Tag Archive | handing

Struggle Begone!

Impossible Task

Put yourself in the situation of someone
Who must lift the weight of the world over their head.
How would you go about this impossible task?
Is this not an absurd question for one to ask?
You would look upon this circumstance with much dread.
Feeling this way then there can be no solution.

You must not care about moving that kind of weight
Anywhere simply because you’re no going to
Move the world with your struggle. If you really need
It to be moved the only way you will succeed
Is if you’re in alignment with that part of you
That gives you the ability to co-create.

What you want grows within you. There must be some way
To get this thing accomplished but you mustn’t care
About doing something you know you cannot do.
Trust that the universe will work things out for you.
You’re not going to get that huge thing over there
If you look at your situation with dismay.

It’s pointless so surrender. Push it to the side
For the moment and focus on being ready
For the way to respond to be revealed to you
And for now be satisfied with all you can do
To ensure that you’re living your life happily.
All that you get without effort can’t be denied.