Tag Archive | circumstances

The Way You Think


You can change the way you feel by changing The Way
You Think. Simply by thinking thoughts that uplift you
You remain in a state of sublime contentment.
Happiness is achieved through your conscious intent
To stay focused on the things that you love to do.
Let the good things going for you brighten your day.

Remember that sometimes The Way You Think about
Someone isn’t exactly how they truly are.
Think about The Way You Think and find clarity
In your own logic then you’ll be finally free
Of false judgments. You don’t have to look very far
In this world to see examples of people’s doubt.

No matter how badly someone treats you never
Step down to their level. Be calm and walk away.
Don’t become weak by thinking that you’re all alone.
Rather stand firm and be proud that you’re on your own
In a world that sometimes causes utter dismay.
Let what happened leave your consciousness forever.

Not everyone is proud of you. They’re just surprised
At how you keep on going. Ultimate success
Is achieved through repeated failures and by not
Giving up. What you think about matters a lot.
No one can be a better judge of your progress
Than you once your true worthiness is realized.

Speak Words That Bring Money

Cute Cash

You don’t have enough money so you’ve asked for more
And it’s done. The cooperative components
Have been assembled already. All you do
Is line up with a bunch of it coming to you.
Nothing but a negative attitude prevents
You from getting the things that you’ve been asking for.

What’s already done exists vibrationally.
In the physical it’s not yet manifested
But this vibrational reality must be
Just as real to you as the money you can see.
By the guidance of your inner being you’re led
To fulfillment of your dream of prosperity.

“I want more money but I don’t have enough.” This
Kind of talk gets you nowhere. “I want more money
So that I’ll have delicious experiences.
I can create more positive circumstances
For myself with more money. Indeed I would be
In a most welcomed state of perpetual bliss.”

Speak this way if you want what you want to come true.
With just this much self-monologue you can achieve
And enormous change in your point of attraction.
Speaking words of your truth brings you satisfaction.
It also puts you in the right mode to receive
Everything that you want which is lined up for you.

Love Even When It Hurts

Flood Of Tears

Love is always in season. It’s not just a dream
Of the troubled and weary who live with the hope
Of things someday improving. Love can make you cry
As you feel the hope within you wither and die.
Love implies that a person is willing to cope
With heartbreak and adversity in the extreme.

Love is always in season because nothing but
Love exists. We get caught up in the illusion
That it doesn’t. It’s like disbelieving in air
When you know for a fact it exists everywhere.
It’s no wonder the word evokes such confusion.
Often the remedy is to keep the heart shut.

Love should be shown to everyone even if they
Don’t deserve it. This reflects who you truly are.
Show love when times are difficult especially
Regardless of who people may happen to be.
Be nice to someone and make them feel like a star.
You feel good when you brighten someone else’s day.

Love does not mean that you must accept the abuse
Of someone disconnected from reality
But you can show compassion then send them away.
You can do this without having harsh words to say.
Hurt as long as you choose but eventually
You’ll return to that one from whom love does effuse.

Guilt And Responsibility

Justice Street

It can impact one’s self-worth but guilt can also
Slip into life dressed as responsibility.
When you’ve done something awful you feel guilt and shame
And it’s difficult because you’ve no one to blame
But yourself. Your true self you’re not able to be
Even if what has happened was so long ago.

People go through a long process of letting go
Of their guilt and shame before they’re actually
Willing to allow themselves to experience
Responsibility in a positive sense.
You know that you’ve acted out of integrity
But let not that prevent you from wanting to grow.

Why wallow in self-judgment? By doing so you
Hold yourself in a place where you cannot allow
Energy to flow through you to get you aligned
With the next proper action. Don’t be so unkind
To yourself. Remember, that was then. This is now.
Keep yourself focused now on the right thing to do.

Burdensome is the feeling of negative space
In your soul. Guilt and shame are self-sabotaging.
Accept responsibility for what you do
And get on with your life. The evolved part of you
Will guide you in doing the appropriate thing.
What you will do from now on is what to embrace.

Perfect Timing

Fun Time

You’re approaching a red light and it becomes green
Right before you start thinking about slowing down.
Or you might pick the right stock before its decline
On the market. You’re timing’s great when you align
With that part of you that can never wear a frown.
There’s no problem with keeping your vibration clean.

Often times things seem to come right out of the blue
But it’s just an illusion. There’s no assertion
In a world that’s attraction based. Things come out of
The oblivious. You can get yourself above
The unwanted grossly negative horizon
Simply by hooking up with the best part of you.

Things come out of the vibration that’s most practiced
But the reason it feels like they creep up on you
Is because you forget that it’s your vibration
That things are responding to. It’s your creation.
Your words and actions really have nothing to do
With the Perfect Timing that you know must exist.

You’re offering a vibration and practicing
It and practicing it and practicing it and
Thus becoming an expert at it enough to
Manifest Perfect Timing in all that you do.
Don’t give too much attention to what you had planned.
Be more open to what your vibration can bring.

What’s Life All About?

Big Little Questions

Life is not about being right. It’s more about
Being kind. If you’re given the choice to be right
Or to be kind choose kindness. It makes you feel good.
Being right doesn’t always work out as it should.
Life is not about getting yourself all uptight
Over things to the point where you simply freak out.

And life is not about proving anyone wrong.
It’s about proving yourself right. It’s not about
Competing against others. It’s more about you
Competing against yourself to bring yourself to
An improved self – one which others nor you can doubt.
It’s about growing and becoming ever strong.

Life’s about being happy – not being perfect.
It’s about making sure you’re experiencing,
Learning, loving, and developing who you are.
You know that being happy is better by far
Than the feeling that you don’t deserve a damned thing.
Life demands that you cultivate some self-respect.

Money’s great but only when used with positive
Intentions. It’s alright to want it but don’t stress
Over it. You can’t take it with you anyway.
Your upliftment of others will brighten each day
Of your life. You’re meant to live one of happiness.
You receive in accordance with how much you give.

Perfect Timing

At One With Eternity

Things exist and they move about. As we perceive
Things existing and moving, time is created.
It is perfect because it came from the big bang.
From that one event everything that we know sprang.
To the concept of time we are dedicated.
To think otherwise is to be daftly naïve.

Nothing asserts itself. It’s about attraction.
I prepare the environment for unwanted
Situations to become my reality
Through my practice, then, what I don’t want comes to be.
Only by insecurity am I haunted.
What is the proper way to get what I want done?

Sometimes things seem to force their way into being.
That is never the case. I attract them to me,
Although I may not be aware of doing it.
Being more conscious would be to my benefit.
As I clean up my vibration, I am set free
To explore more alternative ways of seeing.

Things occur not in response to words or actions
But through vibration. Perfect Timing is the way
Of the universe, and I have enough control
Over when, where, and how things will happen. My goal
Is to sync with the Timing. It can be child’s play.
I’m fully prepared for upcoming attractions.

Transcendence Through Stillness

The Reflection Of Calm

How do I learn to transcend the limited me
…The conditional entity? How do I know
What is silence and stillness? What has this to do
With the person I am and what I’m going through?
What does it mean to be ‘still?’ How can someone grow
Without moving? Can this fettered self be made free?

Like most words, ‘stillness’ is but a starting off place
For describing what can’t be described easily.
Everyone has their own experience of it.
Meditation is the perfect thing to permit
It to happen. What’s called my personality
Is dissolved in the process of receiving grace.

If I haven’t found the stillness, no matter how
Well I do in life, it will turn into something
Unfulfilling, even if the world praises me.
Free from erratic motion I most want to be.
It is the cause of most of human suffering.
The stillness is available to me right now.

I like pleasant conditions and circumstances.
By the same token, bad situations cause me
Much discomfort, but if I can find the stillness
In the moment, I know that I will suffer less
Than I would if I can’t. Stillness I clearly see
As the alternative to my taking chances.

The Best Teacher

The Wisest Advisor

Looking back on my school years, I personally
Had a rough time because I am mentally ill.
Way back then, diagnoses were nonexistent.
The odd way that I see things will often prevent
Understanding of social cues yet I can still
Function sufficiently well in society.

You’re expecting a nice story. I’ll give you one
Not about how my troubled life eats at my heart
But about how it’s possible to overcome
Feelings of inferiority that come from
Childhood trauma of which I have made a fine art.
Misery in my old age I now see as fun.

Normal folks have ‘best teachers’ – the ones who have made
A life long positive impression upon them.
Simple words spewed without thought will alienate
As will attitudes that radiate racial hate.
The best ones are happy to deal with your problem.
Above and beyond they work. They’re on a crusade.

Early on I was told that I wasn’t the same
As the others in my class in obvious ways
And one not as apparent. It turns out to be
A most powerfully creative part of me.
It’s not like I am giving my enemies praise.
The Best Teacher teaches how to live without shame.

The Emotional Journey

Freedom Of Emotional Flight

What happens when you have those feeling places that
Contradict one another? A change of career
Has been on my mind lately. I get excited
About travel abroad. The adventure ahead
I can feel with much passion. There also is fear
That I’ll leave other parts of my life falling flat.

I want to do an institute in India.
I can feel creativity flowing through me.
I love collaborating. The people I meet
Will provide opportunities that will be sweet.
In my heart I believe this is how it will be.
I can do very well in that rich arena.

But again apprehension in blended into
My feelings of elation. Some risk I will take.
It’s a lot of hard work. I will be out of touch
With my family and friends who I cherish much.
Dangerous it may be. The decision I make
Is one of great significance. What shall I do?

When I think thoughts that feel good, I feel good inside.
The reverse is true also. I care more about
Getting into alignment vibrationally.
The Emotional Journey is one that should be
Taken before all others. I’ll deal with my doubt.
My awareness of how I feel shall be my guide.