Tag Archive | deserve


Solitary Connection

Love Yourself. It can be hard but it will always
Be worth it because you’re worth a huge amount to
This world that has created you. Maybe you feel
That you’re not worthy so much that you can’t conceal
Your uncertainty about how others see you
As a person yet you’re one who’s worthy of praise.

Self-Love isn’t always about taking baths and
Going to the spa. Sometimes it’s about setting
Yourself down and doing some evaluating
Of the life that you so far have been creating.
People do things that they may end up regretting
Because no one is perfect. You must understand.

Sometimes it’s about analyzing how you go
Wrong and taking proper accountability.
It’s about correcting what you have control of
And evolving to knowing that you’re made of love.
Have that hard conversation then get yourself free
Of the past pain. In this way your spirit will grow.

Love Yourself enough to correct what will allow
You to become a better version of who you
Truly are. You deserve that kind of love always.
Love Yourself so that your point of attraction stays
At its sharpest and it’s easy enough to do.
Love Yourself. There’s no better time to than right now.

That Was Then, This Is Now

So What?

Rather than talk about how things used to be you
Can speak of what’s becoming. The thing about ‘then’
Is that focusing on it keeps you where you are.
Following such a path will take you very far
From where you’d like to be. Magic can happen when
You decide to begin something totally new.

Maintaining you vibration is absolutely
Your most important work. Feeling good is your goal.
The path of least resistance is manifested
To all things in your whole life that you’ve requested.
Trust that the universe has things under control.
Again, your only job is to live happily.

Try your best not to go where you don’t want to go.
Don’t get hung up on what you did not know before.
What you know now is much different from what you
Knew before. There are so many things you can do
To maintain your alignment so you can get more
Inspiration to complement all that you know.

Yet to take a little trip down memory lane
Can sometimes be uplifting because everything
That you lived validates what you know here and now.
What was then, if it’s troublesome, do not allow
It to mess with the myriad blessings you bring
To the world. Nothing you do is ever in vain.

What’s Life All About?

Big Little Questions

Life is not about being right. It’s more about
Being kind. If you’re given the choice to be right
Or to be kind choose kindness. It makes you feel good.
Being right doesn’t always work out as it should.
Life is not about getting yourself all uptight
Over things to the point where you simply freak out.

And life is not about proving anyone wrong.
It’s about proving yourself right. It’s not about
Competing against others. It’s more about you
Competing against yourself to bring yourself to
An improved self – one which others nor you can doubt.
It’s about growing and becoming ever strong.

Life’s about being happy – not being perfect.
It’s about making sure you’re experiencing,
Learning, loving, and developing who you are.
You know that being happy is better by far
Than the feeling that you don’t deserve a damned thing.
Life demands that you cultivate some self-respect.

Money’s great but only when used with positive
Intentions. It’s alright to want it but don’t stress
Over it. You can’t take it with you anyway.
Your upliftment of others will brighten each day
Of your life. You’re meant to live one of happiness.
You receive in accordance with how much you give.

Expect Good Things To Happen

Beach Side Joy

A vibrational snob is what you want to be
Meaning that you prefer to be among those who
Are uplifting. You don’t want to be around those
Who are fraught with depression or those who oppose
Happiness and excitement. Have nothing to do
With those who offer you negative energy.

Make sure you’re not attracting it by consciously
Expecting good to happen. Don’t let the mindset
Of the world sleepwalk you into utter despair.
Hardly does it mean that about things you don’t care.
It means only that thinking of them is a threat
To your purpose, your pleasure, and your sanity.

You’re here to explore and decide what you prefer
From the contrast offered. Deservability
Was never an issue. You’re worthy beyond doubt.
Spend much more of your time ruminating about
What you want. Source is with you on your long journey.
Take more notice of God’s blessings as they occur.

You’ll make a whole lot happen in this world when you
Know that you have control over your vibration.
The support there is for what you want to create
Is immense and when you choose to stay in the state
Of allowing you get rid of much frustration.
Place your positive focus upon what is true.

Get Off The Subject

Higher Education

“Am I ready for my new relationship?” No!
If you were you’d be living it. Something prevents
It from coming. It’s on the way. You deserve it.
When it comes right down to it you just have to quit
That thing that you keep doing that doesn’t make sense
If you want in your life many blessings to flow.

You’ve collected enough data. You’ve put enough
Energy into your vortex of creation
But you’ve been facing way too much reality
Instead of creating it vibrationally.
You must make peace with your current situation
Otherwise any journey you take will be rough.

Reach for more satisfying thoughts. You can do this.
You’ve practiced the subject of not having what you
Want to happen and not being sure you’re ready.
Whenever you think about it, naturally
You feel stressed but the only thing you need to do
Is to Get Off The Subject. Nothing will you miss.

Find something that you feel satisfied about and
Think about it mostly then everything else takes
Care of itself. There isn’t a huge price to pay
To have things in your life turning out just the way
You’d prefer. Life is one of many lucky breaks.
The fulfillment of your cherished dreams is at hand.

Say These Exact Words

Verbal Expression

Be the deliberate creator of your own
Life experience. You have a legacy of
Wellbeing that is huge. You may doubt that it’s true
Because of tons of evidence all around you
That cause you to believe otherwise. If you love
To be happy you must be positively prone.

You are more than you know but you have probably
Suspected for a long time that this might be so.
You are different than you know yourself to be.
Of a wealth of wellbeing you are most worthy.
It is now time for you to allow it to flow
Into you life. To do so you’re perfectly free.

You can say to the universe, “If I’m so good
Then show me.”
Let yourself hope for outrageously

Wonderful things to come to you. Speak your desire
Into meaning. You have at your back the entire
Universe. You were meant to live you life with glee.
Every part of you knows you absolutely should.

“If I’m a blessed being then let the blessing
Pour upon me.”
You just have to play this game a

Little differently. The slightest little shift
In your understanding is an outstanding gift
To yourself and all that exists. Speaking this way
To it is the wellbeing that you’re expressing.

Let Yourself Have What You Deserve

Personal Satisfaction

Remember more and more of who you are and get
More clarity about what you want. Remember
How to calibrate to what you want more and more.
Keep your mind focused only on things you adore.
The desire in your heart is the burning ember
Of your conscious awareness. It’s your best asset.

Be less eager to point out the fallacies in
Yourself or in others. What you want cannot come
With this kind of distraction. Don’t argue for your
Limitations. Believe that what you’re asking for
Is forthcoming. This may be difficult for some
To accomplish if they don’t know where to begin.

There’s not only one big pie that is divided
Up among us. It’s infinite. It gets bigger
And bigger with more asking. It can satisfy
Everyone on the planet. The main reason why
Many people aren’t wealthy is there’s no vigor
In their wanting. Not by spirit are they guided.

Shortage consciousness robs you of your energy
That could otherwise be focused on your desire.
It exists in vibration so treat it as real.
Use your guidance system. It’s the way that you feel
In each moment. Prepare for good things to transpire.
Live the life your deserve. How you feel is the key.

Why Do You Want It

Questioned Desire

It’s okay to want something. Some make the mistake
Of talking about where it’s going to come from,
How long it will take, and who will help to bring it
To fruition, but it’s not to one’s benefit
To ask questions one can’t answer. Beating the drum
Of self-doubt only gives one an awful headache.

Think about what you want but stay focused on Why
You want it, for example, it will make you feel
Good in the having of it. Don’t get specific
Unless you’re feeling somewhere between fantastic
And ecstatic, then the universe will reveal
Pertinent secrets to you. Do give it a try.

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
Why you want it? It’s because of the benefit
It will bring you because of what it will provide.
Once you get it, it will make you feel good inside.
But you can feel good right now if you will permit
It to happen. It’s always the happy season.

You want it because eventually you’ll know
Of your power to manifest and you’ll become
Better at it. The energy you radiate
Is your hands in the clay and you want to create
An incredible sculpture. Your power comes from
Focusing on the Why so that good things will flow.

How To Focus On Why

Moment Of Excitement

What’s the vibrational underlying reason
That you want something? It’s because you will feel good
In the having of it. So feel good even though
It’s not yet manifested. You don’t have to know
When things will come together. It’s well understood
That things come in their appropriated season.

Questions you cannot answer, like how, when, and where
Things will happen will only lead to frustration.
Whereas, if you ask why, then you’re well on the way
To fulfillment. Don’t listen to what others say
If it doesn’t support the manifestation
Of what you want. It is a personal affair.

Why do you want this thing? “I want it because I
Will feel better in having it. The creator
I am of my reality. I want to see
The magnificent creative power of me.
I deserve to receive the things I want and more.”

This is how you begin focusing on the why.

First, go general, and then get more specific.
You want the fun of getting your hands in the clay
And molding your creation. You were meant to be
Having things coming to you perpetually.
It’s easy for you to manifest in this way.
Answer why you want something. This will do the trick.

Let Go And Trust


Let’s put things into context. I’m going to be
In the workforce. I’m graduating from college
In a short while. I’m really excited about
Doing interviews. I’ve many talents to tout
Way beyond all my training and expert knowledge,
But things don’t seem to be working out easily.

For the most part, though, I enjoy where I’m at now.
Some days are better than others generally,
But the difficulty comes when I focus on
What sometimes feels like struggle. My dream has not gone
By the wayside at those times. The best part of me
Is the one that has taught all of me to allow.

If I see what’s gone wrong, I stir up the contrast
And invite idle worry about rejection,
But it also shoots off a rocket of desire
To the universe which accepts what I require
In a system that operates with perfection.
I’ll see only what I want and remain steadfast.

All I need is to get into that trusting place
And accept that I’m worthy of what I ask for.
There’s no limit to how much good can come to me.
I can have things just the way I want them to be.
I know that I’ll forever be asking for more
Of the universe’s fund of infinite grace.

Think Of Something Else

The Art Of Daydreaming

Am I ready for my new relationship? No!
If you were, you’d be living it. Something keeps you
In a place of resistance. Do you deserve it?
Then it’s lined up for you. It’s to your benefit
To distract yourself from it. Do what you can do
To remain optimistic in how things will go.

You face too much reality. In doing so,
You’re looking where it isn’t. You have collected
Enough data. Let the universe analyze
And produce something that will delight and surprise
You completely. Prepare for the unexpected
To happen. Be respectful of what you don’t know.

Think Of Something Else. If the issue is money,
You could withdraw your focus and find a lover.
Any subject that feels good to you will allow
Another thing to happen. How you feel right now
Is your guidance toward what you will discover
To be most satisfying just as it should be.

It’s too easy. Most people don’t let it happen
Because they have formulated a belief that
There’s some price to pay and that it is difficult.
Things not working out for you will be the result
Of your negative thinking. Embrace where you’re at.
Take control of what you manifest once again.

Vibrational Snobbery

Enjoy The Good Life

You expect things to turn out the way that they should
Which is why you associate only with those
Who are of the same spirit. You choose to explore
The big wide world around you. All that you live for
Is the feeling of freedom. Your confidence flows
From the one source that is spiritual and good.

Deservability was never an issue.
You are so loved. You said before arriving here,
“I’ll go forth. I’ll explore and decide what for me
Is delightful.”
Your inner being must agree

With whatever you like. You are perfectly clear
In your purpose regarding everything you do.

Your inner being said, “I’ll hold the vibration
Of freedom that you offer, and I will call you
To what you have created. I’ll beam a signal
That you can follow easily. I am your pal.
Let me know whatever it is that I can do.
It is my totally loving obligation.”

You know when you’re receiving the signal by how
You are feeling. You can reach for a better thought
No matter what the circumstance, and as you do,
Dreams that had become stagnant will start to come true.
You have mastered the receiving of what is sought.
You are only as powerful as you allow.

The Truth

The Reality Of The Human Condition

If we turn things upside down can we expect good
To win out in the world? What future lies ahead
If altruism can’t replace egotism?
Can we experience joy if there’s a schism
Between self and the spirit? And are we misled
By the powers we have that are not understood?

For children to be safe and healthy there must be
Loving care among everyone. Can this happen
In the coming years? Compassion breeds weakness when
Only the strong survive in a world ruled by men.
If the cycle were broken what would happen then?
As a race we remain primitive and beastly.

Corruption and hypocrisy are our nature.
We don’t deserve the worst of luck, it would so seem
And the best would give Satan a burning halo.
Circumstances are that we have much room to grow.
It’s an honor to master the art of the scheme
To take advantage of people who are unsure.

Is it worthwhile to believe in some deity
Who believes just the opposite of what’s said here?
Our survival as a race depends on something
Quick and catastrophic for our awakening.
But do we have to go through something quite severe?
I believe in a miracle, personally.

Finding A Negative Belief

Looking For Trouble

Belief systems control us. We know that they do.
If I have chosen something that’s dragging me down
And don’t know that I’ve done so, I’m in a bad way.
My actions may confound me, and my thinking may
Be unclear about most things. I don’t want to drown
In the river of my life while absent a clue.

It’s a viable concept that I can accept
At face value. It leads to the question of why
I believe in something that does me little good.
The issue isn’t complex if well understood.
To get to the root of it I’m willing to try
To discover the mystery that is well kept.

I may seek the approval of others like me
Who share the same circumstances and the same ills
Of the spirit and psyche. It’s hard to move on
When the life force within one has picked up and gone
Totally catastrophic with negative thrills.
This cannot be the way that I meant it to be.

Once I know what is keeping me from being who
I am truly, pure nonsense it all seems to make.
Then I can let go of it. To bring to the light
What is eating away at me is only right.
The pathway to discovery that I must take
Is the only one I have. I can make it new.