t like it that much.
A feeling of rebellion may overcome you
Because you want to Do Only What You Want to.
Even when one commands with a delicate touch
Doing what they say becomes a matter of trust.

You live in a world that has tried to motivate
You into doing things that you’d rather not do.
You get over it and you treat yourself this way.
Demanding of yourself leads only to dismay.
You cannot find something that will motivate you
Into doing something you absolutely hate.

When you plan a vacation you’re cleaver and clear.
You remember exactly what to take along.
You’re excited about how much fun it will be.
You create a magnificent reality.
Does your work call you in this way? Would it be wrong
To admit that what you do is much out of fear?

Let everything you do be inspired from within.
When you have no resistance then what you should do
Calls you forward and action comes naturally.
In this way you can certainly get yourself free
Of a whole lot of stuff that’s been preventing you
From enjoying life. It’s about time to begin.

Deliberately Doing Nothing

Lazy Day

Choose only what feels best to you. Learn to relax
And do noting deliberately. Doing so
Is still doing something but at least you can say
That it could be the start of a wonderful day
One where into your life many blessings will flow.
Just enjoy whatever you’re doing to the max.

Everything that you’ve been living and asking for
Becomes known by universal intelligence.
It knows you most completely and it adores you.
You can adore it right back by attending to
Your vibration. The things that you need to commence
Are commencing and working for you ever more.

Be inspired to do the things that you want to do.
If it’s something you don’t then block off enough time
To do it without pushing yourself to the hilt.
If you find yourself doing something out of guilt
You may feel that your not doing it is a crime.
Remember that what you do is all up to you.

You can assume the identity of one who
Is on quite a vacation with fascinating
Things to do with all kinds of exciting people.
As you learn how to chill your whole life becomes full
And delicious. Relaxing is stimulating
For the over stressed and over worked parts of you.

The Story Of Abundance

Raining Cash

I can tell a new story if the one I tell
Isn’t truly uplifting. I’m energized by
Telling one that’s exciting about abundance.
I’ll speak of it whenever I’m given the chance
Or I’ll just simply take it. I’ll talk about why
Having lots of money would do me very well.

It’s fun to imagine huge amounts of money
Flowing to me. I understand that with practice
I’ll control my vibration so that I’ll receive
What I want. I know that it’s easy to achieve
An alignment that’s close to the state of pure bliss.
Money then is connected to this energy.

Like the air that I breathe money goes in and out.
My desire draws it in and my ease of thought lets
It flow out – in and out – and always easily.
This is part of my rich never ending story.
Currently I have very limited assets
But I will become wealthy. I have not a doubt.

I’m aware of the absolute correlation
Between what I think and feel about money and
What is happening in my life experience.
I love knowing that I receive strong evidence
That of my point of attraction I have command.
Nothing can interfere with my expectation.

Your Vibration

Energy Profile

Electricity and magnetism are real.
They’re invisible forces yet we know that they
Do exist in the same way your own vibration
Emanates from you. Though it’s of your creation,
It’s intangible, and this is all just to say
That reality has to do with how you feel.

What you think, how you feel, and therefore what occurs
In your life is always a vibrational match.
If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted
You’re marching toward something that will have daunted
Your own sense of wellbeing. It’s better to latch
Onto that which your truest self strongly prefers.

Now if the drum you’re beating is one that feels good
Then you’re marching toward something that will surprise
And delight you every step along your journey.
Doesn’t it make good sense to live life happily?
Your whole life becomes better when you realize
How to tweak Your Vibration as everyone should.

First believe that you transmit a signal always
And that it tells the universe and the world how
To treat you. Then believe that you have access to
The higher, wiser, and more evolved part of you.
It guides you in the ever present here and now
And it remains with you throughout all of your days.

Becoming Invincible

Bright Day Ahead

So much has come before you. The world has been here
Long before your arrival preparing for you.
You’re Source energy in a physical body
And your purpose is to live your life happily.
All That Is thanks you for your willingness to chew
On the contrast in this physical atmosphere.

All That Is is what Source is and you are the same
Energy that creates worlds. You’re selfish enough
To want to feel good always. You’re fully aware
Of what feels otherwise and you stay clear of there.
You’re prepared for whenever the going gets tough
Because to you this wonderful life is a game.

You have no idea of how worthy you are
So at times you expect choices to be bigger
And harder to make, find, apply, and to achieve.
In such cases you must try your best to believe
That you’re worthy of better. Don’t let it trigger
A downward momentum because you’ve come too far.

All That Is benefits from all that you go through
On your journey but do it for yourself also.
As you do you’ll feel less vulnerability.
You will feel more invincible naturally.
There is no stopping you due to what you now know.
Take advantage of what has been laid out for you.

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

Clues Are Being Given

Detailed Search

There exists not a person who’s without a clue
Contrary to the insult that often is used
Against others to make them feel unconnected
From reality. People should be respected.
If someone says, “You’re clueless.”, you’re wrongly accused.
Don’t believe what you know in your heart isn’t true.

You’ve put with great precision details into your
Own vortex of creation. You can’t remember
All that you’ve put there but your inner being knows
Everything about you and it constantly shows
You the way to fulfillment. All that you prefer
It’s aware of. It’s always knocking at your door.

It may be that sometimes you get in your own way
By not keeping yourself more consciously aware
Of the clues as they happen or you may not be
Happy with your most challenging reality
But you must know for certain that the clues are there.
They’re given to you throughout each and every day.

The path of least resistance is offered to you
By your own inner being with whom you’re in touch
At any given moment. You can easily
Find the clues that will lead to your being happy.
When you feel good the universe can give you much
Information and with it a much broader view.

Let The Universe Take Your Order

Culinary Skill

In a huge well-stocked kitchen The Chef operates
For the purpose of serving all of humankind.
All the good, bad, and ugly is on the menu.
It’s the contrast life offers that we all sift through.
As we choose preferences they become refined
In the mind as a wonderful meal it creates.

Now that you’ve placed your order kick back and relax.
Let the restaurant staff do their work faithfully
By not asking them how much longer it will take.
That would be rude and useless. The peace that you make
With your order will help you out enormously
So let your anticipation reach a climax.

As you’re waiting you can think about how the meal
Will bring to you much pleasure and satisfaction.
It’s absurd to be worried that it may not come.
It’s important then for you to stay away from
Negative thoughts by looking for some distraction
For a while from the thing with which you cannot deal.

If you aren’t selfish enough to care about how
You feel from moment to moment then you can’t tune
To the resources earmarked for you. You must be
Receptive to all the restaurant energy
And your meal will be delivered to you as soon
As you stop the resistance and learn to allow.

Be Unlimited

Touching Infinity

The belief factor has already done its work.
When something occurs that causes the launching of
Desire for something better but your beliefs are
Not aligned with receiving you’re terribly far
From fulfillment. You must keep your spirit above
Negativity. From this duty you can’t shirk.

Life causes you to want things. Your understanding
Of how the laws of the universe operate
Determines how much wellbeing you’re letting in.
Ignorance is the only mother of chagrin.
If you can keep yourself in a positive state
Then your influence will be always expanding.

Your inner being knows your power and value
And it knows the most pleasing path for you to take.
It is calling you constantly. Why don’t you go?
For whatever the reason it’s helpful to know
That old habits of believing though tough to break
Can be conquered. The power resides within you.

Life goes by rather quickly as if you’re skiing.
If you hit a tree going fast, damage is done
But if you hit it slowly then all is okay.
Watch where you’re going. Pay attention to the way
That you think and believe and of course have more fun
Being a happily ever after being.

Create Who You Are

Living Art

You’ve an axis of power when you surrender
To the infinite interior of your soul.
“I don’t know” is your mantra. You don’t try to force
Anything. You’ve learned how to rely on your source
Of creative influence. That which makes you whole
Has become your own emotional scale tender.

The Brahman is unknown to those who know it and
Is known to those who know it not. Anytime you
Voluntarily give up control you access
The unlimited power of your consciousness.
You may be limited by the things you cling to
But how to let go of them you now understand.

Much energy can be wasted on self-defense
Or in trying to make things conform to your will.
You know now that it makes you not trust anyone.
You’re the dictator who knows not how to have fun.
Letting go requires no special rigorous skill.
Being efficient comes with too great an expense.

The true power within you allows you to be
The cooperative component in your own
Self creation. You’ve learned how to be satisfied
With yourself as you are and to take certain pride
In how much in the way of consciousness you’ve grown.
Happiness comes with living in humility.

You Are The Universe

Alien Citizen

The world of human drama is nothing compared
To the whole of existence. The intelligence
That created the universe created us.
How it all happened would be something to discuss
But since nobody knows it wouldn’t make much sense.
Manifold are the scientific theories shared.

You can understand things like your intuition,
Synchronicity, happenstance, and harmony
Once you reach the state of God realization.
You’ll be truly amazed by all that you get done
When through the eyes of divinity you can see.
You become more compassionate with everyone.

What is that inner calling that tells you when you
Are off track – the one that you will often ignore?
It’s that divine, organizing intelligence
That created all things in the universe. Hence
You’re the same as this intellect. What could be more
Satisfying than adopting this point of view?

Subatomic particles don’t act like inert
Agent entities. They each seem to have a mind
Of their own. They respond to our thinking process
And our point of attraction. We are nothing less
Than the infinite universe and we’re inclined
To create. Each of us is a living expert.

The Fast Track To Abundance

Sleeping In Cash

Without even knowing it you were trained into
Your thoughts and beliefs about money by people
Who don’t have it. They’re struggling. They’re irritated
By the people who have it. What they’ve created
Is a mindset that in their lives can’t be helpful
And it may be hard to alter that point of view.

Look what’s going on. Just listen a little bit
To the national – even global dialogue
About money. It’s from the perspective of lack
So the reporting is all about keeping track
Of the lack. Many people are kept in a fog
About it. Their worry is of no benefit.

It doesn’t take much easing up on your habits
Of thought before abundance starts to flow to you.
When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different and brand new
Like relax your vibration your dream will come true.
Your trust in the process yields many benefits.

Fast money must be ‘bad’ money? This isn’t so.
Your wanting is like a rubber band pulled back far.
When you let go of the resistance it will go
With much power and quickly. The more that you know
About what’s holding you back the better you are
At correcting yourself as you go with the flow.

To What Beat Are You Marching?

Musical Landscape

Myriad are the songs that people are singing
And playing and they march to their own tunes and those
Of others whether or not they like what they hear
Or they may dance to a melody out of fear
Of whatever despite what their true spirit knows.
They may not know what their discontent is bringing.

You may know that not all songs are fun and upbeat.
Some are downright depressing and yet they become
Popular. People march to whatever they see
As distracting from their current reality.
They don’t realize that they’re still beating the drum
That will only lead them into utter defeat.

Each one of us composes the song that we play
With the flesh and blood instrument. We harmonize
Or we don’t according to individual
Preferences. We all have become natural
Musicians and it comes as not a huge surprise
That we can manifest anything in this way.

You create your vibration and it’s your main song
To this world and the universe and it’s as real
As your unfettered consciousness. March to the beat
Of your own masterpiece which is never complete.
Discern what not to march to by the way you feel.
Know that right here and now is right where you belong.

Life Is Like A Vacation Every Day

Serene Summer

There’s a path from where you are to where you want to
Be on every subject because the Source within
You knows what you want, where you are, and how to lead
You to your destination. You really don’t need
To offer so much struggle. It’s time to begin
To relax and let life work itself out for you.

It’s called the path of least resistance. If you’ve got
Some resistance you can’t see the path as clearly
As you would if you didn’t have the resistance.
When you try hard it complicates your circumstance.
Zoom out far enough from it and then you will see
That your work doesn’t yield a whole hell of a lot.

The effort that you’re offering indicates that
You’re tuned to the wrong frequency. If you need to
Explain things until you think your head will explode
It’s a sign that you’ve gotten yourself off the road
To fulfillment and all the defending you do
Of your position is keeping you where you’re at.

Life is meant to feel like a vacation to you
Everyday. Remember that lighthearted feeling
You once had as a child. You can have that again.
What you think needs to be done do it only when
You’ve had time to administer some self-healing
And you’ll find it’s the most enlightened thing to do.

Be Done With Struggle

Holding The Chain

Almost everyone has feelings of ceilings or
Limitations on how much money they equate
With their living the good life. How much is enough
Or too little? To think about that kind of stuff
Can be joyful or something one could grow to hate.
Folks have money but they’d rather have a lot more.

People happily spend it. Does that irritate
Anyone in particular or as a whole
Class of people? Does it seem like sheer wastefulness?
Are there feelings of anger you’d like to express
To the wealthy? Do you feel that they have control
Of the world? Do you think it’s a matter of fate?

Every dollar that’s spent is paying someone who
Created something of value and all of those
Who helped and who supported its coming to be.
Spending is of benefit to society.
You don’t have to know all that a rich person knows
For the wealth to find its way easily to you.

There’s some struggle regarding shortage consciousness.
It’s like sucking in air and not letting it out.
The economy grows because people create
Things of value. When you learn to appreciate
The wellbeing apparent you will have no doubt
That about getting money you will have success.

Let Go And Let God

The Threshold

Long before all else fails why not put yourself in
A more trusting position? If you’re doing well
But you want more to happen you have to believe
That it will. The only thing you have to achieve
Is alignment with that which is ringing your bell.
Not to do so would be committing a grave sin.

Don’t take score about where your are. Trust the process.
If you make peace with where you are you will succeed
In the long run due to your improved attitude.
Let the spirit within you cause you to conclude
That all is well. You want to let go of the need
To keep measuring your spiritual progress.

Let go of the oars and let the boat turn around
So that it’s pointed downstream. There’s nothing upstream
That you want. Let how you feel determine the way
That your boat turns. Once it does it’s easy to stay
Pointed downstream where life can be lived like a dream.
In your surrendering control much can be found.

When you feel negative emotion it means that
Your boat is pointed upstream. Find some way to find
Some relief from the opposition and the stress.
To the minds who create worlds you have full access.
As you Let Go And Let God you’ll be more inclined
To feel better. Is this not something to look at?

If This Is Happening It’s Ready To Manifest

Small Life

The highest manifestation to which I am
Feeling enormous positive emotion has
Already manifested in the form of the
Positive emotion that I’m feeling. To be
Able at any moment to feel as good as
I decide to is my rather simple program.

As I note the successful manifestation
Of the positive emotion all the details
Will fill in quickly. The emotion is the thing
Most important. My happiness alone can bring
Good things to me as long as my spirit prevails
In its quest for deliberate co-creation.

So it’s here. I accept that. But does it defy
What is logical? Is this the way of a fool?
If I feel anticipation and excitement
Then how can it be considered an indictment
Of my purpose? To me that simply isn’t cool.
When I’m feeling good I love to tell others why.

There are those who feel absence. They try to fill it
With the things that they think will make them feel better
But the void can be filled with appreciation,
Clarity, fulfillment, and extreme elation.
When you feel this way wonderful things must occur.
Your feelings are provided for your benefit.

Moving On From The Past

Boring Moment

“With my past I’m unhappy. I deeply regret
Things that I’ve done to others. I’m disconnected
From my true self. The gap between me and what I
Mostly want keeps expanding. I cannot deny
That perhaps I deserve being disrespected.
I’m a fool to incur such emotional debt.”

Anytime you feel strong negative emotion
And it’s chronic it means that your thinking is wrong.
If you can learn your lessons and feel true remorse
You can get past it and get your life back on course.
Take your mind off of what you did. Sing a new song.
To your now moment you must give full devotion.

You can’t do much about the mess you left behind.
You just have to let it go and accept that you
Did it all then move on. Your point of attraction
Is enhanced. Don’t pay penance for what you have done
In the past. To the present your heart must be true.
Find the best feeling thoughts to recover your mind.

A new mindset is needed. You’re moving toward
Something better – not away from something not right.
What prevents you from experiencing wholeness
Is your focus on ‘what is.’ It causes you stress.
Pay attention only to what brings you delight.
Any thought contrary to it must be ignored.

What Is Mindfulness

At One

It’s something that I know I had when I was young
Then I lost it for such a long time then regained
The awareness that I posses naturally.
It fits in well with my spirituality.
Mindfulness meditation can best be explained
As the song of the universe gracefully sung.

I need not get too spiritual about it
For it to be effective. My tapping into
The whole of who I am I’ve come to understand
As my getting into the zone. I can expand
My consciousness in this way. All that I need do
Is to focus intently and not just a bit.

Without interpretation or judgment I am
Well aware of what’s happening all around me.
Guided imagery and breathing methods help to
Relax my mind and body. There’s nothing to do
But exist. This is the definition of free.
About anything else I do not give a damn.

Pay attention to what you’re doing and allow
Your senses to absorb the whole experience.
Treat yourself as your own best friend. You can do this
Anytime that you choose. You’re a moment from bliss.
Mindfulness offers benefits that are immense.
Do embrace the fine art of observing your now.

Like Magic

Magical Gifts

You’re the creator of your own reality.
You are in the process of creating not one
But two realities. Contrast causes you to
Expand and add to the much greater part of you –
The eternal one. Also of your creation
Is how you feel right now and the way that you see.

What you want is to merge these two realities
Into one happy person. Your eternal soul
Won’t go with you if you choose to fuss and complain
Or point out the injustices and the insane
Goings on over which you do not have control.
It’s your goal to see as your eternal soul sees.

Whenever you feel negative emotion you
Are thinking about something quite differently
Than who you really are is. If you continue
Feeling badly then it may develop into
An illness but your positive thinking can be
An effective deterrent to your feeling blue.

Your power of influence is mighty when you
Are aligned with who you truly are. When you’re not
Then your power is paltry, so your alignment
With your soul is your key to your feeling content.
How you think and feel do really matter a lot.
Take advantage of all that you know to be true.

What Is The Meaning Of Life?

Mixed Meanings

Maybe it’s just a dark phase or maybe it’s true
That the soul of humanity cannot be healed
Of its hatred, conceit, and insatiable greed.
If life has any meaning then why is there need?
Why is human behavior such a battlefield?
Life is twisted. We have a narrow point of view.

Everyone has a task that they came to complete.
Unempowered personalities aren’t aware
Of the soul and its calling. They take refuge in
Getting external power. They think they will win
The big prize. It’s a big challenge for them to care
About injustice as long as their life is sweet.

But it cannot compensate for the lingering
Sense of inner emptiness. Something is always
Missing in life. Be at one with what you’re doing.
Your soul lets you know what you should be pursuing.
In your bliss you do not have to deal with this phase
Of extreme darkness. Continue to do your thing.

When you’re aligned with your soul then you’re empowered.
You feel energized and alive doing what you
Love to do. It doesn’t have to be some big thing
Like curing cancer. It can be simply learning
Something new and exciting. So keep your hart true
To your soul’s calling. Passion within you is stirred.

The Power Of Intention

Speeding Fireball

Nothing happens on this earth without intention.
Not one single thing has ever be accomplished
Without intention. Intention is everything.
Using it properly, it cannot help but bring
About what you want. Everything you ever wished
For can be had simply by focused attention.

Spirituality is about relieving
The pain and suffering of others. You’re aligned
With your purpose when you feel extremely lucky
To be a part of this human community.
Your intention may be that all of humankind
Be a lot more truthful and much less deceiving.

You intended to be here in this time and space.
Everything happening in this moment is your
Single manifestation. It’s all within you.
You’re the consciousness that makes my existence true.
Your intention, now stronger than ever before,
Is a virtual magnet for infinite grace.

Do enjoy what your doing and don’t even care
If it’s meaningful to anyone else but you
Because you’re all that matters. Intend to be free
To be the creative master you’re meant to be.
Be aware of the healing in all that you do.
You have done much already so take comfort there.

Emotional Healing

Colorful Mind

What happens when we start asking the question when
We’re with someone, “What’s it like to be this person?”
Children rarely will do this. Their stories are all
About themselves because their worlds are rather small
As they should be. If they thought that it would be fun
They would probably do it again and again.

Divisions among people are made sorely clear.
Growing pains are the conscience of humanity.
Somewhere locked in our DNA so it would seem
Is the tendency to take things to the extreme.
Perhaps people think that they are more than worthy
Of supremacy yet we still grapple with fear.

When we pause and just ask the questions we begin
To release some resistance. “What’s it like to be
This person? What does this person need? Who are they
Deep inside? Who is looking through those eyes?”
You may

Gain some insight you can depend on completely.
There’s no harm in doing so and it’s not a sin.

We live with separations and don’t understand
One another and it’s getting worse by the day.
We don’t understand what the experience of
Difference is. It keeps us from learning to love
One another. Diversity won’t go away.
To ask the question is both radical and grand.

Stops Along The Way

Punctuated Routes

On the journey to what I think makes my life whole
And complete, there are many detours and places
To be checkpointed. Thank God for my GPS
For without it my life would be a total mess.
At each stop there are things that my heart embraces
Such that I’m not that bothered with reaching my goal.

Sometimes I’ll find myself on my way to some things.
Often my inner being will lead me to an
Experience that will help me to activate
And fine tune my vibration wherein I create
The best moment, then the next… I know that I can
Be aligned with the blessings each new moment brings.

I can look there and not find it then look elsewhere
And still not find it before I finally do.
All those places where I looked before were not wrong.
They’re all part of a fun game. As I play along
Blessings seem to be coming from out of the blue.
I honor the existence of both here and there.

Where I am is sufficient for getting where I
Want to be because I always have access to
Inner guidance. It tells me when I’m way off track.
My emotions offer me tremendous feedback.
Any place is the right place as long as I do
What it takes without my having to wonder why.

A Productive Question

Interrogative Crisis

Life is a never-ending state of becoming
Something more than we are now. Nothing stays the same.
Life is always in motion. Change is natural.
Transformation of everything is eternal.
From the previous cycle the present one came
Yet the questions of time need not be mind-numbing.

You don’t have to have a death experience to
Become one with the oneness of all that exists.
You can do it through yoga or meditation
Or by doing something that’s exciting and fun.
Let yourself be happy as your spirit insists.
Anything that’s uplifting will benefit you.

You have an active vibration going on here
In the present, and infinite intelligence
Is available to you. What would be the most
Meaningful question to ask? Can you get engrossed
In the asking? When your emotion is intense
You can then be assured that the answer is near.

How can you move in the direction of what you
Can become? What is your path of least resistance
To all that you want? It’s not about getting there
In an instant. It’s about becoming aware
In each moment, no matter what the circumstance,
Of your power in asking for yet something new.


Comforting Touch

Every emotion you feel in life is a choice,
Which means that you control everything that you feel.
You were meant to enjoy life. If you can learn how,
You’ll never be a burden on others. Allow
That to be your gift to others and the ordeal
Of your own neediness you will not want to voice.

The least selfish thing you can do and the most kind
Is to be in alignment with the best of you.
It’s also the most loving and graceful of things
You can do. Clarity and wellbeing it brings.
So, can it be called selfless? What you choose to do
To help others can in itself be self-inclined.

Everyone has the right to live their life as they
Choose to live it, as long as they don’t interfere
With the same right of others. “We love the things we
Love for what they are.”
When you love genuinely,

Empathy becomes natural. Then you can hear
What the other is saying. Fear washes away.

What you think of yourself must be more important
Than what others think of you. You give up control
In the moment you let others know you’re willing
To do anything for them. You can by filling
Your heart with love reach into someone else’s soul.
It’s okay to be selfless. There’s no one who can’t.

Align With The Numbers

Lucky Numbers

If you don’t play, you can’t win. If you feel the urge
To go purchase that ticket, what you can expect
Is some lingering feelings of doubt that you’ll win.
Any thought of not winning is a mortal sin
With respect to your lining up with the object
Of your wishes. These different roads must diverge.

How do you take the urgency out of it all?
You want money – and lots of it – to come to you
In a hurry. You’ve asked for it, and it is done.
First, believe that, and then transition has begun
To more clarity. You’ll have a new point of view
That still has some resistance, but it’s very small.

Get your kicks from the pleasure of the unfolding
Of your journey. You don’t want to get to the end
In one fell swoop. You want to have fun on the way.
When you don’t need the ticket you cannot fall prey
To the urgency aspect. The money you spend
When you’re doubtful is another kind offering.

Everything you do to justify the doneness
Of something that’s already done pulls you in the
Opposite direction. You know that it’s coming
Don’t get hung up on how the universe will bring
It to you. You can trust the process completely.
In your happiness you’re always making progress.

You Are Given All The Clues

Questions For Magnification

You have put with precision details into your
Vortex of Creation. But what the heck is that?
It’s the state of being where all that you desire
Coalesces. All that you’ve wanted your entire
Existence is contained there. So right off the bat
It’s something to consider had you not before.

You can call it your Inner Being if that makes
It a bit easier for you to understand.
It remembers all that you have ever wished for
Even though you can’t. It contains a whole lot more
Than you could comprehend. What you’ve put there is grand.
Get to know more about it whatever it takes.

You never give up a dream, but sometimes you give
Up resistance and then the dream happens for you.
How much of what you’ve asked for are you letting in?
If you can make yourself happy you can begin
To partake of your Vortex. It has every clue
That you need to live the way that you want to live.

You’re guided along your path of least resistance
In each moment by your Inner Being who knows
Your vibrational escrow and is most aware
Of the thing that you have to do to get you there
To that place where the provident universe shows
How much it can delight you. Do give it the chance.

You Will Never Stop Wanting

Ever Wanting

Do know that life is supposed to be good for you.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
So much has come before you. Your inheritance
Is of massive proportion. It isn’t by chance
That you are who you are, and vibrationally,
You’re aligned with your purpose. Each moment is new.

You’re selfish enough to feel as good as you can
By forking in the direction that feels as good
As you can make it feel. You pay more attention
To the way that you feel and to having more fun
Than the chatter of others who say that you should
Be working a lot harder on some noble plan.

You will begin to see physical evidence
That you are queued up to receive wonderful things.
There’s no price to be paid. You are more than worthy
Of the best life can offer. You must be ready
To receive. You will tap into all the wellsprings
Of abundance and spiritual providence.

You will never stop asking for something better.
That was your promise to Source before you came here.
You will understand what’s happening to you and
Why it’s happening to you. You will take command
Of your life. Your outlook will be perfectly clear.
To the universe you are an open letter.

Let The Universe Bring It To You

Summoning The Power

You don’t have to make it happen physically.
You can just Let The Universe Bring It To You.
It’s not lazy to line up with the energy
That creates worlds throughout all of eternity.
When you line up with this energy you can do
Very little and make anything come to be.

It feels good to feel good, and when you let that be
Your main mantra, you’re in a state of receiving
What you want. But if you have some lingering doubt,
Then what you want isn’t likely to come about.
It will come to you only when you’re believing
Strongly that it has manifested already.

Line up with it and it’s yours. Like tuning your dial
To the station that you want, you don’t want to hear
Anything incongruent with what you prefer.
Only what you let into your ears will occur.
You have the benefit of a mind that is clear
Regarding your intention. It is all worthwhile.

You’re not depriving anyone of abundance
By your having abundance. Those who don’t know that
Are addicted to struggle, shortage consciousness,
And society’s mindset. It all leads to stress
To the soul and the psyche. To know where you’re at
Is to manifest under any circumstance.

Don’t Do What You Don’t Want

Satisfaction is what your inner being feels
All the time about who you are and about where
You are going. Satisfaction comes from one place.
Moving in the direction of what you embrace,
Just as your inner being does, will get you there.
Be open to the wisdom your true heart reveals.

You live in a world that has tried to motivate
You into doing things that you don’t want to do.
When you think about going to work do you feel
Satisfaction such that you’re overcome with zeal?
It would be a nice thing only if it were true.
When you think of vacation, you can hardly wait.

People try to control you by their demanding,
Whining, and complaining. Never do anything
You don’t want to do. It sets a bad example
For the rest of us. Do not let others trample
Any bit of your freedom. Your inner being
Is your source, your guidance, and your understanding.

You can’t motivate yourself, and you can’t demand
Of yourself to do anything. You will receive
Inspiration that will call you forward when you
Are resistance free. You can do what you want to
And not worry that there’s something you won’t achieve.
Let your inner being be the one in command.

The Simple Secret To Happiness

Joyful Leap

I’m happy to be happy. It’s my decision,
And it’s made in an instant. I don’t have to wait
For conditions to be how I want them to be.
Everything that I need for joy is within me.
I decide in this moment that I will feel great.
My outlook on life doesn’t need a revision.

What are the blocks to happiness? It’s believing
That they are my reality. Then I create
What is needed to have them. Now I’m quite aware
That there are no beleaguering big blocks out there.
It’s not hard to remain in a positive state
When I know that my thinking can be deceiving.

I felt so undeserving because of my past
Misdirected behavior. How’d I let that go?
I decided that it’s better for me to live
Than to self-flagellate. It was hard to forgive
Myself for my wrongdoings. I did manage though.
I had found the relief I needed at long last.

I’m not searching for happiness. I bring it to
Whatever I am doing. I am happiness.
In the absence of pleasure I can find it there
Because it’s totally an internal affair.
In this moment, I chose to have complete access
To that high flying feeling that is ever new.

Love Of Life

Joy Of Being

To turn thoughts into things is why you have come here
To this leading-edge planet. You’re an extension
Of divine energy. You are co-creating
With eight billion others. It’s a wonderful thing
To be living in this physical dimension.
There are so many things within it to hold dear.

This environment is one of diversity –
Not of sameness. The world is becoming much more
Than it ever was. You came to participate
In this mass evolution. You appreciate
Every opportunity you have to explore
The contrast to determine how good life can be.

You knew things that you knew you would not remember
Upon coming here. There is a separation
That you fully agreed to, but you have guidance.
Don’t think that you arrived here totally by chance.
You are part of the magnificent creation
Of a life on earth that most people would prefer.

You love taking your inner being to places
That it has never been before. You’re its tour guide
As it leads you to happiness along the way.
It does not condemn you if you choose to betray
Its influence. You have the freedom to decide
To be receptive to spiritual graces.

Tired Of Struggling

Work Fatigue

Be aware of how you feel. It gives you a clue
That your struggle may be useless. Only you know
When it’s time to do something. It’s driving you mad.
Your whole life would have been much better if you had
Never followed your current path. Nothing to show
Have you for all your effort. What are you to do?

Everybody’s working harder than they mean to.
There’s a lot being offered vibrationally
That is counterproductive – like marching in place.
Your world is governed by the thoughts that you embrace.
You can feel your way into how things ought to be.
How you feel about anything is up to you.

Only two choices there are, most people believe:
Either to be a good person by working hard
Or a bad one by being irresponsible.
You don’t want to be one who is disrespectful,
But there are other choices that cannot be barred
From your God given propensity to conceive.

You can be an aligned citizen, as it were,
Of the universe. Your struggle is not in vain.
It’s a wake-up call, if you will let it be so.
It is an opportunity for you to grow.
If you take it as such you’ll have so much to gain.
You are not far from living the life you prefer.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

Pointed In The Proper Direction

The Best Way

You are always emanating a vibration,
And the Law of Attraction is responding to
Whatever that vibration is. What you think and
What you feel, therefore what manifests, understand
That they’re always a vibrational match. So, you
Have control over much of your situation.

If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted,
Then you’re marching toward something that, when it comes,
You won’t like. If you’re beating the drum of something
That you want, when it comes, much delight it will bring.
You know how to tap into the infinite sums
Of blessings universal. You’re never daunted.

Every creation is complete in the mind’s eye,
Long before you can sense physical evidence
Of its realness. Life experience has caused you
To ask, and it is given. From your point of view,
 Every unfolding moment is filled with suspense.
You attract unto you without having to try.

Get a good sense of how true that vibrational
Creation is. When you do, you’ll never again
Doubt that it can become manifested for you.
Point yourself in the direction that is most true
To your positive spirit. You will prosper then.
Life can be something wonderfully supernal.

New Story

Life Conjuring

Money is as available as all the air
I can breathe. I do like breathing it in and out.
It is fun to imagine a lot of money
Flowing to me. I daydream of it blissfully.
In my space of creating there’s no room for doubt.
What I think about money I do so with care.

I’m the creator of my own reality.
I see how my feeling about money affects
How much comes to me. I’m happy to understand
That, with practice, I’ll be able to take command
Of my attitude. I become one who expects
Many magnificent things to happen to me.

I can tell by the way I’m feeling whether I
Am focused on abundance or on its absence.
Confident I am that in time I will align
My thinking with abundance. I will do just fine.
Money has to flow into my experience
If I’m ready to have it. Some laws do apply.

It’s not necessary for me to understand
Other people’s perspectives. I find alignment
In my own thoughts and feelings about abundance.
I am one who is able to fully finance
My desire by expecting the wanted event
To evolve. My New Story is as I have planned.

Practice Wellbeing

Abundance Of Heart

Everything that happens is a co-creation,
And when I decide I’m going to blame the one
Who seems most at fault, nothing much will have been gained.
My part in the whole matter must be ascertained
And acknowledged by me, then progress is begun
Toward healing an unworthy situation.

Cooperative Components we are to one
Another – not to do bad things and not to teach
On another life lessons. We’re here to sift through
The abundance of contrast. We could form a new
Coalition of countenance, lest we beseech
The mindset of confusion in getting things done.

The source in me has a different opinion
Often than I do. It sees the world as sublime
In its essence. It values the variety.
It is the source of all my creativity.
There is nothing better I can do with my time
Than to find ways to be happy and have more fun.

As I do, I begin to tune my vibration
To my source. There can be nothing accidental,
As everything is vibrationally aligned.
If I practice this, in a short time I may find
That my happiness in life is fundamental.
I shall know the meaning of appreciation.

A Crisis Of Experience

Caution Needed

Beliefs that are contrary to the basic Law
Of Attraction
cause me to express a desire

For a better understanding of how it works.
I’ve heard tell of the many and wonderful perks
That come with such wise knowing to which I aspire.
There are no negative conclusions I can draw.

My inner being knows well the path I should take
That is most pleasing for me. It knows my value
And power, and it is calling me constantly.
It will keep calling until eventually
A Crisis Of Experience just happens to
Slap me upside the head so that I come awake.

“I’ll go out on the leading edge,” I said before
I arrived in the physical. “I’ll discover
Things that cannot be discovered unless I’m out
On that edge.”
With this promise, there can be no doubt

That I am here to be an all purpose lover.
Sifting through all the contrast is what I adore.

I know that my limiting beliefs are the cause
Of my problems. I know there does not need to be
An intermediary between me and my
Inner being. On it I’ll completely rely.
Alignment with what I’ve created consciously
Is my infinite goal, and to heck with what was.

Not Everyone Gets It

Sensations Are Relative

Some people just don’t get it, and that is okay.
I know I don’t. It’s something not well understood
By the general population throughout their
Daily routines. Can I learn to be more aware
Of what goes on around me? And can I get good
At deciphering feelings the old fashioned way?

There is one major frequency or vibration
That all humans are linked to perpetually.
A lot of people are trained to pretend that they
Are not one with the wavelength. Therefore they betray
Their true sense of alignment with who they could be.
Fundamental is this vibe to all creation.

We perceive melodies by discerning the notes
And the spaces between them, but it’s all just noise
To someone who is tone deaf, and the color blind
Cannot understand beauty as it is defined
By the artist. The one with full senses enjoys
More of what life presents us or shoves down our throats.

In the same way, our sense of alignment may be
Not as sharp as it could be. Both cause and effect
Are the same event. The head does not ‘cause’ the tail.
Once this wisdom is digested you cannot fail.
The words and the music cannot be incorrect
For the one who is centered emotionally.

Life Is A Vacation

Relax Into Life

No manifestation can take place in spirit
Because physical substance does not exist there.
That’s why those who are in spirit are focused here
On this leading edge. In this perfect atmosphere
They observe and have guidance they most gladly share
With those who are willing and able to hear it.

Manifestation is the most spiritual
And authentic part of the creative process.
This path of culmination is co-creation
Between ourselves and spirit because anyone
Who is open to spirit will have more success.
It’s sublime if it can become habitual.

That Life Is A Vacation is becoming clear
To me as someone now physically focused.
Blissfulness begets boredom in reality.
That’s why spirit allows for resistance to be
One of our standard choices. We must learn to trust
In our gut feelings always to mitigate fear.

To the things we want the path of least resistance
Is revealed. If you’ve got resistance going on
Then you can’t see the path and put too much effort
On achieving things. Your sweat and tears only thwart
What is coming right to you. Conclusions foregone
Favor this fine vacation within the expanse.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.