Tag Archive | person

No Longer In Love


He’s been texting you constantly. When you reply
It’s not often. There’s not much that you want to say
To his face or through media. How to get free
Of the issue occupies your mind completely
And you want him to know that you don’t want to stay
In relationship with him. This you can’t deny.

When you start taking care of yourself you start to
Feel better and attract better. It starts with your
Realizing that there’s something you need to do.
Take care of your business. To thine own self be true.
Set your heart to receive someone who you adore.
How you feel in each moment is all up to you.

Very often couples break up because each one
Gives the other qualities that they don’t possess.
Love lasts no longer than three years in most cases.
Strength to overcome comes to the one who faces
What one has to. The key to your own happiness
At this point is in getting the dirty work done.

When lovers gaze into each other’s eyes their heart
Rates synchronize as well. When you’re with someone who
You find truly attractive you no longer will
Be despondent. You’ll have a new dream to fulfill.
Seek your inner guidance to know what you should do.
In your own self-healing be willing to take part.

On Life’s Stage

Still Life Platform

During each stage of life everyone has a friend
But only lucky ones have the same friend through all
Stages of life. Good friends are very important
But not having friends does in no way mean you can’t
Live a happy life. It takes only but a small
Bit of conscious awareness for you to ascend.

Be kind to people without allowing them to
Take advantage of your good nature. Life begins
At the end of your comfort zone. Be not afraid
To act on intuition. The choices you made
In the past strengthen you. As sure as the earth spins
What you give out will come back directly to you.

Time is more valuable than money. You can
Always get more money but you can’t get any
More time than is allotted. You’ll never achieve
Real success unless in what you do you believe.
At your work you can be as happy as can be.
You can make being joyful always your game plan.

Your bad habits are like a comfortable bed –
Easy to get into but hard to get out of.
Trust your gut feelings. Sometimes they can save you from
Making improper choices. Start beating the drum
Of life, liberty, and unconditional love.
Live more from your heart. Try to stay out of your head.

Facts Of Life

Sharing Wisdom

Remember no matter how useless you may feel
You’re someone’s reason for joy and true happiness.
You can’t heal a person who keeps using their pain
As an excuse to hurt you. No possible gain
Will you get from your trying. You won’t have success
Getting someone who’s troubled to properly heal.

No matter how good you are, if you’re in the wrong
Place you’re worthless according to society.
Sometimes giving up is the only option you
Have because your can’t force other people to do
What you want. Often times with them you’ll disagree.
Ultimately we all just have to get along.

One of the hardest decisions you’ll ever make
In life is choosing whether to walk away or
Try harder. People will get upset with you when
They can’t use you. You can say goodbye to them then.
You can step back a bit but don’t give up on your
Decision and be good with the action you take.

No matter how carefully you choose your words, they
By others will always end up being twisted.
People don’t necessarily need to know what
You have to say. It’s better to keep your mouth shut.
Your mouth operates better when it’s assisted
By your brain. No one can take its power away.

Love Even When It Hurts

Flood Of Tears

Love is always in season. It’s not just a dream
Of the troubled and weary who live with the hope
Of things someday improving. Love can make you cry
As you feel the hope within you wither and die.
Love implies that a person is willing to cope
With heartbreak and adversity in the extreme.

Love is always in season because nothing but
Love exists. We get caught up in the illusion
That it doesn’t. It’s like disbelieving in air
When you know for a fact it exists everywhere.
It’s no wonder the word evokes such confusion.
Often the remedy is to keep the heart shut.

Love should be shown to everyone even if they
Don’t deserve it. This reflects who you truly are.
Show love when times are difficult especially
Regardless of who people may happen to be.
Be nice to someone and make them feel like a star.
You feel good when you brighten someone else’s day.

Love does not mean that you must accept the abuse
Of someone disconnected from reality
But you can show compassion then send them away.
You can do this without having harsh words to say.
Hurt as long as you choose but eventually
You’ll return to that one from whom love does effuse.

Unlock Your Inner Peace

Youth Yoga

There are many ways to achieve inner peace and
Happiness. One way might work for you but not for
Someone else. It takes some experimentation
To find the right path for you. The elevation
Of your consciousness is the main reason for your
Seeking inner peace which you know and understand.

Spending time in nature can prevent your mind from
Thinking stressful thoughts. Take a deep breath of fresh air.
Take short walks and appreciate all that you see.
You can conquer depression and anxiety
Through exposure to nature. Become more aware
Of the beating of nature’s therapeutic drum.

Practice mindfulness. Meditate regularly.
Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining
About what you lack. Those who are most satisfied
With their lives have a grateful heart that’s open wide.
Such people have no problem at all maintaining
Their alignment with their positive energy.

Take full responsibility for your actions.
Be accountable for everything that you do.
Everyone screws up sometimes. These are lessons learned.
They should be steppingstones as far as you’re concerned.
But don’t let your mistakes of the past define you.
It does no good to dwell on your past infractions.

Love yourself. Practice acceptance and contentment.
Exercise regularly. Eat healthy. Be kind
To yourself and others. Get rid of your clutter.
Show your magnificence with the words you utter.
Take control of your life and within it you’ll find
That your reflecting upon it is time well spent.

Four Commandments

Group Devotion Session

Be impeccable with your word. That’s number one.
Stop complaining and gossiping. Don’t criticize
People and situations. Your word is one of
Your most powerful tools. You must use it to love
One another. Partake of these words of the wise.
Use your word to uplift and to shine like the sun.

Don’t take anything personally. Imagine
That someone who hates people says something to you
That’s offensive. It only means that they’re not well.
It has nothing to do with you so do not dwell
On the matter. You have much better things to do
With your energy. Detach from it with a grin.

Don’t make assumptions. If you’re in a position
Of authority and something doesn’t get done
Don’t assume the worst and react negatively.
Have the courage to communicate and you’ll be
In a much better alliance with everyone.
All assumptions are clearly worth your dismission.

Always do your best. Your best from one moment to
The next will change but under any circumstance
Simply do your best. Self-judgment, self-abuse, and
Regret are not necessary. Do understand
That your best in each moment will always enhance
The next moment as each one is crafted by you.

Emotion And Manifestation

Group Meditation

An event, action, or object that clearly shows
Or embodies something especially something
That’s abstract like and idea or a theory…
It’s a good definition so don’t be leary
Of the point here. Manifestation means to bring
Something into being. This everybody knows.

Manifestations are things like breathing in air
And exhaling. Where you are right now is also
Something brought into being. This very moment
And everything about it all does represent
Nothingness gaining somethingness. It’s good to know
That you manifest anytime and anywhere.

The importance of this manifested moment
Cannot be overemphasized and emotion
Gives it power. When you want something earnestly
Your emotion is what will make it come to be
So when you’re manifesting give much devotion
To the feeling of your being fully content.

Find the feeling place of what you want and practice
It and know it and own it until you become
Absolutely one with it. Determination
To feel it will enhance its manifestation.
How you feel is where all of your power comes from.
Think of what you could manifest when you’re in bliss.

Let In What Is Done

Child's Play

It’s already completed. You don’t have to try
Any harder. You simply watch expectantly
As things unfold exactly the way you had planned.
The laws of the universe you well understand.
Accept that it’s done then in alignment you’ll be
With that part of you who is always flying high.

That it hasn’t materialized you may say
But don’t wallow in how it feels not to have it.
When it’s done it means you need not do any more
Than relax. You know all that has happened before
Validates optimism and you benefit
From your own attitude in a very big way.

When something’s done, it’s done! It’s a different feel
Than when something is not done. You find resonance
With the doneness by feeling it deep in your soul.
Of how you feel in this moment you can control
Therefore you can maneuver any circumstance
Into one which to you is of much more appeal.

When you say that ‘it’s possible’ what do you mean?
If you mean that ‘it’s done’ then you’re well on your way
To experiencing its manifestation.
Every bit of it is of your own creation.
Your alignment with yourself is on full display.
Let in what you know your heart has already seen.

A Perfect Relationship

Happy Together

What does a lover feel like? How do you feel when
You’re in love? You might say it feels pretty damned good.
It feels like a homecoming and security.
Your heart skips a beat and it does so happily.
Believe that things work out exactly as they should.
You’ve been in love before and your there once again.

Love feels like being appreciated. It feels
Like wellbeing. It feels like a natural high.
Think about how love feels often then you’ll achieve
An attractive vibration so that you’ll receive
Clues and insights. It helps if you focus on why
You desire it. Accept what your true heart reveals.

Be patient. We are all works of art in progress.
When you finally meet someone set boundaries
Right up front and most clearly but in a nice way.
Do communicate nicely but do not betray
Any part of your true self in order to please
The other. Have respect for your own beingness.

You must know when to speak and when to keep quiet –
When to stand up strong and when to give up control
And speak only when words are better than silence.
When you are in love the whole universe makes sense.
Creating with another is good for the soul.
Get prepared for the blessing that hasn’t come yet.

Within You


Many look for fulfillment where it can’t be found
Like possessions, money, recognition, and such
Or perhaps it’s love and praise from others you know.
A ‘well done’ from the world can pump up the ego
But these things when accomplished don’t mean very much
To the spirit which can be in no way earthbound.

It can only be found within you. Happiness
Is the reason for wanting. You can be happy
Without having. Think back to when you were a child.
Any thought of lack was instantly reconciled
With a fun thought. You had every reason to be
Free and joyful without any hint of distress.

Your focus wasn’t on what was not there. It was
On what was there and there was always happiness.
If you choose to focus on finding it you will.
Be always reminded that you’re that person still.
At any moment you have absolute access
To that feeling according to natural laws.

Our society teaches us that the new car,
The new house, the new person, the perfect body,
The money, and the new job will satisfy you.
You don’t need this and that. All that you need to do
Is to determine that you want to be happy.
More blessings come to you the more childlike you are.


Carefree Giving

Just imagine if there were no comparison,
Greed or envy. The world would be a nicer place
To grow up in. If eight billion of us could be
More respectful and loving perhaps we would see
Positive transformation of the human race.
Imagine all the good work that we could get done.

We may never see this kind of thing come to be
In our lifetimes but we can begin with our own
Thoughts and actions. A good example you can set
For others and your doing so requires no sweat.
When your compassion and understanding are shown
To the world around you, you live more happily.

Not matter how well educated, talented,
Rich, or cool you believe you are, it’s how you treat
Other people that ultimately tells the tale.
If kindness and wellbeing are meant to prevail
Then the darkness you see in the world can’t compete
With your wholeness. It’s your goodness you want to spread.

Kindness spreads like a virus. You can influence
Other people to be kind. The difference you
Make in someone’s life is what is most important.
There’s no reason on earth for you to think you can’t
Begin creating a world exciting and new.
All the love that we’re capable of is immense.

How Can I Be My Best Self?

Sheer Joy

What can I do to sync up more fully and more
Consistently with the source within me – with the
Vortex version of me? How can I move forward
With my life when some aspects of it are so hard
To cope with? How can I be who I’m meant to be?
How can I focus more on the things I adore?

Many times throughout my day I find myself there.
Something happens where my absence of resistance
Allows me to feel absolute satisfaction
In the moment. It happens when I’m having fun.
I’m distracted from my difficult circumstance
Long enough that my attitude I can repair.

It may not last a long time but clearly by now
I know how to get myself in vibrational
Sync with who I am truly. I just have to care
More about how I feel and be much less aware
Of the difficult issue. I trust that it shall
Work itself out. I need not worry about how.

I’ll do all of my efforting and affirming
When I’m feeling my best. Then it’s most effective.
Every person, place, and thing will shift because I
Took the time to feel better. The world will comply
With whatever I’m offering. I want to give
It my best self. A feeling of joy does it bring.

There’s More Than One Prize

Many Gifts

If you have your eyes on a particular prize
Nothing else makes a difference especially
When you feel competition. If you want something
So badly that it hurts then what you’re offering
To the universe is something that’s completely
Out of sync with the thing you want to realize.

There is not only one prize so don’t get attached
To the one thing you’re focused on. Be thankful for
Your desire. Let it blossom into a rampage
And let the infinite universe set the stage
For receiving what you want and a whole lot more.
It will be such that the surface hasn’t been scratched.

“You appeal to me in all of theses ways and I
Am going to draw the essence of you to me.
Thank you for being here for me to observe you
And for being the focal point of my brand new
Version of you.”
If you pray this most sincerely

You’ll attract just that without your needing to try.

Keep yourself in a state of relief. Think as much
About what you want as long as it feels alright.
And when it crosses the line just give it a break
And allow the universal forces to take
Full control of the circumstance. Utter delight
Can be yours if with your spirit you keep in touch.

Free Yourself From Negativity

Focused Anger

No thought lives in your head rent free and your thoughts cost
Way more than you may realize in the moment.
Thoughts of bitterness, revenge, and resentment are
Perhaps the most expensive because they are far
From delightful. They are of extreme discontent.
To your negative emotions you’ve become lost.

Every time you think of that person who wronged you
That person has hijacked your mind. Your happiness
And your time have been stolen and you are the one
Allowing it to happen. The harm that is done
To the psyche is serious. You may obsess
About giving the son of a gun what is due.

You can choose to occupy your mind with thoughts of
Bitterness or of thoughts that will empower you.
Hatred is like drinking poison and expecting
The other person to die. It’s not affecting
Anyone but yourself. The best thing you can do
Is forgive and grow. This is the pathway to love.

Don’t forgive to make someone else feel better or
Because it’s the ‘right’ thing to do. Do it to free
Yourself from your self-torment. Make room in your mind
For all things that add value to your life. You’ll find
That you can get on with you life and happily.
Keep your real estate open to things you adore.

Your World Will Change Today

World In Hands

What can I do to sync up more fully and much
More consistently with the larger part of me?
How might I feel right now to move as quickly as
Possible to enlightenment? Everything has
Its own place in the universe. How can I be
Who I truly am? How can I be more in touch?

Many times through the day I can feel that I’m there
In that place of alignment where I have no doubt
Of my purpose and who I am. It doesn’t last
For a long time in fact it can fade away fast.
What can I do to keep myself from falling out
Of alignment? About how I feel I must care.

I’ll do all my affirming and efforting from
My alignment space. Things will be much easier
To deal with. My entire world I can change today.
My alignment is just one good feeling away
From this moment. I think about what I prefer
Rather than what I don’t, then I’ll meditate some.

When I notice that I’m happy I can stay there
Long enough to establish a strong vibration.
Just by milking the moment I can reach a state
Where a world of complete fulfillment I create.
A change in my point of attraction has begun.
Of who I truly am I’ve become more aware.

The Third Eye

Targeted Mind

There’s not much scientific evidence to prove
Its existence yet it has been connected to
The pineal gland which secretes melatonin
And it is thought to play an important role in
Regulating circadian rhythms in you.
Blockages to its functioning you can remove.

Through some kinds of yoga and through meditation
You can get The Third Eye to give up something more
Than its usual substance. You can use it to
Heal and strengthen the body. It can give to you
A resilience that you’d never dreamed of before.
Strength and longevity become your creation.

It can be used to simply create blissfulness.
Like a drug it can keep you intoxicated
To the point where you don’t care about anything
But what your newfound world of contentment can bring.
Benefits of this cannot be overrated.
It’s and effective way to eliminate stress.

With daily practice it enhances perception.
When you’re carefree and joyful you stand in the breeze
And it passes right through you. You’re lighter than air.
In essence, the pineal gland makes you aware
Of your soul’s deep connection with all that it sees.
With The Third Eye your vision is second to none.

Only One Person Will Live Your Life


What do others think of you? Should you really care?
If someone speaks ill of you do you get upset?
It’s a normal reaction though not very wise.
Is it hard for you to begin to recognize
That what people say can’t be considered a threat?
Of your own value you should become more aware.

Instead of buying into what the world has said
You should be like, exercise your freedom to choose
To be your own creator of who you can be.
Don’t depend upon others to get you to see
Your potential because you’re the only one who’s
Got the insight so that on solid ground you tread.

We’re all thoroughly programmed into believing
What our culture force feeds us. It’s an illusion
That we all are subjected to. How to escape
Is the question. You will be in pretty good shape
If you don’t let society stoke confusion
About your life. The world can be quite deceiving.

Whose advice shall you follow? As you begin to
Feel what’s in your heart you begin to develop
The intention to express it in a way that
Is considerate and respectful. So, look at
The big picture and know that things are looking up
As you follow the guidance that is within you.

Give And Receive Positive Karma

Connecting To Spirit

There are negative people in my life. So how
Can I stay positive? I can’t push them away
Because they consist of my friends and family.
I don’t want them to hold any grudge against me.
At the same time I know that myself I betray
If mistreatment from other people I allow.

If there are negative people in your life, you
Are attracting them. Don’t look at them. Look instead
At the energy you’re creating to attract
Them into your experience. You are in fact
In need of some adjustment. Make sure that you’re led
By your most evolved self in everything you do.

Sometimes you have to divorce your negative friends,
Family members, and anyone who thinks you
Are someone who accepts abuse naturally.
Tell the straight up. The only way you will get free
Of their influence is to hold fast to what’s true
And to what your innermost being recommends.

How can you serve and be the most loving person
You can be? How does your love affect people’s lives?
Change your thought and the negative energy will
Dissipate and the people that were such a pill
Will adjust as the most evolved part of you strives
For some balance and spiritual perfection.

Where Is Mister Right?

Heartfelt Illusion

“You complete me.” It’s sweet. It can make the girls cry
When they hear it especially on the big screen.
People mean it when they say it. But is it true?
Is it possible for everything about you
To be part of someone else? The world, if it’s seen
Through rose colored glasses, will not be your ally.

You may have had a relationship with someone
Who’s abusive so red flags go up everywhere
There are men. Look at that to see what’s going on
With your feelings from which conclusions can be drawn
In order to provide yourself the best of care
In your searching for a romantic solution.

Don’t be in denial about previous pain
That you suffered. You must feel it then let it go
Because it’s served its mission. Don’t drag it into
The future. You’ll repeat the ordeal if you do.
Once the pain is transcended the healed heart will grow
In experience. You’ll have a whole lot to gain.

Don’t look for the ‘right’ person. Instead look for who
In yourself you would love to be. Make yourself the
Right person for yourself then the right person will
Be attracted to you but he may not fulfill
Your dream in every detail. But at least you’ll be
With the person who is most attracted to you.

Using The Power Of Intention

Creative Exchange

Some are afflicted with the disease of pleasing.
They don’t know how to say no so they will give in
To outrageous requests made of them by others.
Since by now it’s a habit it often it occurs.
They can’t change their behavior, much to their chagrin,
Of finding people most worthy of appeasing.

But intention is at the heart of creating
Authentic power. If you’ve the strength to say no
To someone then it will become easier to
Say no into the future. You’ll enter a new
Realm of being. Your sense of wellbeing will grow.
In essence you want to be self-advocating.

The disease to please is cured by your intention
To be better than you have known yourself to be.
If you don’t want to do it then don’t. It’s okay
To say no without letting guilt get in the way
Of your purpose. You are meant to live happily.
You’re not here to devote service to anyone.

Your intention will ultimately determine
The outcome. Your intention in fact is the cause
Of the wanted effect. You cannot separate
The two. Through your intention you want to create
Your dream in accordance with spiritual laws.
Right now is the perfect time for you to begin.

Emotional Healing

Colorful Mind

What happens when we start asking the question when
We’re with someone, “What’s it like to be this person?”
Children rarely will do this. Their stories are all
About themselves because their worlds are rather small
As they should be. If they thought that it would be fun
They would probably do it again and again.

Divisions among people are made sorely clear.
Growing pains are the conscience of humanity.
Somewhere locked in our DNA so it would seem
Is the tendency to take things to the extreme.
Perhaps people think that they are more than worthy
Of supremacy yet we still grapple with fear.

When we pause and just ask the questions we begin
To release some resistance. “What’s it like to be
This person? What does this person need? Who are they
Deep inside? Who is looking through those eyes?”
You may

Gain some insight you can depend on completely.
There’s no harm in doing so and it’s not a sin.

We live with separations and don’t understand
One another and it’s getting worse by the day.
We don’t understand what the experience of
Difference is. It keeps us from learning to love
One another. Diversity won’t go away.
To ask the question is both radical and grand.

It’s Not The Other Person

Mutual Accusation

We are all co-creators with Source Energy
And among one another. It feels easier
To create something that doesn’t have anything
To do with another person. Understanding
That you have control over all that will occur
In your life, you’re prepared to live life happily.

You decide to become a vibrational match
Then that experience or object comes to you.
That feels cleaner and easier because you feel
Not another opposing you. The most ideal
Situation is when you create something new
When alone while with all distractions you detach.

There’s never another person opposing you.
It’s always a piece of you that isn’t aligned
With your true self. You can’t assign attributes to
Other people then use them to block your own view
Of the path least resistant and true peace of mind.
Everything happens in response to what you do.

You have much control over what you reflect back
From a circumstance. It’s up to you to decide
To stay focused on what you want. Don’t give away
Your power to an argument. It’s best to stay
Clear of it absolutely. You can’t be denied
What you want when you keep your vibration on track.

Getting Over A Relationship

Broken Heart Repair

“What has been put asunder will never again
Come together. How painful this truth is for me.
I’ve tried everything but I can’t get over this.
I recall with much sorrow the laughter and bliss
That we shared. My life has become a tragedy.
I wish I could return to the way things had been.”

The dilemma is common. The pain is immense.
There’s a present tense active dynamic at play
That you can’t walk away from. It’s hard to let go
And forget about all the good you’ve come to know
Through your coming together. You must find a way
To recover from the emotional expense.

Every relationship is eternal. A lot
Of what you really wanted came as the result
Of that relationship. You want to find a way
To get from the experience all that you may
That will help you and perhaps even catapult
You into feeling better. A joke this is not.

People feel incomplete unless they have someone
To be happy with. That’s not what you’re looking for.
With your inner being you want companionship.
Then you’re guaranteed to have a much better grip
On your love life. There’s no need to say any more
About this, so embark on the new path begun.

Time To Listen

Trying To Hear

The question I’ve been asking I’ve been asking for
Such a long time. I keep asking but the answer
Isn’t coming. Is there something I’m doing wrong?
The intention I have when I’m asking is strong
Still, receiving information doesn’t occur.
Are there some other avenues I could explore?

Yes. There are some. But the thing you must understand
Is that you’re a radar that transmits and receives
Which means you can’t do both at the same time. You must
Be quiet to receive and be willing to trust
That answers are forthcoming. Be one who believes
In this truth and the world will be at your command.

Listen up. There’s a message coming to you from
Deep within you. Make quiet your mind and you’ll hear
What you need for the moment. Need you listen to
The world’s chaos and its negative point of view?
Just get quiet. The message becomes loud and clear.
You have only your noisy mind to overcome.

Find relief from the chatter through meditation
Or something nonresistant yet satisfying.
While you’re not trying and when you least expect it
You’ll receive something that is to your benefit.
You can get the most out of life by applying
Some patience while awaiting manifestation.

Helicopter Parenting

Watchful Eyes

It’s a loving obsession. Those who want to be
Protective of their children are known to be too
Overbearing. The hovering is the result
Of past worrying, so it becomes difficult
For some to not have their children always in view.
Does it work well as far as all parties can see?

Forget talking about how it all got started.
It’s of no value whatsoever to place blame
On the parents. That only causes that movie
To play longer. The ones that are the most scarry
Are the ones where the plot always remains the same.
The approach to parenting must be wholehearted.

Might children have been better off with parents who
Were much less domineering? They would have found more
Resources a lot faster for getting along
In the real world. No one has done anything wrong.
It’s just that your hardship stories do nothing for
The ones who are open and who look up to you.

You can watch your own movies – create them as well.
Connect to your own resources. Care about how
You are feeling. Let your beliefs morph into the
Direction of what you really want. You are free
To create your reality and to allow
Peace of mind to consume you wherein you will dwell.

How You Treat People Is Who You Are

Warm Embrace

Imagine what seven billion human beings
Could accomplish if we cared for one another.
If there were no comparisons, hatred, or greed,
Everyone would run their own race without the need
For unhealthy attention. All that would occur
Would be absent of utterly negative things.

Such a world may not happen in our lifetime but
We can start with ourselves by choosing to uplift
And show kind understanding, love, and compassion.
You will succeed in life if you treat everyone
As you would like to be treated. Be a true gift
To the ones you encounter. Embrace from the gut.

No matter how educated, talented, cool,
Or rich you believe you are, how you treat people
Tells the story ultimately. Integrity
Is everything about who you happen to be.
You, your words, and your presence are truly helpful.
Treat others in accordance with the golden rule.

Be the reason someone believes in the goodness
Of humanity. Be the change you want to see
Happening in the world. Always do what is right –
Not what’s easy in the moment and take delight
In knowing that the infinite powers that be
Are supporting you in all the love you express.

Spiritual Liberation


Liberation is the act of being freed from
Slavery or oppression or imprisonment.
It occurs when someone is released, rescued, or
One escapes from confinement. It’s an open door
To the freedom to live life to full enjoyment.
It’s amazing what a freed person can become.

Spiritual liberation clearly implies
That within this world one’s consciousness is confused,
Trapped, lost, stuck, and in bondage. The highest purpose
In life is to free ourselves of illusion, thus
One who seeks liberation is likely enthused
About doing whatever will make one more wise.

The concept of liberation sought, known, and taught
By spiritual masters throughout history
Has to do with salvation, redemption, and more
Terms like it. One’s enlightenment is at the core
Of intention. One wants to be totally free
Of the traps in which one always seems to get caught.

Freedom from the bonds of illusion, ignorance,
Separation, and duality is the goal
Of spiritual practice. Unconditional
Love, service, and compassion are the general
Fruits of freedom. The shattered self can be made whole
No matter what happens to be the circumstance.

Grace And Meaning

Carefree Living

The ultimate source of all life and existence
Is what grace is. It’s an essential quality
Of the being called God. Beyond all forms and names,
Grace and God are synonymous, yet our word games
Are confusing at best. What grace happens to be
Is the way to salvation at no one’s expense.

Grace is the unmerited divine assistance
Given to humans for their purification.
To all those seeking truth it is given freely.
It’s the omnipotent gift of love and mercy.
Often times the soul requires regeneration.
It becomes available in this circumstance.

At the heart of faith is the truth that humankind
Is a divine creation not separate from
God, but lost and confused. Ensnared in the grip of
The ego, we become reacquainted with love
Through divine grace. Everyone is in need of some
On occasion because that’s the way we’re designed.

It’s the source of our guidance, of inspiration,
Commitment, dedication, and perseverance.
God is everywhere, meaning grace is everywhere.
It’s the strength that is necessary to take care
Of the issues of egos. It isn’t by chance
That your own salvation has already begun.


Communication Of Ideas

Behavior is the actions and mannerisms
Of the individual in conjunction with
Themselves and others within their environment.
Behavior is the product of conscious intent.
That it cannot be changed is a popular myth
Among people susceptible to social whims.

It includes a person’s conduct, nature, presence,
Attitude and demeanor. They all are shaped by
Psychological traits. The personality
Type varies from person to person. There can be
Manifold motivations. The main reason why
One behaves is a matter of psychic suspense.

Behavior is acceptable depending on
Social norms. Regulated by social control,
Human behavior is studied by the social
Sciences. Their insights are in fact precocial
Birds of wisdom that fly deeply into the soul
Of the psyche from where information is drawn.

The ego mind is a learned and programmed set of
Behaviors. The ultimate spiritual goal
Is to transcend the conditioning by virtue
Of the power within the self that is most true.
Higher levels of consciousness can make one whole.
All of existence is integrated with love.


Life Is Good

Attitude defines the person. It is a learned
Tendency to evaluate things in a way
That is certain. People, issues, things, or events
Are the predispositions which are the contents
Of the ego mind wherein the attitude may
Have a wide range as the total self is concerned.

Attitudes range form very bad to very good.
In psychology, attitude is the construct
Of a mental and emotional entity
That characterizes a person. It can be
The main influencer of a person’s conduct.
Many social factors need to be understood.

For spiritual seekers, it’s good to know that
Attitudes will change over time. By letting go
Of beliefs and positions that are negative
A much healthier life on this earth you will live.
Attitudes will change naturally as we grow
In experience. Your searching never falls flat.

Attitudes laced with jealousy, hatred, and fear
Have been associated with ill health, whereas
Positive attitudes such as joy, love, and peace
Help the body. There is a substantial increase
In wellbeing. Do know that your attitude has
Everything to do with what in life does appear.

The Life That You Want

Happy Thoughts

If I think about it long enough and I keep
Myself focused there with a picture in my mind
Of my having it, then it has to manifest.
I create from a higher state and do my best
To stay there. I find the universe to be kind.
Things can happen for me even while I’m asleep.

The coincidences of my life I manage.
I can place my attention on what I would like
To create in my life, and with this attitude,
Only pure positive energy I exude.
Getting there is as easy as riding a bike
On the down slope. I could go on a joy rampage.

Higher levels of consciousness can be achieved
Just by sitting and dreaming. I could meditate,
Chant, or fast, or go on a spiritual quest
For enlightenment, but I need only divest
Enough focus upon what I want to create
And be thankful for what I’ve already received.

The reptilian mind meets the neocortex
Where awareness of others can yield empathy
For all those who are suffering. I feel the pain,
But I can’t let the world’s issues drive me insane.
I’m thankful I’ve been able to get myself free
Of the status quo and all its harmful effects.

About Life

Work Woe

Most people are living a kind of hypnosis
Wherein they pledge allegiance to the opinion
Of a vacant society instead of to
What they feel in their hearts they would much rather do.
It can feel like the outer world has dominion
Over their souls. It is a social sclerosis.

The plan and purpose of life is obedience
To one’s inner nature. We are here to express
Life as we instinctively feel it ought to be.
It’s not healthy to be trapped in low energy.
We’re supposed to be in a state of happiness
Fairly often. We are creatures of refulgence.

Everything vibrates and emits a vibration.
Ours consist of our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and acts.
They form an energy pattern which is our vibe.
It remains difficult for someone to describe,
But you know when you feel it. It either attracts
Or repels you. It is a point of causation.

All these vibes come together and form what we know
As the Collective Consciousness. It sponsors war,
Mass shootings, pandemics, earth disasters and such.
It can yield good things also, yet we pay to much
Attention to past horrors, and we expect more
Of the same for the future. How then can we grow?

Everything Will Change

Feeling Good Break

What could I do right now? What could I focus on
That will make me feel better? The question is key
If I ask it correctly. Things are going well.
By the way that I’m feeling inside I can tell
That my life is almost where I want it to be.
Most of my negative feelings have up and gone.

To move myself as quickly as possible to
A place of complete happiness happens to be
The reason I’m alive. What can I do to sync
Up more fully with my spirit? Is there a link
Where I can communicate with it directly?
I suspect that there’s nothing that I need to do.

I find myself in that state every single day,
But it only last moments. If I can stay there
Long enough, then what happens is that there’s a change
In the way the world treats me. I don’t find it strange
That, at will, I can do this. I simply must care
More about feeling better the natural way.

I do it by my recognizing when I feel
Pretty good. Then I’ll milk it for all that it’s worth.
“Why does this moment feel good?” I get to explore
Everything about this moment that I adore.
With some practice I become accustomed to mirth.
Everything Will Change to what I think is ideal.

Everything That You Want Is Downstream

Constant Connection

Imagine taking your canoe down to the edge
Of a fast-moving river. You get in and then
You begin paddling deliberately upstream.
Why on earth would you do that, though? It doesn’t seem
Like a healthy idea. Again and again,
People do it as if they’ve made a solemn pledge.

People do it because everybody does it.
We don’t want be lazy, and we have been trained
To believe that hard work and struggle are to be
Seen as virtuous qualities. Society
Is upstream oriented as if it’s ingrained
In our psyche. It can be of no benefit.

There’s nothing that you want that’s upstream anyway.
The rewards for a difficult life can’t be worth
Feeling absolute pleasure in every moment.
People learn how to get by with their discontent.
When it gets to be too much, then they’re giving birth
To a change in direction and a brand new day.

Everything that you want is downstream. Everything
That makes up the stream is what you’ve been putting there
Through your wanting a better life. Inspiration
Comes to you, and it helps you in getting things done.
Just let go of the oars and become more aware
Of your worthiness and your passion for living.

The Strangest Secret

Keep It Quiet

You know how to get something, but to Be something
Is the essence in all things whatever they be.
You must Be health. You mustn’t be trying to get
It from pills or your doctor who may be a threat.
You must Be the thing you want most absolutely.
Your mindset determines what your asking can bring.

Human beings become whatever it is they
Visualize themselves to be. It’s no secret,
But it’s strange to imagine that it would become
Information that people would be shielded from.
Imagination is a powerful asset.
It can get anything you want to come your way.

You were taught not to see yourself as confident
As a child, but it was for your own protection.
You were not encouraged to take risks, but you must!
There’s no one or no thing in this world you can trust.
When you are focused in the proper direction,
Then no one can knock you out of your alignment.

The subconscious mind does not distinguish between
What is real and the images you’ve created
With your conscious mind. You can change reality
By imagining and expecting it to be.
Any dream unfulfilled can be celebrated.
Many things you can do about how life is seen.

Acting From A Broader Perspective

Vantage Point

What it’s like to be human is what we all share.
No matter what we look like or how we behave,
Each and everyone of us is a part of God.
Is this notion blasphemous? Let’s lose the façade
Of complete separation. The soul to be saved
Is the one who does not want to become aware.

The body has its limits. There are boundaries
Regarding its performance. The mind, however,
Can think any thought it wants. It is limitless.
Through our thinking we have unlimited access
To the highest of wisdom. In your endeavor
To think uplifting thoughts, you find comfort and ease.

You don’t have to be Mother Teresa to see
Divineness in all people. We each have a heart.
We all know what it feels like to hurt deep inside
And we know happiness. It cannot be denied
To the ‘least’ of us. Each one of us is a part
Of the whole and the essence of divinity.

Look into who you’re looking at and let them know
That you care what they think about and how they feel.
We each have an observer – the small voice within.
From a broader perspective the heart will begin
To see past form and get to the part that is real.
In this way then spiritually you will grow.

Calm And De-Escalate

Dealing With Stress

The intense sense of threat or fear, if left unchecked,
Can cause harm to the body. The brain, in this state,
Goes into survival mode. Reason and logic
Are switched off, and the primitive portion will kick
Into high gear. That’s why people cannot think straight
When they are escalated. Good sense they reject.

This part of the brain’s job is to keep one alive.
Harm or danger ignites it. When we are angry,
Stress hormones then start flowing. Blood pressure will rise.
Inconceivable madness is seen in the eyes.
Cues nonverbal we tend to read negatively.
All this part of the brain wants to do is survive.

So, how does someone deal with someone who’s irate?
Empathy is the best way. People have to know
That their feelings are valid, and it is okay
To express them in safety. You can in this way
Have a calm interaction. The care that you show
For their tough situation can de-escalate.

Regulate their emotions. Do not educate.
Stay with what they are feeling, and validate it.
Slow down your body movements, and lower your tone.
People relax when they know that they’re not alone
With regard to their feelings. They will benefit
From the nurturing atmosphere that you create.

From Seed To Tree

The Natural Process

Nature does what it has to in order to do
What it needs to. We are a part of the process
Of its happening. Physical identity
Is the product of its spirituality.
It has only one drive and that is to express
In infinite variety. All know it’s true.

The seed wants to break open. It is not concerned
With becoming a better seed. It has one goal.
It’s to be a seed then not be one anymore.
It knows no other thing that it wants to live for.
It feels within itself that it’s complete and whole.
It relies not on anything it may have learned.

Nature builds the outside of us. That part within
Is of God or universal intelligence.
If we cling to the ego self, we cannot know
Our true spirit, then we are unable to grow
To the next stage in being. Who needs the expense?
Breaking open is the wisest place to begin.

Some refuse to break open. In their defiance
Is the foolish endeavor to stay relevant
In a world that keeps changing. There may need to be
Some kind of revelation to set the soul free
Of its ego component. Just as with a plant,
Change is needed in order to usher expanse.

Form, Essence, And Identity

The Faces Of Being

“Anything that you can do, I can do better,”
Says one child to the other. We see it play out
On playgrounds everywhere anyone might visit.
Is it normal to act out this way? Or is it
A behavioral glitch? There is minimal doubt
That it is natural, and science does concur.

One can’t say to the child, “Don’t do that because you’re
Emphasizing your basic form identity.”

The child would respond with a perplexed expression,
Having no clear idea of what had been done
To incur such correction. The child is simply
Acting as any child would. Is it immature?

Underneath form identity is the essence
Of who you are. The spiritual dimension
Is where your truest self is. It radiates through
Your form identity – the made up part of you.
Is it good that this is brought to your attention?
If it is not then I can offer no defense.

At some point near adulthood, there usually
Is a shift of attention from ego centered
Explorations of turmoil, toward inner peace.
We find comfort in life as we learn to release
Things of form. Something within the spirit is stirred,
And we focus more on our true identity.

When Things Get Hard

Dealing With Contrast

Life can throw you some curves. We know this to be true,
And it’s not just the things that you can see coming.
It’s the things out of nowhere that can set you back
Far enough that you fear you can’t get back on track.
“Never Give Up!” This beat is well worth your drumming.
When you’ve reached your limit, what else is there to do?

Am I going to make it? This echoing fear
Makes the tight spot a tough knot for my gut to bare.
When faced with the impossible most people will
Give it up. In so doing, they do not fulfill
Their life’s dreams, which may lead to ultimate despair.
Life remains hard while maintaining this atmosphere.

When I’ve reached my rock bottom and I’m depleted
Of my energy, that’s the point where the tide turns.
The pain is what makes me stronger. If I go through
It instead of avoiding it, what I once knew
Cannot matter much. This is how my spirit learns
That in life I am tried but never defeated.

Pain is what makes one stronger. It is the high cost
Of the growth of the spirit. The mentality
Of the victim or victor is what I may choose.
There is winning or learning. This wonderful news
Is a change in my outlook. I don’t have to be
Disillusioned about life, and all is not lost.

Profound Words

Wisdom Speake

Space is not just nothing. It contains everything.
Mystery is its essence. A darkness profound
Fully blankets the consciousness in the unknown.
It is by our human nature that we are prone
To consider space travel because we’re earthbound.
More than anything else, space is interesting.

Whether pondered mentally or actually,
Rather than just a mystery, space is perceived
As a function of whatever solids it holds.
Within it every kind of occurrence unfolds.
This enveloping enigma must be believed
To be real as it’s known scientifically.

Intervals there are of space. It is connective.
You are not a flash of consciousness that occurs
Between two eternal periods of darkness.
You’re an integral part of the cosmic process.
To each thing that exists everything else refers.
The deepest realm of space is that in which we live.

Earth is not a big rock infested with living
Organisms any more than your skeleton
Is bones infested with cells. You are a symptom
Of the earth. It’s not necessary to become
What we are already. Our full integration
With existence is one wholesome awakening.

Psychic Exercise

Maintenance Of Spiritual Wellbeing

Catch a ride on the magic carpet of spirit.
You are the manifester of all that you know
To be real in the physical as well as in
A beingness of frequency. As you begin
To believe in vibration everything will go
Easier. It takes no time to get used to it.

There is nothing of value ever grater than
To be satisfied with what you’re manifesting
And basking in the feeling of knowing that God
Cannot create a thing in a manner slipshod.
Truly knowing this, what a relief it does bring
To the part of you who fears not having a plan.

Basking means feeling proud. It also means oneness
With your inner being. Your appreciating
Is also a component to be realized
In the state of alignment. Be then magnetized.
The universe is constantly advocating
For your glory. Don’t think that you are something less.

There are many people who are right now living
How you would want to live, and at one time they were
Standing where you are now. No manifestation
Comes until you can believe in the gestation
In the womb of your clear mind. The birth will occur.
In the meantime, be in the mode of thanksgiving.

Be Silent!

Keep Psychically Still

Many times throughout life it’s best not to express
Verbally. There are obvious circumstances
Where silence is the answer. If you feel no one
Understands your feelings, speech is no solution.
If you have doubts about your thoughts then the chances
Of your making sense are significantly less.

Remain quiet when others are judging someone
Negatively. You will get sucked into a mess.
When someone screams and yells in anger and hatred
Being silent will calm this person. If instead
You respond with words you will accomplish much less.
Petty and useless dialog now has begun.

Try to keep quiet when someone else is sharing
Some event in their life quite emotionally.
Interrupting shows them that you really don’t care
Being silent shows them that at least you’re aware
As they are providing you their testimony.
What you think about it is not worth declaring.

A smart person solves a problem, but the wise one
Avoids it altogether. As much as you know
That you don’t know that you don’t know you become more
Than you were in the moment you were just before.
Being silent is often the best way to go.
What you don’t say cannot enter the equation.


I Just Don't Care

I’m a very cold person if I so believe.
But does it serve me well to go on in this way?
That I do not enjoy it should offer a clue.
I can trick myself into believing it’s true
Just because all alone is how I’d rather stay.
From the world outside mine I deserve a reprieve.

It is fear, I suppose, that keeps me self-contained.
The baser human instinct I cannot predict
In myself nor in others. I’m safe in my cage
Where I’m free to indulge in a counter rampage
To reverse the effects of the thoughts that conflict
With my mental wellbeing which is peace ordained.

I’m a warm hearted, loving, and giving person.
Somewhere deep down inside I know that this is true.
So the opposite feeling which has less power
Yet with some negative momentum will devour
The self-nurturing instinct. The thing I can do
Is examine my ill thoughts. It may not be fun.

All sorts of ideas and strict definitions
Are ingrained in my psyche. They stain my spirit.
I must sift my way through them all and let them go.
They are ideas only. If they cause me woe
Then I know they’re not conducive to keeping fit.
As I purge I’ll remember to keep the good ones.

Amongst The Rest

The Outstanding One

Creation is activating a vibration
In advance of the manifestation, and most
People are activating vibrations based on
History, so the future is hard set upon
What has happened. We tend to be fully engrossed
With the past in its detail. It isn’t much fun.

The future keeps on being the same as the past
If no change in vibration takes place in the heart.
What is past will continue. The need to move on
From the present condition is why one is drawn
To profound dissolution. One sees a fresh start
As the only solution and one that will last.

Out of chaos comes complete awareness of all
That is not to one’s liking. It brings clarity
To what is most appreciated in someone.
In the parting of old ways the journey begun
Leads the heart to fulfillment. Be grateful to be
At an altitude where you’re unable to fall.

The relationship you want is in the process
Of becoming. This new story is viable.
Miserable excursions back into the past
Are to be blessed and let go. The brighter forecast
Is the one that you have made most reliable.
Take the edge off of your journey and don’t obsess.

Your World Will Shift Today

Change Is Inevitable

What questions would I ask if I stood before God
And were granted the privilege of the answers?
What would God ask of me were our places reversed?
Either way if the session was quite well rehearsed
Then I shall be content with whatever occurs.
This kind of enlightenment cannot be outlawed.

What might I do right now to enhance my chances
Of as quickly as possible feeling better
Than I feel at this moment? That is the question.
When it is asked then enlightenment has begun.
If it’s not asked then I become the begetter
Of a life full of unwanted circumstances.

What can I do to sync up more fully and more
Consistently with the source that is within me?
I must be aware and care about how I feel
And to act only when I am feeling some zeal.
When I’m there I can milk the feeling easily.
I can sense more connection than ever before.

I can stumble into a state of feeling good
Quite by accident. It’s an opportunity
To keep up that momentum by just finding more
Of the good thoughts and feelings that I most live for.
I can shift in a moment and be completely
In a new world of wonder in all likelihood.

Not Everyone Gets It, And It’s OK

Trickle Down Enlightenment

First of all, I don’t get it. Let’s be more than clear.
It’s a thing that a lot of folks can’t comprehend.
Like a sense, it has subtleties huge and complex.
It is rigid in outlook with all due respects
To the best that it knows with no need to pretend
It gets it absolutely while ignoring fear.

If I’m tone deaf it means I can’t hear melodies.
In the musical world they are called intervals.
I cannot hear relationships between the notes.
Currently there are no viable antidotes.
With that kind of condition I’m caught by the balls
In a circumstance that feels a lot like disease.

One can also be deaf philosophically.
One who is rigidly logical in their ways
Must expect things to happen according to plan.
There is too much incentive to do what one can
To avoid knowing oneself so consciousness stays
In a state of stagnation unfortunately.

I may know all the words but not so the music.
The relationship between the cause and effect
Is that they’re the same process composed of two parts.
When I master this aspect enlightenment starts.
There is nothing that is known by mere intellect,
And deciphering oneself is no easy trick.


Personal Heaven On Earth

Nirvana means breathe out. What a relief that was!
Let it go because it will come back if you do,
But if you hold on to it you will suffocate.
Who on earth would want to be caught dead in that state?
A person who has reached nirvana is one who
Is blown out in accordance with natural laws.

There’s no moralism in this whatsoever.
Just let go. Do not cling to anything at all.
If you put your hand near fire you know it will burn.
If you want less anxiety then you must learn
How to let go completely. By dropping the ball,
It will bounce back when you’re ripe for the endeavor.

Keeping up with the rat race is part of the game
But a minuscule one when compared to relief
That surpasses the ego’s will to cling tightly
To that which isn’t fun anymore. You will see
That you have all eternity. Life isn’t brief
When you know that the universe is yours to claim.

So, relax and let the forces of evil be.
Let the world heal itself without your discontent
Because you’re no crusader when you are uptight.
Breathing Out has no view on what’s wrong or what’s right.
As you do so you will find that it’s time well spent.
You will become a master eventually.

Let In What Is Already Done

...You Can't Undo It.

When you say that it’s possible, what you’re saying
Is that you know it could be, but it isn’t yet.
When this is your underlying vibration, then
You’ll expect only failure again and again.
What is already done are the things you can let
Be your experience and with no delaying.

When you say that there’s something you want to attract
That sounds like you don’t have it, which never is true.
Everything that you’ve wanted is held in escrow
And right now it’s accessible. It’s good to know
That your wishes have been heard. All you have to do
Is line up with the feeling of virtual fact.

The larger part of you has become everything
That you’ve ever imagined could come true for you.
In the moment of asking, it’s done already.
You must know it with passion, then it comes to be.
Operating from scarcity, things that you do
May defeat your intention. Despair that would bring.

When something isn’t done there’s some anxiety
Due to timing, impatience, and feelings of lack.
When it’s done, you don’t have to try harder. It’s Done!
You have done all the work. Now kick back and have fun.

Know that infinite intelligence has your back
And will guide you to where you have wanted to be.

Life Is Not A Straight Line

Contingent And Natural Asymetry

Your success is the product of many failures.
You may earn a trophy for participation
But not so in the business of getting ahead.
Everyone does something to keep family fed.
How we do it depends on our preparation
Yet the life path is fettered with many detours.

Our society doesn’t prepare us for what’s
Really needed to be successful in business.
Most of us incur losses and disappointment.
There is no business model designed to prevent
All the pitfalls contingent to final success.
Persevering through difficult times does take guts.

Life Is Not A Straight Line. It can have twists and turns.
In nature, lines of straightness one will rarely find.
The way things grow in reality is more so
Like a circular motion as upward they go.
It’s a roundabout pattern wherein we’re resigned
To uncertain conditions where the spirit learns.

Up and down go the stock markets. Painted ponies
On the fast carousel of the world casino
Are controlled by their riders and popular whim.
It remains your decision to sink or to swim.
You can discipline your disappointment, you know,
Then your path convoluted is taken with ease.