Tag Archive | continually

How To Get What’s Not Coming


“It’s not coming,” to yourself you keep on saying
And it won’t if you continue beating this drum.
It’s apparent. The thing you want hasn’t come yet
And your focus upon this will only beget
The same unfulfilled feeling. What you want can’t come
Because your attitude is too self-betraying.

Be a perfect vibrational match to what you
Want to happen. There can be no contradiction
Within you about having it. Sadness of face
Keeps one from the receiving of infinite grace.
No one will tolerate the grotesque infliction
Of your story upon them. You know this is true.

When you have a desire and continually
Notice that what you want has not yet been achieved
You enhance the vibration of not having it
So in order to get it it’s best that you quit
Focusing on its absence. It will be received
By you only if you live your life happily.

To what you want you want to give your attention –
Not upon its not having been manifested
As of yet. You can speak more about what’s to come.
You can get a whole lot of satisfaction from
Simply telling it so it can be digested
Easily. ‘What is’ isn’t worthy of mention.

Why And How

Passionate Asking

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
I am asking for that are not coming? How can
I get them to come faster?”
When you are aligned

With what you want – when you’re in the right state of mind
Then what you want will come within a short time span.
Why And How then are worth taking a good look at.

When you hold a desire but continually
Notice that it simply hasn’t yet been achieved
It will cause you frustration. To be happy where
You are now is to give yourself the best of care.
Prepare yourself for your heart’s dream to be received
By you. Just let what you want to come come to be.

Where you are now may suck especially if you
Have been there for a long time. You don’t anymore
Want to be there but don’t talk about it so much.
Talk about the thrill of your having it. There’s such
Power in that. Accent what your heart reaches for.
Take advantage of a positive point of view.

You have to give your attention to that which you
Are wanting. Tell the story of your having it.
If you want to be over there rather than here
Then your negative countenance must disappear.
Be aware of the energy that you transmit.
Speak only of your worthiness because it’s true.

Why Isn’t It Coming?

Unnecessary Worry

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
Are not coming?”
When you’re a vibrational match

Perfectly with what you want, it will come to be.
So, your wanting cannot be done desperately.
When you want something strongly you have to detach
From its absence. Forget all about where you’re at.

There’s no contradiction within you when you feel
The desire to its fullest despite the absence
In the physical of what you’ve been asking for.
Quickly and easily the universe can pour
Its blessings all upon you. What it can dispense
Is enormous. There couldn’t be a better deal.

You’re continually noticing that your dream
Is nowhere near fulfillment. This gets in the way
Of its manifestation. You want to be there
And not here, yet abundance is found everywhere.
This world remains a magnificent place to play.
Head in the direction of the abundance stream.

Talk more about what’s over there and less about
What is over here. Give your attention to that
Which you want. Nothing else must be of your concern
Except happiness. It’s something you need not learn.
The world is not a thing that you have to combat.
Do continue believing that things will work out.