Tag Archive | essence

Clean Up All Your Relationships

Happy Couple

In a rotten relationship you may have been
Or you may be experiencing one right now
Which means you’re launching rockets of what you’d prefer
To the universe and it no doubt will concur
With your wishes but you have to trust and allow
All cooperative components to happen.

The relationship you have with yourself is the
Most important so give your vibration the care
It deserves by meditating regularly.
Be appreciative of who you’ve come to be.
Your best you is the you that you most want to share
With the world. You’re of value to society.

At this standpoint as you find alignment with who
You are truly, things are already working out
In your favor and in the meantime you can see
Bits of evidence. You can get there easily.
In your absolute worthiness you mustn’t doubt.
Give yourself a break and give credit where it’s due.

With who you are find vibrational alignment.
Love must be unconditional. You don’t have to
Put up with what you don’t want. Your goal is to be
Able to without condition live happily.
What you want you can surely have happen for you.
It all starts from a place where you’re feeling content.

Joy In Every Moment

Joy Of Business

In your life there are wonderful things happening
And as you count your blessings you can count on more
Of them coming. You’re in just the right place to be
In a state of alignment perpetually.
Here and now you have everything you’re looking for.
It’s easy to find something that makes your heart sing.

When your asking is powerful, powerful too
Must be your understanding of the solution
To your asking. Every question has an answer.
Every new issue becomes a mood enhancer.
Strong momentum accounts for the evolution
Of your point of attracting all that comes to you.

You came into this life experience to be
Where you are here and now. You came here to create
With the much larger nonphysical part of you.
It always has the most positive point of view.
You know to get into the meditative state
When something is keeping you from being happy.

You need not explain anything to anyone
About why you’re so happy. If they’d like to know
Why you are you can tell them that you’ve found the way
To get happy when you’re not therefore you can stay
Satisfied on your journey wherever you go.
Take some pride in the spiritual work you’ve done.

Deactivate Resistant Thought?

Troubled Boredom

When I ask it is given but at some point I
Must stop asking and start expecting it to come.
In the meantime I know that I have to remain
Receptive to its coming. I can’t entertain
Thoughts of doubt. I must continue beating the drum
Of what I want. I need to talk more about why.

When I ask myself why I want it I become
More and more energized. I could do a rampage
On just why I should have it and be satisfied.
I don’t need the manifestation to provide
Me the feeling of eagerness. I can engage
The Vortex of Creation where all things come from.

A resistant thought I cannot deactivate
Because in my effort to deactivate it
It remains activated. Law of Attraction
Will bring more thoughts like it and I will have begun
An unhealthy momentum that won’t help one bit.
What’s it take to stay in a more positive state?

I can deactivate it by activating
Another thought – any other thought will suffice
As long as it’s more positive. I can believe
In the Law and my ability to receive.
Being happy is not a terribly high price
To pay for a life that is most captivating.

Don’t Think About It


The contrast that you’re living causes you to know
What you don’t want and therefore what satisfies you.
It really is that simple. How you think and feel
Determines what you get. Your life may be ideal
Or a total disaster. Whichever is true
You’ve complete control over how your life should go.

You send out a vibration whenever you feel
Strong desire. It’s an energy field that combines
With all energies like it. Cooperative
Components are assembled so that you may live
Out your dream. You must be receptive to the signs
Shown to you by the universe which are quite real.

Even though you don’t see it yet it’s on its way
Just as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow.
It’s not tangible. It exists as vibration.
You must be ready for its manifestation.
Unto you the good things of life are meant to flow.
In alignment with your higher self you must stay.

If you can’t accept the beginning of something
That you can’t see then you can’t tell if you’re holding
Yourself in vibrational alignment with it
As it grows and matures. It’s to your benefit
To stay positive as your dream is unfolding.
Be receptive to all that the world wants to bring.


Precipice Of Eternity

Spirit is as it was and will be evermore
The basis of existence. We are connected
To Spirit by virtue of our being alive
So it’s not some condition where one has to strive
For perfection. Spirit should not be neglected.
It is the source of all that we are asking for.

You’re already connect to everything in
Your life you think is missing. It’s spiritual
In essence. You have to be in the receiving
Mode to get it. It’s not by your disbelieving
That things happen. You must perform the ritual
Of belief in yourself. Now’s the time to begin.

There’s nothing outside of you. You’re everything and
Everyone. There’s no ‘them.’ We are all part of one
Unified field of energy. When you reflect
On this truth and its power then you can expect
Things to happen your way and you will have begun
An adventure of happiness by your command.

Not a tree has branches so foolish as to fight
Among themselves. The drama that plays out right now
Will resolve itself or we’ll continue to be
Caught up in the grotesque scourge of humanity.
What is that thing within some that wants to allow
Retrogression of consciousness? It isn’t right.

Clean Up All Relationships

Reaching For Love

You’re the mirror to what you have been offering.
Perfectly you reflect all that happens to you
So take responsibility for what occurs
In your life. You get more of what your heart prefers
As you take on a more positive point of view.
How you’re feeling is what your vibration will bring.

No matter what the relationship is it can
Evolve into something that is ultimately
Satisfying. The thoughts you continue to think
Tell the story and it may be well out of sync
With your dream of living with someone happily.
You do not have to come up with a perfect plan.

You don’t have to put up with things that are missing
In the relationship. If you do that you’re not
Allowing what you really want. Your awareness
Of what’s missing keeps active the tension and stress.
Positive declarations can help you a lot.
About good times past you could be reminiscing.

Find vibrational accordance with your ideal.
Distract yourself from the details. Focus instead
On what’s working. You don’t need the condition to
Feel the wonder of something exciting and new.
Do believe that there are always good times ahead
And as always pay attention to how you feel.


Mystical Vision

The word omnipresent means present everywhere
Simultaneously. It’s an immutable
Divine attribute of the supreme source of the
Universe. All of existence happens to be
The all-knowing mind of God. What seems unstable
Is perfection which manifests as divine care.

The infinite source of the universe is not
Separate, but one with and part of everything.
God is transcendent, meaning above and beyond
Creation. There exists an unbreakable bond
Between God and existence. One’s understanding
Of it all doesn’t matter a whole frigging lot.

God is an unbounded universal presence.
There is no place to which God’s knowledge and power
Don’t extend, and the truth of this reality
Has been taught by the mystics throughout history.
The consciousness of the world we can raise by our
Realizing this oneness of all existence.

Consciousness is all encompassing and without
Any limit. God is one indivisible
Beingness and wholeness. Form is an expression
Of the formless. True enlightenment has begun
When one finds oneself no longer susceptible
To the ego’s dualistic habit of doubt.



The true basis for sentience is each living soul.
It’s one’s immortal essence, one’s inner being,
Or one’s eternal point of light or consciousness.
Transcendental it is as it doesn’t possess
Any physical substance. It’s overseeing
Everything that one goes through as that is its role.

The soul is the most sacred part of a person.
It’s the capacity to experience life.
It’s the very source of the conscious energy
Animating and activating the body
And the mind. It’s immune to the consistent strife
Of humanity even though it may worsen.

One inhabits the physical body, but one
Is not the body. One is the essence within.
One gets lost in outward identification
With the body and ego, and when this is done,
All kinds of unexpected issues will begin
To frustrate one’s life and cause utter confusion.

Consciousness doesn’t depend on the physical
But vice versa. It exists independently
Of the physical. We are all spiritual
Beings in bodies doing what’s most natural
To our best understanding. Eventually,
We become well acquainted with this rationale.


Eternal Being

Spirit is the animating power within
All living creatures. It is one’s vital essence.
One’s spirit is entirely nonphysical
It is made solely of energy, and it shall
Never cease to exist. One can experience
One’s own spirit, but how does the novice begin?

The spirit is the witnessing inner presence
Who observes yet remains silent. This personal
Stream of consciousness is beyond the ego mind,
And this mind beyond ego is easy to find
Through an experience that is transcendental.
One’s belief that it is makes a big difference.

The spirit, soul, or essence is a resident
Of the body and perceives its reality
Through the physical senses which often deny
The nonphysical dimension. One must apply
Spiritual techniques to get progressively
Better at reconnecting by conscious intent.

Perception veils the unseen and nonphysical
Dimension of reality. The spirit blends
And identifies with form which is limited
To the ego’s assessments, yet one can instead
Be aware of what the purest spirit intends.
Know that what spirit wants is more beneficial.


Supreme Balance

Divinity is the quality or nature
Of being divine, holy, and sacred. It’s the
Very consciousness of the one true source of all
Life and all of existence. The one that we call
Supreme and eternal is also almighty.
Irrelevant is the use of nomenclature.

All of existence is a divine creation
And unfoldment of the infinite power and
Radiance of God. All that God has created
Is of God. This cannot be more clearly stated.
Our main challenge while we’re here is to understand
That between God and us there’s no separation.

Everything is a manifestation of God
And everything is a divine creation or
Expression at its core. The human ego veils
And obscures this reality through false details
Of a dualistic nature. It won’t go for
What is true. It will try to maintain the façade.

The truth of our divinity needs to be brought
To the light of our awareness. Meditation,
Letting go, prayer, devotion, and study are ways
To perceive God in others. In these ways we praise
In the most meaningful way. One’s liberation
From the ego is by many wise people taught.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Never Think About It

Don't Try To Figure It Out

The contrast of your life causes you to know what
You don’t want therefore you know the things that you do.
All your thoughts and vibrations are being received
By the universe. When alignment is achieved,
Things will manifest as if from out of the blue.
Things come a lot faster when you feel from the gut.

It’s not tangible yet to where you can see it,
And it bothers you. It can be irritating
To hear people speak of a damned reality
That in reality has not yet come to be.
Resistance to the truth you may be creating
By discounting this reality’s benefit.

So, accept the reality of the unseen.
To give birth to something, first it must be conceived.
Though it’s hard to accept this, the fact is, you must!
There is so much to gain by your learning to trust
That your dream is as real as it’s strongly believed.
One who is happy is one whose senses are keen.

Be a vibrational match to what you ask for,
Then stop thinking about it. Feel it like it’s done!
Talk about what you want – more importantly, Why.
You will feel more excited – certainly not shy
About broadcasting your wishes to everyone.
Gratitude for what you have will lead you to more.

It’s Yours!


Don’t allow the negative pattern to repeat.
It’s just a matter of no longer offering
The resistant thought. You cannot deactivate
A thought once you have thought it. You can navigate
To another that is more to you appealing.
You can never get used to feeling incomplete.

When you ask, it is given, but ask, then let go
Of the asking because your ‘don’t have’ vibration
Holds you stagnant. Still unfulfilled, you then become
Disillusioned about where all good things come from.
After asking, attend to your expectation
Of receiving. The universe will make it so.

Let the universe find its most clever ways to
Satisfy and delight you. Use any excuse
You can find to feel good. It’s basic creating.
In this world you can have just about anything.
A rampage of wellbeing you may introduce
To the moment. It’s most beneficial to do.

“I’ve been here before. There have been things I’ve asked for
From a place of not having them, and it was not
A big deal. The Law of Attraction is causing
All the cooperative components to bring
Things together.”
This attitude helps you a lot.

Your treasures are before you for you to explore.

A Powerful Asking

The Strength Of The Question

The convergence of all that you are is aware
Of the life you are living. Your willingness to
Come and play in this physical reality
Is appreciated by the powers that be.
Your body, as a tool, is most useful to you.
Quick response do you get from your intimate prayer.

In your life, there are wonderful things going on.
There is so much awareness. Rockets of desire
Are shot off to the universe which then provides
Opportunities. You are the one who decides
What it is of this world that you want to acquire.
If you answer your own question, all doubt is gone.

Your asking is powerful. Your understanding
Of the Laws of Attraction help you on your way
Toward living as you wish. Here is where you are,
And where you want to be cannot be very far
As long as you remember there’s no price to pay
For the pleasure of watching your world expanding.

Take it easy. Don’t get in anybody’s face.
Here you are where you’d planned to be to co-create
In this earthly arena. Life happens right now.
More blessings will come to you the more you allow
Yourself to be committed to just feeling great.
Answers come through your access to infinite grace.

Just Ask, And It’s Yours

Take What Is Yours

Allowing the negative pattern to repeat
Will keep you in the same place. By not offering
The resistant thought, you put the process on pause.
You can deactivate what is surely the cause
Of the losing streak that just keeps on occurring.
Who knows why you are suffering constant defeat?

The way to deactivate a negative thought
Is by activating another to replace
The one present. The solution oriented
Find it difficult. Don’t be too much in your head.
“When You Ask, It Is Given!” If this you embrace,
Then the wealth of the universe to you is brought.

At some point, you have to stop asking and expect
Things to happen. If you just keep on asking, then
You’re holding yourself in the ‘don’t have’ vibration.
Ask for it, then get off it! It’s already done!
You will get what you ask for, that is, only when
You let go and give the unseen its due respect.

This is basic creating. You’ve been here before.
There have been tons of things you’ve asked for from a place
Of not having them, and because you are aware
Of the laws of the universe and of the care
Provided by divinity, heavenly grace
Here on earth is something you were meant to explore.

Form, Essence, And Identity

The Faces Of Being

“Anything that you can do, I can do better,”
Says one child to the other. We see it play out
On playgrounds everywhere anyone might visit.
Is it normal to act out this way? Or is it
A behavioral glitch? There is minimal doubt
That it is natural, and science does concur.

One can’t say to the child, “Don’t do that because you’re
Emphasizing your basic form identity.”

The child would respond with a perplexed expression,
Having no clear idea of what had been done
To incur such correction. The child is simply
Acting as any child would. Is it immature?

Underneath form identity is the essence
Of who you are. The spiritual dimension
Is where your truest self is. It radiates through
Your form identity – the made up part of you.
Is it good that this is brought to your attention?
If it is not then I can offer no defense.

At some point near adulthood, there usually
Is a shift of attention from ego centered
Explorations of turmoil, toward inner peace.
We find comfort in life as we learn to release
Things of form. Something within the spirit is stirred,
And we focus more on our true identity.

Get Ready!

Be Prepared!

Life Is Now! It’s not when you reach your final goal.
An occasional cruise it is not, nor is it
Just a simple vacation. It’s every moment
That you have to be you and totally present.
It is not once you’re retired that you benefit
From the good things in life that will render you whole.

Who you are and what you’re about is your focus
But your inner being has an interest too.
It’s appreciating where you are and is proud
Of your progress in life and that you have allowed
It to guide you along the path that’s true for you,
And your readiness is helpful to all of us.

Only wonderful things occur past heaven’s gates.
In this physical world they can be realized
Because this world creates them through people’s desires.
To experience heaven on earth it requires
That your feeling your best only be emphasized.
When asking is powerful, the answer awaits.

Get Ready for the next moment, then the next one…
And the next… Life’s a series of single pieces
Of creative existence. If you can maintain
Your intent to be happy, you’ve so much to gain.
The more you allow, the more your joy increases.
Happily ever after is how life is done.

Time Shortage Consciousness

The Conflicted Eternity

There’s no time to do all the things I need to do.
If the days were made longer would I find relief?
Or would time dissipate still leaving me upset?
To my peace of mind time is an ongoing threat.
Have I been trained to suffer such temporal grief?
And is life all about torment and feeling blue?

These questions I ask as if everyone is prone
To time management issues. Perhaps only I
Alone am stricken with Time Shortage Consciousness.
Knowing this can’t be true I can ruminate less
In my pot of self-pity. I can’t wonder why
I can’t find the time. I know that I’m not alone.

Most people are believing more in action than
They are in the leverage of smart energy
So they work themselves weary with not much to show
For their effort. It is good for people to know
That they can get things done more spiritually.
Then it is easier to come up with a plan.

I can only receive if I am up to speed
With what I’m asking for – in this case, alignment
With my truest self. This softens my resistance
And the struggle I put into the circumstance
Of my living, and simply by feeling content
I can create the time that I most truly need.

Feeling Good Lets It In

The Key To Ultimate Acceptance

It seems that life programs us for not feeling good
And for not having fun. It’s because the contrast
That manifests in this time space reality
Is for our spiritual growth ultimately.
Hard work is honored. We’re taught to remain steadfast
In our struggle, as every good citizen should.

This mindset becomes outdated in the long run.
Leveraging of energy is easier
Than action that is taken. It doesn’t take much
Energy if you are wholeheartedly in touch
With you true self. Only pleasantness can occur
In the process of chilling while getting things done.

Time shortage consciousness stems from too much effort
Or focus on something that can be easily
Taken care of through your thought or meditation.
Energy outdoes action a billion to none.
You are now realizing how life ought to be.
Universal forces give you loving support.

It takes not long for you to be in such a state
Of contentment where nothing at all bothers you.
From there you have control over this universe.
This is quite the real deal. We’re not here to rehearse.
Is feeling good something that is long overdue?
It’s time to let the goodness in. Why do you wait?

Give It No Thought And It Will Come

Making Sense of the Obvious

It can be a head scratcher. This life of contrast
Is a bear to be dealt with continually.
But as necessity comes before invention,
One must go through the process of comprehension
Of life’s black and white nature before there can be
Natural transformation into the fantast.

Contrast is meant to cause us to want for better,
And as soon as the wanting is felt in the soul,
It is felt by the universe and becomes real.
Even though you can’t see it right now, you can feel
Every bit of the goodness. That must be the goal –
Not the how, who, or what. Don’t be a go getter.

It is hard to accept a thing’s reality
If it is a vibration that you cannot touch.
But you must do exactly this in order to
Set yourself up to get the thing that is due you.
You can learn not to beat yourself up so damned much
Over things not controllable. Just let them be.

You could say you want something. Then think not of it.
It would still come to manifest into being.
Only one thing keeps you from achieving your goals.
Your opposing thoughts will shoot you dreams full of holes.
You must evolve the feeling before the seeing
Becomes real in your life. To yourself do commit.

The Beauty Of Nothingness

Aesthetics of the Eternal

Go the whole way in theory to see how you feel
At the prospect of your achievements vanishing.
All your dreams and hard efforts have turned into dust.
How does such a thing strike you? Could you learn to trust
A condition of nothingness? What’s the feeling?
Perhaps thinking about it holds not much appeal.

For some reason or other people are supposed
To find this notion morbid and too depressing
For any mind to deal with. There’s no need to fear.
Nothingness is a blessing. When this is made clear
Then there’s nothing to fret about – not a damned thing!
Many things become transparent and well disclosed.

What if the most real state is that of nothingness
And it was the fundamental reality?
It could not be contaminated by a thing,
Negative are the feelings that too often bring
Misery to your nothingness. It’s best to see
That all that there is comes from nothing through process.

Deepest space contains nothing. The whole universe
Is engulfed in a vastness that cannot be known.
Everything comes from nothing – the good and the bad…
The ugly and pathetic who make people sad.
If you feel you are stranded here you’re not alone.
Consciousness is a dream infinitely diverse.

Compulsive Thinking Cessation

Tuning The Noise Filter

Thinking is an addiction when it’s ego based.
Resistance to the moment and things as they are
Turn the mind into digital circuitry lost
In destructive anxiety and at great cost
To my sense of wellbeing. I am very far
From the life that I’ve longed for. Has it gone to waste?

There are two types of thinking. The futile is one
Where the mind spins in circles. Problems it creates
As well as certain enemies and grievances.
This dysfunctional state creates circumstances
Marked by fear and regret. Nothing but gloom awaits
When I’m stuck in a mind trip, and it ain’t no fun.

The other kind of thinking, not of the ego,
Comes from someone who’s deeper – the real part of me.
When I access this person in meditation,
Thinking then is constructive. I don’t feel undone.
Real thinking is creative, but positively.
Fruitfulness is the outcome as I get to glow.

Thought can be in the service of something worthwhile.
Universal Intelligence is but the best
To give all my devotion. A friend I can make
With this moment most present for everyone’s sake.
I’m a tool by which infinite love is expressed.
This indeed is much more than a reason to smile.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.