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You Are A Creator

Home Business

Life has caused you to queue up for yourself a new
And improved version of your now reality.
The improvement that you’ve been asking for is in
The vibrational works. You’re prepared to begin
To receive your impressions of how things should be.
You become aligned with the evolved part of you.

The way you feel is your indicator of how
Near or far you are vibrationally from where
You would like to be. It lets you know just what you
Need to do if you’re feeling a little bit blue.
About how you feel you must give your utmost care.
Only then are you in the right mode to allow.

You don’t need others to cooperate with you.
If you think you do then you end up hindering
Your alignment. Stay focused on your creation.
Let the universe handle what needs to get done
Then the people will show up and their offering
Will be more than sufficient from your point of view.

Your attention to the uncooperative
Others won’t make them willing to cooperate.
Feeling good lines you up with cooperation.
You’re co-creative process is all about fun.
You create with perfection when you’re feeling great.
Take control of the wonderful life that you live.

Tell The World A New Story

Fantasy Land

The story you’ve been telling is one of the past
And the present. It may be one of misery,
Absolute ecstasy, or a mix of the two.
There’s an urge within you to come up with a new
One to tell the world – not one of pure fantasy
But one where you’re able to enjoy the contrast.

Tell your story the way you feel it should be told
Which is as you’d prefer it rather than the way
You’re now telling it because it’s reality.
You can create it the way you want it to be
And the truth of the matter you need not betray.
Your image of your future you want to uphold.

Earnestly practice the power of your own mind
For the better. It can be used to complicate
Your life story with so much negative detail
That the same old same old of your life must prevail
But it can also be used by you to create
Happiness for yourself and for all humankind.

Remember who you truly are and why you’re here.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body
And you’re here to find happiness by sifting through
All the contrast life offers. Nothing can keep you
From creating and living your life happily.
Tell the world about all the things that you hold dear.

Your Daily To Do List

Focus Moment

Since this morning you’ve had a chance to meditate,
Change your thinking, and get up to speed with who you
Really are. You know that quieting your mind will
Stop your resistant thinking. When your mind is still
You can come out of it knowing just what to do
With your day – one in which only you can create.

When you quiet your mind you stop resistant thought.
This will cause your vibration to rise. When you run
Or take walks or interact with those who you love
Your vibration increases. It’s way far above
What is normal for most folks. You can be the one
Whose true sense of wellbeing can never be bought.

Anything that will move you in the direction
Of who you truly are will put you in a place
Of receiving direction on how to proceed
With your day. Any method that you use will lead
To a day characterized by provident grace.
Your appreciation strengthens your connection.

So, get on rampages of appreciation.
Make lists of positive aspects. Quiet your mind
Several times throughout your day as you set goals,
Offer effort, and make plans. Be one of those souls
Who has found the best way to keep yourself aligned
With your higher self. It’s cause for celebration.

It’s Not A Sin To Be Happy

Happy Family

Selfishness, pride, envy, greed… all of these can be
Considered to be terrible sins, but there’s no
Greater sin than not being happy. Life is too
Short to tiptoe through it while always feeling blue,
Suffering and complaining with nowhere to go
But deeper into conflict, fear, and misery.

Some may think that happiness is overrated.
Others say that it’s impossible to achieve.
Still others say that we created the concept
Which is why your impressions of it must be kept
Free of bias. In short, you must truly believe
In the happiness you’ve already created.

“Someday, somewhere – anywhere, unfailingly, you’ll
Find yourself, and that, and only that can be the
Happiest or the bitterest hour of your life.”

Who the hell wants to live their life in constant strife
When there’s every good reason to live happily?
We’re not put on the planet to act the damned fool.

Make the best use of your time. Care for your body.
It’s the temple of the Holy Spirit and it
Deserves your respect and affection. Be aware
Of the simple pleasures and find happiness there.
Breaking certain rules can be to your benefit
If with your inner guidance they do not agree.