Tag Archive | powerful


Casual Day

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
And that you are deserving of coming to be
Manifested in your present reality.
To gain access to it you simply have to care
About how you feel. Your future is never dim.

It’s about time for those realizations to
Begin flooding into your life experience
At a rate that will astonish those around you.
Be receptive of all the blessings coming due.
Let your wonderful dream of a lifetime commence
In this moment. Embrace the exciting and new.

We in spirit observe you. We see that you still
Don’t know who you are truly and for the most part
You don’t understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is. Don’t betray
Your own purpose by holding hatred in your heart.
Exercise as you must your God-given free will.

You came here to do business and have lots of fun
In the doing. Life isn’t so complicated
When you know where you came from and what you could be,
Do, or have here in this time space reality.
Allow now what you know has been long awaited.
Watch for evidence of your new journey begun.

Joy In Every Moment

Joy Of Business

In your life there are wonderful things happening
And as you count your blessings you can count on more
Of them coming. You’re in just the right place to be
In a state of alignment perpetually.
Here and now you have everything you’re looking for.
It’s easy to find something that makes your heart sing.

When your asking is powerful, powerful too
Must be your understanding of the solution
To your asking. Every question has an answer.
Every new issue becomes a mood enhancer.
Strong momentum accounts for the evolution
Of your point of attracting all that comes to you.

You came into this life experience to be
Where you are here and now. You came here to create
With the much larger nonphysical part of you.
It always has the most positive point of view.
You know to get into the meditative state
When something is keeping you from being happy.

You need not explain anything to anyone
About why you’re so happy. If they’d like to know
Why you are you can tell them that you’ve found the way
To get happy when you’re not therefore you can stay
Satisfied on your journey wherever you go.
Take some pride in the spiritual work you’ve done.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Financial Growth

You have asked. It’s been given. You’re reaching for more
Satisfaction in living. Your moments of stress
No longer petrify you and keep you away
From experiencing wonder throughout your day.
You’ve your inner being to thank for your success.
You’re on top of your game more than ever before.

It has been a fine year, a wonderful decade,
And an outstanding century and far beyond
On the planet and you’re here to take advantage
Of the wellbeing. You’re meant to take center stage.
All the players and props in your drama respond
To how much of your true self to them is conveyed.

As of right now your clarity has already
Improved and will continue to. Your eagerness
For life has been renewed. Your appreciation
Of others will increase. Your exhilaration
About your life will be the source of your success
In whatever you’re doing. You must stay happy.

You have not seen anything like what lies ahead.
You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment
With your purpose. Your prosperity will improve.
You’ll greatly praise yourself for having made the move
Toward wholeness and feeling profoundly content.
It seems by now that there’s nothing more to be said.

Allow What You Want

Star Touch

To the brim your Vortex of Creation is filled
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there.
You’re deserving of the realization of
All you’ve put there – indeed everything that you love.
You’ve tended your Vortex of Creation with care.
If you knew all that’s in there your heart would be thrilled.

And it’s time for those things to start flooding into
Your experience at a rate that will surprise
Those around you. It’s time for you to remember
What you’ve put in your Vortex. Let nothing deter
You alignment with it and soon you’ll realize
Things occurring that will bring excitement to you.

Your Vortex is vibrational – not physical.
It’s an energy field that you can access through
Your terrific emotional guidance system.
Your feelings are important so do respect them.
Sometimes you don’t remember that you are one who
Is deserving of that which will boost your morale.

Here and now in your physical body allow
Yourself to be the recipient of the things
You desire. Your Vortex of Creation is where
You must focus. Become more aware of what’s there.
Pay a lot more attention to what to you brings
Happiness. Let your guidance system show you how.

Allowing What You Want

Many Gifts

Your idea of heaven would have to include
Everything you’ve ever wanted since you were born
All prepared and granted especially to you.
It would be a place where you’d have nothing to do
But be happy. You’re able to toot your own horn
Without worrying that someone may think you’re rude.

It’s a real place. It exists vibrationally.
It’s made up of all wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams
Of all people while living their lives here on earth.
Heaven is the place that propels us into birth
Yet the issue is that on this planet it seems
People aren’t receptive to its reality.

Those in heaven are the beneficiaries
Of our yearnings because they become instantly
Manifested there, but again heaven is made
Of spirit and vibration. Who comes to our aid
When we ask? We can count on the ‘powers that be.
We do not have to cower and beg, “pretty please?”

“As above, so below.” Heaven on earth can be
A reality that you can experience
In its fullness. You can watch for the evidence
Of wellbeing happening in the present tense.
You’ll find that the power that it has is immense.
You can be in heaven just by being happy.

Let Go And Let God

The Threshold

Long before all else fails why not put yourself in
A more trusting position? If you’re doing well
But you want more to happen you have to believe
That it will. The only thing you have to achieve
Is alignment with that which is ringing your bell.
Not to do so would be committing a grave sin.

Don’t take score about where your are. Trust the process.
If you make peace with where you are you will succeed
In the long run due to your improved attitude.
Let the spirit within you cause you to conclude
That all is well. You want to let go of the need
To keep measuring your spiritual progress.

Let go of the oars and let the boat turn around
So that it’s pointed downstream. There’s nothing upstream
That you want. Let how you feel determine the way
That your boat turns. Once it does it’s easy to stay
Pointed downstream where life can be lived like a dream.
In your surrendering control much can be found.

When you feel negative emotion it means that
Your boat is pointed upstream. Find some way to find
Some relief from the opposition and the stress.
To the minds who create worlds you have full access.
As you Let Go And Let God you’ll be more inclined
To feel better. Is this not something to look at?

Stop Negative Thoughts

Psychic Distress

All the things that I don’t like take over my mind
In a big way. I’m unable to concentrate
On anything else but my bad situation
Which I know by now is of my own creation.
My life as I know it is in such a sad state
That relief from my negative thoughts I can’t find.

When I find myself in negative emotion
It tells me that I’ve got some resistance going
On within me. It also lets me know that I
And my inner being don’t agree. This is why
I feel badly. How can I get good thoughts flowing?
To how I feel I must give utmost devotion.

I’ve decided that I’m going to render this
Vibration inactive. By my writing it down
And then placing it in the ‘inactive’ box I
Put myself in the driver’s seat. When I apply
Simple rules of alignment I can’t wear a frown.
In not trying this trick out I would be remiss.

I can vibrate deliberately. When I do
I always get measurable responses from
This vibrating universe. This is a sure thing.
It’s not iffy or chancy. Indeed it will bring
Everything that I want. All the good that will come
Through my change in perspective will render me new.

Let Yourself Have What You Deserve

Personal Satisfaction

Remember more and more of who you are and get
More clarity about what you want. Remember
How to calibrate to what you want more and more.
Keep your mind focused only on things you adore.
The desire in your heart is the burning ember
Of your conscious awareness. It’s your best asset.

Be less eager to point out the fallacies in
Yourself or in others. What you want cannot come
With this kind of distraction. Don’t argue for your
Limitations. Believe that what you’re asking for
Is forthcoming. This may be difficult for some
To accomplish if they don’t know where to begin.

There’s not only one big pie that is divided
Up among us. It’s infinite. It gets bigger
And bigger with more asking. It can satisfy
Everyone on the planet. The main reason why
Many people aren’t wealthy is there’s no vigor
In their wanting. Not by spirit are they guided.

Shortage consciousness robs you of your energy
That could otherwise be focused on your desire.
It exists in vibration so treat it as real.
Use your guidance system. It’s the way that you feel
In each moment. Prepare for good things to transpire.
Live the life your deserve. How you feel is the key.

Using The Power Of Intention

Creative Exchange

Some are afflicted with the disease of pleasing.
They don’t know how to say no so they will give in
To outrageous requests made of them by others.
Since by now it’s a habit it often it occurs.
They can’t change their behavior, much to their chagrin,
Of finding people most worthy of appeasing.

But intention is at the heart of creating
Authentic power. If you’ve the strength to say no
To someone then it will become easier to
Say no into the future. You’ll enter a new
Realm of being. Your sense of wellbeing will grow.
In essence you want to be self-advocating.

The disease to please is cured by your intention
To be better than you have known yourself to be.
If you don’t want to do it then don’t. It’s okay
To say no without letting guilt get in the way
Of your purpose. You are meant to live happily.
You’re not here to devote service to anyone.

Your intention will ultimately determine
The outcome. Your intention in fact is the cause
Of the wanted effect. You cannot separate
The two. Through your intention you want to create
Your dream in accordance with spiritual laws.
Right now is the perfect time for you to begin.

A Tale Of Two Wolves

Color Burst Wolves

In my heart there are two wolves. They live together
But in conflict. One wolf is loving, generous,
Truthful, peaceful, and compassionate. The other
Is fearful and deceitful. It is, as it were,
Quite the opposite, and what we’re here to discuss
Is which one wins as the issues of life occur.

Which wolf gets more attention? Which one do I feed?
If it’s the loving wolf does it mean I deny
The mean wolf or get rid of it? That would only
Cause a long drawn out battle and hostility
Would be seen in my attitude. So this is why
It’s much better to not do what I have no need.

What I can do is calmly give my attention
To the angry wolf and let go of believing
That it has anything of value to offer.
If I can do that then what will have to occur
Is a long lasting peace. What I’d be achieving
Is a balance way beyond my comprehension.

Restful or chaotic, enjoyable or not…
Experiences may come and go but I can
Get accustomed to mindfulness. It can help me
To take care of my loving wolf and finally
Be relieved of the mean wolf’s malevolent plan.
That I keep my wolves separate matters a lot.

More Powerful Than Millions

Showing Strength

I feel blessed. I feel eager and ready for more
Of what life has to offer. Right now I’m tuned in,
Aligned with, and turned on to who I truly am.
I don’t follow any complicated program.
I’ve absolved myself of the original sin
Of unworthiness. Pleasure is worth going for.

I feel strong and intuitive. There’s not one thing
I can’t handle. I feel flexible in a way
That gives me proper balance. I feel really good.
What I want to happen for me is understood
By the provident universe. I want to stay
In this state where such good feelings are happening.

Now, what’s happened is that I’ve calibrated my
Vibration to a higher place where I can feel
Resonance with the words. So the very next day…
And the next, and the next, I’m out of my own way.
I stay focused on what in life is most ideal
To my purpose. Spiritual laws here apply.

When you write down your words you feel the resonance
And the power of them lighting up in your soul.
You hook up with your inner being in this way.
It will help you to put your best self on display.
May the awesome dynamic power you control
Be the force for improving your now circumstance.

Be The Energy That Creates Worlds

Deep Space Creation

All that is came to be. Is that all one can know
Of what is call existence? Is there a lot more
To be known about movement, time, space, energy,
And consciousness to be of interest to me?
Finding new ways of thinking is what I live for.
I can contemplate things like there’s no tomorrow.

When I show myself that I have the power to
Come into alignment, not just with who I was
Before I was born, but with all that I’ve become
Ever since, then I see where my power comes from.
I need not seek the favor or fickle applause
Of the public. To myself I must remain true.

When I show myself that by my being selfish
By reaching for the best feeling though I can find
About this present moment, I know that I’ve made
Great improvement and on the right path I have stayed
As the ways of the universe capture my mind
In a bubble. That it be released is my wish.

When I care about being in concert with the
Energy that creates worlds, I have more power
Than a billion who don’t care about anything.
To this method of communicating I cling.
The impressions I have I need not embower.
As with everything, it’s all about energy.

Daydreaming Made Simple

Dream Life

It’s a safe thing to do. There is little to no
Resistance in daydreaming. I’m less likely to
Have a knee jerk reaction to something while I
Let my mind wonder blissfully than if I try
To respond in the moment with nary a clue
How to do so. What I know is how to let go.

I can drag resistance into my daydreaming.
I can daydream and then kill it with the next thought.
So I must be aware of that. I daydream just
For the pleasure it brings me. Who says that it must
Serve a purpose? I don’t want to get myself caught
In a circumstance which isn’t self-esteeming.

Daydreaming is receiving what I’ve put into
My vortex of creation. It’s a reservoir
Rich with good feeling content. I’ll just go straight there
When I have to. Occasions of discord are rare,
And it’s not gotten me into trouble so far.
In my gut I feel that it’s the right thing to do.

I can build up enough momentum to create
What I want by daydreaming deliberately.
My point of attraction does matter quite a bit.
What I dream about is of immense benefit
To the life I’m creating. I’m happy to be
Able to enter into that positive state.

Spiritual Dynamite

Cosmic Burst

Nitroglycerin is a highly explosive
Compound that confused scientists for many years.
Something so powerful surely must have a use.
If they could only harness it they would produce
A more controlled explosion, yet no volunteers
They would get to help them due to their will to live.

So, through much trial and error, they found that they could,
By combining the nitroglycerin with clay,
Make a dynamite substance. This one named Nobel
Had created something straight out of Dante’s Hell,
But thank God that it could be used in a good way.
Odd people can most often be misunderstood.

We’re spiritual creatures temporarily
Taking on human bodies to experience
What it’s like to mix substances like spirit and
Difficulty so that consciousness can expand
In a big way. Faith is but a minor expense
For partaking of our spirituality.

Sharing our spirituality with others
In a way that does not involve twisting the arm
Of someone to convince them of our chosen way
Will enhance true enlightenment. There’ll come the day
Where we will be aware of all that causes harm
To the spirit as our evolution occurs.


Grateful Heart

Gratitude is the fresh feeling and attitude
Of appreciation or thankfulness for the
Benefits we’ve received or expect to receive.
All religious traditions preach it and believe
That its practice uplifts us spiritually.
It’s a wonderful virtue we can thus conclude.

As the Law of Attraction states that what we hold
In our minds tends to manifest, the feeling of
Gratitude opens the channels for more goodness.
More abundance comes to us the more we express
Gratitude for what we have, especially love.
Benefits of being grateful are manifold.

For the awakening spiritual seeker,
Practicing gratitude is the most important,
Beneficial, and powerful of intentions.
It’s a way of accessing higher dimensions
Of consciousness. If one needs a feeling transplant,
Gratitude puts the kibosh on the critiquer.

A major spiritual opportunity
For consciousness to evolve, our lives are a gift.
Treasure the opportunity with gratitude,
And your faith in humanity will be renewed.
Gratitude has the awesome power to uplift
Anyone, and it happens immediately.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

Allow What You Want

Open Access

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
From the first time you were able to know desire
Up to this moment, and from it you can acquire
Any part or all of it. You need only care
How you feel, which is not something done on a whim.

Remember what you’ve put there. You are deserving
Of its realization in your everyday
Life experience. Know your appreciation
For who you are, for you are a powerful one.
You must understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is occurring.

You can be the recipient of all those things
You have dreamed of because that was part of the plan.
Before coming here, you told yourself you would be
An adept co-creator. You naturally
Manifest through your wanting. Believe that you can
Get accustomed to what true contentment can bring.

Your life is changed forever once you come to know
The vastness of your Vortex. Watch for evidence
Of the universe helping you. You can Allow
What You Want
or deny it. The time is right now

To partake of your treasure which is now immense.
Into your life may wonderful things start to flow.

Never Think About It

Don't Try To Figure It Out

The contrast of your life causes you to know what
You don’t want therefore you know the things that you do.
All your thoughts and vibrations are being received
By the universe. When alignment is achieved,
Things will manifest as if from out of the blue.
Things come a lot faster when you feel from the gut.

It’s not tangible yet to where you can see it,
And it bothers you. It can be irritating
To hear people speak of a damned reality
That in reality has not yet come to be.
Resistance to the truth you may be creating
By discounting this reality’s benefit.

So, accept the reality of the unseen.
To give birth to something, first it must be conceived.
Though it’s hard to accept this, the fact is, you must!
There is so much to gain by your learning to trust
That your dream is as real as it’s strongly believed.
One who is happy is one whose senses are keen.

Be a vibrational match to what you ask for,
Then stop thinking about it. Feel it like it’s done!
Talk about what you want – more importantly, Why.
You will feel more excited – certainly not shy
About broadcasting your wishes to everyone.
Gratitude for what you have will lead you to more.

A Powerful Asking

The Strength Of The Question

The convergence of all that you are is aware
Of the life you are living. Your willingness to
Come and play in this physical reality
Is appreciated by the powers that be.
Your body, as a tool, is most useful to you.
Quick response do you get from your intimate prayer.

In your life, there are wonderful things going on.
There is so much awareness. Rockets of desire
Are shot off to the universe which then provides
Opportunities. You are the one who decides
What it is of this world that you want to acquire.
If you answer your own question, all doubt is gone.

Your asking is powerful. Your understanding
Of the Laws of Attraction help you on your way
Toward living as you wish. Here is where you are,
And where you want to be cannot be very far
As long as you remember there’s no price to pay
For the pleasure of watching your world expanding.

Take it easy. Don’t get in anybody’s face.
Here you are where you’d planned to be to co-create
In this earthly arena. Life happens right now.
More blessings will come to you the more you allow
Yourself to be committed to just feeling great.
Answers come through your access to infinite grace.

The Power Of Attitude

Kingly Posture

There are only two animals on the planet
That have kingly attributes. One is the eagle.
The other is the lion. They both are leaders
Of their respective domains. They both are eaters
Of the flesh of all others. They both are regal.
If one encounters either, one will not forget.

The eagle is the king of all the bird kingdom
As the lion is of animals on the land.
They’ve the spirit of leadership. Their attitude
Is such that they achieve whatever is pursued.
Fearlessness in the face of danger they command.
They are eager for obstacles to overcome.

Not the tallest, or largest, or heaviest beast,
The lion is also not the smartest of all
The creatures in the jungle, yet they all respect
The presence of the lion. They would genuflect
Had they knees. (Never Mind. That was right off the wall.)
Lions are lethal when their anger is released.

You cannot have an attitude that is beyond
Your belief. Attitude is a product of what
Your belief system dictates. Do not lead by fear,
But remember your purpose which is more than clear.
Be aware of the feeling you have in your gut
About life and your propensity to respond.

The Power Of We

Stronger Together

Where two or more are gathered in anyone’s name
Or where two or more just want to get together,
They are called ‘we’ if we are they, so the word ‘we’
Is a most powerful one. Within it we see
Potential to be organized. That is whether
They are people or particles. It’s all the same.

Behind every milestone, important endeavor…
Every hard won achievement is found the word ‘we.’
We accomplish more together – less when alone.
Positive reinforcement is by now well-known
To exist among plurals. Most definitely,
We can muster the power to do whatever.

We are the organization of healthy lives,
Of new skills, safer havens, and stronger first starts.
Giving voice to the voiceless is what we do best.
Any manner of problem is fully addressed
By The Power Of We. What’s closest to our hearts
Is found only in others. It’s all that survives.

We’re an unstoppable force for good everywhere.
We are changing the story to one that includes
Everyone on the planet. Civilization
On the rise is through all folks’ participation.
The word ‘we’ has the power to change attitudes.
The future is inherited by those who care.

Overcoming Negative Emotions

Dealing With Bad Feelings

Human nature becomes me as I wonder why
I suffer the indignance of feeling this way.
Emptiness, frustration, and inadequacy
Are the demons that devour the cold heart of me.
Am I worthless to this world? Is this why I pay
Such a high price for lowlife? Do I want to die?

That is out of the question. I’ve been here before,
And each time it’s the same tape that I keep playing
That puts me at the precipice. What holds me back
Is my fear of the unknown. Spiritual plaque
Blocks the flow of wellbeing. What I am saying
Is that I don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Negative emotions in one’s experience
Happen when needs are unmet, and poor coping skills
Keep one out of alignment. So, what can one do
To escape the consuming cloud? Give me some clue
So that I can return to a life with some thrills.
What would be beneficial to my transcendence?

I’ll take responsibility for my feelings
After acknowledging that I have them. Then I
Can attempt to identify where they come from
At their core. In this simple way I’ll overcome
The dark cloud that is passed now. If I really try
I’ll succeed at getting back to wonderful things.

Get Ready!

Be Prepared!

Life Is Now! It’s not when you reach your final goal.
An occasional cruise it is not, nor is it
Just a simple vacation. It’s every moment
That you have to be you and totally present.
It is not once you’re retired that you benefit
From the good things in life that will render you whole.

Who you are and what you’re about is your focus
But your inner being has an interest too.
It’s appreciating where you are and is proud
Of your progress in life and that you have allowed
It to guide you along the path that’s true for you,
And your readiness is helpful to all of us.

Only wonderful things occur past heaven’s gates.
In this physical world they can be realized
Because this world creates them through people’s desires.
To experience heaven on earth it requires
That your feeling your best only be emphasized.
When asking is powerful, the answer awaits.

Get Ready for the next moment, then the next one…
And the next… Life’s a series of single pieces
Of creative existence. If you can maintain
Your intent to be happy, you’ve so much to gain.
The more you allow, the more your joy increases.
Happily ever after is how life is done.

Push The Launch Button

Get Things Started

You’re the creator of your own reality.
Your life is like a rocket ship ready to go.
You’re moments from blast off. Why on earth do you wait?
Live your life to its fullest before it’s too late
To create all you wanted to. This much you owe
To yourself. You must be all that you want to be.

Creating your own reality is about
A conscious way to choose what you want to occur
By adjusting your thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives
To those of your true spirit who constantly lives
Blissfulness and full clarity. What you prefer
Is your spirit’s only concern without a doubt.

You get what you focus your attention upon.
If it’s rubbish then that is what you’ll manifest
But if you have a dream that you want to come true
Then there is only one thing that you have to do.
Focus on it only and you will do your best.
You have universal forces to rely on.

There is a close connection between attraction
And creation. The Law of Attraction helps you
To know your own potential by testing it out.
Manifestations wipe away lingering doubt
That you get what you ask for. You are the one who
Is meant to push the button on new life begun.

Attend To Your Passion

Engage Your Heart's Desire

Many multi-dimensional realities
Can be known in the same way your inner being
Can perceive all extensions that are part of it.
Accepting higher frequencies, we benefit
From acting on our passion. It’s truly freeing
To delve into your treasured psychic mysteries.

The language of our physical reality
Is physical action. It is not about words.
Your excitement about something will bring you more
That will lead you to what you are passionate for.
Ideas and insights inundate like the birds
But the language of your soul is pure energy.

Your soul communicates with you only this way.
The body translates energy into passion.
Act On It! You are answering the higher mind
In the affirmative. Once that you are aligned
With your purpose you can get a lot of things done
More efficiently. You attain more with each day.

If you are not acting on your passion you will
Not receive any clues or opportunities.
Pay attention to what your passion is about.
All that keeps you from acting is lingering doubt
That you’ll prosper. Life can be an absolute breeze.
You have only your most cherished dream to fulfill.

Allow It To Come

The Wait Is Over

Your vortex is filled to the brim with specific
Requests that you have put there. You are deserving
Of the realization of all you’ve desired.
You must know that the only thing that is required
Is your receptiveness, and it’s not a hard thing.
It is not complicated. There’s no special trick.

It’s high time that those manifestations become
Part of your now experience so that others
Are astonished by how things work out so damned well
For someone who has gone through their own share of hell.
You must go with what you know your true self prefers,
And, despite opposition, keep beating that drum.

Can you know who you are and the important role
That you play in expanding what is here and now?
If you can, you’ve accomplished much of the journey.
You had planned before coming here that you would be
Asking much and preparing the space to allow.
You blend into the process of becoming whole.

You did not say, “I’ll go forth and ask but will not
Allow myself to benefit from my asking.”

You came to experience the fullness of you.
Your life is changed forever in all that you do.
You can stop unconscious over analyzing.
How you feel about being here matters a lot.

Give It No Thought And It Will Come

Making Sense of the Obvious

It can be a head scratcher. This life of contrast
Is a bear to be dealt with continually.
But as necessity comes before invention,
One must go through the process of comprehension
Of life’s black and white nature before there can be
Natural transformation into the fantast.

Contrast is meant to cause us to want for better,
And as soon as the wanting is felt in the soul,
It is felt by the universe and becomes real.
Even though you can’t see it right now, you can feel
Every bit of the goodness. That must be the goal –
Not the how, who, or what. Don’t be a go getter.

It is hard to accept a thing’s reality
If it is a vibration that you cannot touch.
But you must do exactly this in order to
Set yourself up to get the thing that is due you.
You can learn not to beat yourself up so damned much
Over things not controllable. Just let them be.

You could say you want something. Then think not of it.
It would still come to manifest into being.
Only one thing keeps you from achieving your goals.
Your opposing thoughts will shoot you dreams full of holes.
You must evolve the feeling before the seeing
Becomes real in your life. To yourself do commit.


A Clear Open Path

The highway is wide open. You have the green light
To go forward in your life. No traffic exists
That may cause misdirection or some resistance
Which will slow down the process. It doesn’t make sense
Not to go when you’re prompted. The ego resists
What it otherwise thinks is a path far from right.

Your vortex is your heaven. It’s filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there.
Now it’s time to see the full manifestation
To flood into your experience. You’re the one
Who allows it to happen by being aware
Of your headlights when they shine a little too dim.

You don’t yet know who you are, but it can be known.
The important role you play in the expansion
Of all that there is simply cannot be denied.
You will succeed in life with your heart as your guide.
Through self-realization new life has begun,
And despite your uniqueness, you’re never alone.

Long before you arrived on earth this was the plan.
You came not to deny yourself of anything
And everything you dream of. You came to allow
All that you have created to manifest now.
As it happens your life is more interesting.
You are here to be happy as much as you can.