Tag Archive | solution

Don’t Overthink Things

Strongly Considering

On the lower half of the emotional scale
People operate sometimes and life can be seen
As an intricate puzzle that cannot be solved.
In your confusion you don’t want to get involved
With your tough situation. When you’re in between
A rock and a hard place unsureness will prevail.

When you try to think your way out of a problem
All you do is make it bigger than it should be.
Actually you’re trending in opposition
To what you want. It just won’t come to fruition.
Overthinking then becomes your reality
And it’s from where all your negative feelings stem.

If, however, you’re tuned in, tapped in, and turned on,
And ideas are flowing, it feels fantastic.
Thoughts flow with the same momentum, but clarity
Is abundant. You see the world differently
Than you do when you’re troubled. It’s like being sick.
When you’re happy many of your issues are gone.

You want to be a feeler – not a thinker right
Now because your feeling is always accurate.
You cannot over feel things. Let your feelings guide
You to the right solution. It’s wise to confide
In your deep inner knowing. You can mitigate
The darkness by allowing a smidgen of light.

The Problem And Its Purpose

Wake Up Call

Such a big problem solver you happen to be
But you’re not the problem solver. You’re the maker
Of the problem which means that you’re the solution
Allower. You’re the cause of its evolution
Into rectification. Don’t be a taker
Of action when with life you’re not in harmony.

You cannot solve a problem but you can allow
The solution to manifest. You operate
From a flawed premise if you think you need to force
Things to happen. This makes some sense to you of course.
So why not keep yourself in the solution state?
Your emotional guidance system shows you how.

The problem has served its purpose. Now let it go.
Don’t go back and mine it for justification
Or for your sense of worthiness. Just let it be
What it is – something that you can solve easily
As you tune into your vortex of creation.
Unto you the solutions to problems will flow.

Look forward. Forward is expansive and freeing
So do give it your undivided attention.
It’s where infinite intelligence operates.
Get yourself in the mode to receive what awaits.
You’ll be blessed in ways beyond your comprehension.
It’s the place where you’ll find ultimate wellbeing.

Unfulfilled Desire

Strongly Hopeful

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you know
For damned sure that the things that you ask for will flow
Into your life. You manifest much better than
You may think. You may think you need some refinement.

You’re connected to Source Energy. Resources
Are available to you to guide you to where
You most want to be. The moment you give birth to
A desire the universe delivers to you
All the clues necessary to take you right there.
You’re taken care of by spiritual forces.

Into the future you can propel the problem
With you mind and the solution will follow suit
If you let go of worry and take it easy.
Look for reasons to feel good. There are so many
To consider. Partake of the low hanging fruit
Of your life. Find some puppies and give love to them.

Let the things that feel good to you call out to you.
Don’t beat up on yourself when you’re in a moment
Of not being able to find wholeness. Instead
Find the most relief possible. Don’t fill your head
With ideas and opinions that will prevent
Your most cherished of dreams from ever coming true.

Benefits Of Distraction

Relaxation At Dusk

“How do I want and just kind of leave it alone
So that what I want happens?”
By feeling worthy

You can do it. When you want it and expect it
Then things will come together for your benefit.
The perfect solution comes to you easily
And quickly if you’re not negativity prone.

Don’t keep asking the question repeatedly so
Because it holds you in a place of the absence
Of what you want. It’s a different frequency
Than the very thing that you want to come to be.
Keep yourself in a state of expectant suspense
Then into your life many a blessing will flow.

You’ve already asked for it. Allow it to come
By taking your mind off of it. Find something to
Distract you from its absence. You could meditate
For a while until you get yourself feeling great
Once again then find something fulfilling to do.
Negativity you want to stay away from.

Going general is also an excellent
Tool to use to distract yourself. “Things are always
Working out for me. I’m in a wonderful place
And I’m worthy of being here. Infinite grace
Rains upon me.”
An attitude such as this pays

Exponentially. Your life is one huge event.

Happiness Is Success

Wonderful Moment

There’s a simple way. Feel Good! Is this too concise?
Care enough about how you feel that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. This is the way
That connected with your higher self you will stay.
Keep your focus on what you find most fulfilling.
For anybody this is excellent advice.

You’re not looking for an answer. You’re looking for
A most pleasant path. Let that be your only goal.
Never ending solutions to never ending
Situations will satisfy you. Attending
To how you feel is how you take care of your soul.
You know how to keep your mind on what you adore.

There’s not some outside judgment wanting you to be
Somewhere that you’re not. Where you are is where you are.
How you feel about where you are is what matters.
You know how to keep quiet the mind that chatters.
The solution to a problem is never far
From your having all because you live happily.

Do whatever it takes to get yourself happy
And then stay there by constant appreciation
For all that’s going well for you and don’t compare
Yourself with anyone else. Your success is where
You find happiness. In any situation
You can be in alignment and resistance free.

Recipe For Receiving

Big Surprise

The basis of your life is your freedom to be
Who you are as a natural human being.
You quest is joy and the result is eternal
Expansion. By your keeping a feel good journal
You get to a point where you are only seeing
What you want which is happiness and harmony.

How can you find more clarity? Just get happy.
It’s the answer to anything you could ask for.
How do you solve a problem? Get happy and then
Things will work their way back to normalcy again.
After all, getting happy is not a huge chore.
You are here to be as happy as you can be.

How do you endure the injustice of the one
Who you live with? Now you have a big choice to make.
You cannot remain happy while looking where you
Are bombarded with instances of feeling blue.
It is up to you to become fully awake
To the issue that seems to have no solution.

Pet your cat. Take a walk. Do whatever it takes
To get happy. This is the best Recipe For
what you want. Improvement you will find

In your mood when you chill out and quiet you mind.
Keep your focus only on the things you adore.
You’ll be seen as someone who gets all of the breaks.

How To Pray

Consumed In Prayer

You can pray from a place of extreme need or from
Thankfulness. Which way do you think gets more results?
For some, praying is like going to the toilet.
It’s become a mere function that’s used just to get
Satisfaction. But what if your praying insults
That which hears it? You can’t expect a good outcome.

When you pray out of indignation and despair
It sets up a vibration that makes the problem
More severe. You give it more of your attention.
In your praying you’re better off not to mention
Any issues because God knows all about them.
When you speak to divinity do so with care.

Santa Claus was a big thing when you were yet small.
Since then you’ve come to know that it all was a lie
But you still pray as if God comes down the chimney
Once a year with the answers you seek earnestly.
You may pray your behind off yet ask yourself why
God has not taken time to respond to your call.

When you pray from a place of appreciation
You put yourself in a better state to receive
Maybe not what you’re asking for this time around
But relief from your misery will have been found.
A state of alignment isn’t hard to achieve
As you find the object of your adoration.

It’s Coming

Patiently Waiting

While it seems like you’re waiting for something to come
You’re just living one good moment after the next
On the way to wonderful things coming to you.
You’ve asked for it. It’s done! Now all you have to do
Is get happy. There’s no reason to be perplexed.
Be certain of where all your good feelings come from.

When you ask, it is given almost instantly
But you have to become a vibrational match
To receiving it, meaning don’t do anything
That prevents what you want from ever happening.
From all your negative feelings you must detach
If what you’ve asked for is to be reality.

All the specifics of what you want happen when
You first ask. You know just how you want things to be.
As cooperative components assemble
You will see things in your life start to resemble
Your most treasured desire automatically
Negative moments you may still have now and then.

Once you have lived the problem you have created
The solution. It’s now time to go general
With your wanting and have fun along your journey.
The answer to all wanting is to get happy.
It’s best to adopt a happiness rationale.
To your happiness you must be dedicated.

You Can’t Solve A Problem


Such a huge problem solver you’ve turned out to be.
It’s become an obsession. It’s human nature
To address difficulties with lethal brute force
But in no way does it solve your problems of course.
All it does is cause stress. It will complicate your
Ever resolving your issues effectively.

You Can’t Solve A Problem. Not a one does exist.
You need not wrestle them to the ground and kill them.
Problems are an illusion. The premise is flawed
That something is wrong and that it should be outlawed
And that any confusion on your part must stem
From the notion that problems cannot be dismissed.

You’re the problem maker which means you are the one
Who can make the solution by how well you can
Allow it. Give your undivided attention
To the answers you want. You don’t have to mention
Any heartache. It never was part of your plan.
You can easily handle what needs to get done.

The ‘problem’ served its purpose and time will never
Be an issue for you again. Looking forward
Is expansive, freeing, and intoxicating.
Be aware of the momentum you’re creating.
Confidence in your worthiness can be restored.
Enjoy embarking upon your new endeavor.

In Sync With The Solution

Eye On Potential

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that in the
Moment a problem happens it’s effectively
Taken care of. This way works out much better than
Freaking out. Instead you remain rather content.

You can speed the problem right into your future
When you do right behind it the solution will
Follow quickly. The contrasting experience
Gives birth to the solution. It makes perfect sense.
You’ve come here with a whole lot of dreams to fulfill
And about this you can be absolutely sure.

You can change lanes before the accident happens
Or receive an impulse to give someone a call.
You can find the thought or act that moves you toward
Wellness rather than illness. You can be restored
To perfection. You can take advantage of all
That you can when you see the world through a new lens.

Come to know that there’s nothing that you cannot be,
Do, or have. Look for reasons to feel good and let
The abundance of wellbeing satisfy you.
If you can do this then anything you can do.
Sync up with the solution if you haven’t yet.
Do what you need to do but do it happily.

It Will Manifest Fast


The much larger part of you is now already
Living the life that you want. What are you doing
In relationship to the expanded being
You’ve become? If you see the way it is seeing
Then you’ll find ease in whatever you’re pursuing.
On the road to fulfillment you remain steady.

The better you feel the more up to speed with your
Larger self you are. The reverse is also true.
If you feel less than happy then you’re nowhere near
Where your expanded being is. It has a clear
View of everything. This enlightened part of you
Has an understanding of what you’re looking for.

You may look into a segment of your life and
You’ll see something that hits you the wrong way. Maybe
It’s a car that won’t run or the state of affairs
Of your world or a possibility that scares
The daylights out of you. What happens instantly
Is the solution to solve the problem at hand.

But you must be receptive. The lag time between
What you want and your having it is created
By your feelings of lack. It Will Manifest Fast
As you let go of resistance and have a blast
With your life. It’s something to be celebrated
By you and by benevolent forces unseen.

Once You Get This…


Is there a simple way? Many know the answer
And it’s Yes! You’ve got to care about how you feel
Enough that you’re willing to find thoughts that feel good.
Once You Get This your life will turn out as it should.
Everything that you do will then have much appeal.
Simply living life becomes a mood enhancer.

You’re not looking for the answer. You’re looking for
The most pleasant path. Having a goal may be the
Reason you focus on your path. Never ending
Answers and moving forward begin happening
In your experience. It’s the way it should be.
You’ve the freedom to do the things you most adore.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
The solution that seems so very far away
And there’s appreciation that that solution
Will emerge and turn out to be the perfect one.
Happiness is the only price there is to pay.
Let It Grow! It has infinite room to expand.

Find a way to get happy and keep yourself there.
Life becomes so delicious. Enjoy the freedom
You were born with. A shift in vibration is due
For conditions to conform to your point of view.
Get prepared for all the wonderful times to come.
To how you feel you must give tender loving care.

In Pursuit Of The Pleasant Path

Happy Trail

Care about how you feel enough that you’re willing
To find thoughts that feel good to you. When you feel good
You’re in sync with who you really are. Everything
That you’re looking for comes to you from the wellspring
Of abundance eternal. You are understood
By your maker to be something God fulfilling.

You’re not looking for an answer, a solution,
Or a goal, but a pleasant path is what you seek.
Questions will be unending and motion forward
Is assured. You do not have to work very hard
At maintaining alignment. Your soul is unique
Among billions. You author its evolution.

There’s not such a big gap between where you are and
Where you want to be. The path of least resistance
Is the one most accessible. It’s unfolding
Right in front of you. You don’t have to do a thing
But accept it by giving your spirit the chance
To evolve so that your consciousness may expand.

Use every trick in every book that you can find
To get happy. This is who you were meant to be.
Live your life the way you intended. Be aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. Simply take better care
Of your point of attraction. Vibrationally
You’re at one and with the universe you’re aligned.

Free Forever

Elemental Escape

The universe is always delivering to
You what your pattern of vibration is. You can
Let real life hypnotize you into looking at
It as it is then training your focus on that.
Your vibration has to be more important than
Anything else. It’s the powerful part of you.

Most people offer all of their vibration in
Response to what is going on now. They look at
It and offer a vibration then get the same
Which they look at. It becomes a sick cyclic game
Played against oneself. What kind of living is that?
If there is a solution where does one begin?

Making peace with what’s happening in your life now
May be the best solution. By surrendering
Your resistance you let go of that which keeps you
From your clarity, wealth, and wellness, and a new
Sense of keen understanding about life will bring
All the goodness that your vibration will allow.

Those you thought were depriving you of the goodness
You deserve are the same ones who have provided
You a means for expansion. Thank them and move on.
Eventually the memory will be gone.
You will be Free Forever having decided
To clean up your vibration and trust the process.


Peaceful Alignment

You will have an awareness that lets you see things
That were kept hidden from you. You still will chop wood,
Carry water, and meditate. You will enhance
The meaning of coincidence. Life is not chance
 When the laws of the universe are understood.
You become tolerant of the mind’s wanderings.

You won’t entertain doubts about your worthiness.
You will feel loved and nourished spiritually.
Both your inner and outer experiences
Have new meaning. You’ll find no need for defenses.
You are the universal source of energy.
When you know this you have unlimited access.

Fear that immobilizes you will go away
As you feel the presence of the divine in you.
All weakness and falsehood come from the refusal
To accept divine guidance. You can’t play it small
By your not realizing what you know is true.
The evolved self within you is on full display.

You’ll know the power and ecstasy of silence.
It’s the only voice of our God. All profound things
And emotions are preceded and attended
By omnipotent silence. It’s rather splendid.
You become more conscious of divine offerings.
Becoming is a wonderful experience.

A Spiritual Solution

The Asking

There’s an omnipotent spiritual Force at
Our fingertips that contains the solution to
All our problems. Their vibrations are different
From that of their solutions. If I’m in torment,
Then there is one of two things I can choose to do.
Life is not any more complicated than that.

I find myself reacting to situations
Instead of responding in a calm and cool way.
When the world seems insane, I can take a step back,
But I don’t sometimes. That’s why I’m so out of whack.
I create my own crises. The price that I pay
In so doing is seeking unwise solutions.

To react from a place of fear or to respond
From a place of alignment… These are my choices.
It’s easy to trust life when things are going well,
But through times of uncertainty and certain hell,
Can I get to a place where my heart rejoices?
Yes, it’s possible. My mind is a magic wand.

I’m the conscious decision maker of how I
Feel in each and every moment. I can impact
This world in better ways, if spiritually,
I can see the bigger picture much more clearly.
With the Force that supports me, I keep close contact.
It can become for me a most helpful ally.

Calibrate To Wellbeing

Taking In The Wonder

My foundation does not start with this body or
With my parents or anything. It is the whole
Of who I am. With eagerness I came into
This contrast and variety. My life is new
And exciting. I have no particular goal.
Everything about this world I came to explore.

A thought that thrills me is one worth my pursuing,
And one that disappoints me is one that is not.
There’s no way I can feel unworthy of the bliss.
My feelings are my guidance. I’m glad I know this.
What I’m thinking and feeling does matter a lot.
I find fulfillment in whatever I’m doing.

I do not want to behave ‘appropriately’
By accepting the notion that life is supposed
To be hard and that suffering is a virtue.
Pardon me, world, but that is not my point of view.
‘Socialized’ people have hearts and minds that are closed
To the idea of living resistance free.

It’s easy to calibrate to ‘what is,’ but it
Takes a master to calibrate to what is not
Yet apparent. It does take determination,
Focus, and clarity. I am here to have fun.
I try to remember what most people forgot.
Everything I learn must be to my benefit.

The Raw Need Unfulfilled


I can’t leave it alone, yet I know I need to.
I can’t just go on wanting and feeling that I
Could crawl out of my skin. Is there no solution
To my issue of severe self-persecution?
I keep asking the question and wondering why
The answer isn’t coming. So, what must I do?

You can leave it alone by your feeling worthy
Of its manifestation. Though it’s difficult
When the need has a rawness so overwhelming,
Still you must keep your focus on what’s becoming
Without feeling its absence, so the end result
Is exactly the way that you would have it be.

How can you stop your thinking so much about it?
Change the subject by going very general
In your thinking about it until you’ve achieved
An effective distraction. You will have received
Alternate inspiration that everything shall
Come together for your ultimate benefit.

Getting busy on other things gets you to where
There is not much resistance in your vibration.
Talk yourself into believing that it’s coming.
Meditation will clean out the psychic plumbing
So that some clarity of the mind is begun.
Always about how you are feeling you must care.

Spiritual Calibration

Vibrational Cleansing

Energy gets polluted. Sometimes we need to
Calibrate the atmosphere spiritually
Of its negative content. Segment Intending
Is a process, and it’s a way of extending
Into the next time period how it should be.
A Segment is anytime change happens for you.

What is it that is the easiest for you to
Feel appreciative of? What makes you happy?
Get a good rampage going. “I am thankful for
This moment, and I look forward to many more.
I am thankful that things are working out for me.”

Can you feel what is going on? I hope you do.

For the very near future, you can calibrate
By your statements of thankfulness and wellbeing.
Speak your way into happiness in the moment.
This way, you form the next by your conscious intent.
You will find that the universe is agreeing
And rewarding you for being in a high state.

You may be calibrated to unwanted things.
A well-practiced belief is a calibration.
When you tune to the frequency of happiness,
Everything else is taken care of, more or less.
You don’t have to ‘do’ anything to get things done.
You have control over near future happenings.

Can You Be More Specific?

Seriously Considering

Clearly my path has led me to where I am now.
I’m delighted to be here. Things are going well.
I wanted some balance between time and money.
Now I have that. Am I satisfied completely?
There is something else out there that’s ringing my bell,
But the specific details escape me somehow.

I’d never thought about where my path has led me.
I remained somewhat general. I didn’t know
That it would take me here. So, to get to where I
Want to be, would it be worthwhile for me to try
To be more specific or just go with the flow
Of the general feeling of expectancy?

All the time that I spent creating happily,
I was giving birth to a refreshing and new
Life experience. As I engage the contrast,
I decide what is better, so I have amassed
Much vibrational escrow. I access it through
Happiness. It’s the state that most benefits me.

The question and the answer are two different
Frequencies. The cooperative components
Of the problem’s solution are set in motion.
After being specific, I give devotion
To the general outcome. It makes perfect sense
That it all has to do with my feeling content.

Stop Trying

How did you get so trained into where you are now?
‘Problem Solver’ they call you, but is that okay
With your conscience? The struggle is overwhelming.
Often you feel like you would do most anything
To escape the entrapment you live day to day.
You would be somewhere else if you only knew how.

You are not the problem solver, contrary to
Popular opinion. You’re the problem maker,
Meaning you’re the solution maker. You’re also
The solution allower. The answer will flow
Into your keen awareness. Be not the taker
Of unbearable torment. Reach for something new.

You did not come to solve things. You came to expand.
The creation of a better experience
Is your focus and purpose. The problem has served
Its purpose. The solution will be well deserved,
But let go of the problem because it’s past tense.
A life fettered with stress is not what you had planned.

Don’t go back and try to mine it for worthiness
Or for justification. Just leave it alone
For a while, and look forward where the energy
That creates worlds is willing, able, and ready
To assist you. Everything about you is known
To your Source who is focused upon your success.

Any Reason For Joy

Spontaneous Happiness

What’s so appealing about unfulfilled desire?
You’re not the only Vortex through which answers come.
Connected to Source Energy you are always.
It and you are deserving of infinite praise.
It is where all your creative power comes from.
What state of consciousness does this moment require?

You’ve the resources to discover the answer
To any question and to find the solution
To every problem. Contrast causes you to ask.
It is answered immediately, and your task
Is to feel good and watch for the evolution
Of abundance in your life begin to occur.

Are you right now in vibrational alignment
With the problem or with the solution? You can
Get so solution oriented that you’ll find
Answers to problems before they’ve entered your mind.
Feeling anticipation is much better than
Neediness and a sense of psychic confinement.

There is nothing that you cannot have, do, or be.
You can change lanes before the accident happens.
You can find the thought or the action that it takes
Toward illness or wellness. So, for goodness sakes,
Consider your feelings to be your best of friends.
Feel the best that you can now, and take it easy.

How To Pray

Moment With Divinity

Two-way communication between God and you
Is established at any time you make it so.
You can pray from a place of appreciation
Or from pity. So, it’s easy to see which one
Is likely to be answered. Your pain and sorrow
Isn’t looked at. What then is the right thing to do?

Desolation is palpable when you’re in need
Of assistance. The urgency overwhelms you.
You only make things worse as you pray mournfully.
Relief from your situation can’t come to be.
You may conclude there’s no God, but that isn’t true.
There’s no way for divinity to intercede.

When you pray, you’re shooting rockets into the sky.
No matter from which place that your asking comes from,
It is answered, but you have to be receptive
To the answer. The constant attention you give
To the problem won’t cause the solution to come.
If your prayer isn’t heard, this is the reason why.

Prayers of appreciation are what to go for.
Somewhere near hope is where you must be beforehand.
Be thankful for and bless things that are going well.
Only you can get your own damned self out of hell,
And when you do, then your consciousness will expand.
Praying with a self-healing heart opens the door.

Before It Comes To Be

Prepared For Magic

As you know what you don’t want, you know what you do,
And the larger part of you is fully aware
Of everything that you want. It is already
Living the life that you want, so you want to be
In alignment with that self, which means you must care
About what feelings percolate deep within you.

What are you doing in relationship to the
Expanded entity that you now have become?
The better you can feel, then the more up to speed
You are with who you are now, but you will impede
The process if you continue beating the drum
Of righteous indignation perpetually.

As you look at some aspects of life, you will see
Things that hit you the wrong way. They don’t feel as good
As you’d like them to. Many things do not sit well.
It may seem that the whole world has gone straight to hell
In a handbasket. This outlook is understood
Not to be something spiritually healthy.

Instantaneous healing, teleportation,
And the creation of anything instantly
Are powers that are dormant inside of us all,
But ours is the propensity to play it small.
You know that your life can be lived magically
When between you and you, there’s no separation.

Connect To Your Soul And Receive

Realization Of Unity

I write fairy tales, legends, myths, and short stories.
Poetry I take aim at. Am I any good
At anything that I produce? Is it from me
Or from somewhere outside me to a large degree?
Either way I feel that I’m doing as I should.
Ideas come upon me with relative ease.

Anapestic tetrameter fascinates me.
I can conquer the rhythm when I’m at my best.
What I write about sometimes comes straight from the heart.
When I do sit to write there’s never a false start.
The mass consciousness through me is often expressed
Yet it’s all just vibration most ultimately.

If a tree falls in the forest it makes no sound
If there is not an eardrum and brain to translate
What is only vibration into what makes sense
To the consciousness, and there is no difference
With regard to receiving. One who’s filled with hate
Cannot realize blessings though they’re all around.

Praise yourself not only when you have the answer.
The question or the problem is of great value.
What influence are you under when you create?
Is it from a place of love? Let it dominate
Your receptive perception in all that you do.
Your soul knows about only things you would prefer.

Spiritual Leverage

The Power Of Spirit

Grab that bull by its horns. Now you’ve got something you
Have to struggle with before being gored to death.
You must get up and do it. It’s the only way
To get things done in this world. This thinking just may
Get you somewhere exalted, but don’t hold your breath.
There may be no fulfillment in all that you do.

Understand what your purpose is. Why are you here?
Has it to do with action? What’s it all about?
Action, when you’re in the flow, is satisfying,
But when there’s resistance, it can be exhausting.
It is hard to have to always hammer things out.
Often times desperate people act out of fear.

What influence are you under when you receive
The inspiration to act? If you want to slay
A dragon, then upon you the best luck is wished.
With allowance you get much more work accomplished.
When you’re tapped in, turned on, and tuned in you will play
With forces of the universe, if you believe.

Just make sure you’re under the influence of Source,
Which means your inner being, when you are acting.
No matter what you’re feeling let your beingness
Be the thing that guides you to ultimate success.
The entire universe is based on attracting.
Nothing of much value comes from using brute force.

How To Leave It Alone

Resisting Temptation

Where is it? Why does it not come quickly to me?
I’ve been wanting my butt off with no damned result
To my efforts and wishing and hoping things will
Finally work to my good. How do I fulfill
My magnificent dream outside of the occult?
It is by my relaxing and feeling worthy.

To keep asking the questions is no solution
To my feeling uncomfortable in the wait.
I’m standing in the place of the utter absence
Of the things that I want. It makes much better sense
To dispense with my asking and then concentrate
On some other things that will raise my vibration.

Meditation is helpful. It quiets the mind
Of resistance and chatter. Any distraction
That can occupy the mind and is fulfilling
And making lists of all the things that are working
In my life is of great benefit lest I run
The risk of becoming negatively inclined.

Going general is another handy tool.
I can talk myself into a positive state
By letting myself know that things always work out.
It is only my focus on worry and doubt
That keeps me from the things that I appreciate.
It’s by my choice that I keep on acting the fool.

Reset Your Energy

Get Life Moving Again

I want to feel wellbeing, and I want to thrive,
But I feel weak and vulnerable to disease.
When my body and things around me are unwell
All my passion about life is gone straight to hell.
If someone has an answer give it to me please.
There must be more to living than staying alive.

By my deciding how I want to feel and by
Rendering how I feel now as unimportant
I can help myself greatly. The way I feel
Is the most important thing. In order to heal
I must release resistance. If I feel I can’t
Then it can’t be a problem for me if I try.

I can make an emotional jump. I can feel
Just a little less worried. Relief I can find
By finding thoughts that give me a reason to be
Optimistic. I recover naturally
By asking questions specifically designed
To get me to the place where my body can heal.

It’s an issue of energy and how it flows,
Or does not, through the body. My emotions are
Indicators. I don’t have to figure out how
To feel just a bit better. I need but allow
Wellbeing to take over. I’m not all that far
From an energy reset that I won’t oppose.

Where I Am Is Just Fine

At Peace With NOW

Is there a simple way…? Care about how I feel
Enough that I’m willing to find thoughts that feel good.
That’s the simplest way through any situation.
Lighten up in my efforting and have more fun.
Life is much more appealing when it’s understood
That the path can be pleasant as well as for real.

Goals, solutions, and answers I need not look for.
My path is one of pleasure if I so decide.
Never ending it is with questions and answers.
Consciousness is one of the best mood enhancers.
It is my happiness that I’ll use as my guide.
On my way through life much of it I can explore.

Heartfelt appreciation I feel for the chance
To choose the right direction according to how
I am feeling about each moment of my day.
I’m doing what I need to do in the right way.
Where I am can get much better as I allow
Gratefulness to enter into my circumstance.

As I start feeling good about where I am now
Life responds by revealing to me its bounty.
A vibrational adjustment is what it takes.
Conditions will conform and look like lucky breaks.
All depends on my vibrational frequency
And how much of the blessings I choose to allow.

Leave It Alone And It Will Come

Never Force Anything

How can I want something and then leave it alone
So that it can occur without driving me mad
In the eternal meantime? By Feeling Worthy?
That seems somehow so terribly simple to me.
If I want something ‘badly’ I offer a sad
Vibration to the universe of all that’s known.

When I want it and expect it, then it must be,
But wanting something badly can only lead to
Constant torment. So how can I leave that alone?
I can’t take my mind off of this thing I must own.
Frequencies sorely differ. That must be a clue
That my worthiness must be felt deep inside me.

But my leaving it alone is really the key.
I have already asked for it. I can move on
To other things of interest. If I allow
Things to happen while staying focused in the now
Then happy is the nature of conclusions drawn
About how things are going with the best of me.

Distraction is a good thing. My getting busy
On something that occupies my mind is sublime.
Yet keeping the mind quiet can work just as well.
Consciousness either way is as clear as a bell.
I alone am the one who controls how much time
It will take for the thing I want to come to me.

How To Pray

Asking Intently

I have prayed for so many years for certain things
But it seems that the more that I do, the harder
I feel about receiving the things I pray for.
I always wonder if I could do something more
For my wanted manifestations to occur.
I lose faith in my meaningless prayer offerings.

This puzzle of thinking is familiar to some.
I’ll include myself in this. I often forget
That there are two different ways that one can pray…
Out of neediness or thankfulness. And which way
Proves to be more effective? It’s an easy bet.
Just because you feel needy, you are never scum.

All prayers are not answered in the order received.
They’re addressed instantaneously in the mind
Of the Master Creator. Appreciation
Is the best kind of prayer for indeed everyone.
If you ask in a whiny voice you will not find
That your prayers have been heard and all has been achieved.

Pray from inside your happiness. Be thankful for
All there is in your life that is most wonderful.
Don’t pray from scarcity or from feeling that you
Are not more than deserving. You’ve nothing to do
But believe your magnificence and be grateful
For what you have already. Then you’ll receive more.

It’s Coming

Be Patient

In the art of creating you know your desire
Long before hand. Specific is your strong intent.
After that, universal forces take over.
What is done is completely done. What will occur
In due time is a feeling of true fulfillment.
You anticipate wonderfulness to transpire.

You know the essence of what you want the same way
No matter what it is. Do not be specific
Once the asking is done. You can be general
As all the cooperative components shall
Come together magnificently. So the trick
Is to not keep on wanting. It causes dismay.

Once you have asked the question, the answer quickly
Comes to you through impulses and inspiration
To take a course of action that is different
From behavior most usual. Through your intent
To remain confident that your asking is done,
On the way to fulfillment you are filled with glee.

But your keeping on poking around in the past,
Being way too specific than you need to be
About what has already been answered, will cause
Certain violation of spiritual laws.
You must know that It’s Coming! It’s done already.
Now kick back and receive all the good you’ve amassed.