Tag Archive | abundance

Your Alignment With You


Every feeling that you have is only about
Your relationship between what you’re thinking and
What the Source within you thinks about the same thing
So it helps to be mindful of what you’re thinking
Or else things may not turn out the way that you’d planned.
Your Source is a part of you that’s worth checking out.

It has its own opinion about everything
Which is that everything is magnificently
Put together in this universe you behold
And sometimes it’s difficult for you to be sold
On this outlook but if you adopt it you’ll be
In alignment and life will be satisfying.

Would you rather feel confusion or clarity?
If you answer the latter then you’ve moved toward
The direction of your Source. It’s just that easy.
Would you rather feel love or the insanity
Of the holding of grudges against all abhorred?
Can you answer these kinds of questions truthfully?

When there’s no contradiction in your vibration
You increase the momentum of your becoming
More aligned with that part of you which is your Source.
Doing this you become a benevolent force
In your world and the universe as you’re chumming
With the best part of you. Honor your elation.

Your Vibrational Currency

Cradle Of Abundance

Step back from those manifestations of money
That cause you some discomfort. How well you perform
And the worth of your talent have little to do
With your true value – the energy within you.
You have it within you to break free from the norm
Placed on you by our unconscious society.

Don’t just keep looking at it, talking about it,
Measuring it, complaining, and asking for more
From the government or elsewhere. Take no action
Unless you can get from it some satisfaction.
Take a good look at your life and be thankful for
Everything you can think of. You will benefit.

The world is awash in money. Are you not bowled
Over by how much some people accumulate?
Don’t call them lucky bastards if you want to be
One of them. What you need to do is get happy
And look for all kinds of things to appreciate
Then in short order blessings begin to unfold.

You have to be happy without money to be
Receptive to its coming. You’ve got to cash in
Your vibrational chips by appreciating
Everything about your life thereby creating
A strong point of attraction. It comes from within.
Happiness is your measure of prosperity.

The Story Of Abundance

Raining Cash

I can tell a new story if the one I tell
Isn’t truly uplifting. I’m energized by
Telling one that’s exciting about abundance.
I’ll speak of it whenever I’m given the chance
Or I’ll just simply take it. I’ll talk about why
Having lots of money would do me very well.

It’s fun to imagine huge amounts of money
Flowing to me. I understand that with practice
I’ll control my vibration so that I’ll receive
What I want. I know that it’s easy to achieve
An alignment that’s close to the state of pure bliss.
Money then is connected to this energy.

Like the air that I breathe money goes in and out.
My desire draws it in and my ease of thought lets
It flow out – in and out – and always easily.
This is part of my rich never ending story.
Currently I have very limited assets
But I will become wealthy. I have not a doubt.

I’m aware of the absolute correlation
Between what I think and feel about money and
What is happening in my life experience.
I love knowing that I receive strong evidence
That of my point of attraction I have command.
Nothing can interfere with my expectation.

The Next Level

Love Joy

I do find myself in a really happy place
Usually. I don’t look at reality
To the point where I can get out of alignment.
I have no problem at all remaining content
With the world I’m creating. I live happily
In this knowing, loving universe’s embrace.

If I ignore reality just long enough
To get myself into a state of happiness
Then I can give my undivided attention
To my life which is an ongoing invention.
It’s the love in my heart that I want to express.
I’ve no time for all kinds of non-uplifting stuff.

I can speak words of passion about what’s to come –
Not what’s happening now although now is sublime.
My life hasn’t been better. I’m ready for more
Evidence of the things that I’ve been asking for.
Everything goes my way because I take the time
To acknowledge where all of my blessings come from.

Anything that I want I can have, do, or be.
I get to The Next Level by keeping control
Of my thoughts and emotions and not reacting
To occurrences. I know that I’m attracting
Life experiences that are good for my soul.
It’s in my best interest to live happily.

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

In The Money

Raw Currency

We’ve been trained to believe that hard work is the key
To success in any endeavor. We’ve been told
That our struggle is virtuous so we believe
That it’s necessary in order to achieve
Any good life can offer. We’ve been undersold
By a mindset with which our true selves can’t agree.

Irritated by those who have lots of money,
Those who don’t demonize them yet at the same time
They would like to be like them. There’s a tug of war
Going on in their minds because what they abhor
They want badly and this is a huge psychic crime.
Negative emotion simply isn’t funny.

The truth is that you can attract what you desire
By your focusing on it and staying aligned
With you highest vibration which means get happy.
Practice it until it comes on naturally.
To yourself and to all those rich bastards be kind.
Nothing but a little patience does it require.

Consider abundance as a dominant gene
Because it’s overwhelming. If you can let go
Of the mental resistance and take it easy
It will all come together. Indeed you will be
In a situation where the money will flow.
You’re most powerful when your vibration is clean.

Accept That It’s Done

No Problem Here

Knowing well that it’s done I can be on my way
Living life to its fullest. No reason have I
To be doubtful that it’s done vibrationally.
From that level is where everything comes to be.
I’ve asked for it and it’s done so I’m flying high.
In the state of acceptance of this I must stay.

Everything that I’ve asked for – a healthy body,
A relationship, money, and people who share
The same values that I do – all of it is done.
As I speak of what’s done momentum has begun
And because it’s done I need only be aware
Of what’s done and continue to live happily.

I don’t have to make it happen because it’s done.
I like talking about it because it feels good
To do so and to think of it incessantly
Is as pleasurable as having it for me.
That it’s done is by me more than well understood.
Because it’s done I’m perfectly free to have fun.

Insignificant is the bit of resistance
I may offer compared to what’s done already.
My vibrational escrow is magnificent
And it’s huge so I remain ever confident
That what I want is done and it always will be.
That it’s done decomposes the notion of chance.

Let The Money In

Money In Hand

There’s a bunch of abundance. It’s waiting for you
To behold and to have. It comes as no surprise
That your hopefulness leads to your satisfaction.
You know now that it’s never about the action.
It’s about allowing yourself to realize
All the pleasure of having your wishes come true.

You may be surrounded by those who don’t want you
To look foolish or in some way delusional.
They would rather you not stick your head in the sand
But the thing about life that they don’t understand
Is that when you ask it’s for certain that it shall
Be given. They have issues with this point of view.

‘Telling it like it is’ is highly regarded
But it will also hold ‘like it is’ forever
Where it is. You’ll be stuck there indefinitely.
Tell the world and the universe a new story
Where the wealth you envision will surely occur.
The story you’ve been telling can be discarded.

Whether it’s true or not makes not a difference
To the universe. It knows but the vibration
That has been activated. It will then respond
To your story with detail that reaches beyond
Your own wonderfully wild imagination.
Be prepared for magnificent times to commence.

The Great Secret

Fantasy Forest

Perhaps you should go to a university
And take that fifty-K a year job like all those
Many who’ve gone before you. But are they fulfilled?
Chances are the spirit within them has been killed
All because of the unworthy path that they chose
As they learn to face up to their reality.

This insane world teaches you that you’re limited,
That the world is a tough place, and that you must play
It safe always because there’s a finite amount
Of resources. This world teaches you to discount
Your own worthiness in a very subtle way.
Shortage consciousness among people is widespread.

But the truth is that you can achieve anything
That you want. There’s no limit –  no separation
Between you and the universe. You can allow
Wellbeing to become you as soon as right now.
Every moment is ripe for a new creation.
Be receptive to what the universe can bring.

What you think you deserve you will always attract.
This world is a canvas made especially for
You to paint on with your own imagination.
You’re the artist. Get to work. You’re the only one
To decide you can do it. Keep open the door
To your source of creation and make an impact.

The Fast Track To Abundance

Sleeping In Cash

Without even knowing it you were trained into
Your thoughts and beliefs about money by people
Who don’t have it. They’re struggling. They’re irritated
By the people who have it. What they’ve created
Is a mindset that in their lives can’t be helpful
And it may be hard to alter that point of view.

Look what’s going on. Just listen a little bit
To the national – even global dialogue
About money. It’s from the perspective of lack
So the reporting is all about keeping track
Of the lack. Many people are kept in a fog
About it. Their worry is of no benefit.

It doesn’t take much easing up on your habits
Of thought before abundance starts to flow to you.
When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different and brand new
Like relax your vibration your dream will come true.
Your trust in the process yields many benefits.

Fast money must be ‘bad’ money? This isn’t so.
Your wanting is like a rubber band pulled back far.
When you let go of the resistance it will go
With much power and quickly. The more that you know
About what’s holding you back the better you are
At correcting yourself as you go with the flow.

Know That It’s Done


The one thing that you need to know is that It’s Done
On a vibrational level. You’ve asked for it
And It’s Done. There isn’t anything more to do
But to kick back and let the world cater to you.
Knowing that It’s Done is of extreme benefit
To your spirit. You’re much kinder to everyone.

Your abundance is there as is your clarity
In your creative vortex of pure vibration.
Your stability and your flexibility
Are all there as well as everything that you see
As helpful to your magnificent creation.
You’ve done all your work. Now it’s time to let things be.

Talk about what is done because it feels good to
Talk about it. It’s healthy to get excited
About what’s done already. It happens to be
The way to bring what’s done into reality
That you can have and hold. You can be delighted
In its physical absence. You know that it’s true.

The only reason that you want to talk about
Anything is because it feels good to do so.
Tell the stories that feel good because they feel good.
That It’s Done is now something that’s well understood.
You know more now than just a few verses ago.
Thank yourself for having chosen to check this out.

Money Issues

Sitting In Money

What’s you philosophy about prosperity?
Why isn’t abundance raining down upon you?
What’s keeping you from having a lot of money?
You must have an opinion or else you would be
Nonexistent. What’s your personal point of view
About money? Does your inner being agree?

It may be because you haven’t found quite the way
To feel good when you think about money because
What you feel is its absence. There’s a tug of war
Between you and your inner being and the more
You indulge the bad feeling the more that the laws
Of the universe come into integral play.

So it’s a pretty big deal to find a way to
Think about money and feel good. It can be done
Gradually. The easy way is to feel it
As an energy pattern. This way you permit
The release of resistance. You’re the only one
Who can get that good energy working for you.

Everything is energy. It’s ever flowing
And when you’re elated, in love, or otherwise
Tuned in, tapped in, and turned on you’re most receptive
To the blessings that the universe wants to give
To us all. It’s important that you realize
What your inner being is forever knowing.

Big Money

Money Storm

The dollars that flow into your life are just the
Evidence of the vibrational currency
That you’ve got going on. If you think thoughts of lack
Chances are regarding money you don’t have jack
But if your thoughts are about living happily
Then you don’t have any issues about money.

Most people will allow the abundance of things
Like friendships, lovely sunsets, and vitality
But they don’t allow the abundance of the flow
Of the money. They’ve practiced the lack of it so
Much that thoughts about money bring on misery.
Full of woe are their vibrational offerings.

You want to be filthy rich with satisfaction
And enthusiasm about being alive.
It can happen but you must be happy without
The manifestation. Joy is what it’s about.
Of your right to be happy no one can deprive
You and it’s because of the Law of Attraction.

If you don’t have Big Money you’re not ready to
Receive it. It’s that simple but you can prepare
To receive by believing that it will be done
And by then concentrating on having more fun.
Your vibrational cupboard can never be bare.
Piles of money are wanting to rain upon you.

The Frequency Of Abundance

Colorful Vibes

I desire enough financial abundance so
That I can do whatever I want happily
But they say that’s ass backwards. I have to find joy
Before I get the money. What I can employ
To get tons of abundance to flow upon me
Is my happiness. This is a good thing to know.

But how can I feel happy in this moment when
I’m working harder than I want on things that I’d
Rather not? There’s a way I can think around it.
I can think of things that will always benefit
My vibration. My feelings are always my guide.
I can choose to be happy again and again.

I have the ability to appreciate
A lot more than I’m doing. I can be kinder
To myself and to others instead of uptight.
I can choose not to do what I know isn’t right.
I can learn how to be a happy thought finder.
It will always keep me in a positive state.

There’s a journey between where I am and where I
Want to be. It has nothing to do with effort
Or with getting myself employed or anything
That’s unpleasant. The difference between smiling
And frowning is the space where I garner support.
With the laws of the universe I must comply.

Ignore Reality The Right Way?

Virtual Escape

There’s so much to ignore these days. It’s hard to find
Anything worth consuming. I’ve no appetite
For the horror and suffering. Sick I become
At the sight of it all. I must get away from
Any news that echoes the continuing plight
Of the evacuated soul of humankind.

So can I just ignore it all and find a place
That feels good and remain there? Can I feel my way
Around life and avoid its extreme bitterness?
It may seem that about life I couldn’t care less.
I simply don’t want my consciousness to decay.
I’m ashamed to be a part of the human race.

I can ignore it all long enough to get to
Where I need to be which is in tune with the whole
Of who I am then I am prepared to give my
Undivided attention to life. If I try
To engage things over which I have no control
There will be no effectiveness in what I do.

When I’m tuned in, tapped in, and turned on I’m aligned
With the whole of who I am. I see everything
With more clarity. I create reality
And within it I can be the best I can be.
I can give attention to what makes my heart sing
And be thankful for any contentment I find.

Why Aren’t I A Millionaire Yet?

Genuine Wondering

If you’re asking yourself this you’re introducing
Resistance into the equation. Just step back
Away from the specifics and go general.
Get yourself to believe that the universe shall
Give it to you. You may have some feelings of lack
In your current vibration and in your asking.

“I have the potential to receive anything
That I want.”
There’s no resistance in that statement.

“I’m getting better at this. I’m getting closer
To where I want to be and all that I prefer.”

The key to your receiving is feeling content
And trusting in all that the universe will bring.

“I know that others who are now billionaires were
At one time standing right where I’m standing right now.
I look for abundance everywhere that I go
And I’m thankful for all of the blessings that flow
Presently into my life. I’ve learned to allow
My thinking to be on the things I most prefer.”

This productive self-talk can be done easily.
Just acknowledge the things that you can acknowledge.
Feed the appetite of your realization.
Be content in the knowledge that you are someone
Who can navigate well out on this leading edge
Of creation where anything can come to be.

The Law Of Assumption

Imaginary World

To assume is to know that something will take place.
Move it into the mind so that the abundance
That you feel puts no resistance into the mix.
Simply imagining what you want can play tricks
On your mind but your feeling will greatly enhance
Your vibration and readiness to receive grace.

I can feel it and that’s enough. I’m translating
The vibrational reality into what
I am feeling which is complete expectation
That I’ll get what I’m wanting. Realization
Of the feeling of having it comes from the gut.
It’s a cool and powerful way of creating.

When I feel wonderful that’s the condition that
Is necessary for my thoughts to turn to things.
Put emotion into your equation and see
That things will manifest for you. Reality
Is what you make it. Be aware of life’s blessings
And be at peace with where in your life you are at.

Love is so delicious. Laughing is awesome fun.
I enjoy the adventure. I love the surprise
Of not seeing it coming but being there when
It happens. I’m in touch with my true self again.
Life gets better because I now see through the eyes
Of my soul and this is the grandest assumption.

Abundance Unlimited

Visible Currency

What I love about living is all the freedom
To be, do, or have anything. This universe
Is abundant. Those who are now wealthy once were
Just like me so I can live the life I’d prefer
And it’s time now for all that exists to disburse
Unto me a way of getting lots of income.

In my own life experience I look for the
Abundance – not just money but clarity and
Physical energy and wellbeing. I know
That I will come across more by my doing so.
That I can have it all is what I understand.
I am thankful for what so far has come to me.

I know that it won’t all come immediately.
I would not want it that way. A nice steady stream
Flowing to me is what I want. I don’t have to
Figure it all out at once. Indeed what is true
Is that unseen forces are aware of my dream
In explicit detail. What a joy to be free!

I love the interest I have on so many
Different subjects. I’m the creator of my
Own reality. I know intuitively
What to do. My abundance is absolutely
Guaranteed all without my not having to try.
All I need to do is live my life happily.

Morning Rampage

Off To A Fresh Start

Shortage consciousness is very painful, and I’m
Glad to have given it up. So now I’m in the
Mode of replenishing. There’s a stream flowing to
Me of ideas to help me carve out a new
Piece of cake. I can eat it and still have plenty
For the future. I would say that it’s about time.

I know that this resourceful universe will yield
To me all that I will allow. Ideas lead
To manifestations. As I tap into that
It’s as if I have fallen into a huge vat
Of abundance wherein my consciousness is freed
Of resistance and where my true self is revealed.

It’s uncanny how the universe is guiding
Me to the resources, abundance, and blessings
That are for me – that I an others put into
My vortex of creation. My dream has come true
Of learning how to easily manifest things.
I adore what the universe is providing.

I can deprive myself of my vortex and all
The abundance, good timing, wisdom, clarity,
And wellbeing by my choosing not to be well.
But today I have a brand new story to tell.
Let the angels in heaven have their way with me.
I can handle the big stuff as well as the small.

Let All Your Money In

Wealth Satisfaction

How much treasure is there lined up for you today?
Does it have anything to do with how you feel
About life and abundance? How much of your dream
Are you letting come true? How does everything seem
To be going? Are you living your life with zeal?
How much wealth and wellbeing is coming your way?

If you can feel hopeful about it being there
Instead of disappointed that it hasn’t come
As of yet, then you’ll find yourself moving toward
Your desires. You know that you don’t have to work hard
For the money. You know where abundance comes from,
And about how you’re feeling you know you must care.

It’s not a matter of winning the lottery
Or getting an inheritance. It’s not about
Landing a great job or finding education
That may increase your value. You don’t have to run
The rat race and remain in perpetual doubt
Of ever getting to the place you want to be.

It’s about letting in what you have already
Put into your own vibrational bank account.
You can change your life story. The universe knows
Not the difference between what’s real and what goes
On in your mind. You have an enormous amount
In vibrational escrow. Let it come to be.

Applying Segment Intending


Pick a subject. Let’s do some segment intending.
It’s a way to prepare for the moment ahead.
Shift some energy on things that matter to you.
There are no exercises that you have to do.
Your intending can be done while you’re still in bed.
In a way it is similar to pretending.

Say the subject is money. You’re in a good mood
Already, and you’re sitting alone at the park.
Your next segment may be just appreciating
The abundant surroundings. Indeed everything
In the park is of value. From there you embark
On a rampage expressing sincere gratitude.

You then visit a café where people you know
Are relaxing and engaged in conversation.
Since you’ve tweaked your vibration beforehand, you are
In a state of alignment. You feel like the star
In a fabulous movie of your creation.
You are close to what’s at the end of the rainbow.

Take every opportunity you can to see
What you want to see. By your identifying
What you want you’re activating it within you.
Moment by moment you can create your own view
Of your world – one which is much more satisfying.
In a world of your own creation you can be.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

Magical Words

Happily Being

I have asked for it, and it’s done! There’s nothing more
I can do. It is all done vibrationally.
My stability, vitality, and good health,
Clarity, flexibility, and certain wealth,
And my lover are all there in what is to me
A Vortex of Creation – an apt metaphor.

I feel good. I’m relieved that it’s done. It’s okay
To be filled with excitement for what is to come.
Good feelings are my treasures. They overcome me
As I appreciate them. I don’t have to see
Physical manifestations. My faith comes from
Deep within me. It comforts me along the way.

I can talk about it. It feels good when I do.
It gets my juices flowing. The only reason
To do it is because it feels good to do so –
Not to make something happen because that would go
Against laws universal. Through every season
I will broadcast my wishes to not just a few.

When something wonderful happens along the way
I will milk it for everything I can find there.
When it’s done, there’s no worry – only contentment
With my here and now. I’ve made peace with the present.
With the world I have an ongoing love affair.
In a state of fulfillment I always shall stay.

Let It Go!

Releasing Momentum

Much without your awareness you were trained into
Your beliefs about money by people who were
Struggling with it and those who were irritated
By the people who have it. One who’s frustrated
With the economy has not much to offer
To the one who knows little about making do.

Dialogues about money both nationally
And worldwide seem to be about demonizing
Those who have a lot of it. This is peculiar.
It is obvious that there’s a huge tug of war
Going on in the psyche. It’s reassuring
That abundance is infinite, as it should be.

When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different, like relax
Your vibration, more will come to you rapidly.
Fast money is considered by some bad money.
What you think about money certainly impacts
How much of it you have making its way to you.

Fast money means you’ve pulled back the big rubber band…
So far back that you feel something is imminent,
Then you let go completely of all resistance.
Speak dearly about issues regarding finance.
Stop your doing the thing that you do to prevent
What is coming. It’s something you need not demand.

Vibrational Readiness

Frequency Magic

Dollars flowing to you is just the evidence
Of the vibrational currency going on
In your life. How you feel about money reflects
How much of it you have. It’s not all that complex
A concept. It is but a conclusion foregone,
Therefore it should be easy to make it make sense.

Practiced thoughts about lack of dollars will prevent
Inspiration and insights toward abundance.
Measuring money with action and worrying
Will not bring you fulfillment. Instead it will bring
But more impediment to your world of finance.
Your vibrational currency hasn’t been spent.

Just step back from the picture. You can speak about
Energy, which means, talk about satisfaction.
Filthy rich in enthusiasm you can be.
You have ample abundance of vitality.
Cash in your vibrational chips of attraction.
Let the universe know what you want without doubt.

If you don’t have the money, then you’re not ready.
It’s that simple. You must be happy without it.
Your thanking and appreciating are the keys
To success on your journey and relative ease
In attaining all that is to your benefit.
Your guidance will keep you reassured and steady.

Don’t Tell It Like It Is

Righteous Distraction

Telling the same old story will keep you right where
You don’t want to be any more. What you believe
Is what you are observing. ‘What is’ has you hooked
To the point where ‘what could be’ may be overlooked.
Inspiration from spirit may not be perceived
To be relevant even though all truth is there.

You pinch off the abundance available to
Everyone by your determination to tell
The story like it is. You don’t want to be seen
As delusional. There’s a difference between
Ignorance and psychosis. You know very well
That your reality is created by you.

Feel hopeful about the abundance being there
Instead of disappointed that it hasn’t been.
It’s not a matter of winning the lottery
Nor is it about all of your activity.
It’s about your exuding abundance and then
Owning up to the goodness of which you’re aware.

The loudness of ‘what is’ is just so deafening,
But you do have complete control of the volume.
Tell a different story. What you fabricate
Is the now story that you were born to create.
Knowing no better, the universe will assume
That it is true. To you, what you dream it will bring.

Righteous Selfishness

Be Your Own Master

Don’t freak out when people tell you you’re not okay.
They don’t mean to be disrespectful. They just are.
You are in the exact place where you’re meant to be.
You cannot be off schedule. Nothing remotely
Is the matter. In fact, you are not very far
From achieving nirvana as if it’s child’s play.

And from this point forward, your conscious awareness
Is a keener experience. There are many
Who will please you and many who will let you down.
No one’s here to do either, so wearing a frown
Makes no sense, that is if you want to remain free
Of unrighteous encounters. You don’t need the stress.

Don’t look to other folks for what you already
Have within you. Your own heart knows what’s best for you.
Just notice it all softly – the nice subtle ways
That the universe structures itself to amaze
And delight you. There’s nothing that you need to do
But to be aware of your creativity.

You’ve decided to please yourself a whole lot more
Than you had been. You’re free to not stand on your head
Or jump through hoops for others’ worthless approval.
Your enlightenment means your constant removal
Of the psychic behaviors that have cause much dread.
There are some things in life that are good to ignore.

Allow Infinite Abundance

Let The Magic Happen

How can I find a way to be comfortable
Spending money on myself? It is traumatic.
I want things, but I feel paralyzed to allow
Myself to have them. It would be nice to know how
To spend lavishly and to remain ecstatic.
How do I become wealthy, serene, and stable?

It’s one hell of an issue. It’s probably mine
Along with many others’. I bear to make do
With the basics, when it’s luxury and beauty
That I want in my life. Am I destined to be
Ever wanting the freedom to live what is true
To my wishes? Is my circumstance by design?

Many of us have been taught shortage consciousness
By people who we lived with who had influence
In our upbringing, so there is never enough.
Waste not, want not. We must save for when times get tough.
This mindset in itself is of heavy expense.
It leaves no room for the pursuit of happiness.

There is not a finite amount of abundance.
It expands in direct proportion to our dreams.
I can justify it with hard work if I may,
But my appreciation is all I need pay.
I am worthy regardless of how it all seems.
There is no limit to what my soul can finance.

Sudden Money Storm

A Good Gust Of Goodness

What happens is, without even knowing it, we
Are trained into our thoughts and beliefs regarding
Money by people who know not much about it.
The teacher who is struggling can’t be seen as fit
To advise on abundance. Their demonizing
Of the rich is a grotesque incongruency.

Look at what’s going on, and just listen a bit
To the national or the global dialogue
About money. People hate it and want it too.
This psychic tug of war has caused people to do
Things they don’t like. We’re in a perpetual fog
As the restless economy troubles the wit.

The good thing about this is that we are throwing
So much abundance into the vast infinite
Intellect of the universe. All have access
To nonphysical treasure. The want we express
Sets expansion in motion. It is only right
That our cup of wellbeing be overflowing.

It does not take much easing up on our habits
Of thinking before abundance begins flowing.
We can do something radically different.
Relax your vibration and behold the torrent
Of abundance befall you. Make it your knowing
That you get what your consciousness freely permits.

Be Ready To Get Surprised

In Response To The Asking

Be careful what you dream about. It may come true.
Keep your thoughts on the light side, but feel your passion
About your blessed journey. The child within you
Wants to see some adventure that’s long overdue.
Nothing is healthier than your having more fun.
Get ready for something most exciting and new.

Joyfulness is the journey. There is no set goal.
Laugh as much as is possible. Be with others
Who are vibrating the same kind of energy.
So adored by the universe, you’re completely
Worthy of what you ask. The universe concurs
With it wholly, and it is under your control.

When you ask, it is given. But asking is key.
The universe is intelligent, but it needs
To be told how to service you. Your abundance
Is a thing that can happen not by random chance.
With each moment of happiness you’re planting seeds
Of your future becoming as you wish to be.

Whether joyful relationships, health, or money…
It’s all there but just ask for it and it will come.
Ask for signs, inspiration, and help on your way.
Throughout life this is how you most solemnly pray.
Be surprised by where wonderfulness can come from.
Get to know the perfection of how life can be.

The Frequency Of Abundance

The Attraction Vibration

There’s this thing called vibration. All things that exist
From subatomic particles to galaxies
Vibrate at their own frequency. It is the Law
Of Attraction
whose job it is to manage all

And to sort out the same ones. The complexities
One can’t fathom. The delicate mind does it twist.

Understand that the manifestations that will
Soon materialize each have a frequency.
If you tune yourself to it, it will come faster
And with minimal practice you’ll be a master
Of self-tuning. Your intent and focus are key.
Your dreams the universe has the urge to fulfill.

Abundance has a frequency. How does it feel?
If one could put words to it which ones would apply?
It feels like ease and freedom. It feels like fresh air.
It does not feel like jealousy, fear, or despair.
It feels like clarity – a most elegant high.
In your reality you create the ideal.

Money may be a tough subject to talk about.
There is too much momentum built up. So go for
Something else that feels just the same as abundance.
You’ve the ability in every circumstance
To practice the seed vibration. You can’t ignore
What you have much of already without a doubt.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

What The Universe Wants You To Know

All Is Wonderfully Well

There is only one consciousness that is for real.
All others are illusions the one contemplates.
It’s the best way it knows to express its selfhood.
To it, all there is to know is well understood.
But to each of its parts knowledge evaporates.
All remains as inscrutable as a weak meal.

You are in the exact place you were meant to be.
There is nothing off schedule. Your life is on track.
All the billions of others who find themselves here
Did come forth not to please you, yet some are most dear.
Don’t fall into the trap of eternal payback.
Look to the source within you, and trust completely.

The whole universe lives within each breathing cell
As well as in the outermost reaches of space
Which is being created faster than light speed.
You can notice the subtle ways your source will lead
You to what you’ve been wanting by infinite grace.
Relax into who you are, and know all is well.

There’s nothing you need push against for you to get
What it is that you’re after. No maneuvering
You need do to get into the right time and place.
Everything is on course. There is nothing to chase.
Radiate who you truly are by honoring
The lost virtue of selfishness without regret.


Universal Interconnectedness

Intercourse among businesses this time of year
Is behavior appropriate to our species.
No matter what religious faith people embrace,
Everyone honors commerce. Yet who wants to face
Their compulsive consuming with guilt ridden ease?
Any business can be one of joy or of fear.

A candle loses nothing when it is used to
Light another. The nature of light is the same
Across all economics and good partnering.
Anyone in good health wants to do the right thing,
And eventually, many will know their name.
Breaking bread with one’s people is the thing to do.

Scarcity or Abundance – these opposing views
Are the choices available. Those who fear lack
Think there’s only so much. They protect and defend
What they have at all costs. They cannot comprehend
The concept of releasing and being laid back.
Those who match this profile are most destined to lose.

There is always enough when you feel abundant.
If you have an idea, do share it because
You can always come up with another with ease.
Give away some of your profit because it frees
You to make even more according to the laws
Of spiritual physics designed to enchant.

Don’t give to be rewarded though. Just give to give.
No one wants a damned Santa Claus. That is profane
But all do need attention and wholesome support.
When one loves, then one’s business can never fall sort
Of perceived expectations. There’s so much to gain
By feeling more abundant each day that we live.

Just Let Things Be?

Release Compulsivity

It was sung by The Beatles a long time ago.
Let It Be and an answer will be on its way.
We’ve no choice in the matter. We might as well be
In a place of acceptance. The world that we see
Causes us to want better that our asking may
Bring about proper changes albeit quite slow.

How do we make those changes if we don’t grab hold
Of the horns of the bull work? Is asking enough?
It’s such a democratic way of doing things
And the ways of republicans too often brings
Tyranny to the people. Our lives become tough.
Is it best to just ask and let nature unfold?

Focusing on what I want or letting things be
Is the choice made available. Both can be done
As long as I’m not in opposition to what
I would like to have happen. I’ll keep my mouth shut
About what the heck’s wrong with things and just have fun.
I can be quite effective by being carefree.

The universe is designed to stand on its head
In response to our asking. Demand we cannot
That the path of another creator be changed
To suit anyone’s wishes. Be thou not deranged
But indulge in the positiveness of your thought.
Each of us gets to choose either freedom or dread.

No Struggle Is Needed

Resistance Is Futile

When comparing myself to others, I am weak.
Can I learn how to not give my freedom away?
If I’m told, “Don’t be selfish,” does this really mean
“Give support to my selfishness?” I’m better seen
Through my own eyes – not others’. I need not betray
Who I am, and this attitude is not unique.

The changes that I go through are for me alone.
If I make them for others, then they control me.
I’m not here to adjust nor to solicit praise
For the life that I’m living, for I will always
Be connecting my own joy to those who must be
Satisfied with my living. My freedom is blown.

Others mean well, but they simply don’t understand
That the struggle they teach others is counting on
Those same people to do what they need them to do.
With this change in perception, I can follow through
To the next point of focus. By then may it dawn
Upon me that my worthiness is rather grand.

I am able to focus my thoughts anywhere
That I choose to direct them. From them emanate
Energy that the universe gladly receives.
It performs well its magic for one who believes
That it is most important to be in a state
Of complete self-fulfillment with much more to share.

Problems Create Solutions

Every Piece Is Important

Things are meant to go through changes. That is the way
Of this physical universe. All that takes place
That is seen as not wanted provides the answer
To the realization that I would prefer.
It supplies all desire, this particular space,
And the Law of Attraction I can’t disobey.

The only choice I have is between abundance
And the lack of it. At once, not both can be done.
Plastic in the world’s oceans causes much distress
To the creatures and my conscience. If I express
Enough comment about it, then work is begun
By the infinite forces on the circumstance.

Such an issue can become fuel for the future.
The notion is not farfetched given we’ve evolved
First through coal, then through steam, then to jet engine fuel…
Nuclear, then to solar. Desire is a tool
That can be used to get most of our problems solved.
How this universe functions we can know for sure.

I believe in infinity – not the finite,
And that there is more than less. I know that something
Occurs more than does nothingness. I’ll take the thrill
Of the answers forthcoming, if I learn to chill.
Can I practice the joy that my wanting will bring?
It is best that I see that my future is bright.

Getting Better All The Time

Can't Get No Worse

I’ll catch life by the corner. By pulling away
The dim layer of perception, I’m given new sight
Of the same world yet different, and hugely so.
If this is just a lucky streak I’d like to know
Directly from Divinity… Am I alright?
Am I worthy of having a wonderful day?

When to me something good happens, upward I’ll look
For things resembling big shoes. Some lack of control
Is what I feel. The tiger I’ve grabbed by the tail
May simply be so much that I cannot prevail
On my path of alignment, which is not my goal.
To my God I am read like a bestselling book.

If it gets even better, what then will I do?
If I ask for mere millions and get way much more,
Should I melt in humility? God would say, “No!”
I deserve and can handle abundance and flow

Of all goods, resources, and wellbeing in store.
I must know that I’m truly worthy in God’s view.

There is always a clear path of least resistance.
The Divine is right on it and leads me along
With encouraging nudges of inspiration.
We were put here to journey and have as much fun
As this world can provide us. How can this be wrong?
All I need do is chill and enjoy the expanse.


The Pursuit Of All Evil

Money has much importance but little value
To the ones who must have it because they want it.
But it comes never simply by heartfelt desire
Nor by jumping through hoops that others may require.
To my own sense of worth I’m obliged to commit.
Money comes from the energy in what I do.

Famous entrepreneurs only want to create.
It’s the main driving force – not how much it will make.
They don’t think about what their fine efforts will earn.
Making something worthwhile is their only concern.
They do not wait around for the next lucky break
Nor waste time contemplating the workings of fate.

If it’s of immense value to many people
Then the joy in producing it is just enough
To jumpstart my momentum to do but my best.
Focusing on that only, in time I’ll be blessed.
My value can’t diminish through times that are tough.
When engaged in a love effort, my cup is full.

Certain breakthroughs in technology come about
Through the cycles of circumstance known to no one.
It is best that I not attempt searching for those.
Waves of time are unconscious and cannot disclose
Any hint of an outcome. The journey begun
Stimulates my self-confidence without a doubt.

Abundance Unhidden

Treasure Revealed

Everywhere there’s a treasure chest filled with desires
Open widely for access whenever I want.
Many of them are visible. Some are unseen,
But they’re noticed when I keep my vibration clean.
Any change in my path is a synchronous jaunt
Into worlds made unhidden as my heart requires.

Time indeed is irrelevant. This moment new
Is the one most important. Who I am right now
Is a different person from moments ago.
Looking back on that gone self can’t help me to grow
To my fullest potential. I then must allow
All the wealth of wellbeing that is overdue.

The most hugely significant things taking place,
Though they’re cosmic by nature, aren’t of much concern
To the average self. Yet if I start from there
It becomes a lot easier to be aware
Of all else that I have. I have no need to yearn
For what’s already given by infinite grace.

Examples of abundance to take notice of
Are things like warm encouragement from a close friend,
Or a word or idea that sparks creation,
Or a new way to tolerate having more fun.
The immense wealth I have I cannot comprehend.
The vibration most plentiful is that of love.

The Magnetic State

The Mood of Attraction

I can’t be a mixed bag of conflicting desires
If I want to get something that I’m striving for.
Intermixing of scattered vibrations only
Make an energy field that’s as weak as can be.
When I focus intently it can bring me more
Than an iron core embraced by a few layers of wires.

So this Law of Attraction, as I understand,
Is an infinite vortex that processes all
The requests that are made, whether foolish or wise,
Of we creatures on earth. What this clearly implies
Is that what happens to me is truly my call.
Consciousness, by free will, will contract or expand.

Tuning to a high frequency in how I feel
Puts me in just the right place where I can attract
What I want most. Deliberately I create
What comes into my life. Nothing happens by fate.
Vagueness doesn’t quite get it. I must be exact
In my most conscious asking. Then it becomes real.

 This is not how things are now. More practice I need…
But why not put some words down? It gives them some strength.
They become a reminder to prod me along
The life path that I tread having done right and wrong
By alignment or not with a righteous wavelength.
Perfection within progress is how I’ll proceed.


Deadliest of the Seven

In the life of pure spirit no need has the soul
To provide for its sustenance. Life is a breeze.
There’s no concept of distance or speed as is here
Where all substance is heavy and laden with fear.
All can manifest instantly what e’er they please.
There’s no need to find oneself because one is whole.

From that mystical paradise all enter earth
With subconscious impressions and faint memory
That will dissipate slowly in early childhood.
By the time we’re adults it is well understood
That this world is a harsh one and that we must be
Rational in our outlook to manage our birth.

We’re preprogrammed for pleasure. Our feeling sublime
In ourselves and with others comes naturally.
But in this world, resistance to all that feels great
Is weaved into the fabric defining this state
Of a learning existence where nothing is free
But the spirit within things that take up our time.

Student souls become weary and lost in their ways
Of achieving their balance. A feeling of lack
Overwhelms their sensations. The instinct to kill
We have learned from the animals, but with free will
That is guided by spirit, all can stay on track
And find peace and abundance through most of our days.

Just Enough

The Absurdity of More

Just Enough Is Abundance. Need I toil for more?
More means mainly reaction to feelings of doubt
That I’ll keep what I do have. Is this how to live?
There is nothing on God’s green earth I wouldn’t give
For a piece of serenity that I may tout
To the feeling collector who keeps not a score.

In my life there is plenty. I need not a thing
That can make it more meaningful. There’s not a chance
That I’ll go for the gusto that leads to the trap
Of more earning and hoarding. Such living would sap
Every bit of my soul all to better finance
All the things that addiction to ambition bring.

 I have not worn a tie for some decades by now.
I consider my freedom to do as I please
An asset of great value. I have all the time
To relate to my spirit who lets living rhyme.
I need not run a rat race. I don’t live on cheese
But on what divine guidance and grace do endow.

Am I Ready For What I’ve Asked For?


If I’ve cash on the brain, does that make me insane?
…Only if it makes others so in the same way.
I’m insane about gaining a foothold on wealth.
I’m that way on the outside and also by stealth.
Where there’s green to be gotten I’m willing to play
Whether nighttime or daytime, in sunshine or rain.

What is it that I ask for in total belief
That I’ll get it as surely as I do partake
Of abundance of fresh air and soothing sunshine?
Everything that exists is essentially mine.
I look forward to that day when I will awake
With the knowing of how to make green every leaf.

Am I ready for that? That is all up to me
In the way that I handle each day as it comes.
If I remain in focus, things will turn out right.
If I look at the obstacles and get uptight
I will end up in time begging others for crumbs.
I can see clearly that I must nourish my tree.