Tag Archive | tasting

Feeling And Imagination

Threshold Of Inspiration

You’ve imagined. You’ve visualized but nothing
Has happened as of yet so you want to know why
Things seem not to be working out. Know that they are.
You’re on the right track. In fact you’re not very far
From its manifestation. Nothing’s gone awry.
Be mindful of the vibration you’re offering.

The big secret to manifesting is feeling.
You only have to raise your imagination
To the state of vision then what you want is done.
Vision means all your five senses. It can be fun
Feeling your way to clarity through sensation.
You’re the one who knows what’s to you most appealing.

Say you want a new house. You can think about it
But that means you’re not in it so visually
See yourself walking through it. Go into detail
About what you see in it. Let your dream prevail
Over present conditions. The more you can see
Yourself in the house then the more you’ll benefit.

Money has a distinct feel to it. When you touch
A plain piece of paper and then some currency
There’s a difference. The textures are not the same.
Imagine feeling lots of crisp bills then exclaim
Your delight in abundance and count that money
Like you mean it because it will help you out much.

If you want a promotion then hear people say,
“That was fantastic of you. Congratulations!”
If it’s love that you wanting imagine a ring
On your finger and let yourself feel everything
About love. You’ll experience good vibrations.
Have fun with it all and prosper along the way.

Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive

Pointing To Time

If we do create our own reality, then
The question is how do I collapse the time frame
From my thinking it to its manifestation?
By turning impatience to anticipation
I can do that, then life is a wonderful game –
One that I can play over again and again.

I’m frustrated sometimes because it takes too long
Yet the lag time helps me to fill in the details
Of the unfolding drama that I’m creating.
As I focus there I can translate the waiting
Into gratitude. This simple trick rarely fails.
I’ll never get it done so I can’t get it wrong.

How can I Shorten The Time It Takes To Receive
What I want? By improving my ability
To clearly recognize it I’ll shorten the time.
Contemplating what I want I’m in a sublime
State of sheer expectation. It must come to be.
In this process I must have the heart to believe.

What I’ve put into my Vortex of Creation
Would feel good to me right now but I must feel good
To begin with then I’ll have that experience.
Every moment can be filled with utter suspense
When I know that things work out the way that they should.
Being happy always shortens the duration.

Current Manifestation Is Past Tense

Symbols Of Abundance

When someone you love passes on, you may feel sad
Or much worse for some time, but eventually
You accept the apparent loss and you move on.
As you go on believing your loved one is gone,
You may not entertain the possibility
That you can feel their presence. It’s not all that bad.

Everything is vibration. What you manifest
Or perceive in the physical is vibration
As well as things of spirit. Your inner being
Is a vibration that is always agreeing
With what’s best for you. Your world is your creation.
Don’t make it something that’s difficult to digest.

The more you hook up with your inner being the
More you will understand that it’s all vibration,
And the more you will look for things not where they were
But where they are now. Your ego need not concur
With the concept. Let that be an indication
Only of its agenda of needing to be.

When you look where you are now you’re acting in your
True vibrational being and not reacting
To what was, and when you react constantly to
What was, you recreate what was. What you can do
Is to be more aware of what you’re attracting.
Be thankful for what you have and you’ll receive more.