Tag Archive | pleasure

Think About It

Serious Thought

Think about sight and think about all the things that
You could look at. Much beauty there is to behold
Everywhere. Think about why you were given this
Wonderful gift. About nature nothing’s amiss.
Images often you cherish as if they’re gold.
Of course it all depends on what you’re looking at.

Your body has all these sensory perceivers
For the purpose of bringing you awesome pleasure.
What other reason would there be for this to be?
If you can’t think of one then it’s easy to see
That your five senses have value beyond measure
And it’s healthy to be among true believers.

People think to solve problems and that’s not to say
That that’s not a good purpose but start reaching for
A good thought for the pleasure that it brings to you.
Your perceptions and how you feel help you get through
Difficult situations so value them more.
As you do in a state of happiness you’ll stay.

Focus and awareness of what your focus brings
Is encouraged. Your vibrational currency
Is replenished as you spend it so spend away.
Your world will surprise and delight you every day.
It is your main intention to live happily.
You were meant to experience wonderful things.

I Thought I Could

High Locomotion

At this moment I’m right where I’d wanted to be
Since forever and I’ll just keep chugging along
Through a blissful eternity. I’m flying high.
On top of the world I am I cannot deny
And at this point I’m forever singing the song
Of excitement as I live my life happily.

At first it seemed impossible for me to do
But I knew deep inside that I could overcome
Any negative feelings I had about it.
I went with my gut and decided not to quit.
Deep within is where my inspiration comes from.
I rely on it to make my wishes come true.

The only thought that I’ll ever have to practice
Is that if I want it I can have it and I
Can be satisfied in just the wanting of it.
My not having it won’t cause me to throw a fit.
I can be happy without my having to try.
Any thoughts of not having it I can dismiss.

I like knowing that I want it because I know
That what I want is coming therefore I can take
Pleasure in the fact that it will most certainly
Come to be. This alone is delightful to me.
Fortunately by now I’ve come fully awake
To abundance and positive energy flow.

Connect To What You Want

Complete Satisfaction

People who have had the most enormous success
In terms of money, fame, and joy are obsessive
In their thinking. They get a lot of pleasure from
Thinking much about what they want. They beat the drum
Of its coming and their success is impressive.
They are focused on what they want and nothing less.

Once you know what you want nothing can cause you to
Waver in your vibrational expectation.
Your knowing is complete because you’ve practiced it
For a long while. The vibration that you transmit
Is the key to your deliberate creation.
This is how you can get good things to come to you.

So take pleasure in molding the thought in your mind.
In so doing you’re aligning the energy
Of your being to what you want and it must come.
Let nothing in this troubled world deter you from
Being the creator that you came here to be.
You can train your thinking to be pleasure inclined.

Feeling good is connection to what you desire.
You have to practice the connection until it
Becomes what is most natural. Focus only
Upon things guaranteed to make you feel happy.
Let nothing about life worry you one damned bit.
Nothing else of you does the universe require.

I Get To Decide


What I’m most thankful for is the freedom to be,
Do, or have anything, and I Get To Decide
How I feel in each moment which is important
To my point of attraction. Who says that I can’t
Find a way to keep myself always satisfied?
I’m thankful that this knowledge is now part of me.

There’s a much bigger picture. I’m fully aligned
With my purpose. Sometimes I have split energy
But I can quickly get back to being aware
Of my sense of wellbeing. I just have to care
More about feeling better than needing to be
Always right which makes people think that I’m unkind.

“If life is just a series of single events
Interacting with each other what’s it all mean?
What’s the point? Go ahead. Just tell me what to do.”

I once did have this rather parochial view
But by now quite a bit of wellbeing I’ve seen
And its absolute dominance makes perfect sense.

I’m here for the pleasure of life – for the pleasure
Of knowing the fullness of who I’ve come to be.
My inner being and I are two aspects of
The same thing. It tells me that I must learn to love
Everything about life unequivocally.
I’ve decided that life is an awesome treasure.

Enjoy Deliberately Doing Nothing


My relief is at issue. To not have to be
In control and to not have to put everything
Together would be a welcomed experience.
My heart tells me that I can afford the expense
Of a break from reality. Peace it would bring
To my life and my inner being would agree.

Deliberately doing nothing is doing
Something and it’s the smartest thing that I could do
Because in doing nothing I come to allow
Inspiration to do things to enter my now.
When I decide to pay much more attention to
How I feel it’s my spirit that I’m renewing.

Forcing myself to do something isn’t the way
Of my spirit which knows only joy and freedom.
I instead am concerned with what feels best to me.
When I feel my best my life unfolds perfectly
And the happier I feel the more I become
Energized and prepared for a wonderful day.

It’s about feeling better about what I do
Normally. Life is meant to be interesting
And delicious. This is my new identity.
After such long hard struggle it’s nice to be free
To just be and to not have to do anything.
How I feel reaffirms what I know to be true.

Make Your Short List

Joy Of Writing

Think about your gift of sight and think about all
The things that you could look at, then to yourself say,
“I have this gift of sight for the pleasure that it
Brings to me. It’s simply for my own benefit.”
In alignment with your inner being you’ll stay.

What you do to get there is both easy and small.

Think about all your senses. They’re for your pleasure.
What other reason is there for them to exist?
You did not just get planted here. You came to feel
This whole physical experience which is real
To your senses. Nothing about them is dismissed.
To your body they’re a valuable treasure.

You came with the ability to think for the
Pleasure of it. Do Not use it to solve problems.
Start reaching for the thoughts that are pleasurable.
In a short time you’ll find that they’re quite plentiful.
Be thankful for your internal guidance systems.
You are designed to think good thoughts naturally.

Make a short list of things that you would like to see
Manifested – not things that have any value –
Just some things that you’re interested in seeing.
You’ll be shocked by how fast they come into being.
Once you’ve mastered the small stuff you can advance to
The next level of conscious creativity.

Happy And Positive Always

Pure Happiness

Once I was bright and happy – a source of sunshine
To the people in my life, in fact, everyone
I encountered enjoyed my enthusiasm.
Now it seems that a part of my heart has grown numb
Due to all of the struggle and hard work I’ve done
For things in my life that will never become mine.

Yet I know by now that by my being happy
My health benefits. My mind and body work best
When I’m happy. There’s plenty of strong evidence
To prove this and it makes absolutely good sense
To make sure that I remain at my happiest.
I want to give to this world the best I can be.

Pleasantness is the issue. Of life energy
Pleasantness is called bliss and of my surroundings
It’s called success. Pleasantness of my emotion
Is called love, compassion, and complete devotion
To the needs of my fellows. My pleasantness brings
Into focus my power. It’s who I must be.

If I’m feeling ecstatic I will hit the ball
A lot better than otherwise but I am not
The issue if I don’t. Once I understand this
Then I am only one moment away from bliss.
No way am I the enigma that time forgot.
How I feel in each moment is truly my call.

Happiness Redefined

Love To The World

Many people have difficult conditionings
That create the illusion of being happy.
For example, by putting other people down
One prevents oneself from always wearing a frown
So it’s just a distraction that can easily
Be seen through unless one tries to complicate things.

In the workplace and at home the drama plays out.
“The way that I’m going to trust myself and feel
Good about myself is if I can just denounce
Someone else upon whom I’ll get others to pounce.”
Some scapegoating is required to block out what’s real.

Happiness isn’t even worth thinking about.

Compassion is a weakness to those who believe
That you’ll just lose your power and burn yourself out
If you care about others but it’s never true.
Happiness is a measure of how much you do
For others. Of its value there can be no doubt.
It’s the best trick in the world to have up your sleeve.

We can redefine happiness so that it’s not
Just going after pleasure. We have a deep sense
Of connection to something much bigger than we
Can imagine. It’s easy to live happily
With compassion without any hint of pretense.
How you feel about others should matter a lot.

More Powerful Than Millions

Showing Strength

I feel blessed. I feel eager and ready for more
Of what life has to offer. Right now I’m tuned in,
Aligned with, and turned on to who I truly am.
I don’t follow any complicated program.
I’ve absolved myself of the original sin
Of unworthiness. Pleasure is worth going for.

I feel strong and intuitive. There’s not one thing
I can’t handle. I feel flexible in a way
That gives me proper balance. I feel really good.
What I want to happen for me is understood
By the provident universe. I want to stay
In this state where such good feelings are happening.

Now, what’s happened is that I’ve calibrated my
Vibration to a higher place where I can feel
Resonance with the words. So the very next day…
And the next, and the next, I’m out of my own way.
I stay focused on what in life is most ideal
To my purpose. Spiritual laws here apply.

When you write down your words you feel the resonance
And the power of them lighting up in your soul.
You hook up with your inner being in this way.
It will help you to put your best self on display.
May the awesome dynamic power you control
Be the force for improving your now circumstance.

On Being A Teacher

Group Lesson

A teacher is someone who can share with others
Life experience. It’s of tremendous value
To the student and teacher. One who’s more aware
Of the laws universal and who would like there
To be positive change is the one who will do
What it takes so that maximum learning occurs.

There’s a deep centered willingness to apply the
Laws to life ‘til there’s a consistent perspective
Of the goal having been accomplished already.
Things are moved forward by holding on steadily
To what’s known until the universe has to give
What‘s been asked for with passion and humility.

People don’t care how much you know until they know
How much you care. They can pick up your vibrations
Then pass judgement upon them. Your understanding
Of the nature of folks is perhaps everything
Necessary to develop good relations
Between teacher and student. Each lesson must flow.

Co-creating is done simply for the pleasure
In the doing – not saving the world or fixing
Something broken. The key is in looking forward
Where only possibilities can be explored.
You can start off immediately by nixing
Any thought that stops you from claiming your treasure.

Pleasure In The Now

Loving Life

This incredible dream that you’re moving toward
Gives you pleasure. A feeling of utter delight
Overwhelms you. You know that it has to come true,
And you know there is nothing that you need to do
But to stay elevated. The future is bright.
It’s a dream that in any way can’t be ignored.

But we want to talk about the current pleasure
You are having because it’s the key to being
Receptive to what you want. If you’re accepting
The pleasure of this moment, then you’re offering
To the world your best self, and you’ll end up seeing
Things occur in your life way beyond your measure.

There’s a bunch of things that are screwed up in this world.
Should you focus upon them? Should you take a stand
With one side or the other while pushing against
Your opponent? In this way you get yourself fenced
Into one hellish corner. Stay out of the land
Of the livid. Your path will then become unfurled.

How do you align even more with what you feel
Is forthcoming? …By loving where you are right now.
…By your being satisfied and eager for more.
When you get out ahead of what you’re asking for
You give the universe the okay to allow
Blessings to rain upon you. Is this not ideal?

If I Want It, I Can Have It

Ready For Fun

If I really want something, I cannot believe
That it might be impossible. If I can feel
In my gut that it will happen, then it will come.
My inner being is where all my faith comes from.
I am focused on what to me has much appeal.
I can stay in the right attitude to receive.

I cannot make a contradictory statement
To the universe. It will respond in a way
That may not be delightful. I want my wanting
To feel good even though I do not have the thing
That I want. In a positive mood I can stay.
Finding ways to be excited is time well spent.

I like knowing that I want something to become
Manifested. It means that it must come to be.
Whether I’m on the trail of it or it’s here now,
I can keep myself in the right mode to allow
The blessings of the universe to come to me.
I get much satisfaction from beating that drum.

I can ask and get on with it. I don’t have to
Bound myself up in yearning and long suffering.
It’s a no brainer that things will always work out.
Life is good to me as long as I have no doubt
That the universe can bring to me anything
That I want. Every moment of life is brand new.

The Simple Secret To Happiness

Joyful Leap

I’m happy to be happy. It’s my decision,
And it’s made in an instant. I don’t have to wait
For conditions to be how I want them to be.
Everything that I need for joy is within me.
I decide in this moment that I will feel great.
My outlook on life doesn’t need a revision.

What are the blocks to happiness? It’s believing
That they are my reality. Then I create
What is needed to have them. Now I’m quite aware
That there are no beleaguering big blocks out there.
It’s not hard to remain in a positive state
When I know that my thinking can be deceiving.

I felt so undeserving because of my past
Misdirected behavior. How’d I let that go?
I decided that it’s better for me to live
Than to self-flagellate. It was hard to forgive
Myself for my wrongdoings. I did manage though.
I had found the relief I needed at long last.

I’m not searching for happiness. I bring it to
Whatever I am doing. I am happiness.
In the absence of pleasure I can find it there
Because it’s totally an internal affair.
In this moment, I chose to have complete access
To that high flying feeling that is ever new.

Stop Focusing On The Wrong Things

Hard At Searching

How do I keep myself in a place where I’m not
Focusing always on the manifestation?
It gets tricky. I give up on closing the gap
Between me and my wishes. I’m caught in a trap
Of my own making. There must be some solution
To the issue. Indeed I am in a tough spot.

“I’ll go forth. I’ll define. I’ll align and receive,
Then experience the awesome deliciousness
Of watching it come together. I’ll mold the clay
With my mind and with pleasure throughout every day.”

This promise you made to yourself is nothing less
Than your purpose for living. This you must believe.

The eternal unfolding of your life means that
You cannot get it wrong because it’s never done.
You can have a wonderful life experience
Moment by moment. Complaining makes little sense.
You’ve put much into your Vortex of Creation.
You can pull from it as if from a magic hat.

You are guided through the path of least resistance
When you are open to it. You came to create
From the contrast life offers. Release the burden
With its tentacles in your now so you can then
Find something easier on which to concentrate.
Things work out for the better if given the chance.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

Certain Possibility

Much Can Happen

Things that seemed quite impossible at first to me
Have turned out to be easy. There’s a better way
I can say this. There is a slight contradiction
In the statement because it can be only one
Or the other. It’s more accurate if I say
That it was possible. I allowed it to be.

I knew that it was possible entirely.
I am free to choose which it is and to attune
To the frequency of it. I am in control
Of what happens in my life. If I set a goal
It is all but accomplished. It will happen soon,
And while it is unfolding, I can be happy.

I can practice the feeling of being aligned
To my purpose and who I am. Human logic
States that struggle is needed to get anywhere.
Life is good for some people. For most, it’s unfair,
But this novel psychosis does nothing but trick
Me into self-undoing of the harshest kind.

“Ask for it, and get on with it!”, is what I’m told
By the spirit within me. I take pleasure in
All the life giving moments that are on the way
To full manifestation. I’m willing to stay
On my path of fulfillment as good things begin
To occur in my life as it is to unfold.

Change The Response Of The Universe

At The Threshold Of Command

Many folks have had the most enormous success
In their lives regarding wealth, romance, and acclaim.
But they also have joy. They’re obsessive in thought
About good things. In this way they rarely are caught
In a psychic dilemma. They play well the game
Of creating reality and without stress.

From the holding of a pure thought, we can arrive
At a place of sheer happiness so easily.
It takes practice. Vibrational expectation
Is what must be developed. The work to be done
Is to practice the knowing. Our ability
To imagine is part of our being alive.

I want so much to feel good that I’m not willing
To focus upon things that don’t feel good. I can
Develop better habits of looking for things
That surprise and delight me. My good feeling brings
About clarity and connection more so than
My continuous struggle. It’s not fulfilling.

Feeling good is connection to divinity.
It is the secret to eternal, successful,
Powerful, delicious, and joyful creation.
Wonderful it is to finish what has begun.
Life gets easy when I’m receptive to the pull
Of my spirit toward living it happily.

Consistent Enjoyment

The Unending Pleasure In Life

Life is meant for enjoyment and for having fun.
Don’t let anyone fool you into believing
That you are meant to struggle to get anywhere.
That is wrong! You are meant to live without a care
And to become good at the art of receiving.
Much of your work at this point is already done.

We each have a vibrational escrow account
Which means everything wished for from your beginning
Exists now. It is spiritual in essence.
It is accessed simply by the bliss of suspense
In each moment of living. Your world is spinning
As you want it. You can handle any amount.

We translate into reality vibration
By our attention to it and practice of it.
Imagine yourself  traveling to the future
When things have turned out the way that you would prefer.
Then bring back that vibration for your benefit.
This will enhance your receiving mode a crap ton.

The next step is consistency. You’ve already
Achieved close enough proximity to your dreams.
Be aware of the thoughts you think – or stop thinking
Altogether. You’ll note the universe winking
To let you know that everything is as it seems.
Be eternally as happy as you can be.

The Dream Of Life

The Brief Circus Of Existence

What if all this reality is but a dream,
And when we die, we wake up? Within illusion,
You can feel yourself not as a stranger on earth
On probation, arrived by a fluke. No! Your birth
Is as fundamental as the moon and the sun.
You’re part of a divinely orchestrated scheme.

Let’s suppose you were able to dream every night
Eighty years’ worth of life, and you had everything
That you wanted. After several nights of this
You would say, “This is great! I’m in a world of bliss.”
To have control over all that is happening
Is a thing most would find and enormous delight.

Let us say now that you decide to have a few
Where you have no control over what’s happening.
You would say, “That was a close call” after each one.
But you want some adventure. So far there’s been none.
Having no control is extremely challenging
But you take it and finally wake up as you.

You are an aperture through which the universe
Is looking and exploring itself in detail.
All of nature is Godlike. Multiplicity
Of the choices you’re offered is how things should be.
We cannot know what’s happening on the grand scale.
Never have we decided to go for the worse.

Forget Bad Memories

Releasing the Negative Past

It was gross and traumatic – all that I went through.
Memories still catch up with me no matter where
I decide is a good place to block them away.
Deep inside me where they don’t belong they will stay.
Am I worthy enough to relive my despair?
Is there some way that I can live my life anew?

In the present, the past is created by me.
To better wrap my head around this, I accept
That everything is here and now. What I can’t do
Is invalidate what I don’t like. It is true
That I must come from a neutral place. What is kept
That is of no use can be released completely.

If I’m putting too much emphasis on the pain,
I must know that I do have the power to choose
To unlock from the feelings that I don’t prefer.
Putting my focus elsewhere, relief will occur.
Otherwise I will be open to self-abuse.
Logic dictates the choice if I’ve not gone insane.

It really doesn’t matter what happens – only
What I do with what happens that determines how
I will deal with the future. Toxic memories
Linger as long as needed until my heart sees
Past my old belief systems. If I can allow
Some relief in this moment, much better I’ll be.

The Dream Of Life

The Ethereal Freedom In Life

To awake from illusion means to understand
That oneself implies others as death implies life
And as black implies white. All things are but one thing.
Yet diversity makes it all interesting.
Life is brim full of blessings but also some strife.
Your existence is fundamental and preplanned.

Let’s suppose you were able to dream any dream.
In one night you could dream what seems like many years.
You would have all your pleasures and wishes fulfilled
And each morning you would awake totally thrilled
At the prospect of sleeping away all your fears.
This example is intentionally extreme.

So now let’s down the ante. You dream as you wish
But with less control of it so things can happen
That cannot be expected and some quite severe.
Upon awaking from this dream it would be clear
That it was a close call, but to do it again
You may find to be not altogether foolish.

You are dreaming this life and don’t know that you are
And upon death you reawaken into who
You were before you entered this reality
And the ultimate gamble is simply To Be.
You engage the eternal in all that you do.
Thinking life is a dream isn’t all that bizarre.

Everything That You Want

The Culmination Of Desire

“If I Want It, I Can Have It!” Say this one thing
About everything wanted, and repeatedly.
If the universe makes possible your desire
Then it can well deliver it. All may transpire
That you’ve dreamed of for ages almost instantly.
There is no limit to what your good mood will bring.

I know that it is entirely possible
To achieve what I want. I just need to let go
Of the yearning, and pleading, and long suffering.
All that crap doesn’t get it and means not a thing
In fact, those are big obstacles. It’s good to know
That my past failures are fully ignoscible

If I want it, I can please myself on the way
To its manifestation by milking the thought
And the feeling of having it right here and now.
It’s the best method known. I must trust and allow
I focus only on things that matter a lot
And keep track of how I’m feeling throughout the day.

The whole reason for the existence of the goal
Is to give me a fun and pleasing adventure.
On the path of my journey, small pleasures unfold.
I like knowing I want things to have and to hold
 Because knowing they’ll happen is sacred and pure.
Manifesting means feeling that, without, I’m whole.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

The Dream Of Life

...Yet It Seems Almost Real

Awaken from illusion? Which one would that be?
Just as black implies white, self implies the other.
Death brings meaning to life. This is fundamental.
Not a stranger am I in this place where I dwell.
Believing my existence was meant to occur,
Nothing short of a death wish can awaken me.

People are going crazy as far as I see
Or perhaps it’s been ongoing since time began.
We were all meant to be here. If this isn’t true
Then we might as well give up. The grand party zoo
Is far off the deep end and akin to the klan.
Colors true are most vibrant when one is dream free.

Nine eleven was done by the Arabs, so we
Came together as one nation, yet what happened
On the sixth of the first month is nothing to fear.
Perpetrated by white men, it’s perfectly clear
That one chunk of the nation cannot comprehend
What it means to be human most regrettably.

If I dreamed many lifetimes, each of many years,
And I could author all of them as I desire,
I would want for surprise after so many nights.
I would ask for a gamble so sometimes life bites.
God comes into each person that growth may transpire.
If that presence is ignored I nurture my fears.

An Excursion Of Pleasure

A Spin Just For Fun

What is pleasure? My preconceived views are a blur
As I let it all happen. Then it can be known.
Movement is entertaining. Prepared for the ride,
I have no inhibitions. I’ve nothing to hide.
An Excursion Of Pleasure, though I’m fully grown,
Is a thing about life that should often occur.

Old experiences can start feeling brand new
When the young child within me is given release
And unlimited favor to nourish delight.
The aesthetics of fun is that it will excite
The disquieted spirit that it may know peace
Once again in the real world with too much to do.

Round and round go the cycles that I know so well.
Up and down does the mood swing, but it’s centered high
Above negative thresholds the adult lives in
Due to hazardous duty and pent up chagrin
Over ill perceived failures. The youth is not shy
When it comes to fulfillment. The child will excel.

Stimulation of spirit does more than can be
Well expressed by mere language, but it may effect
How words live out their meaning in brightness and hue.
Novel ways of arranging them I aim to do.
Practice leads to perfection. That’s what I expect.
Ultimate is the pleasure of being carefree.