Tag Archive | care

Get Respect From Anyone

Friendly Greeting

How do you get people to voluntarily
Give you authority over them? Does it take
A technique such as brainwashing or something worse?
Why do some people feel that they have to coerce
Folks into doing things? Why is it hard to make
People carry out your orders respectfully?

People in high authority get there by way
Of election, appointment, or unnatural
Acts performed behind closed doors and in the darkness
Of the soul of humanity. To seek success
For one’s personal pleasure is the rationale
Of the many despite anything they may say.

If a friend calls and asks you to come to his aid
How do you respond to him? You’ll go out of your
Way to help him. But if it’s someone you despise
Would you bother? Your feelings would not authorize
You to do it. You would probably slam the door
In their face feeling that proper respect is paid.

Because you care about your friend you will do things
Far above and beyond what you’d do for others.
If your team cares about you this way then you’ll be
A most effective leader in society.
Mutual caring for one another occurs
When the team realizes what blessings it brings.

Give Up The Struggle

Buried In Work

It’s as if someone pointed at a twenty ton
Boulder and said, “Please carry it way over there.”
You should not care about that because you will not
Implement such an impossible task. A lot
Of stress you can relieve if you’re willing to care
About how you feel in every situation.

But if you really need to get it over there
And you focus upon what you want and why you
Want it, a way to get it over there will be
Revealed to you. You want to be completely free
Of the struggle that you think you need to go through.
Of the path of least resistance you’ll be aware.

Feeling good is a no brainer. If you feel stress
Then you want to feel better. So what can you do
To get yourself out of a stressful atmosphere?
Focus elsewhere and the solution becomes clear.
Give attention to something that elevates you
To the level of eventual happiness.

The reason you feel struggle is because you get
Yourself into a vibration where you can’t hear
What your true self is saying. Give Up The Struggle.
Find a blanket of joy and within it snuggle.
Things are not as terrible as they may appear.
Your surrender to who you are is an asset.

Struggle Begone!

Impossible Task

Put yourself in the situation of someone
Who must lift the weight of the world over their head.
How would you go about this impossible task?
Is this not an absurd question for one to ask?
You would look upon this circumstance with much dread.
Feeling this way then there can be no solution.

You must not care about moving that kind of weight
Anywhere simply because you’re no going to
Move the world with your struggle. If you really need
It to be moved the only way you will succeed
Is if you’re in alignment with that part of you
That gives you the ability to co-create.

What you want grows within you. There must be some way
To get this thing accomplished but you mustn’t care
About doing something you know you cannot do.
Trust that the universe will work things out for you.
You’re not going to get that huge thing over there
If you look at your situation with dismay.

It’s pointless so surrender. Push it to the side
For the moment and focus on being ready
For the way to respond to be revealed to you
And for now be satisfied with all you can do
To ensure that you’re living your life happily.
All that you get without effort can’t be denied.

Worthiness And Receptivity

Lucky Break

Be more playful about life. Your seriousness
May be laced with resistance. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful, consistent,
And unbiased. There’s nothing on earth to prevent
You from being as happy as ever because
To a wealth of wellbeing you do have access.

Lighten up in your rigid approach to it all.
You’re more worthy than you could ever know but you
Could be much more aware and allowing of it.
You can retell your life story as you see fit.
All things respond to a positive point of view.
You cannot sweat the small stuff and it all is small.

Everything that you care about is lined up for
You to see. Your ability to see it, though,
Is something that you practice so start with the things
That are easiest. Note what the universe brings
Into your life experience. You ought to know
That there’s so much wellbeing knocking at your door.

Gradually you can begin to focus on
Things that you’ve been practicing resistance about.
You can think about them in less resistant ways
Then the universe will do its best to amaze
And delight you. You have no good reason to doubt
That blessings coming to you will never be gone.

If You Can Dream It…

Wide Awake

You can do, be, or have anything, it’s been said
Quite a bit by now and it’s worth saying again
And again until it becomes fully ingrained
In the consciousness where it can thus be maintained
As your mantra which you can recite now and then
To enhance all the perfectly good times ahead.

So are you a cooperative component?
Certainly if you don’t harbor worry or doubt.
When you’re free of resistance your dream will come true.
You must stay connected to the best part of you.
It’s the one who knows everything you’re all about.
As you dream you remain in extreme contentment.

Scientists come up with new science in this way.
They start out with a hypothesis then they get
Enough others to believe what once was a dream.
As you’re dreaming you’re letting yourself flow downstream
Straight toward what you’re after. A major asset
Is your dreaming so do it throughout every day.

You need not care if your dream comes to fruition.
In so doing you throw resistance in the mix.
If you dream enough for the joy of dreaming, you
Will be manifesting things from out of the blue.
It is the safest way for you to get your kicks.
You may become a master of acquisition.

When Things Aren’t Working Out

Mild Concern

The money isn’t flowing. Your body is sick.
Your lover has just left you and you hate your job.
Does this cover the gamut of what’s going wrong
In your life? Does it have to be such a sad song?
At the moment it’s quite enough to make you sob.
On you it seems that life is playing a mean trick.

As you focus on any of them the distress
Becomes greater. You cannot hit any head on
Without feeling discomfort. You only prolong
And make much of your agony. To remain strong
Is a challenge. Much of your energy has gone
To continuing with this life draining process.

Step back from the specifics that are already
Activated and find something that causes you
To feel good now like taking in the beauty of
A flower, the whole earth, or the stars up above.
Do whatever it takes to return yourself to
Feeling much better as you should naturally.

You can’t change what has already happened but you
Can always find a way to feel better right now.
You can clean out that closet or wash the damned car.
These achievements will prove to yourself that you are
Able to feel much better able to allow
The wellbeing that you are most entitled to.



This is a law based universe naturally.
If you really want something you’re not receiving
It feels bad. If you don’t care that much about it
Then you’ll get it. This messes with the mind a bit
But it’s true so you might as well start believing
In the laws. They will help you to live happily.

If you don’t want it that much you’re not in a state
Of resistance to it manifesting for you
But if you have a little bit of resistance
It will be difficult yet you still stand the chance
Of receiving it by paying attention to
The ideal condition you want to create.

If you want something badly but you don’t believe
It can happen it’s not in your expectation
To receive it and it cannot happen for you
Nothing comes of the pain and struggle you go through.
If your mindset is that of lack then frustration
Complicates much your ability to receive.

So the key is to want something generally
Then let the desire for it gather momentum.
There will be less resistance as it picks up speed.
From the tension in your wanting you will be freed.
Be receptive to the many blessings that come
From alignment with universal energy.

When Life Breaks You


No matter how good you are sometimes you will be
In a tough situation where all that you know
Doesn’t help you. The unexpected will occur
Then a chain reaction of things you would prefer
Not to happen will happen so deep in sorrow
You remain. You are damaged spiritually.

It could be that your business is falling apart
Or that your bank account is screaming that you’re broke.
It can break you mentally and physically
And it will leave its mark on you indelibly.
At this point you have but your own will to evoke
Because this thing you trusted has broken your heart.

Challenges lead to victory or to defeat.
Staying with the breaking produces the blessing.
It’s not what you go through that determines where you
Will end up. It’s the people who you listen to.
All the negative thought forms that they’re expressing
Does with you sense of worthiness harshly compete.

It’s your struggle. Stay with it. No one else needs to
Know about what you’re going through. Nurture your pain
With the knowing that this time of uncertainty
Will resolve itself fully eventually.
Only you have the wherewithal to break the chain
Of despair. Do not let it get the best of you.

It’s Easy To Receive

Receiving A Gift

There is not enough action in the whole world to
Compensate for confusion and misalignment.
Meditate for at least fifteen minutes per day.
When you do something out of alignment it may
Not work out well. You can by your conscious intent
Get yourself in a state that is better for you.

Let the energy that creates worlds help you to
Be receptive to everything going your way.
Give up your need to justify your existence.
Replace it with the infinite intelligence
Of the universe. Living becomes like child’s play.
You don’t have to work hard to receive what is due.

Do not be concerned about how others view you.
They know not enough to draw any conclusion
That is truthful. Give up the need to solicit
The approval of others who may not commit
To their current opinion. It’s an illusion
That they may have of you and it may not be true.

Give up your attention to the outcome. Instead
Enjoy the unfolding. Don’t care how it turns out
Because it feels good right now. You know that it will
Feel better in the future so go for the thrill
Of receiving. This is what life is all about.
Take your eyes of what’s now and start looking ahead.

Be Done With Doubt!

Doubt In Fashion

It’s so easy to feel doubt. The more that I try
To feel hopeful the more uncertain I become.
It’s because I’ve practiced that vibration a lot.
Contradictory energy is what I’ve got
Going on. It’s where all my doubt is coming from.
I have doubt but at least I know the reason why.

It’s when I have a difference of opinion
With the source within me that I feel ill at ease.
It’s my ill-practiced focus and sloppy thinking
That’s most harmful to me. It keeps me from linking
Up with things I’ve been wanting. My doubt guarantees
I’ll stay in this unfortunate situation.

How do I overcome doubt? It cannot be done
From my place of uncertainty. I’ll have to find
Things that feel good when I think about them. I can
Reach a state where I am much less resistant than
I am right now. I can get my thinking aligned
With my soul’s thoughts. I can be the fortunate one.

I can talk myself into believing that I
Can have, do, or be anything. I manifest
What I want with my focus. By my believing
In myself I replace doubt. By my perceiving
Differently my issue of doubt is addressed.
With the laws of the universe I do comply.

Be The Energy That Creates Worlds

Deep Space Creation

All that is came to be. Is that all one can know
Of what is call existence? Is there a lot more
To be known about movement, time, space, energy,
And consciousness to be of interest to me?
Finding new ways of thinking is what I live for.
I can contemplate things like there’s no tomorrow.

When I show myself that I have the power to
Come into alignment, not just with who I was
Before I was born, but with all that I’ve become
Ever since, then I see where my power comes from.
I need not seek the favor or fickle applause
Of the public. To myself I must remain true.

When I show myself that by my being selfish
By reaching for the best feeling though I can find
About this present moment, I know that I’ve made
Great improvement and on the right path I have stayed
As the ways of the universe capture my mind
In a bubble. That it be released is my wish.

When I care about being in concert with the
Energy that creates worlds, I have more power
Than a billion who don’t care about anything.
To this method of communicating I cling.
The impressions I have I need not embower.
As with everything, it’s all about energy.

Conspiracy Theories

Burning Sight

There are two kinds of conspiracies. One is one
Where ‘they’re all out to get me.’ Though they may pretend
Not to do so, they’re doing it, and they’re sneaky
About doing it. All that the closed mind can see
Is its own fabrications. It needs to defend
Grandiose explanations that can be undone.

This conspiracy theory assumes the mindset
That the Law of Attraction has nothing to do
With oneself. Only with others does it apply.
Powerful then becomes what one cannot deny
Is the absolute truth. This narrow point of view
Held by many causes much of the world’s regret.

Another kind of conspiracy does exist.
It’s the one of wellbeing, joy, and abundance,
And it dominates this universe, this planet,
And every single person. It’s easy to get
Connected to the goodness. There isn’t a chance
That this kind of conspiracy can be dismissed.

The conspiracy theory of Source Energy
Is not theory. It’s visceral. It makes you feel
Connected. Other theories are focused too much
On the problem, and that is why there remains such
Confusion such that the definition of real
Is corrupted. You can always choose to be free.

Daydreaming And Nightmaring

Spatial Consciousness

The sky is either falling or it’s held in place
By the forces of nature. Logic must dictate
That things are as they should be. Things may seem to be
So messed up about our lives that we cannot see
The big picture. The life we intend to create
Is the dream that we surely would want to embrace.

We are creative beings. What we’re born to do
Is to focus. That impulse will still reign supreme
Even though we may not have gotten out ahead
Of our focusing. All of the time we are fed
Impulses as suggestions to support the dream
We’re creating and to affirm its coming true.

To get out ahead of it, choose your vibration
Before focusing. You are never standing still.
Things are always moving. So what influence are
You under? Is it something that’s extremely far
From your true inner guidance? Do not wait until
You are in the midst of utter desperation.

When your thoughts start going south, that’s called a nightmare.
When you’re under the influence of negative
Emotion, it snowballs, but if you take the time
To choose thoughts that to you are supremely sublime,
Then a wonderfully fulfilling life you’ll live.
About how you are feeling you truly must care.

When You Feel Like Quitting

Moment Of Desperation

The extreme desperation is making you feel
Like you shouldn’t have started. You feel you cannot
Follow through with your program. In deep depression
You remain, and your constant facial expression
Is one of misery. You give it all you’ve got,
  But so far, things have not been the cherished ideal.

In the darkest of darkest valleys you reside.
What you need is hope. Beautiful things can come from
Your conundrum and all of its broken pieces.
Push on through until the moment’s torment ceases.
Keeping your thoughts on track will alleviate some
Of the negative self-talk which doesn’t help you.

It’s okay to be scared or to cry, but it’s not
To give up. This is not the end. It matters how
You are going to finish. You can completely
Mess your life up, then turn it around easily,
But you have to keep going. You must not allow
The present to keep you in a terrible spot.

Your great life is ahead of you. It’s not behind.
Everything that you’re going through is preparing
You for what you have asked for. A work in progress
Is you life, and the key to your true happiness
Is to trust in the process and be more caring
About how you are feeling and your state of mind.

Don’t Worry About What Others Think


People spend most of their lives in gut wrenching fear
Of what others may think of them. They lie awake
At night wondering how they would cope without the
Approval of others, and they obsessively
Change their image when they find the slightest mistake.
They can’t get satisfaction from how they appear.

To the verdicts of strangers we all surrender
Our freedom to fail gracefully. Those we don’t know
And don’t even like all that much we cater to.
Even though we don’t like being told what to do,
We do it without thinking. It causes us woe.
We play the role of the malignant pretender.

Don’t complain. Don’t explain yourself to anyone.
“Become independent of the good opinion
Of other people.”
Trust yourself. You and only

You know the enlightened one you were meant to be.
Don’t let other people’s judgments have dominion
Over how you feel. Then awareness has begun.

When we really mess up, almost no one will be
Looking or caring very much. They’re too involved
With their own issues. Our disgrace will be subsumed
Into social amnesia, so we’re never doomed
By unwanted attention. One who is evolved
Is above that kind of negative energy.

Love Is Worth Lining Up With

Allegiance To Violence

Congressmen who think smoke breaks are more important
Than the health of the nation are now in control
Of the mindset of others who want to secede.
A divorce they now call it. Mass death is their creed.
How do people act as if they have not a soul?
Civil war would be something to win, yet they can’t.

So, do we have a problem? Houston doesn’t care.
Arrogance now means honor. It’s useless to try
To butt heads with such beings. Just leave it alone.
Would it be worthy if some compassion were shown?
Hatred is an infection. That’s the reason why
People fear to get near it. They know what is there.

Love is the only answer. It sounds so cliché,
But it’s so. Your reality is created
Only with your thoughts and feelings. When you’re aligned
With your true self, no kind of hatred will you find.
In your gut is where your guidance is located.
Love remains all inclusive. That’s how it shall stay.

Politicians are people. They can’t solve for you
Any problems you may have. Let them help create
Your version of a better world. Pay attention
Only to it. One could call it war prevention.
Always it’s best to stay in a positive state.
You can’t hate when you’re happy. You know this is true.

Be More Playful

Happy Hands

Be More Playful about your approach to living,
And accept that the laws of the universe are
Powerful, consistent, and unyieldingly fair.
You could not be more worthy. You could be aware
That you are without question a bright shining star.
You can let go of any practiced misgiving.

Focusing upon things that hold very little
Resistance is an easy and worthwhile way to
Change your vibration quickly, then other things will
Coalesce that are like them. Prepare for the thrill
Of it happening. Your life is a rendezvous
With adventure. You can’t remain noncommittal.

Things that you really care about can begin to
Surprise and delight you. You hold yourself apart
From those things by resistance to feeling better.
Limiting beliefs practiced will only fetter
Your spirit. Is it time that you take this to heart?
Your ability to see depends upon you.

Precision and uniqueness is that which is you.
As you play in life’s contrast, you are creating
Your experience. Start with things that are easy.
From the contrast, you define how things ought to be.
Willingness to take part is appreciating
Life as one sacred process exciting and new.

The Better You Feel

Emotional Balance

Do you know? Can you accept? Do you get the sense
That this is a vibrational universe? Can
You believe you create your own reality?
Your thoughts project vibration, and what comes to be
Is so by your projections, indeed more so than
Anything else. They can be a major expense.

Your thoughts do both the asking and the allowing.
When you think about what you want, you create it.
But sometimes you will think about things you have not.
Then you can’t let it in, so it matters a lot
To not think against your dreams. The vibe you transmit
Is responded to. Your thoughts are self-endowing.

You can reduce the level of your resistance
By increasing allowing. Your thoughts can come clean
If you are selfish enough to care how you feel.
The better that you feel, the more life is ideal.
Your emotions can run like a well-tuned machine.
Life is no longer an uncertain game of chance.

Better timing, ideas, and impulses come
As you learn to feel better. Those friends of yours who
Bring you down must be minimized. Reality,
If it evokes a deep sense of anxiety…
Ignore it because there is nothing you can do.
Be aware of good feelings and where they come from.

Give Up The Struggle

Let Momentum Take Its Course

When momentum has gathered there’s no turning back.
Primal urges withstanding, you must go along
With the flow of creation. The reason you feel
Any struggle is that you reject the ideal
Of resistance free living. The current is strong,
So do you have the ability to keep track?

Situations where you’re off folks don’t care about.
You’ll abuse them to the point where they will react
In aggressive defiance. Just leave them alone.
To the world at large, it is best that it’s unknown.
If you want to stay negative, you will attract
Pissed off people in plenitude beyond all doubt.

Focus upon what you want. Let yourself go there,
And let go of resistance. Let the flow take you
To the place you are destined to be, and let go
Of the questions whose answers you don’t need to know.
You can get there not by all the things you can do
But by how you are feeling. It’s done with much care.

When you Give Up The Struggle you free yourself from
Negative thoughts and feelings. You have more control
Over more than you can know. In your letting go
You gain power. What a good thing this is to know!
Get used to the feeling of your becoming whole.
Contemplate only on all the good times to come.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.


Personal Magic

If I don’t care about something, therefore I’m not
Resisting it, then it will come most easily.
If I want it a little bit and have little
Resistance about it, then I know that it’ll
Be a little bit difficult. If I really
Want it but don’t expect it, turmoil have I got.

So, in my not wanting and not caring about
Something, I can attract it. Therein lies the key
To creating. Wanting something a little bit
And then letting the desire expand will permit
Many good things to flood my life naturally.
If I want something, it is best that I chill out.

Let desire grow a little… or generally.
Think about what it feels like to be in that place
Where I have what I’m wanting. Let the momentum
Gather quickly. The manifestations will come
Easily through acceptance of infinite grace.
I can have things the way I prefer them to be.

The speed will pick up as the Law of Attraction
Causes general wanting to turn specific
In how it arranges people, places, and things
In support of my purpose. Fulfillment it brings
To my life, which is for me now a magic trick.
Less resistance in life is good for everyone.

Special Delivery

A Present For The Present

If I don’t want it that much, it comes easily.
General desires carry the least resistance.
If I really want something and really believe
That I’ll get it, then it is by law I’ll receive
What I want in a hurry. It isn’t by chance.
Anything that I focus on must come to be.

Wanting something badly and believing it will
Never happen will cause me to struggle within.
Keeping up that momentum creates agony.
I must do all that I can to keep myself free
Of a bleak situation, therein I begin
Writing a new contract that my heart will fulfill.

It is by expectation that things manifest
Into my life – the good, the bad, and the ugly.
My focus on the good things in life is a must.
In the long run, I am much more willing to trust
That in my life, the things I want will come to me.
No matter what I’m going through, I know I’m blessed.

The key is to want something not too much then let
The desire for it grow naturally. It will
Gather momentum. Things begin picking up speed.
I’ll end up with a healthy desire – not from need,
But through my expectation and leaning to chill.
My belief in myself is my greatest asset.

Give Up The Struggle

Relieve Yourself Of The Task

How do I get that boulder where it needs to go?
Heaven knows I can’t carry it. What if I get
A bulldozer to move it? That would make more sense,
But I don’t have access to one. Do I dispense
With the issue completely and suffer regret?
How to do what I want done I do need to know.

I give up. It’s a struggle. I simply don’t care.
If I’m out of alignment, that’s how I get in.
I had better not care about it because I
Will do harm to myself if foolishly try
To come up with an answer. Much to my chagrin,
All my efforts will end up in utter despair.

Often times I don’t hear what spirit is saying
To me as I encounter a difficulty.
It’s because I’m too focused on getting it done.
If I chill, then perhaps I’ll hear the solution
To the problem. It’s more beneficial for me
To listen to what my spirit is conveying.

Focusing upon what I want is the best way
To approach any problem. I ask myself why
I want things to go my way. Something is revealed
In the process. Universal forces will yield
To my wishes. The laws of vibration apply
Throughout life. My spirit shall not lead me astray.

I Don’t Care

Alternative Focus

Human rights is a lethal joke, but I Don’t Care.
Everything is transactional, and vibration

And the Law of Attraction connect those who are
Of a similar frequency. Far from bizarre
Is it that there are things in life people should shun
But they don’t out of ignorance. They’re not aware.

I Don’t Care is my motto. I practice daily
These words that have much power. They give me freedom
To detach from what bothers me, and to be fair
Everyone has the right to say that they don’t care.
Why engage in something that will make the heart numb?
I Don’t Care, and I feel that’s the way it should be.

It’s not that I’m not a caring soul by nature.
Consciousness I am given to recognize all
As creatures of divinity, but in this school
Is the fear that one may end up acting the fool.
There’s no gain whatsoever in playing it small.
Our diseased human nature must find its own cure.

I Don’t Care. It’s just how I am. I still have fun.
I cannot fix the world or you, so I Don’t Care.
I’m sorry that you’re upset. I wish you the best.
If you’re offended by the opinion expressed
I Don’t Care, and I have nothing further to share.
I cannot find a reason for conversation.

The Emotional Journey

Freedom Of Emotional Flight

What happens when you have those feeling places that
Contradict one another? A change of career
Has been on my mind lately. I get excited
About travel abroad. The adventure ahead
I can feel with much passion. There also is fear
That I’ll leave other parts of my life falling flat.

I want to do an institute in India.
I can feel creativity flowing through me.
I love collaborating. The people I meet
Will provide opportunities that will be sweet.
In my heart I believe this is how it will be.
I can do very well in that rich arena.

But again apprehension in blended into
My feelings of elation. Some risk I will take.
It’s a lot of hard work. I will be out of touch
With my family and friends who I cherish much.
Dangerous it may be. The decision I make
Is one of great significance. What shall I do?

When I think thoughts that feel good, I feel good inside.
The reverse is true also. I care more about
Getting into alignment vibrationally.
The Emotional Journey is one that should be
Taken before all others. I’ll deal with my doubt.
My awareness of how I feel shall be my guide.

Focus Only On This

Forget Everything Else

Public hearings are underway. Riveted are
The world’s eyes on the goings on. Things in Ukraine
Are the same as expected. Mass shootings were nil
For the past week or so. The raw instinct to kill
Was felt only – not witnessed. The proudly insane
Have upon the nation left a terrible scar.

Justice is entertainment. It makes absolute
Sense that we pay attention to what’s happening
Because of its importance in reality
But to stay focused there makes it harder to see
Signs of hope or improvement. What’s interesting
Is that reality is a fatal pursuit.

Our control of the weather is yet within reach
In the far distant future, but even right now
Among those in alignment with all they’ve become.
What goes on it the real world we can escape from
Long enough so that when needed we can allow
Spiritual insights from those who want to teach.

Focus only on controlling your vibration
Which is how you feel at any given moment.
Doing so, you have power to create what you
Want in perfect detail, knowing that it is true
That you can achieve that state of pure alignment.
Most of your work in this sense is already done.

Just Relax

Don't Hurry Life

You could not be more worthy but you could be more
Aware and more allowing of your worthiness.
Your approach could be softer. Accept that the laws
Of the universe are powerful and the cause
Of all things that occur here. You have full access
To your treasure. There is some excitement in store.

The way that you show yourself that all this is true
Is by focusing on things that do not hold much
Resistance to begin with and then watching how
Universal forces will respond and allow
rendezvous with occasions that will produce such
In a fashion convincing enough to sell you.

Your ability to be receptive to things
That matter to you dearly can surely increase.
As you start focusing in less resistant ways
Wonderful things will happen to you within days.
It is time to relax. Give your wanting some peace.
Contentment in the journey is what your calm brings.

The precision and the uniqueness of who you
Are is represented in this co-creative
Arena of existence. Amid the contrast
Your advantage is huge. Your intention is vast.
You know best with a clear mind just how you should live.
Every moment of being is blessed and new.

The Key To Allowing

The Remedy Is Within

If I don’t want something I won’t care about it
Then I will get it easily. That is to say
No resistance is offered so some attraction
Must occur without me getting anything done.
This profound paradox wants to mess with my day.
Though it does the mind boggle, I’m not here to quit.

If I really want something that does exist not
And I feel really badly about it I won’t
Be aligned with its coming – only with its lack.
So whatever I put out is what I get back.
I must give up the struggle because if I don’t
Then I build up resistance to what e’er is sought.

If I want something somewhat I’m indifferent
To its coming or not, there’s less difficulty
In attracting it. Therein there must be some key
To the way of allowing things to come to me.
If I believe and expect, it must come to be.
I rid myself of unnecessary torment.

If I really want something and really believe
In my soul I can have it, then my resistance
Has become nonexistent, and good things will flow.
So the key is to start little then let it grow.
As it gathers momentum… As I sing and dance
There’s no limit to what in this world I’ll achieve.

Dare To Dream

The Universe Through The Eyes Of Children

In this world full of wonder it’s so nice to know
That my freedom to dream is my God given gift
That I then give to others. It’s not my concern
What they do with what is given. All that I learn
About life supports always a positive shift
In my thinking. In this simple way I must grow.

Many people dream big dreams and small, but often
Negative beliefs and definitions keep some
From pursuing them. What exactly holds them back
Are the reasons things won’t work and feelings of lack.
But with creative effort they can overcome
Self-defeating activity time and again.

Like a child I have always been… quite immature
In the ways of the real world. My dreams are my own.
But to share them with others in humility
Is by now what is left of the best part of me.
What I have done to others hurts me to the bone.
A most vivid pre life review I shall endure.

This is not the whole story that I hope to tell.
It indeed is unending as I reach the end
Of a physical chapter in eternity.
It’s an honor reporting how I came to be.
The more hell that I take now the less I will spend
Catching up on my karma. I yearn to be well.

All that I dare to dream has already come true
In the moment that I realize it is so.
So, to now keep my focus on the final one
I have faith that I will get a whole lot more done
In the way of atonement. This life of sorrow
Is an elegant picture of what not to do.

Give Up The Struggle

When Effort Is Futile

Often times I’m just ‘off’ and don’t know what to do.
It’s like trying to force my fist through a brick wall.
People don’t care about that. I know they should not.
I can’t seem to achieve things that matter a lot.
Why do I feel like I have to beg and to crawl
To the point where I feel so disheartened and blue?

Well, there’s tons of resistance here, right off the bat.
It means there’s an imbalance in my circuitry.
I could increase my effort to solve the problem…
Or decrease the resistance, or do both of them.
Effort I cannot increase. I’ve no energy
So the issue renders me flat as a doormat.

I must know when the struggle is too much to bear
Long before it becomes such through conscious intent.
That ‘off’ feeling vibration is something to heed.
It’s a clear indication that I hardly need
To waltz myself into a disgusting event.
That I’m not feeling my best I must be aware.

If the wall needs a hole in it, that can be done
Through alignment and focus on what is worthwhile.
The best way to go about it will be revealed.
Through the gift of acknowledgement all may be healed.
This simple information is worth a big smile.
The whole purpose of doing things is to have fun.

Line Up With The Love

Open Up To Oneness

Much like water and oil politics and love mix.
Separate, these two creatures exist on their own,
Independent of each other’s usual ways
Of providing and guiding. The worst of our days
Of cold blooded civility we won’t postpone.
Human nature is something no human can fix.

A fine dressing for war salad makes of the news
Of the depth of the hatred the loud blatant chant
Of a troubled nostalgia. What I am to do
Is maintain my connection with the Being who
Sees all things in perspective, which we humans can’t.
Are we at best a dull race of differing views?

Politicians are human. Don’t ask them to scrape
Enough dirt for a new earth and send it to space.
Let them help you create your version of a world
Where all knobs of acceptance are rugged and knurled.
Then give all your attention to reaching that place
In your soul where all things are always in great shape.

Because that place exists for each and everyone.
Those who cannot believe this create the contrast
That we all need to grow by. I’ll participate
In my own peace of spirit and stay in that state.
All the love that exists is infinitely vast.
It’s easy to line up with, refreshing, and fun.