Archive | September 2022

Manners Of Conception

Many Ways To Manifest

A mother who’s of middle age has a baby.
He’s newborn but adopted which does not matter.
She adores him completely as if he were hers
Biologically – the way that she prefers.
She succumbs to the fear that her dream may shatter.
Intense pain she likes? The answer may be maybe.

She had never been pregnant. Her burning desire
To experience motherhood naturally
Overcomes her clear thinking. She wants to have more
Children and preferably a long time before
She’s unable. Has she missed the point completely?
Is there righteousness in what she wants to acquire?

With the end result most people are most concerned,
But she has what she wanted yet not satisfied
With the process through which it came. What can she do?
She may consider trying to be someone who
Can be satisfied anyway. Her heart will guide
Her through experiences where lessons are learned.

We are scrutinized by the prevailing mindset
About how we accomplish things. We need to do
Things in order to get the results we expect
So that we remain ‘normal.’ There is no ‘correct’
Way to manifest happiness. This point of view
In the long run cannot be a source of regret.

Not Everyone Gets It

Sensations Are Relative

Some people just don’t get it, and that is okay.
I know I don’t. It’s something not well understood
By the general population throughout their
Daily routines. Can I learn to be more aware
Of what goes on around me? And can I get good
At deciphering feelings the old fashioned way?

There is one major frequency or vibration
That all humans are linked to perpetually.
A lot of people are trained to pretend that they
Are not one with the wavelength. Therefore they betray
Their true sense of alignment with who they could be.
Fundamental is this vibe to all creation.

We perceive melodies by discerning the notes
And the spaces between them, but it’s all just noise
To someone who is tone deaf, and the color blind
Cannot understand beauty as it is defined
By the artist. The one with full senses enjoys
More of what life presents us or shoves down our throats.

In the same way, our sense of alignment may be
Not as sharp as it could be. Both cause and effect
Are the same event. The head does not ‘cause’ the tail.
Once this wisdom is digested you cannot fail.
The words and the music cannot be incorrect
For the one who is centered emotionally.

Manifest Perfection

Getting Affairs In Order

Knowing how to screw up well, I’m driven insane.
This is no way a pity post. What I admit
Is of value to those who have tremendous guilt.
Relationships I’ve severed will not be rebuilt.
As a family member I’m truly unfit.
Those of you who are hated, I do know your pain.

I can’t change what has happened. Consumed with remorse,
I can only create my own purgatory
Through reminders from others who do living well.
All my life I have put people through certain hell.
Is my unchecked behavior the matter with me?
How did I manage to become such a dark force?

These questions I shall live with now that I am old
And no longer as crazy and ego driven.
Time I have now to ponder this life of a fool.
With the right rearing up I could have been a jewel
Of a person. I will never be forgiven
Of my wrongdoings. There are many to be told.

So, how can I feel worthy of still being here?
I’m a threat to society. My time is near,
But I’m also obliged to do all I can do
To prepare a clean exit and honor the few
Who will remember me as someone who was dear.
I’ll look forward where there is the least bit of fear.

Reverse Racism?

The Yang Of The Yin

How could I become racist if I wanted to?
Would I be somewhat twisted if that were my dream?
There’s sufficient insanity established now
Among all the world’s nations. The hate we allow
To consume and divide us. Much to the extreme
Do we take differences in all that we do.

What’s it like to be human? Well, that all depends
On what color my skin is and where I come from.
This is human behavior. The ‘cream of the crop’
Notion masters the mindset. Unable to stop
The commission of hatred, we must treat as scum
Some portion of the populous. We can’t be friends.

A grand time machine is all that I’d really need.
I’d go back before there were colonizations.
I’d convince all the leaders of Africa and
All the other dark nations to occupy land
In Europe. All whites would be put on plantations
In the rice fields of China. White slaves I would breed.

Then, I would be a racist, and having come back
To the present, I would have a deep sense of pride
And aversion to others who don’t look like me.
We would joke about why ‘they’ can’t dance soulfully.
The white race as a whole would feel empty inside.
In this way could I call myself proud to be black?

Gender Is Irrelevant

Sex Stereotypes Don't Matter

Men are seen less at spiritual gatherings.
There’s sufficient truth to this. It’s a statistic,
But in spirit, there’s no differentiation
Of that sort. It’s only the human condition
That makes of gender something rather fantastic.
Who is far more encouraged to ponder such things?

One could argue that women need, much more than men,
Spiritual alignment because they have more
Trouble finding fulfillment… Or just the reverse
May be true. It’s been argued that men are much worse
At compassionate feeling. They do not explore
Their emotions as freely. Are they alien?

Women are introspective. They feel a lot more
The contrast that their lives provide, and they can be
More considerate of all the finer details.
When in trouble their keen intuition prevails.
A much bigger picture men usually see,
And the details of things they have not much time for.

More acutely aware of the environment,
Women care for the whole earth and life everywhere.
Statistics generate labels that are unclear.
We are spiritual beings, and we are here
To look out for one another and truly care.
Peace on earth is achieved through our common intent.

The Story Of The Two Frogs

Never Give Up

Once upon a time, there were two frogs who were the
Best of friends. One was weak, and the other was strong.
Like brothers they were to each other nonetheless.
Trouble and adventure they explored to excess.
Often they found themselves where they did not belong.
Hopping around the countryside they did with glee.

When they saw a farmer leave a bucket in front
Of a stable, the two frogs were so curious
To know what was inside it. So they just jumped in.
Fate would have it they committed the gravest sin.
They were nose deep in milk, and they were furious
With each other for having performed such a stunt.

They could not get out. The sides were too slippery,
So they swam, and kept swimming, thinking someone may
Come upon them and rescue them, but it was not
Meant to happen. They continued to swim a lot
For a long time. In survival mode they would stay.
They continued their struggle indefinitely.

Said the weaker frog to the stronger, “We must quit!
No one will come to save us. It is of no use
To go on this way.”
He stopped swimming, and he died.

The other kept on swimming because he relied
On his positive outlook. What he did produce
Was butter. Through his motion he got out of it.

Scientists Discover God

Divinity In A Tiny Nutshell

Even though God is hard to see with human eyes
There’s a way that divinity offers insights
Into how things of spirit can be realized
Within physical substance. Spirit is disguised
As what can be perceived. Every seeker delights
In discovering secrets. Is this a surprise?

Science is big on theories, especially those
That take us on a journey into nothingness.
Particles known as gravitons are just the things
That have scientists preaching the notion of strings
Of which everything’s made of. How does this address
The nature of existence? What do you suppose?

Strings have only one dimension, that of its length
Which is roughly the width of a group of protons.
They are identical in every kind of way.
When they vibrate, invisible forces at play
Define what is reality. Science responds
In amazement thus giving the theory more strength.

The odd structures most dreamt about offer a clue
To the realm of the unseen simply because they
Are less than three dimensions. Our reality
Is made up of what can’t be perceived. Can this be
Our connection to spirit? That’s for who to say?
God exists in each particle, therefore, in you.

The Story Of Your Life

Passing On Wisdom

A son once asked his father, “What is the value
Of my life?”
So, the father gave his son a stone

And said, “Go to the market. If anyone there
Asks the price of the stone, then just hold in the air
Two fingers but speak not. Do not be answer prone.”
The boy went to do as his father told him to.

There, he saw an old woman. She asked, “What’s the price
Of that stone?”
The boy quickly held up two fingers.

The old woman exclaimed, “Two dollars? Is that all
That it’s worth? Your price is most exceedingly small.”
In the boy’s mind the thought of his worth still lingers.

He went back to his father for some more advice.

The father told the son, “Go to the museum.”
So he did. There he saw am man dressed in a suit.
The man asked, “How much is that stone?” The youngster raised
His two fingers but said nothing. He was amazed
To hear the man say, “Two hundred?” Rather acute
Was the boy’s sense of where his worth is coming from.

To a precious stone store the father sent his son
Finally with the same instructions as before.
There he met an old jeweler who was excited
To see this stone. In fact, he was so delighted
That he offered two hundred thousand. So the more
You believe in your worth, the less asking is done.

Life is all about where you place yourself and how
You expect life to happen. You get to decide
What your worth is. You are not a commodity
To the people who love you. You are meant to be
In the lap of abundance. It can’t be denied
To the one who has learned to speak out and allow.


Let The Help Come

You are given the green light, so go right ahead.
You can’t be disappointed and get what you want
Because such a feeling means that you’re not in sync
With the having of it. You may be on the brink
Of its coming. The ghost of delusion may haunt
And prevent your believing. Do not be misled.

What’s it like to be needy? Well, let me explain
To the universe all the pain I have been through.
Let me get on my knees and beg God to help me.
From my place of not having I ask most humbly.
Yet the universe answers, “We’ve given to you.
It exists now in the spiritual domain.”

In vibrational form then is where all your dreams
Are attended to by spiritual forces.
They can only manifest if you are aligned
With your healthiest spirit and well-focused mind.
Ecstasy is the mood your spirit endorses.
For true happiness you need not go to extremes.

Move the way that you feel to a much better place.
You cannot create outside your vibrational
Offering of which you have absolute control.
Stop talking about what’s not working, and be whole.
You cannot lose by going with this rationale.
You can be the receiver of infinite grace.

Define Yourself

Know Yourself As Eternity Knows You

How do you Define Yourself? Do you think that you
Are a separate entity from everything
Else that you perceive? Do you believe that you are
Everything even though the notion is bizarre
To most people? We each have an inner being
Who can answer these questions from out of the blue.

The Big Bang is still happening. It never ceased.
It’s a process in progress with a beginning
And an ending uncertain from our perspective.
As sophisticated as we are we still live
As if we do not know that the earth is spinning
In its orbit by forces immensely released.

Someone has thrown a bottle of ink at the wall.
The big spot in the middle is surrounded by
Smaller ones. There are droplets on the outer fringe.
It’s foolish to think that our actions don’t impinge
On all that is occurring. It’s hard to deny
Unity fundamental. It’s an easy call.

In our ordinary everyday consciousness,
We pretend that we are not what we are truly.
Without eyes the sun cannot express as sunlight.
We know darkness because of what we know as bright.
You call things into beingness naturally.
You are the universe. You can be nothing less.

Win Life’s Battles?

The War Of Life

The Supreme Art Of War is a serious one
Among humans. With it we are preoccupied.
Our survival depends on the study of war
Otherwise there is nothing it can be good for.
Our behavior somehow gives us some sense of pride,
And in warfare there is only one solution.

Know thyself. Know thy enemy. Move not unless
There’s a healthy advantage. Amid the chaos
There is also opportunity to deceive.
When you’re strong you must make the enemy believe
That you’re weak, and if you can get that point across,
Then they are overcome with substantial success.

Don’t repeat the same tactics which have gained you one
Victory. Let your methods be regulated
By the infinite variety of chances
To improve on your most current circumstances.
Keep your mind and your keen senses activated.
When at war there’s no automatic solution.

Let your plans be as dark and impenetrable
As the night. Like a lightning flash move and attack.
One may know how to conquer but without being
Able to do it. Is there a way of freeing
Human nature from itself? The virtue we lack
Does little to keep the earth balanced and stable.

When Things Get Hard

Dealing With Contrast

Life can throw you some curves. We know this to be true,
And it’s not just the things that you can see coming.
It’s the things out of nowhere that can set you back
Far enough that you fear you can’t get back on track.
“Never Give Up!” This beat is well worth your drumming.
When you’ve reached your limit, what else is there to do?

Am I going to make it? This echoing fear
Makes the tight spot a tough knot for my gut to bare.
When faced with the impossible most people will
Give it up. In so doing, they do not fulfill
Their life’s dreams, which may lead to ultimate despair.
Life remains hard while maintaining this atmosphere.

When I’ve reached my rock bottom and I’m depleted
Of my energy, that’s the point where the tide turns.
The pain is what makes me stronger. If I go through
It instead of avoiding it, what I once knew
Cannot matter much. This is how my spirit learns
That in life I am tried but never defeated.

Pain is what makes one stronger. It is the high cost
Of the growth of the spirit. The mentality
Of the victim or victor is what I may choose.
There is winning or learning. This wonderful news
Is a change in my outlook. I don’t have to be
Disillusioned about life, and all is not lost.

Trust What Is Coming

Allow Truth To Enlighten

On some things I’ve been focused that matter a lot.
In the process I’ve managed to launch more rockets
Of desire into orbit than I can believe.
There is some work to do so that I can achieve
Things that will put more money into my pockets.
I can be grateful for all the cash that I’ve got.

Can I say that my point of attraction is strong?
I’m accustomed to trusting in what I can see,
But with things that are unseen it’s more difficult
So a mix in my vibration is the result.
What can I do to get rid of doubt completely?
In a world of abundance is where I belong.

The word ‘trust’ is appealing. The feeling I get
When I hear it is one of relief from the strain
That I feel when I’m doubtful. I can know that I
Am part of a big picture, so I can rely
On the forces in motion because they contain
The answers to all things that have not happened yet.

Looking at other things around me that agree
With what I want to see already is the way
To slow down the ill thinking. Remembering how
It was before I had them indeed will allow
My belief in the eternal forces at play
In creating a world that is just right for me.

Cultivating Your Dream

Minding Your Heart's Desire

Challenging it is to be happy without the
Complete manifestation, but it can be done
By emotional evaluation and by
Letting go of resistance. Your wondering why
It’s not come yet is no viable solution
To the angst you may feel that comes naturally.

You can be happy dreaming and feeling your way
Through law based understanding. You are in control
Of your thoughts and emotions. What you manifest
That you want is the product of feeling your best
And reliance on guidance that will make you whole.
Your clarity and eagerness are on display.

Don’t take score of what manifests. That will only
Slow things down quite a bit. Make the way that you feel
Be your focus. Let not the manifestation
Be the goal. Just relax and let it all be fun.
Being doubtful or hopeful, you choose how to deal
With the world you’ve created by will that is free.

Everything that you’ve ever dreamed of will come true.
It is law. Your emotional journey is one
That will guide you successfully. Do all you can
To feel joyful. There cannot be a better plan.
It must be conducive to your transformation.
It enhances the meaning of all that you do.

Get Out Of The Way!

Let The Energy Move

It’s all about vibration and Source Energy
That lives through me. It’s not about continuing
To think thoughts that are contrary to my desire.
I am grateful for having the tools I require
To attract as I want. It’s a beautiful thing.
I need some good advice on how to let things be.

How often do I want something yet I believe
Just the opposite? A belief is nothing more
Than a thought I keep thinking. I could meditate
Or daydream about things that I appreciate
To suppress the mind’s chatter. They open the door
To my feeling and being able to receive.

I perceive there’s a problem and then take it on
Like a dog on a bone. All this activity
Yields not much in the way of my satisfaction.
I shall trust that my Energy Source gets things done.
I’ll encounter resistance, and it will help me
To decide upon what conclusions can be drawn.

Negative thought is proof that there are positive
Thoughts to choose from. My fear means that there does exist
An unseen force that I must learn to believe in.
Wellbeing becomes apparent as I begin
To Get Out Of The Way and to cease and desist
With my thoughts and behaviors that are resistive.

Communicate With Non-Physical

Spirit Is Among Us

Since my mother has passed she’s been blinking the lights
Everywhere I go to let me know she’s around.
I’m surprised and delighted to know that she can.
She communicates now with me much better than
She did when she was physical. What we have found
Is continued relationship and grand insights.

But is she or is she not communicating
With me? Or is my wishful thinking making me
More susceptible to exotic episodes?
If I ask these questions the connection erodes.
She exists still, and I am most grateful to be
Receptive to the truth. Peace of mind it does bring.

There can be no resistance in that vibration.
She is passed, and she’s not doing anything strange
Or upsetting. It’s best for me to understand
That the soul never ceases. This knowledge is grand.
It makes me more receptive to positive change
In my outlook which is of my own creation.

My mother is no longer the human being
That she was. Resistance, fear, and doubt are released.
Everything that we fought about no longer holds
Any interest so that whatever unfolds
Is of value. My feel for life is then increased.
I’ll adhere to this wonderful way of seeing.

Removing Your Unhappiness

Overcoming The Blues

Being grateful for whatever experience
Of this moment is doesn’t mean you must give in
To the constant mind chatter. Your acknowledgement
Of your feeling of unhappiness may prevent
It from growing. The only way you can begin
To feel better is by doing what makes good sense.

It makes no sense to ruminate. That only keeps
You locked into your fogginess, so gratefulness
In the moment is difficult. Change your mindset
To one in which the feeling cannot be a threat.
The ill thoughts you keep thinking lead to no access
To the key that will ultimately help you heaps.

Allow it to exist. It takes not a whole lot
Of your mental energy to just let it be
Something that you are feeling. This one simple thing
Will reduce ninety percent of your suffering.
Logic dictates that because it is already,
Accepting its existence is all that you’ve got.

Reconnect with your joy. Sometimes letting things go
That you’ve been collecting helps you to realize
The few things that you value above all the rest.
Your mind and your circumstance can both be addressed
By your knowing that it’s a blessing in disguise.
Let your sorrow upon you a blessing bestow.

Setting Intentions

Creating Your Dreams

The purpose of your Setting Intentions is to
Allow all the things that you’ve been wanting to flow
Into your life experience. You understand
That this is a vibrational universe, and
You are exhilarated about this to know.
What you want to make happen can then become true.

What you’re thinking and feeling and what you’re getting
Are a vibrational match always to be sure.
You are the creator of your experience.
Practicing allowing makes the wisest of sense.
In itself it is a wonderful adventure,
One in which there is nothing worth your regretting.

Allowing means acknowledging all the good things
About your life. It means basking and frolicking
In the positive aspects of you’re here and now.
Everything’s done already. You need not know how
To make things happen for you. Indeed everything
Comes to you easily. It’s what happiness brings.

You are looking for only what you want to see.
The variety of objects of attention
Is enough that you easily find wellbeing.
Do what you need to do to enhance your seeing.
Look not upon life with undue apprehension.
You can dream your world as you believe it should be.

Profound Words

Wisdom Speake

Space is not just nothing. It contains everything.
Mystery is its essence. A darkness profound
Fully blankets the consciousness in the unknown.
It is by our human nature that we are prone
To consider space travel because we’re earthbound.
More than anything else, space is interesting.

Whether pondered mentally or actually,
Rather than just a mystery, space is perceived
As a function of whatever solids it holds.
Within it every kind of occurrence unfolds.
This enveloping enigma must be believed
To be real as it’s known scientifically.

Intervals there are of space. It is connective.
You are not a flash of consciousness that occurs
Between two eternal periods of darkness.
You’re an integral part of the cosmic process.
To each thing that exists everything else refers.
The deepest realm of space is that in which we live.

Earth is not a big rock infested with living
Organisms any more than your skeleton
Is bones infested with cells. You are a symptom
Of the earth. It’s not necessary to become
What we are already. Our full integration
With existence is one wholesome awakening.

The Secret

Classified Knowledge

You Can’t Make A Mistake. That’s it in a nutshell.
In fact, it’s quite impossible to get it wrong.
You know naturally how your life should unfold,
But society says you must do as your told.
It’s a game we’ve created. We all play along
Not knowing in the long run it makes us unwell.

You are told that you may make mistakes or may not.
It’s a conscious decision once you know the rules.
You must do the right things at the right times and be
Submissive to societal authority.
You are one of the many magnificent fools
Of a culture caught up in a sinister plot.

From childhood we are told of three separate tiers
Of people – top, middle, and bottom. No one can
Exist without the other two. Everybody
Tries to get to the top one unsuccessfully.
There’s the notion that some people are better than
Others, and it’s the basis of most of our fears.

In a constant state of competition we are.
Getting on top of things is our grand obsession.
In another direction you may want to go
As the boredom and signs of ill health start to show.
The game is a problem without a solution.
Once you’ve reached this conclusion you’ve come very far.

Moving On

Leaving The Past Behind

In the mind there’s no subtraction or division.
The way you think is pretty much the way you feel.
There’s no reason to make this all complicated.
Your emotions and thoughts can’t be separated.
How does one reach the point of beginning to heal?
The mind does addition and multiplication.

You can think someone is a wonderful person,
But the thought may change in line with their behavior.
Tomorrow you may think the same person as one
Not as you had before thought. Your thinking can run
Up and down the wide spectrum. It generates more
Of an overall image. By nature it’s done.

Thoughts repeated are memories. They come and go
As do most of your feelings. The ones that are strong
Are not easily changeable. They interfere
With the moment’s thought process. The one who is dear
To the heart is a problem when something goes wrong
With the contract. The drama has something to show.

When you add to your troubled thoughts they multiply.
Each one leads to another. Momentum begins
To develop. The unsettled mind is agile.
Take a break from these thoughts. Contemplate for a while
On the absolution of all your psychic sins.
Love is the only way for you to say goodbye.

Voluntary And Involuntary Actions

Spiritual Brain Function

There’s a difference between involuntary
Actions and those that aren’t. It’s been so decided
That there are things that are done beyond our control
And things that we decide to do. What makes this whole
Thing a problem is that it’s somewhat misguided.
The thin line between the two is arbitrary.

If I decide to move my hand, do I decide
To decide or just do it? And if I don’t know
If I do or not, then is it voluntary?
I can control my breathing, but unconsciously
It keeps on without my knowing. How it does so
I know not. How can this fallacy be applied?

Arbitrary then too is our definition
Of the self. It includes not only the body
But the planets in orbit and all that exists.
The illusion of our separateness persists
Only because as a collective we agree
That it’s the best way toward our evolution.

You body knows that you’re one with the universe.
A strange thing happens when you become more aware
That your blood circulating is the same process
As star systems evolving. There is nothing less
Than magnificent unity that we all share.
We must now convince ourselves that it’s not a curse.

It May Stretch Your Skull

Mind Bending Transformation

There may come a point where your will is exhausted.
Too much information about anything brings
With it massive confusion. The energy drain
On the psyche may lead to becoming insane.
It’s as if this whole universe made up of things
Is a rat’s nest imagined by the hateful dead.

Have you tried everything to make something work out
But it won’t? Do you want to achieve perfection
At your art? Of itself something has to happen.
Inspiration or grace it’s called. It occurs when
Your ego is focused in the right direction.
Otherwise you continue to wallow in doubt.

Integration means that the two aspects of you –
The conscious and unconscious – the ego and the
Power the natural organism commands
Become one in intent. Consciousness then expands.
Clarity of your purpose can come instantly
As you do the things that you are guided to do.

How to let it all happen as you let the sun
Give off heat is the issue. There always will be
Contradiction between you and you, but the way
To better understanding the forces at play
Is to let go of negative thought completely.
To some problems there may not be a solution.

What Did You Forget?

Trust Your Memory

You can bug people beautifully by asking,
“What Did You Forget?” They may suspect that they must
Remember something important. They may not be
Receptive to considering it carefully.
To a new way of thinking one could well adjust.
Be a part of a wholesome reawakening.

What’s the most obvious thing one must remember
In each waking moment? What’s the most forgotten
Truth that causes confusion within the psyche?
Who on earth can answer these questions correctly?
There is no disadvantage in knowing not when
Someone will leave in your soul a glowing ember.

Someone says that he’s Tim Jones, another, Joe Blow.
These are lies that are fed to us when we are young.
Remember back before you were programmed to be
A person and a product of society.
Now into a world of illusion you are flung.
Be more receptive to what you already know.

Simply the fabric and structure of existence
Itself you are. There is a big conspiracy
To ignore who you really are deep down inside.
The false ego must be constantly gratified
By the faulty structures that allow it to be.
We become exhausted living under pretense.

Go Over The Waterfall

Take The Plunge

You can’t have half a wave. Every one has a crest
And a trough. They’re the two sides of one expression.
Just as you can’t have half of a human being –
One who is born but doesn’t die. It’s like seeing
Only part of the wholeness, and for this reason
Going over the waterfall one can’t digest.

Change is emphasized, first to unsettle those who
Think that they can achieve permanence by hanging
Onto life, then as a reminder of the fact
That the cycles of nature are pure and exact.
What is feared is beyond people’s understanding,
And they must have a piece of life to hang on to.

You can only die well if you well understand
Your disappearance as this particular
Organism is seasonal. You’re just as much
The dark space beyond death as your warm loving touch.
The light interval called life you certainly are.
There is much room for your consciousness to expand.

If you could magnify your hand to the degree
That the molecules were like little tennis balls
You would see lots of space between them, and they move
All together like birds in flight. What does this prove?
Consciousness is something that naturally enthralls,
And there is no other reason for it to be.

You Are A Miracle

You Are Of Divine Essence

You don’t focus your attention on how to get
Your thyroid gland to function just as you do not
Have to give your attention to the sun shining.
Birth and death are both puzzles not worth defining.
Understanding yourself to you matters a lot.
You control everything without breaking a sweat.

Everlasting nonexistence cannot exist.
Consciousness is unending. You never began
Nor will cease as pure spirit. Not in a dark room
Will you be locked forever as some folks assume.
What awaits is all part of an infinite plan.
The miraculous part of you can’t be dismissed.

It’s a yoga – a kind of realization
To consider what it was like after waking
Up after not having really fallen asleep.
In the vacuum of consciousness you get to keep
Your spiritual essence. Remain painstaking
In your quest of true happiness. All else is done.

As a being you’re fantastically complex.
Never having learned how to do all that you do,
You do it with perfection. The same energy
That is you is also all existence, you see.
In a scientific sense you are the one who
Makes it all happen as your consciousness reflects.

Becoming Nothing

Contemplating Nonexistence

Nothingness is of something. It causes distress
Among many folk. People don’t want to go there.
The fear of Becoming Nothing is very strong,
But of nothingness can there be anything wrong?
In their everyday living people do not care
To examine the topic were they to confess.

At the prospect of all your efforts vanishing…
Your achievements and attainments turning to dust,
How do you feel? Do you find it most depressing?
Most people need something onto which they can cling.
The concept of nothingness to them is unjust,
So they find within it absolutely nothing.

But what if the fundamental reality
Is of nothingness? Where does beingness come from?
By saying we are all basically nothing
We release the resistance everything can bring
To the present moment. The eternal outcome
Of everything is nothing. But how can this be?

Nothingness is like the emptiness of deep space.
It contaminates nothing. Its pureness is clear.
Yet it holds the whole universe. The sacred void
Is of spirit. Do not be fearful or annoyed
At the prospect of losing all that you hold dear.
Join the party then dare to be nothing with grace.

Create Miracles

Easy Magic

When you are connected to who you really are
You are powerful. What you give attention to
Is what you attract into your experience.
Between you and your true self the big difference
Is that your inner being has a forward view.
It looks not to the past. You may find that bizarre.

Looking forward, your true self is naturally
The eternal custodian of all your dreams.
Exposed to the contrast of your life, you create
A vibrational version. When you reach a state
Of delighted contentment then everything seems
Magical. Is this not the way life ought to be?

You accept the vibrational version as real
As its manifestation. Your inner being
Knows all that you have wished for. It communicates
An idea or impulse. Your passion creates
Positive momentum. It is helpful seeing
The reality of everything that you feel.

Feel the power that you own to make miracles
Happen for you and others. Get into that state
Of pure positive energy, and let it flow
Through your life. There is little else you need to know.
Be aware of the thoughts that uplift and elate.
Know that you and your inner being are great pals.

Why I’m So Tired

Psychic Energy Depletion

What I’m doing fulfills me. I could not feel more
In alignment with my dreams. I feel satisfied
In what I have accomplished throughout my career,
And regarding my future, I’m perfectly clear
That its brightness will bless me. Luck is on my side.
Plentiful are the avenues I may explore.

But sometimes I’m exhausted while I’m having fun.
It’s as if I’m an infant at bedtime. I can’t
Keep my eyes open longer despite what I do.
It’s a feeling that I’m forced to surrender to.
My remaining awake is much more important
Than the rest that I need so that I can function.

The reason that I feel emotion is because
I’m two vibrational vantage points, meaning that
My conscious self has one, and my inner being
Has another. They are not always agreeing,
And the gap that this causes is worth looking at.
I am always subject to spiritual laws.

There are two possible reasons I’m depleted.
As the gap gets wider, I have less energy.
As the gap narrows, I am refreshed and complete.
When expansion is fast, often times I don’t meet
Where it is in the moment. I most want to be
Receptive to the prospect of good times ahead.

Make It Happen In A Day

Twenty-Four Hours To Pleasure

If I can feel it then in time I will see it.
I’ve just got to find some way of soothing the beast
That keeps me from receiving. My feelings of doubt
Bring me no satisfaction. I can do without
The emotional drama. May it be the least
Of my issues. To trust in myself I commit.

I can feel it, therefore, it must certainly be,
And it is. Everyone is receiving something
From the higher self or from the news of the day.
What we have in our lives must reflect in this way.
Always in the receptive mode, there is nothing
That I can’t choose for myself. I’m in this way free.

Momentum is another special puzzle piece.
Ever moving cooperative components
Are aligning themselves according to how I
Let it all happen… or not. The question is why
Do I want what I’m wanting. It has to make sense
To my truest self. My ego I must release.

Give your attention to something, and something will
Manifest in a short while – perhaps in a day.
Don’t be oblivious to the way that you feel.
Unseen forces that make worlds to you will reveal
Things that are most appealing. There is no delay
In its coming. Your wishes they want to fulfill.


Perpetual Collaboration

If you want to do business then go right ahead.
Stop asking yourself questions and living in doubt
That it can ever happen. Your nine to five job
That you’ve come to despise definitely will rob
You of happiness which is what life is about.
It’s not healthy to continue something you dread.

Just Do It! But don’t do it because someone claims
To have made tons of money. It is but a scam.
Do what you do with passion. What comes from the heart
Is of intrinsic value. The moment you start
Seeing yourself as worthy you won’t give a damn
Any longer about playing sick social games.

Many people believe they are incapable
Of achieving great things so they settle for less
Than they’re worth. They are living mediocracy.
Believing this is the only way things can be,
In their lives they achieve little to no success,
And happiness is always inaccessible.

Once you have decided, know your industry well.
Learn from those at the top. Research all that you can.
Find your niche, and be master of what you provide
To the world. What you love is done with special pride.
Get with likeminded people, and stick to your plan.
Go the path that the passionate heart does compel.

Long Lasting Happiness

Unshakable Joy

The purpose of our lives here is true happiness.
The reason is the future. We know not what will
Happen this afternoon. There is no guarantee.
Our lives are based on hope to a wholesome degree.
Even through difficult times our hope can instill
Sufficient energy for the self to progress.

If someone loses hope completely, that very
Mental attitude shortens the life, and it may
Become tragic if there’s nothing to intervene.
Happiness is our purpose. All sadness is seen
As a sorrow contingent. This isn’t to say
That we can’t benefit from it effectively.

There are two kinds of happiness: one sensory.
When we watch a good movie or eat a fine meal
Our senses are engaged, and there is enjoyment.
But it lasts just a short while. The joyful event
Was a flash of the lightbulb. Though it was for real
It cannot keep you happy indefinitely.

Long Lasting Happiness must develop on a
Mental level – not sensory. Calming the mind
That abides by its nature enables insight
To consume life and live it in utter delight.
In the present moment we ultimately find
Happiness. It’s within us. Redeem us it may.

My True Self

My Calm And Passionate Inner Being

Unattached from my wanting, My True Self and I
Are related by feeling. There cannot be one
Single thing that I must have to be happy now.
As I listen to My True Self I can allow
Everything to fulfill me while I’m having fun.
If things go well for me I need not wonder why.

So, do I have to let go of all my desires
To experience happiness? Does it make sense
To my ego to not want? Can it come to know
The wholeness of its being? Can wellbeing flow
To the self somewhat conscious and caught in suspense?
Can the conscious part do what my spirit requires?

To let go of attachments is to become free
Of the ego’s addiction to dreams coming true
In the physical quickly. They are full of fear
That they won’t. To my fulfillment I must adhere.
My True Self knows exactly the things I should do
In the blissful meantime of things coming to be.

Life is wonderful even with all the contrast.
The adhesive and tricky stuff keeps me aware
Of my need to remain focused on how I feel
In relation to My True Self who is more real
Than I am. My ego needs to learn how to care
For the feeling that matters and will ever last.

Other People’s Minds

Minding Areas Of Avoidance

Other People’s Minds chatter and so does my own.
I cannot make assumptions about what goes on
In their heads. I cannot read Other People’s Minds.
I will only come up with mistruths of all kinds.
Then profusely misguided conclusions are drawn.
In a world of confusion I’ll find myself thrown.

In my head I am mostly. Drama I create.
Taking things where they should not go causes me grief.
I assume everybody thinks just as I do
Then end up traveling down the wrong avenue.
If I make no assumptions I will find relief
From the duty that carries emotional weight.

Do I make assumptions because I am afraid
To ask questions of others for more clarity?
Going deeper, I can find the place in between
 My thoughts and inner silence. All that must come clean
Will do so, then the right answer must come to me.
I can benefit from a no chatter crusade.

All the sadness and drama I experience
Is rooted in assuming or in my taking
Things personally. It is far better that I
Leave the unknown unfettered rather than to try
To construct my own story. That would be breaking
A spiritual rule and that of commonsense.

Immutable Advice

A Serious Message For Modern Times

This is the land of plenty in so many ways
That are not paid attention to nearly enough
By enough of the people for a solution
To be had. People look upon with derision
Those severely in need. We all know life is tough
For the many. With oneself is where concern stays.

Generations of the past faced problems galore.
Some advice is well taken, but most is ignored.
Those who will carry on will have challenges too.
Global warming and homelessness are but a few
Of the issues they will face as they move toward
A world that is more peaceful than it was before.

Lasting peace is based on the concept of oneness
Of all eight billion humans. I am a person…
Not a race or a country or a continent.
The human race is all that I can represent.
Epidemics and climate change make the world one
Albeit by brute force. Will they have some success?

We are one huge community… not several
Entities independent of one another.
The illusion of separateness causes war,
And the root of all evil corrupts evermore.
A big blast of enlightenment has to occur,
And it’s up to us only to say that it shall.

Overcoming Negative Emotions

Dealing With Bad Feelings

Human nature becomes me as I wonder why
I suffer the indignance of feeling this way.
Emptiness, frustration, and inadequacy
Are the demons that devour the cold heart of me.
Am I worthless to this world? Is this why I pay
Such a high price for lowlife? Do I want to die?

That is out of the question. I’ve been here before,
And each time it’s the same tape that I keep playing
That puts me at the precipice. What holds me back
Is my fear of the unknown. Spiritual plaque
Blocks the flow of wellbeing. What I am saying
Is that I don’t want to feel this way anymore.

Negative emotions in one’s experience
Happen when needs are unmet, and poor coping skills
Keep one out of alignment. So, what can one do
To escape the consuming cloud? Give me some clue
So that I can return to a life with some thrills.
What would be beneficial to my transcendence?

I’ll take responsibility for my feelings
After acknowledging that I have them. Then I
Can attempt to identify where they come from
At their core. In this simple way I’ll overcome
The dark cloud that is passed now. If I really try
I’ll succeed at getting back to wonderful things.

Eliminate Impurity

Purge The Waste

Diamonds are forever. We all know that it’s true,
And we’re made of stardust. It’s a natural fact.
What are the signs that your mind is effectively
Engaging with your daily life? What you may see
Is a pattern in the way you think and react
To your world and its issues. The diamond is you.

In the rough you may be now, and that is okay.
Blemishes only mean that you’re also human.
Is the sky ever affected by the dark clouds?
A mindset that is rigid most surely enshrouds
The pure light of your truest self. Know that you can
 Shine as brightly as you want and have things your way.

Even in a ditch the diamond still gets to shine.
Light enhances its beauty, and your constant care
Keeps its brilliance unfettered by what is not true
To yourself because dullness is not part of you.
You are worthy in your own right. Do No Compare
Yourself with others, then everything will be fine.

The truest part of you cannot be distorted.
Your self-centered ways can be removed consciously.
Your emotions and thoughts can cause you certain stress.
They can also bring you ultimate happiness.
You can be, if you want, completely blemish free.
By the universe you’re totally supported.

Peace Of Mind

Calmness Of Spirit

Marvelous and magnificent, the human brain
Can become fettered with anger and jealousy.
The balance of warmheartedness is essential
To its healthy performance. Then everything shall
Become as peaceful as it could possibly be.
Otherwise, the imbalance may drive one insane.

Negative emotions stem from self-centeredness.
Instead of bringing happiness and peace, they bring
Only problems. War is part of humanity.
As a species, we are a natural pity.
Can there be something done to reverse this whole thing?
Issues of our behavior we could well address.

Along with physical hygiene we need to teach
Children to cultivate emotional hygiene
So they can learn how to tackle their destructive
Emotions and have Peace Of Mind. This way to live,
For oneself and the planet, is wholesome and clean.
Believing in salvation is not a far reach.

People who have an altruistic attitude
Are much happier, healthier, and more at peace.
Scientists say that anger will lead to disease.
It would behoove the whole world to finally seize
Logical information. World anger may cease.
For thought, this is especially important food.

Control The Mind?

Manage The Mental Machine

Is it possible for you to control your mind?
It can’t be done directly. It’s not natural.
The mind focuses on things. That’s how it’s designed.
Even when it’s not focused it will try to find
Something to occupy it. Forever it shall,
Like an engine, be fact of the matter inclined.

Suppose you watch a movie that you like a lot.
Your focus is then amplified because you’re glued
To the screen for a long while. Because you like it
Your mind will stay engaged. You will not want to quit
What you’re doing. You are in a positive mood,
And that brings with it focus much more so than not.

Other kinds of emotions will do the same thing.
It’s as if the brain takes all its cues from the heart.
Greed and fear bring focus with them as does passion
Of the kind that’s expressed as love or aggression.
Whatever the mind does, the heart plays a big part.
The perception of consciousness is unending.

Breathing helps the mind focus in a certain way
That is deeply relaxing. You can concentrate
On a sound or a mantra. There is a cleansing
That the practice of intended breathing will bring
To the mind. It can put you in a righteous state
Of alignment. There isn’t a huge price to pay.

Believe Your Visualization

Have Faith In Your Dream

How do I believe my visualization?
I must be doing it wrong because when I try
I have trouble imagining it coming true.
Why is my believing such a hard thing to do?
I can want like the dickens… alas, with a sigh,
I encounter resistance. Have I hurt someone?

Am I putting myself in the picture? Am I
In the state of receiving? Law of Attraction
Is at play at all times. Every feeling and thought
Determines what events into my life are brought.
This whole issue of manifesting can be fun.
All the rules of my feeling good here must apply.

Visualization is no different than
Galivanting around in this real world. Easy
It is for me to use my imagination.
Virtual is the image that can’t be undone
Unless I let it happen accidentally.
Listen only to the voice that says that I can.

Do it more? Perhaps I should follow this advice.
I can come up with some scenarios that are
Creative and believable. What I have done
Then is master the process toward solution
To life’s puzzle which until now seemed so bizarre.
Practice and patience can lead me to paradise.

Regrets And Resentment

Excess Luggage

Someone did me wrong. It was cruel and unjust,
And because it has happened I cannot be free
To enjoy life. I’m anchored deeply in the past.
As I ruminate there I become an outcast
In a world that was once mine. Why can I not be
Gratified instead of feeling utter disgust?

Everything leads me to the place of being free.
Every human has at one time or another
Been betrayed. It’s a part of life. If I respond
Negatively, only more of the same is spawned.
Life is not about this part of human nature.
It’s about dealing with it spiritually.

The betrayal of trust has been experienced
By us all. The thoughts I keep regurgitating
Hold the past to the present. I can’t realize
My incredible beingness if I despise
Anyone else. The suffering to which I cling
Can only be to other folks wrongly dispensed.

Fresh and clear is the feeling that I would prefer.
The baggage is a burden. I can let it go
To the past where it has gone and is there to stay.
Every time that I go there, it won’t go away.
Blame will only stop me from receiving the flow
Of divine grace that naturally does occur.

Rules For Living

Common Sense Spiritual Wisdom

That great love and great achievements involve great risk
One should consider deeply. In life when you lose
Do not lose the lesson that was prepared for you.
Be respectful to yourself and other folks too
In your actions. Take care in the thoughts that you choose.
Let the past go the way of the old floppy disk.

Not getting what you want can be a stroke of luck.
Learn the rules well so you can break them properly.
Don’t let a little dispute destroy a friendship.
When you’ve found that you’ve made a mistake, a good tip
Is to settle it promptly and efficiently.
Do take ownership of it, and don’t pass the buck.

Spend some time alone every day. Open your arms
To change, but don’t let go of your values. Silence
Is sometimes the best answer. You can live a life
That is honorable. Enjoy playing the fife
Of intended contentment. It makes commonsense.
Give to people that you know the gift of your charms.

A loving atmosphere in your home is for you
The foundation of your life. In disagreements
With loved ones, deal only with what’s happening now.
Don’t bring up events of the past, but do allow
The expression of true feelings with no expense
Of soul substance. Be gentle in all that you do.

Be Impeccable With Your Word

You Speak As You Live

More important is your word than most anything
Because your word is your ultimate destiny.
It paints for you a portrait specific and true
That the world gets to see more than all that you do.
Be as deliberate as you know you can be
And thoughtful in what you are speaking or writing.

Have a keen sense of what to say. With your intent
You deliver your message to all who may hear.
Your impeccability is all about you.
If you intend well, then wellness will follow through.
Use your energy for truth. Whatever you fear
Can be sensed in your message. This you can’t prevent.

The emotional poison that festers within
Can be cleaned out completely – almost like magic
If with yourself you’re sincere in all that you say.
Even something as simple as, “Have a nice day”
You can say with conviction. There’s no special trick.

Now is always a good time for you to begin.

Watch the world change around you as you begin to
Speak with substance and honor to all that you know
To be true. There is no reason ever to lie
If to yourself this gem of spirit you apply.
Your words do represent you wherever you go.
It is always refreshing to learn something new.


The Realm Of The Unseen

Spirituality is a cool waterfall
That refreshes the consciousness and the body.
One is one with oneself and the whole universe.
No one can deny that it is good to immerse
Oneself in sacred waters and be completely
Cleansed of bad energy which can affect us all.

Spirituality is the bright filament
Of the bulb of the body. Electricity
Is the current that flows in cycles unending
And gives movement and warmth to every living thing.
It’s the lock unto which only love is the key.
It is needed to live a life of contentment.

As the water, the bulb, and the lock represent
But the physical essence of what can be known,
The truth is that we are also the energy…
Every drop of the water, and the sacred key
Known as love. Knowing that you are never alone
Is of spirit. You are not here by accident.

You don’t have to improve yourself. You can accept
Who you are in this moment with all your failings.
Comparing yourself with others isn’t the way
Of the spiritual path. Don’t be led astray
By the essence of toxic social happenings.
Spirit has not a secret that must be well kept.

Abide In Me

Give Me Your Unending Trust

Remain stable and fixed in a state of oneness
With all things because they exist all within you.
When you see yourself as no longer separate
Or in isolation, you will appreciate
A newfound sense of freedom. How can this be true
If one’s life is the epitome of distress?

Consciousness is a shared phenomenon. No one
Is apart from it. From the level of spirit,
Human beings can feel much less isolated,
But because of our nature we’re easily led
To hold fast to the notion of self. We submit
To belief in separateness in the long run.

It’s not natural for us to see everything
As One thing. A unique person standing apart
From all others is how the self must be perceived
Unless some kind of enlightenment is achieved.
Individual expression is at the heart
Of the purpose of all that is now happening.

As you abide in me as I abide in you,
Something magical happens. Connection is made
With the consciousness of everything that exists.
We can meditate on how each person consists
Of all others and everything. Be not afraid
To explore this most enlightening point of view.

Why Can’t I Manifest

The Problem With Receiving

I have read many books about manifesting.
The big secret I’ve digested as if it were
Precious manna from heaven, so why don’t things come
Like it says in the book? It does happen to some.
Why can’t things turn out the way that I would prefer?
I see nothing for the work that I’m investing.

I know people just like me who can’t manifest
A refreshing bowel movement let alone cash.
I know others who manifest egregiously
And without any effort. Why can’t this be me?
Could it be that my attitude is in the trash?
I won’t get jack if this issue isn’t addressed.

Why do some people get things and others do not?
It has all to do with how I am feeling when
I am asking for something. If I’m excited
On the way without it having manifested,
I will be in amazement of what happens then.
What have I to lose if I give this thing a shot?

The Law of Attraction is quite similar to
That of gravity. People do not float away
If they want to, regardless of who they may be.
We all get used to their infallibility,
And they are laws that we need not learn to obey.
I may manifest now knowing what not to do.

Learn To Swim

You Will Survive The Move

A few words may be said about learning to swim
And the nature of water. The truth to be told
Is that no doctrine saves you from going under.
Everything that you had learned is cast asunder
When abruptly thrown in. If you try to grab hold
Of something then survival is looking quite grim.

The nature of water we must know from the start.
There’s nothing to hang on to. It is transient,
Everchanging and fluid. The whole universe
Is an aqueous substance in which we immerse.
Words, ideas, and concepts will often prevent
A healthy understanding. We then fall apart.

In the waters of modern philosophical
Confusion where God is dead and meaningless are
Metaphysical propositions, we survive
Or we drown, so in keeping consciousness alive,
Intellect is the net that we cast wide and far
To catch fish of reality. It’s logical.

In this universe there is one great energy.
We have given names to it, but none will suffice.
So to swim we must let go and give ourselves to
The enveloping substance of life. When we do
We will find that the sea of life does something nice.
It will make us buoyant and lift us to safety.

How Do We Love One Another?

Love Is Survival

How do we as full grown adults, getting along
As we do, exude love as if we were children?
It would seem that they’re our teachers in this regard.
As we deal with life’s contrast we can be too hard
On ourselves and with others. Every now and then,
We encounter those whose love is steady and strong.

They are in every way like rivers as they stream.
As they exude love naturally people know
That they’re true to their nature. They live not a lie
In how they affect others. They don’t have to try
To love freely. Perhaps they are sent here to show
To the world what true love is. It’s not a fake dream.

They may give away things at the drop of a hat
Just because others need them, but nature abhors
Any vacuum it senses. They only get more
Of what they give away. They are loath to ignore
Anyone who is in need. They see not as chores
Acts of kindness. This sick world needs people like that.

We cannot imitate this thing. There is no way
To receive it, but it is also essential
That we have it if we are to live peacefully.
Does it come by divine grace to us directly?
With all of our shortcomings there is potential
For survival, and life can be a cabaret.

Man Versus Nature

Human Incongruence

We’re like monkeys with typewriters. This is year nine
Of one point three more million. The Britannica
We are right in the middle of writing, and we
Are accustomed to living unnaturally.
We are caught in a self-created dilemma.
As a fluke, we are of a peculiar design.

As soon as we stop what we’re doing we’ll relapse
Into nonsense. We would have to start all over
From day one of year one. We are in constant fear
Of it ending abruptly. We’ve made a career
Of our diligent keystroking, as we prefer
To remain odd and able… and worthy perhaps.

We like our way of life. We like being human.
If we want to stay this way we must fight nature.
We must impose our will upon this world so wild.
Manliness is aggression. One is aptly styled
With a mask for the doubt. The tough one must ensure
That control over nature is the only plan.

We need not conquer space. We are there already.
With the aid of technology we are as far
As we’ll ever get. The rocket and bulldozer
Are big symbols of culture. Be the proposer
Of a gentler vibration. After all we are
But a byproduct of nature ultimately.

Play This Game

The Universe Invites You

Look for good feeling things. What a wonderful game!
It’s so easy to do that. It’s simply child’s play.
This wholesome affirmation is translated well
To adults who’ve forgotten the best way to tell
If they are in alignment. What you do this day
Reflects how much good feeling you’re willing to claim.

Remember the attitude you had as a child.
You appreciated everything you could see,
And you trusted that most people are truly good.
You had little resistance in early childhood.
You believed fun and happiness should always be
Important, and your dreams were most freely compiled.

Let that be then the tone of each and every day.
Go to sleep in a state of appreciation.
Think of things that uplift you, and be thankful for
All the aspects of your life that you most adore.
In the morning you will feel as bright as the sun.
From the start you will notice things going your way.

The feeling of detachment means that you’re aligned
With your true self. This is a supreme unfolding.
Your set point of vibration will change as will your
Point of attraction. Your happiness is the cure
For your ills. Be aware of the clay you’re molding.
You’ll become much wiser and enjoy peace of mind.