Tag Archive | vibrational resonance

The Clogged Pipe Analogy

Directing The Flow

There’s this pond on a property fed by many
Little rapids that feed into another pond
That’s much larger. For years the owners enjoyed it.
It was beautiful and they had the benefit
Of a landscaping marvel that is far beyond
Ordinary. It is really something to see.

The water became cloudy after many years.
They thought it was the filter. They replaced it, but
The water was still cloudy, so they checked the pipes
With rods, plumbing snakes, and devices of all types.
They were clogged severely, and they didn’t know what
They could do, yet it wasn’t the worst of their fears.

They laid new pipes on top of the ground to make sure
That the problem was found. It was definitely.
The water became clear and the issue resolved.
It is interesting how the process evolved
In the way of relating an analogy.
It is hoped that the message implied will endure.

You may have beliefs that you have been carrying
For a long time. They may have you clogged up inside.
Think in terms of just laying some new pipes, and then
Things will start to flow, and you’ll see clearly again.
Fresh new ways of thinking open your mind up wide.
When you change your beliefs you have changed everything.

The Larger Part Of You

At One With The Universe

You are so much more than your physical body.
Come to know this because it’s absolutely true.
Before you emerged here in this reality,
You were spirit, but you exist eternally.
Even right now, you and The Larger Part Of You
Coexist as a being that others can see.

This means that you’re not all here. The much larger part
People don’t get to witness, but you have access
To that larger part of you when you meditate
Or find things about your life to appreciate.
It all can lead to your ultimate happiness.
You get to The Larger Part Of You through the heart.

With who you really are you can find resonance
Through your practice. Take care of the way that you feel
In each moment, and the vibrational patterns
You create will eliminate all your concerns.
The wholeness of who you really are is for real.
Your connection can never be a game of chance.

You find resonance with The Larger Part Of You
By accepting that it exists and allowing
It to guide you. In the absence of resistance
You receive it. No matter what your circumstance,
You become able to handle most anything.
Plentiful is the grace that you can tap into.

Amongst The Rest

The Outstanding One

Creation is activating a vibration
In advance of the manifestation, and most
People are activating vibrations based on
History, so the future is hard set upon
What has happened. We tend to be fully engrossed
With the past in its detail. It isn’t much fun.

The future keeps on being the same as the past
If no change in vibration takes place in the heart.
What is past will continue. The need to move on
From the present condition is why one is drawn
To profound dissolution. One sees a fresh start
As the only solution and one that will last.

Out of chaos comes complete awareness of all
That is not to one’s liking. It brings clarity
To what is most appreciated in someone.
In the parting of old ways the journey begun
Leads the heart to fulfillment. Be grateful to be
At an altitude where you’re unable to fall.

The relationship you want is in the process
Of becoming. This new story is viable.
Miserable excursions back into the past
Are to be blessed and let go. The brighter forecast
Is the one that you have made most reliable.
Take the edge off of your journey and don’t obsess.