Tag Archive | continue

Clean Up All Your Relationships

Happy Couple

In a rotten relationship you may have been
Or you may be experiencing one right now
Which means you’re launching rockets of what you’d prefer
To the universe and it no doubt will concur
With your wishes but you have to trust and allow
All cooperative components to happen.

The relationship you have with yourself is the
Most important so give your vibration the care
It deserves by meditating regularly.
Be appreciative of who you’ve come to be.
Your best you is the you that you most want to share
With the world. You’re of value to society.

At this standpoint as you find alignment with who
You are truly, things are already working out
In your favor and in the meantime you can see
Bits of evidence. You can get there easily.
In your absolute worthiness you mustn’t doubt.
Give yourself a break and give credit where it’s due.

With who you are find vibrational alignment.
Love must be unconditional. You don’t have to
Put up with what you don’t want. Your goal is to be
Able to without condition live happily.
What you want you can surely have happen for you.
It all starts from a place where you’re feeling content.

Presence Or Absence

Ordered Progression

You cannot continue to focus upon the
Absence of something that you want and let it in.
Its presence and its absence are two different
Frequencies. You must find a way to be content
With the absence then manifestations begin
Happening for you just the way it ought to be.

You may think that you must face this reality
Of the presence of absence so you focus there.
If you do though you continue to hold what you
Want away from you. One simple thing you can do
Is commit to keeping yourself only aware
Of the presence that certainly will come to be.

What is not present is absent but on its way
Of becoming a reality and for now
You must focus your attention on what’s to come –
Not on what is occurring now. Get away from
Any negative thinking. It will not allow
What you want. In a positive mood you must stay.

You can’t see it yet. You don’t know how, when, or where
It will happen but you trust that things are always
Working out for you. If you can be satisfied
With the absence then the presence can’t be denied.
Give the universe its rightful chance to amaze
And delight you in ways that you cannot compare.

From Ambition To Meaning


What happens when we move from the ambition stage
Of our lives into wisdom? The aging process
Isn’t well accepted by our society.
It has not a grasp on spirituality.
This materialistic world wants to suppress
Any sign of decline having to do with age.

Thoroughly unprepared we take this step into
The afternoon of our lives. Worse still, we take this
With the presupposition that our ideas
And our truths will serve us hitherto but because
This is false the most evident truth we dismiss.
We’re attached to whatever’s exciting and new.

But we can’t live the afternoon of our life by
The same program we used for the morning. What was
Plentiful in the morning by evening will be
Very little. We enter that stage hopefully
Knowing that it is governed by different laws
Than the one before it. There’s a good reason why.

What was true in the morning is in the evening
A falsehood. What was marked by ambition is now
Redirected to service. Life has more meaning.
It’s a time of reflection and one of weaning
Oneself from the ego. It’s the time to allow
What’s to come with no worries about anything.

Light Expanding Meditation


Everyone deserves happiness, freedom, and peace
And to find some relief from the daily routine.
Your life force is depleted by worldly affairs
And its replenishment is what your spirit cares
About greatly. Its urging to you can be seen
As a sign that you have some tension to release.

All the universe is made of light energy
Which includes your own body. When you meditate
You align yourself with this eternal life force.
Everyone has access to this powerful source.
Take time to get into the meditative state.
It can only affect your life positively.

It begins with your breathing. Take a big breath in
While envisioning the beautiful cleansing light
Coming from your heart center and extending far
Into eternity. It’s who you really are.
Breathe out stresses and worries and become the bright
Light that you are in essence. This isn’t a sin.

The awareness you come to through meditation
Is in contrast to your normal reality.
It’s good to escape there every once in a while.
As you do you can take much of life with a smile.
In a constant state of alignment you can be.
A world that is peaceful is your own creation.

The World Really Is Round

Fettered Earth Connected

There are on average two mass shootings per day
In this country. We are already violent
And we need education on our history.
Now in Florida children are taught slavery
Was just fine even though people suffered torment.
We were born with injustice and that’s just our way.

The insane circus taking place clearly reflects
The ill health of this nation’s heart. Threats are the way
That people now communicate. The biggest one
Is of civil war where everyone has a gun
Like the wild west. It’s hard to find good things to say
About us. We’re a story not all that complex.

The south never conceded. We’re at war right now
And will be until we change fundamentally.
War will be waged in courtrooms and legislatures
As belief in a workable process endures.
The republicans are the confederacy
As the union becomes democratic somehow.

But the earth is round. The orange buffoon is guilty.
Vaccines work and the Holocaust really occurred.
The south will not rise up again. Misogyny
And racism will not take over this country.
All proud oath keeping bigots are only one third
Of the populace which brings some relief to me.