Tag Archive | present

Real Inner Peace

Morning Meditation

The mistake often made is the devaluing
Of the present moment while paying way too much
Attention to the next moment or to the past
Which is why a state of inner peace doesn’t last
If it’s ever reached. It doesn’t have to be such
A conundrum. Your willingness means everything.

This moment is the most valuable because
It’s the only one that exists. Some may believe
That the next moment is more significant than
The present and this single misperception can
Keep one stuck in a place where they cannot achieve
Inner peace according to spiritual laws.

The next moment will never come. Think about it.
When it comes it’s no longer the next. It Is Now.
The richness that is overlooked usually
Can be appreciated. The more you can see
The beauty in this moment the more you allow
Inner peace to consume you which is only fit.

When you honor the small things in life you improve
Your relationship with the present moment. Be
Ever present. It’s where all your power resides.
Acknowledge all the wonder this moment provides.
Inner peace can be had when you live happily.
May this moment always be your opening move.

Two Realities

Merging Worlds

There’s a reality that you’ve been explaining,
Defining, exploring, documenting, and such,
But it doesn’t mean diddly. It’s just a façade
Of the consciousness which is a rather slipshod
Manager of perception. It offers not much
On its own yet it’s also worth your maintaining.

You’re standing in your now not really happy with
Where you are then you’re justifying how you got
Where you are by explaining it to everyone
Then you wonder why you can’t get anything done.
It just keeps the vibration active so it’s not
Recommended. Of joy you want to be the pith.

There’s another reality that’s parallel
To the physical. It consists of vibration
And it’s present tense. It’s happening here and now.
When you feel your way into it then you allow
It to be a physical manifestation.
It beats the other reality all to hell.

Here and now is simply a platform from which you
Can propel yourself into the reality
That you have been creating through your hopes and dreams.
Take a different view of the world as it seems.
Activate some new patterns vibrationally.
Be prepared for all of your wishes coming true.

Vibrational Patterns

Wave Nature

If and when the big bang happened there was no sound
Just because there were no ears to hear it but there
Was vibration before everything came to be.
Matter is packed with a whole lot of energy
Which is consciousness and it is fully aware
In a way that can only be seen as profound.

Nothing happens until something happens. But why
Does it happen? What’s the purpose of vibration?
To begin with it’s all about conscious intent
On the part of an entity who only meant
That the universe be a perfect creation
Which it is. It’s a fact that no one can deny.

As the word becomes flesh it vibrates everything
Into being. The Vibrational Patterns are
Everchanging, eternal, and absolutely
Attractive – not assertive. Anyone can be,
Do, or have anything. Joy is never too far
Out of reach. The spirit is ever enduring.

This ‘real’ world that’s defined, explained, documented,
And talked about incessantly doesn’t mean squat.
The vibrational reality is more real
Than the physical because anyone can feel
Their way into accumulating quite a lot.
Everything depends on how one’s oriented.

Right People, Right Places, Right Things

Happy Times

I came into this life experience for fun
And I like being in this physical body
Because I sense that I had a strong reason for
Coming here. It’s the sheer excitement I adore.
I like action and this is the right place to be.
There’s a good reason why I’m here with everyone.

My timing was particularly good because
There’s a lot going on here. I’m interested
In the people, places, and things all around me.
What we’re all looking for is complete harmony.
In the freedom of happiness we’re invested.
We have no trouble seeing past our human flaws.

I like how as we come together, infinite
Combinations of people with depth and value,
Summon energy. I like how we get to use
Our creative talents to do with as we choose.
I look forward to each possible rendezvous.
I’m so happy to be a part of all of it.

My ability to hook up with the wholeness
Of who someone is is what I most care about.
Many people are in various stages of
Alignment with who they are and I get to love
Everyone with no judgment or blistering doubt
And the best part of me would expect nothing less.


Mystical Vision

The word omnipresent means present everywhere
Simultaneously. It’s an immutable
Divine attribute of the supreme source of the
Universe. All of existence happens to be
The all-knowing mind of God. What seems unstable
Is perfection which manifests as divine care.

The infinite source of the universe is not
Separate, but one with and part of everything.
God is transcendent, meaning above and beyond
Creation. There exists an unbreakable bond
Between God and existence. One’s understanding
Of it all doesn’t matter a whole frigging lot.

God is an unbounded universal presence.
There is no place to which God’s knowledge and power
Don’t extend, and the truth of this reality
Has been taught by the mystics throughout history.
The consciousness of the world we can raise by our
Realizing this oneness of all existence.

Consciousness is all encompassing and without
Any limit. God is one indivisible
Beingness and wholeness. Form is an expression
Of the formless. True enlightenment has begun
When one finds oneself no longer susceptible
To the ego’s dualistic habit of doubt.


The Experience Of Being

Of life itself consciousness is the very seed.
At its simplest it means sentience, cognizance, or
The awareness of internal or external
Existence. Consciousness is the very kernel
Of one’s being. It’s something that one can explore
With abandon such that the true spirit is freed.

Consciousness, often synonymous with the mind,
Is sometimes seen as merely an aspect of it.
It’s the capacity for experiencing.
It is connected to an eternal wellspring
Of existence. If one is able to permit
Its expansion, then much happiness one will find.

It pervades and illuminates mind and body.
It’s beyond the mind’s contents, such as memories,
Fantasies, thoughts, and feelings. It’s the foundation
Of the mind itself. It’s most helpful to the one
Seeking truth to know that it can be done with ease.
All it takes is a bit of curiosity.

Advancing one’s awareness into the higher
Levels of being is the most beneficial
Thing one can do for oneself and humanity.
What existed before mental activity
Will exist when it’s finished. It is eternal.
Nothing here in this world does it need to acquire.

You Are All Involved

The Cooperative System Of Being

Psychologically it is more conducive
To release from illusion to remember that
The thinker, feeler, or the experiencer
Is part of the experience. One can refer
To each part and come up with a complex format
To embellish its meaning and how one should live.

Out of anxiety we try to stabilize
And keep permanent the ‘separate’ observer
Which causes conflict. It is more that memory
Is a dynamic system. It definitely
Is not a storage system. It is, as it were,
A repeating of rhythms that we realize.

The ongoing flow of present experience
Is such that we can’t distinguish between something
That is known and a memory. We cannot know
Anything until we remember it, although
Different cues attached to memories will bring
A bit of continuity to our presence.

Present experience cues are different from
Memory cues. They have not the same vibration.
All experiences are part of the present.
No witness can be separate from the event,
And the whole process is engaged by everyone.
If you don’t know your place in life, this may help some.

A Quick And Firm Reminder For You

It's Never All That Bad

When emotion is present that doesn’t feel good,
What is means is that what you are thinking about
When it flares up is Bogus in comparison
To what the source within you knows. You are the one
Who knows little to nothing. While stuck in your doubt
Nothing of what your source knows can be understood.

When you feel like your life makes no sense anymore,
And the world that reflects it, a broken mirror,
Is a fragmented jumble of jagged pieces,
And the life force within you slowly decreases,
It is only what you know. Your thinking clearer
Can’t occur when you’re feeling rotten to the core.

Your source knows of abundance and infinite grace.
You’re deserving of everything that you desire
By virtue of your being a part of this world.
Crumpled now is your outlook. It shall be unfurled
In the moment’s surrender to something higher.
Your source knows how to lift you from your troubled place.

There is always an answer – a safer way out
Of the darkest of circumstance. Your deep despair,
Justified, though addictive, can be turned around
By accepting the wisest guidance to be found.
Any pain that is suffered is best that you share
Your dilemma with others to lessen all doubt.