Tag Archive | deliver

Countdown To Contact

Alien Greeting

Any alien civilization that knows
Of our existence would be significantly
More advanced than we are. There’s no need for us to
Send out messages to them. From their point of view
For first contact to happen we’re more than ready
But for now they remain in the cosmic shadows.

Our knowledge of intelligent alien life
Is more likely to come from a different place
Like an observatory rather from a ship
That arrives suddenly. Scientists say the trip
Would be impossible because there’s too much space
Between them and us. With many theories we’re rife.

They believe that intelligent life does exist
Elsewhere in our own galaxy. If this is so
Would they want to contact us the way that we are?
Our involvement with war and greed means we’re quite far
From a nice place to visit, but for all we know,
With our issues they may have come here to assist.

It’s a fact that we’re not alone. Intelligent
Life exists far beyond the stars. This knowledge should
Speed up our own political maturity.
How does our worldwide ethics and morality
Measure up with the way goodness is understood?
Have we found the place of love and enlightenment?

Thinking On Purpose


I’ve been doing so much fun and joyful thinking.
I’m achieving amazing results as I do.
I just keep getting happier throughout each day.
I know that things are always working out my way.
I’ve no doubt that my most cherished dreams will come true
And that things come with ease and not by my swinking.

I do focus wheels and make lists of positive
Aspects but I deliberately and mainly
Pay attention to how I feel in each moment.
I’m cognizant of how my precious time is spent.
I prefer thoughts that are absolutely gainly.
I think that this is the best way for me to live.

A cooperative component I must be
With the universe’s orchestration of my
Happy story. It shows me how well I’m doing
With my life. I don’t have to spend time pursuing
Much of anything. Without my having to try
I attract what I want and most confidently.

I’ve begun to feel the power of directing
My thoughts relative to everything that I care
Much about. I can create deliberately
My own positive version of reality.
I can feel better anytime and anywhere.
My wellbeing is what I’m always expecting.

Ask For The Miracle

The Prayer Of Power

Wanting something so badly that I find the need
To pray strongly, I know that a strong resistance
I’m creating. It doesn’t help me reach my goal.
I can feel what I want from the depths of my soul.
If the feeling is negative then there’s no chance
Of a blessing. I cannot make doubting my creed.

God’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.
With a miracle working God who’s able to
Do more than I could ever imagine, all things
Are possible. The reason my happy heart sings
Is because I’ve adopted this clear point of view.
My relationship with God I cannot sever.

What seems impossible to me is within the
Power of God to understand. When I can’t think
Of an answer God gives it to me right away.
Let the miracle take place in my life today.
Give me guidance when I seem to be on the brink
Of disaster. Let happiness come unto me.

Help me make my decisions in full clarity
Of the role God would have me play. Protect me from
My own selfish behavior. Let me see the light
In the wrong that I’ve done so that I’ll make it right.
Let the day have a richly meaningful outcome.
May the peace of God’s presence descend upon me.

Let The Universe Help

Future Bright

You can’t be disappointed and get anything
That you want. Your disappointment is the one clue
That you’re not vibrationally in sync with what
You are wanting. It feels like the door has been shut
To the blessings of living. What you want to do
Is take care of your vibrational offering.

Do not beg God, the universe, or your best friend
To deliver to you what you want from a place
Of utter desperation. Stop talking about
Things in your life that don’t seem to be working out
To your liking. You’ll find people who may embrace
Your dilemma, but it never works in the end.

Your are asking, and it is delivered, but it’s
In vibrational form, so what you have to do
Is tune into the frequency of your desire
As it manifests for you. It doesn’t require
Tons of effort. Knowing the wise one within you
Comes with all kinds of spiritual benefits.

You’re the creator of you and all that you’ve placed
In vibrational escrow. Practice this knowing
Until you begin developing the habit
Of creating things that are to your benefit.
All you need is acceptance to get them flowing
Into your life, which now can be happily faced.