Tag Archive | wanting

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

Divine Timing


I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now understanding that where I
Am now is an utterly temporary place.
I can cope with the many issues I must face
By the power within me. Still I wonder why
Things take so long to happen. It keeps me depressed.

I know that I’m impatient. It’s just part of me.
I know that I can’t be a vibrational match
To what I most desire if I’m feeling this way.
If I want things to speed up I’m willing to pay
More attention to how I feel. If I can catch
A bad feeling thought early enough then I’m free.

I don’t want it all right now. I want to receive
Only what I’m ready and able to allow
Into my life experience right at this time.
There’s hope of redemption for committing the crime
Of impatience and I can have it here and now.
Contentment is a state that’s not hard to achieve.

I’m never going to be fully satisfied
With where I am and that’s a good thing because I
Want to tweak that dissatisfaction to where it
Feels fresh and titillating. It just takes a bit
Of fine tuning in order to keep flying high.
I can say then that time is always on my side.

The State Of Allowing

Artist At Home

I acknowledge the perfect place in which I stand
And I’m here to express it. Appreciation
I have much for my freedom to co-create here
In this time space reality. Things that are dear
To my heart give me so much gratification
That there’s nothing about life I need to demand.

I’m now in The State Of Allowing all the things
That I’ve been wanting to come into existence.
I’ve identified many things that I want and
I’ve received them. By now I can well understand
That I am a creator in the purest sense.
I appreciate life as my happy heart sings.

I know that allowing means basking, frolicking,
And acknowledging the positive aspects, so
I do it quite a bit and it yields unto me
Good results. In this world I’m delighted to be
In the way of the universe’s gracious flow
Of abundance, true happiness, and wellbeing.

It’s exhilarating to be physically
Focused here in this world. I’m appreciating
All the contrast. It leads me to what I believe
Would be better. I allow myself to receive
What I want by the idea I’m creating.
If I want it then it surely can come to be.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Change For The Better

Colorful Humanity

Do know that you can be, do, or have anything
That you want. There is nothing off limits. If you
Can remember that life is supposed to be good
For you always then things will work out as they should.
Your life will change immediately if you do
What it takes in order to get your heart to sing.

It takes not much to get from where you are to where
You’d prefer to be – in love perpetually
With your life and the universe. The world will treat
You much better. You’ll find that all life is replete
With the full consciousness of divine energy.
Of the good in all things you become more aware.

Most people are conditional vibrators. We
Vibrate according to conditions we observe
Then get more of it yet we can turn this around
To where first we focus on some good thing we’ve found
Thereby simply attracting what we most deserve.
We can vibrate things into the way they should be.

Satisfaction does not come from your jumping through
Even ‘well-meaning’ hoops. Satisfaction only
Comes from your wanting something then moving your way
Toward it. Change will happen as long as you stay
In alignment with the person you’re meant to be.
Keep in contact with the most evolved part of you.

Earning Versus Attracting


Most of us believe that we have to do something
In order to justify money coming in.
We think that suffering and hard work is the key
To accumulating huge amounts of money.
We believe that only lucky people can win
At the game of life. It’s rather fascinating.

We who think about dollars approach it more from
The lack of them rather than just allowing them
To flow in and out as if we were breathing air.
There’s so much air that we couldn’t possibly care
That so many are breathing. We’d never condemn
Anyone for the taker of air they’ve become.

Think about the ten dollars in your wallet now.
Is it too little or enough? What can you do
With ten dollars? Answer these questions truthfully.
You can think negatively or positively.
Be delighted about all the dollars that you
Have already. This way more of them you allow.

Always you get what you give your attention to.
If you give it to lack of money then you’ll get
Only more lack of money but if you give it
To your feeling good you’ll train yourself to permit
Money coming. Your mind is your biggest asset.
Think of reasons to feel good is all you need do.

In The Money

Raw Currency

We’ve been trained to believe that hard work is the key
To success in any endeavor. We’ve been told
That our struggle is virtuous so we believe
That it’s necessary in order to achieve
Any good life can offer. We’ve been undersold
By a mindset with which our true selves can’t agree.

Irritated by those who have lots of money,
Those who don’t demonize them yet at the same time
They would like to be like them. There’s a tug of war
Going on in their minds because what they abhor
They want badly and this is a huge psychic crime.
Negative emotion simply isn’t funny.

The truth is that you can attract what you desire
By your focusing on it and staying aligned
With you highest vibration which means get happy.
Practice it until it comes on naturally.
To yourself and to all those rich bastards be kind.
Nothing but a little patience does it require.

Consider abundance as a dominant gene
Because it’s overwhelming. If you can let go
Of the mental resistance and take it easy
It will all come together. Indeed you will be
In a situation where the money will flow.
You’re most powerful when your vibration is clean.

Acknowledge The Blessings

Lakeside Joy

As soon as you acknowledge a burning desire
You’re also aware of the probability
Of the lack of the thing that you want. Focusing
On the lack doesn’t get it. In order to bring
It to you, in a state of receptivity
You must be. Nothing else does your wanting require.

It’s so easy to give far much more attention
To the lack of what you want. Its reality
Is apparent and visceral but it does not,
In terms of your own vibration, matter a lot.
Keep your focus on the way you want things to be.
In your self-talk, the lack you don’t have to mention.

The way you know the difference between whether
You’re focused upon what you want or on its lack
Is by the way it feels when you think about it.
If it doesn’t feel right you don’t have to permit
Negative thought to knock your whole game out of whack.
Do the best you can to keep it all together.

Look for positive aspects in all that you do
No matter where you are or in what circumstance.
Everywhere doors will open. You’ll be recognized
By the universe as someone who’s realized
That the good things in life do not happen by chance.
Look around for all the good that’s coming to you.

Have A Talk With Your Cells

Raw Blood

It’s an inaccurate assumption that the brain
Is the center of all thinking ability.
It’s not just the brain that transmits and receives thought.
Every cell of the body does this but we’re caught
In the mindset that the mind controls the body.
It’s a concept that you wouldn’t want to maintain.

If you don’t make decisions about what you want
Then the cells of your body receive influence
And direction from whatever mass consciousness
Is speaking. If they’re hearing nothing but distress
Then they’ll feel bad. You know that this makes common sense
Yet the propensity is to be nonchalant.

After climbing a mountain the body may be
In the morning sore and stiff from the exercise.
Speak this way to your body before the next climb,
“Listen up, cells. Indeed I’ve decided that I’m
Up for climbing this mountain. I pray that you guys
Get the perfect amount of blood and energy.”

“Tomorrow when I wake up I want to feel fine
And well rested.”
When you speak to your cells this way

They respond positively. You can override
Old beliefs. Remember that you get to decide
How you feel. In the best of health you want to stay.
You are meant to be healthy by nature’s design.

Access The Power


Begin to envision your life as it should be –
Not as others would have it. The power is yours
To create with abandon whatever you choose.
You’ve been asking and you’ve paid more than enough dues
In so doing and doing so opens no doors
To enlightenment nor to opportunity.

Before you can experience something you must
Give some thought to it. It’s then an invitation
For it to evolve and pick up some momentum.
Focus more on the good feeling thoughts as they come.
By now you’ve become an expert at creation.
You’ve only your point of attraction to adjust.

Get yourself into the place of expectation
That good things happen for you. Become more aware
Of when they happen and learn to appreciate
When you find yourself in a more positive state.
Focus on whatever can help keep yourself there.
Wonders can be achieved through your dedication.

Look for things that you like. Then you’re effectively
And deliberately creating. Your intent
Is to sift through the data and then to conclude
What would be better. Let nothing mess with your mood.
Finding things that make you happy is time well spent.
Your are meant to be living your life happily.

Your Highest Vibration

Colorful Vibes

Everything is vibrating at a frequency
Of its own. This includes people, things, and places.
Our emotions and ideas also vibrate
In fact this is the major way people create
Their realities. That which the heart embraces
Puts the soul in a condition of harmony.

Emotions often wobble. It’s hard to maintain
A serene state indefinitely as it were.
This can be overcome by appreciating
What you have going for you. It means everything
To your point of attraction. All that you prefer
Out of life happens for you. So much you can gain.

When you’ve chilled out about what you want to achieve
Then it comes into better view. Learn to massage
Random thoughts into those better feeling places.
You reach a higher vibration by the graces
Of your intent and focus so don’t sabotage
Your control and your ability to receive.

When you’re out of alignment and you offer more
Of your effort your hard work will have been in vain.
Get into the receiving mode where energy,
Stamina, good ideas, and vitality
Really come from. Alignment you want to attain
And look after. Keep after the things you adore.



This is a law based universe naturally.
If you really want something you’re not receiving
It feels bad. If you don’t care that much about it
Then you’ll get it. This messes with the mind a bit
But it’s true so you might as well start believing
In the laws. They will help you to live happily.

If you don’t want it that much you’re not in a state
Of resistance to it manifesting for you
But if you have a little bit of resistance
It will be difficult yet you still stand the chance
Of receiving it by paying attention to
The ideal condition you want to create.

If you want something badly but you don’t believe
It can happen it’s not in your expectation
To receive it and it cannot happen for you
Nothing comes of the pain and struggle you go through.
If your mindset is that of lack then frustration
Complicates much your ability to receive.

So the key is to want something generally
Then let the desire for it gather momentum.
There will be less resistance as it picks up speed.
From the tension in your wanting you will be freed.
Be receptive to the many blessings that come
From alignment with universal energy.

A Vibrational Match

Colorful Frequencies

There exists a vibrational reality.
It has no physical substance yet consciousness
Is its nature because it’s just a state of mind.
Can the term be much more accurately defined?
Probably but the proper way is to access
It firsthand then you will understand completely.

This vibrational reality is as real
As are subatomic particles and their waves.
Our emotions are produced by thought energy.
Waves and particles do their thing rather oddly.
When consciousness is present then each one behaves
As if it knows it’s thought about. This is ideal.

If you’re in despair or you feel disappointment
You’re nowhere near receiving the inspiration
And the insight that will lead you to happiness.
If you’re hopeful then your prognosis for success
Is outstanding. You can solve your situation
By changing how you feel through your conscious intent.

You’ll get to the point where you know your worthiness
Without question. Become A Vibrational Match
To who you truly are and have fun on the way
To your dreams. The waves and particles want to play
With your creative powers. Get ready to catch
All the blessings thrown to you. You’re worth nothing less.

About Life

Family Cutout

Is this universe friendly or is it hostile?
Which is it? Is it filled with evil and hatred?
Is it one of benevolence and harmony?
Ask this question of yourself because it is the
Most important one in life so go right ahead
With your answer. It shouldn’t take you a long while.

What you see is what you get. If you see anger,
Desolation, and sorrow then that’s what will be
Much of your life experience. If you see love
Everywhere then love will be the basic part of
Your existence. Don’t you want to live happily?
Think about your life in the way you would prefer.

Change the way that you look at things and when you do
Those things will change to match what you now have in mind.
Science has proven this by now so it’s a fact.
Every thought that you think has a subtle impact
On your point of attraction so be more inclined
To think thoughts that are most beneficial to you.

Any situation is far less important
Than your interpretation of it. Anything
In life is simply a product of the meaning
Given to it. Give your soul a thorough cleaning.
Onto old destructive behaviors do not cling.
Things you can do are more that the things that you can’t.

The Fast Track To Abundance

Sleeping In Cash

Without even knowing it you were trained into
Your thoughts and beliefs about money by people
Who don’t have it. They’re struggling. They’re irritated
By the people who have it. What they’ve created
Is a mindset that in their lives can’t be helpful
And it may be hard to alter that point of view.

Look what’s going on. Just listen a little bit
To the national – even global dialogue
About money. It’s from the perspective of lack
So the reporting is all about keeping track
Of the lack. Many people are kept in a fog
About it. Their worry is of no benefit.

It doesn’t take much easing up on your habits
Of thought before abundance starts to flow to you.
When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different and brand new
Like relax your vibration your dream will come true.
Your trust in the process yields many benefits.

Fast money must be ‘bad’ money? This isn’t so.
Your wanting is like a rubber band pulled back far.
When you let go of the resistance it will go
With much power and quickly. The more that you know
About what’s holding you back the better you are
At correcting yourself as you go with the flow.

Act As If You Already Have It

Sassy Rich

Your reality is a realization
Of vibration so everything is all about
Your own interpretation of the energy
Of vibration from which everything comes to be.
There’s no need for you to figure anything out.
You’ve become now a master of co-creation.

The path of least resistance or most abundance…
Most fulfillment… most freedom to be who you are
Is revealed to you constantly but sometimes you
Can’t perceive it so clearly so what can you do
To release the resistance that’s keeping you far
From your dreams? What can you do in such circumstance?

Be receptive to impulse and inspiration.
Now, you can’t do this when you’re upset or bummed out
Or feeling like a victim. The receptive mode
Is attained when you choose to get on the high road
Of existence. That there is one you mustn’t doubt.
You’re there when you decide to kick back and have fun.

If you want it but don’t have it, that part of you
Who’s aware of not having it is preventing
It from coming. You must act as if you have it
Already. You will gain maximum benefit
From the strength of intention you’re implementing.
In a short while you will see you dream coming true.

If This Is Happening It’s Ready To Manifest

Small Life

The highest manifestation to which I am
Feeling enormous positive emotion has
Already manifested in the form of the
Positive emotion that I’m feeling. To be
Able at any moment to feel as good as
I decide to is my rather simple program.

As I note the successful manifestation
Of the positive emotion all the details
Will fill in quickly. The emotion is the thing
Most important. My happiness alone can bring
Good things to me as long as my spirit prevails
In its quest for deliberate co-creation.

So it’s here. I accept that. But does it defy
What is logical? Is this the way of a fool?
If I feel anticipation and excitement
Then how can it be considered an indictment
Of my purpose? To me that simply isn’t cool.
When I’m feeling good I love to tell others why.

There are those who feel absence. They try to fill it
With the things that they think will make them feel better
But the void can be filled with appreciation,
Clarity, fulfillment, and extreme elation.
When you feel this way wonderful things must occur.
Your feelings are provided for your benefit.

Don’t Chase After Money

Money Chase

In the morning do you go outside and breathe in
All the air that you’ll need for the day because you
Fear that others will suck it away completely?
In a world of continued psychosis you’d be
If that were so and this is especially true
About money. It isn’t the root of all sin.

You breathe in and breathe out. You don’t worry about
Where the next breath will come from. Much in the same way
There is an unlimited amount of money.
There’s enough to where everyone can be happy.
Being happy rather than being in dismay
Makes it happen. There must be no lingering doubt.

At the same time both lack and abundance exist.
Which of these probabilities do you give more
Attention to? Your society teaches you
That in order to be worthy then you must do
Certain things such as hard work and things you deplore.
Any notion of abundance then is dismissed.

If you feel good about money then it will flow
Easily into your life. You don’t have to chase
After it like a rat. Be thankful for what you
Have already. The only thing you need to do
Is keep yourself receptive to infinite grace.
Be open to what the universe has to show.

There’s More Than One Prize

Many Gifts

If you have your eyes on a particular prize
Nothing else makes a difference especially
When you feel competition. If you want something
So badly that it hurts then what you’re offering
To the universe is something that’s completely
Out of sync with the thing you want to realize.

There is not only one prize so don’t get attached
To the one thing you’re focused on. Be thankful for
Your desire. Let it blossom into a rampage
And let the infinite universe set the stage
For receiving what you want and a whole lot more.
It will be such that the surface hasn’t been scratched.

“You appeal to me in all of theses ways and I
Am going to draw the essence of you to me.
Thank you for being here for me to observe you
And for being the focal point of my brand new
Version of you.”
If you pray this most sincerely

You’ll attract just that without your needing to try.

Keep yourself in a state of relief. Think as much
About what you want as long as it feels alright.
And when it crosses the line just give it a break
And allow the universal forces to take
Full control of the circumstance. Utter delight
Can be yours if with your spirit you keep in touch.

You’re A Powerful Attractor

Space Face

Your daughter wants a best friend to be with at school.
What advice do you give her? You don’t need a best
Friend but it’s fun to have one. A while you’re waiting
To respond to her although you’re advocating
For her happiness. What a wise one might suggest
Is that it has much to do with the golden rule.

You don’t want to replace your inner being though
With a friend. Find your own happy independence
Then you’ll attract a friend who has their own happy
Independence and then happy times there will be
For the both of you. Fulfillment can be immense
Through the infinite power that is within you.

But if you’re needy because you don’t have a friend
You’ll attract someone else who’s needy because they
Are also friendless. You’ll live lives of misery.
There will be much possessiveness and jealousy.
Such a relationship can’t continue this way.
It may last for a while but it is doomed to end.

Notice the positive aspects in everyone.
Pay attention to the friend that you want to be
To someone rather than to the friend you want to
Come to you then they will come from out of the blue.
You attract what you want to and successfully
When alignment with your inner being is done.

What Is Winning?

Material Success

Like sperm cells that compete for fertilization
Of the egg, we as humans are mostly concerned
About winning. Our lives are all about the goal.
We believe that our winning will make our lives whole.
It’s not true. Yet how can this falsehood be unlearned?
We seem to have a competitive fixation.

Why do some companies run so efficiently
While others are a nightmare? The ones that do well
Are devoted to the process instead of to
Any goal. They take pleasure in all that they do.
They compete not among themselves and what the sell
Is their passion in all that they’re wanting to be.

If you are doing something that you love to do
Then just do it! You must enjoy hitting the ball
More than anything. Then you will be in a state
Of accepting what you are about to create.
But you cannot create victories large or small.
Always wanting to win will not benefit you.

If you’ve one eye on the goal you’ve only got one
To find your way, which is very inefficient.
You need both eyes to take the next step to seeing
That you are a magnificent human being.
Keep loving what you’re doing and get proficient.
Hit the ball and take advantage of the home run.

Before Doing It, Align With It

Mechanical Perfection

What do you know that you often seem to forget?
You know the difference between what doesn’t feel
So good and what feels a little better so you
Can make well informed choices about how to do
The mundane things as well as the ones most ideal.
Things you have to do shouldn’t be seen as a threat.

You don’t need to know everything. Just know what you
Know already. Does this thought feel better or worse
Than the one right before it? You know beyond doubt
The answer in each moment so it’s all about
Choosing better and the entire universe
Will support you. You have to believe this is true.

You need to talk yourself into feeling better.
You begin by remembering that you create
By the way that you vibrate, in other words, you
Attract things. They do not come from out of the blue.
So, how can you stay in a more positive state?
Keep your mind focused on the thoughts that you prefer.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Only look for that which you are wanting to see.
No matter what you’re doing you can make it fun.
It’s the best way for you to get anything done.
Before doing it you’re advised to get happy.
How you get to that place is now well understood.

Change Your Life Within Days

New Lease On Life

You do have absolute creative control of
Your own experience, in fact you intended
To have that before you came here. With that control
You have dominant vibrations. They play a role
In your overall attitude. Recommended
Is that you tune your vibration to that of love.

You can tell what your dominant vibrations are.
When you think about money do you feel freedom,
Fun, and fancy? Or do you have feelings of dread?
Your habit of vibration is easily read
By yourself and by others. As you beat your drum
It is heard by the universe both near and far.

There’s a game that’s called virtual reality.
It is used to enhance your point of attraction.
Think a thought that already makes you feel happy
Then just stay there for thirty seconds. You will be
Magnetized by the feeling. This simple action
Of the mind and heart is something done easily.

Practice this. It will get easier as you do.
Give yourself a vacation from what you’re facing.
Within thirty days your dominant vibration
Will reflect all the positive work you have done.
Virtual reality is worth embracing.
You will be the one who sets the tone within you.

Only One Person Will Live Your Life


What do others think of you? Should you really care?
If someone speaks ill of you do you get upset?
It’s a normal reaction though not very wise.
Is it hard for you to begin to recognize
That what people say can’t be considered a threat?
Of your own value you should become more aware.

Instead of buying into what the world has said
You should be like, exercise your freedom to choose
To be your own creator of who you can be.
Don’t depend upon others to get you to see
Your potential because you’re the only one who’s
Got the insight so that on solid ground you tread.

We’re all thoroughly programmed into believing
What our culture force feeds us. It’s an illusion
That we all are subjected to. How to escape
Is the question. You will be in pretty good shape
If you don’t let society stoke confusion
About your life. The world can be quite deceiving.

Whose advice shall you follow? As you begin to
Feel what’s in your heart you begin to develop
The intention to express it in a way that
Is considerate and respectful. So, look at
The big picture and know that things are looking up
As you follow the guidance that is within you.

Influence Versus Assertion

More Flies With Honey

It’s been said that you can catch more flies with honey
Than with vinegar. Does this imply that the flies
Favor honey? I know what is meant by the claim,
But it’s cumbersome. People come up with some lame
Little tidbits to help us to become more wise.
Can one wonder what vinegar does for the bee?

What this saying means is that there’s no assertion
In a universe based on attraction, therefore
You can influence someone but you cannot be
The creator of another’s reality.
By your visualizing you can achieve more
In the way you communicate with everyone.

Find your power. You don’t know what it is until
You find your alignment with who you really are.
Your power of influence cannot be denied
When with your inner being you’re truly allied.
When you witness your power you’re not very far
From being able to share with others goodwill.

Are you feeling your power? Can you recognize
That a general daydream about someone who
You find difficult can change things for the better?
Your influence can be an awesome pacesetter
For the people in the vicinity of you.
On this power you can fully capitalize.

Satisfaction And Conditional Vibration

Good Reception

It would be nice to just be zapped with the feeling
Of complete understanding that I can be, do,
Or have anything I want and without limit.
Life is supposed to be good. I should benefit
From the good I’ve created. I’ve come to a new
Way of knowing that seems to be more appealing.

If I can get closer to the understanding
That whatever I want I can have, then there will
Be a change in my life quite immediately.
The world will treat me better if I choose to be
Positive in my outlook, and I will fulfill
My desire for a big consciousness expanding.

I vibrate to conditions unconsciously so.
I observe things, then I offer a vibration
Because of what I’m observing. Then I get more
Of the sameness, but if I can vibrate before
The condition, then it becomes my creation.
I tell you this because it is good that you know.

Like a sculptor enjoys the process of molding
The clay, or the painter, the process of painting,
I cannot be frustrated or impatient that
It’s not done yet. I’m satisfied just working at
My creation. Is it not a wonderful thing
To witness one’s creation as it’s unfolding?

Quick Warm-Up

Leaping High

Energy cannot be created or destroyed;
It can only be converted from one form to
Another. Yet, it must move. It cannot be still.
It expands and contracts in order to fulfill
Every act of intention. What good it can do
To know this is tremendous and should be enjoyed.

Your vibrational alignment, which can occur
With objects and people in the world around you,
Happens naturally when you’re ‘in tune’ with them.
You can use you emotional guidance system
In the process. It helps if you are able to
Remain focused intently on what you prefer.

When you enjoy a beautiful, bright sunny day,
For example, your brain begins to harmonize
With the frequency of the earth. The alpha state
Of relaxation can make the body feel great.
The new day is just that. You need not analyze
Its significance. You reconnect in this way.

Be reminded that you are made of energy
As well as everything in existence, therefore
You were never created nor will you ever
Cease to be. There will be an energy transfer
Into spirit, but right now you’re here to explore
Life on earth as a human temporarily.

You Create With Your Focus

In A Moment Of Wonder

Life has caused you to focus. That’s why you are here.
You came for the experience of sifting through
All the contrast life offers. You came to express
What could be done to lead to your own happiness
Then to have fun through the process as dreams come true.
You knew that you would find many things to hold dear.

What you give your attention to is what you get.
Life shows you how you’re feeling no matter if you
Are exuberant or in a deep depression.
While you’re here on earth you have taken possession
Of emotional guidance which can lead you to
Anything you choose. It’s a tremendous asset.

The Source within you is giving its attention
To whatever you’re giving your attention to,
But it may be of a much higher frequency.
Its opinion may differ from yours completely.
In that case there is only one thing you can do,
And it’s not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

You always know more clearly what you want when you
Are right smack dab in the middle of the contrast.
Negative emotion lets you know right away
That things aren’t to your liking. It’s easy to stay
Clear of all that upsets you. You must be steadfast
In your acceptance of your Source’s point of view.

Act As If You Have It

Lavish Living

Everything that’s perceived is a realization
Of vibrations. Your senses translate them into
Your reality, so your interpretation
Is something that’s experienced by everyone,
And to see what’s always being revealed to you
Requires readiness to receive information.

Your path of least resistance is now and always
Projected with such clarity, but sometimes you
Are not in the receptive mode. If you’re bummed out
Or you feel somehow unworthy, then there’s no doubt
That you won’t see what’s coming from out of the blue
To assist you in ways that delight and amaze.

Your receptive mode does vary from day to day
And from moment to moment within each, and you
Can notice when you have moments of clarity.
Your emotions will indicate accurately
How receptive you are. It has nothing to do
With the people and things you think get in your way.

Find the feeling place of what you want and believe
That you already have it. You can conjure it
By pretending and acting as if it’s all done
And by ignoring the advice of anyone
Who does not share your vision. You will benefit
From the altered vibration that you will achieve.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Live Your Dream With Intention

Flying High

There’s a process in deliberate creating.
Take a blank sheet of paper and write at the top
Something that you’ve been wanting, then write below that,
All the reasons that you want it in list format.
Let it flow naturally. You’ll know when to stop.
It’s a forward momentum you’re activating.

On the other side of the sheet, write the reasons
You believe you will have it. You are enhancing
Your most powerful wanting. Your expectation
That you will have it means that it’s already done.
The stone of abundance is what you’re romancing.
Your intention is active throughout all seasons.

Keep expecting what you want and you will have it.
Once you understand the exercise, you will be
Able to simultaneously manifest
What you want. The universe receives your request
And responds to it almost immediately.
You can have things going for you as you see fit.

Let you dominant intention be to look for
Things that you like. You will then be effectively
Collecting information. Thoughts are magnetic.
Getting them to align requires no special trick.
All it takes is your willingness to be happy.
There are many nice things in your world to explore.

If I Want It, I Can Have It

Ready For Fun

If I really want something, I cannot believe
That it might be impossible. If I can feel
In my gut that it will happen, then it will come.
My inner being is where all my faith comes from.
I am focused on what to me has much appeal.
I can stay in the right attitude to receive.

I cannot make a contradictory statement
To the universe. It will respond in a way
That may not be delightful. I want my wanting
To feel good even though I do not have the thing
That I want. In a positive mood I can stay.
Finding ways to be excited is time well spent.

I like knowing that I want something to become
Manifested. It means that it must come to be.
Whether I’m on the trail of it or it’s here now,
I can keep myself in the right mode to allow
The blessings of the universe to come to me.
I get much satisfaction from beating that drum.

I can ask and get on with it. I don’t have to
Bound myself up in yearning and long suffering.
It’s a no brainer that things will always work out.
Life is good to me as long as I have no doubt
That the universe can bring to me anything
That I want. Every moment of life is brand new.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

Everything That You Want Is Downstream

Constant Connection

Imagine taking your canoe down to the edge
Of a fast-moving river. You get in and then
You begin paddling deliberately upstream.
Why on earth would you do that, though? It doesn’t seem
Like a healthy idea. Again and again,
People do it as if they’ve made a solemn pledge.

People do it because everybody does it.
We don’t want be lazy, and we have been trained
To believe that hard work and struggle are to be
Seen as virtuous qualities. Society
Is upstream oriented as if it’s ingrained
In our psyche. It can be of no benefit.

There’s nothing that you want that’s upstream anyway.
The rewards for a difficult life can’t be worth
Feeling absolute pleasure in every moment.
People learn how to get by with their discontent.
When it gets to be too much, then they’re giving birth
To a change in direction and a brand new day.

Everything that you want is downstream. Everything
That makes up the stream is what you’ve been putting there
Through your wanting a better life. Inspiration
Comes to you, and it helps you in getting things done.
Just let go of the oars and become more aware
Of your worthiness and your passion for living.

Everything Happens For A Reason

Small Disaster

Every little or big thing that happens to you
Happens for some good reason. Every condition
Of your life is exactly the way it should be.
There are no accidents. You are absolutely
In the right place. You’re not in a bad position,
Even though it feels like there’s nothing you can do.

In each moment there are two things you can choose from.
You may take advantage of it or you may not.
It is a perfect universe. Nothing is wrong.
Accept the fact that you are right where you belong
Even though it may seem like you’re in a tough spot.
It may be hard to see a fortunate outcome.

Think of yourself as connected to everything
Rather than someone who is being victimized.
It’s all part of the perfection of existence.
You can make yours a wonderful experience
When in each moment some lesson is recognized.
You’ll be surprised by what your acceptance can bring.

Look for what’s in it for you and things will work out
For the better. You can get out in front of it
And learn from it. The way to your enlightenment
Is to know your connection in any event.
Circumstances get better if you will permit
Them to do so, which means getting rid of your doubt.

Think Of Yourself As Wealthy

Sitting Pretty

When you focus on something that’s bothering you,
Or you push against something, notice what happens
To your energy. It feels like there’s a big hole
In your gut, but you do know that you have control
Of your feelings. You can see your life through the lens
Of alignment with all in your world that you do.

Find a thought that feels better. You can find a way
To bring your energy back to where it belongs.
Your point of attraction is how you are feeling
From moment to moment. So, how are you dealing
With your life? Is it an issue of righting wrongs?
In a positive place is where you want to stay.

Whatever you’re focused on, real or imagined,
Causes you to vibrate. The universe accepts
This as your most intended point of attraction.
Once the Law of Attraction receives it, it is done.
Do not concern yourself with taking further steps.
You have to be spiritually disciplined.

For the universe you must create a vision
That it can believe easily. It doesn’t care
If it’s real or not. It will respond just the same.
There are infinite resources that you can claim
As your own. It’s your job to be fully aware
Of your dream of abundance. It’s your decision.

Your Emotions

Flavors Of Feeling

Emotions are a big deal. They mean everything.
Through you feelings you generate a vibration
Which is responded to by all that receive it.
Yet, you can control the signal that you transmit.
It’s not complicated. It can even be fun
To feel better. All it takes is some fine tuning.

You’re Source Energy in a physical body.
The variety that surrounds you inspires new
And constant awareness of what you would prefer.
Manifold are the preferences that occur.
The thoughts that you’re thinking have everything to do
With the way you feel, so select them carefully.

Pay attention to the emotions that you feel
All day, every day. They are your indicator
Of the vibrational mix between you and Source.
Within you is contained a most provident force.
You will learn to feel better sooner or later.
No matter what the circumstance, it is ideal.

It does not take much tuning to come back into
Alignment with who you really are at your core.
It’s the consistency of holding yourself there
That brings things that you’re wanting from out of nowhere.
Shift your thinking. You can enjoy life a lot more.
There is not anything else that you need to do.

Emotional Calibration

Colorful Weights

I like how responsive the Law of Attraction
Is to what I have calibrated myself to.
I can tell by the way I feel whether or not
I’m aligned with what I want. It matters a lot
That I keep myself happy in all that I do.
Emotions are perfect guidance for everyone.

Abundance expands proportionately to match
The desires of the planet. My dream has come true.
Everything falls into place just like the Law states.
Positive attitude throws open the floodgates
Of blessings of affluence. Each moment brings new
Inspiration. Lord knows I could use a big batch.

When it feels wrong to share how I feel with someone,
I recall that not everyone I encounter
Vibrates at the same frequency as I do, so
I can calibrate to the little that they know,
Or remain at my level. What I would prefer
Is to not have my attitude become undone.

I reach further than I am and then calibrate
To the new as I feel and then calibrate more.
That’s the deliciousness of life. There’s no ending
To the tweaking and my blissfully ascending
The emotional ladder. The life I adore
I am living because I am free to create.

Let It Go!

Releasing Momentum

Much without your awareness you were trained into
Your beliefs about money by people who were
Struggling with it and those who were irritated
By the people who have it. One who’s frustrated
With the economy has not much to offer
To the one who knows little about making do.

Dialogues about money both nationally
And worldwide seem to be about demonizing
Those who have a lot of it. This is peculiar.
It is obvious that there’s a huge tug of war
Going on in the psyche. It’s reassuring
That abundance is infinite, as it should be.

When this much abundance is flowing and you do
Something radically different, like relax
Your vibration, more will come to you rapidly.
Fast money is considered by some bad money.
What you think about money certainly impacts
How much of it you have making its way to you.

Fast money means you’ve pulled back the big rubber band…
So far back that you feel something is imminent,
Then you let go completely of all resistance.
Speak dearly about issues regarding finance.
Stop your doing the thing that you do to prevent
What is coming. It’s something you need not demand.



“You are powerful beings.” This much has been said
By those who had been human but now are spirit.
We are worthy beyond their ability to
Describe to us. The thing they would like us to do
Is to be open to their help and not fear it.
Never feel that your life is hanging by a thread.

The sweet spot of creation is where you’re content
With your here and now, yet you are ready for more.
Life has caused you to ask. Your source has answered you.
Get into the receptive mode. You can work through
Your resistance by thinking of things you adore.
Satisfaction will guide you to your fulfillment.

You accept the perfection in all the contrast
That life offers. It keeps producing more desire
From within you. On your path of least resistance,
You are conscious of anything that will enhance
Your vibration. Your feeling good doesn’t require
Anything but your decision to have a blast.

“Get rid of all of that resistance, or we will
Tell you nothing else anymore!”
Is this what they,

Who are now out of body, would offer to us?
No, they wouldn’t. If it feels like you’ve missed the bus,
There’s another and another right on the way.
Living is learning how to kick back and to chill.

Create Big Things

Magic Hands

It’s not more difficult to create a castle
Than it is a button. The same Law applies to
Big things and little things, yet most people believe
That significant things are hardest to achieve.
But the Law of Attraction is not something new.
One can learn all about it without much hassle.

Those who know need not prove a thing to anyone
By their words. Their example is in how they live.
People find them uplifting. They don’t justify
Any good that comes to them. One may wonder why
Such folk don’t get angry nor are they combative.
 Among everyone, they radiate like the sun.

We have all long been programmed into believing
In our unworthiness. To prove ourselves worthy
Is our purpose for living. This cannot be true.
 We are already worthy. All we have to do
Is believe it completely and wholeheartedly.
We can replace doubt with the art of receiving.

We are here to create – not to regurgitate.
By the power of our intent, we’ve emerged here
In this space-time dimension. By our focusing
And allowing, we can manifest anything,
Big or small. So, it then becomes perfectly clear
That our living is never a product of fate.


Tea Break

I would like to happen a little faster.
Focusing on what I want has caused momentum
To pick up. I feel like I’m following my bliss.
Perhaps I’ve always seen myself living like this.
But there are things I’m wanting that haven’t yet come.
‘Seems the timing of it all I cannot master.

So, in other words, give me what I want right now.
Why not go directly to where I want to be?
I would miss the deliciousness of the journey,
And I never will be satisfied completely.
What can I do in order to set myself free
From the urgency? Can some psychic tell me how?

Here I am, and I am an evolving being.
Bring me the best that I am able to receive
At the moment. I’ll just keep looking for the best,
And it’s all good. I don’t need to get myself stressed.
I have nothing but good intentions up my sleeve.
There is nothing like a better way of seeing.

I’m making the best of where I am. A rampage
Of appreciation for my hear and now will
Tweak my vibration. I’m ever asking for more
Than I have now. I should always be striving for
An extreme of contentment. Life can be a thrill
The momentum increases the more I engage.

Tell Your Cells What To Do

Awaiting Orders

It’s not just your brain that transmits and receives thought.
The cells of you body have the ability
To transmit and receive thought. Every part of your
Body gets direction from its source that is pure
Also from what mass consciousness happens to be.
They know how to respond when wellbeing is sought.

Doctors have concluded out of their ignorance
That disease is hereditary in nature.
Sickness comes from the worrisome thoughts of parents.
The infant quite unconsciously has no defense
Against ambient mindsets of those who, unsure
Of what true wellness is, spew all kinds of nonsense.

Old beliefs and mass consciousness get in the way
Of wellbeing, but you are the one to decide
What is relevant for you. The ills that exist
Are made real because illness cannot be dismissed
From the mindset of many people who abide
By the dictates established. They practice dismay.

Before climbing a mountain, you can tell your cells
Consciously to provide you all that you will need
For a fun-filled adventure without resistance.
One can do this in any kind of circumstance.
When you wake up the next morning, you will be freed
Of the soreness, and this will be ringing your bells.

Your Life Will Change

Breaking Away

Were I zapped with a feeling of understanding
That I can be, do, or have anything that I
Want in life, and that life is supposed to be good,
Then my reason for being would be understood.
Life would change for the better if I would comply
With my own desire which is ever expanding.

It takes not much from where I am to get to where
I become what I’m wanting vibrationally.
I used to vibrate according to conditions
I perceived. It got me into tough positions
Of fear and confrontation. Not necessary
Was the waste of my life force. I chose to not care.

My vibration can alter any condition.
Staying focused on feeling the best that I can
In each moment is what creation is about.
There’s no room for the feelings of worry or doubt.
When I’m joyful is when I come up with a plan,
Otherwise there is effort in what I get done.

My jumping through hoops leads not to satisfaction.
It cones only through my having wanted something,
Moving in its direction, then seeing progress.
Every manifestation is a huge success.
I can trust the wisdom of my inner knowing.
This advice is applicable to anyone.

Open Doors

Unlocking Destiny

Anytime that you want something, it matters not
What it is, in the moment you launch the desire,
You acknowledge the not having of it also.
If there’s one, then the other is something to know.
So, how do you get to the point where you acquire
What it is that you’re after? This matters a lot.

Having done all your wanting, and as you begin
Or continue to give your thoughts to your knowing
That it will manifest, you are in the best place
For receiving the blessings of infinite grace.
Concentrate on the ways you can keep it flowing.
Be thankful for the wonderful state you are in.

The balance of the universe is all about
What you’re adding to each side of the equation.
If you’re focusing more on the lack of something,
Then only disappointment your wanting will bring.
You are now more receptive to the pervasion
Of abundance in your life. You know beyond doubt.

Acknowledge all the positive aspects of what
You’re living. You will open the doors, in this way,
To utter satisfaction in the here and now.
You have noting to do but relax and allow
Universal forces that are always at play.
Only your own resistance will keep the doors shut.

The River Of Life

The Flow Of Existence

When you get who you really are and how it feels,
Then start tuning yourself to that feeling, you will
Start to be a vibrational match to who you
Really are. The only thing that you have to do
Is to let blessings happen. There is not a skill
That you must have to know what your true self reveals.

When you’re offering the vibration that comes from
The very core of your being, your power of
Influence is enormous. You have confidence
In the things that you do. You offer more presence
Of the real you – the one who is anchored in love.
You are optimistic about what is to come.

You are not here to figure it out or to get
Anything done. You’re here to line up with the flow –
Not to buck it. The current is rapid and strong.
You will never be done, so you can’t get it wrong.
You don’t have to die in order for you to know
The ecstasy of heaven. By now, you are set.

Care about how you feel. You were meant to feel good.
Tune yourself to who you really are, and let go
Of whatever is keeping you from moving on.
Take the seriousness of life with a big yawn.
Life’s river is fast moving. Take nothing in tow,
Then the meaning of your life will be understood.

Setting Intentions

Creating Your Dreams

The purpose of your Setting Intentions is to
Allow all the things that you’ve been wanting to flow
Into your life experience. You understand
That this is a vibrational universe, and
You are exhilarated about this to know.
What you want to make happen can then become true.

What you’re thinking and feeling and what you’re getting
Are a vibrational match always to be sure.
You are the creator of your experience.
Practicing allowing makes the wisest of sense.
In itself it is a wonderful adventure,
One in which there is nothing worth your regretting.

Allowing means acknowledging all the good things
About your life. It means basking and frolicking
In the positive aspects of you’re here and now.
Everything’s done already. You need not know how
To make things happen for you. Indeed everything
Comes to you easily. It’s what happiness brings.

You are looking for only what you want to see.
The variety of objects of attention
Is enough that you easily find wellbeing.
Do what you need to do to enhance your seeing.
Look not upon life with undue apprehension.
You can dream your world as you believe it should be.

A Powerful Message

Life Changing Information

Through the eyes of God I’m privileged to be seen.
I express my deep love and appreciation
For everything in my life. I see where I’ve been
Under the influence of a counter amen,
But at least I’m expanding when all’s said and done.
I’ll get better at keeping my vibration clean.

Thoughts that are undesirable can affect me
In a way that is lethal. I take extreme care
Not to be disappointed. I take no delight
In having to get myself involved in a fight
For my own rights. I do know that life isn’t fair.
Useless then are comparisons, definitely.

Being seen through the eyes of God, I’m not a mess
Of a being conflicted, deranged, and at war
With myself and the world. I am seen as perfect.
Being made by God this is what I would expect.
I’m divinity, thus I am free to explore
Avenues that will lead to ultimate success.

Guilt is so overwhelming. The will to survive
Is diminished, yet there are things I need to do
And to suffer. My karma must catch up with me.
Let this be the only reason I want to be
On this earth a while longer. So, what else is new?
Nothing much except I’ve chosen to stay alive.

Sudden Money Storm

A Good Gust Of Goodness

What happens is, without even knowing it, we
Are trained into our thoughts and beliefs regarding
Money by people who know not much about it.
The teacher who is struggling can’t be seen as fit
To advise on abundance. Their demonizing
Of the rich is a grotesque incongruency.

Look at what’s going on, and just listen a bit
To the national or the global dialogue
About money. People hate it and want it too.
This psychic tug of war has caused people to do
Things they don’t like. We’re in a perpetual fog
As the restless economy troubles the wit.

The good thing about this is that we are throwing
So much abundance into the vast infinite
Intellect of the universe. All have access
To nonphysical treasure. The want we express
Sets expansion in motion. It is only right
That our cup of wellbeing be overflowing.

It does not take much easing up on our habits
Of thinking before abundance begins flowing.
We can do something radically different.
Relax your vibration and behold the torrent
Of abundance befall you. Make it your knowing
That you get what your consciousness freely permits.

God Will Show You The Way

Divine Providence

Many names there are for God. What is the divine?
By nature alien to us and most supreme,
The Being is imagined in myriad ways.
What is common is the fact that humans give praise
To the one consciousness who will have their esteem.
The distance between we and it is our design.

It would have us know that we are worthy beyond
Our ability to know in our condition.
Life causes us to ask, and God always answers
Not always in the way that the asker prefers.
We want to be in the sweet spot of creation
Where between each of us and God is a strong bond.

Our work is to get into the receiving mode.
What we receive is the feeling of alignment
With the God who lives in us and through us always.
Praying this way it’s guaranteed one’s spirit stays
Open to the receiving of divine intent.
God does not communicate in a special code.

I accept the perfection within the contrast
That keeps producing more asking for improvement.
The collective consciousness of all who exist
Now in spirit along with God want to assist
With the human condition and being content.
Faith that I have in my worthiness is steadfast.