Tag Archive | doubt

Don’t Let Your Thoughts Control You


The greatest glory in life lies not in never
Falling but in rising every time that we fall.
You can’t go back and change the beginning but you
Can start where you are and change the ending. A new
Way of thinking can get rid of just about all
Of your problems, and thinking of them, forever.

The mind is everything. What you think you become
So become who you want to be. Believe you can
And you’re halfway there. The only way to do great
Work is to love what you do. You get to create
Your own future. It can be more fulfilling than
Your present circumstance – a profound conundrum.

Happiness can be found even in the darkest
Of times if you remember to turn on the light.
The biggest adventure you can take is to live
The life of your dreams. Think of how much you can give
To the world when you feel that everything’s alright.
You know how much you can do when you feel your best.

The mind is the master over the body – not
The reverse. You’re stronger than you seem, braver than
You believe, and smarter than you think. Clarity
Will come to you as soon as you decide to be
Of the attitude that any issue you can
Get yourself through. The way you feel matters a lot.

Your Greatest Gifts


Peace and love are your covenants. Your wish for these
Qualities – these characteristics – is far from
Overlooked by those of us in nonphysical
Existence. Your existence is something special.
We in spirit take notice of what you’ve become.
You come to understanding with relative ease.

We hear, see, and feel every single thing you say,
Do, and think. Many others like us sense things well
Before you even begin to realize they
Are within your realm of experience. Today
And all days in a state of content you must dwell.
Let the love deep within you blossom as it may.

You’re not alone on your earth. You all have unseen,
Unheard, unfelt, and unknown beings working to
Support you during tough times along your journey.
They don’t see themselves as such. They do lovingly
What they do to offer proper guidance to you.
We co-create with you if you get what we mean.

The love which surrounds you from the invisible
World is enormous such that you cannot conceive.
Obstacles such as fear, greed, hatred, misery,
Doubt, and worry can all leave your life completely.
In your own capability you must believe.
The notion that you’re unworthy is risible.

Soon To Come

Feeling Of Freedom

Be alright with what hasn’t yet manifested
Because simply thinking about it makes you feel
Satisfaction in knowing that it will become
Realized as long as you’re not beating the drum
Of its absence. What could be more to your appeal
For the moment? Being joyful is suggested.

Once you’ve given birth to it you’ve got to begin
Lining up with it otherwise you can’t receive
The informative guidance through intuition.
What you want cannot evolve into fruition.
First a fantastic state of mind you must achieve
Otherwise it won’t happen, much to your chagrin.

You can’t want it then doubt it. That doesn’t make sense
But you do it sometimes almost unconsciously
Because of your learned habits. You can let those go
Along with all the things that are causing you woe.
You can simply want it and then shout out with glee
Knowing that what you want to happen will commence.

In the receptive mode is where you want to be.
All the time your path is being revealed to you.
The Source within you tells you that things are alright.
Let it guide you to feelings of utter delight.
Listen to it. It’s always the right thing to do.
Your purpose here is to live your life happily.

Be A Match To Your Desire

Reaching Outward

Sometimes you’re not in the proper mode to receive
Because of what you’re giving your attention to.
When you hold a thought, it becomes a vibration
That the universe process. Your elation
In the moment can bring many blessings to you.
Happiness is the state that you want to achieve.

People are in the habit of observing things
And then responding to them emotionally.
This behavior is natural but be aware
That you choose how you feel. Give how you feel the care
It deserves by not observing reality
Quite so much if only disappointment it brings.

It’s not easy to be standing in the middle
Of something that you don’t want and have the feeling
Of what you do want, but it’s the work you must do.
You’ve asked for it and it’s being lined up for you.
Focus only on things that you find appealing.
You may get very close to solving life’s riddle.

Find one thing about your life that’s going quite well.
Focus on it and use it as your excuse to
Get yourself in the receptive mode and to stay
Elevated. Don’t let ‘what is’ get in the way
Of the wonderful things that are earmarked for you.
Tell the story that your spirit wants you to tell.

Incremental Unfolding

Plans Laid Out

Things go smoothly when you’re in the receiving mode.
Many exciting ideas come to you when
You tune into that on a regular basis
In the desert of life you find your oasis
As good things happen for you again and again.
Unto you many blessings of living are flowed.

Discover what non-resisted thought will bring you.
It’s the focus that actualizes all things
That you deem wonderful about your time and place.
Know that there’s nothing in the world you need to chase.
Just relax and allow what the universe brings
Right to you without your having a thing to do.

You have access to the energy that creates
Everything in existence and when you become
A vibrational match to this vast energy
Then you will come to know how happy life can be.
Take pride in the fact that you’re beating your own drum
To the tune of the satisfaction that awaits.

You’ve practiced yourself into alignment with it.
You’ve withstood all the harassment from people who
Can’t see what you can see from your place of knowing.
What you know will assist you in further growing
As a spirit. The most extended part of you
Exists solely for your personal benefit.

Today Is Yours

New Day

The odd thing about time is that it comes and goes.
Tomorrow makes today a distant memory
And as quickly as you got here you will be gone
So today is the day that you must look upon
As one filled with positive opportunity.
As your spirit seeks joy your happy heart follows.

You’ve the ability to create history –
A story that will live with you forever more.
Think back to all the days leading up to today.
All the pain and hard work and the utter dismay
Are the armor that you now wear. Never before
Has this moment occurred and it was meant to be.

Bless those long hours of training and preparation.
Turn them into the very best version of you.
It’s about being better than you ever dreamed
You could be. Until now all your effort had seemed
Unfulfilling but now everything that you do
Is a part of your magnificent creation.

Gone are the insecurities, doubts, and sorrows.
Disbelief in yourself has gone by the wayside.
And unstoppable force you are. Nothing can stand
In your way since you decided to take command
Of your life. The spirit within you is your guide
To a wonderful day and blessed tomorrows.

The Power Of Nonresistant Thought


Discover what nonresistant thought will bring you
In the way of wellbeing and all you desire.
Take the time to remember who you really are
Deep inside. You may find that you’re not very far
From that being who you know will never require
A thing from you. This part of yourself is most true.

As you blissfully daydream you find yourself there
In that space where your thoughts aren’t contradictory.
Nonresistant though is thought that doesn’t hold back
Due to feelings of unworthiness or of lack.
You don’t doubt that what you’re thinking could come to be.
Only of what you want are you fully aware.

Because you’ve practiced yourself into alignment
You know it when you feel it so you can get there
By your consciously choosing to be there. If you
Want to be in alignment the thing you must do
Is give up the complaining and give utmost care
To your purpose and spiritual refinement.

You become a vibrational match to that part
Of yourself that is most evolved and the most wise
By allowing your thoughts to flow freely without
Contradiction, anxiety, or hint of doubt.
The journey becomes easy once you realize
That it is from the thinking mind back to the heart.

Communicate Best With Others


No matter who you’re focused on there are aspects
About them you could look at that would cause you to
Further widen the gap or make it narrower.
What’s the kind of relationship you would prefer?
What are you thinking of others that’s keeping you
Disconnected from who you are? It’s not complex.

You may disagree on some things and when you do
You cannot get your point across. Split energy
Is what’s going on but if you can maintain your
Connection with who you are then you will have more
Of a reason to focus on where you agree.
Letting them get you goat means that you’re without clue.

It’s never them not understanding or them not
Wanting to agree with you. It’s your letting what
They’re thinking separate you from your clarity.
If you cannot communicate then let it be.
There can be no good reason to slam the door shut.
By all means try to hold on to what you have got.

If you’re having a hard time communicating
Then don’t waste your words. Your words can’t teach anyway.
Clarity by example is what you can teach.
From your place of alignment you’re able to reach
Spiritual agreement. You simply must stay
In control of the vibration you’re creating.

Use Your Power Effectively

Hands Holding Light

When you stood before Jesus dripping your illness
He saw not your unhealthy state. He saw only
Your wellness. He knew it in a powerful way.
So much so that the illness you had couldn’t stay.
Anyone within his gaze was able to be
Positively affected. He was a success.

Then he said, “Go forth. Tell no one,” because he knew
That they would talk to others who would talk them out
Of their wellness and put them back right where they were.
With what you know they can’t find a way to concur.
There is no place in healing for lingering doubt.
How you respond to your healing is up to you.

Jesus was not the only one who healed but he
Did it often. When you’re calibrated to your
Inner being, there’s no resistance within you
Then all kinds of phenomenal things you can do.
The stronger your belief in their wellness the more
Successful at their transformation you will be.

Why do you want to do it? Is it because you
Truly want others to be contented and whole?
Or do you want to do it to satisfy your
Selfish needs? Ponder this so that you can be sure
That your motive is in line with that of your soul.
Your belief is the myth of your healing made true.

Test The Universe!

Celestial View

Show yourself that there’s no end to your wellbeing.
You will never run out of the blessings that come
From the universe. Be sensitive to the way
That you feel. You know when you’re not feeling okay
And you know pretty much where those feelings come from.
Test The Universe! Know that it’s most agreeing.

The only way that you can eliminate doubt
Is by somehow experiencing clarity.
They can’t both exist inside you at the same time.
Your doubt may tell you that there’s a mountain to climb.
Ask the question, “Do you know what is best for me?”
Testing the universe is what it’s all about.

Some of what you want can show up right here and now.
Follow your impulse and watch how much of what you
Want is revealed to you within just a short while.
Co-creating you will be in elegant style.
Test The Universe! Prove to yourself that it’s true
That the only thing you have to do is allow.

You won’t know where you are until you focus and
See how it works out. There are only two ways to
Know whether you’re on your path. One is how you feel
And the other is what has for you become real
In your life. Don’t wait ‘til your path challenges you.
Teach yourself that you have power at your command.

Be Done With Doubt!

Doubt In Fashion

It’s so easy to feel doubt. The more that I try
To feel hopeful the more uncertain I become.
It’s because I’ve practiced that vibration a lot.
Contradictory energy is what I’ve got
Going on. It’s where all my doubt is coming from.
I have doubt but at least I know the reason why.

It’s when I have a difference of opinion
With the source within me that I feel ill at ease.
It’s my ill-practiced focus and sloppy thinking
That’s most harmful to me. It keeps me from linking
Up with things I’ve been wanting. My doubt guarantees
I’ll stay in this unfortunate situation.

How do I overcome doubt? It cannot be done
From my place of uncertainty. I’ll have to find
Things that feel good when I think about them. I can
Reach a state where I am much less resistant than
I am right now. I can get my thinking aligned
With my soul’s thoughts. I can be the fortunate one.

I can talk myself into believing that I
Can have, do, or be anything. I manifest
What I want with my focus. By my believing
In myself I replace doubt. By my perceiving
Differently my issue of doubt is addressed.
With the laws of the universe I do comply.

This Day Is Yours

Abreast Of Time

Congratulations! This is your day to let go
Of the past and the future and contemplate on
What right now has to offer. It’s such a fine day
For relaxing and letting the stress fade away
That’s built up over time. You can let it be gone.
You have much control over how this day will flow.

Review your expectations without memories
Of things that didn’t happen the way you preferred.
You will only bring them over into today.
Instead let inspiration guide you on your way
To wherever your heightened consciousness is stirred
To more clarity. This day you can take with ease.

Though you may or you may not be able to tell
How your expectations do materialize
You ought to take life easy and go with the flow
Of the provident universe. It wants to show
How much it can fulfill you so it is most wise
To line up with its purpose then you will do well.

It’s not anyone else’s. This day is for you
To do with as you wish. You may find true meaning
In your moments of solitude. You may become
An enlightened one. All of your power comes from
Your awareness of now. Forces are convening
For your welfare. There’s nothing much you need to do.

Is Love The Ultimate Feeling?

Is It Real?

There’s no end to the momentum of connection.
Does it matter at what point you’ve entered into
An agreement with destiny? Your happiness
Is exploding. It’s something you want to express
To the universe. Your cherished dream has come true.
There’s nothing in your heart but love and affection.

It makes you feel invincible. You’ll find a way
To get through difficulties with relative ease.
You have the sudden courage to do things that you
Thought for some reason you were not able to do.
Your focus now is all about wanting to please
The object of your feelings all day every day.

A better version of yourself you have become.
You’re eternally grateful, more loving, and kind.
Things you used to fear you do not fear anymore,
Much unlike the uneasiness you felt before.
Since you’ve fallen in love you’re more able to find
Peace of mind. You know now where such blessings come from.

A hopeful romantic love will make out of you.
It gives you the hope that things will always work out
For the better. It opens the door to a new
Way to see life, and it is the ultimate view
One can have. It’s the best feeling beyond all doubt.
All the trouble to get there is worth going through.

Today Is Yours

Mundane Bliss

The weird thing about time is that it comes and goes.
Tomorrow will make today just a memory.
Many months go by. They seem like weeks, and the days
Are like hours. Life’s velocity heavily weighs
On your conscience. You may miss out on the beauty
Of the moment with worry about how time flows.

You have the ability to write history –
To create a new story that will live with you
Forever. Think back to all the days leading up
To today. It is okay to drink from the cup
Of past blessings and all the dreams that have come true
And be thankful that you made it all come to be.

All the training and hours spent in preparation
For this moment are like a positive force field
Of protection. It’s good to feel safe and secure
You have done everything that you need to ensure
Your wellbeing. What you need to do is revealed
To you by the divine source of all creation.

Let the universe tell you that life is just fine
Now that you have discovered your place in the sun.
The world may have told you that you are not worthy
Of becoming the person that you want to be,
But let that be your reason to let everyone
Know that you are worthy because you are divine.

Life Is What You Make It

Open Highway

There are a lot of things we miss that we pass by
That if we could just make a point to see them would
Add tremendous value to our lives. Your problem
Is your gift. Any disappointments you have stem
From the notion that life is hard. That’s a falsehood
Life will always be what you make it. That’s no lie.

All the situations that push us back or knock
The wind out of us are the same situations
That have all the potential to move us forward.
What you can do about life cannot be ignored.
You can do much with positive affirmations.
When the blessings occur it should come as no shock.

No one is positive all the time, but it’s not
Impossible to see the value in every
Situation – to take what the world throws at you
And with your creative prowess turn it into
Your advantage. You are positive energy.
Your journey to fulfillment can be a straight shot.

Life’s greatest accomplishments were not always on
Some grand pedestal always cherished and admired.
They were built on the back of doubt, difficulty,
And hardship. You can transform negativity
Into strong expectation of what is desired.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.

Non-Resistant Thought

Happily Dreaming

Awesome is the energy that does worlds create,
And you have access to it in every moment.
Wait until you discover what Non-Resistant
will bring you. To go on a positive rant

In your mind is to be positively content.
Nothing is more important than your feeling great.

Everything comes from universal energy.
It’s what has allowed the existence of it all.
This focus is a consciousness that will help you
Bring your dreams to fruition. You don’t have to do
Anything but get happy, which is but a small
Price to pay. Your enjoyment is the only fee.

You have many parts, and the furthest extended
Part of you is the most evolved. When you’re aligned
With the way that it sees things, you’re in the best place
To receive from the universe provident grace.
By not doubting or countering it you will find
Everything about life to be rather splendid.

You’ve withstood the harassment from those who can’t see
What you can, so they doubt your knowing that it’s there,
But you know that it’s there because you’ve practiced the
Resonant feeling of it. You’re it completely.
Be less in your head about it and be aware
Of your thoughts and how more uplifting they can be.

Manifest Perfection

Getting Affairs In Order

Knowing how to screw up well, I’m driven insane.
This is no way a pity post. What I admit
Is of value to those who have tremendous guilt.
Relationships I’ve severed will not be rebuilt.
As a family member I’m truly unfit.
Those of you who are hated, I do know your pain.

I can’t change what has happened. Consumed with remorse,
I can only create my own purgatory
Through reminders from others who do living well.
All my life I have put people through certain hell.
Is my unchecked behavior the matter with me?
How did I manage to become such a dark force?

These questions I shall live with now that I am old
And no longer as crazy and ego driven.
Time I have now to ponder this life of a fool.
With the right rearing up I could have been a jewel
Of a person. I will never be forgiven
Of my wrongdoings. There are many to be told.

So, how can I feel worthy of still being here?
I’m a threat to society. My time is near,
But I’m also obliged to do all I can do
To prepare a clean exit and honor the few
Who will remember me as someone who was dear.
I’ll look forward where there is the least bit of fear.

Cultivating Your Dream

Minding Your Heart's Desire

Challenging it is to be happy without the
Complete manifestation, but it can be done
By emotional evaluation and by
Letting go of resistance. Your wondering why
It’s not come yet is no viable solution
To the angst you may feel that comes naturally.

You can be happy dreaming and feeling your way
Through law based understanding. You are in control
Of your thoughts and emotions. What you manifest
That you want is the product of feeling your best
And reliance on guidance that will make you whole.
Your clarity and eagerness are on display.

Don’t take score of what manifests. That will only
Slow things down quite a bit. Make the way that you feel
Be your focus. Let not the manifestation
Be the goal. Just relax and let it all be fun.
Being doubtful or hopeful, you choose how to deal
With the world you’ve created by will that is free.

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of will come true.
It is law. Your emotional journey is one
That will guide you successfully. Do all you can
To feel joyful. There cannot be a better plan.
It must be conducive to your transformation.
It enhances the meaning of all that you do.

Do What You Can’t

Test Your Limits, Then Break Them

The haters and doubters aboard the Titanic
Sipping champagne are headed for a collision
With the iceberg of destiny. We creators
Do what we can’t. We are energy translators.
We’re good at manifesting what we envision.
The old dogs must be willing to learn a new trick.

Do as you’re told. Play it safe. Wait your turn, and ask
For permission. Learn to compromise. Listen to
What the experts tell you. This advice is obscene.
It’s not conducive to proper psychic hygiene.
Don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do.
You can redo the world if you’re up to the task.

The world of content creation is exploding
On platforms made available to one and all.
With some work and time folks have become millionaires.
There is substantial value in what each one shares,
And the role that advertisers play isn’t small.
Nothing about this adventure is foreboding.

All one needs is a phone, internet access, and
A good story or idea. Your confidence
In yourself is within you. Those who say you can’t
Are not in a position to where they would grant
Anything of value. Do without the expense
Of distractions that don’t allow you to expand.

The Threshold Of Alignment

Adjustment Toward Awareness

Tune into yourself on a regular basis.
The furthest extended big part of you is who
Is the most evolved part of you. The energy
That creates worlds you harness and most easily.
When you are not resisting, things will come to you.
In the desert of life you are the oasis.

All the things that you deem wonderful have become
One with your evolved being. When you are a match –
Which means that you’re not doubting with negative thought –
To your higher vibration, then things that are sought
Begin flowing to you with delightful dispatch.
You know just where your positive feelings come from.

So when you become that extended part of you
You have infinite power at your beck and call.
You have practiced yourself into your alignment.
You’ve withstood harassment from those who are hellbent
On denying your power. You need not be small
To appease ignorant folk. The have not a clue.

You do not doubt your knowing. Your experience
Gives you plenty of wisdom. Your practiced feeling
Of elation comes on automatically.
Now that you know the process it’s easy to be
In the mode of alignment. The good it will bring
Is a thing worth achieving. It makes common sense.

Be Done With Doubt

Release Concern

Let’s not talk about doubt. Let’s just wave it goodbye.
But before that we need to know what it’s about.
Sometimes I feel that my life is out of control…
Like today. What society pays for my soul
Is a sad, paltry penance. Immense is my doubt
That I’ll ever be satisfied until I die.

Yet, the true source within me cannot see things wrong.
It sees only my worthiness beyond all doubt.
There’s a huge difference of opinion between
My ego and my true self. What does this all mean?
Have I time left to myself to figure things out?
My whole life in review is a very sad song.

It’s perhaps that I’m simply too tired and depressed
At this creative moment while focusing on
Thoughts that bum me out quickly. I find some relief
In my knowing that I can just change my belief.
Could it be that my issue could up and be gone
By my thinking of pleasant things and feeling blessed?

How can I feel my worthiness? I can let go
Of the work that I’m doing as a prostitute
By not focusing on all the ego concerns.
Karmic cycles are teachers. The wiser one learns
On the way to fulfillment. I am resolute
In my patience with myself and all that I know.

Stop Thinking About It

When The Mind Is In Overdrive

When I’m outcome fixated I can’t see beyond
The most unfulfilled present. My thoughts turn to things
That I don’t want and never have. What I must do
Is to alter my thinking, if only I knew
How to do it effectively. But my mind clings
To the now which is past tense where turmoil is spawned.

The cycle become vicious, I learn through its pain.
My receiver must be tuned to the frequency
Of the righteous transmitting of infinite grace.
Every bit of the whole process I must embrace.
Forever on the leading edge of what’s to be,
How can I stop resistance for maximum gain?

Energy that creates worlds is flowing through me.
Why rely on someone for the life I desire?
I create my experiences while awake,
Yet unconscious of many wrong paths that I take
On the way to fulfillment, wisdom I acquire.
Thoughts I think must align with who I want to be.

The process of achieving must entertain doubt.
The resistance it offers may cause me to think.
“Show me, then I’ll believe it.” It works not that way.
“Just stop thinking about it throughout the whole day,
Then with infinite forces, you’ll be well in sync.”
I can know that in good time, good things will work out.

The Dance With Disaster

The Detergent Duo

Can the hell I’ve created be worse than the one
In the service of Satan? Is my world the same
As the one that I’m meant for, if it does exist?
If indeed I am not there, am I sorely missed?
My unnatural acting has caused me much shame.
Terrified of the tango, I feel it’s begun.

My true self is the partner who wears a disguise
To prevent me from knowing from where lessons come.
Knowing whence they came leads to the easy way out
Of experience needed. While flailing about
On the dance floor of life, I know not where I’m from,
Which, to my knowing partner, is not a surprise.

This is all about feeling the best that I can
Through the world of confusion and eminent doom.
Interaction consensual cannot dissolve.
The exchange of emotion can only evolve
To a worthy performance inside the ballroom.
Guidance comes through my partner. I don’t have to plan.

Chronic is such a topic as personal pain,
But I feel it’s my duty to get it all down
Where the whole world can see it and be entertained
Or enlightened. My purpose will have been attained
In the long run. I can’t dance while wearing a frown.
If I get myself through this, there’s so much to gain.

About Sleep

Nocturnal Flight Of The Spirit

An addiction to sleeping…? Why not a disease,,,
To be unconscious one third the time I am here
Should be called my existence? It fits like a glove.
In my dreams, like a free bird, I zoom out above
Where I can’t when I’m wide awake in constant fear
As my life quickly wastes away and no one sees.

It’s at worst therapeutic. The cycle of sleep
Has a three quarter rhythm like some poetry.
It’s the nearest escape hatch without absolute
Departure from the physical. Rather acute
Is my life situation. Where I need to be
Is far off from where I am, so my soul does weep.

Meditation and sleeping are somewhat the same.
They both bring much relief from the troubles at hand.
As each is made available, there is my chance
To remember that I am not my circumstance.
Terminal, though it seems, may it help me expand
Far beyond a solution to mitigate shame.

I rely now on guidance. I’m on cruise control.
Things I do throughout my day I don’t think about.
Mindfully automatic with each daily task
With no judgment from me, I do most humbly ask
That I live through my hell with no measure of doubt
That redemption is possible for my damned soul.

Healthy sleep is wellbeing of body and mind.
I have more energy, and my mood can remain
At a workable level. If I were ok –
Like no one on this earth – I’d have nothing to say.
I exist to express things, and it keeps me sane
And conscious of the moments when I’ve been unkind.