Tag Archive | emotion



It’s a wonderful feeling. It’s one of relief
But you must trust what you are surrendering to
Which is your own magnificence and wellbeing.
Your surrender can be delightfully freeing
And it can shower tons of blessings upon you
If that you are most worthy is your firm belief.

And your are worthy beyond imagination
So don’t go there. Just concentrate on your desire.
Let it fully consume you. Let it resonate
To your highest frequency. That’s how you create
Your most vivid reality. You can acquire
Anything in this manner with your vibration.

You’re not surrendering to your desire. What you
Are surrendering is all your lingering doubt
And resistance – your trying too hard to make it
Happen for you. Decide you’re going to permit
What you’ve asked for to manifest. Speak more about
What you want with a more positive point of view.

The first manifestation is a feeling one.
When you start to have emotions about something
Then something is about to become real for you.
It’s how thoughts turn to things and how old becomes new.
Life can feel as if you have the world on a string.
Your surrendering also leads to lots of fun.

Don’t Wait, Catch It!

Arms Open Wide

If you care really strongly about something, then
You focus on its opposite it feels awful.
Don’t wait until it begins to feel anything.
Catch the negative feeling as it’s happening.
When you’re mindful of how you feel then you can pull
Yourself out of the psychic ditch time and again.

It can get a bit tricky. Your satisfaction
Or the opposite already has momentum
So if you really want this thing you have to be
Lined up with your receiving it. Your energy
Must be free of resistance. What you want will come
When from not having it you find some distraction.

That nuanced control you don’t have when momentum
Is too strong. You can’t guide how you feel easily
About what you want not having manifested.
About how you feel be completely invested.
Take your mind off of it and let it come to be.
Don’t be beating any kind of negative drum.

Tune yourself every morning by meditating
For a few minutes. Find that place where everything
Feels just right. When you find yourself having a thought
Through the day that is off easily it is caught.
It gets better with practice. Indeed it can bring
About peace of mind which ought to make your heart sing.

It’s Ready! Are You?

Pleasant Day

When you’re looking to manifest something you may
Think that you’re manifesting the actual thing
But you’re not. You’re creating the environment
That allows what you’re wanting. When feeling content
You’re aligned with what you want to start happening.
You know that what you’re wanting is well on its way.

So it’s not like you’re going out and getting it.
If that’s your approach then you’re more keenly aware
Of its absence and what you want can’t come to be.
Line up with the vibrational reality
Of what you have created with such loving care.
Everything is evolving to your benefit.

What you want is already completely prepared
And lined up for you. If it’s not manifested
In the physical it means that you’re not ready
To receive yet so just clean up your energy
And be more optimistic of what lies ahead.
You receive when your passion for life is declared.

Your emotions are manifestations as are
Your ideas and insights. Accept them as such.
You’re creating momentum as you feel your way
To what you want. Joy is but a small price to pay
For a life of abundance. Always keep in touch
With you feelings. From them you should never be far.

Emotion And Manifestation

Group Meditation

An event, action, or object that clearly shows
Or embodies something especially something
That’s abstract like and idea or a theory…
It’s a good definition so don’t be leary
Of the point here. Manifestation means to bring
Something into being. This everybody knows.

Manifestations are things like breathing in air
And exhaling. Where you are right now is also
Something brought into being. This very moment
And everything about it all does represent
Nothingness gaining somethingness. It’s good to know
That you manifest anytime and anywhere.

The importance of this manifested moment
Cannot be overemphasized and emotion
Gives it power. When you want something earnestly
Your emotion is what will make it come to be
So when you’re manifesting give much devotion
To the feeling of your being fully content.

Find the feeling place of what you want and practice
It and know it and own it until you become
Absolutely one with it. Determination
To feel it will enhance its manifestation.
How you feel is where all of your power comes from.
Think of what you could manifest when you’re in bliss.

From Moment To Moment

Tender Togetherness

What you think right now is a manifestation
Even though it’s intangible, and how you feel
Is also your creation. What’s happening now
You create but you may not know exactly how
This is done. This topic may not have much appeal
But perhaps it may turn into fascination.

Just like the car in the garage and all the nice
Things that you find of value that are physical,
Thoughts and emotions are manifestations too
In fact everything that is happening to you
Is a manifestation. It’s illogical
To assume that your life is a throw of the dice.

The most important manifestation is how
You are feeling From Moment To Moment because
You control every other manifestation
From this moment. Your life is your own creation.
Keep your primary focus away from what was
And keep yourself always in the mode to allow.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’ll experience your power and clarity
In so doing. Let how you’re feeling tell you how
To keep track of this moment and all that is there.

Feel It All Come To Be

Moment Of Cheer

Act as if it is and it will be. This is true
But you have to believe it. You cannot pretend
That you have it and not feel it deep in your soul.
As a professional actor you play the role
Of someone who has figured out how to transcend
Old beliefs that have not been of good use to you.

Ask yourself why you want it. Find the vibration
That’s within your desire. What’s the feeling that’s at
The heart of your wanting? Get that feeling going
Until you’re consumed with the absolute knowing
That what you want is done. It’s as simple as that.
This is the art of deliberate creation.

If you can get yourself this far keep practicing.
The Law of Attraction will take care of the rest.
That’s your work. From the vibration that exists to
Its full manifestation – it’s managed by you.
Wonderful things happen when you’re feeling your best.
Be aware of the kinds of things you’re attracting.

You control your emotions. You can come into
Alignment no matter what happens to occur.
Feel your way to alignment with what you desire.
The feeling of it is what you want to acquire.
It’s so easy to live the life you would prefer.
Feel as if what you want has now happened for you.

Deliberate Creation

Youthful Magic

The key to magic is that you have to feel good
Period and it’s the only ingredient
Necessary for Deliberate Creation.
Your thoughts do become matter. This is how it’s done:
Focus only on being extremely content
For no other reason than that you know you should.

Thoughts that feel good are many and you get to choose
From among an infinity or you can come
Up with thoughts of your own that make you feel happy.
Forget about specifics. Go generally
For a positive feeling and stay away from
Any thinking that causes you to sing the blues.

Come into vibrational alignment with the
Knowledge that the whole is achieved then find a way –
Any way to get happy. The specifics will
Fill in with more than enough detail to fulfill
Your desire for just having a wonderful day.
You have access to infinite Source energy.

The emotional manifestation is the
Most important. The power therein is immense.
Let it be what you’re reaching for and be aware
Of the magic that happens. Remember that there
Is no effort indeed there’s no kind of expense
For deliberately creating happily.

Making Peace


Disappointed you are that it hasn’t come yet.
Your awareness of what you want that you have not
Messes with you. It keeps you from full resonance
With your true self and there is much less of a chance
Of your getting what you want. It matters a lot
That you find some way of dealing with your regret.

If you keep being disappointed because it
Isn’t manifested you cannot be aware
Of the signs of its coming so you set a goal
And create a timeline thinking you have control
Of a tough situation. It’s too much to bear
So much so that in no time you’re ready to quit.

Yet you know about deliberate creation.
You know what you don’t want so you know what you do.
Focus only on what you want. Start Making Peace
With ‘what is.’ In no time you’ll begin to release
Some resistance. Surrender to that part of you
Who gets you out of any tough situation.

Do it because you have the ability to
Feel good where you are anyway at any time.
Here and now is the jumping off place to your bliss
And you know it can only get better than this
Current struggle. So much of your life is sublime.
Ask yourself why you want to do all that you do.

A Life Of Your Dreams

Mix It Up!

Surrender to the wellbeing offered to you
By the provident universe. Be who you are
At your core. Knowing how to live life happily
You’re aligned with your own creative energy.
It has been quite a wonderful journey so far.
What you live now is a perfect daydream come true.

On the emotional scale you’re somewhere between
Satisfaction and ecstasy usually.
The degrees of emotion are the momentum
Of your point of attraction. You have overcome
Much of your resistance. It’s so easy to be
In alignment and to keep your vibration clean.

Satisfaction and peacefulness can turn into
Feelings of passion and invincibility.
Once you find an object of attention to which
You flow your positive energy thoughts you’re rich
In its substance. Things work out magnificently
For you always and life brings much pleasure to you.

You can be the advantage you were born to be
To the world and to yourself by focusing more
On your point of attraction by being ready
To be ready to receive perpetually.
You have every right to a life you can adore.
Once again, you were meant to live life happily.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Creating Momentum

Fun Cycle

When you get something moving it gains momentum.
On its own it continues without added force.
You can keep the thing moving or not if you choose.
Perhaps this isn’t the most exciting of news
But there’s value in all information. Of course
What is shared may be of some benefit to some.

If you think about something for just a short while –
Seventeen seconds or so – then you’ll generate
More thoughts like it. If you keep on thinking this way
You’ll begin to feel something. Indeed if you stay
Steadily focused on it then you will create
An attracting vibrational feeling profile.

After the sixty-eight second mark there’s enough
Momentum to begin receiving easily
Information from your more evolved consciousness.
All you need to accomplish to have some success
Is now done. You’ve created vibrationally
The condition for receiving lots of good stuff.

Don’t try to deal with the condition rather than
The emotion. Feel your way into happiness
In each moment. The world will be more kind to you.
Creating Momentum is so easy to do.
The power of the whole universe you possess.
You can do more for yourself than anyone can.

Clues Are Being Given

Detailed Search

There exists not a person who’s without a clue
Contrary to the insult that often is used
Against others to make them feel unconnected
From reality. People should be respected.
If someone says, “You’re clueless.”, you’re wrongly accused.
Don’t believe what you know in your heart isn’t true.

You’ve put with great precision details into your
Own vortex of creation. You can’t remember
All that you’ve put there but your inner being knows
Everything about you and it constantly shows
You the way to fulfillment. All that you prefer
It’s aware of. It’s always knocking at your door.

It may be that sometimes you get in your own way
By not keeping yourself more consciously aware
Of the clues as they happen or you may not be
Happy with your most challenging reality
But you must know for certain that the clues are there.
They’re given to you throughout each and every day.

The path of least resistance is offered to you
By your own inner being with whom you’re in touch
At any given moment. You can easily
Find the clues that will lead to your being happy.
When you feel good the universe can give you much
Information and with it a much broader view.

Inner Guidance

Specific Direction

Facing reality only regurgitates
It in essence. There’s plenty of reality
That you want to keep replicated but then there
Are things that only lead to much grief and despair.
If you focus too much on those things then you’ll be
Not your best self. Indeed you’ll be someone who hates.

Your emotions will tell you exactly what you
Need to know in each moment so pay attention
To what they have to say. They’re your guidance system.
If you choose you can gain much benefit from them.
How you feel cannot be beyond comprehension.
You can always be sure that what you feel is true.

When you’re driving on the expressway and you drift
Off the road then the rough pavement will let you know
That you’re getting off track. It’s an indication
Of that fact only. It’s not a condemnation
Of your action. Your emotions exist to show
How far off track you are. Consider them a gift.

If a thought doesn’t feel good then go general.
If it feels entertaining then get specific.
Milk it for all that it has and be satisfied
That the good feelings you get cannot be denied.
They can guide you to feeling rather fantastic.
You should know that your happiness should be normal.

Access The Power


Begin to envision your life as it should be –
Not as others would have it. The power is yours
To create with abandon whatever you choose.
You’ve been asking and you’ve paid more than enough dues
In so doing and doing so opens no doors
To enlightenment nor to opportunity.

Before you can experience something you must
Give some thought to it. It’s then an invitation
For it to evolve and pick up some momentum.
Focus more on the good feeling thoughts as they come.
By now you’ve become an expert at creation.
You’ve only your point of attraction to adjust.

Get yourself into the place of expectation
That good things happen for you. Become more aware
Of when they happen and learn to appreciate
When you find yourself in a more positive state.
Focus on whatever can help keep yourself there.
Wonders can be achieved through your dedication.

Look for things that you like. Then you’re effectively
And deliberately creating. Your intent
Is to sift through the data and then to conclude
What would be better. Let nothing mess with your mood.
Finding things that make you happy is time well spent.
Your are meant to be living your life happily.

The World Is Your Kitchen

The Hearth

What is the purpose of your life experience?
Surely you know the answer if you have any
Sense of how this world operates. You’re here to be,
Do, or have anything you want. Naturally
You create every bit of your reality.
There is a special reason for your existence.

Into this physical dimension you have come
Because you’re a creator who wants to express
That while being here. Your work here is to define,
Discern, and decide, then to properly align
With your wishes and your ultimate happiness
In this world. There is nothing to get away from.

This world is a well-stocked kitchen with every kind
Of ingredient one could imagine and it
Has an infinite supply of each and you are
An astute master chef. Do you feel up to par?
Yes You Do! Everything is for your benefit.
Don’t let thoughts of negativity cross your mind.

Your work is to put some of those ingredients
Into different combinations to create
Whatever you want to. You’ve the freedom to be
As creative as you want and most happily.
On the meal that you’re making you must concentrate.
Let your role in your kitchen here and now commence.

Feel As If It Is

Extreme Satisfaction

Find the vibration that is within the desire.
Ask yourself why you want it and let the feeling
Of the answers flow through you. Be fully aware
Of your sense of alignment and try to stay there
For as long as you can because it’s appealing
To your spirit. No efforting does it require.

When you act as if something is when you clearly
Don’t believe it you’re basically pretending
That it is without feeling it. That’s not the way
To receive what you want. In the same place you’d stay.
Mixed signals to the universe you’d be sending.
Feel As If It Is and it has to come to be.

You have to find a piece of belief in what you
Want to happen. When you find the feeling of it
Your belief strengthens. You become more energized.
Manifestations will occur. You’ll be surprised
And you’ll get to the point where you’ll have to admit
That this Law of Attraction stuff is really true.

You don’t need the condition to be happy now.
No matter what’s occurring you’ve complete control
Of your thoughts and emotions. Show yourself that you
Can create through your focus a world that is new
And exciting. Let life be the soup for your soul.
Your emotional guidance system tells you how.

When The Big Stuff Happens

Observing Hugeness

There are different levels of being happy.
I can be consumed with passion or just content.
Either way I have access to what I’ve asked for.
Satisfied I am with life yet I ask for more
To occur according to my conscious intent.
I surrender to the wellbeing that is me.

It’s called the momentum within the vibration
And when I meet my true self with no resistance
I allow myself to be receptive to all
That I’ve asked for – the big things as well as the small.
I know that my appreciation will enhance
Whatever I decide to be my creation.

When the emotion switches from satisfaction
And peacefulness into invincibility
Big things happen. The more I feel good the more I
Have command of my creations and this is why
I must let myself be as happy as can be.
This is according to the Law of Attraction.

Once the floodgates are open – once thoughts begin to
Flow to me and once I find and object that I
Can focus all my attention on I align
With my inner being. I’m happy by design.
Positive energy thoughts are now part of my
Agenda. They help to make my dreams all come true.

If This Is Happening It’s Ready To Manifest

Small Life

The highest manifestation to which I am
Feeling enormous positive emotion has
Already manifested in the form of the
Positive emotion that I’m feeling. To be
Able at any moment to feel as good as
I decide to is my rather simple program.

As I note the successful manifestation
Of the positive emotion all the details
Will fill in quickly. The emotion is the thing
Most important. My happiness alone can bring
Good things to me as long as my spirit prevails
In its quest for deliberate co-creation.

So it’s here. I accept that. But does it defy
What is logical? Is this the way of a fool?
If I feel anticipation and excitement
Then how can it be considered an indictment
Of my purpose? To me that simply isn’t cool.
When I’m feeling good I love to tell others why.

There are those who feel absence. They try to fill it
With the things that they think will make them feel better
But the void can be filled with appreciation,
Clarity, fulfillment, and extreme elation.
When you feel this way wonderful things must occur.
Your feelings are provided for your benefit.

You Will Control Every Manifestation

Magical Control

How do you feel this moment? This question is so
Important because it’s your point of attraction.
Manifesting is easy when you have control
Of the moment. When you feel powerful and whole
Everything you do is to your satisfaction.
From right now all of your manifestations flow.

It’s a manifestation what you’re living in
Any moment. Surrounding you are people who
You may play with or not. Your life is unfolding
According to the things to which you’re beholding.
Manifesting can come naturally to you
And right now is an excellent time to begin.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestations of your moment, but what trips
People up often is that they’re looking long term
When they don’t know enough to come up with a firm
And clear mission. It seems that they’re caught in the grips
Of a limiting mindset perpetually.

What’s the most significant manifestation?
It is this very moment. The way that you feel
Indicates how much power is at your command.
That you have control you must fully understand.
You can reach for the feelings that are most ideal.
In this moment you’ve the power of creation.

May Your Journey Be Blessed

Joyful Path

Surrender the beliefs that do not allow you
To evolve into the person you want to be.
Surrender the resistance to your worthiness
And the things in your life that are causing you stress.
You are meant to be here expanding happily.
May there be success in everything that you do.

Surrender what is keeping your burning desire
From becoming a part of your reality.
Life has caused you to ask. Your desire is valid
Which means you are the only one who can forbid
Its fulfillment. Surrender and get yourself free
Of the struggle. No effort does your peace require.

Allowing is another word to use instead
Of surrendering. It does not involve torture.
You’re allowing receptiveness to clarity
And wellbeing. Through your truth you easily see
That your journey through life will be safe and secure.
Thank yourself for allowing the good times ahead.

The first manifestation is an emotion
In the creative process. If it feels okay
Then prolong it but if not then focus elsewhere.
Thoughts become things so of your thoughts you must take care.
Be aware of what uplifts you throughout your day.
To your spiritual growth give much devotion.

Responding To Negative Emotion

Anger Mob

When the natives get restless who should get uptight?
There’s no answer that makes any logical sense
Because it’s human nature. When we do something
That hurts us we keep doing it and it won’t bring
Any change in behavior so at great expense
We ignore any consensus on what is right.

I’m aware of my feelings. They’re moving toward
Something I don’t want happening. I’m asking for
Reassurance that I can get back to a place
Of alignment with who I am. I’m not my race.
I’m a spirit who should be giving a lot more
Attention to the fact that by God I’m adored.

I catch the feeling before it gains momentum
Then I can do something with it rather than let
It take me places that I would rather not go.
How I feel right now is all that I need to know.
Life cannot seem to me to be a constant threat.
My inner being is where all my strength comes from.

If I have an opinion about anything
And I don’t feel well as I’m thinking about it
It means that my inner being doesn’t agree
With what I’m thinking. It becomes then good for me
To be mindful of the vibration I transmit.
Negative emotion I find interesting.

Happy And Positive Always

Pure Happiness

Once I was bright and happy – a source of sunshine
To the people in my life, in fact, everyone
I encountered enjoyed my enthusiasm.
Now it seems that a part of my heart has grown numb
Due to all of the struggle and hard work I’ve done
For things in my life that will never become mine.

Yet I know by now that by my being happy
My health benefits. My mind and body work best
When I’m happy. There’s plenty of strong evidence
To prove this and it makes absolutely good sense
To make sure that I remain at my happiest.
I want to give to this world the best I can be.

Pleasantness is the issue. Of life energy
Pleasantness is called bliss and of my surroundings
It’s called success. Pleasantness of my emotion
Is called love, compassion, and complete devotion
To the needs of my fellows. My pleasantness brings
Into focus my power. It’s who I must be.

If I’m feeling ecstatic I will hit the ball
A lot better than otherwise but I am not
The issue if I don’t. Once I understand this
Then I am only one moment away from bliss.
No way am I the enigma that time forgot.
How I feel in each moment is truly my call.

Just Feel Good

Ease Of Happiness

If what is has your undivided attention
Then you are not a deliberate creator.
You’re a knee jerk reactor, regurgitator,
And a default observer. You want nothing more
Than to be free of what is – a celebrator
Of a good life beyond any comprehension.

You can choose an emotion that is apart from
The reality that you’re currently living.
You’ve the ability to deliberately
Alter everything about your reality.
Nothing about life is truly unforgiving.
Keep your mind on the wonderful blessings to come.

Find a way to stop offering a vibration
That holds you apart from all that you’ve created.
Stop the struggle. Surrender. Give up the battle.
Put your attention only on the things that’ll
Make your heart sing. What can get you activated
To be joyful? It’s the clearest indication.

Stop looking at the evidence that supports why
You’re standing in a place where you don’t want to stand.
Stop keeping what is active then everything will
Work out magnificently. You just need to chill
An let your inner being take you by the hand.
Simply find some way to keep yourself flying high.

Like Magic

Magical Gifts

You’re the creator of your own reality.
You are in the process of creating not one
But two realities. Contrast causes you to
Expand and add to the much greater part of you –
The eternal one. Also of your creation
Is how you feel right now and the way that you see.

What you want is to merge these two realities
Into one happy person. Your eternal soul
Won’t go with you if you choose to fuss and complain
Or point out the injustices and the insane
Goings on over which you do not have control.
It’s your goal to see as your eternal soul sees.

Whenever you feel negative emotion you
Are thinking about something quite differently
Than who you really are is. If you continue
Feeling badly then it may develop into
An illness but your positive thinking can be
An effective deterrent to your feeling blue.

Your power of influence is mighty when you
Are aligned with who you truly are. When you’re not
Then your power is paltry, so your alignment
With your soul is your key to your feeling content.
How you think and feel do really matter a lot.
Take advantage of all that you know to be true.

Authentic Power

Deflation Of Self

The change is happening. We don’t have to make it
Happen. It’s an expansion of our perception
Beyond the limitations of the five senses.
We know now that our actions have consequences
And that we can tune ourselves for the reception
Of nonphysical knowledge for our benefit.

We’re becoming aware of ourselves as more than
Bodies and minds. We have another sensory
System of which our intuition is a part
As well as the warm feelings that come from the heart.
Feeling that you’re living your life meaningfully
Is a clue that your doing everything you can.

We’ve used external power to manipulate
And control things but that doesn’t work anymore.
It’s now counterproductive. Authentic Power
Is accessed from within. One could ask, “Just how were
We able to make it this far, and what’s in store?”.

A future of harmony we’re here to create.

The highest part of yourself that you can reach for
Is your soul so align your personality
With your soul’s mission. Then you will experience
Your Authentic Power. Your new life you’ll commence
With excitement and passion. You want to be free
Of your false sense of power so you can do more.

The Law Of Assumption

Imaginary World

To assume is to know that something will take place.
Move it into the mind so that the abundance
That you feel puts no resistance into the mix.
Simply imagining what you want can play tricks
On your mind but your feeling will greatly enhance
Your vibration and readiness to receive grace.

I can feel it and that’s enough. I’m translating
The vibrational reality into what
I am feeling which is complete expectation
That I’ll get what I’m wanting. Realization
Of the feeling of having it comes from the gut.
It’s a cool and powerful way of creating.

When I feel wonderful that’s the condition that
Is necessary for my thoughts to turn to things.
Put emotion into your equation and see
That things will manifest for you. Reality
Is what you make it. Be aware of life’s blessings
And be at peace with where in your life you are at.

Love is so delicious. Laughing is awesome fun.
I enjoy the adventure. I love the surprise
Of not seeing it coming but being there when
It happens. I’m in touch with my true self again.
Life gets better because I now see through the eyes
Of my soul and this is the grandest assumption.

The Heart Field

Cardio Magnetic

Everyone has an electromagnetic field
And the earth has one also, in fact everything
That is living has this current running through their
Nervous systems. It’s the same energy we share
With the earth. Those who would find this interesting
Feel that this information should not be concealed.

There are satellites in space that actually
Test the electromagnetic field of earth. So,
After planes had crashed into the Twin Towers, they
Took some measurements and the energy was way
Off the charts. Much more scientists wanted to know
About this phenomenon of heart energy.

They hooked up machines to the heart and what they found
Was that it’s the emotions we experience
That causes this current to flow through our bodies.
Group healing can be done and with relative ease.
When one or more are gathered it makes perfect sense
That with this energy one must not fool around.

When more folks are gathered together they create
A grater energy force in this world. As we
Have our thoughts we must move into the emotion
That’s behind them. We must give proper devotion
To clearing out all of our negativity
And to remaining in a more positive state.

The Need For More Lives?

Burnout Trajectory

I’m a creative person. I get a lot done,
And I love it. There’s noting in life I want more
Than to be inundated with activities
That excite me. I would ask the universe, “Please
Give me more lives, or at least more time to explore
All the things I’m involved with as I’m having fun.”

No matter where my focus is, it’s all about
My exhilaration – my joyful becoming.
But my thinking may show some signs of resistance
Because while I do one thing I’m missing the chance
To do others. It screws with my psychic plumbing
In a way that produces in me certain doubt.

So my point of attraction is way off the mark
Because I’m missing things that I want. I’m aware
More of what I’m not allowing to manifest.
In the mode of receiving I will get the best
Course of action by impulse. Enough I must care
About keeping my spirit away from the dark.

I’m loving the power of imagination.
When I’m in the receiving mode I don’t complain
About not getting things done. Then I can create
A life for myself that I would consider great.
My connection with Source Energy I maintain
If I can remain in a state of elation.

A Planned Time Of Death

Passing Eternity

From a human perspective life comes to an end
At some point. It’s believed that we cease to exist
Altogether by many, and others hold on
To spiritual teachings. When relied upon,
They provide guidance. Thoughts of death can’t be dismissed
From the mind, yet they’re difficult to comprehend.

Do we as humans have a predestined way and
Date of death? Could it happen at anytime or
Anywhere? Does our physical experience
Here on earth to the spirit world make any sense?
Added to these questions there are a whole lot more
To be asked so that one can fully understand.

Our two points of attraction – our Source Energy
And the people we’re being at any moment –
Are blended together. Our feelings let us know
How much of our true selves we’re allowing to flow
Through these physical bodies. At times we prevent
The emergence of who we have come here to be.

Those who know innately their power and value
But who don’t let it happen may choose to allow
Reemergence back into the nonphysical.
Surely we are basically spiritual
Energy here with bodies. Some of us know how,
More than others, to have a positive point of view.

Appreciation Both Ways

General Thanks

We’re all in this together. We love it when you
Realize that you’re pure positive energy.
The power of saying ‘yes’ is so amazing.
In this world, you can have, do, or be anything
That you want, and we love your willingness to be
Here among us. Together we’ve much work to do.

In this time space reality we co-create.
While exploring the contrast we come to our own
Conclusions about what we want. This is how we
Go about creating our own reality.
We love it when you enter the creative zone
And come up with ideas that are truly great.

We adore your awareness of your vibration.
Your emotional guidance system helps you to
Steer your way through adversity. You don’t freak out
Nor do you become infatuated with doubt
That the negative circumstance you can get through.
We love that you own all that is your creation.

What we love most of all is when you calibrate
To the energy of your inner being and
Reach a higher vibration of your energy.
You can experience rapture quite easily
When the laws of the universe you understand.
We love it when you finally achieve that state.

Emotions And Your Body

Feeling Spectrum

Your body responds to the way you think, feel, and
Act. This is one type of mind/body connection.
When you’re stressed, anxious, or upset, your body may
Develop high blood pressure or ulcers. To stay
In good health, you can confide in the direction
Of your inner being who has the upper hand.

The manifestation in the body is an
Exaggerated version of what’s going on
With your feelings, but you can shift an emotion
With much more ease than after the damage is done.
You have your guidance system to rely upon.
Your awareness is important to your game plan.

If you wait until there’s a manifestation,
Then it’s much harder to emotionally get
Around what’s taken place in your body, therefore
Catch it in the beginning and do not explore
All the things about your life you deeply regret
Having gone through even though it’s your creation.

Understand your emotions and recognize why
You are having them. Sorting them out can help you
To cope with them. Find some form of relaxation
Such as yoga, Tai Chi, guided meditation,
Or just listening to music. Things you can do
Are quite many. It’s worthwhile to give some a try.


Comforting Touch

Every emotion you feel in life is a choice,
Which means that you control everything that you feel.
You were meant to enjoy life. If you can learn how,
You’ll never be a burden on others. Allow
That to be your gift to others and the ordeal
Of your own neediness you will not want to voice.

The least selfish thing you can do and the most kind
Is to be in alignment with the best of you.
It’s also the most loving and graceful of things
You can do. Clarity and wellbeing it brings.
So, can it be called selfless? What you choose to do
To help others can in itself be self-inclined.

Everyone has the right to live their life as they
Choose to live it, as long as they don’t interfere
With the same right of others. “We love the things we
Love for what they are.”
When you love genuinely,

Empathy becomes natural. Then you can hear
What the other is saying. Fear washes away.

What you think of yourself must be more important
Than what others think of you. You give up control
In the moment you let others know you’re willing
To do anything for them. You can by filling
Your heart with love reach into someone else’s soul.
It’s okay to be selfless. There’s no one who can’t.

Start A New Life

Doorway To Clarity

What is the purpose of my life experience?
I’m a creator. I want mostly to express
That in this physical dimension while I’m here.
I discern and decide until I’m very clear
About what I want in life, which is happiness.
Life’s variety leaves me in utter suspense.

By the power of my will and ability
To focus upon that which I want, I attract
Anything I want to me. When I give my thought
Great emotion is when my vibration is brought
To a much higher frequency. This well-known fact
Is one that’s become most beneficial to me.

I sift through the data of my environment.
I’ll wake up every morning intending that I
Will look everywhere for things to feel good about.
I know that everything for me always works out
For the better. It’s good that I don’t have to try
To force things to go my way. Such time is ill spent.

I will go to the stores where the things I like are,
And I’ll watch those who look, walk, and feel the way I
Want to look, walk, and feel. To selectively sift
Through the data is indeed a most precious gift.
I embrace the spiritual laws that apply.
Anything I want in life is never too far.

Mental Organization

Mind Maintenance

Organizing your mind is something you can do
Easily, and once organization is done,
Anything that you wish happens. You have control
Over much in your life. It will make you feel whole.
You will get along better with most everyone.
You will always be showing the best side of you.

Everything created on the planet was first
And idea. The mind is a powerful tool.
Wonderful things the mind has created, also
Things of horror. We don’t know which way it could go.
As a species, it seems we’re evoking the fool.
We do not care if things may turn out for the worst.

We can learn to create the right things with the mind
And not live accidentally. That’s creating
At its best, but we’re creating compulsively.
Consciously we can do it. We’re perfectly free
To choose love over interfering and hating.
A fulfilling existence in peace we may find.

The mind tunes the whole system. Your emotional,
Mental, and physical energies, when aligned
All in one direction, will give you clarity.
Otherwise, you’ll be running around endlessly
With no path to be followed. Embrace humankind
With compassion. It is totally natural.

When You Really Want Something

The Superlative Strength Of Desire

Let’s say you’re without something that you really want.
Your thoughts are dominated. You’re almost obsessed
With this something. It keeps you up all through the night.
That it’s not coming to you just doesn’t seem right.
You believe you are giving it only your best.
There is nothing about life that you care to vaunt.

You need not write it down again or set a goal.
The larger part of you has already received
Your request and is on it. Bring yourself into
Alignment with its coming. The more you can do
To release some resistance, the more is achieved
For receiving what is at the heart of your soul.

Go more general at first. Your situation
Truly sucks, so diffuse the specifics of it.
From a broader perspective, this too shall pass on.
You will feel better when some resistance is gone
From your overall makeup. You’ve the benefit
Of the freedom of choosing your best vibration.

Through your suffering, you have already begun
The process of receiving. You were in a place
Of not being receptive to helpful insight
That will lead you to what you want. It’s a delight
When, while wanting, you can keep a smile on your face.
In this way, you can better your situation.

Understand Your Emotions

Emotional Neutrality

Sometimes you can feel frisky. Lots of energy
Is flowing. No resistance nor blockage have you.
When you feel lethargy, you have not much focus
Or resistance. You have not the energy, thus
You have little to do the things you want to do.
Thankfully, you are guided emotionally.

The emotion that you feel is all about the
Energy between you and your inner being.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, but
It feels like other people’s behaviors are what
Cause your main maladjustment. You end up seeing
The whole world as a threat and a gross place to be.

When you feel negative emotion, what it means
Is that your strong opinion about whatever
Differs greatly from that of your inner being.
It is only when both of you are agreeing
That you feel positive. You can never sever
The connection you have through spiritual genes.

You don’t have to explain a thing to anyone.
Everyone has their own inner being who knows
Everyone else’s. Let that give you peace of mind.
Consciously you decide that you can be more kind
To yourself and to others. You want to expose
Your true self to the world. This is how life is done.

Focus On Your Emotions

Effective Conversation

On this leading edge of creation, we are here
To support one another. We are the springboards
Of expansion. We’re not here to mimic others
Nor to be accepting of whatever occurs.
Positive emotions do have their just rewards.
One of them is a mind that is perfectly clear.

No one is here to ‘get’ you because we are all
Part of one diverse species. We each are a piece
Of an infinite puzzle. We each are a gift
To all others. We’re here to comfort and uplift
One another. For the soul, it is a release
Of the love that we’re made of which cannot be small.

Don’t defy your own guidance system. Do rely
On your keen intuition. Accept how you feel
To be accurate. Don’t allow yourself to be
Disillusioned by others. The world that they see
Is their world. If to you they have not much appeal,
Then it’s time to respectfully tell them goodbye.

If you feel satisfaction, then you’re in a place
Where you have much control. You could go either way,
So it pays to be conscious and fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment, and you must care
More than anything that you will have a fine day.
Feeling satisfied means that your life you embrace.

Something You Can Control

Physical Pain

I’m in pain, and it’s chronic. I find no relief.
Positive thoughts escape me. What else can I do
But to suffer throughout life? My ailing body
Is the source of my torment. I so want to be
In the best of health. I know something is askew
With something I don’t know about, which gives me grief.

How can I think positive thoughts when I’m in pain?
Is that not a fair question, given that I take
This body everywhere I go? It’s a big part
Of how I feel at any moment. In my heart
I know that there’s an answer. God, give me a break
From the psychic conundrum. I’ve nothing to gain.

Positive emotion is what I want to feel.
I have to separate out the emotion from
The manifestation that I call my body.
The emotion I can control quite easily,
But the body has already gained momentum,
So it may take time for it to completely heal.

Between fear and hope there is a big difference…
Like between life and death or recovery from
A health issue. If I can manage to prolong
The manifestation of pain, I can’t go wrong.
The condition will have an amazing outcome
Feeling better is what to me makes the most sense.

The Issue With Reality

Physical Guidance

Is reality something that needs to be faced?
Troubling is the question. Most people believe
That to not face reality wouldn’t be wise.
Condemnation is cast upon one who denies
What is ever so present. One would be naïve
To expect to be most wholeheartedly embraced.

There’s plenty of reality that you want to
Keep replicated in your life experience,
But you must be more of a selective sifter
Through the contrast. As momentum becomes swifter,
Keep the thoughts that feel best. That would only make sense.
Leave the thoughts that feel less than appealing to you.

If a thought doesn’t feel good, then go general
To just flatten it nicely and slow it down some.
If the thought does feel good, then get more specific.
Your conscious attention guarantees a more quick
Manifestation and a fulfilling outcome.
There’s benefit in following this rationale.

When you’re driving and drifting too far off the road,
The rumble of the guide strip will notify you
That you need to get back on track. It’s no judgment
Of your character, nor is it an indictment
Of your morality. It has only to do
With your guidance, so be in the receptive mode.

But, should you face reality? Here is the thing.
It’s created by thoughts and beliefs carefully,
Over time, focused strongly on. You can create
Your own reality as you wish. Concentrate
On the reality that you’d have come to be.
All that is real for you is what is becoming.

This Moment In Time

Capturing Eternity

In this moment, the power to change anything
You possess without question. Now is the juncture
Where the focus of you and who you’re becoming
Are converging. So, you are now manifesting
This moment in totality. Do know that you’re
The creator of now and all that’s happening.

You may think that big money, a house, or a car
Are manifestations. This is certainly true,
But in the truest sense, it’s the full infusion
Of the Source within you that deserves inclusion
As a manifestation. The best part of you
In this moment can never be considered far.

To a lesser or greater degree, you occlude
The blessings that are flowing directly to you.
Yet you can change the moment with just a feeling
Or a thought of something that is most appealing.
What you choose in this moment is always brand new.
You can manifest a most loving attitude.

You cannot separate the manifestation
From your depth of emotion. Find the feeling place.
Your can feel as if you’re sneaking in the back door
To a good time. The universe will offer more
To prove the reality of infinite grace.
What shows up in your life is all your creation.

Catch It!

Bad Mood

I’ll erupt into anger at the slightest thing,
And it gets me in trouble. When I lose control,
Things that are already hopeless only get worse.
I cannot keep on going with such an adverse
Disposition. Don’t touch me with a ten-foot pole
While onto the most negative feelings I cling.

Do I like feeling this way? It seems that I do.
It’s a much better feeling than utter despair.
No where near satisfaction am I with where I
Am in my life. I keep on asking myself why
Things are not getting better. Does anyone care
About the pain and suffering I’m going through?

The degree of my satisfaction has to do
With the power and momentum of my desire.
The degree of my dissatisfaction, therefore,
Is my moving away from or closing the door
To my wishes. Some relief is what I require
And perhaps a more open-hearted point of view.

I don’t have to wait until it really gets bad
To where I become someone I’m not meant to be.
I can catch it before things get way out of hand.
Of my thoughts and feelings I must take full command.
If I tune myself each morning, the best of me
Is available. Peace is what I will have had.

The Big Stuff

Increasing Wealth

It does not make a difference whether you feel
Peacefulness or excitement. You gain access to
Your Vortex of Creation. There’s a distinction
Between surrendering to your situation
And your feeling of passion which elevates you
To a level that you would consider ideal.

The momentum within the vibration will shift
The emotional scale forward by the degree
Of allowance of wellbeing and abundance.
You are a manifester if given the chance
To deal with life’s contrast while you’re resistance free.
Take where you are now as a magnificent gift.

Meditation will quiet your mind and put you
In a state of receiving. Appreciation,
Though, is much more dynamic. You’re focused toward
Your Vortex of Creation where all things are stored
That are of value to you. The work you have done
On your vibration pays off, and life becomes new.

Once you find an object of attention to which
You want to flow your pure positive energy,
That’s when The Big Stuff happens. Be the advantage
To yourself and to others upon the world stage.
Why not right now become who you were meant to be?
You can turn off resistance like flipping a switch.

Are You Ready?

Prepared For Business

You are not manifesting. You are creating
The environment that allows things to take place.
The distinction is subtle. You are more aware
Of the absence of something when it isn’t there.
So your going to get it puts you in a space
Of knowing you don’t have it. There’s no debating.

The contrast that life offers causes you to desire
Something better. This is a manifestation.
It’s also a vibrational reality.
You can’t see it yet, but it will soon come to be.
With this attitude you can get a lot more done
In preparing for things that you seem to acquire.

If it hasn’t manifested yet, all it means
Is that you’re not yet ready. Don’t be frustrated.
Concentrate on creating the best atmosphere
For allowing what you have wanted to appear
In the physical. The climate you’ve created
Can become one of your most productive routines.

Your emotions are created by you also
The ideas and impulses that come to you
Can be called manifestations if you insist.
Keep your focus on knowing that it does exist.
There is no reason that your dream cannot come true.
The momentum you create will get things to flow.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

The Seventeen Second Game

The Best Use Of Time

For as little as seventeen seconds, a thought
Gains momentum. It must be held consistently
With nothing contradicting it in any way.
Then the Law of Attraction will begin to play
By adding more thoughts like it. This thought pleases me
Because within it the key to living is taught.

Another seventeen seconds will generate
Many more thoughts until just after a minute,
You will have an emotion. It’s the beginning
Of a journey where you know you’ll end up winning.
As the game is played, it is to your benefit
That the process you do not over complicate.

After sixty eight seconds of your focusing
On a thought, inspiration is soon to follow.
Every subject is two subjects. If there is good,
Then there is evil. This mindset is understood
By the masses. What you know is what they don’t know.
Trust in that you have chosen to do your own thing.

That’s all you have to accomplish. There’s nothing more
To do. If you reach the sixty eight second mark,
Then, of itself, everything will take proper care.
While you are contemplating, you are made aware
Of the brightness that outshines every bit of dark.
You are now more powerful than ever before.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Make Peace

Positive Change

Something wants to change. What in the world could it be?
I don’t know, but not knowing what shape it will take
Isn’t driving me crazy. I only know that
This Law of Attraction stuff I do have down pat.
All that is revealed is by the peace that I make
With the present and all that has happened to me.

I got happy. I stand here in my wholeness and
In my full resonance with what I have become.
As I revel in that, changes do make their way
Into my life experience. It’s fun to play
In a world that adores me. My life is awesome.
Of my thoughts and feelings I’ve assumed full command.

I could set a goal, identify a timeline,
And hold to it, but that rarely is fulfilling
Because my awareness of the thing I have not
Ties every expectation into a tight knot.
I don’t like when that happens, so I am willing
To believe in my heart that everything is fine.

Making peace with where I am has helped me to be
More in touch with my true self who is satisfied
No matter what the circumstance. My emotion
From my place of asking, “Why?” is what gets things done.
How I feel about living is my only guide.
I’ll get used to the idea of being free.

Look For Good Things

Positive Outlook

What is the purpose of my life experience?
Knowing I’m a creator, I want to express
In this physical setting. I’m here to discern,
Define, and decide. There is so much here to learn.
My ability to focus gives me access
To a whole new arena of magnificence.

So, attracting is easy. When I have a thought
That brings forth strong emotion, the awesome power
Of the universe is prepared to yield to me
Evidence of the things I want to come to be.
In this moment, my life can begin to flower.
I am confident I’ll get whatever is sought.

I’ll look everywhere for things that I want because
I can then merge the data into a picture
Explicit in its detail of how life should be.
Only then am I certain of what pleases me.
The feeling of ecstasy I want to procure.
I’ve become a student of spiritual laws.

I’ll set forth the intention to notice only
Things that I find uplifting. I’ll study those who
Are successful and imitate their energy.
It can be exactly how I want it to be.
It becomes for me a transcendental breakthrough.
Only the best things are meant to happen for me.

Gratitude Makes It Happen

Loving Here And Now

I enjoy being called upon to do something
Wonderful and exciting. It gives me the chance
To show off my magnificent abilities.
I am grateful that I can perform with such ease.
Everyone gets a kick out of my song and dance.
To the table I have but my best self to bring.

I don’t need the condition to get this feeling
Of fulfillment. Others are not necessary
For me to be about life truly excited.
All alone I can be perfectly delighted.
It is as if the whole world revolves around me.
I know how to reach a state that is appealing.

It is counterintuitive to me right now,
But it won’t be for long. The more effort offered,
The more I hold myself in the wrong vibration.
In this way I can hardly get anything done.
I’ll become a spiritually conscious nerd
So that infinite wisdom I’ll learn to allow.

For this life I am grateful. It’s an emotion
I can feel without trying if I really care
About joy in my living. My acknowledging
The good things about life and appreciating
Everything I consider a sacred prayer.
Gratitude is something to give much devotion.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.