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Only One Minute Away

Time Adrift

On that high flying disk is where I want to be.
I love feeling excited about everything
In this wonderful universe. Out of thin air
I can pull this great feeling and I can stay there
Just as long as I want to. Much joy I can bring
To this moment. I love living life happily.

If I start out my day this way it’s easier
To remain in alignment. Before negative
Thoughts of yesterday flood into my consciousness
I find all kinds of things in the moment to bless.
I’m delighted that I’ve chosen this way to live.
I love knowing that I can have what I prefer.

Things that make me feel better or put me at ease
I must focus on. Music and meditation
Put me there in a hurry. My intent is to
Feel as good as I can so whatever I do
Is only for that reason. As my creation,
This moment is the only one for me to seize.

Distraction from whatever is keeping me from
My alignment is welcomed most wholeheartedly.
There’s nothing else I need to accomplish today.
My happiness is Only One Minute Away.
Getting happy and staying there is up to me.
I’m anticipating all the good times to come.

Directly From Source

That I Am

Can a person communicate with the divine
Directly just as if God were a dear old friend?
Yes one can. It’s been done throughout all history.
Anyone can converse with God and easily.
Through the practice of meditation you transcend
Negative mental constructs of errant design.

God broadcasts on a frequency which everyone
Can receive. It’s a matter of tuning into
The right signal. You must learn to quiet the mind.
In that silence a feeling of peace you will find.
Answers to questions will come easily to you.
You get progressively better once it’s begun.

If you’re full of the question then you cannot hear
The answer. They are two different frequencies.
At the same time you can’t keep both activated
Because a tug of war will have been created
In your consciousness. Handel the issue with ease.
Let the question be answered and don’t interfere.

Let the question rest within you only until
It is clarified then let the universe do
What it does so efficiently. You must believe
That you’re way more than worthy enough to receive
What you want to know. Meditation can help you
To relax and succumb to God’s provident will.

Delegate To The Universe

Spiritual Group

People put way too much effort into living.
Busy schedules and deadlines keep us in a state
Of anxiety constantly. Is it okay
For the body and soul to go on in this way?
One can live well by learning to appreciate
Everything in existence that is life giving.

Set some time aside to pay more attention to
The spiritual part of you. Get away from
The chaos and confusion for just a short while.
You can do this no matter what kind of lifestyle
You may have. Meditation can help you become
More relaxed. It’s one of many things you can do.

This intelligent universe knows all about
Who you are down to the most explicit detail.
It knows your thoughts and feelings and what excites you.
It wants to help you in everything that you do.
When you look at your life in this way you can’t fail
But you must not harbor any lingering doubt.

Delegate To The Universe. It doesn’t mind
Taking some of the load off of your busy day.
Tell the universe exactly what you want done
Then go off and have all kinds of outrageous fun.
Your workload will diminish for you in this way.
It’s the best orchestrator of things you will find.

The Next Level

Love Joy

I do find myself in a really happy place
Usually. I don’t look at reality
To the point where I can get out of alignment.
I have no problem at all remaining content
With the world I’m creating. I live happily
In this knowing, loving universe’s embrace.

If I ignore reality just long enough
To get myself into a state of happiness
Then I can give my undivided attention
To my life which is an ongoing invention.
It’s the love in my heart that I want to express.
I’ve no time for all kinds of non-uplifting stuff.

I can speak words of passion about what’s to come –
Not what’s happening now although now is sublime.
My life hasn’t been better. I’m ready for more
Evidence of the things that I’ve been asking for.
Everything goes my way because I take the time
To acknowledge where all of my blessings come from.

Anything that I want I can have, do, or be.
I get to The Next Level by keeping control
Of my thoughts and emotions and not reacting
To occurrences. I know that I’m attracting
Life experiences that are good for my soul.
It’s in my best interest to live happily.

Step Into Your Power Now

On The Pier

Have you ever had a conversation where you
Asked someone, “How’ve you been doing?”, and they reply,
“I’ve been well but I’m powerless. I’ve just never
Let myself have my power.”?
Would you endeavor

To tell them that they’re wrong? Would you let it go by
Without challenge? Or is there nothing you would do?

Everyone owns their power. There’s no exception
But you can pinch it off somewhat. Never are you
Without power. You cannot be disconnected
Completely but your mood is greatly affected
By how much of your power that you’re letting through
 To your whole being. You control all that is done.

Those who think they are powerless want to connect
With others who believe that they’re powerless too
And they think they’ll gain power by organizing
But the one thing that they are not realizing
Is that the power they’ll have will have much to do
With all things mediocre in every respect.

And that’s not real power. Power is clarity.
Power is knowing, joy, and appreciation.
It’s the universal energy that creates
Worlds flowing through your fingertips. Freedom awaits
Those who know their true power. The new path begun
Is one which you may embark upon happily.

The Power Of Intention

Speeding Fireball

Nothing happens on this earth without intention.
Not one single thing has ever be accomplished
Without intention. Intention is everything.
Using it properly, it cannot help but bring
About what you want. Everything you ever wished
For can be had simply by focused attention.

Spirituality is about relieving
The pain and suffering of others. You’re aligned
With your purpose when you feel extremely lucky
To be a part of this human community.
Your intention may be that all of humankind
Be a lot more truthful and much less deceiving.

You intended to be here in this time and space.
Everything happening in this moment is your
Single manifestation. It’s all within you.
You’re the consciousness that makes my existence true.
Your intention, now stronger than ever before,
Is a virtual magnet for infinite grace.

Do enjoy what your doing and don’t even care
If it’s meaningful to anyone else but you
Because you’re all that matters. Intend to be free
To be the creative master you’re meant to be.
Be aware of the healing in all that you do.
You have done much already so take comfort there.

Letting Go Of Struggle

Impossible Effort

Transformation doesn’t come through struggle. So why
Are people so addicted to crawling their way
To success? Transformation comes through awareness.
You stifle your awareness when you are obsessed
With your nose to the grindstone throughout every day.
Things will get more difficult the harder you try.

When you struggle your field of awareness will get
Narrower. As you let go of struggling your field
Of awareness will widen. That’s why you can be
At the beach on a warm sunny day peacefully
Taking in your surroundings, then all is revealed
Of the nature of spirit and there’s no regret.

Now, suppose there’s a friend of yours who happens by.
You get into an argument lasting a while.
During that time, you won’t hear the sound of the waves
Or the wildlife, because now the moment enslaves
Your awareness. You’re struggling in typical style
All because you and someone can’t see eye to eye.

When you lay back again on the beach and return
To your leisure, you will relax naturally
Without trying. You’ll feel the warm sun on your face
And the cool breeze. You’ll know that you’re in the right place
For alignment. Let go of struggle completely
Through a method that’s simple and easy to learn.