Tag Archive | tense

Two Realities

Merging Worlds

There’s a reality that you’ve been explaining,
Defining, exploring, documenting, and such,
But it doesn’t mean diddly. It’s just a façade
Of the consciousness which is a rather slipshod
Manager of perception. It offers not much
On its own yet it’s also worth your maintaining.

You’re standing in your now not really happy with
Where you are then you’re justifying how you got
Where you are by explaining it to everyone
Then you wonder why you can’t get anything done.
It just keeps the vibration active so it’s not
Recommended. Of joy you want to be the pith.

There’s another reality that’s parallel
To the physical. It consists of vibration
And it’s present tense. It’s happening here and now.
When you feel your way into it then you allow
It to be a physical manifestation.
It beats the other reality all to hell.

Here and now is simply a platform from which you
Can propel yourself into the reality
That you have been creating through your hopes and dreams.
Take a different view of the world as it seems.
Activate some new patterns vibrationally.
Be prepared for all of your wishes coming true.

Vibrational Patterns

Wave Nature

If and when the big bang happened there was no sound
Just because there were no ears to hear it but there
Was vibration before everything came to be.
Matter is packed with a whole lot of energy
Which is consciousness and it is fully aware
In a way that can only be seen as profound.

Nothing happens until something happens. But why
Does it happen? What’s the purpose of vibration?
To begin with it’s all about conscious intent
On the part of an entity who only meant
That the universe be a perfect creation
Which it is. It’s a fact that no one can deny.

As the word becomes flesh it vibrates everything
Into being. The Vibrational Patterns are
Everchanging, eternal, and absolutely
Attractive – not assertive. Anyone can be,
Do, or have anything. Joy is never too far
Out of reach. The spirit is ever enduring.

This ‘real’ world that’s defined, explained, documented,
And talked about incessantly doesn’t mean squat.
The vibrational reality is more real
Than the physical because anyone can feel
Their way into accumulating quite a lot.
Everything depends on how one’s oriented.

Before Doing It, Align With It

Mechanical Perfection

What do you know that you often seem to forget?
You know the difference between what doesn’t feel
So good and what feels a little better so you
Can make well informed choices about how to do
The mundane things as well as the ones most ideal.
Things you have to do shouldn’t be seen as a threat.

You don’t need to know everything. Just know what you
Know already. Does this thought feel better or worse
Than the one right before it? You know beyond doubt
The answer in each moment so it’s all about
Choosing better and the entire universe
Will support you. You have to believe this is true.

You need to talk yourself into feeling better.
You begin by remembering that you create
By the way that you vibrate, in other words, you
Attract things. They do not come from out of the blue.
So, how can you stay in a more positive state?
Keep your mind focused on the thoughts that you prefer.

Nothing is more important than that you feel good.
Only look for that which you are wanting to see.
No matter what you’re doing you can make it fun.
It’s the best way for you to get anything done.
Before doing it you’re advised to get happy.
How you get to that place is now well understood.

Loosen Up!

Too Hard At Work

All good work is exciting when you first start out.
Then as time goes by life happens and frustration
Is experienced often. The work must go on
But it’s now an entrapment. Ambition is gone
And there’s not enough time left for recreation.
Your dreams for the future are now riddled with doubt.

Don’t Be Tense. To be tense is the surest way to
Fail in any undertaking great or not so.
Your success is a splendid thing but don’t pursue
It too tensely. It will suck the life out of you
If you do it, and you will have nothing to show
For the struggle in all of the work that you do.

There’s an attitude of mind which may be compared
To a clenched fist, a knitted brow, set teeth… and this
Kind of attitude cannot bring any success.
What it will do is make you ill because of stress.
If you play your life like a game then you won’t miss
Opportunities which with others can be shared.

Beyond your wildest expectations you’ll succeed
If you treat your work as fun. The difficulties
Are all part of the game. Laugh at annoyances.
The whole picture will change as your mood enhances
Your becoming. Eventually you’ll find ease
In your work as the tension within you is freed.