Tag Archive | agreement

Ask Your Inner Being


Get in touch with your inner being every day.
Ask it questions. It knows the answer to them all.
It has its own opinion about everything
That you’re thinking. The vibration you’re offering
Emanates from your thinking. Both big thoughts and small
Can affect how you feel in a very huge way.

Isolate something that you really want to know
About your negativity. Get specific
With your rampage about how things are going wrong.
Keep it up and you’ll notice before very long
That the thing that you’re doing is making you sick.
Then you’ll know the importance of letting things go.

When you feel positive emotion what it means
Is that your inner being feels just the same way.
Your thought is in agreement with what your inner
Being thinks of your thought. It knows what you prefer
In any situation. Try your best to stay
Receptive to its call in your daily routines.

When you’re feeling anything other than delight
In the moment about something it means that you
Are not in agreement with your inner being.
What you think and what it thinks are not agreeing
Because it always has a most positive view
So it’s probable that everything is alright.

Listen With Your Heart

Social Conflict

Everything that we know we must know in a way
That upsets and causes people to congregate
And wreak havoc in public. No one can deny
That the world is in trouble and no one knows why
Because it’s complicated. What can be our fate
If in a state of peace we’re unable to stay?

The cause of human suffering is in the mind.
We process information as symbology
That we treat as the truth which is a huge mistake.
Be discerning of all the agreements you make
With yourself and with others continually.
Be grateful for the smidgen of peace that you find.

Learn to be skeptical but Listen With Your Heart.
It’s were truth resides but it can be distorted
By your words and symbols. They turn out to be lies
When within you there’s a tendency to despise
And the peace that you want remains unsupported.
With oneself is where one must be willing to start.

Use the power of doubt to challenge everything
Offered to you but listen to what’s being said.
Mastery of the human mind requires complete
Attention to your inner truth. It’s when you meet
Up with your heart and try to stay out of your head
That you’ll come to some kind of an understanding.

Four Commandments

Group Devotion Session

Be impeccable with your word. That’s number one.
Stop complaining and gossiping. Don’t criticize
People and situations. Your word is one of
Your most powerful tools. You must use it to love
One another. Partake of these words of the wise.
Use your word to uplift and to shine like the sun.

Don’t take anything personally. Imagine
That someone who hates people says something to you
That’s offensive. It only means that they’re not well.
It has nothing to do with you so do not dwell
On the matter. You have much better things to do
With your energy. Detach from it with a grin.

Don’t make assumptions. If you’re in a position
Of authority and something doesn’t get done
Don’t assume the worst and react negatively.
Have the courage to communicate and you’ll be
In a much better alliance with everyone.
All assumptions are clearly worth your dismission.

Always do your best. Your best from one moment to
The next will change but under any circumstance
Simply do your best. Self-judgment, self-abuse, and
Regret are not necessary. Do understand
That your best in each moment will always enhance
The next moment as each one is crafted by you.

Remember Who You Are


Many times we feel fear. The human condition
Is such that negative emotion is a cave
In which we are all hiding. Sometimes we may feel
That life isn’t worth living. The feeling is real
To the point where our souls we’re not able to save.
It is difficult to be in this position.

Yet there are times of happiness so we can be
Skeptical. We can learn to listen with our hearts
Rather than with the confused voices in our heads.
We can rip the script that they’re reading from to shreds.
Our intention is to master the loving arts
And to live life outside of the cave happily.

Don’t believe all those negative emotions that
Create poisonous stories. Don’t spew them around
Because they keep you in the cave. It’s time that you
Change your message. Empower your word. As you do
A new sense of respect for yourself will be found.
You’ll be free of the problem of mental chitchat.

We’re given this wonderful opportunity
To get out of the cave that we have created.
Within the utter darkness you can be the light
To lead others knowing that everything’s alright
Once that you’ve been properly indoctrinated.
You’re a messenger of peace, love, and harmony.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

Being Out Loud

When you say that you’ll do something for someone, you
Ought to do it no matter what and graciously.
Any kind of behavior contrary to this
Leads the soul down a corridor to an abyss
Of darkness due to conscious impropriety.
Treat people with proper respect in what you do.

You may be far more impeccable with others
Than you are with yourself. For example, when you
Tell yourself that you’re going to work out today
And you don’t then you might feel some bit of dismay
Because to your own promise you haven’t been true.
You have done what the lesser part of you prefers.

It means much more than doing what you say you’ll do.
Being impeccable with your word means to be
Perpetually truthful in thought, word, and deed.
Living this way, emotional poison is freed
From the depths of the impressionable psyche.
Being truthful will bring many blessings to you.

Be Impeccable With Your Word. It’s the correct
Use of your energy. The intention alone
To be truthful will trigger a change in your heart.
In your own transformation you play a huge part.
To you only that which is truthful will be shown.
It truly elevates your sense of self-respect.

Your Alignment With You


Every feeling that you have is only about
Your relationship between what you’re thinking and
What the Source within you thinks about the same thing
So it helps to be mindful of what you’re thinking
Or else things may not turn out the way that you’d planned.
Your Source is a part of you that’s worth checking out.

It has its own opinion about everything
Which is that everything is magnificently
Put together in this universe you behold
And sometimes it’s difficult for you to be sold
On this outlook but if you adopt it you’ll be
In alignment and life will be satisfying.

Would you rather feel confusion or clarity?
If you answer the latter then you’ve moved toward
The direction of your Source. It’s just that easy.
Would you rather feel love or the insanity
Of the holding of grudges against all abhorred?
Can you answer these kinds of questions truthfully?

When there’s no contradiction in your vibration
You increase the momentum of your becoming
More aligned with that part of you which is your Source.
Doing this you become a benevolent force
In your world and the universe as you’re chumming
With the best part of you. Honor your elation.

Ask And It Is Answered

Glowing Question

If taking that big leap sounds intimidating
Then don’t take it right now. Get it out of your mind.
Pay more attention to your point of attraction.
Focus on things that bring you deep satisfaction.
Action can wait until you’re properly aligned
With your true self which for you is advocating.

Your Vortex of Creation is a feeling place.
It contains every answer to every question
You’ve been asking since day one. It knows everything
That you want. Your knowing that it’s able to bring
It all to you should keep you the confident one
Even though it exists now beyond time and space.

Negative emotion tells you that you’re nowhere
Near alignment with your true self. It lets you know
That it’s not in agreement with the thought that you
Are now thinking and since how it sees things is true
It’s most wise that you allow it to run the show.
Be receptive to everything it wants to share.

Ask your inner being questions like, “Am I good?
And if so am I worthy of all I desire?
Am I morally bankrupt and good for nothing.”

When you ask each be aware of what you’re feeling.
If it’s not good can you be a truth denier?
Answers to all your questions will be understood.

Too Much Distraction?


The onslaught of technology leaves in its wake
Generations of people with nothing to do
But respond to society through devices.
Confusion may be one of the highest prices
To be paid for connection. Your attention to
All the input can sometimes be a big mistake.

Are there times when distraction can be a good thing?
Yes. When you’re not lined up with your inner being
Then distraction is helpful. It takes you away
From the thing that is causing you stress and dismay.
See the way that you inner being is seeing.
Clarity will result from your refocusing.

So instead of calling it distraction, call it
Being focused when it feels delightful to you.
If you’re lined up with your inner being, focus.
If you’re not then distract yourself. Give an a-plus
To yourself for having done what you need to do
To stay mentally and spiritually fit.

Not too far off your course can distractions take you
If you’re conscious of how each is making you feel.
If it doesn’t feel wholesome, then leave it alone.
You can rely on what forever has been known
To be most beneficial and most ideal.
Focusing is something you can happily do.

How To Ask

A Sea Of Asking

If you feel good when you’re imagining the things
That you want most in life, then the spirit in you
Is in lock step agreement with your daydreaming
Because your inner being is always beaming
The highest of vibrations. That’s all it can do.
It’s in tune with your happiest mind wanderings.

Anytime that you feel negative emotion,
It means that your inner being is nowhere near
In alignment with the thought that has put you there.
Whatever the thought is, your spirit doesn’t share
The same view. It believes that everyone is dear.
It will consider not any other notion.

You can tell negative thoughts from those that are not.
How they feel should be noticed so you can decide
Whether or not to continue. Be more aware
Of your thoughts and emotions. The more that you care
About feeling your best, the less you are denied
Life’s blessings. Your vibration does matter a lot.

“Do you think that all things are possible for me?”
“What would you think if someone called me something bad?

Just keep asking questions of your inner being.
If you feel good when asking, then it’s agreeing
With whatever it is. You can only be glad
That you inner being is with you completely.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

You Speak As You Live

More important is your word than most anything
Because your word is your ultimate destiny.
It paints for you a portrait specific and true
That the world gets to see more than all that you do.
Be as deliberate as you know you can be
And thoughtful in what you are speaking or writing.

Have a keen sense of what to say. With your intent
You deliver your message to all who may hear.
Your impeccability is all about you.
If you intend well, then wellness will follow through.
Use your energy for truth. Whatever you fear
Can be sensed in your message. This you can’t prevent.

The emotional poison that festers within
Can be cleaned out completely – almost like magic
If with yourself you’re sincere in all that you say.
Even something as simple as, “Have a nice day”
You can say with conviction. There’s no special trick.

Now is always a good time for you to begin.

Watch the world change around you as you begin to
Speak with substance and honor to all that you know
To be true. There is no reason ever to lie
If to yourself this gem of spirit you apply.
Your words do represent you wherever you go.
It is always refreshing to learn something new.

Talk To The Future Self

Inspiration From Within

Time is such that it falls within eternity.
Thus we’re able to visit, whenever we choose,
Other versions of ourselves. The information
We get from such visits may be the solution
To the issues we have now. Is this not good news?
Connection with the unknown does set the soul free.

Someone wants to get pregnant. In fact, it’s her goal.
Her desire to bring forth a child is very strong.
But for now she’s unable. The contract she made
With the spirit forthcoming cannot be betrayed
But by worry and doubt. She did get before long
Information from herself about this new soul.

Passion is what is needed to gain the insight
To proceed with the present. Also you must trust
That it’s not about time. It is about timing.
You can contact your future self just by being
Open to information. All that is discussed
Between you and your future you is only right.

We are all in the trusting mode every moment
Of our existence or else we could not exist.
You don’t have to ‘learn how’ to trust. Simply decide
On exactly what you will trust. You can confide
In the guidance of your future self. Do resist
The temptation to doubt what comes to the present.

The Emotional Journey

Freedom Of Emotional Flight

What happens when you have those feeling places that
Contradict one another? A change of career
Has been on my mind lately. I get excited
About travel abroad. The adventure ahead
I can feel with much passion. There also is fear
That I’ll leave other parts of my life falling flat.

I want to do an institute in India.
I can feel creativity flowing through me.
I love collaborating. The people I meet
Will provide opportunities that will be sweet.
In my heart I believe this is how it will be.
I can do very well in that rich arena.

But again apprehension in blended into
My feelings of elation. Some risk I will take.
It’s a lot of hard work. I will be out of touch
With my family and friends who I cherish much.
Dangerous it may be. The decision I make
Is one of great significance. What shall I do?

When I think thoughts that feel good, I feel good inside.
The reverse is true also. I care more about
Getting into alignment vibrationally.
The Emotional Journey is one that should be
Taken before all others. I’ll deal with my doubt.
My awareness of how I feel shall be my guide.

When A Soul Contract Ends

Moving On

Soul contracts are agreements we enter into
Before birth because souls involved will be bonded
Together for some time for lessons to be learned
That are raw and specific. Our guides are concerned
That we grow through experience. We’ve responded
To spiritual process. It is nothing new.

Before this contract is created we will meet
With our guides who permit us to plan and design
Which life lessons and situations might be best
For each soul’s evolution. What we manifest
In the way of our karma may fall out of line
With intentions original. It’s not defeat.

When all lessons are learned then the contract will end.
When that happens folks respond in various ways.
Like losing an old friend some may feel great sorrow.
But some may be quite happy to let someone go
Who had been a real asshole throughout all the days
Of the contract’s duration. Have you made a friend?

The end of a soul contract ends only a part
Of your life. The next chapter will always be there.
With certain understanding we learn and engage
Our manifold relationships on the life stage.
We instruct one another to be more aware
Of the matters that matter so much to the heart.

Ask Your Inner Being

The Cosmic Spirit Within

How does one turn a nightmare into some relief
From the ongoing struggle of living on earth?
This indeed is the quandary. If I’m allowed
By the spirit within me to feel well endowed
In the ways of alignment and relative mirth
Then most rarely will I be overcome by grief.

Truly grateful I am for a number of things,
But among them my feelings are of most value.
By them I can determine precisely just where
I agree with my spirit or not. With great care
I can lean toward fulfillment in all that I do.
And by asking the questions good answers it brings.

Do I think that I’m bad or do I think I’m good?
Each one conjures a feeling that can be assessed
Easily with some practice. The more that I ask
Then the more recognizable becomes my task.
Surely it beats the hell out of being depressed.
With my spirit, benevolence is understood.

Do I think that all things are possible for me?
Do I think that I’m morally bankrupt and sick?
Do I need to figure it all out this moment?
Is there time left that I may relieve my torment?
Can the walls I’ve made be dismantled brick by brick?
I can feel my way to the way things ought to be.


Sweetest Spices Of Life

I can create realities, each different
Than the other, and I don’t need anybody
Else to kindly agree with me. That’s up to me.
Satisfied I am mostly with all that I see.
Life has caused me to tell it just how it should be
In the way that it keeps me just shy of content.

Life, I know, hears what I say and feels what I feel,
Having had my acquaintance for so long by now.
Yet the question is always, Where am I in all
That I’ve asked since I’ve been here?
It hasn’t been small.

All that I need some help with is how to allow
Earth’s bounty to consume me in ways that are real.

All that I want I do not have, and it’s okay.
In the purest vibrational form they exist.
This day has been a good day. I learned a bit more
How to look at life not as a hard karmic chore
But a marvelous mission where souls may enlist.
Tomorrow I’ll do better than I did today.

Tonight’s rest is forthcoming. As I drift to sleep
I’ll attract nothing thought wise. This shell I vacate
To let forces of nature do as they are meant.
There’s no reason why I can’t be much more content
Than I was for today and maintain such a state.
I’ll start off on a good foot. My wholeness I’ll keep.