Tag Archive | place

Tapping Into The Energy

Energy Source

Feel Your Worthiness. That’s the key to everything
About life. The way for you to feel it is by
Focusing on something you want to manifest
Without any resistance. Believe that your blessed
To receive it. By expressing the reasons why
You deserve it you’ll get what will make your heart sing.

Find an interesting thought and follow it out.
Let it please you just because it feels good to be
Contemplating something that brings pleasure to you.
Keep on thinking it. The universe caters to
The one who has learned how to live life happily.
That you’re worthy there shouldn’t be a hint of doubt.

If good things happen for you but not under your
Conscious awareness you might call it luck or fate
Or something outside of you but this isn’t so.
Nothing is outside of you as long as you know
Very well how to stay in a positive state.
Of your capacity for joy you can be sure.

Witness things falling into place all around you
And look for positive aspects in everything.
Start deliberately finding things you adore
Then the provident universe will bring you more
Things just like it. The vibration you’re offering
Is the determining factor in all you do.

Every Day

Stone Balance

All that you’ve ever wanted from the beginning
Of your life on this planet and even before
Does exist as vibration not manifested.
In specific detail all that you’ve requested
Of the universe happens to be part of your
Vortex of Creation. It’s constantly spinning.

You’re a vibrational being also but you
Have a physical body with which to perceive
Your environment. You decide what you prefer
From the contrast life offers. All that may occur
Is due to your vibration. Begin to believe
In your Vortex. It’s the wisest thing you can do.

Accept the vibrational manifestation.
You came here with the delicious intention of
Being a deliberate creator. You knew
That the contrast would stir excitement within you.
You intended to line up with all that you love.
You knew this world to be one of fascination.

You came here to add to the expansion of the
Universe in a personally dramatic
And emphatic way. Realize this Every Day.
Your Vortex is only one good feeling away.
There’s no reason for you not to be ecstatic
About all in this world you can have, do, or be.

Worthy, Loved, And Blessed

Revealing Light

Sometimes heaven feels like a place of peacefulness
And sometimes it feels like sheer appreciation
That wells up inside. Often it’s like being in
Love with someone. It feels like you want to begin
A crusade in the service of world elation.
There’s so much pure enthusiasm to express.

As you hang around there in that positive range
Of emotions the more you’re able to maintain
Your vibrational frequency there and the more
Often you’ll reach that level. As ever before
Simply by knowing of your wellbeing you gain
And effective advantage for ultimate change.

That ‘on top of the world’ feeling comes easily
Then it goes but just feeling a deep sense of peace
Puts you in the vicinity of ecstasy.
You were meant to pursue your life passionately.
When you do you’re queued up for the steady release
Of resistance and all negative energy.

Know that you’re Worthy, Loved, And Blessed. You can sustain
That feeling in your heart from moment to moment
Then you’ll spike into moments of heavenly bliss
Fairly often. It doesn’t get better than this.
At your lowest point you’re simply feeling content.
The best part of it’s that nothing is done in vain.

Directly From Source

That I Am

Can a person communicate with the divine
Directly just as if God were a dear old friend?
Yes one can. It’s been done throughout all history.
Anyone can converse with God and easily.
Through the practice of meditation you transcend
Negative mental constructs of errant design.

God broadcasts on a frequency which everyone
Can receive. It’s a matter of tuning into
The right signal. You must learn to quiet the mind.
In that silence a feeling of peace you will find.
Answers to questions will come easily to you.
You get progressively better once it’s begun.

If you’re full of the question then you cannot hear
The answer. They are two different frequencies.
At the same time you can’t keep both activated
Because a tug of war will have been created
In your consciousness. Handel the issue with ease.
Let the question be answered and don’t interfere.

Let the question rest within you only until
It is clarified then let the universe do
What it does so efficiently. You must believe
That you’re way more than worthy enough to receive
What you want to know. Meditation can help you
To relax and succumb to God’s provident will.

The Only Thing Of Lasting Value

Happy Heart

Love is the only thing that prevails. When you see
Your immense capability to love you will
Realize that your true worth is inherently
Within you. You have so much divine energy
Flowing through you that it can most easily spill
Onto others as you live your life happily.

You are loved beyond human measure for love in
And of itself cannot be measured but of course
People try to put it on a pedestal. They
Covet it, hide it, and do whatever they may
To believe that it’s some kind of mystical force
Or a game where only certain people can win.

You are love itself. The energy which is love
Pervades all of existence no matter whether
Or not you can feel it. When you feel it you are
Effervescent, joyful, buoyant, and not too far
From your dreams and wishes all coming together
Like a symphony composed by heaven above.

Not allowing yourself to feel love causes you
To swallow yourself up in psychological
And physical pain expressed as misery, lack,
And depression. Love remains the primary hack
For a life unfulfilled. Truly it’s natural
To feel love. It’s the only thing you want to do.

Deliberately Doing Nothing

Lazy Day

Choose only what feels best to you. Learn to relax
And do noting deliberately. Doing so
Is still doing something but at least you can say
That it could be the start of a wonderful day
One where into your life many blessings will flow.
Just enjoy whatever you’re doing to the max.

Everything that you’ve been living and asking for
Becomes known by universal intelligence.
It knows you most completely and it adores you.
You can adore it right back by attending to
Your vibration. The things that you need to commence
Are commencing and working for you ever more.

Be inspired to do the things that you want to do.
If it’s something you don’t then block off enough time
To do it without pushing yourself to the hilt.
If you find yourself doing something out of guilt
You may feel that your not doing it is a crime.
Remember that what you do is all up to you.

You can assume the identity of one who
Is on quite a vacation with fascinating
Things to do with all kinds of exciting people.
As you learn how to chill your whole life becomes full
And delicious. Relaxing is stimulating
For the over stressed and over worked parts of you.

You Get What You Expect

Perplexed And Annoyed

It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration is most dominant. If you’ve practiced
Thoughts that don’t feel good then you have probably missed
Out on so many blessings because you never
Saw them coming. It gives you no satisfaction.

Your power is in your now. You’re marching toward
An amazing scenario if you allow
It to happen by choosing thoughts that uplift you.
Because of what you’re giving your attention to
You attract things to you. You should know this by now.
How you feel is something that should not be ignored.

How do you positively affect an outcome?
You keep practicing a positive thought until
It is the thought that comes to you most easily.
In a matter of only minutes you can be
In a state where the kind universe will fulfill
Your wishes as you’re beating the positive drum.

Take the emotional journey. Learn to expect
Good things to happen for you and you will succeed
In the manifestation of what you hold dear.
Get yourself into a positive atmosphere
And to where your creative potential is freed.
This is when positively your world you affect.

Get Used To Wellbeing


Get used to being happy and things working out
For you all the time. Get used to good ideas
Flowing to you. Things are meant to turn out your way.
This magnificent world is a fun place to play.
There’s no reason to be disillusioned because
Wellbeing is of dominance without a doubt.

Get used to excellent timing and clarity.
Know that the universe is always on your side.
Trust no one who must tell you that things aren’t alright.
Stay away from all things made to make you uptight.
You have everything you need to be satisfied.
You can have things just the way you want them to be.

Wellbeing is what’s natural – not what you see
In the news every day. Compared to wellbeing
It’s a drop in the bucket. Don’t tune yourself to
Situations of which you have nothing to do.
You’ve no time for people who are disagreeing.
Do your best to ensure that you live happily.

You have an inner guidance system that tells you
Where you are in terms of your point of attraction
So develop a habit of expectation
Of good things happening. Life is your creation.
Keep your focus only on your satisfaction
With each moment. Be fine with what you can make true.

Divine Timing


I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now understanding that where I
Am now is an utterly temporary place.
I can cope with the many issues I must face
By the power within me. Still I wonder why
Things take so long to happen. It keeps me depressed.

I know that I’m impatient. It’s just part of me.
I know that I can’t be a vibrational match
To what I most desire if I’m feeling this way.
If I want things to speed up I’m willing to pay
More attention to how I feel. If I can catch
A bad feeling thought early enough then I’m free.

I don’t want it all right now. I want to receive
Only what I’m ready and able to allow
Into my life experience right at this time.
There’s hope of redemption for committing the crime
Of impatience and I can have it here and now.
Contentment is a state that’s not hard to achieve.

I’m never going to be fully satisfied
With where I am and that’s a good thing because I
Want to tweak that dissatisfaction to where it
Feels fresh and titillating. It just takes a bit
Of fine tuning in order to keep flying high.
I can say then that time is always on my side.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.

How To Pray

Consumed In Prayer

You can pray from a place of extreme need or from
Thankfulness. Which way do you think gets more results?
For some, praying is like going to the toilet.
It’s become a mere function that’s used just to get
Satisfaction. But what if your praying insults
That which hears it? You can’t expect a good outcome.

When you pray out of indignation and despair
It sets up a vibration that makes the problem
More severe. You give it more of your attention.
In your praying you’re better off not to mention
Any issues because God knows all about them.
When you speak to divinity do so with care.

Santa Claus was a big thing when you were yet small.
Since then you’ve come to know that it all was a lie
But you still pray as if God comes down the chimney
Once a year with the answers you seek earnestly.
You may pray your behind off yet ask yourself why
God has not taken time to respond to your call.

When you pray from a place of appreciation
You put yourself in a better state to receive
Maybe not what you’re asking for this time around
But relief from your misery will have been found.
A state of alignment isn’t hard to achieve
As you find the object of your adoration.

Your Only Work

Huge Wish

Figure out how to enjoy the fresh breath of air
That a new desire gives you. Your work is to be
Receptive to the constant flow of abundance
And you can do this under any circumstance.
Get connected to universal energy.
It’s available to you from out of nowhere.

Resist the temptation to face reality
Just for a little while. Lean in the direction
Of optimism rather than pessimism.
Of the light of God you’re a most worthy prism.
The universe is of absolute perfection.
You feel that when you’re living your life happily.

The only thing that keeps you from moving to where
You want to be is talking about where you are.
Talk about where you’re going – not where you are now
And have been for a long time. Forget about how
Things are going because they’re exceedingly far
From where you want to be. Of yourself take good care.

Letting go of ‘what is’ is a tough thing to do
Because it’s so much in your face but it’s not good
To make ‘what is’ a strong habit. Talk more about
What’s becoming but only if you have no doubt
That it’s coming. Your resistance is understood
By the most expanded and evolved part of you.

Clues Are Being Given

Detailed Search

There exists not a person who’s without a clue
Contrary to the insult that often is used
Against others to make them feel unconnected
From reality. People should be respected.
If someone says, “You’re clueless.”, you’re wrongly accused.
Don’t believe what you know in your heart isn’t true.

You’ve put with great precision details into your
Own vortex of creation. You can’t remember
All that you’ve put there but your inner being knows
Everything about you and it constantly shows
You the way to fulfillment. All that you prefer
It’s aware of. It’s always knocking at your door.

It may be that sometimes you get in your own way
By not keeping yourself more consciously aware
Of the clues as they happen or you may not be
Happy with your most challenging reality
But you must know for certain that the clues are there.
They’re given to you throughout each and every day.

The path of least resistance is offered to you
By your own inner being with whom you’re in touch
At any given moment. You can easily
Find the clues that will lead to your being happy.
When you feel good the universe can give you much
Information and with it a much broader view.

A Fantastic Reality

Hobbit Earth

Today you may be offering a vibration
Based on something that happened twenty years ago
That you may have forgotten, so unconsciously
You behave in a manner that doesn’t agree
With who you are today and all that you now know
About the art of deliberate creation.

The momentum built up already has nothing
To do with what you’re wanting, so focus upon
Something different long enough that you can feel
Some relief from what seems to be such an ordeal
For the heart and the psyche. When all hope is gone
Then upon anything uplifting you must cling.

Whatever you’re focused upon the universe
Responds to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s real
Or something conjured up in your mind. Just the fact
That you’re offering the vibration you attract
What you’re focused on to you. How’s that make you feel?
One would hope that it won’t make you feel any worse.

Who does not need distraction? Illness, poverty,
And confusion are things you must get away from
For a while by creating your own fantasy.
You can make everything just the way it should be.
Ignore now for the moment and soothe yourself some.
You are meant to be living your life happily.

Stop Looking For It And It Will Come

Big Looking

Something’s lost. You can’t find it. So what do you do?
You start looking all over the place once again.
Still it’s not showing up. Now you’re in panic mode.
At some point you approach a decisive crossroad.
You give up and forget about it which is when
Information about where it is comes to you.

When you know that the universe knows where things are
Then you know that the knowledge of their location
Is available to you. You have to chill out
And stop entertaining thoughts of worry and doubt.
Searching further will only lead to frustration.
Anything that is lost cannot be very far.

When you’re not spending so much time worrying where
It could possibly be you become open to
The impulse to look somewhere you wouldn’t expect
Otherwise. This information you can’t reject.
You’ll be stuck in eternal search mode if you do.
There are many things found in your life. Focus there.

There’s nothing outside of your reach. You just have to
Train yourself to the frequency of it and be
More trusting of the universe to deliver
What you need to know to you. It is the giver
Of all knowledge. Your goal is to live happily.
All that’s lost will then make its way to finding you.

What Should I Do Today?


First and foremost I cherish the freedom to be
Easygoing about my life. There’s nothing worse
Than entrapment by negative news of the day.
In my own personal world things are quite okay.
I believe that the power of the universe
I can access at any time and easily.

When I woke up this morning there was nothing to
Pull me out of alignment with the expanded
Part of me which is always on top of this world.
Its blanket of confusion cannot be unfurled
By my worthy attention and to be candid
Paltry little is there of the things I can do.

Do I know what’s in my Vortex of Creation?
I can answer that by asking myself how I
Feel in this moment. All that I’ve been putting there
Is immense and specific. I wouldn’t know where
To begin sorting through it all yet I can try
And in so doing be in appreciation.

This day is one where I receive inspiration
Before acting. My goal is to quiet the mind
Several times throughout the day. I can achieve
What I want. There’s no problem because I believe
In a world where most people are gentle and kind.
What I do today will be my own creation.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.

Serving Others

Pleasant Discourse

“How can I be of service?” This question comes from
Deep within the heart. It’s most fulfilling to be
In a position of service to everyone.
Never mind competition. If you’re having fun
Serving Others then you live your life happily.
To people who serve others many blessings come.

You need not ask the question, “What’s my purpose here?”
It will always be found in service to others.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. The more you uplift others the more
You’re uplifted. A warmth in your spirit occurs
In your heart when your mission is perfectly clear.

It’s an ancient concept but it’s still relevant.
To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. If you believe you
Need what you don’t have then you’ve gone a bit cuckoo
Regarding how you function in life but you can
Overcome many issues you think that you can’t.

The message of the morning is about what you
Can and can’t do but after the afternoon shift
It’s about service and knowing that everything
Is all taken care of. Be content in being
Of service to others. It’s a most precious gift.
Take this message to heart in whatever you do.

Success And Feeling

Pure Happiness

Success is a feeling that most strive to achieve.
It’s the validation of your dedication,
Perseverance, and hard work. It’s satisfying
To succeed. The feeling is most gratifying.
Once it’s done then there’s reason for celebration.
It starts with having something in which to believe.

You advance confidently in the direction
Of your own dreams and endeavor to live the way
You had imagined. You will meet with a success
Unexpected in common hours. Your willingness
To let success chase after you helps you to stay
Receptive to the universe’s perfection.

If you can place into your imagination
What you want to attract and begin to feel it
Then that which you feel yourself to be you become
And you’re given that which you are. Give yourself some
Instant gratification. You want to permit
Your passion to invigorate your creation.

So, assume the feeling that would be yours if you
Were already in possession of your desire
Then your wish must be realized. Try it and see.
Feel your way to living your life successfully.
Anything that you want you’re able to acquire.
Get prepared for the dreams of your life coming true.

I Am That I Am

Center Of Eternity

When you hear someone call your name you would expect
It to have come from a person and not a bush
That is burning. If such a thing happened to me
I would not be as calm and composed. I would be
Figuring out the fastest way to get my tush
Out of Dodge. Would my behavior be incorrect?

“Take your sandals off, Moses. You’re on holy ground.
I’m the God of your father, Isaac, Abraham,
And Jacob.”
Moses hid his face. He was afraid

That indeed some horrendous mistake had been made
Yet he did have courage because he didn’t scram
As I would have done. Bless him for hanging around.

God had orders for Moses. “Take your people out
Of Egypt and take them all back to Israel.”

Moses had questions but the biggest one he had
Was how would he convince folks he hadn’t gone mad.
“Who should I say that told me to do this, pray tell?”
That they would believe him he had tremendous doubt.

God replied, “Tell them ‘I Am That I Am’ sent you.
This is my name forever. This is how I’ll be
Remembered for many generations to come.”
It’s a name that makes you want to scratch your head some.

I Am is the name of God so naturally
When you utter the words I Am, you are that too.

Know That It’s Done


The one thing that you need to know is that It’s Done
On a vibrational level. You’ve asked for it
And It’s Done. There isn’t anything more to do
But to kick back and let the world cater to you.
Knowing that It’s Done is of extreme benefit
To your spirit. You’re much kinder to everyone.

Your abundance is there as is your clarity
In your creative vortex of pure vibration.
Your stability and your flexibility
Are all there as well as everything that you see
As helpful to your magnificent creation.
You’ve done all your work. Now it’s time to let things be.

Talk about what is done because it feels good to
Talk about it. It’s healthy to get excited
About what’s done already. It happens to be
The way to bring what’s done into reality
That you can have and hold. You can be delighted
In its physical absence. You know that it’s true.

The only reason that you want to talk about
Anything is because it feels good to do so.
Tell the stories that feel good because they feel good.
That It’s Done is now something that’s well understood.
You know more now than just a few verses ago.
Thank yourself for having chosen to check this out.

The Power Of Nonresistant Thought


Discover what nonresistant thought will bring you
In the way of wellbeing and all you desire.
Take the time to remember who you really are
Deep inside. You may find that you’re not very far
From that being who you know will never require
A thing from you. This part of yourself is most true.

As you blissfully daydream you find yourself there
In that space where your thoughts aren’t contradictory.
Nonresistant though is thought that doesn’t hold back
Due to feelings of unworthiness or of lack.
You don’t doubt that what you’re thinking could come to be.
Only of what you want are you fully aware.

Because you’ve practiced yourself into alignment
You know it when you feel it so you can get there
By your consciously choosing to be there. If you
Want to be in alignment the thing you must do
Is give up the complaining and give utmost care
To your purpose and spiritual refinement.

You become a vibrational match to that part
Of yourself that is most evolved and the most wise
By allowing your thoughts to flow freely without
Contradiction, anxiety, or hint of doubt.
The journey becomes easy once you realize
That it is from the thinking mind back to the heart.

The State Of Constant Receiving

Joy To Receive

There’s a fun game called virtual reality.
Its purpose is to set your vibrational tone
Apart from something that may be happening in
The moment that keeps you in a state of chagrin.
It’s a mind exercise you can do on your own.
You conjure the world the way you want it to be.

The vibration that you’re offering is because
Of whatever you’re focused upon and so the
Universe responds to it. Whether or not it
Is the truth or a fantasy you benefit
From the focus. Whatever thoughts make you happy
Keep on thinking them and give yourself some applause.

Just imagine being in your favorite space
For a brief moment to give yourself some relief
From your beating the drum of not having enough.
You can banish the notion that you must hang tough
Through your struggle. Get rid of that kind of belief.
Only thoughts of wellbeing you ought to embrace.

It’s simply a game where you distract yourself from
What may be bothering you long enough that you
Let the universe yield to you what it’s already
Attempting to yield to you. Your work is truly
To relax and give your attention only to
Your alignment. There’s nothing else to overcome.

Affect Any Outcome


It’s not hard to stay focused. Law of Attraction
Makes it easy to stay focused on whatever
Vibration you make dominant. When you decide
To feel good then nothing to you will be denied.
Life for you is a fascinating endeavor.
You’ve become now a master of satisfaction.

For some time you have practiced not feeling your best.
You know that the momentum of negative thought
Isn’t healthy. How much of it can you undo?
You know by now it’s not worth your thinking it through.
By you only the freedom to live life is sought.
You know that nothing good comes to you when you’re stressed.

Your power is in your Now. As you concentrate
On the way you feel you let in all the good stuff
That you’ve been wanting for a long time. That’s how you
Get a new momentum going. Train your mind to
See the best case scenario. You know enough
To know that this is the best way to co-create.

You Affect Any Outcome by being aware
Of your thoughts making sure that they are positive.
Keep practicing until good thoughts come easily.
You’ll be prepared for the emotional journey
To fulfillment. All the attention that you give
To your feeling good amounts to the best of care.

Just Hook Up And Point At What You Want

Pointing Upward

The receiving mode never includes negative
Emotion. It is never the pushing against
Mode. It always feels enticing, satisfying,
And expansive. It doesn’t require my trying
Hard until the manifestation has commenced.
I’m ready for what the universe wants to give.

The receiving mode is my most natural state.
It’s appealing. It calls me. It’s fascinating,
Interesting, and clarifying. When I’m out
Of that state I’m consumed with confusion and doubt
And I don’t benefit from what I’m creating
By my asking how I can best cooperate.

I know that things are always working out for me.
I’m supposed to have power. The tantrums I throw
Indicate that within me something has gone wrong.
I can easily get back to where I belong
Which is happy. I’m here to do that and to grow
In the process. It’s everyone’s reason to be.

What do I want? Everything is open to me.
I can ponder the question and find fulfillment
In just doing that. In the mode of receiving
My chances of eventually achieving
Lasting happiness are best. By being content
I remain in touch with who I came here to be.

Soothe Yourself

Pleasant Rest

Somehow I’ve managed to activate within me
Something I really didn’t want. Now I’m stuck in
A conundrum of thought that cannot serve me well.
In a state of great dissatisfaction I dwell.
I’m not feeling comfortable in my own skin.
In a much different place I was meant to be.

Through life experience I and most everyone
Vibrate sloppily. We are all over the place
With our focus and we pay too much attention
To what we don’t want. It’s not worthwhile to mention
What’s not working. What is working we should embrace.
There’s plenty of work to do with my vibration.

I know that my emotions are my true guidance.
They help me to determine whether or not I
Am lined up with my energy or foolishly
With the wishes of others. By now I can see
That I don’t have to struggle and ask myself why
Things occur in my life as if by happenstance.

When I can trust the process I trust the goodness
Of who I am. I must do anything I can
To distract myself until I can find a way
To soothe myself. More attention I need to pay
To my own wellbeing. This is one righteous plan.
How I feel is my way to ultimate success.

There’s More Than One Prize

Many Gifts

If you have your eyes on a particular prize
Nothing else makes a difference especially
When you feel competition. If you want something
So badly that it hurts then what you’re offering
To the universe is something that’s completely
Out of sync with the thing you want to realize.

There is not only one prize so don’t get attached
To the one thing you’re focused on. Be thankful for
Your desire. Let it blossom into a rampage
And let the infinite universe set the stage
For receiving what you want and a whole lot more.
It will be such that the surface hasn’t been scratched.

“You appeal to me in all of theses ways and I
Am going to draw the essence of you to me.
Thank you for being here for me to observe you
And for being the focal point of my brand new
Version of you.”
If you pray this most sincerely

You’ll attract just that without your needing to try.

Keep yourself in a state of relief. Think as much
About what you want as long as it feels alright.
And when it crosses the line just give it a break
And allow the universal forces to take
Full control of the circumstance. Utter delight
Can be yours if with your spirit you keep in touch.

Just Align!

Colorful Wooden Arrangement

Leading-Edge conversations about attraction
Interest you because you have a burning need
To expand. You have a voracious appetite
For enlightenment. Everything turns out alright
In your life for the most part. You know you’ll succeed
In your quest and it gives you much satisfaction.

What you’ve dreamed of forever is now on its way
Into your life experience. How can you best
Align yourself with its coming? Get out ahead
Of your question simply by asking ‘why’ instead.
Talk about why you want what you want with some zest.
In the state of receiving is where you must stay.

You can feel it unfolding. Let that be enough.
Most people want the thing to occur before they
Have prepared for its coming vibrationally.
If you’re satisfied before it comes you will be
In alignment. It isn’t a big price to pay
If it turns out you’re receiving lots of neat stuff.

You know now not to ask who, how, what, when, and where
Things will happen because you do not have control
Over such things. Ask the question you can answer
Then the thing you want is most likely to occur
Effortlessly and quickly. The heart is made whole
In aligning. Only about it you must care.

Tweak Your Energy And Control Your Vibration

Energy Ball

I feel like I’ve moved up the emotional scale
Quite a bit for the most part. I’m so happy for
The way I’ve been feeling. I’m on top of the world.
My desire flag by now is righteously unfurled.
My vibration is tuned to the things I adore.
Life for me is terrific in every detail.

I’ve been out of work since about ten months ago
And I panic occasionally about my
Fruitless job searching. Otherwise I’m doing fine.
If I forget about it then I can align
With my higher vibration. There’s no reason why
That the path of least resistance I can’t follow.

But is the negative emotion that I feel
Caused by my lack of work? It may be that I fear
That I may lose control over my emotions.
It may be that I’m prone to swim in the oceans
Where the waters appear not to be crystal clear
So I have difficulty in keeping it real.

Shortage consciousness has not a place anywhere
Near the mind or the spirit. Never return to
Where you were if it causes you unhappiness.
Don’t give up the wellbeing that you now possess
And have worked hard and long for. What benefits you
Is the positive outlook that you want to share.

First Thing In The Morning

Daily Start

The First Thing In The Morning and throughout the day
Play a game that will set your vibrational tone
Apart from things that happened a long time ago.
Things you don’t even remember have come to grow
Into issues for which solutions are unknown.
Daily mind exercise will help flush them away.

Things you may have forgotten are still kept alive
By your thinking the same kinds of thoughts. You offer
A vibration that’s similar so you remain
In the same situation. You’ll have much to gain
By your focusing only on what you prefer.
Nurture a new vibration and then let it thrive.

Conjure up something in your mind different from
Your reality. The universe doesn’t care
If it’s real or if it’s absolute fantasy.
It responds just the same. In your mind you are free
To create your reality with as much flair
As you want and be delighted by what will come.

Find a place in your mind where you’d most like to be
And just stay there a moment or long enough to
Find relief from your beating the drum of the same
Sad song. Play the virtual reality game
Fairy often. It can bring happiness to you.
You will start to see changes immediately.

Want Without Feeling Lack

Contemplating Desire

How can I want something without feeling its lack?
Why does it seem so difficult for me to be
More trusting of the universe? What can I do
To get hold of a more positive point of view
About wanting? I wish I were completely free
Of resistance. How can I get my freedom back?

I can do that by first of all knowing that I
Am vibration first and foremost then I can tune
Myself to the frequency of what I’m wanting.
My own wanting can’t ever be to me daunting.
Of my negative thinking I must come immune.
Then I can begin a crusade of asking Why.

I don’t have to know how, where, or when it will come
Or who will be involved. I need only ask Why
I want this thing I’m wanting. I get right down to
The emotional basis. What I want to do
More than anything else is to fully comply
With the laws of the universe where all comes from.

Deliberate creation is about asking
Then allowing. It’s about not doing that thing
That blocks me from receiving. My work now is clear.
It’s to manifest without the feeling of fear.
I do that by the vibration I’m offering.
In a world of fulfillment I shall be basking.

Change Your Life Within Days

New Lease On Life

You do have absolute creative control of
Your own experience, in fact you intended
To have that before you came here. With that control
You have dominant vibrations. They play a role
In your overall attitude. Recommended
Is that you tune your vibration to that of love.

You can tell what your dominant vibrations are.
When you think about money do you feel freedom,
Fun, and fancy? Or do you have feelings of dread?
Your habit of vibration is easily read
By yourself and by others. As you beat your drum
It is heard by the universe both near and far.

There’s a game that’s called virtual reality.
It is used to enhance your point of attraction.
Think a thought that already makes you feel happy
Then just stay there for thirty seconds. You will be
Magnetized by the feeling. This simple action
Of the mind and heart is something done easily.

Practice this. It will get easier as you do.
Give yourself a vacation from what you’re facing.
Within thirty days your dominant vibration
Will reflect all the positive work you have done.
Virtual reality is worth embracing.
You will be the one who sets the tone within you.

When You Reach This State

Watercolor Guru

Many humans have reached an incredible state
Of alignment such that they don’t need anything
To fulfill them. For absolutely no reason
They’re content and they show kindness to everyone.
It’s a peaceful vibration that they’re offering.
Love for all humankind is what they demonstrate.

Everyone’s not a guru but we can all reach
That place of nonresistance. From within it you
Are receptive. You can focus on anything
And it will manifest. Happiness it will bring
To your most fervent asking. No more you need do
To create. This is what any guru would teach.

“I love feeling relaxed, powerful, and aware
Of who I truly am.”
When you go general

There is much less resistance in your vibration.
When you’re on the high-flying disk you become one
With your wishes and everything in your life shall
Be enhanced. About how you feel you have much care.

“About my human personal self I accept
That my point of attraction can be a mixed bag
Of emotions and mindset. If I can maintain
My alignment with myself I’ll have much to gain
Even when in my life there’s a palpable snag.
The secret of my enlightenment is well kept.”

The Art Of Manifestation

Making Fun

Mastering The Art Of Manifestation can
Be as easy as being aware of how you
Feel in each moment. Like The Law of Allowing
You use it to draw unto yourself anything
You could want just as long as you’re not feeling blue.
You begin to receive within a short time span.

We all have within us this truly amazing
Capability to manifest. We do so
By our focused attention on what we want to
Become real. Every dream that we have can come true.
There’s not one thing the heart knows that you do not know.
The simplicity of this truth is worth praising.

You’ll attract into your life what you are – not what
You’ve been wanting. So be the thing that you desire.
It’s your goal to reflect the character of God
This notion isn’t blasphemous nor is it odd.
You have access and full support of the entire
Universe. You must feel that down deep in your gut.

And when you get to that place where you no longer
Have any criticism or condemnation
Of any of God’s children you will realize
The perfection of all things. You will become wise
In the fine art of deliberate creation.
Your attraction force will become a lot stronger.

Play This Game

Having Fun

There are people who today are offering a
Vibration based on something that happened a long
Time ago. They may not even remember it
Consciously. Only if it’s of some benefit
To the person it cannot be considered wrong
To create from the past in a positive way.

Whether it’s something that you’re focused upon in
Your reality or something you’re conjuring
In your mind the universe responds to the two
Just the same so it doesn’t matter much if you
Are imagining. How you feel is the main thing
To be keenly aware of before you begin.

The game of virtual reality is one
That’s worth playing if you have any resistance
To receiving. Stop talking about not enough
And about all the things that are making life tough.
Either forget about them or give them the chance
To enter the cleared mind for the best solution.

You don’t have to take some issue, wrestle it to
The ground, and kill it because you’ve done the asking.
Let the universe answer. Relax and allow
The wellbeing to flow into your life right now.
Through imagining you can receive anything.
It’s a game that will bring satisfaction to you.

The Law Of Assumption

Imaginary World

To assume is to know that something will take place.
Move it into the mind so that the abundance
That you feel puts no resistance into the mix.
Simply imagining what you want can play tricks
On your mind but your feeling will greatly enhance
Your vibration and readiness to receive grace.

I can feel it and that’s enough. I’m translating
The vibrational reality into what
I am feeling which is complete expectation
That I’ll get what I’m wanting. Realization
Of the feeling of having it comes from the gut.
It’s a cool and powerful way of creating.

When I feel wonderful that’s the condition that
Is necessary for my thoughts to turn to things.
Put emotion into your equation and see
That things will manifest for you. Reality
Is what you make it. Be aware of life’s blessings
And be at peace with where in your life you are at.

Love is so delicious. Laughing is awesome fun.
I enjoy the adventure. I love the surprise
Of not seeing it coming but being there when
It happens. I’m in touch with my true self again.
Life gets better because I now see through the eyes
Of my soul and this is the grandest assumption.

Expectation And Co-Creation

Otherworldly Adventure

Interactions with people in my life are such
That they have expectations of my behavior.
The reverse is true also. This co-creation
Isn’t always a good thing. Some harm may be done
To one’s feelings of worthiness. I can’t be sure
If my placating people matters all that much.

So, I’m trained into acting the way that I do
By the people around me. I can’t hope to change
That momentum of habit, but I can don the
Perspective of my inner being who can see
My path of least resistance. I do find it strange
How the mind works. Everyday I learn something new.

I can get into that place of neutrality
By some method like meditation. Then I can
Tune to the expectation of God almighty
Who sees all things about my life differently
Than I ever could. So it’s my ultimate plan
To become the evolved one who I’m meant to be.

If I don’t have a good encounter with someone
Then I’ve not tuned myself to my inner being
Beforehand. I give no one the credit for my
Misalignment. I don’t have to ask myself why
I behaved in a certain way, and it’s freeing
To the spirit to celebrate the work I’ve done.

Applying Segment Intending


Pick a subject. Let’s do some segment intending.
It’s a way to prepare for the moment ahead.
Shift some energy on things that matter to you.
There are no exercises that you have to do.
Your intending can be done while you’re still in bed.
In a way it is similar to pretending.

Say the subject is money. You’re in a good mood
Already, and you’re sitting alone at the park.
Your next segment may be just appreciating
The abundant surroundings. Indeed everything
In the park is of value. From there you embark
On a rampage expressing sincere gratitude.

You then visit a café where people you know
Are relaxing and engaged in conversation.
Since you’ve tweaked your vibration beforehand, you are
In a state of alignment. You feel like the star
In a fabulous movie of your creation.
You are close to what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Take every opportunity you can to see
What you want to see. By your identifying
What you want you’re activating it within you.
Moment by moment you can create your own view
Of your world – one which is much more satisfying.
In a world of your own creation you can be.

Can I Trust My Feelings?

Totally Satisfied

That I have an emotional guidance system
Is apparent, but how do I know that I can
Trust my feelings? Indeed they may be under the
Influence of hypnosis, voodoo, sorcery,
Or illness. It could be something much bigger than
My awareness. It could be something I’d condemn.

Trial and error leads to a keener awareness
But it takes longer and there’s unnecessary
Resistance to contend with. When I meditate
I feel much better able to cooperate
With spiritual forces that influence me.
To the world it’s my best self I want to express.

Streams of pleasant thoughts and guidance come on the heels
Of having quieted the mind. When I follow
That guidance there is always a payoff for me.
As I rid myself of resistance completely
Many blessings of the universe start to flow
Into my life. I can get used to how that feels.

If I’m not under the influence of my Source
Then what I do feels difficult. Passion I feel
When I’m lined up with my Source. I notice when I
Am aligned or not. I need not ask myself why
What I’m doing feels healthy or like an ordeal.
I am guided by a most benevolent force.


Last Rights

She’d been ill for a long time. Anticlimactic
Was her passing. Her breathing just slowed down and came
To a stop. My impatience I felt guilt about
For a while, but I’ve had time to figure that out
For the most part. I know that things won’t be the same.
Generally my numbness is ataractic.

I don’t know what I expected to have occurred.
Did I want to see angels or her spirit rise
To the ceiling and exit? Did I want there to
Be some last words between us? And what can I do
To maintain my existence as I realize
How this loss affects me such that I’m without word?

The most perfect creation is the one where the
Next logical step just happens. I can become
More aware of her presence if I believe that
She’s not gone. In a spiritual habitat
She exists now. It’s where every being comes from.
I can line myself up with her reality.

I know now that her inner being was waiting
For exactly the right moment. I’m the one who
Had created the drama through my ignorance.
I had made too much of the entire circumstance
I am interested in her new point of view.
I reach her any moment by concentrating.

The Flow Of Consciousness

Spatial Awareness

Often times there are moments when you feel the thrill
Of excitement flow through you. The world is your stage
And your audience benefits from who you are.
The energy you have makes you feel like a star.
It gives you all the power you need to engage
Everyone around you with laughter and goodwill.

When people who are sensitive to energy
Of a spiritual nature tell you that you
Are surrounded by those who are no longer here,
Know that they speak family and those most dear
Who have passed on before you, but you don’t have to
Be astonished. This is how things happen to be.

When you see children playing, how brightly they shine.
Energy flows abundantly. It demonstrates
That we all are extensions of Source Energy.
We’re all interconnected spiritually.
Thinking too much about it indeed complicates
The expression of that which in us is divine.

Feel the difference between the word ‘consciousness’
And the words ‘physical human being’ and know
That dead people flow through you when you’re flying high.
The body is a vessel that some day will die,
But until then it is a light bulb that will glow
With the brightness of many as we acquiesce.

Empathy And Compassion

Pieces Of Love

Compassion is looking at another person
Through the eyes of their inner being. Noticing
That someone is in trouble inspires within you
The desire to do something that is of value.
It’s an expression of one’s true understanding
Of another’s unfortunate situation.

Empathy is a person’s ability to
Share the feelings of others and to understand
Truly where they are coming from. It is therefore
Quite related to sympathy, pity, and more
Of the less positive feelings at one’s command.
Oversensitive people have broad points of view.

Anyone can ‘own the room’ vibrationally,
Meaning one becomes dominant and persuasive
In the social environment, which is okay
If only their evolved self they chose to display,
But someone disconnected can be abrasive
To their audience to a horrific degree.

Be able to hold your own about the value
Of another who’s suffering even when they
Can’t see anything good about where they are now.
Remain focused on their potential and allow
Your own inner being to show you the best way
To proceed in every single thing that you do.

A Meditation Question

Spiritual Alignment

I find that when I meditate there are times when
My thoughts come and go. They are all over the place.
I see that as no problem. It must be okay
Because I can start over if ever I stray
From my focus on nothing to enter a space
Of alignment. I can get back on track again.

When I’m there in that sacred space everything makes
So much sense. I’ve a sense of infinite knowing.
When I come out of meditation I forget
Everything that had happened. I feel some regret
That the access to the knowledge that was flowing
Is no longer. Somehow am I making mistakes?

Meditation is a process which allows your
Vibration to rise. When it does, you have access
To infinite intelligence. When you are there
Just take notice of how you feel and be aware
Of it all happening. Recognize your progress
In the process and in time it will reveal more.

Meditation is the gateway to alignment,
And alignment is when you’re open to receive
Information. You can get to a point where you
Can record your experience. You don’t have to
Get all bothered about it. What you can achieve
Through alignment will bring you enormous content.

Make An Impact

Moral Machinery

On your deathbed you won’t be worried much about
How much money you made or the power you had.
You are going to see that it was all a game –
And illusion. The obstacles you overcame
Had no meaning. You don’t want to end feeling sad
About how you lived your life. There can be no doubt.

The only thing that’s going to matter is the
Impact you had on others’ lives. No one will care
That you struggled. They won’t talk about your success.
They will speak about all the love and happiness
That you shared, so it’s best that you become aware
Of what matters most right now that you clearly see.

Success is really important, but even more
Important than success is having an impact.
It’s knowing you have not walked the planet in vain.
Everything in your life that you happen to gain
Will rot and fall apart, but how you interact
With others earns you a high spiritual score.

The most valuable currency that exists
Is the effect you have on others. As you live,
Be the best that you can be to everyone you
Encounter. Let the spirit within you shine through.
You can give to this world all that you have to give.
Spirit knows very well what the ego resists.

Discipline Your Thinking

Emotional Mind

If you are what you think about, then you have to
Start getting really careful about what you think.
You do this by being cautious about every
Conversation you have with others who may be
Of a negative mindset. You don’t want to drink
From the well of confusion whatever you do.

Don’t focus on what’s missing in your life and speak
To others all about it. That will amplify
The vibration of lack, and you will attract more
Of the same situation. It slams shut the door
To receiving. There are certain laws that apply
To the art of attaining all that you may seek.

You can only act upon your thoughts, and as your
Thoughts become higher and higher, you’re more aligned
With the things that you want. You will then act upon
Only those thoughts. Your sense of confusion is gone,
And it’s all done by the power of your own mind.
Of its wonder you can be absolutely sure.

Don’t believe that the world is a terrible place.
It’s a wonderful schoolhouse with lots of contrast.
You don’t have to buy into a sickened world view.
You are only either a host to God or you
Are a hostage to your ego. Screw the newscast.
Do anything that will keep a smile on your face.

Life Can Cause You To Feel Better

Freedom And Joy

There are many more consciousnesses focused here
In this physical plane of existence than there
Are people on the planet. There’s quite a party
Going on all around us that we do not see,
But we know that it’s possible to be aware
Of the nonphysical if our hearts are sincere.

We summon the collective. Multifaceted
Is our nature. Consciousness needs not a body
Necessarily. It’s a continuous stream.
Our awareness of our bodies does make it seem
That we are separated. This happens to be
An illusion that the mind is constantly fed.

Things that happen to people that they can’t explain
Are the doings of those who are disembodied.
From that vantage point, they often communicate
With the ‘living.’ When we’re in a receptive state,
We are hip to their antics and don’t feel the need
To be cautious. In fact, there can be much to gain.

You don’t miss the water until the well runs dry.
In the same way, you do not miss your connection
To the whole of who you are until you have not
Had it for such a while that your spirit is shot.
Look upon your community with affection.
Wonderful things will happen, and you will know why.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

The Vortex Is An Emotional State

Finding The Better Feeling

Don’t lament the fact that you don’t own your own place.
No one else is trying to put food on your shelf
Or to cook in your kitchen or sleep in your bed.
Your rent only. It’s okay. So you can instead
Be thankful that God made a safe place for yourself.
As you do you acknowledge divine loving grace.

Some have called it a Vortex – a state of being
Where you’re most in alignment. You feel whole and clear…
Full of passion and insight. Powerful is your
Confidence of attraction. All that you live for
Comes to focus all at once. It is from that sphere
That you find that everything is most agreeing.

It’s your response to living – the merging of you
With your truest self. It’s not a place or a thing.
It’s a wonderful feeling. It is emotion
At the notion of living and having more fun.
There is cause for excitement, for what it can bring
Is a profound fulfillment in all that you do.

Don’t get into the Vortex then try to keep score
With the way you are feeling. It will take you out.
What you want in the end is to feel satisfied.
When you get in the Vortex things can’t be denied.
Your power of attraction you know beyond doubt.
Focusing on the feeling does open the door.

Ignore The Contrast

Many Roads To Distraction

I’ve no multi-ring circus in my living room.
I gave up watching TV a long time ago.
Those big screens are but passageways to or from hell
Depending on the kind of stew in which I dwell.
I had doubted my sanity, but now I know
There are madmen among us who live to entomb.

It’s as if Cinderella is caught past midnight.
Natives have become restless in this troubled land.
I would love to feel safe anywhere that I go.
Every ill thought I have against people I owe
To the real fear that grips me. I can’t understand
The concept of pure evil and the ultra-right.

I had better cease giving this much energy.
That in itself is dangerous if it is more
Than I give to what pleases me without a doubt.
There are more worthy things that I could write about.
And in order to do that, I have to ignore
Everything in this madness as it seems to be.

Getting into that inner space where all is well
Is the only thing I control absolutely.
Difficult is my journey if I focus on
This sick world I’m a part of. I’d rather be drawn
To the peace overwhelming I find within me.
For right now, I would like to remain in my shell.