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The Way You Think


You can change the way you feel by changing The Way
You Think. Simply by thinking thoughts that uplift you
You remain in a state of sublime contentment.
Happiness is achieved through your conscious intent
To stay focused on the things that you love to do.
Let the good things going for you brighten your day.

Remember that sometimes The Way You Think about
Someone isn’t exactly how they truly are.
Think about The Way You Think and find clarity
In your own logic then you’ll be finally free
Of false judgments. You don’t have to look very far
In this world to see examples of people’s doubt.

No matter how badly someone treats you never
Step down to their level. Be calm and walk away.
Don’t become weak by thinking that you’re all alone.
Rather stand firm and be proud that you’re on your own
In a world that sometimes causes utter dismay.
Let what happened leave your consciousness forever.

Not everyone is proud of you. They’re just surprised
At how you keep on going. Ultimate success
Is achieved through repeated failures and by not
Giving up. What you think about matters a lot.
No one can be a better judge of your progress
Than you once your true worthiness is realized.


Casual Day

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
And that you are deserving of coming to be
Manifested in your present reality.
To gain access to it you simply have to care
About how you feel. Your future is never dim.

It’s about time for those realizations to
Begin flooding into your life experience
At a rate that will astonish those around you.
Be receptive of all the blessings coming due.
Let your wonderful dream of a lifetime commence
In this moment. Embrace the exciting and new.

We in spirit observe you. We see that you still
Don’t know who you are truly and for the most part
You don’t understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is. Don’t betray
Your own purpose by holding hatred in your heart.
Exercise as you must your God-given free will.

You came here to do business and have lots of fun
In the doing. Life isn’t so complicated
When you know where you came from and what you could be,
Do, or have here in this time space reality.
Allow now what you know has been long awaited.
Watch for evidence of your new journey begun.

How To Get What’s Not Coming


“It’s not coming,” to yourself you keep on saying
And it won’t if you continue beating this drum.
It’s apparent. The thing you want hasn’t come yet
And your focus upon this will only beget
The same unfulfilled feeling. What you want can’t come
Because your attitude is too self-betraying.

Be a perfect vibrational match to what you
Want to happen. There can be no contradiction
Within you about having it. Sadness of face
Keeps one from the receiving of infinite grace.
No one will tolerate the grotesque infliction
Of your story upon them. You know this is true.

When you have a desire and continually
Notice that what you want has not yet been achieved
You enhance the vibration of not having it
So in order to get it it’s best that you quit
Focusing on its absence. It will be received
By you only if you live your life happily.

To what you want you want to give your attention –
Not upon its not having been manifested
As of yet. You can speak more about what’s to come.
You can get a whole lot of satisfaction from
Simply telling it so it can be digested
Easily. ‘What is’ isn’t worthy of mention.

It Will Come When You Relax


The first thing that will happen when you choose to chill
Is that you will feel better. This is a good thing
Because it means that you’re releasing resistance.
As a consequence you have a much better chance
Of the things you want to begin manifesting.
Clarity enters into the mind that is still.

Surely you know it’s coming. Why not rendezvous
With the feeling of having it right here and now?
This way you will enhance the manifestation.
When you focus on the overall sensation
Of your having it then you begin to allow
What you want to easily make its way to you.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most significant because you can right away
Feel delighted and worthy of what you’ve asked for.
It’s the feeling of having it you most adore.
Think about it as if you were a child at play.
Make of your dream a magnificent fantasy.

As you stand where you are now and look toward where
You are going who cares where your are here and now?
It can’t matter once you’ve created momentum
For the thing you want to eventually come.
What you need do is simply decide to allow
What you want to be an emotional affair.

Change Your Future Experience


“Does what’s happening now have to dominate my
No! It certainly doesn’t have to

But your observing ‘what is’ holds you in a place
Where things don’t change. If only the present you face
Then the future can’t be any better for you.
You create for yourself sameness as time goes by.

If you spend the next three hours anticipating
Something far beyond what the probability
Of it happening could be, you’re adjusting your
Future experience. Of this you can be sure.
Truly you can change your future reality
Just a tad by the intention you’re creating.

People observe ‘what is’ then they spew it into
The future, then when it comes they observe some more
Then spew that into the future ‘til pretty soon
They’ll be singing the ‘This is just how it is’ tune.
What you need to do is take the time to explore
Better feeling thoughts that bring some relief to you.

More than anything else care about how you feel.
“This thought doesn’t feel good. This one feels just a bit
It’s just that simple. You can change the way

Things will turn out for you if you’re willing to stay
In alignment. Do it for your own benefit.
You can create a future that is ideal.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Divine Timing


I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now understanding that where I
Am now is an utterly temporary place.
I can cope with the many issues I must face
By the power within me. Still I wonder why
Things take so long to happen. It keeps me depressed.

I know that I’m impatient. It’s just part of me.
I know that I can’t be a vibrational match
To what I most desire if I’m feeling this way.
If I want things to speed up I’m willing to pay
More attention to how I feel. If I can catch
A bad feeling thought early enough then I’m free.

I don’t want it all right now. I want to receive
Only what I’m ready and able to allow
Into my life experience right at this time.
There’s hope of redemption for committing the crime
Of impatience and I can have it here and now.
Contentment is a state that’s not hard to achieve.

I’m never going to be fully satisfied
With where I am and that’s a good thing because I
Want to tweak that dissatisfaction to where it
Feels fresh and titillating. It just takes a bit
Of fine tuning in order to keep flying high.
I can say then that time is always on my side.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.

Don’t Take Life So Seriously


How to love oneself almost no one really knows.
You may have been running around trying to find
Other people to love you. You stand on your head
In all different kinds of ways but you instead
Of love from them get nothing. Then you are inclined
To feel badly and keep yourself in the shadows.

“If I’m like this will you like me? What if I do
This for you? Will that matter? What more can I give
To attain your acceptance?”
Don’t act in this way

Unless you want to live life in utter dismay.
You need nothing from others in order to live
A fulfilling life. Nothing’s the matter with you.

So you kind of lose track of who you are truly.
The more you look to others to love you the more
Out of sync you become with your own beingness.
Neediness is something you don’t need to express
When the core of yourself is who you’re looking for.
Think always about how wonderful life can be.

Don’t take the biggest issue and try to make it
Work out for you. Relax and take life easier
And just try to become lighthearted about things.
Focus only on things that tug at your heartstrings.
You can have things occurring the way you’d prefer.
Keep your vibration one that you want to transmit.

Feel Your Way To Your Dreams


What you want is only a vibration away.
Your Vortex of Creation contains everything
That you’ve ever wished for and you access it by
Feeling good. You know that it’s best not to deny
How you feel. No matter what may be happening
In touch with who you truly are you always stay.

You can get up to speed with who you are right now
And there could be an instant manifestation
Because what you want is already a done deal.
Your work is to pay attention to how you feel.
You’re a master of deliberate creation
When at will you engage your freedom to allow.

You interpret the physical world easily
With your sense organs but you may not be as keen
At interpreting vibration and that’s okay
Because with practice you can improve in this way.
You have no problem keeping your vibration clean
As you learn to be as happy as you can be.

Your Vortex is a feeling place – a confirming
Place of the wholeness of who you are. How you feel
Is the way to experience all that is there.
Take a break from your issues and be more aware
Of your present wellbeing which is very real.
Always know that you can manifest anything.

The Fast Track To Abundance

Sleeping In Cash

Without even knowing it you were trained into
Your thoughts and beliefs about money by people
Who don’t have it. They’re struggling. They’re irritated
By the people who have it. What they’ve created
Is a mindset that in their lives can’t be helpful
And it may be hard to alter that point of view.

Look what’s going on. Just listen a little bit
To the national – even global dialogue
About money. It’s from the perspective of lack
So the reporting is all about keeping track
Of the lack. Many people are kept in a fog
About it. Their worry is of no benefit.

It doesn’t take much easing up on your habits
Of thought before abundance starts to flow to you.
When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different and brand new
Like relax your vibration your dream will come true.
Your trust in the process yields many benefits.

Fast money must be ‘bad’ money? This isn’t so.
Your wanting is like a rubber band pulled back far.
When you let go of the resistance it will go
With much power and quickly. The more that you know
About what’s holding you back the better you are
At correcting yourself as you go with the flow.

Allowing What You Want

Many Gifts

Your idea of heaven would have to include
Everything you’ve ever wanted since you were born
All prepared and granted especially to you.
It would be a place where you’d have nothing to do
But be happy. You’re able to toot your own horn
Without worrying that someone may think you’re rude.

It’s a real place. It exists vibrationally.
It’s made up of all wishes, desires, hopes, and dreams
Of all people while living their lives here on earth.
Heaven is the place that propels us into birth
Yet the issue is that on this planet it seems
People aren’t receptive to its reality.

Those in heaven are the beneficiaries
Of our yearnings because they become instantly
Manifested there, but again heaven is made
Of spirit and vibration. Who comes to our aid
When we ask? We can count on the ‘powers that be.
We do not have to cower and beg, “pretty please?”

“As above, so below.” Heaven on earth can be
A reality that you can experience
In its fullness. You can watch for the evidence
Of wellbeing happening in the present tense.
You’ll find that the power that it has is immense.
You can be in heaven just by being happy.

Why And How

Passionate Asking

“Why is it that there are things that I believe that
I am asking for that are not coming? How can
I get them to come faster?”
When you are aligned

With what you want – when you’re in the right state of mind
Then what you want will come within a short time span.
Why And How then are worth taking a good look at.

When you hold a desire but continually
Notice that it simply hasn’t yet been achieved
It will cause you frustration. To be happy where
You are now is to give yourself the best of care.
Prepare yourself for your heart’s dream to be received
By you. Just let what you want to come come to be.

Where you are now may suck especially if you
Have been there for a long time. You don’t anymore
Want to be there but don’t talk about it so much.
Talk about the thrill of your having it. There’s such
Power in that. Accent what your heart reaches for.
Take advantage of a positive point of view.

You have to give your attention to that which you
Are wanting. Tell the story of your having it.
If you want to be over there rather than here
Then your negative countenance must disappear.
Be aware of the energy that you transmit.
Speak only of your worthiness because it’s true.

Why It’s Not Coming Faster


Wanting something so ‘badly’ is not quite the way
To receive what you’re wanting. Too much resistance
There is in your vibration. It isn’t a match
To what you want. At some point you have to detach
From the feelings of your negative circumstance.
Your deciding to is the only price to pay.

You don’t need anyone else to agree with you
About what you want unless they can offer some
Support to you. Get into the receptive mode
Then upon you the things that you want are bestowed.
Be aware more of where all your power comes from.
You’ll get nowhere with all the complaining you do.

You have to be willing to feel the harmony
Long enough that you’re a much better match to your
Own desire. Many people are running around
Blaming others for what in themselves isn’t found.
Harmony with themselves is what they’re looking for
But in all the wrong places unfortunately.

Turn thoughts to things by being in the receptive
Mode as much as you can. What holds your attention
Is ‘what is.’ It’s the vibrational form that you
Want to focus on. Everything else that you do
Is endorsed by the spiritual dimension.
Be open to what the universe has to give.

The Perfection Of Who You Are

Happy Heart

Learn to accept The Perfection Of Who You Are.
Your society tells you that you’re imperfect.
Don’t believe it! Believe what your spirit tells you.
That you have to redeem yourself just isn’t true.
For your own spiritual health you must reject
Any notion that from perfection you are far.

Embrace the contrast that produces expansion.
Love yourself the way your inner being loves you.
Look at the bigger picture and find resonance
With who you truly are. Give your spirit the chance
To uplift you in everything you choose to do.
Learn to feel love and compassion for everyone.

When you stand in your place of understanding how
The cooperative components coalesce
Around you that’s when you know that you have control
Of your manifestations as you become whole
With their coming to being. You find happiness
When the wellbeing present you learn to allow.

Accept that the process is one of perfection.
Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows everything you need to know.
Release enough resistance that off you will go
With your life of which you’ve made into a fine art.
Be aware of your spiritual connection.

What God Wants You To Know

Realm Of Divinity

It’s about your accepting the sheer perfection
Of who you are as a human being. For so
Long no matter what platform you were born into
You were taught that you’re not perfect. This isn’t true.
This is the biggest thing that God wants you to know
And it’s worth keeping part of your recollection.

God wants you always to embrace all the contrast
In your life because it produces expansion.
You’re an eternal being. You must find a way
To love yourself no matter what. You want to stay
In that state of wellbeing where you are the one
In control and you’re able to remain steadfast.

Anytime you’re not loving yourself you may feel
Guilt or shame. Even hope has a bit of a stain
Of uncertainty. All that it means is that you
Have forgotten the wonderful things God can do.
You can be healed of your troublesome self-disdain
In an instant. Any ailment you have can heal.

Do your best to make dominant the larger part
Of yourself who knows all of this. Don’t sweat the small
Stuff. It’s all small compared to your ability
To grab hold of some of God’s awesome energy.
Get yourself hooked up with the being who knows all.
All feelings of divinity come from the heart.

You Need To Hear This

Listen Up!

It’s really inappropriate for anyone
To say ever that something indeed has gone wrong.
It’s easy to draw that conclusion when you see
Bad things happening. They can affect you deeply
But if you’re to contain yourself you must be strong.
Realignment with yourself is what must be done.

During the time you’re experiencing contrast
You are asking for everything to get better
And the provident universe responds in kind.
Nowhere else but with your inner being you’ll find
Reassurance that your fulfillment will occur.
It’s a foregone conclusion that life is a blast.

You can receive the benefit of ‘what is’ in
Any moment in time. Simply don’t talk about
Things that split up your energy. Tell a brand new
Story. Speak about it until you make it true.
There’s no place in your program for lingering doubt.
This very moment is the best time to begin.

It is right for you to choose what feels best to you.
You need not prove your worthiness. It’s a given.
Stop pinching yourself off from the things you adore.
There’s so much about your life you need to explore.
A magnificent world opens up for you when
You decide to take a positive point of view.

Love One Another

Nurture The Union

It’s to Love One Another. The reason to be
In existence is none other than to become
Well acquainted with loving. For all humankind
To behave as if we’re all of one common mind…
It’s a concept that we mustn’t shy away from.
We’re commanded to do so by the almighty.

As we Love One Another, we make not a bond
Of love, rather we let it be a moving sea
Between the shores of our souls. We fill each other’s
Cup but drink not from one cup. As loving occurs,
Spaces in our togetherness do let there be.
Heaven’s winds dance within them into the beyond.

Giving one another of our bread, we eat not
From the same loaf. So joyously we sing and dance
Together but we let each other be alone
Like the strings of the lute. Each one is on its own
But to the same music each quivers. Not by chance
Does the sound produced make most people hot to trot.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping
For only the hand of life can contain your hearts
And stand together, yet not too near together
For the temple will not stand in heavy weather
With its pillars too close. It takes minuscule smarts
To know what kind of karma oneself is reaping.

To Be Called On

Joyful Expectation

You’ve been waiting. There’s no need to feel reluctant
About getting the message. You’re more than ready
To Be Called On for something special and unique
To your talents of which there are many to speak.
That which calls you is promised to holding steady
To your dreams even though sometimes you think you can’t.

“Are You Ready?” This question you continue to
Ask yourself so that you can maintain alignment
With receiving impulses and information
To assist with your magnificent creation.
Your vibration at times may need some refinement,
But for the most part, you’re doing what you should do.

A cooperative component you must be
With all that’s lined up for you. Past experience
Of not being called haunts what’s taking place right now.
When it’s pointed right at you, you have to allow
The message to consume you. It makes perfect sense
To the mind. One can comprehend it easily.

You’re in the spotlight with others who may or may
Not be ready. Your inner being is aware
Of the feelings of others and itself. To be
An uplifter is something that naturally
Is your calling, and love is what you have to share.
Take the call and enjoy all that will come your way.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.

Appreciation Both Ways

General Thanks

We’re all in this together. We love it when you
Realize that you’re pure positive energy.
The power of saying ‘yes’ is so amazing.
In this world, you can have, do, or be anything
That you want, and we love your willingness to be
Here among us. Together we’ve much work to do.

In this time space reality we co-create.
While exploring the contrast we come to our own
Conclusions about what we want. This is how we
Go about creating our own reality.
We love it when you enter the creative zone
And come up with ideas that are truly great.

We adore your awareness of your vibration.
Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Steer your way through adversity. You don’t freak out
Nor do you become infatuated with doubt
That the negative circumstance you can get through.
We love that you own all that is your creation.

What we love most of all is when you calibrate
To the energy of your inner being and
Reach a higher vibration of your energy.
You can experience rapture quite easily
When the laws of the universe you understand.
We love it when you finally achieve that state.

Just A Vibration Away

Affecting The Shift

When you’re feeling on top of the world is when you
Are in touch with the magic of high vibration.
You don’t fret for a moment about where you stand
In the absence of what you want. You take command
Of the moment. You are the crown of creation.
Although it’s just a feeling, it’s your point of view.

“It’s not just a vibration,” some folks may argue.
“It’s a manifestation, and it could take years.”
That’s if you’re diligent about poking around
Where you are until some information is found
That confirms even more than the worst of your fears.
You have so much power that you can make that true.

If you’re hung up on what is, you’ve gotten used to
Using your senses to translate the physical
Into something believable. Not as practiced
Are you at sensing vibration. Often dismissed
Are insights and impulses, and the usual
Cluttered input from reality stifles you.

Looking at ‘what is’ is what can keep you right where
You don’t want to be. Use your imagination
To create a more perfect life. Care how you feel.
Be excited about all that you can make real.
Your vibration increases when you’re having fun.
Tuning into yourself is a feeling affair.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Understanding Allowing

The Power Of Color

Allowing yourself to feel better than ever
Can’t be seen as a challenge. It’s done easily
With a small shift in focus. Appreciation
For how well things are going is the number one
Way of reaching a better place if you can see
Your whole life as one magnificent endeavor.

Allowing all the things that you’ve been wanting to
Flow into your experience is creating
For yourself a fulfilling life and one of ease.
There is no one but yourself that you need to please.
The universe is forever advocating
For your ultimate pleasure in all that you do.

In a vibrational universe you’re living.
About that idea be exhilarated.
Your allowing means your basking and frolicking.
Positive aspects are worth your acknowledging.
Be aware of all the good that you’ve created.
Of the mistakes you’ve made you must be forgiving.

Nothing is more important than that you look for
Only that which you want to see. Variety
Is delicious. Be thankful that you get to choose
Just the life that you want. Only you can refuse
The blessings of the universe. You’re meant to be
In a state of fulfillment and asking for more.

Let It Go!

Releasing Momentum

Much without your awareness you were trained into
Your beliefs about money by people who were
Struggling with it and those who were irritated
By the people who have it. One who’s frustrated
With the economy has not much to offer
To the one who knows little about making do.

Dialogues about money both nationally
And worldwide seem to be about demonizing
Those who have a lot of it. This is peculiar.
It is obvious that there’s a huge tug of war
Going on in the psyche. It’s reassuring
That abundance is infinite, as it should be.

When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different, like relax
Your vibration, more will come to you rapidly.
Fast money is considered by some bad money.
What you think about money certainly impacts
How much of it you have making its way to you.

Fast money means you’ve pulled back the big rubber band…
So far back that you feel something is imminent,
Then you let go completely of all resistance.
Speak dearly about issues regarding finance.
Stop your doing the thing that you do to prevent
What is coming. It’s something you need not demand.

Allow What You Want

Open Access

Your Vortex of Creation is filled to the brim
With specific requests that you’ve been putting there
From the first time you were able to know desire
Up to this moment, and from it you can acquire
Any part or all of it. You need only care
How you feel, which is not something done on a whim.

Remember what you’ve put there. You are deserving
Of its realization in your everyday
Life experience. Know your appreciation
For who you are, for you are a powerful one.
You must understand the important role you play
In the expansion of all that is occurring.

You can be the recipient of all those things
You have dreamed of because that was part of the plan.
Before coming here, you told yourself you would be
An adept co-creator. You naturally
Manifest through your wanting. Believe that you can
Get accustomed to what true contentment can bring.

Your life is changed forever once you come to know
The vastness of your Vortex. Watch for evidence
Of the universe helping you. You can Allow
What You Want
or deny it. The time is right now

To partake of your treasure which is now immense.
Into your life may wonderful things start to flow.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.