Tag Archive | receive

Unlock Your Inner Peace

Youth Yoga

There are many ways to achieve inner peace and
Happiness. One way might work for you but not for
Someone else. It takes some experimentation
To find the right path for you. The elevation
Of your consciousness is the main reason for your
Seeking inner peace which you know and understand.

Spending time in nature can prevent your mind from
Thinking stressful thoughts. Take a deep breath of fresh air.
Take short walks and appreciate all that you see.
You can conquer depression and anxiety
Through exposure to nature. Become more aware
Of the beating of nature’s therapeutic drum.

Practice mindfulness. Meditate regularly.
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining
About what you lack. Those who are most satisfied
With their lives have a grateful heart that’s open wide.
Such people have no problem at all maintaining
Their alignment with their positive energy.

Take full responsibility for your actions.
Be accountable for everything that you do.
Everyone screws up sometimes. These are lessons learned.
They should be steppingstones as far as you’re concerned.
But don’t let your mistakes of the past define you.
It does no good to dwell on your past infractions.

Love yourself. Practice acceptance and contentment.
Exercise regularly. Eat healthy. Be kind
To yourself and others. Get rid of your clutter.
Show your magnificence with the words you utter.
Take control of your life and within it you’ll find
That your reflecting upon it is time well spent.

Surprise And Delight

Big Surprise

Your journey never ends. You receive a desire,
You get into the mode of receiving, then you
Receive what you’ve been wanting. The cycle repeats
Life is full of amazing and delicious treats.
It can be one where all of your wishes come true.
Only the feeling of joy you need to acquire.

The most optimum situation can occur
When you’re tuned in and stay there. All along the way
More ideas are coming. It turns out that it
Never turns out and it’s all to your benefit.
To be happy is not such a high price to pay
To live only the life that you truly prefer.

Get hooked on the good feeling of things working out
For you always then there’ll be no disappointment
Sneaking up on you. Things are always unfolding
In your favor. You have only your joy to bring
To the table. You know that your time is best spent
Getting happy. Indeed that’s what life’s all about.

Accept that there’s no ending. There’ll always be more
Good things happening for you. Ask yourself, “What now?
What can now happen to Surprise And Delight me?”

Ask the universe this. Pretty soon you will see
Positive responses. As you learn to allow
The goodness you’re aligned more than ever before.

Directly From Source

That I Am

Can a person communicate with the divine
Directly just as if God were a dear old friend?
Yes one can. It’s been done throughout all history.
Anyone can converse with God and easily.
Through the practice of meditation you transcend
Negative mental constructs of errant design.

God broadcasts on a frequency which everyone
Can receive. It’s a matter of tuning into
The right signal. You must learn to quiet the mind.
In that silence a feeling of peace you will find.
Answers to questions will come easily to you.
You get progressively better once it’s begun.

If you’re full of the question then you cannot hear
The answer. They are two different frequencies.
At the same time you can’t keep both activated
Because a tug of war will have been created
In your consciousness. Handel the issue with ease.
Let the question be answered and don’t interfere.

Let the question rest within you only until
It is clarified then let the universe do
What it does so efficiently. You must believe
That you’re way more than worthy enough to receive
What you want to know. Meditation can help you
To relax and succumb to God’s provident will.

The Gray Zone


I exist in a limbo state which connects to
And relies upon old fashioned and outdated
Paradigms and thought processes. I get confused
Much too easily. My ego is often bruised
By the wellbeing that others have created.
I have trouble understanding all that is true.

Too much bad information mixed in with the good
Makes for difficult sorting through. I need to know
How to recognize which information is true.
Since everything is here and now all I need do
Is vibrate to its frequency then it will show
Itself to me. I have not a doubt that it would.

Perhaps if I start feeling that all is quite well
With myself, earth, and everyone, then I’ll become
Receptive to information and clarity.
Through my mind’s eye I want to be able to see.
Ultimately I want to be beating the drum
Of wellbeing. I want a good story to tell.

Everything exists here and now. If I can lose
The idea of space and time and understand
The feeling of just existing right here and now
Then I’ll vibrate to what I want and I’ll allow
The good feeling to evolve into something grand.
How long I remain in The Gray Zone I must choose.

The Direction Of Your Thoughts

Good Thinking

If you’re in the middle of a conversation
And it’s taking you down, smile and end it. If your
Body feels stiff and tired, get up and move around
Whatever the problem some relief can be found.
Any issue that you may have has its own cure
And your thoughts are the basis of your creation.

In the same way that if you’ve been sitting too long
You want to get up and stretch, sometimes you’re involved
In a thought that’s not serving you. What can you do?
Change it to something that’s more uplifting to you.
You must know that your problems will not be resolved
In an instant but know that nothing can go wrong.

Life is meant to be fun. Embrace the contrasting
Moments as part of your magnificent journey
To the things that your wanting then life will be sweet
For the most part. The world and its people will treat
You much better. You’re meant to live life happily.
It’s possible for it to be everlasting.

Change The Direction Of Your Thoughts anytime you
Feel discomfort with what’s going on in your mind.
Nothing is more important than your feeling good.
Everything is working out for you as it should.
Your emotional guidance system is designed
To direct you toward where you want to get to.

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

What Should I Do Today?


First and foremost I cherish the freedom to be
Easygoing about my life. There’s nothing worse
Than entrapment by negative news of the day.
In my own personal world things are quite okay.
I believe that the power of the universe
I can access at any time and easily.

When I woke up this morning there was nothing to
Pull me out of alignment with the expanded
Part of me which is always on top of this world.
Its blanket of confusion cannot be unfurled
By my worthy attention and to be candid
Paltry little is there of the things I can do.

Do I know what’s in my Vortex of Creation?
I can answer that by asking myself how I
Feel in this moment. All that I’ve been putting there
Is immense and specific. I wouldn’t know where
To begin sorting through it all yet I can try
And in so doing be in appreciation.

This day is one where I receive inspiration
Before acting. My goal is to quiet the mind
Several times throughout the day. I can achieve
What I want. There’s no problem because I believe
In a world where most people are gentle and kind.
What I do today will be my own creation.

Surprise And Delight

Happy Happenstance

When you think about it your journey never ends.
You get in the receiving mode then you receive
A desire and the optimum situation
Is that you’re mostly tuned into your creation.
More ideas keep coming the more you believe
In the things that the spirit within you intends.

You’re having rendezvous and experiences
All along the way. More ideas keep coming
So it turns out that it never turns out. It turns
Out that living life is not one of your concerns.
Your confidence is what keeps your motor humming.
You handle conditions without consequences.

It’s a never ending journey and when you get
Hooked on that good feeling of it unfolding and
You never need a destination you never
Have any disappointment. You are as it were
In a place where you can easily understand
That your whole life is determined by your mindset.

Don’t get fixated on what you think is the end
Of your journey. What you see is an illusion.
Ask how the universe will Surprise And Delight
You today. It will get you to feeling just right.
You’ll then be encouraged to draw the conclusion
That the universe is ultimately your friend.

Just Hook Up And Point At What You Want

Pointing Upward

The receiving mode never includes negative
Emotion. It is never the pushing against
Mode. It always feels enticing, satisfying,
And expansive. It doesn’t require my trying
Hard until the manifestation has commenced.
I’m ready for what the universe wants to give.

The receiving mode is my most natural state.
It’s appealing. It calls me. It’s fascinating,
Interesting, and clarifying. When I’m out
Of that state I’m consumed with confusion and doubt
And I don’t benefit from what I’m creating
By my asking how I can best cooperate.

I know that things are always working out for me.
I’m supposed to have power. The tantrums I throw
Indicate that within me something has gone wrong.
I can easily get back to where I belong
Which is happy. I’m here to do that and to grow
In the process. It’s everyone’s reason to be.

What do I want? Everything is open to me.
I can ponder the question and find fulfillment
In just doing that. In the mode of receiving
My chances of eventually achieving
Lasting happiness are best. By being content
I remain in touch with who I came here to be.

Get Ready To Receive

Present In The Present

Getting into the receptive mode is easy.
You are in it several times throughout your day.
When you change lanes in traffic you get an impulse
To do so. Intuition you cannot divulse
From your system of sensing. It is your main way
Of receiving. You are this way naturally.

You can use meditation to quiet the mind.
This enhances your readiness. When you’re detached
From your thoughts you enter a state of total peace.
This is helpful whenever you want to release
Incongruent thought patterns. This then will have hatched
A new understanding with which to be aligned.

You can’t think about bills when you’re focused upon
The dripping of a faucet or a ticking clock.
Let your mind settle into inactivity.
Once you connect in this way you usually
Will become more receptive. By taking more stock
In your spirit it’s your happiness you act on.

You’ve been in the receiving mode much more than you
Realize. Do it on purpose then come to know
The relationship between your thoughts and the things
That occur in your life. Your receptiveness brings
Everything unto you so allow it to flow.
There is not much else that you are required to do.

Tapping Into Other Inner Beings

Distilled Consciousness

People are made of spirit essentially so.
We have bodies but they’re just the vehicles for
Interacting with this time space reality.
Human beings are therefore a dichotomy
Of magnificence. Our work here is to be more
Than we are now. The purpose of life is to grow.

Inner beings are our spirits. Each has access
To all others, which means if we can tap into
Our own spirit then we have the ability
To communicate with others psychically.
Your connecting in this way can benefit you
And all others and can lead to your happiness.

The emotional scale determines how far we
Are from our inner being. So no matter where
We may find ourselves we can get to a new place
Where we are more receptive to infinite grace.
All it takes is a willingness to be aware
Of your spirit and trust in it wholeheartedly.

When you’re tuned into your inner being you will
Receive impulses also flashes of insight
Telling you there are others in contact with your
Inner being. You can be absolutely sure
That what you get from your inner being is right.
It takes no time at all to develop this skill.

Life Mastery

Threshold Of Reality

Do I need confirmation from The Almighty
That I’m well on my journey? How much can I know
That I should know to keep my spirit flying high?
I’ve discovered that if I ask the question why
My life can get better, the universe will show
Me a world that is full of possibility.

After I’ve quieted my mind I can then play
Around with the idea until I receive
An impulse to do something. Whatever I do
Is because I’ve gotten an intuitive clue
From spiritual forces in which I believe.
That’s how in an elevated state I will stay.

Until I feel a sharp elevation in my
Emotions, I can’t be receptive to the grace
That is offered me. What I do is done in bliss.
Any thought other than that I need to dismiss
As irrelevant. What I do I must embrace
With passion. It is a question of do or die.

It must feel like something I really want to do
More than anything else. It’s always productive
But the thrill is the purpose in anything done.
What appears to be work is actually fun.
Life is wonderful if I am willing to give
All I’ve got to the mission that I’m assigned to.

Just Enjoy The Process

Toward Solution

What can I do to step back from the sponsoring
Negative thoughts and get a more clear message from
My inner being or higher self? How can I
Be assured that there is some technique I can try
To relieve my anxiety? From where I come
Is a place of humility and wondering.

The question and the answer are two different
Points of view and vibration. I can’t receive when
The question becomes dominant I must chill out
And know that things are working out beyond all doubt.
The pulsating question I must let go of, then
I’m able to receive absent my self-torment.

The answer is to let some time pass and to be
Receptive to the answer. My inner being
Is revealing it to me constantly. I must
Be free of negativity, and I must trust
That my inner being is always far seeing.
I would like to say that it’s the best part of me.

The point of meditation is to clear the mind
Of its negative clutter and all resistance.
Let it do that. There’s no other reason to be
In alignment than to be absolutely free
Of resistance no matter what the circumstance.
Just Enjoy The Process as it is well defined.

Guidance In The Moment

Moment Of Inspiration

Is it part of the ego’s agenda to be
Contemplative? There are times when I want to know
Whether or not what I’m doing is wrong or right
In the moment. I’m up for receiving insight
That will help me to decide which way I should go.
I depend on my guidance system completely.

I have an inner being. When I get in touch
With that part of me, I can be sure what to do
In the moment. The inspiration comes to me
Like the touch of a butterfly. Then I can see
From a broader perspective. I savor the view.
These are moments that I can appreciate much.

What’s it actually feel like viscerally
To be in alignment from moment to moment?
As I practice the vibration of being there
I will know what alignment is and I’ll declare
To the universe that it’s my conscious intent
To line up with the person who I’m meant to be.

Readiness to receive those impulses is my
Point of focus. I don’t have to prove anything
So that I can feel worthy. I’ve no one to please.
I want to see the way my inner being sees.
Onto my negative beliefs I need not cling.
My connection with my inner being is why.

Stop Trying

The Social Climb

You want to resonate with your inner being,
So you have to look forward. You cannot go back.
What do you have in your Vortex of Creation?
When you ask, it is given, so know that it’s done.
How do you tolerate thoughts and feelings of lack?
How do you get to a better way of seeing?

Your Vortex of Creation is all of your dreams,
Hopes, and wishes. It is a nonphysical thing.
Believe in its existence, and then get happy.
Everything in life happens vibrationally.
Do whatever in this world that makes your heart sing.
You’ll have wonderful things flowing to you in streams.

You don’t need to toil for its justification.
You just need to stop doing that thing that you do
That prevents it from coming. Stop your worrying
And trying to make it happen. Stop hurrying
On the treadmill to nowhere. You are the one who
Can change everything about your situation.

You don’t want the manifestation anyway.
What you want is the thrill of the manifesting.
You want to create. You don’t want the creation.
You’re in the receiving mode when you’re having fun.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Get your blessings from bliss. It’s the best price to pay.

Surprise And Delight

Pleasantly Excited

Like a fun Christmas morning each day can begin,
And it never ends. When I receive a desire,
Then get in the receiving mode, I manifest
What I’m wanting. I know my life is truly blessed,
And about my worthiness I need not inquire.
I’m made to be comfortable in my own skin.

All along the way, ideas and rendezvous
Punctuate my experiences, and the more
I remain in alignment, the more good will come.
My Vortex of Creation is where good comes from.
I am used to receiving things that I adore.
I look forward to always getting awesome news.

In what way is this kind universe going to
Do its thing to Surprise And Delight me today?
This question I ask frequently, and the answer
Is provided instantly. The life I prefer
I’m living in this moment. More is on the way.
There is no contradicting what I know is true.

Sometimes what I think is the end of the journey
I get fixated on, but there is no ending…
Just more good stuff to happen. I start every day
With a rampage of gratitude so that I’ll stay
In alignment. The vibration that I’m sending
To the universe is as I want it to be.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.

Resistance Free


Life is meant to be fun. Struggle is an option.
You’re never going to get it done, and you cannot
Get it wrong, so embrace the contrasting moments
As part of your journey. Indulge in the suspense
Of good living occurring. Give it all you’ve got,
But do so from the basis of your having fun.

Meditate if you feel like it. Take it easy.
Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
So, if you feel anything less than excited,
Then something in you needs to be reignited.
It’s okay to love yourself for your humanhood.
Do whatever you have to do to get happy.

Change the pace of what’s happening. You have control
Over ill conversation. Simply don’t partake.
If a thought does not serve you, change its direction.
From specific to general is how it’s done.
You will benefit from the decision you make
To be hellbent on happiness as its own goal.

You receive an impulse, in your most relaxed state,
From your higher self. Let it guide you on your way
To more like it. As you get rid of resistance,
Blessings come to you seemingly by happenstance.
Your magnetic achievement is on full display.
There is nothing complex about your feeling great.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.

Get Your Answers Directly From YOU!

Your Inner Oracle

Questions I have about life and why I exist
Overcome me. I would like to communicate
With my inner being a bit more directly,
But nothing that I can understand comes to me.
Can I get answers without my having to wait?
There is no way that my questions can be dismissed.

Most subtly it must happen in the beginning.
I must be in alignment with it in order
To receive it. I am it, as far as I know,
But therein lies resistance. I have to let go
Of the question, which is not what I would prefer,
Yet it’s probably the answer to everything.

The vibration of the question is different
From that of the answer. I cannot concentrate
On the question forever. The answer will come
When I am ready for it. All emanates from
Being in a receptive and positive state.
I anticipate a spiritual event.

I’ll let it rest within me for a day or two.
Then I’ll unclutter my mind through meditation.
Having left the question much a thing of the past,
Inspiration is offered to me from the vast
Fund of infinite knowledge. How well I have done
In getting my answers from the source that is true!

Special Delivery Blessings

Especially For You

Many things can be called good things if we allow
For the intimate detail to enter the heart.
Every little “Good day, sir,” or “How do you do?”
Is a blessing that’s meant especially for you.
Pleasant little things that happen are all a part
Of your network of worthiness right here and now.

Through the mind and the heart are not the only ways
That good graces are disbursed. Your impulses to
Put yourself in circumstances to manifest
Are also special blessings. The feelings expressed
To you from others are meant to compliment you.
Be aware of every time that you receive praise.

When you care about knowing something, your Inner
knows the path of least resistance. When you

Get in touch with your inner self, you’ll be in touch
With that self that others seem to value so much.
Be receptive to the self you know to be true,
And through life you will turn out to be a winner.

Move about your life with ease and flow rather than
With rigidity. Let the blessings come to you
Any way that you can allow them. Resistance
Is caused by your beliefs. Do not give it a chance
To distract you from what it is you have to do
To sustain your alignment. You know that you can.

Time Shortage Consciousness

The Conflicted Eternity

There’s no time to do all the things I need to do.
If the days were made longer would I find relief?
Or would time dissipate still leaving me upset?
To my peace of mind time is an ongoing threat.
Have I been trained to suffer such temporal grief?
And is life all about torment and feeling blue?

These questions I ask as if everyone is prone
To time management issues. Perhaps only I
Alone am stricken with Time Shortage Consciousness.
Knowing this can’t be true I can ruminate less
In my pot of self-pity. I can’t wonder why
I can’t find the time. I know that I’m not alone.

Most people are believing more in action than
They are in the leverage of smart energy
So they work themselves weary with not much to show
For their effort. It is good for people to know
That they can get things done more spiritually.
Then it is easier to come up with a plan.

I can only receive if I am up to speed
With what I’m asking for – in this case, alignment
With my truest self. This softens my resistance
And the struggle I put into the circumstance
Of my living, and simply by feeling content
I can create the time that I most truly need.

Feeling Good Lets It In

The Key To Ultimate Acceptance

It seems that life programs us for not feeling good
And for not having fun. It’s because the contrast
That manifests in this time space reality
Is for our spiritual growth ultimately.
Hard work is honored. We’re taught to remain steadfast
In our struggle, as every good citizen should.

This mindset becomes outdated in the long run.
Leveraging of energy is easier
Than action that is taken. It doesn’t take much
Energy if you are wholeheartedly in touch
With you true self. Only pleasantness can occur
In the process of chilling while getting things done.

Time shortage consciousness stems from too much effort
Or focus on something that can be easily
Taken care of through your thought or meditation.
Energy outdoes action a billion to none.
You are now realizing how life ought to be.
Universal forces give you loving support.

It takes not long for you to be in such a state
Of contentment where nothing at all bothers you.
From there you have control over this universe.
This is quite the real deal. We’re not here to rehearse.
Is feeling good something that is long overdue?
It’s time to let the goodness in. Why do you wait?