Tag Archive | asked

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.

Soon To Come

Feeling Of Freedom

Be alright with what hasn’t yet manifested
Because simply thinking about it makes you feel
Satisfaction in knowing that it will become
Realized as long as you’re not beating the drum
Of its absence. What could be more to your appeal
For the moment? Being joyful is suggested.

Once you’ve given birth to it you’ve got to begin
Lining up with it otherwise you can’t receive
The informative guidance through intuition.
What you want cannot evolve into fruition.
First a fantastic state of mind you must achieve
Otherwise it won’t happen, much to your chagrin.

You can’t want it then doubt it. That doesn’t make sense
But you do it sometimes almost unconsciously
Because of your learned habits. You can let those go
Along with all the things that are causing you woe.
You can simply want it and then shout out with glee
Knowing that what you want to happen will commence.

In the receptive mode is where you want to be.
All the time your path is being revealed to you.
The Source within you tells you that things are alright.
Let it guide you to feelings of utter delight.
Listen to it. It’s always the right thing to do.
Your purpose here is to live your life happily.

What Is Coming Is Near

Pleasant Pondering

You can sense something’s coming yet what could it be?
Many wonderful things you’ve been dreaming about
Happening for you. Which one of them will come true
If not all? There’s no resistance present in you.
There’s only the suspense of how things will turn out.
You can create reality from fantasy.

You’re patient about what has not manifested
In the physical. You’re content with the feeling
Of the having of what you want so it will come.
Do whatever you can do to get away from
Everyday situations that aren’t appealing.
Revel in all the energy you’ve invested.

The earliest signs of manifestations come
In the form of ideas and inspiration
To act in ways that lead you to what you desire.
The feeling of your having it you must acquire.
Contrast offers you the chance for co-creation.
No one can deny you your creative freedom.

Your path is being revealed to you constantly
But you have to remain in the mode to receive.
When you want it then doubt it you’re moving away
From it so in alignment with it you must stay.
You’re finding that it’s easy as heck to achieve
Anything if you go about it happily.

Early Signs

Colorful Idea

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? It’s not good for you to become
Complacent about it. If this reality
Has caused you to want something it surely can be.
It does not have to be a pipe dream or just some
Futile wish that you tend to engage in a lot.

Be alright with the desire that hasn’t fully
Manifested because you can be satisfied
With the Early Signs like more ideas flowing
Followed by more productive thoughts and mind blowing
Inspiration. Nothing that you wish is denied
And by now things come to you fast and easily.

The contrast, of course, is the manifestation
That comes first. It’s the one that gives birth to the rest
But once you’ve given birth to it you have to line
Up with it then everything will work out just fine.
You can’t want for something then doubt that your request
Will be answered. That leads only to frustration.

The Source within you knows what you’ve asked for and knows
Where you are in relationship to it and it’s
Giving you constant guidance in closing the gap.
Realize here and now that you’re able to tap
Into infinite resources. The benefits
Of alignment are all that your happiness shows.


May Your Dreams Find You Easily

Pink Journey

You’re the creator of your own reality
Therefore you’re an attractor. Whatever occurs
In your life is because of the way that you feel
In each moment. You want your dreams to become real.
Contemplate only on the things your heart prefers.
You know how to tune yourself vibrationally.

Are you getting what you want? If you answer ‘no’
Or ‘sometimes’ then what you are experiencing
Is a pattern – a history of doubt and lack.
Difficult it becomes to get on the right track.
The way you think about your life means everything.
Feeling your best you know is the right way to go.

Doing things out of habit and unconsciously,
You may get yourself focused on unwanted things.
Getting with your friends and talking about the news
And of other upsetting things means that you choose
The illusion of impending doom. Nothing brings
You right out of alignment than this way to be.

Make the things that you want able to find you more
Easily. Carve out more deliberate pathways.
What influence are you under? It is your own
Inner guidance unto which everything is known
About what makes your heart sing. May all of your days
Satisfy you with all of the things you adore.

You’re A Powerful Attractor

Space Face

Your daughter wants a best friend to be with at school.
What advice do you give her? You don’t need a best
Friend but it’s fun to have one. A while you’re waiting
To respond to her although you’re advocating
For her happiness. What a wise one might suggest
Is that it has much to do with the golden rule.

You don’t want to replace your inner being though
With a friend. Find your own happy independence
Then you’ll attract a friend who has their own happy
Independence and then happy times there will be
For the both of you. Fulfillment can be immense
Through the infinite power that is within you.

But if you’re needy because you don’t have a friend
You’ll attract someone else who’s needy because they
Are also friendless. You’ll live lives of misery.
There will be much possessiveness and jealousy.
Such a relationship can’t continue this way.
It may last for a while but it is doomed to end.

Notice the positive aspects in everyone.
Pay attention to the friend that you want to be
To someone rather than to the friend you want to
Come to you then they will come from out of the blue.
You attract what you want to and successfully
When alignment with your inner being is done.

Collective Consciousness

Blending Of Minds

We are nonphysical entities with bodies
And as such there’s a limit to what we can know
About our spirit nature which is energy
That’s been conscious throughout all of eternity.
But we can with some practice tap into the flow
Of Collective Consciousness with relative ease.

Imagine what it’s like to be nonphysical
Where the larger part of us you operate from.
Clarity on steroids it must be like to be
Firmly focused and pure positive energy.
Bodiless, there’s no resistance to overcome.
It’s a major aspect of the spiritual.

Spirit gets to experience the expansion
Of the universe. We’re on the leading edge of
Creation in the physical. Spirit gets to
Witness our thoughts turn to things. In all that we do
We add to the expansion. With infinite love
We’re guided as if evil had never been done.

When you come into full alignment sometimes you
May get goosebumps. That’s spirit reveling in your
Special moment. When you get a taste of the thrill
Of excitement, the dreams that you most cherish will
Come to be. You can be more than ever before
Exhilarated about what you know is true.

What Is My Work?

Beneficial Radiation

To describe work as purpose is appropriate.
They’re alike enough in meaning to realize
The connection between them as spiritual.
All the work that is offered is original,
No matter what it may be. Is it a surprise
That most people work at jobs that they truly hate?

It is not your job to demand how things shall be,
Nor to wrestle something to the ground and kill it.
It is not to find out which way, how, when, or where
Things will happen. Your sole work is simply to care
How you feel. It is to your supreme benefit
To get happy. You can do that quite easily.

In working with and for others, you satisfy
Your most personal projects. Cooperative
are lined up and ready for you now.

Your work is to find some way somehow to allow
The blessings of the life that you were meant to live.
Think about what is wanted, especially why.

Your work is to shine a spotlight on all the good
Happening on the planet. Shine your light upon
What is wanted and practice it until you feel
It reverberate through you. It then becomes real,
And the evidence of it you can rely on.
It is the truest meaning of your humanhood.

Early Signs

Special Moment

Are you patient about the desire that has not
Manifested? You need not become complacent
About it, but if you understand that if you
Can be caused to want something, it’s certainly true
That this world can provide it. So be adjacent
To the feeling of having it. It helps a lot.

It doesn’t just have to be a dream that you feel
Good about. It can become your reality.
There are Early Signs of your manifestations,
And the most powerful in your life are the ones
That are mixed with excitement. Your being carefree,
You have found, is your way to make dreams become real.

Early Signs of your ultimate dreams coming true
Include lighthearted feelings and more ideas
Coming to you to guide you. The earliest sign
Is the contrast that gave birth to what you define
As a wanting. You know that you are as free as
You allow for life’s blessings to flow unto you.

Recognize it when it happens. Stay on its trail.
All the time, your path is being revealed to you.
The spirit within you knows what you have asked for.
Being in the receptive mode opens the door
To the realization of what has come due.
When the feeling comes, do notice every detail.