Tag Archive | maintaining

Stop Resistance

Connected Hearts

Why do my manifestations always seem to
Go somewhere else? It’s as if I’m creating for
Other people. There must be something wrong with me
Or with how I’m creating. I just want to be
Of the proper vibration. What can give me more
Of an edge? What is it that I clearly must do?

Finding the path of least resistance I know will
Benefit me greatly but where do I begin?
It’s by practicing feeling good ‘til I’ve allowed
Something to manifest. My head’s not in a cloud
About it. At this game of life I want to win.
Many dreams in this world I have yet to fulfill.

I’ve been defending and justifying to those
Who don’t think I deserve what I want which has caused
My vibration to wither but now I’m aware
Of what happened. I don’t have to stay focused there.
If I do then the good flowing to me is paused.
I’ll go with what the most evolved part of me knows.

What I know now is different from what I knew
Before indoctrination into the mindset
Of innate insufficiency. My life reflects
What I know now. I look for positive aspects
In every situation. I’m willing to let
It all happen without my having much to do.

That Was Then, This Is Now

So What?

Rather than talk about how things used to be you
Can speak of what’s becoming. The thing about ‘then’
Is that focusing on it keeps you where you are.
Following such a path will take you very far
From where you’d like to be. Magic can happen when
You decide to begin something totally new.

Maintaining you vibration is absolutely
Your most important work. Feeling good is your goal.
The path of least resistance is manifested
To all things in your whole life that you’ve requested.
Trust that the universe has things under control.
Again, your only job is to live happily.

Try your best not to go where you don’t want to go.
Don’t get hung up on what you did not know before.
What you know now is much different from what you
Knew before. There are so many things you can do
To maintain your alignment so you can get more
Inspiration to complement all that you know.

Yet to take a little trip down memory lane
Can sometimes be uplifting because everything
That you lived validates what you know here and now.
What was then, if it’s troublesome, do not allow
It to mess with the myriad blessings you bring
To the world. Nothing you do is ever in vain.

Your Way

Green Luck

Yes you can have it Your Way! Don’t let anyone
Tell you otherwise. You absolutely control
Your own destiny by being fully aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. When you give proper care
To your attitude you’ll achieve any set goal
And your life will be accented with lots of fun.

You control your relationship with everything
That surrounds you. It’s vibrational at its core.
There are some things you cannot control with action
Because this universe is one of attraction.
From your place of alignment you can do much more
Without effort because of what you’re offering.

When you get into that place you stop trying to
Control anything but your vibrational stance
Of alignment. The Law of Attraction takes care
Of everything. You just have to be more aware
Of the good coming to you. It isn’t by chance
That the universe delivers good things to you.

So control the only thing you need to control
Which is how you feel, then you will have it Your Way.
Practice, maintain, and own a healthy vibration.
How you live your life is your most prized creation.
You can keep yourself in alignment come what may.
Your Way always will lead to your becoming whole.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

Maintain Your Vibration

Stay Aligned

I like rain. It’s refreshing. It keeps folks indoors
Far apart from my business. The whether forecast
Is a joke to be pitied. They promise rainfall,
Yet I wait all day long, and there’s nothing at all.
I’ll be glad when this disgust that I feel has passed.
It’s a fact that this sorry assed town rain ignores.

It becomes, then, a challenge. I come from a place
Of compacted resistance about everything.
I cannot let conditions control how I feel.
Whatever may be happening, I can appeal
To my conscious awareness. What I’m offering
By my mood can be powered by infinite grace.

To find the path of least resistance is to let
Life show me its wonderfulness and to practice
Feeling good, which is always a cool exercise.
Things do manifest often, and it’s no surprise
That I can help myself much by thinking like this.
Certainly it’s a most valuable asset.

Complaining will cause my vibration to erode
In an instant. I knew this a long time ago
Before I was talked out of it by others who
Had forgotten, but now I know just what to do
To maintain my vibration. Tonight it may snow.
If it doesn’t, I’m still in the receptive mode.

Life Changing Wisdom

A Fountain Of Enlightenment

The journey of a thousand miles always begins
With the first single step. Your silence is a source
Of great strength. The best fighter is never angry.
When your are content and most delighted to be
Just yourself and don’t compare or compete, of course,
Everyone will respect you, and everyone wins.

When I let go of what I am then I become
What I might be. If I waste time caring about
What other people think then I will always be
Nothing more than their prisoner absolutely.
Knowledge is the treasure, and patience is, no doubt,
The way to it. This message is not just for some.

Music in the soul is heard by the universe.
Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.
Time is a creative thing. To say that you don’t
Have the time is admitting that you simply won’t.
Success may be dangerous. Hope is as hollow
As is fear, and it cannot be seen as a curse.

New beginnings are disguised as painful endings.
Health is the greatest possession, and contentment
Is the greatest of treasures. Your greatest of friends
Is your confidence. Recognizing this transcends
Circumstances of conflict that are infrequent.
You are affected also by your offerings.

Focus Only On This

Forget Everything Else

Public hearings are underway. Riveted are
The world’s eyes on the goings on. Things in Ukraine
Are the same as expected. Mass shootings were nil
For the past week or so. The raw instinct to kill
Was felt only – not witnessed. The proudly insane
Have upon the nation left a terrible scar.

Justice is entertainment. It makes absolute
Sense that we pay attention to what’s happening
Because of its importance in reality
But to stay focused there makes it harder to see
Signs of hope or improvement. What’s interesting
Is that reality is a fatal pursuit.

Our control of the weather is yet within reach
In the far distant future, but even right now
Among those in alignment with all they’ve become.
What goes on it the real world we can escape from
Long enough so that when needed we can allow
Spiritual insights from those who want to teach.

Focus only on controlling your vibration
Which is how you feel at any given moment.
Doing so, you have power to create what you
Want in perfect detail, knowing that it is true
That you can achieve that state of pure alignment.
Most of your work in this sense is already done.

Many Times Through The Day

That Was Then, This Is Now

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” I should state this all day.
What enters my awareness only I allow,
But collective vibrations seep in from all sides.
I can trust what I get through spiritual guides
Is of infinite value available Now.
I can manifest good news always in this way.

Memory lane is fettered with all that has been.
A trip down there too often defeats the purpose
Which is to readjust to a new behavior.
I at times find I’m stuck there looking for the cure
To the current psychosis and eternal fuss
And record the abominable once again.

“That Was Then; This Is Now!” There’s no other moment
More important than this one because it reflects
All the moments before now. I’m moving forward.
I would blush if I knew how much I am adored.
I should know that some conscious force loves the complex
Act of forces at play here that we may prevent.

It’s a mixture of tough love and infinite grace
Made available to me that I persevere.
Keeping up the momentum of feeling good now
Validates life without my needing to know how
To digest all its detail. The path I make clear
Is the one I will follow but try not to chase.

Stop Resistance?

Increace Current And/Or Voltage

One beholds The Resistor – subject to Ohm’s Law.
In electronic circuitry it does the job
Of opposing electrons as they try to move
Through their pathways. The only thing it wants to prove
Is its will to drop voltage. The flow it does rob
Stabilizes and balances, and without flaw.

Current, Voltage, and Resistance are the three things
That have formed a relationship universal.
Each can affect the other, except resistance
Is a fixed entity introduced to enhance
Electronic behavior and boost their morale
By the changes to voltage and current it brings.

The behavior of humans is somewhat the same
As the antics of circuits. How the creator
And the object created obey the same laws!
It may seem that we’re destined and locked in the jaws
Of some rigid machinery, but it is more
Than the mind can be wrapped around yet it can claim.

Voltage is all the efforting we think we need
To get things done, and current is the ease of flow
Of the things that we’re doing. Resistance is that
Which presents us with challenge. Sometimes we fall flat
And apply yet more effort. What we need to know
Is that flow times resistance is effort indeed.

To feel good means maintaining a high vibration.
The best way to do that is by practicing joy.
Being conscious of how you feel, you get to choose
Which path is least resistive. This way you can’t lose
There are many a technique that you may employ
But to reduce resistance you must have more fun.

Focus Only On This

...And All Will Go Your Way

You can focus your relationship with weather
And control its behavior vibrationally.
There’s a lot you cannot do by action or force
And there’s nothing you can’t do when you know the source
Of your wisdom and welfare. You most want to be
In a place where, by your attitude, things occur.

When you get to that place, you stop trying so hard
To control your environment. You’ve come to know
That your place of alignment gets everything done.
Your relaxing into things and having more fun
Is the way to do business and mitigate woe.
Anything that does not work you now may discard.

Universal Intelligence is a real thing.
It creates what is conscious throughout its domain
It responds to what’s asked for in myriad ways.
Knowing this completely, one must shout out in praise.
There’s no reason to wallow in sorrow and pain.
Focus only on the good your wanting can bring.

Control the only thing that you’d want to control.
Your vibrational stance of connection is key
To achieving fulfillment. Maintain alignment
With your passion and patience because you are meant
To have all of your dreams become real easily.
It may seem like controlling. It’s just being whole.