Tag Archive | deliberate

It Gets Better

Mental Torment

No matter how it looks everything is always
Working out for you. Everything that’s happening
To you is temporary so take it in stride.
Know that the universe is always on your side
If you can but allow it. It’s not a big thing.
Don’t beat up on yourself for your current malaise.

You can contour your vibration all day every
Day into precisely that which will fulfill you.
This cooperative universe is showing
You always that wellbeing is overflowing.
Everyone on earth goes through what you’re going through.
It’s a blessing though that it’s not necessary.

There’s no chance, fate, assertion, or lack of control.
Absolute control you have over how you feel.
You’ve the ability to think, feel, and behold
What takes place. You can cause want you want to unfold
Once you take your circumstance not as an ordeal
But as an exercise that will strengthen your soul.

Think and feel then observe what goes on around you.
Watch the universe gather cooperative
Components that match up with your own vibration.
You’re a master of deliberate creation.
In a world of contentment you’re able to live.
It Gets Better. Believe it is all you need do.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

Being Out Loud

When you say that you’ll do something for someone, you
Ought to do it no matter what and graciously.
Any kind of behavior contrary to this
Leads the soul down a corridor to an abyss
Of darkness due to conscious impropriety.
Treat people with proper respect in what you do.

You may be far more impeccable with others
Than you are with yourself. For example, when you
Tell yourself that you’re going to work out today
And you don’t then you might feel some bit of dismay
Because to your own promise you haven’t been true.
You have done what the lesser part of you prefers.

It means much more than doing what you say you’ll do.
Being impeccable with your word means to be
Perpetually truthful in thought, word, and deed.
Living this way, emotional poison is freed
From the depths of the impressionable psyche.
Being truthful will bring many blessings to you.

Be Impeccable With Your Word. It’s the correct
Use of your energy. The intention alone
To be truthful will trigger a change in your heart.
In your own transformation you play a huge part.
To you only that which is truthful will be shown.
It truly elevates your sense of self-respect.

Just Decide To Be Happy

Happy Focus

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are.
When you do so it closes the gap between you
And who you truly are. You can start a brand new
Way of living. Your attitude can take you far
On your journey and it can help you become whole.

It’s merely a decision. If you’re not ready
To make it because you haven’t been up to speed
With the most evolved part of you then you can’t see
Any reason to waste your time being happy.
You cannot be receptive from your place of need.
Wait until your vibration is much more steady.

When you’re somewhere near hopefulness then you become
More receptive to thoughts that feel better to you.
There are so many things to be happy about.
Don’t let others give you any reason to doubt
The wellbeing that’s dominant. Don’t listen to
Those who march to the beat of a negative drum.

Now life is going to take a new form and shape.
You’ll feel exhilaration and satisfaction
In most moments of your whole life experience.
It’s like riding a bike. Once you learn how you hence
Won’t forget how to change your point of attraction.
From the world and its troubles you need an escape.

Readiness Ready

Life Run

If it’s happened, I’m ready. If not, then I’m not
Otherwise things would be manifesting for me.
My Vortex of Creation I do believe in.
To deny it would be for me a mortal sin.
Here and now I’ve decided to live happily.
Life is short so I will give it all that I’ve got.

Because of what I’m thinking and how I’m feeling
Moment to moment I create kind of a grid
That fills in incrementally with all the things
That I have ever wanted. My happiness brings
Wonderful things to me even when I’m amid
Utter turmoil. I now know with what I’m dealing.

I don’t want it all right this red hot minute. I
Want it to come when I’m ready for it to come.
I don’t want the full contents of my Vortex to
Flood into my life all at once. What would I do
With a ton of wellbeing? This may seem to some
Not a thing to be pondered. The question is ‘Why?’

I’ll be ready to be ready to receive more
Inspiration to do what I need to get done
In any situation. Vibrationally
I prepare for the wonders that will come to be.
This mindset is applicable to anyone
Who wants to receive everything they’re asking for.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Your Natural Frequency

Colorful Vibrations

We want you to find ways where you can consciously
And deliberately allow your vortex to
Tune you right into Your Natural Frequency.
When you reach this state you most certainly will be
Yodeling down the canyons of life. Now if you
Are not tuned then a rather screwed up world you see.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency
You’re complaining. You point out all the injustice
In the world. Although it’s something you can’t deny
To preserve your vibration indeed you must try
Focusing elsewhere. How things are you can dismiss
Long enough to recover complete sanity.

Blame feels a whole lot better than utter despair.
You can say that it’s their fault and feel some relief
But it won’t last a long time unfortunately.
You must let go of any negativity
In your daily routine. Don’t let things give you grief.
About how you feel is the only thing to care.

You cannot get others to behave in a way
That will please you. You have to find a way to be
Pleased apart from what other people are doing.
Your focus on your vibration needs renewing
Constantly. It’s up to you to get yourself free
Of resistance and in a good mood you will stay.

Fun Along The Way

Pure Exhilaration

Let’s say that you’ve a list of things that you desire
Such as physical conditions, relationships,
Emotions, and material objects. Now make
A statement about each for happiness’ sake.
Be emphatic with the words that come from your lips.
Let the universe know that you heart is on fire.

Say, “I want to have fun on my way to that. I
Want to have a great time while I’m on my way to
Everything that I want.”
This puts everything in

The proper perspective so that you may begin
Understanding the power you have within you
To stay happy without even having to try.

It’s a journey that never ends. It matters not
Whether the steps are large or small. It just matters
That they’re fun while you’re taking them while on your way
To whatever you’re after. To live every day
Happily is to ignore the voice that chatters
With concern about all the things you haven’t got.

All along the way you receive inspiration
And you get to see the results of it right now.
There’s no gap between where you want to be and where
You are now and you have more of yourself to share
With the world. It becomes easier to allow
Into your life all the fruits of your creation.

The Best Is Yet To Come

Financial Growth

You have asked. It’s been given. You’re reaching for more
Satisfaction in living. Your moments of stress
No longer petrify you and keep you away
From experiencing wonder throughout your day.
You’ve your inner being to thank for your success.
You’re on top of your game more than ever before.

It has been a fine year, a wonderful decade,
And an outstanding century and far beyond
On the planet and you’re here to take advantage
Of the wellbeing. You’re meant to take center stage.
All the players and props in your drama respond
To how much of your true self to them is conveyed.

As of right now your clarity has already
Improved and will continue to. Your eagerness
For life has been renewed. Your appreciation
Of others will increase. Your exhilaration
About your life will be the source of your success
In whatever you’re doing. You must stay happy.

You have not seen anything like what lies ahead.
You’re on the brink of deliberate alignment
With your purpose. Your prosperity will improve.
You’ll greatly praise yourself for having made the move
Toward wholeness and feeling profoundly content.
It seems by now that there’s nothing more to be said.

Trust The Process

Quality Quest

There’s nothing that exists in your wanting that you
Cannot fully manifest. Law of Attraction
Says that if you can dream it it can become true.
Lining up with it is all that you need to do
And you do it by reaching for satisfaction
And by maintaining a positive point of view.

Everything in this universe is vibration.
Once you begin to understand this you begin
To think and feel deliberately. You believe
That all that your senses are able to perceive
Is more tangible therefore you have less faith in
The vibrational form of manifestation.

You’re a vibrational being and you attract
By your focus so you must be fully aware
Of what you’re doing. Most folks create by default.
Usually it results in psychic assault.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Don’t allow things to happen just so you’ll react.

You have an inner being – your spirit… your soul.
The expanded part of you is Source energy.
It’s your true essence. Trust that it knows everything
About you and believe that to you it can bring
Anything you can dream of immediately.
Hooking up with it is the way to become whole.

Deliberate Segment Intending

Time Adjusting

Like a pinball I feel that I get bounced around
Quite a bit through life. I don’t seem to have control
Over much. I have too many things going on.
The enthusiasm I once had is now gone.
If this game isn’t won what becomes of my soul?
Within each day no time of contentment is found.

I would love to understand this ever present
Law of Attraction field of response more clearly.
What I’ve been told is that I can Segment Intend
Purposefully but I don’t fully comprehend
How to do it. Is something the matter with me?
Please someone help me out of this predicament.

Most people when they wake up they wander into
Their day having responses to what’s going on
Around them and as the day gathers momentum
It takes them places they’d rather stay away from.
Segment Intending is what folks depend upon
To make their days fulfilling and fun to get through.

You can start having experiences where you
Understand why you’re having them because you did
It deliberately. Your point of attraction
Is maintained and you’ll find immense satisfaction
And in practice it is a fine way to get rid
Of resistance. You can have your wishes come true.

May Your Dreams Find You Easily

Pink Journey

You’re the creator of your own reality
Therefore you’re an attractor. Whatever occurs
In your life is because of the way that you feel
In each moment. You want your dreams to become real.
Contemplate only on the things your heart prefers.
You know how to tune yourself vibrationally.

Are you getting what you want? If you answer ‘no’
Or ‘sometimes’ then what you are experiencing
Is a pattern – a history of doubt and lack.
Difficult it becomes to get on the right track.
The way you think about your life means everything.
Feeling your best you know is the right way to go.

Doing things out of habit and unconsciously,
You may get yourself focused on unwanted things.
Getting with your friends and talking about the news
And of other upsetting things means that you choose
The illusion of impending doom. Nothing brings
You right out of alignment than this way to be.

Make the things that you want able to find you more
Easily. Carve out more deliberate pathways.
What influence are you under? It is your own
Inner guidance unto which everything is known
About what makes your heart sing. May all of your days
Satisfy you with all of the things you adore.

On Being A Teacher

Group Lesson

A teacher is someone who can share with others
Life experience. It’s of tremendous value
To the student and teacher. One who’s more aware
Of the laws universal and who would like there
To be positive change is the one who will do
What it takes so that maximum learning occurs.

There’s a deep centered willingness to apply the
Laws to life ‘til there’s a consistent perspective
Of the goal having been accomplished already.
Things are moved forward by holding on steadily
To what’s known until the universe has to give
What‘s been asked for with passion and humility.

People don’t care how much you know until they know
How much you care. They can pick up your vibrations
Then pass judgement upon them. Your understanding
Of the nature of folks is perhaps everything
Necessary to develop good relations
Between teacher and student. Each lesson must flow.

Co-creating is done simply for the pleasure
In the doing – not saving the world or fixing
Something broken. The key is in looking forward
Where only possibilities can be explored.
You can start off immediately by nixing
Any thought that stops you from claiming your treasure.

The Manifestation Cycle

Creation In Motion

I know that my life causes me to ask for more.
That’s a given. I can’t stop it from happening.
This physical environment elicits from
Me personal decisions. While beating my drum
Of uniqueness, I can manifest anything
I desire. It’s a wonderful world to explore.

After I’ve done my asking, unseen forces will
Gather all the cooperative components
Necessary. I don’t have to do anything
Further after I have done the work of asking
Except stay in a state of receptive suspense
Meaning that my work now is to kick back and chill.

When things start manifesting the thrill is immense.
Confidence in the power that I have to be
A creator increases. Trusting the process
Replaces any angst with a fresh eagerness
For the challenge of bringing what satisfies me
Into being. The process makes practical sense.

Once I’ve mastered this elegant trick I’ve become
More able to cope with life when it takes a turn
For the worse. When it happens I don’t get upset.
It’s just a moment in time that I’ll soon forget.
There’s nothing like the ability to discern
Satisfaction, which is where all blessings come from.

The Power Of Your Intentions

Color Bright

As you’re looking at contrast and moving toward
Your desires manifesting, enjoy the journey.
Notice how this piece fits in and then the next piece.
Do whatever you can to ensure the release
Of resistance and know that you can truly be
Confident that by the universe you’re adored.

You’ve decided to be deliberate about
Your creating. You’ve learned to do it consciously
Rather than by default where you’re just reacting
To your life. You’re concerned with what you’re attracting
Into your life experience. You want to be
Clear of negative intention and crippling doubt.

You’ve been segment intending, appreciating,
And daydreaming. You’ve learned how to get out ahead
Of the next situation by being prepared.
Beforehand your intentions are fully declared
To yourself and to others. You cannot be led
Off your path. You’re aware of what you’re creating.

When you start making the correlation between
What you intended and what is manifesting,
There’s extreme satisfaction. The universe will
Cater to you to where you can savor the thrill
Of receiving all that you have been requesting.
Live a life that’s exciting but also serene.

Creating Momentum

Ominous Force

On the cusp between stagnation and hopefulness
I reside presently. Motion forward is nil.
Nothing seems to excite me. I don’t even care
To do things I like doing. Though it’s not despair,
It’s a feeling of emptiness and lack of will,
And it certainly isn’t the way to success.

I remember, though, that I am emanating
A signal all the time. Everything comes to me
In response to that signal. My emotions are
The most magnificent guidance system by far.
I accept the awesome responsibility
For my point of attraction and what it will bring.

There’s a natural tendency for a moving
Object to keep on moving unless some outside
Force prevents it from doing so. This resistance
I can overcome. I can’t depend upon chance
To get my behind moving lest I be denied
Of my now situation ever improving.

I commit to my feeling better here and now.
It’s the only way I’ll receive inspiration
That will motivate me as it properly should.
I’m doing very well when this is understood.
Things fall into place when momentum is begun
To feel better is always my primary vow.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Think Of Yourself As Wealthy

Sitting Pretty

When you focus on something that’s bothering you,
Or you push against something, notice what happens
To your energy. It feels like there’s a big hole
In your gut, but you do know that you have control
Of your feelings. You can see your life through the lens
Of alignment with all in your world that you do.

Find a thought that feels better. You can find a way
To bring your energy back to where it belongs.
Your point of attraction is how you are feeling
From moment to moment. So, how are you dealing
With your life? Is it an issue of righting wrongs?
In a positive place is where you want to stay.

Whatever you’re focused on, real or imagined,
Causes you to vibrate. The universe accepts
This as your most intended point of attraction.
Once the Law of Attraction receives it, it is done.
Do not concern yourself with taking further steps.
You have to be spiritually disciplined.

For the universe you must create a vision
That it can believe easily. It doesn’t care
If it’s real or not. It will respond just the same.
There are infinite resources that you can claim
As your own. It’s your job to be fully aware
Of your dream of abundance. It’s your decision.

You And Yourself

Rendezbous With Self

You And Yourself are different yet much the same.
The two are a composite. Yourself, the person,
Is a physical essence that has an ego
And a purpose which is to help your spirit grow
Through the contrast life offers. This self is the one
That others get to know, so it must have a name.

You decide that you’re going to take full control
Of your relationship with who you really are
Which is purely spiritual and far removed
From the earth’s negativity. Love is approved
As the only solution. You know it’s by far
The best feeling one because it can make you whole.

You, wherever you are, on whatever subject
That concerns you, are just a feeling away from
Reaching your inner being – the heart of your soul.
Your complete satisfaction is its only goal.
Rely on its guidance. It will help you become
And efficient creator in every aspect.

You are going to be exhilarated by
How your life is evolving. Your satisfaction
Will expand exponentially, just as will your
Expectation that good happenings you’ll adore.
Do not be so surprised that your life can be fun.
You can close the gap without your having to try.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Things Fall Into Place

Universal Forces At Work

All the time manifestations happen to you.
Whether it’s a relationship, money, or things,
Like a new car or bigger house, you are aware
Of the feeling of wanting it. You must take care
That your feelings are positive. How you feel brings
Things to you much more quickly than all that you do.

The word manifestation in the truest sense
Is this moment in time. It is the junction where
The focus of you and of who you really are
Is converging. It means you are not very far
From receiving. About your feelings you must care.
Against negative feelings be on the defense.

Every detail of your life is manifested.
The alarm clock, the person behind the counter,
And the place where you live are manifestations.
Those that are driven by passion are the best ones.
You can always find a thought that you would prefer.
In your own wellbeing you must be invested.

Your emotional response to your heart’s desire
Guides you to it… or from it. You are in control
Of your own guidance system. You can’t separate
The manifestation from the feeling. Your state
Of alignment with yourself is the only goal.
From this present moment, the next is made higher.

It’s About The Emotion

Happy As Children

When we speak of manifestation we may mean
A relationship, money, or some other thing
That we can sink ourselves into. Certainly these
Count as manifestations. Each moment we seize
Is the one most important because it will bring
Everything into focus when senses are keen.

This moment is the juncture where you come to meet
Who you are at your truest. So in this moment
Is where manifestation is being allowed.
The infusion of consciousness keeps you endowed
With the wonderful feeling of being present.
You emote yourself into your staying upbeat.

Because everything is a manifestation
Your feelings are special in that you have control
Over how you are feeling. What is uplifting
To your spirit and all that does make your heart sing
Do with unfettered passion that you may be whole.
Co-create with your spirit a space to have fun.

Your emotion is wrapped around what you receive.
Anything that you want is for but one reason:
To feel better in having it. To separate
The emotion from creation is to berate
What is manifested. It is the emotion
Above everything else that you want to achieve.

Joyous Rampage

Words That Matter

General to specific is the direction
Of the arrow of praising all that life offers.
The laws of the universe seem so consistent
And I feel that in all truthfulness I was meant
To be doing what I do. As my life occurs
I’m excited about the Law of Attraction.

It makes sense and I think that I understand some
Of how it works but it’s not mine to pick apart
All at once. I prefer getting helpful insights
That will lead me to treasures and untold delights.
Clearer than I once was, I hold close to my heart
Feelings of new awareness and blessings to come.

I like being a deliberate creator.
I like focusing on things and making them real.
I’m a good communicator and I speak
With a flair of magnificence. I am not meek
When it comes to the things I do that make me feel
Like a part of this world more than ever before.

I like this time and place where I’ve chosen to be.
The fast movement of energy tantalizes
And I know that I’m really on the right path here
The power that I feel for this project is clear.
I’ll abide by what my truest self advises.
I anticipate being the best part of me.

Things Will Change

The inevitable Action of Being

Happiness is a simple choice. Hard it may be
To let go of the need to control everything.
The greatest dilemma to befall humankind
Is demanding that conditions be well defined
Before some satisfaction does efforting bring.
It’s not by desperation that one becomes free.

Can I be happy in this moment anyway
Without something pleasing outside me to occur?
I can’t control conditions. They’re impossible.
There must be some solution. I remain hopeful
That a positive change, one that I’d most prefer,
Can happen from within me. I pray that it may.

There are only two choices. My environment
I can respond to, then try to manhandle it
Into humble submission. Or I can create
A vibration of happiness to orchestrate
The environment I want. It’s best I commit
To the feeling of living in full enjoyment.

Conjuring up an image is how to begin
To get my circumstances to respond in kind
To the image created. The changes will come
If I can stop the habit of beating the drum
Of unworthy crusades. I can leave them behind.
Nothing will change outside until there’s change within.