Tag Archive | stance

Your Truest Wealth

Rain Of Cash

Dearest friends, our grandest wishes are for you all
To realize your potential worth as humans –
As energetic beings – as sources of love
And of joy. There’s so much wellbeing to speak of.
If we don’t say so ourselves you’re in perfect hands.
Your value to the universe cannot be small.

Your earthly ancestors put themselves out there for
You to realize your own propensity to
Love yourselves and your entire life experience.
Your inner wealth is the only wealth that makes sense
Because it can bring instant happiness to you.
It’s the kind of wealth where you can only get more.

Your inner worth is the only wealth worth seeking
Whether you’re aware of it or not. We beseech
You to look within for it. Indeed you will find
Information of benefit to humankind.
Your enlightenment as a race is within reach.
Benefit from the truth that we are now speaking.

Your planet is going through an enormous shift
In consciousness – one unseen and unheralded
Before by your masses. Your earth environment
Will be going through changes that will represent
How severe times will be. As you’re looking ahead
In thought, word, and deed do only things that uplift.

Let In What Is Done

Child's Play

It’s already completed. You don’t have to try
Any harder. You simply watch expectantly
As things unfold exactly the way you had planned.
The laws of the universe you well understand.
Accept that it’s done then in alignment you’ll be
With that part of you who is always flying high.

That it hasn’t materialized you may say
But don’t wallow in how it feels not to have it.
When it’s done it means you need not do any more
Than relax. You know all that has happened before
Validates optimism and you benefit
From your own attitude in a very big way.

When something’s done, it’s done! It’s a different feel
Than when something is not done. You find resonance
With the doneness by feeling it deep in your soul.
Of how you feel in this moment you can control
Therefore you can maneuver any circumstance
Into one which to you is of much more appeal.

When you say that ‘it’s possible’ what do you mean?
If you mean that ‘it’s done’ then you’re well on your way
To experiencing its manifestation.
Every bit of it is of your own creation.
Your alignment with yourself is on full display.
Let in what you know your heart has already seen.

When You Really Want Something

The Superlative Strength Of Desire

Let’s say you’re without something that you really want.
Your thoughts are dominated. You’re almost obsessed
With this something. It keeps you up all through the night.
That it’s not coming to you just doesn’t seem right.
You believe you are giving it only your best.
There is nothing about life that you care to vaunt.

You need not write it down again or set a goal.
The larger part of you has already received
Your request and is on it. Bring yourself into
Alignment with its coming. The more you can do
To release some resistance, the more is achieved
For receiving what is at the heart of your soul.

Go more general at first. Your situation
Truly sucks, so diffuse the specifics of it.
From a broader perspective, this too shall pass on.
You will feel better when some resistance is gone
From your overall makeup. You’ve the benefit
Of the freedom of choosing your best vibration.

Through your suffering, you have already begun
The process of receiving. You were in a place
Of not being receptive to helpful insight
That will lead you to what you want. It’s a delight
When, while wanting, you can keep a smile on your face.
In this way, you can better your situation.

Let It In

Bright Beginning

The sunshine is delicious as I Let It In.
This day has been a miracle. I’m grateful for
How the laws of the universe train me to be
In alignment with what I call Source Energy.
Opportunities I have to learn a lot more
About this Source and my life. Where do I begin?

When I say that it’s possible, what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be, but it’s not right now.
Therein lies some resistance. If I say, “It’s Done!”
Then I am in alignment with the vibration
That will let the thing happen. I need but allow
Its becoming. My doubting causes delaying.

The larger part of me has already become
What I’m after. The feeling is different from
That of being uncertain. It’s done already.
When it’s done, I have freedom to just let it be
So that more quickly the things that I want will come.
I can’t let anything in if I’m feeling glum.

If I feel that it’s not done, then what do I do?
Who do I need to talk to? I don’t have to go
Through this mental gymnastic when I know It’s Done.
I don’t have to try harder, and I can have fun
On the way to fulfillment. Relief I can know
In accepting the doneness that I’ve access to.

I Appreciate Who I Am

You Are Naturally Magnificent

Several billion people live on earth so far.
Each one of us is special with our points of view
And connections with others. Our resonating
With vibrational concepts does good graces bring.
The Law of Attraction orchestrates all we do.
Stardust formed into consciousness is what we are.

I appreciate myself and others because
We are all one big process destined to evolve
Into our exaltation. I am gratified
In knowing that I’m wonderful deep down inside
Even though not around me does the world revolve.
I’m subject happily to spiritual laws.

A bright light is shown upon what I’ve created.
More awakened I become, with each brand new day,
To who I really am minus all the nonsense
Of the ego. I live always in present tense.
I think thoughts that are pleasing and mind what I say
To myself and to others. I am elated.

I remember the bigness of who I am, and
I appreciate differences among us.
The broadness of the playground we get to create
Is our means of expansion. I appreciate
My role in the process. There’s a world to discuss.
I anticipate what the universe has planned.

Let In What Is Already Done

...You Can't Undo It.

When you say that it’s possible, what you’re saying
Is that you know it could be, but it isn’t yet.
When this is your underlying vibration, then
You’ll expect only failure again and again.
What is already done are the things you can let
Be your experience and with no delaying.

When you say that there’s something you want to attract
That sounds like you don’t have it, which never is true.
Everything that you’ve wanted is held in escrow
And right now it’s accessible. It’s good to know
That your wishes have been heard. All you have to do
Is line up with the feeling of virtual fact.

The larger part of you has become everything
That you’ve ever imagined could come true for you.
In the moment of asking, it’s done already.
You must know it with passion, then it comes to be.
Operating from scarcity, things that you do
May defeat your intention. Despair that would bring.

When something isn’t done there’s some anxiety
Due to timing, impatience, and feelings of lack.
When it’s done, you don’t have to try harder. It’s Done!
You have done all the work. Now kick back and have fun.

Know that infinite intelligence has your back
And will guide you to where you have wanted to be.