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Play With The Universe

Pure Joy

Life’s exhilarating so it has to be true
That when I ask it’s given eventually
Or within moments. With my point of attraction
I create my life. I’ve complete satisfaction
With how things are evolving. The world that I see
Is amazing, wonderful, and always brand new.

I know that when I feel discord it can only
Mean that I’m right now giving my attention to
Something that I don’t want. What I’ve activated
Is a vibration that’s directly related
To physical discomfort. The thing I must do
Is to deal with that feeling and then let it be.

I can Play With The Universe by the way I
Stay aligned with my true self while I’m sifting through
All the contrast life offers. I get to behold
Dreams of my life and purpose begin to unfold
Perfectly due to my positive point of view.
When something doesn’t work out, by now I know why.

The emotional scale I’m obliged to ascend.
How I feel is of extremely high importance
If I want to keep living the life of my dreams.
Being blessed by the universe is how it seems.
I’m delighted to know that it isn’t by chance
That my inner being has become my best friend.

Change For The Better

Colorful Humanity

Do know that you can be, do, or have anything
That you want. There is nothing off limits. If you
Can remember that life is supposed to be good
For you always then things will work out as they should.
Your life will change immediately if you do
What it takes in order to get your heart to sing.

It takes not much to get from where you are to where
You’d prefer to be – in love perpetually
With your life and the universe. The world will treat
You much better. You’ll find that all life is replete
With the full consciousness of divine energy.
Of the good in all things you become more aware.

Most people are conditional vibrators. We
Vibrate according to conditions we observe
Then get more of it yet we can turn this around
To where first we focus on some good thing we’ve found
Thereby simply attracting what we most deserve.
We can vibrate things into the way they should be.

Satisfaction does not come from your jumping through
Even ‘well-meaning’ hoops. Satisfaction only
Comes from your wanting something then moving your way
Toward it. Change will happen as long as you stay
In alignment with the person you’re meant to be.
Keep in contact with the most evolved part of you.

Pathways To Alignment


Many paths to alignment there are to choose from.
The process of selecting the right one for you
Can be fun and quite easy if you make it so.
The guidance within you tells you which way to go.
It reveals in each moment the best thing to do
To lead you to a most favorable outcome.

If you really want something but you focus on
Its absence more than its presence you will defeat
Your own purpose for wanting. You have to align
With your having it. You must decide to be fine
With its absence. Get to where you’re feeling complete
And secure with your passion to rely upon.

What you give your attention to always expands
Into more of what it is. If you’re noticing
The sickness within you, you keep activated
The damned illness that you probably created
By some form of resisting. You can do something
About it. Much of your health is in your own hands.

Moving up the emotional scale is how you
Find your way to alignment. Begin practicing
The Art of Allowing. You cannot get it wrong
Because it’s never done. You’re right where you belong.
You’ve the power to have, do, or be anything
That you give a whole lot of your attention to.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good

Right At Home

You are Source Energy but just what does it mean?
A rose by any other name is still a rose.
It’s the energy of divine intelligence
That you’re made of. The power you have is immense.
It’s the same that creates worlds. A part of you knows
This without question despite the bad that you’ve seen.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good for you. If it’s not
Then it’s your doing. Your responsibility
Is to keep yourself happy any way you can.
You can always feel a little bit better than
You do now by deciding that you want to be
Happier. Your awareness does matter a lot.

What you’re living and feeling is all about how
Fast your stream is flowing and in which direction
You’re pointed in it. Over both you have control.
Life has caused your stream to flow. It must be your goal
To flow with it and remember your connection
To your true essence which only you can allow.

Don’t deny the person you’ve already become.
Stop preventing the current from carrying you
To your dreams. Let the stream gently turn you around.
Through surrender the power within you is found.
Look for fun and adventure in all that you do.
Take advantage of where all your blessings come from.

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Horizon

Do you know how much wellbeing is waiting to
Come to you? All you have to do is open the
Crack a little bit and some evidence of it
Will begin to flow in much to your benefit
But so often people have this strange tendency
To resist the wellbeing that wants to get through.

You may be aware of where you are strongly so
And it may not be pretty but if you could just
Change slightly your perception then things would begin
To turn for you. Things will take a positive spin
When in your worthiness to be happy you trust.
Much of this stuff you probably already know.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
There’s no reason that you’re not constantly thriving
In measures extraordinary on all subjects.
You were meant to be successful in all respects.
It will happen for you when you’re not depriving
Yourself of the goodness that flows naturally.

You are not here to prove something to anyone.
Rid yourself of the reason to go it alone.
Feel the power of who your are and rejoice in
The creator that you are and you will begin
A new life – one in which you are happiness prone.
Keep yourself occupied mostly by having fun.

Life Is Supposed To Be Good


I woke up this morning. I’m alive and quite well.
I was not taken hostage. My house is still here.
My children haven’t been slaughtered before my eyes.
I have no particular reason to despise
Anyone. I can walk the streets having no fear
Of abduction. I’ve no tragic story to tell.

What I know is that I’m made of Source Energy
As is everyone. Life Is Supposed To Be Good.
If it isn’t it’s my fault because everything
That I’m living and feeling and thus offering
To the universe cannot be misunderstood.
But if this is true why is there atrocity?

There’s no answer that anyone can understand.
Evil and hatred are part of humanity
But there’s much more wellbeing. The peace that I know
I’m most grateful for. As for the pain and sorrow
Suffered by others how much more sad can one be?
It’s damned awful. I stand with my heart in my hand.

There are only two factors – how fast my stream flows
And which way I’m pointed in it. Life has caused me
To make choices and that’s what gets the stream going.
If I let the stream turn me then I’ll be flowing
With it and not against it so naturally
I’m well protected from humankind and its woes.

A Vibrational Match

Wave Convergence

“When I ask, it is given? How can this be true?
There are things that I’ve asked for emphatically
That have not manifested.”
If you’re asking for

Something that isn’t coming, it is because your
Vibration is of a different frequency
Than the thing that will bring much fulfillment to you.

You have vibrationally matched yourself with the
Absence of what you want rather than its presence.
It’s so easy to do that. If you’re feeling pain
And discomfort such that it’s driving you insane,
Then it’s hard not to notice this major offense
To your body. It isn’t the way life should be.

You are giving your attention to something that
You don’t want, so you’re activating within you
A vibration that only enhances illness.
You have to find a way to think of it much less,
And your way of thinking has everything to do
With the health of your body. There’s no caveat.

Do the best that you can do in this moment to
Feel as good as you can feel. The slightest movement
In the direction of happiness is for you
Easily accomplished. Anything you can do
To enhance your vibration is effort well spent.
Each and every moment in your life is brand new.

It’s Your Doing

Self Pride

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
Life is meant to be good for you, and if it’s not,
Then It’s Your Doing. Everything that you’re living
And feeling is a good reason for thanksgiving.
Now that you are here, you can give it all you’ve got.
God is someone whose work one cannot call shoddy.

There are only two factors determining how
Life is going for you. One is how fast your stream
Is flowing, and the other is which direction
You are pointed. You have control over each one.
Life causes the momentum oft’ in the extreme.
The direction is by the guidance you allow.

When you’re bucking the current of who you’ve become,
You will feel negative emotion instantly.
You’re defying your purpose. This cannot feel good.
More than anything else, it must be understood
That going with the flow is your reason to be.
In becoming, you just need to lighten up some.

Turn and go with the flow. That’s all you need to do
To move effortlessly toward all you desire.
How to do that will be a perfect unfolding.
You are now practicing the art of allowing.
Unending are the good things that you will acquire
On your journey. Which direction is true for you?

Blessings Of The Universe

Spatial Providence

There is so much wellbeing lined up and ready
To come into your life. All that you have to do
Is be willing to focus in the direction
Of feeling just a bit better. You are the one
Who can change the conditions that you think are true.
Where you are now may not be where you want to be.

So, don’t look so much at where you are. Look instead
To the guidance within you. Crack open the door
Ever so slightly, and you will see evidence
Of wellbeing. It’s trying to make its presence
Known to you. It helps you open the door some more.
Then you have some control over what lies ahead.

Pick your battles wisely, or perhaps better yet,
Forget them all because each will slam the door shut.
It comes down to vibration. If you’re negative,
Then the universe and all that it has to give
You block off. You continue in the same old rut.
Your righteous indignation is not an asset.

We’re all in this together. You are not alone.
You’re not trying to prove a thing to anyone.
Feel the power of who you are for one moment.
It’s not difficult, and through your conscious intent,
You become not the problem but the solution,
And the infinite blessings unto you are shown.