Tag Archive | defending

Knee Jerk Reactions


Wouldn’t it be terrific if news reflected
Accurately what’s going on? Wouldn’t it be
Really nice if all the pleasant things taking place
In the world the news networks would put in the face
Of the public? Am I living in fantasy?
If so, then I should probably be elected.

I would like to believe that what I feel is true.
If there were much more good news compared to the bad
Then the bad news would be just a blip on the screen.
Only happy stories of living would bee seen.
Can I shoot such a rocket from my own launchpad?
Are there others who feel just the way that I do?

If every chance I get I practice wellbeing
Then if there’s something going on that triggers me
It’s not such a big factor in my overall
Sense of being. In fact, it’s such a very small
Percentage of the big picture. I finally
See the way that my inner being is seeing.

In this world no such thing as perfection exists.
There will always be contrast. Life will always be
On the verge of becoming what it will become.
The emotional triggers we can’t escape from,
But we can learn to live life with more clarity.
Then we’ll deal more appropriately with its twists.

Let Go Of What Is

The Unfulfilled Present

My life has a dark cloud over it. I perceive
That it follows me everywhere. My money woes
Overwhelm me. I can’t find an easy way out
Of my troubles. My future is fettered in doubt.
I’m in this dilemma constantly, and it shows
That I lack in my ability to receive.

It’s a horrible story. Even though it’s true,
To stay focused upon it does me little good.
I create more of what I give attention to.
The old story can only lead to something new
If the laws of the universe are understood
To be functioning in everything that I do.

The new and improved version of my own story
Can include anything that I feel should be there.
If I’m stuck in the same old beliefs by habit,
Then my authoring will be of no benefit
In changing my vibration from that of despair.
A cooperative component I must be.

‘What is’ has no real meaning, in fact, it is past.
Each moment is a new one. The more I let go
Of the negative feelings, the more I allow
Inspiration and insight to tell me just how
To proceed on my journey. I most want to know
How to make wonderful moments in my life last.

That Was Then

Sad Story Retired

All my manifestations keep going somewhere
Other than where I want them to, which is with me.
I’ve had this conversation with myself before,
And my thinking about it does not give me more
Of an edge on fulfillment. I need to break free
Of the prison created by my lack of care.

That Was Then. This Is Now. I know how to relieve
Myself of the resistance. By my maintaining
My vibration, I can manifest easily.
I am fully in touch with who I’m meant to be.
I know now that there is no use in complaining.
I am responsible for all that I receive.

The path of least resistance is being carefree.
Practicing feeling good until I have allowed
Something to manifest is in itself worthwhile,
But my appreciation goes the extra mile.
To the mission of happiness I am avowed.
I know now what the past has provided for me.

Then, I didn’t know what I know now, and what I
Know now is different from the grief I once knew.
I can better feel the path of least resistance.
Within each moment there exists the perfect chance
To be blissful. To my own self I must be true.
All the laws of the universe here do apply.

Righteous Surrender

Submission To Existence

My desire is not what I am surrendering.
It’s only the resistance that keeps me unsure
Of what I am surrendering to. There’s some doubt
That I will be happy with the way things turn out.
If I want something, my vibration must be pure.
Not onto petty battles am I meant to cling.

Life has caused me to ask, and I want to believe
What they say about asking. It will manifest
If I know I’ll receive it. The energy of
Being in the receptive mode is far above
That of doubt, lack, and discord. It would suit me best
That a positive outlook I strive to achieve.

Trying too hard, defending myself constantly,
Justifying, and rationalizing will bring
Only much disappointment. If I can let go
Of such things, then much better things I’ll come to know.
To surrender in no way involves torturing.
It’s about my alignment with source energy.

The first manifestation is an emotion.
If it feels good, I’ll welcome it. If it feels bad,
I’ll look elsewhere to find something to focus on.
The conclusion that I will do well is foregone.
My emotional guidance is my best comrade.
To my inner being I give much devotion.

Surrender And Everything Comes

The Natural Release of Effort

When an army surrenders there’s torture involved
So the word has some issues. There needs to be trust
That the thing one surrenders to is of value
In securing fulfillment. One can live anew
In releasing resistance. One need but adjust
To improved circumstances and problems resolved.

Negative connotations now pushed to the side,
There are good things that good people surrender to.
Anything that does not support my heart’s desire
I can let go of gladly. The peace I admire
And the freedom of not having so much to do.
I release my resistance and give up false pride.

I cannot stop desiring. I can’t surrender
Wanting things that I want. I will always want more.
But I do give up beliefs that keep me held back
Like my incessant struggle and feelings of lack
And my trying too hard to keep up a good score.
I relax and allow what life has to offer.

But there is a much better word. That is, Allow.
It’s a much clearer meaning. It puts everything
In proper perspective. The manifestation
That comes first is emotional. I am the one
Who allows infinite intelligence to bring
All the guidance that I need for right here and now.

Stop Resistance?

Increace Current And/Or Voltage

One beholds The Resistor – subject to Ohm’s Law.
In electronic circuitry it does the job
Of opposing electrons as they try to move
Through their pathways. The only thing it wants to prove
Is its will to drop voltage. The flow it does rob
Stabilizes and balances, and without flaw.

Current, Voltage, and Resistance are the three things
That have formed a relationship universal.
Each can affect the other, except resistance
Is a fixed entity introduced to enhance
Electronic behavior and boost their morale
By the changes to voltage and current it brings.

The behavior of humans is somewhat the same
As the antics of circuits. How the creator
And the object created obey the same laws!
It may seem that we’re destined and locked in the jaws
Of some rigid machinery, but it is more
Than the mind can be wrapped around yet it can claim.

Voltage is all the efforting we think we need
To get things done, and current is the ease of flow
Of the things that we’re doing. Resistance is that
Which presents us with challenge. Sometimes we fall flat
And apply yet more effort. What we need to know
Is that flow times resistance is effort indeed.

To feel good means maintaining a high vibration.
The best way to do that is by practicing joy.
Being conscious of how you feel, you get to choose
Which path is least resistive. This way you can’t lose
There are many a technique that you may employ
But to reduce resistance you must have more fun.