Tag Archive | joy

All You Need To Know


Many things are worth knowing. Who wouldn’t agree
But then there comes the question of what one should know
And it gets complicated. It boggles the mind.
Among so many things to know how do I find
The perfect set of knowledge in order to grow?
It’s true that I create my own reality.

From this fundamental knowing that I create
By my thoughts and emotions I now realize
That my thoughts do the asking and the allowing.
How I feel right now is the most important thing
I can ponder and it comes as no big surprise
That life gets good when I’m in a positive state.

As I clean up my thinking and care more about
How I feel in each moment I gradually
Let go of more resistance which means I increase
My level of allowance. With each new release
Of resistance I’m closer to where I should be
Then how things happen for me leaves me without doubt.

I don’t face the reality that produces
Within me a vibration that prevents me from
My own wellbeing. That’s what it all comes down to.
What I want also wants me. All I have to do
Is prepare for the wonderful blessings to come.
I know now that I have no need for excuses.

No Worries

Panic Attack

Worrisome you may feel about what may come next.
You just let life come at you and then you respond
To whatever is happening. You’ve no control
Of your life and it takes a significant toll
On your spirit. Perhaps you cannot see beyond
What your powerful and practiced mindset expects.

One can tell you, “Don’t Worry,” but it’s hard to do
If it’s been made a habit. Your inner being
Always has a vibrational stake in the game.
The way you see your life is truly not the same
As your inner being sees it and by seeing
The way it sees – it can bring clarity to you.

You may feel that you know enough that you should be
Able to get around this. You can find a way
To do this by surrendering to wellbeing.
Things work out the best for you when you’re agreeing
With your higher self. Make it a part of your day
To relinquish all your negative energy.

Letting go of the issue at least for right now
Gives you time to get yourself into alignment
With your highest self then you don’t have to worry
About anything. Don’t be in such a hurry
To go south. It takes just a bit of refinement
In your attitude then all blessings you allow.

Reaching For Satisfaction

Totally Relaxed

Freedom, growth, and joy are the three reasons that you
Decided to take part in this experience
As a physical being. You satisfaction
Is dependent upon your point of attraction.
Reaching For Satisfaction boosts you confidence
In your doing the things that you’ve chosen to do.

You’re so free you can choose to hold yourself apart
From the blessings you have coming as you decide
To remain in a bad mood. If you choose to stay
Satisfied in each moment then throughout your day
The floodgates of wellbeing will be opened wide.
You’ve the freedom to give each moment a fresh start.

Growth happens naturally because the contrast
Causes you to ask which causes the expansion
Of the universe. The whole creative process
Cannot exist to your satisfaction unless
You make joy your priority. By having fun
Many blessings begin to accumulate fast.

Joy is easy to get to once you’re in a state
Of complete satisfaction with where you are now.
Life is supposed to be satisfying for you.
Your feelings are worth your paying attention to.
Find delight in your journey and learn to allow
All the wonderful things in your life that await.

Change Your Future Experience


“Does what’s happening now have to dominate my
No! It certainly doesn’t have to

But your observing ‘what is’ holds you in a place
Where things don’t change. If only the present you face
Then the future can’t be any better for you.
You create for yourself sameness as time goes by.

If you spend the next three hours anticipating
Something far beyond what the probability
Of it happening could be, you’re adjusting your
Future experience. Of this you can be sure.
Truly you can change your future reality
Just a tad by the intention you’re creating.

People observe ‘what is’ then they spew it into
The future, then when it comes they observe some more
Then spew that into the future ‘til pretty soon
They’ll be singing the ‘This is just how it is’ tune.
What you need to do is take the time to explore
Better feeling thoughts that bring some relief to you.

More than anything else care about how you feel.
“This thought doesn’t feel good. This one feels just a bit
It’s just that simple. You can change the way

Things will turn out for you if you’re willing to stay
In alignment. Do it for your own benefit.
You can create a future that is ideal.

Recipe For Receiving

Big Surprise

The basis of your life is your freedom to be
Who you are as a natural human being.
You quest is joy and the result is eternal
Expansion. By your keeping a feel good journal
You get to a point where you are only seeing
What you want which is happiness and harmony.

How can you find more clarity? Just get happy.
It’s the answer to anything you could ask for.
How do you solve a problem? Get happy and then
Things will work their way back to normalcy again.
After all, getting happy is not a huge chore.
You are here to be as happy as you can be.

How do you endure the injustice of the one
Who you live with? Now you have a big choice to make.
You cannot remain happy while looking where you
Are bombarded with instances of feeling blue.
It is up to you to become fully awake
To the issue that seems to have no solution.

Pet your cat. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes
To get happy. This is the best Recipe For
what you want. Improvement you will find

In your mood when you chill out and quiet you mind.
Keep your focus only on the things you adore.
You’ll be seen as someone who gets all of the breaks.

Don’t Worry


Many people let life come at them and they just
Respond to it so if it’s something wanted they
Are delighted but if it’s not wanted they feel
Indignation and sometimes it’s hard to conceal.
Nothing much can get done when you’re feeling this way.
That there is a way out of your mess you must trust.

You have no control over your experience
At the moment but you’re supposed to have control
All the time. You create your own reality.
There’s no reason to wallow in your misery.
You must first take the time to again become whole.
Do not act when you feel that your life makes no sense.

You have an inner being who’s fully aware
Of your situation but has a perspective
That’s much different from yours. You can get to see
Your inner being’s version of how things should be.
It knows everything it takes so that you can live
An ecstatic life – one that is beyond compare.

What you want in this moment is some clarity
And relief from self-torment. You get to decide
To receive it right now or to stay in dismay.
In the long run things do always turn out your way.
In this moment find something to be satisfied
Much about and stay focused on it intently.

Good Things Take Time

Fine Wine

Anxiously I’ve been waiting – for what I don’t know.
Perhaps it’s just the feeling that I belong here
On this earth among others who think normally.
Am I happy with my brand of insanity?
I would be if I weren’t such a pain in the ear.
All the damage I’m doing may help me to grow.

I must learn to be patient. Good Things Take Time to
Reach perfection. I must trust that everything comes
In the right time and way. Although patience is tough
I must care about myself and others enough
That I generate love in significant sums
And for me that can’t be such a hard thing to do.

In this big bustling world people rushing around
Ticking things off their never-ending to do lists
Are obsessed with their hurry-up-and-wait moments.
I’m grateful whenever I can make enough sense
That it helps someone. I’m part of all that exists.
I rejoice in my ability to astound.

And sometimes the best things – the truly amazing
Things in life I’m not ready for or the reverse
May be so. I do not have to watch the paint dry.
I can just focus elsewhere and as time goes by
I can pray that my illness does not become worse.
What I say I hope can be consciousness raising.

Find Something To Appreciate

Love Swarm

There exists a vibrational reality.
Take the time to acknowledge it. Tune yourself to
The power of it simply by being aware
Of how you feel and by taking absolute care
Of sustaining a more positive point of view.
You can believe in feelings that you cannot see.

This vortex of creation, made of energy
From your feelings of passion, gathers all of the
Components necessary to fulfill your dreams.
This vibrational reality, though it seems
Not as real as the physical, most certainly
Can be felt as you’re living your life happily.

It’s like setting yourself up with a search engine
That has searching and finding capabilities
The likes of which we’ve never come close to with our
Technological prowess. It has the power
To process all that you want with infinite ease.
It’s done this forever. It will do it again.

Line up with it. You don’t have to search the archives
Or do anything other than get yourself in
The receptive mode. Find something to bask about
And appreciate. There’s nothing to figure out.
Just get happy and wonderful things will begin
Happening. It’s the spirit within you who thrives.

Light Expanding Meditation


Everyone deserves happiness, freedom, and peace
And to find some relief from the daily routine.
Your life force is depleted by worldly affairs
And its replenishment is what your spirit cares
About greatly. Its urging to you can be seen
As a sign that you have some tension to release.

All the universe is made of light energy
Which includes your own body. When you meditate
You align yourself with this eternal life force.
Everyone has access to this powerful source.
Take time to get into the meditative state.
It can only affect your life positively.

It begins with your breathing. Take a big breath in
While envisioning the beautiful cleansing light
Coming from your heart center and extending far
Into eternity. It’s who you really are.
Breathe out stresses and worries and become the bright
Light that you are in essence. This isn’t a sin.

The awareness you come to through meditation
Is in contrast to your normal reality.
It’s good to escape there every once in a while.
As you do you can take much of life with a smile.
In a constant state of alignment you can be.
A world that is peaceful is your own creation.

What’s In Your Future?

Fortune Telling

Everything that you’ve lived as you stand here and now
Has caused you to ask for a mind stimulating,
Uplifting, and provocative environment.
You want nothing more in life than to be content.
In each moment the future you are creating.
Only those thoughts that feel good you want to allow.

When you say that it hasn’t happened yet it means
That what’s happening now has been effectively
Projected into your future by your intent
As you don’t believe that anything will prevent
It from happening. What you want must come to be.
It happens through your positive daily routines.

If you spend the next three hours anticipating
Something way beyond what the probability
Of it happening is now, you will have altered
Your future into something that’s much more preferred
Over what may occur had you chose not to be
Expectant. There’s power in what you’re creating.

‘Now’ does not have to dominate your vibration
But because you were taught to face reality
Rather than try to change it ‘what is’ keeps you from
What could be in your future which is the outcome
Of your present. Your future can be yours to see.
Your intent is your crystal ball of creation.

Own Where You Are

Braving The Storm

When you get that feeling that nothing is going
To keep you from going then go but until you
Get that feeling take your time and let it evolve
As it should. Do not make it a problem to solve.
If you feel negativity what can you do
To dissolve it? The answer is worth your knowing.

Where you are is where you are. Where you want to go
Is something that you ought to keep thinking about.
Keep on thinking those thoughts and savor how they feel
In your heart. The thoughtful universe will reveal
What you need to know to you. You’re never without
Your connection to that which will help you to grow.

You have your inner being to guide you along
Your journey through existence in this dimension
Of the physical. Chill more. Don’t act until you
Are aligned with your inner being. What you do
When you’re not is a reflection of your tension
Regarding what you’re doing as if it were wrong.

Your emotional guidance system will tell you
How you’re doing. It helps you to be more aware
Of your source of creation. It shows you the way
To wellbeing and it happens without delay.
How you’re feeling, if given the utmost of care,
Can propel you to places exciting and new.

Don’t Worry


“Why on earth should I worry? The earth that I know
May not even exist in a short time from now.
Do my crises reflect those of society?
If so then don’t I have every reason to be
Petrified? I’m a victim of myself somehow.
How can I be relieved of my incessant woe?”

Many people just let life come at them and they
Just respond to it so if it’s something wanted
They respond positively. The reverse also
Is significant. Tough situations can throw
One into negativity. It could be said
That to just respond to life leads to one’s dismay.

You’re supposed to have control. You’re the creator
Of your own life experience. The condition
Of the world is not something to worry about
And you’re not here to figure that kind of thing out.
Concentrate on whatever on earth can be done
To uplift you. You’re an energy translator.

Do your living deliberately. Take control
Of you moment by moment. The more that you care
About just feeling better the better you feel.
You can make of the real world one that is ideal
Simply by your being more consciously aware
Of the spirit within you which can make you whole.

Freedom, Growth, And Joy

Street Happy

Into this life experience each of us comes
With a triad of intentions. They are freedom,
Growth, and joy, and they are intended equally.
To reach for satisfaction you’re perfectly free
And in doing so all kinds of blessings will come
Showering down upon you in infinite sums.

Expansion or growth happens as you’re reaching for
Satisfaction. The contrast of life causes you
To ask for something better. That is expansion.
You can grow while you’re having a whole lot of fun
In fact joy is required to get the other two
Activated. Your energy tends to be more.

Satisfied with the potential of things getting
Better, you energize your point of attraction.
That’s enough for you. Just feeling good is okay
Because you know that good things are coming your way.
It all happens because of your satisfaction.
You are free to feel your best in any setting.

Why do you think you want whatever it may be?
It’s because you think you will feel better but you
Can feel better in the present. You’ve already
What you want though it exists vibrationally.
Tapping into you true self is all you need do.
You intended to live your life here happily.

Satisfaction And Joy

Happy Children

Each of us comes into this life experience
With three equal intentions. You came for freedom,
Growth, and joy. You are your own point of attraction.
From reality you could use some distraction.
You’ve the freedom to even cut yourself off from
Happiness but you do so at major expense.

You’re free to find alignment or not. You’re free to
Think this or that. Your freedom is an absolute
Promise to you and you cannot help but to grow.
Through the creative process you can come to know
Satisfaction And Joy. You will have an acute
Understanding and clarity in what you do.

Even though you see no direct route to what you
May be wanting you’re satisfied in the knowing
That there is one. The satisfaction indicates
Your alignment with your source. Indeed it creates
The very vibration that gets good things flowing
Into your life all due to your positive view.

Reaching for Satisfaction And Joy is the way
To find alignment with freedom and expansion.
Unless your intention is to find harmony
With yourself you won’t be the person you could be.
Do believe in the practice of having more fun.
You’ve no one but your inner being to obey.

How To Heal A Broken Heart

Triple Sorrow

We’ve heard the idea that time heals everything.
Yet if your leg was broken would you just let time
Heal it? Treat your heart with the same level of care
That you would your leg otherwise to your heart there
May be danger. The height of emotional crime
Only rises so onto your heart you will cling.

The danger is that your heart having been broken
Will heal a little too closed, a bit crooked, and
A little too easily bruised if only time
Were the healer. The outcome that would be sublime
Is a parting of ways where you both understand
Why it happened and your hearts have truly spoken.

There’s a movement afoot in the therapeutic
Community. It has to do with Prolonged Grief
– a chronic heightened state of mourning.

Post-Traumatic Growth is now what is happening.
From your heartache you can find a lasting relief.
It may be the only thing that will do the trick.

We’re all at risk of having this experience.
The loss of a loving relationship is one
Of the hardest things to go through. It can break your
Spirit as well as your heart but know that the cure
Is your heartache. It helps in your transformation
Into someone who loves again with confidence.

Find The Meaning Of Life

Life Scape

In your life what have you always wanted to do?
Are you doing it now? Or are you on the way
To fulfilling your purpose? There’s nothing to fear
But fear itself. The path before you is made clear
In your heart and you cannot afford to betray
That which generates passion from deep within you.

You cannot live your life in your mind. You must go
Out and seek your life’s destiny. Fear of the past
Or the future is useless. The present is where
You should focus. It’s important for you to care
About now and it helps if you remain steadfast
In your quest. There is nothing else you need to know.

And it’s not trial and error. It’s simply getting
Off your ass to do something indeed anything
That moves you in the proper direction. It will
Help you more than if you decided to sit still
In your comfort zone. On it you don’t want to cling
Lest the loss of what you want you’d be regretting.

Often times people will start fulfilling their dreams
But when they near the end the journey becomes more
Difficult and they stop seeing the light at the
End of the tunnel as a sign of hope. They see
A milestone hard to overcome. What you ask for
You receive. It’s not just the way everything seems.

Just Be


You can set time aside to let your daydreams flow
Just like when you were little. Remember when you
Felt so free in the moment? You didn’t worry
About things and had no responsibility.
You had nothing to get done. No one even knew
Where you were half the time. You were like a shadow.

You were born to experience joy. How do you
Carve out time to get back to that good feeling place
Of vibrational purity? Many demands
On your time there are. There’s no one who understands
More than you. There are too many issues to face.
Difficulty with trying is not something new.

You can do it by looking for it everywhere.
Even if it requires getting up earlier
Before anyone knows where you are, you can find
Time to daydream and get yourself fully aligned
With your inner being who indeed would prefer
That you keep giving yourself the utmost of care.

Remember what it was like when you could Just Be
With no urge to prove worthiness? Be there right now
In this moment because it’s the best way to start
A new life where your thoughts are driven by your heart.
True happiness depends on how much you allow
Your daydreaming to soothe you perpetually.

Words Fail Me

Expression Of Unknowing

I don’t know how to put this into words, but I
Will try my best. Perhaps it’s not that words fail me.
Maybe I’m out ahead of them. Still the answer
To the question in my mind I most would prefer.
If I could iterate things vibrationally
I would communicate without having to try.

I have knowledge that I haven’t coined the phrase for.
I know stuff that I can’t say because if I did
No one would understand me. Should my perspective
Include how I’ll be heard? It’s more my objective
Not to do what my circumstances would forbid.
What I know is that there is much room to explore.

I can focus upon the feeling of what I
Know beyond doubt. I know that my inner being
Has a much broader view. The Law of Attraction
If well practiced will lead to my satisfaction.
From the bondage of speechlessness what is freeing
Is the knowing that understanding can’t deny.

I can’t define it accurately in a way
That it’s understood even by myself. I know
That love is ever more dominant over hate.
I can make that a fine reason to celebrate
All the knowledge that can help my spirit to grow
In the moment and throughout each and every day.

Love Thine Enemies


There was a young soldier in the German army
During World War Two. He was opposed to the war
Because he was a Christian. He knew it was wrong
What his country was doing, but he went along
Because he had no choice. He had zero rapport
With fellow soldiers. On nothing they could agree.

He was not enthusiastic. Officers knew
Of his sentiment. They made his life difficult.
“Who among us does not have bright and gleaming eyes?”
They would ask. “Here’s an old man whom we should despise.”
They’d find any opportunity to insult
This person, and there wasn’t a thing he could do.

On a cold winter evening, it was Christmas Eve.
He was standing guard duty alone as he heard
People singing Christmas songs which made him feel sad
Because his thoughts were with his loved ones. So he had
A deep sense of frustration. His heart was interred
In a hell whose grotesqueness was hard to believe.

The next morning a young woman called to him from
A window. She did not speak German, and he spoke
Not her language. She offered him something to eat
And some drink. Her country had fallen in defeat
To the Germans. What kind of love does this evoke?
From where does this kind of pure benevolence come?

They invaded her country. They were enemies,
But that didn’t much matter. On that Christmas day,
Both received something special. Christ said that we should
Love the ones who would hate us. It does the soul good.
What she did was most certainly the Christian way.
Is it worth it to see the way that Jesus sees?


In Your Mind

I feel good about having the ability
To find joy very quickly, but there’s just one thing.
Should I then speak about it in vivid detail?
If I do, then the issue will only prevail
Through my life. I’d like to keep it on the upswing.
I can get back on track if I pet my puppy.

My work in social media exposes me
Often times to disturbing content. I regret
Only that aspect. Everything else is okay.
In fact, it brings much excitement into my day.
It would be wonderful for me if I could let
The upsetting part not mess with who I must be.

I can be more proactive if I activate
Something other than that which knocks me off my game.
My incessant bombardment with information
Is my source of psychic overstimulation.
Being happy with my work is my only aim.
Most everything about life I appreciate.

The Source within me knows where I am with respect
To where I want to be, and it shows me the way
To get there through brief moments of inspiration.
Trusting in it will help me with the creation
Of a life beyond measure and with no delay.
It’s that Source with which I mostly want to connect.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

Prepare For Receiving

Happy Bracelet

What’s the question? How can I find more clarity?
How can I get my body to be at its best?
How can I find a lover who’s just right for me?
I would like for things to come to me easily.
The answer is, Get Happy, succinctly expressed.
I know deep in my heart it’s my reason to be.

How do I endure the injustice of this one
Person or thing that I have no control over?
This world can’t be an awful place, although there are
Pockets of negativity, but it is far
From upsetting the balance. It is, as it were,
A problem that will work out its own solution.

I just can’t look at things that make me unhappy.
I can’t do the impossible. I must decide
To be happy above all else. No condition
Is required. I can keep my main focus on fun.
How I feel on my journey is my only guide.
I can’t focus on all of the world’s cruelty.

The more I can get happy, then the easier
It becomes, and the easier it gets, the more
Joy I’ll find. I am offering a vibration
To where only the things that I want have begun
To become my reality. What I ask for
I receive. It is the life that I most prefer.

What’s In Your Future?

Crystal Portal

If you spend the next few hours anticipating
Something far beyond what the probability
Of it happening is, then even though things will
Probably be the same as they’ve been, you will still
Be preparing your future, and naturally,
What will happen then is what you’re now creating.

If you can avoid facing reality and
Think thoughts that are different from what’s probable,
Then your future experience has to transform
Into something better. While not part of the norm,
It is an exercise in remaining stable
So that the most fulfilling of futures is planned.

Just anticipate that you’re going to get it
Then forget it. Don’t spew lack into your future
By observing what’s in your now experience.
You can know it’s on the way without evidence
Of its coming. Your focus on it must be pure.
Change happens only as much as you will permit.

In all the deciphering, you are becoming,
And you must let yourself gravitate toward that
Which you have become. Joy is your primary goal.
Change what is in your future by taking control
Of the present. Do make peace with where you are at.
This will get your futuristic motor humming.

A Magic Recipe

Conjured Panacea

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is to be happy. The result is expansion
Of who you are. The answer to any issue
Is, Get Happy. More than anything you can do,
How you feel has much to do with what you get done.
The most important thing is that you feel your best.

How do I find the love of my life? Get Happy!
What about my finances? The answer’s the same.
How do I deal with the injustice that exists
In a dangerous world where much hatred persists?
You must know that it is a small part of the game
That is played here. It’s not the way it has to be.

You’ve been trying the impossible for so long
By your looking at things that oppose who you are.
There will come a time when you will have to decide
Which is of more importance. Don’t take things in stride.
Stay away from those things that are not up to par
With you wishes. Your will, in this case, must be strong.

The more you practice looking in the direction
Of what you want, the easier it will become.
You’re offering a vibration where only good
Things can flow to you, and by all goodness, they should.
Recipes for alignment originate from
Being Happy. It is the only solution.

Make Peace With Where You Are

Enjoy The Present

Find something to be happy about – anything,
Then be happy about it, and find another
Thing that will make you happy, and then be happy
About it. Celebrate where you happen to be.
Of the invention of your life, you’re the mother.
To the table, you have an abundance to bring.

Do not try to fix the world. It isn’t broken
Nor is it something worthy of your attention.
Nothing needs to be reformed. Make Peace With Where You
right now. It remains the best thing you can do.

Don’t engage with what’s beyond your comprehension
Because beasts of the past may then be awoken.

Look for things to be happy about, and make lists
Of positive aspects. You can do a rampage
Of appreciation for what is going well
In you life at the moment. You know not to dwell
On the things that aren’t working, so you don’t engage
In the negative. The best part of you resists.

Be selfishly interested in how you feel
In each moment. Let everyone else attend to
How they feel. You’ll fulfill your reason for being.
You’ll delight in your ability for seeing
The big picture. Believe what is in store for you.
You’ll be living the life that is for you ideal.

One Last Thing

Indulge Your Divinity

Everything is of spirit. One cannot deny
That it’s so. The vibrational reality
Of existence is thought of as fundamental
Yet the physical world is not accidental.
It’s made of spirit scientifically.
Scientists spend their time now on wondering why.

The vibrational reality is more real
Than what is known as physical because from it
Comes the physical. This vortex of creation,
Through the Law of Attraction, gets everything done
In the physical universe. It will not quit
For another few eons. It’s not a bad deal.

Finding something to bask about puts you into
A state of alignment. Through appreciation
You can enter a high place and keep yourself there
For as long as you want if you’re willing to care
More about your alignment. What you will have done
Is create from a platform that is fresh and new.

Struggling, sifting, and sorting are done already.
Things are all done and lined up. Cooperative
Components are assembled. All you need to do
Is be more receptive and pay attention to
Things that conform to the way that you want to live.
All the good things in life come to you easily.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Enjoying Life

Your job is to feel as good as you possibly
Can feel and be as happy as anyone could.
You have the wind of divinity at your back.
You’ve defined where you want it to go. Keeping track
Of the moments of wonder feels just as it should.
You have now got a handle on prosperity.

But you have seen nothing like what is before you.
You’re on the verge of deliberate alignment,
Which means that more specifics begin happening.
Your clarity and eagerness for life will bring
You the blessings. They come by your conscious intent
To stay positive in everything that you do.

Your appreciation for others will improve,
And the management of the Law of Attraction
Now has palpable meaning. The crevasse between
Clarity and confusion is easily seen
So that you are aware of what needs to be done.
You are reminded of this with your every move.

You’re a world citizen with a unique worldview
Who most singularly has the ability
To access unseen powers that do worlds create.
There’s no looking back now that you have reached that state
Of complete alignment with all that you can be.
The path of least resistance is made clear for you.

Don’t Worry


I just let life come at me, and then I respond
So that when I want something, the way that I feel
Is quite positive. But the opposite is true
About things that I don’t want. Not much I can do
Under this circumstance. My self-structured ordeal
I wish could be banished with a kind magic wand.

Do I really have any control over my
Own experience? Something tells me that I should
Have as much because I’m the creator of me.
I can have it the way that I want it to be.
I am well on my way, when this is understood,
To a life of fulfillment with no need to try.

There’s a deeper part of me that knows very well
What I’m thinking and wishing. It’s fully aware
Of where I am and where I would most like to be,
And it has staked a vibrational claim on me.
About past sins and failures… It will not go there.
If I go against it, I experience hell.

The vibrational driver’s seat I can be in.
The path of nonresistance, for me, is the one
To be focused on. There is no need to worry.
As I stumble upon it deliberately,
A new setpoint of understanding has begun.
I can run a fine race without having to win.

Change The Response Of The Universe

At The Threshold Of Command

Many folks have had the most enormous success
In their lives regarding wealth, romance, and acclaim.
But they also have joy. They’re obsessive in thought
About good things. In this way they rarely are caught
In a psychic dilemma. They play well the game
Of creating reality and without stress.

From the holding of a pure thought, we can arrive
At a place of sheer happiness so easily.
It takes practice. Vibrational expectation
Is what must be developed. The work to be done
Is to practice the knowing. Our ability
To imagine is part of our being alive.

I want so much to feel good that I’m not willing
To focus upon things that don’t feel good. I can
Develop better habits of looking for things
That surprise and delight me. My good feeling brings
About clarity and connection more so than
My continuous struggle. It’s not fulfilling.

Feeling good is connection to divinity.
It is the secret to eternal, successful,
Powerful, delicious, and joyful creation.
Wonderful it is to finish what has begun.
Life gets easy when I’m receptive to the pull
Of my spirit toward living it happily.

Your Dreams Will Show You The Way

Follow The Freshness Of Your Desire

I have zest for the joy of the journey I’m on.
I see now as a starting point to forever.
Many goals I will strive for. Some I will achieve.
I have launched my desires. Now I’m due to receive.
Embarking upon this delicious endeavor,
The concerns that I had about life are all gone.

I don’t need the manifestation. All I need
Is the dream and the journey. I love the contrast
That I’m offered. It helps me to clearly define
Something better from it. I’m obliged to design
As I wish and not focus so much on the past.
What is more important than my will to succeed?

My spirit doesn’t ask me if I’m observing
Constantly where I stand now in relation to
Where I want to be. It asks not how far away
My fulfillment is. It in no way can betray
Its own sense of direction. The thing I must do
Is remain focused on what my dreaming will bring.

Potential is alive and well now and always.
I am up to speed with what I’ve given birth to.
Believing in my dream, my anticipation
Is for the joy I’ll know for the work I have done.
In the meantime, my journey is my biggest clue
To my living a life that does truly amaze.

Get Ready!

Be Prepared!

Life Is Now! It’s not when you reach your final goal.
An occasional cruise it is not, nor is it
Just a simple vacation. It’s every moment
That you have to be you and totally present.
It is not once you’re retired that you benefit
From the good things in life that will render you whole.

Who you are and what you’re about is your focus
But your inner being has an interest too.
It’s appreciating where you are and is proud
Of your progress in life and that you have allowed
It to guide you along the path that’s true for you,
And your readiness is helpful to all of us.

Only wonderful things occur past heaven’s gates.
In this physical world they can be realized
Because this world creates them through people’s desires.
To experience heaven on earth it requires
That your feeling your best only be emphasized.
When asking is powerful, the answer awaits.

Get Ready for the next moment, then the next one…
And the next… Life’s a series of single pieces
Of creative existence. If you can maintain
Your intent to be happy, you’ve so much to gain.
The more you allow, the more your joy increases.
Happily ever after is how life is done.

When You Know You Are Worthy

Revelation Of Wonder

We are all extensions of pure Source Energy.
There is not one of us who does not have access

To infinite intelligence. We can translate
Nonphysical information as we create
Our realities. We hold the key to success
When we let ourselves be who we were meant to be.

The solar plexus gives to us emotional
Responses. It is a delicate instrument.
It’s a perfectly natural guidance system.
It can tell us when our head’s full of psychic phlegm.
Being conscious of how we feel can well prevent
Negative vibrations to invade our locale.

We are not unworthy creatures now needing to
Work our way out of it. You are the most worthy
Of beings in existence and no different
Than the spark of divinity ever present
In the universe. You have a huge legacy
Of wellbeing and blessings. This world adores you.

When you know this you feel it down deep in your soul.
The art of allowing is the art of getting
Off your own back about not having yet achieved.
You are worthy of all the good that you’ve received
And of all yet to come. There is no regretting
Knowing that you are worthy and completely whole.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

Accepting The Gift

No Need For Humility

Some believe that a good life is one that is long.
This is not necessarily so. There’s a link
Between feeling terrific and longevity,
Yet the most functional way that you want to be
Is contented but eager for more. Do not think
That a short life that’s blissful has somehow gone wrong.

Life is meant to be joyful. If it’s not, something
Is out of alignment and needs looking into.
When your life is delicious, appreciation
From moment to moment is good for everyone
Who happens to be in proximity to you
As well as yourself. Do what will make your heart sing.

A long life in the current body some address
From a negative standpoint. They are not ready
To start over. They want to reap more benefit
From the knowledge accumulated yet unfit
Is the attitude needed to live happily.
How you feel is the ultimate key to success.

It’s not possible for you to withdraw focus
On your many surroundings. You will want to see
Changes made until they meet your satisfaction.
Content yet eager is the best combination
For accepting the gift of your life gracefully.
It is one that is to be shared by all of us.

Outside The Box

Try Something New

Each one of us on earth is a facet of the
Multidimensional Crystal Of Creation.
Consciousness we are given to make us aware

That we are that, but some folks are caught in the snare
Of a box of beliefs that could well weigh a ton.
It allows not the creative mind to be free.

Thinking Outside The Box means thinking in a way
That expands creativity and consciousness.
It is a permission slip to experience
Getting close to the higher mind in present tense.
Balance and connectivity one can access
Any moment. One gets better with each new day.

Move your consciousness so that it exists halfway
Between your higher mind and your physical one.
From this vantage point you’re in a specific state
That allows understanding. From there you create
Brilliantly without effort and with lots of fun.
The Crystal you’re part of is a psychic bouquet.

Our belief systems are needed to reinforce
What we call our reality. Nothing exists.
In the physical universe. It’s all spirit.
Hold only those that are to your benefit.
One is trapped by what one’s belief system insists.
Take a really good look at those that you endorse.

Every Little Secret


Sublime Revelations

I’ve been dealing with back pain for over three years.
I have not been able to get a good night’s sleep.
I’m awakened suddenly often through the night.
If I get back to sleep it’s fitful all despite
My efforts to feel wholesome. I manage to keep
Myself from feeling hopeless despite all my fears.

What I want exactly is to wake up restored,
Refreshed, joyful, and eager to start the new day.
Can my natural state of wellbeing return?
About pain there are some things I truly should learn.
For Every Little Secret I’m willing to pay
Undivided attention. This I can afford.

Long before the pain manifested within me
I was pushing against things and making life hard
Which feels terrible on the emotional scale.
I must use resources that are at my avail.
Negative patterns of living I must discard.
I can savor the feeling of being pain free.

Do anything and everything that you can do
To soften the awareness of the nagging pain.
If that means taking pills then by all means do it.
To the emotional work I still can commit.
Absolute physical wellness I can attain
By releasing resistance. I must follow through.

Make The Universe Listen

Command The Cosmos

You create the vast universe as it creates
You and all others in it. Telling your story
As you want has the power to change anything
In your life that’s not working. Alone you can bring
About what is needed in terms of your glory.
You must know that a wonderful treasure awaits.

Your story as you tell it can eliminate
All the bygones, mistakes, grudges, and injustice
Of all manner. You will begin to let it go
And replace it with that which you have come to know
As benevolent, hopeful, and things such as this.
No one can mess with the story that you create.

Purify your vibration. Practice the power
Of your own mind. Step back into remembering
Who you are, why you came here, and what you shall do.
All that is benefits from all that which is you.
With every thought that you think you have everything
At you beck and call naturally as it were.

Do whatever you must to feel good. If it takes
Dissolving stagnant relationships, so be it.
Put your undivided attention on the things
That bring you the most pleasure despite happenings.
Your life was meant to be a comfortable fit.
The game of your alignment is truly high stakes.

Just A Few Laughs Away

The Levity Solution

All because of the context in which I’m focused,
Understanding who I am I take on with glee.
I like nitty gritty experiences where
I acknowledge that things could be better, and there
Is a trust that I feel that no harm comes to me.
If I can find some laughter in life, it is just.

I make too much of all of this. Life should be fun.
If I lighten up more I’ll find humor in things.
I’m too hard on myself in my relationship
With where I want to be. Misery I can skip
If I make peace with where I am. Many blessings
Are available to me, the determined one.

I’ll play down all the negative things about me
And play up everything positive I can find
In a life punctuated with so much disgust.
How I wish I were able to turn it to dust
But I can’t so I’m forced to just leave it behind.
In my next life I shall behave differently.

I must know that the universe will yield to me
All that I’ve created both now and forever.
Were I given a glimpse of the aerial view
Of my life’s full potential, I wouldn’t be blue.
I would be laughing insanely at whatever.
I’m already crazy. The rest comes easily.

It’s Coming

Be Patient

In the art of creating you know your desire
Long before hand. Specific is your strong intent.
After that, universal forces take over.
What is done is completely done. What will occur
In due time is a feeling of true fulfillment.
You anticipate wonderfulness to transpire.

You know the essence of what you want the same way
No matter what it is. Do not be specific
Once the asking is done. You can be general
As all the cooperative components shall
Come together magnificently. So the trick
Is to not keep on wanting. It causes dismay.

Once you have asked the question, the answer quickly
Comes to you through impulses and inspiration
To take a course of action that is different
From behavior most usual. Through your intent
To remain confident that your asking is done,
On the way to fulfillment you are filled with glee.

But your keeping on poking around in the past,
Being way too specific than you need to be
About what has already been answered, will cause
Certain violation of spiritual laws.
You must know that It’s Coming! It’s done already.
Now kick back and receive all the good you’ve amassed.

No Worries

The Freedom of Consciousness

My responses to living at times I perceive
As much too automatic. The things that I want
Positively I respond to, and the reverse
Is the case with things I don’t want. What could be worse
Than being such a slave to the dreams that may haunt?
In the end, it’s the feeling I want to achieve.

Under these circumstances I have no control
Over my own experience, and it’s not right.
I’m supposed to have complete control over that.
So my responsibility cannot fall flat.
Consciously I must move by the way of delight.
No other way of behaving renders me whole.

Inside me there’s a being who’s thinking about
My now moment in time – each and every moment.
And it has a perspective and an opinion…
And awareness… a stake in the game to be won.
There is nothing that it wants more than my accent
Up the ladder emotional without a doubt.

Positive nonresistance while focused upon
Only things that delight me – may this recipe
Be the one that fulfills me. I need worry not.
My vibrational set point does matter a lot.
What I want out of life is to be more happy
Rather than too reactive and somewhat withdrawn.

It’s Time You Know

The Colors Of Knowledge

Extensions of Source Energy into this now,
Every human – not just some – has access to the grace
Of infinite intelligence whether we know
This is always occurring, and blessings can grow
To the point where it puts a big smile on the face.
The only resistance is how much we allow.

So why can’t this place be more like Source Energy?
It resembles it some ways, yet deep in the spine
Of the human collective darkness must prevail
So that lessons are outlined in earth’s crusty trail.
Could it be that we are of another design
And that forces malevolent want us to be?

That would be much like hell, but this isn’t that bad
A symptom of psychosis. There have been far worse.
Wellbeing is the legacy promised to us.
And that we have a solar plexus is a plus.
We can do much to avoid conditions adverse
By seeing every soul as a loving comrade.

Can this be the solution? It’s time that you know
That the infinite universe conspires to
Lead you in the direction that answers your prayer.
Just be open to impulse and be more aware
Of the clues spirit sends to the best part of you.
With the help of such guidance our spirits can grow.

One Last Thing

Get Happy!

The vortex of creation is a search engine
For the infinite universe. Many search terms
Represent our emotions. Each generous smile
Generates a vibration that is most worthwhile
For attracting the good life. Your feeling confirms
All the grace you’re allowing to find its way in.

So find something to bask about. Appreciate
Something you love already, then do it some more.
Meditation is also a tried and true way
To get into that vortex and hopefully stay.
Many good things about life there are to explore.
There are many avenues to your feeling great.

You have done all the legwork and all the sifting
And through data collection you’ve put it all there –
A lifetime of hopes, wishes, and dreams to come true.
There is One Last Thing that you are required to do.
Just let go and Get Happy. Take in the fresh air
 And let the universe do the heavy lifting.

Life is for your expansion. All that may occur
And how you feel about it, even the contrast,
Causes you to expand into a newer place.
The discord and injustice one cannot erase
But your inner alignment can keep you steadfast.
You can always decide to feel as you prefer.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Relax and Be Blessed

You are powerful beings with like energy –
Like that which creates worlds. It flows freely through you
When you’re in alignment with who you really are.
With God’s wind at your back you are meant to go far
On your blessed life journey. The thing you must do
Is decide that you’re just going to be happy.

Enjoy all of your moments of inspiration.
Wonderful it has been. It continues to be
A life filled with excitement and many blessings.
You have much to look forward to in terms of things
Of the eternal spirit. Eventually,
Anything that you’re doing will be lots of fun.

You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment.
Clarity and prosperity both will improve.
You’ll appreciate others and feel more alive.
Under adverse conditions you are meant to thrive.
And your point of attraction is destined to move
Many things into your life through conscious intent.

Focus yourself in the direction of the way
That is of least resistance. Your constant worldview
As a worthy world citizen is one of peace.
Through the turmoil apparent you find your release
Paying attention to things that matter to you.
Know that things will get better as soon as today.

Avalanche Of Abundance

Onslaught Of Blessings

We’re a nation of freedom I’d like to believe.
If the word has some meaning then manifold are
The kinds people conceive of. The freedom To Be
Is what they all boil down to. When I think of free
It means infinite resources. This may be far
From what many may think of. I am that naïve.

If my funds became infinite I could fulfill
Many dreams of a lifetime, but more important,
Fear and inconvenience would no longer exist.
I would shine like the sun and would rarely be pissed.
I would no longer be using the words, “I can’t.”
Every moment of each day would be such a thrill.

These are positive aspects of simply living.
Focusing on the things I like best is the way
To deliberately think a better feeling
Though until I’ve trained myself to instantly bring
About total alignment. This way I can stay
In a mood that is wonderful and life-giving.

Everything is vibration. There’s no exception
To this law of the universe. It’s absolute
In that everything vibrates at a frequency.
 I can tune myself to getting lots of money
But the more proper and more significant fruit
Is the satisfaction for the inner work done.

Knowing Truth

Becoming Informed

Harsh judgement for harsh acts performed as I am ill
Keeps the gate locked on unpardoned parts of my soul.
The prison I’ve created I deem adequate
Yet the enemies of me have cause to debate
That no gnashing sufficient is worth my parole.
That I’ve been such an asshole does my spirit kill.

My remorse is reality as is my joy
That the pain is made bearable in my belief
That I need to be punished more than I am now.
Is my healthy survival in trouble somehow?
From my own misconceptions I need some relief
Otherwise I’ll continue to hurt and annoy.

The world is just a word. It is I who exist
And I am capable of experiencing
Absolute truth, but I shall never attain it.
I am guilty of all the sins that I commit.
There is no way of reconciling this damned thing
Yet I must learn to deal with the thoughts that persist.

In the mind there’s a prism that translates pure light
Into many distortions. My illness only
Sees the trees – not the forest. I glean redemption
Through clearing of my faculties. As this is done
It eventually helps me to better see
Somewhere in all the darkness a future that’s bright.

The Clues Are Being Given

Constant Help

Dreaming is not a crime, but indeed if it were
Then life would be a crime scene with infinite clues.
If believing in wonderful things were a sin
Would there be room for comfort within one’s own skin?
Through the contrast we sort, and the thoughts that we choose
We would most want to lead to things that we prefer.

You can never give up a dream, but sometimes you
Mitigate the resistance, then the dream comes true.
Once life causes you to want something, it is done.
All cooperative components have begun
To assemble. The only thing you have to do
Is to watch for and gain from each God given clue.

Accept that it’s vibration that moves everything
And brings life into focus. All that we perceive
Is at first a vibration before it is real
To the physical senses. The way that you feel
Determines the nature of the things you receive.
How vibration works is rather fascinating.

The intelligent universe is part of you.
It knows what makes you tick and what you have asked for
Since your very beginning. It offers guidance
To the path least resistive in your circumstance.
All that’s not on your path you are free to ignore.
The clues are being given. You must follow through.

The Recipe For Receiving

The Process Of Allowing

People have been trying the impossible task
For so long. It opposes who we truly are.
We will look at something that we clearly don’t want
And then try to be happy. This can only daunt
Anyone and deplete their life force reservoir.
The issue is resolved by learning how to ask.

The basis of your life is freedom, and your quest
Is pure joy which leads to eternal expansion.
So the answer to everything is: Get Happy.
We can’t look and injustice and hatred and be
In the receiving mode. Again, the solution
Is to focus only on the things that feel best.

What is going on right with the world is greater
By a billionfold than what’s perceived to be wrong.
Concentrating on good things that are happening
And doing things that feel good in essence will bring
Everything that is wanted. Magnetic and strong
One becomes… and a most powerful creator.

Look only in the direction of your desire.
All else is a distraction, so leave it alone.
Don’t fix things that are broken, and do have more fun.
This vibration, when practiced, is the only one
That will lead to receiving. Thus you have your own
Recipe for the things that you want to acquire.

Handling Negative Beliefs

Psychic Suicide

They can creep right up on you and point to your head
Which indeed has conceived them. The harm they can cause
Is immensely complex. All beliefs negative
Keep you from ever knowing the right way to live.
One cannot get around life’s most basic of laws.
Belief systems of all kinds are in the mind bred.

Some cannot seem to change them. They are rather strong
Having picked up momentum over many years.
But they can and must be changed in order to be
Delivered from frustration in all that you see.
The thought of your exploring them escalates fears
That you may find that some things about you are wrong.

You may not know which belief is causing the fear
So you just need to find out where it’s coming from.
Doing that will be scarier than you had planned
But in your getting through to it you take command
Of the issue effectively. You’ve overcome.
A big obstacle in life you’ve made disappear.

It may hurt getting close to what’s holding you back
The more pain means you’re closer to reaching the core
Of your harmful belief systems. And the breakthrough
Will be bright and refreshing. Life will be brand new.
You will then have the rest of your life to explore.
You will finally feel that your life is on track.

Morning Affirmation

The Beginning of a Wonderful Day

My! Last night was a blessing. I slept really well.
This moment I embrace with every part of me.
This brand new day is full of possibilities.
It’s a miracle waiting to happen with ease.
I anticipate what waits for me anxiously.
It will be magnificent from what I can tell.

Nights and days filled with joy I have gotten used to.
My sublime expectation of things working out
To my good is a treasure technique of a tool,
And how I feel this moment is just the right fuel
To excite this day’s engine and cast away doubt.
I embrace all that this day has for me to do.

I embrace the experiences lining up.
I anticipate all the opportunities
And the ease of fulfillment of my hopes and dreams.
Blessings descend upon me in multiple streams.
Every benefit due me this day I shall seize.
Pour some more gratitude into my waiting cup.

I anticipate the best to happen today.
I am ready this morning and in this moment
To commit to a good start. What unfolds for me
Will surprise and delight me indubitably.
Every moment of this day is marked for content.
I look forward to having this new day to play.

Universal Conspiracy

The Magic of Unseen Forces

Extensions of Source Energy we humans are.
We have access to infinite intelligence.
We can translate nonphysical information.
The complex solar plexus is where it is done.
We decipher the energy, and it makes sense.
It’s a function of nature. It isn’t bizarre.

It’s the Source some commune with frequently at will
As if it were a person just like you and me.
Impulses and ideas others may receive.
There are myriad ways – some we cannot perceive –
That we make our connection with what we can’t see.
It is nice that there is no contract to fulfill.

Life is meant to be good. Disregard what you’ve known
From the time you were little. It’s all a big lie.
Trust your gut instinct only, and be not afraid.
As co-creative humans, we all have it made.
We are much more than worthy, and we need not try
To live up to some standard that isn’t our own.

The universe is conscious and has a mission
To support us in whatever makes us feel good.
That’s its essence. It’s a loving conspiracy
To surprise and delight us, but we have to be
In that state of alignment, as we know we should.
Trust in infinite guidance, and do have more fun.