Tag Archive | drum

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.

A New Story

Magic Book

Whatever your living, whether it’s about your
Money, or your relationship, or your body…
It’s only a temporary in the moment
Indicator of the vibration you present
To the universe. Your life becomes your story
As you live it while hoping that it will endure.

If you’re not satisfied with your life it’s because
You’ve been telling the same old story for so long
That you can’t think of new ones. You’re stuck in a scene
That repeats itself. The only thing it can mean
Is that you think something about your life is wrong
But what you think goes against spiritual laws.

“I don’t have enough money. I don’t like what the
Government isn’t doing. I hate billionaires
And their uppity attitudes.”
This certainly

Isn’t the story you want to tell. It would be
Useless to you because nobody on earth cares
For that kind of a story unfortunately.

“There’s a crap ton of money. I can get my share.
Things are lined up and the resources are in place.
Circumstances have been arranged. All I need do
Is relax and adopt a more positive view
Of my life.”
This story is one you can embrace

With assurance that you’ll find satisfaction there.

Leverage Of Alignment

Linear Focus

It takes practice to get better at anything.
Can your feeling better be thought of as a skill?
You can feel your way up the emotional scale
To the point where the happiest feelings prevail.
You can train yourself to attain this state at will.
Many blessings to you your alignment can bring.

There’s relief in each piece of resistance released.
From despair to revenge is a step in the right
Direction and from there to anger is one more.
You’re feeling more empowered than you did before.
You can continue until you find sheer delight
In each moment and your will to live is increased.

When you cross the fulcrum into satisfaction
You’ve let go of enough resistance to achieve
An increase in momentum toward ecstasy,
Passion, exhilaration, and life energy.
This is when you’re in the perfect mode to receive
Many blessings to match your point of attraction.

When you’re in the state of satisfaction you’re more
Likely to win the lottery or meet the love
Of your life so you have every reason to feel
Satisfied. As you see your dreams becoming real
You will thank God and angels in heaven above
For a wonderful life that you’ll come to adore.

Your Vibration

Energy Profile

Electricity and magnetism are real.
They’re invisible forces yet we know that they
Do exist in the same way your own vibration
Emanates from you. Though it’s of your creation,
It’s intangible, and this is all just to say
That reality has to do with how you feel.

What you think, how you feel, and therefore what occurs
In your life is always a vibrational match.
If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted
You’re marching toward something that will have daunted
Your own sense of wellbeing. It’s better to latch
Onto that which your truest self strongly prefers.

Now if the drum you’re beating is one that feels good
Then you’re marching toward something that will surprise
And delight you every step along your journey.
Doesn’t it make good sense to live life happily?
Your whole life becomes better when you realize
How to tweak Your Vibration as everyone should.

First believe that you transmit a signal always
And that it tells the universe and the world how
To treat you. Then believe that you have access to
The higher, wiser, and more evolved part of you.
It guides you in the ever present here and now
And it remains with you throughout all of your days.

Love Is Knocking At Your Door

Love Enterance

You want someone in your life to give your love to.
That’s a given. But are you cooperating
Enough so that you’re being drawn into your own
Vortex of Creation? It’s tough being alone
When you want a companion more than anything
But don’t fret. Things are always working out for you.

Your Vortex is where your lover is and it’s where
Everything that you want is. Your vitality,
Clarity, and the answers to questions that you
Have been asking the universe give you a new
Effervescence as you entertain happily
The notion of togetherness with loving care.

Don’t be anxious about it. If you’re ornery
And you keep iterating the fact that you don’t
Have a lover yet you will begin to complain
That it isn’t fair and it will drive you insane.
With all the negative clutter you lover won’t
Happen for you and you’ll remain in misery.

You’re so right about wrongness but don’t focus there
Even though it’s pervasive. Prepare yourself for
Receiving all you’ve asked for – your lover as well.
Let the fairies of the universe cast a spell
That enhances your readiness forevermore.
Of all of your wishes coming true be aware.

A Fantastic Reality

Hobbit Earth

Today you may be offering a vibration
Based on something that happened twenty years ago
That you may have forgotten, so unconsciously
You behave in a manner that doesn’t agree
With who you are today and all that you now know
About the art of deliberate creation.

The momentum built up already has nothing
To do with what you’re wanting, so focus upon
Something different long enough that you can feel
Some relief from what seems to be such an ordeal
For the heart and the psyche. When all hope is gone
Then upon anything uplifting you must cling.

Whatever you’re focused upon the universe
Responds to it. It doesn’t matter if it’s real
Or something conjured up in your mind. Just the fact
That you’re offering the vibration you attract
What you’re focused on to you. How’s that make you feel?
One would hope that it won’t make you feel any worse.

Who does not need distraction? Illness, poverty,
And confusion are things you must get away from
For a while by creating your own fantasy.
You can make everything just the way it should be.
Ignore now for the moment and soothe yourself some.
You are meant to be living your life happily.

Clear The Core Of Negative Beliefs

Negative Voices

Core beliefs are the voices inside of my head.
Each one is a thought that I continued to think
Until it gained enough momentum to become
Part of me. Some of them I can’t get away from.
From the cup of a negative brew I do drink
Knowing well that I’ve created a life of dread.

Thoughts are things that have consciousness given to them
By my focused attention. Habitually
I created them. They are my experience.
They exist to keep providing me evidence
To support my sick visions of society.
From my listening to them all my problems stem.

Just because something is true it doesn’t mean I
Should give it my attention. How does it feel when
I am thinking about it? This criterion
Is the one most important. Indeed I’m the one
Who’s in need of some relief every now and then.
If I don’t feel right I need not ask myself why.

My internal guidance system is how I feel
In each moment. It knows where I am no matter
Where I am. It also knows where I want to be.
I can get rid of negative thoughts easily
Just by noticing when they all start to chatter.
Then I can take on new thoughts that have more appeal.

First Thing In The Morning

Daily Start

The First Thing In The Morning and throughout the day
Play a game that will set your vibrational tone
Apart from things that happened a long time ago.
Things you don’t even remember have come to grow
Into issues for which solutions are unknown.
Daily mind exercise will help flush them away.

Things you may have forgotten are still kept alive
By your thinking the same kinds of thoughts. You offer
A vibration that’s similar so you remain
In the same situation. You’ll have much to gain
By your focusing only on what you prefer.
Nurture a new vibration and then let it thrive.

Conjure up something in your mind different from
Your reality. The universe doesn’t care
If it’s real or if it’s absolute fantasy.
It responds just the same. In your mind you are free
To create your reality with as much flair
As you want and be delighted by what will come.

Find a place in your mind where you’d most like to be
And just stay there a moment or long enough to
Find relief from your beating the drum of the same
Sad song. Play the virtual reality game
Fairy often. It can bring happiness to you.
You will start to see changes immediately.

Pointed In The Proper Direction

The Best Way

You are always emanating a vibration,
And the Law of Attraction is responding to
Whatever that vibration is. What you think and
What you feel, therefore what manifests, understand
That they’re always a vibrational match. So, you
Have control over much of your situation.

If you’re beating the drum of something not wanted,
Then you’re marching toward something that, when it comes,
You won’t like. If you’re beating the drum of something
That you want, when it comes, much delight it will bring.
You know how to tap into the infinite sums
Of blessings universal. You’re never daunted.

Every creation is complete in the mind’s eye,
Long before you can sense physical evidence
Of its realness. Life experience has caused you
To ask, and it is given. From your point of view,
 Every unfolding moment is filled with suspense.
You attract unto you without having to try.

Get a good sense of how true that vibrational
Creation is. When you do, you’ll never again
Doubt that it can become manifested for you.
Point yourself in the direction that is most true
To your positive spirit. You will prosper then.
Life can be something wonderfully supernal.