Tag Archive | coming

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality

What If...?

How to learn to think like a successful person
Is on the minds of many. People want to know
How to make things happen. The Law of Attraction
Mindset starts with the feeling of satisfaction
And from there you can get that good feeling to grow
In intensity. Thus happiness is begun.

Your thoughts create your reality. You’ve heard this
Many times before. But have you actually
Really practiced it? You do in one of two ways.
You can think those appreciative thoughts of praise
Or you can think thoughts of utter catastrophe.
Knowing this, you can, at will, reach a state of bliss.

When you think thoughts about yourself such as, “I’m not
Disciplined enough”
or “I can’t do anything
About my situation”
you’re creating hell

For yourself. How long in it do you want to dwell?
Train yourself to catch these thoughts as they’re happening
And then flip them to positive right on the spot.

In your doing so, you’re shifting your energy
And immediately you begin to feel good.
As you feel better it becomes easy to find
Better answers. Control the power of your mind.
Know for certain that things will work out as they should.
Think yourself into a better reality.

Your Truest Wealth

Rain Of Cash

Dearest friends, our grandest wishes are for you all
To realize your potential worth as humans –
As energetic beings – as sources of love
And of joy. There’s so much wellbeing to speak of.
If we don’t say so ourselves you’re in perfect hands.
Your value to the universe cannot be small.

Your earthly ancestors put themselves out there for
You to realize your own propensity to
Love yourselves and your entire life experience.
Your inner wealth is the only wealth that makes sense
Because it can bring instant happiness to you.
It’s the kind of wealth where you can only get more.

Your inner worth is the only wealth worth seeking
Whether you’re aware of it or not. We beseech
You to look within for it. Indeed you will find
Information of benefit to humankind.
Your enlightenment as a race is within reach.
Benefit from the truth that we are now speaking.

Your planet is going through an enormous shift
In consciousness – one unseen and unheralded
Before by your masses. Your earth environment
Will be going through changes that will represent
How severe times will be. As you’re looking ahead
In thought, word, and deed do only things that uplift.

There’s No Waiting For Now

Spontaneous Joy

There’s No Waiting For Now because it’s happening
At this moment. Right now can be more exciting
Than the now right before it. You get to decide
How to feel in each. Easily you’re satisfied
And the world you create is truly inviting.
You’re on top of it all when you’re doing your thing.

You’ve mastered the technique of feeling good right now.
You don’t need the physical manifestations
In order to feel good right now. You celebrate
Everything about this moment. You’re in the state
Of receiving help with all of your creations.
The more receptive you are the more you allow.

There’s a big difference between where you have been
And where you are right now where your power is great.
Where you were is of no use to where you are now.
When you drift away from your purpose you know how
To get right back on track so that you can create
This moment as you want it right now and again.

It’s the ‘means to the end’ thing. You find clarity,
Peacefulness, ease, and satisfaction when you give
Undivided attention to only one thing:
Your connection to right now and what it can bring
Into your life – the one you intended to live.
There’s no waiting for how your life is meant to be.

Don’t Focus On The Absence

Spatial Emptiness

Emptiness is a real thing. Deeply I feel it.
The big hole in my gut that I fill with my mind
Keeps expanding as I approach reemergence
Into spirit. Why didn’t I have enough sense
To prepare something of value to leave behind?
That I’ve been a hell of a person I admit.

Yet if I keep on beating this old drum I will
Prevent my moving forward. I apologize
For my past ill behavior. I need to let go
Of my shame and guilt. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow.
I know that I’m human by the tears in my eyes.
My demise I hope will give my victims a thrill.

On the absence of something that might have occurred
Had I not been a certain way I’ll not focus
Because that will only prolong right here and now.
I can get to a better place and I know how
To do it when I need to. This is a big plus
To my credit. My salvation is much preferred.

I need to get my mind off of disappointment
And onto the feeling of evolving into
Something better. It’s an emotional journey
I must take but I can do it successfully
Even if feeling better is all that I do.
I can get anywhere by my conscious intent.

Just Let Things Be


Of the guilt and shame you may have you can let go
As well as all the negative feelings that you
Have been nursing. Although it will be difficult
When you let go then peace of mind is the result.
In your heart you know that there’s nothing you can do
To prevent what has happened to your tomorrow.

Let the momentum play out and then start anew.
So now how do you make the world a better place?
It’s by your asking for things to be different
Than they are now which means that you cannot lament
What is past. You deserve a bit of divine grace.
Let go of thinking of what you’ve put people through.

Do you focus on what you want or let things be?
You do both in that order. As long as you’re not
Focusing in opposition to your desire
You’re okay. What you want you’re able to acquire.
How you feel about yourself matters quite a lot.
Above all else you must see yourself as worthy.

Every good feeling notion that you have comes from
Deep within you and the universe supports it
Completely. The only thing that you need to do
Is to maintain alignment between you and you.
Of your internal guidance take full benefit
And expect there to be a successful outcome.

Don’t Go After It – It Will Come

Bon Voyage

As I go through my days wonderful little things
Happen all the time. I’ll be walking in the woods
And I’ll have a thought, “Wouldn’t it be nice to see
Others like me who just want to live happily,”

And it happens. This must mean that I have the goods
On my point of attraction and all that it brings.

How thoughts turn into things is by conscious intent.
When a thought occurs to me where does it come from?
Does it come from my inner being or does it
Come from elsewhere? I know that I cannot permit
Any negative thinking to gain momentum.
I prefer not to live in abject self-torment.

That my path is unfolding right under my feet
I know so absolutely that I rendezvous
Only with people, places, and things that agree
Exactly with what I want. I’m happy to be
In alignment with that part of me which is true.
I march only to the co-creative drumbeat.

I don’t need to make things happen nor do I need
To assert myself through my determination
To grab hold of reality. I can believe
In my powerful ability to receive
Special insights and all kinds of information.
My path appears before me. I need but proceed.

Talk About What You Want

Verbal Bubbles

Talk only about what you want – not what you don’t.
That’s a given but many people fall into
The self-undoing habit of talking about
What they don’t want. Be more conscious of what comes out
Of your mouth about what you want. It’s up to you
To speak loudly your passion because others won’t.

They’re all lined up. It’s all about many engines
On the track pulling in opposite directions.
You get nowhere and you’re wasting your energy.
Speak only of the way that you want things to be.
Let it resonate throughout the mind’s reflections.
See the world and your life through a positive lens.

You will never ever really be satisfied
With something less than what you want so let it be
What you want then line up with it. Watch what happens
When you do so. The most evolved part of you spends
All its time helping you to live more happily.
You can look upon it as your happiness guide.

You’ve released enough resistance. Let your desire
Gain momentum. Give undivided attention
To your purpose and how you feel along the way.
Be aware that there’s power in all that you say
To the universe. Not beyond comprehension
Is the notion that anything you can acquire.

Remain Stable

Ominous Horizon

There’s always something coming to you. The questions,
Because you can’t turn off your point of attraction,
Are, “From where is it coming?” and, “What influence
Am I under as it’s coming?”
Does it make sense

To search hard for the answers with but a fraction
Of a clue and oblivious to suggestions?

People rise or lower to the expectations
Of others. Learn to not to let people train you
Through their behavior or through their disappointment
In their own life experiences. Discontent
In others will eventually make you blue.
Get yourself out of unhealthy situations.

Their best selves are what you want to tune yourself to –
Not their egos who always want to criticize
But you must first find harmony from deep within
Your own heart. Blessings come to you when you begin
Treating others – even the ones who you despise –
With compassion and love. It’s the right thing to do.

If you fear going to some places because you
Feel uneasy when you’re there then you haven’t tuned
Yourself properly. Don’t let the environment
Determine how you feel. You’re one hundred percent
In control of your feelings. You can heal the wound
Of perceived consternation and come out anew.

Don’t Think About It


The contrast that you’re living causes you to know
What you don’t want and therefore what satisfies you.
It really is that simple. How you think and feel
Determines what you get. Your life may be ideal
Or a total disaster. Whichever is true
You’ve complete control over how your life should go.

You send out a vibration whenever you feel
Strong desire. It’s an energy field that combines
With all energies like it. Cooperative
Components are assembled so that you may live
Out your dream. You must be receptive to the signs
Shown to you by the universe which are quite real.

Even though you don’t see it yet it’s on its way
Just as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.
It’s not tangible. It exists as vibration.
You must be ready for its manifestation.
Unto you the good things of life are meant to flow.
In alignment with your higher self you must stay.

If you can’t accept the beginning of something
That you can’t see then you can’t tell if you’re holding
Yourself in vibrational alignment with it
As it grows and matures. It’s to your benefit
To stay positive as your dream is unfolding.
Be receptive to all that the world wants to bring.

A Truly New Year


Human drama continues as it always will.
What gets old is my addiction to the suspense
That some errant part of me finds entertaining.
Though it’s boring I still find myself complaining
About how life does not seem to make any sense.
In a year’s time is there a dream I can fulfill?

I don’t want to pump so much of last year into
The corpuscles of this one. I need a new flow
Of life energy. What I ask for I receive
And this year more than ever I want to believe
In my heart that this is true. I’m willing to go
To great lengths to keep a positive point of view.

Am I letting what’s been given in or am I
Choking it off in some way? I’ve been asking for
Spirit to give me guidance. I want to allow
The wellbeing I’ve asked for to come to me now.
I don’t want to feel disconnected anymore
From the spirit within me that I can’t deny.

Old beliefs and bad habits are due for release
As is always. It’s time to make room for the new
And refreshing. What I shall accomplish this year
Will be done because I will have conquered my fear
Of the challenges that I will be going through.
Nothing is more important than my inner peace.

Your Top Priority


You don’t need to scold yourself into alignment.
If you were bleeding you’d seek immediate care.
When you spirit bleeds you should treat it the same way.
You feel great now and that’s where you’d prefer to stay.
As you’re thinking about where you are now and where
You’re going give your dreams a subtle refinement.

Soothe yourself into alignment by pointing out
To yourself how well you are and how much you’ve got
Going for you. If you do this throughout your day
Everything about it will turn out just the way
You’d prefer. Soothing yourself gets rid of a lot
Of resistance. It also can mitigate doubt.

Do this and within thirty days you will become
Like a magnet to people, events, and places
That excite you. Everywhere you turn you will be
At the center of it and you’ll be completely
Amazed by the sheer magnitude of the graces
Raining down upon you and you’ll know where they’re from.

Be the center, the object, the recipient
Of something that feels really good to you then you
Will equal your point of attraction and you’ll be
Tapped in, turned on, and tuned in to the frequency
Of your higher self. All that you need ever do
Is to feel your way into joy and fulfillment.

The Perfection Of Who You Are

Happy Heart

Learn to accept The Perfection Of Who You Are.
Your society tells you that you’re imperfect.
Don’t believe it! Believe what your spirit tells you.
That you have to redeem yourself just isn’t true.
For your own spiritual health you must reject
Any notion that from perfection you are far.

Embrace the contrast that produces expansion.
Love yourself the way your inner being loves you.
Look at the bigger picture and find resonance
With who you truly are. Give your spirit the chance
To uplift you in everything you choose to do.
Learn to feel love and compassion for everyone.

When you stand in your place of understanding how
The cooperative components coalesce
Around you that’s when you know that you have control
Of your manifestations as you become whole
With their coming to being. You find happiness
When the wellbeing present you learn to allow.

Accept that the process is one of perfection.
Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows everything you need to know.
Release enough resistance that off you will go
With your life of which you’ve made into a fine art.
Be aware of your spiritual connection.

What God Wants You To Know

Realm Of Divinity

It’s about your accepting the sheer perfection
Of who you are as a human being. For so
Long no matter what platform you were born into
You were taught that you’re not perfect. This isn’t true.
This is the biggest thing that God wants you to know
And it’s worth keeping part of your recollection.

God wants you always to embrace all the contrast
In your life because it produces expansion.
You’re an eternal being. You must find a way
To love yourself no matter what. You want to stay
In that state of wellbeing where you are the one
In control and you’re able to remain steadfast.

Anytime you’re not loving yourself you may feel
Guilt or shame. Even hope has a bit of a stain
Of uncertainty. All that it means is that you
Have forgotten the wonderful things God can do.
You can be healed of your troublesome self-disdain
In an instant. Any ailment you have can heal.

Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows all of this. Don’t sweat the small
Stuff. It’s all small compared to your ability
To grab hold of some of God’s awesome energy.
Get yourself hooked up with the being who knows all.
All feelings of divinity come from the heart.

What You Really Want

Spiritual Abandon

What you really want can come right now or within
A few minutes or certainly with a day.
With your mind you can focus on feeling your best.
When you do so your life feels not like a contest
But an adventure where things always go your way.
A new life of wellbeing you now can begin.

Everything that you want is because you think you
Will feel better by having it but you can feel
Better right now and when you do things will turn out
For the better. Try it if you have any doubt
About what the kind universe wants to reveal
To your consciousness. You can accept this as true.

Stop nitpicking over how the happiness comes.
Just accept that you can find it right here and now.
What does not come to you instantaneously
Will become part of your life if you let it be
A fulfilling adventure. You want to allow
Yourself to march to the beat of positive drums.

Just find some touchstone that always feels good to you
When you think about it. Use it as your excuse
To feel good in this moment. Don’t try to figure
It all out. Focus on what you want to endure.
You have nothing to do but kick back and let loose
With your loving all that is delightful and new.

You’re A Powerful Attractor

Space Face

Your daughter wants a best friend to be with at school.
What advice do you give her? You don’t need a best
Friend but it’s fun to have one. A while you’re waiting
To respond to her although you’re advocating
For her happiness. What a wise one might suggest
Is that it has much to do with the golden rule.

You don’t want to replace your inner being though
With a friend. Find your own happy independence
Then you’ll attract a friend who has their own happy
Independence and then happy times there will be
For the both of you. Fulfillment can be immense
Through the infinite power that is within you.

But if you’re needy because you don’t have a friend
You’ll attract someone else who’s needy because they
Are also friendless. You’ll live lives of misery.
There will be much possessiveness and jealousy.
Such a relationship can’t continue this way.
It may last for a while but it is doomed to end.

Notice the positive aspects in everyone.
Pay attention to the friend that you want to be
To someone rather than to the friend you want to
Come to you then they will come from out of the blue.
You attract what you want to and successfully
When alignment with your inner being is done.

Turning Up The Volume In Your Life

Knob Of Control

What’s the goal of an artist? It is to uplift
And evoke from beholders a better feeling
Than they had to begin with. They want people to
Get connected with their personal point of view.
People find what most artists do quite appealing.
They are able to get our consciousness to shift.

It’s a transcendent experience to behold
People in their full power. We all are living
Or striving to have the fullest expression of
Ourselves as human beings. The thing that we love
Above all others is the thing most worth giving
To the world. What you have to offer is  pure gold.

To crank up the volume in my life what do I
Need to know and do? With only your attention
To the notion of it happening you will see
It becoming the way that you want it to be.
Nothing matters that’s outside your comprehension.
You must do what you do without wondering why.

With the volume turned up fully in your life you
Are a master performer. Your audience will
Recognize you as someone whose vision is clear.
They will listen to you because they want to hear
What you have to say and you can savor the thrill
Of your world’s recognition in all that you do.

Preparing For The Day

Morning Routine

I’m extremely pleased to be here. I’m eager for
What is coming next. I shall begin this new day
In alignment with all that I want to take place
Throughout it. I’ll rely on the infinite grace
Of the universe. Everything will go my way.
I’ll receive what I’m wanting as I ask for more.

Sometimes I feel like I’m being headed away
From the details of my dreams, but that’s not the case.
The details are important but generally
I know that they will fill in eventually.
It’s not like I’m preparing to run a big race
Yet I cannot just let things occur as they may.

I’ll get into the nitty gritty of what I’m
All about because it matters to me and to
Everyone I encounter. Moving energy
To my best advantage I can do easily.
Unequivocal knowledge of what I can do
I possess, and I’m making good use of this time.

I remember that it’s all about attraction.
My point of it is how I feel in the moment.
In sublime nonresistance I now can relax
And as this wonderful day reaches its climax
I’ll be the master of every single event.
I shall end this day in complete satisfaction.

Pleasure In The Now

Loving Life

This incredible dream that you’re moving toward
Gives you pleasure. A feeling of utter delight
Overwhelms you. You know that it has to come true,
And you know there is nothing that you need to do
But to stay elevated. The future is bright.
It’s a dream that in any way can’t be ignored.

But we want to talk about the current pleasure
You are having because it’s the key to being
Receptive to what you want. If you’re accepting
The pleasure of this moment, then you’re offering
To the world your best self, and you’ll end up seeing
Things occur in your life way beyond your measure.

There’s a bunch of things that are screwed up in this world.
Should you focus upon them? Should you take a stand
With one side or the other while pushing against
Your opponent? In this way you get yourself fenced
Into one hellish corner. Stay out of the land
Of the livid. Your path will then become unfurled.

How do you align even more with what you feel
Is forthcoming? …By loving where you are right now.
…By your being satisfied and eager for more.
When you get out ahead of what you’re asking for
You give the universe the okay to allow
Blessings to rain upon you. Is this not ideal?

The Best Year Ever

New Beginning

New beginnings are fruitful. When out with the old
And in with something different is tended to,
Then there is an awakening of the spirit.
When the call for change sounds, people tend to hear it
In a big way. You can know what’s in store for you.
By the way you are feeling you clearly are told.

When someone is bleeding in the street, you will do
What it takes to help that person to recover.
But when someone is expressing negatively
They are scolded. Behaving appropriately
Is a challenge. You don’t have to be their lover,
But you can show compassion. This always is true.

This year you can soothe yourself into alignment
By pointing out to yourself how well you’re doing.
Minuscule pieces of that all throughout your day
Will attract more and more. The challenge is to stay
In that state of alignment. It’s worth pursuing.
You have much control over how this year is spent.

In your life, circumstances will come together.
Collective co-creation and coincidence
Can be part of this new year. It’s never too late
To let go of the negative and celebrate
The future which indeed holds tremendous suspense.
This is the first year of many more, as it were.