Tag Archive | rotten

The Power Of Non-Resistance


Some people are outrageously wicked and mean.
How could one give them the time of day let alone
Try to love them? Despise them I do with every
Part of me. Indeed I can’t see objectively.
I cannot find a place in my heart on my own
To accept them and thus keep my vibration clean.

But it’s my nature to love. I know this to be
So because I can feel it and I recognize
It in others. I don’t see it in everyone
As I should so I know there’s some work to be done
On my part. What would my inner being advise?
I believe it knows very well what’s best for me.

When I’m not loving it’s not that I’m wrong about
How despicable they are. It’s just that I must
See the value in what they’re presenting to me.
Though there are areas where we cannot agree
In their links to their inner beings I must trust.
Loving truly does not leave any room for doubt.

Those who aren’t all that lovable are my greatest
Advantage because they cause me to realize
My emotions and also what I would prefer.
My life would be less complicated if I were
More accepting of all that I know to be wise.
When I am nonresistant I’m my happiest.

Clean Up All Your Relationships

Happy Couple

In a rotten relationship you may have been
Or you may be experiencing one right now
Which means you’re launching rockets of what you’d prefer
To the universe and it no doubt will concur
With your wishes but you have to trust and allow
All cooperative components to happen.

The relationship you have with yourself is the
Most important so give your vibration the care
It deserves by meditating regularly.
Be appreciative of who you’ve come to be.
Your best you is the you that you most want to share
With the world. You’re of value to society.

At this standpoint as you find alignment with who
You are truly, things are already working out
In your favor and in the meantime you can see
Bits of evidence. You can get there easily.
In your absolute worthiness you mustn’t doubt.
Give yourself a break and give credit where it’s due.

With who you are find vibrational alignment.
Love must be unconditional. You don’t have to
Put up with what you don’t want. Your goal is to be
Able to without condition live happily.
What you want you can surely have happen for you.
It all starts from a place where you’re feeling content.

Tell The World A New Story

Fantasy Land

The story you’ve been telling is one of the past
And the present. It may be one of misery,
Absolute ecstasy, or a mix of the two.
There’s an urge within you to come up with a new
One to tell the world – not one of pure fantasy
But one where you’re able to enjoy the contrast.

Tell your story the way you feel it should be told
Which is as you’d prefer it rather than the way
You’re now telling it because it’s reality.
You can create it the way you want it to be
And the truth of the matter you need not betray.
Your image of your future you want to uphold.

Earnestly practice the power of your own mind
For the better. It can be used to complicate
Your life story with so much negative detail
That the same old same old of your life must prevail
But it can also be used by you to create
Happiness for yourself and for all humankind.

Remember who you truly are and why you’re here.
You’re Source Energy in a physical body
And you’re here to find happiness by sifting through
All the contrast life offers. Nothing can keep you
From creating and living your life happily.
Tell the world about all the things that you hold dear.

Clean Up All Relationships

Reaching For Love

You’re the mirror to what you have been offering.
Perfectly you reflect all that happens to you
So take responsibility for what occurs
In your life. You get more of what your heart prefers
As you take on a more positive point of view.
How you’re feeling is what your vibration will bring.

No matter what the relationship is it can
Evolve into something that is ultimately
Satisfying. The thoughts you continue to think
Tell the story and it may be well out of sync
With your dream of living with someone happily.
You do not have to come up with a perfect plan.

You don’t have to put up with things that are missing
In the relationship. If you do that you’re not
Allowing what you really want. Your awareness
Of what’s missing keeps active the tension and stress.
Positive declarations can help you a lot.
About good times past you could be reminiscing.

Find vibrational accordance with your ideal.
Distract yourself from the details. Focus instead
On what’s working. You don’t need the condition to
Feel the wonder of something exciting and new.
Do believe that there are always good times ahead
And as always pay attention to how you feel.