Tag Archive | presence

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.

You Are The Universe

Alien Citizen

The world of human drama is nothing compared
To the whole of existence. The intelligence
That created the universe created us.
How it all happened would be something to discuss
But since nobody knows it wouldn’t make much sense.
Manifold are the scientific theories shared.

You can understand things like your intuition,
Synchronicity, happenstance, and harmony
Once you reach the state of God realization.
You’ll be truly amazed by all that you get done
When through the eyes of divinity you can see.
You become more compassionate with everyone.

What is that inner calling that tells you when you
Are off track – the one that you will often ignore?
It’s that divine, organizing intelligence
That created all things in the universe. Hence
You’re the same as this intellect. What could be more
Satisfying than adopting this point of view?

Subatomic particles don’t act like inert
Agent entities. They each seem to have a mind
Of their own. They respond to our thinking process
And our point of attraction. We are nothing less
Than the infinite universe and we’re inclined
To create. Each of us is a living expert.


Mystical Vision

The word omnipresent means present everywhere
Simultaneously. It’s an immutable
Divine attribute of the supreme source of the
Universe. All of existence happens to be
The all-knowing mind of God. What seems unstable
Is perfection which manifests as divine care.

The infinite source of the universe is not
Separate, but one with and part of everything.
God is transcendent, meaning above and beyond
Creation. There exists an unbreakable bond
Between God and existence. One’s understanding
Of it all doesn’t matter a whole frigging lot.

God is an unbounded universal presence.
There is no place to which God’s knowledge and power
Don’t extend, and the truth of this reality
Has been taught by the mystics throughout history.
The consciousness of the world we can raise by our
Realizing this oneness of all existence.

Consciousness is all encompassing and without
Any limit. God is one indivisible
Beingness and wholeness. Form is an expression
Of the formless. True enlightenment has begun
When one finds oneself no longer susceptible
To the ego’s dualistic habit of doubt.

Embodying Stillness

Meditation By The Sea

If you go to visit a Zen monastery,
Where they call meditation ‘sitting,’ one may ask
“How long you have been sitting? I’ve been sitting for
A few decades or so.” “Doesn’t you butt get sore?”,

May be one’s response who is not up to the task
Of doing the work that is most necessary.

Sitting in meditation, one is familiar
With a method, but don’t confuse it with the state
You are in while you’re doing it. Meditation
Is a state of pure presence. You can be at one
With the universe, and you do not have to wait
To become more aware of who you really are.

The method is designed to facilitate the
State of consciousness, but at some point every one
Must be dropped so that you can be right in that place
Of immaculate presence. Its welcome embrace
Is available to you through meditation.
Method is simply the way of coming to be.

One evolves to the point where no method at all
Becomes necessary to be in alignment.
If you get too attached to your method, then you
Will defeat your intention. What you may go through
To get there may be subject to some refinement.
It cannot be for you an impossible call.

The Ripple And The Ocean

Natural Disturbance

The question is whether at this moment you can
Know or sense within yourself that underlying
Presence that is deeper than the person you are.
Elusive and intangible, it can be far
From easy to discern. It is mind defying.
It has concerned people since before time began.

It is all pervasive. It is your own presence
That cannot be sensed if you are trapped in your thought.
“Where’s this ‘presence’?”  I’m trying to find it but can’t.”
It’s of no use to go on a negative rant.

There’s a simple way of getting to what is sought.
What exists below your surface is quite immense.

When the mind is quieted for just a short while,
At first, it seems like nothing, It’s rather boring
Of a space for too damned long. But gradually,
You will find peace in that emptiness. You will see
That there is much more to you worth not ignoring.
The mind always wants to run the one minute mile.

The ripple is the thinking mind. It is akin
To the turbulent surface. The rebel ego
Can observe its connectedness with the divine
And the Ocean. You’re able to fully align
With that self most unnamable. It is the flow
Of life essence. The universe is found within.

Let It In

Bright Beginning

The sunshine is delicious as I Let It In.
This day has been a miracle. I’m grateful for
How the laws of the universe train me to be
In alignment with what I call Source Energy.
Opportunities I have to learn a lot more
About this Source and my life. Where do I begin?

When I say that it’s possible, what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be, but it’s not right now.
Therein lies some resistance. If I say, “It’s Done!”
Then I am in alignment with the vibration
That will let the thing happen. I need but allow
Its becoming. My doubting causes delaying.

The larger part of me has already become
What I’m after. The feeling is different from
That of being uncertain. It’s done already.
When it’s done, I have freedom to just let it be
So that more quickly the things that I want will come.
I can’t let anything in if I’m feeling glum.

If I feel that it’s not done, then what do I do?
Who do I need to talk to? I don’t have to go
Through this mental gymnastic when I know It’s Done.
I don’t have to try harder, and I can have fun
On the way to fulfillment. Relief I can know
In accepting the doneness that I’ve access to.

What Is Done Already

Don't Overdo It

When I say that it’s possible what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be but it isn’t so.
I have some trouble taking the stance that It’s Done.
What that means I must understand or I’ll have none
Of the peace that I’m after. How far will I go
To learn all about me and the role I’m playing?

But if it feels lost or incomplete it will change
My preferred expectation. I have already
Done the work necessary. I need but allow
What is done to be done, but my question is how
Do I let go of temptation and only see
What Is Already Done without being too strange.

If I say I want to attract something it means
That I don’t have it yet. Focus on its absence
Is the major vibration I’ve got going on.
If I know that It’s Done then all my doubts are gone
By the wayside completely. Relief is immense.
It is one of the best spiritual vaccines.

What does Done mean? There’s a different attitude
Than when something is not done. I give up control
Of what isn’t my business. Divine forces will
Attend to all the details and kindly fulfill
Any dream that I may have. I like feeling whole.
There is nothing more I need do I must conclude.

You Are All Involved

Vibrational Cacophony

The feeler, the thinker… the experiencer
Are the feeling, the thought and the experience.
There’s no separate witness to judge the process.
Yet we are all involved with the will to express
In ways truly convergent. There is no past tense
In the present awareness To Be, as it were.

Don’t try to make them separate. Anxiety
Will result in so doing. Do not stabilize
Or make permanent things that are destined to flow.
Memory is dynamic. In order to know
Anything it must be remembered. It is wise
To see what is right now the same as memory.

Memory signals have certain markers attached
That are different from present time signal cues
So that we don’t confuse them. Yet reality
Dictates that past becomes present through memory.
Sometimes signals get mixed which creates déjà vu’s.
We have not scratched the surface of how they’re dispatched.

I and all I’m perceiving are one and the same.
All of time is This Moment and all that exists.
Memory is not storage. It is consciousness.
As a part of one puzzle we’ve complete access
To the blessings of which the universe consists.
We’re all in this together and have much to claim.

Let In What Is Already Done

...You Can't Undo It.

When you say that it’s possible, what you’re saying
Is that you know it could be, but it isn’t yet.
When this is your underlying vibration, then
You’ll expect only failure again and again.
What is already done are the things you can let
Be your experience and with no delaying.

When you say that there’s something you want to attract
That sounds like you don’t have it, which never is true.
Everything that you’ve wanted is held in escrow
And right now it’s accessible. It’s good to know
That your wishes have been heard. All you have to do
Is line up with the feeling of virtual fact.

The larger part of you has become everything
That you’ve ever imagined could come true for you.
In the moment of asking, it’s done already.
You must know it with passion, then it comes to be.
Operating from scarcity, things that you do
May defeat your intention. Despair that would bring.

When something isn’t done there’s some anxiety
Due to timing, impatience, and feelings of lack.
When it’s done, you don’t have to try harder. It’s Done!
You have done all the work. Now kick back and have fun.

Know that infinite intelligence has your back
And will guide you to where you have wanted to be.

I Am

Unlike Any Other

Welcome magic and wonder, true brilliance, and grace.
Welcome joy, satisfaction, all pleasure, and strength.
May the essence of beauty and presence of form
Be the way of existence and surely the norm.
Excellence be the blessing throughout the wavelength
Of the spectrum of Being in this time and space.

What I seek I have already. What I must know,
I can understand. All I wish I could, I can.
Who I want to be, I am. What I seek, I own.
I comply with the knowing that I’m not alone
And have never be so since before life began.
I accept love and give all that I have also.

I am seed. I am tree; the flower and the bee.
Fire and wind I am both. I am mother and child.
I am mighty and loud, yet I silently tread
Lightly upon this earth. The goodwill that is spread
Is of nature. I am reason, and I am wild.
I’m the buyer and seller who oft’ disagree.

I am ease and great power; the bridge and tower.
I am sand and the beach. I am student; I teach.
Modest and monumental, I’m brave yet gentle.
I’m all that exists and I’m coincidental.
I am many and few; I am every and each
Of God’s essence within you as life does occur.

The Time Is Always Now

The Infinite Coupling Of Existence

The body is a cosmos with a cosmos.
It’s made up of some particles – none that are me.
I’m the space in-between all the physicalness.
I came into this stardust to grow. My progress
Is determined completely by how well I see
I am not who the body is nor even close.

Knowing what time it is when a challenge comes due
Is somewhat of an asset that I have right now
Which is happening always. My life and my plight
Are two separate entities. I do me right
When I come to my senses – the five that allow
The connection to spirit in all that is new.

There is only one moment. In it everything
That is happening changes, for now and always.
Life is meant to have challenges. It’s how we grow.
Satisfaction is futile. As long as I know
That it’s part of all drama, my character plays
Its best role as a novice yet up and coming.

“This time you’ve gone to far, God! No more can I take.”
It’s a comedy act that I’ve played in the past.
I will deal with each crisis life tosses my way
And rejoice in its coming. That way I will stay
In relief of the burden. No longer typecast
The perpetual loser, I am my fair shake.

Keep Breathing

Go On No Matter What

People say, “Just Keep Breathing; all will turn out fine…”
As if life is a breath test. It drives me insane.

I don’t mean to be cranky… or maybe I do.
I’m awash in confusion. Should my face turn blue
Due to misunderstanding, I’ve nothing to gain.
Crisis times trigger breathing by nature’s design.

That first breath was a doozy. It blew me away
From the one who contained me, for better or worse.
Why should I keep on breathing? It gets rather old.
I can breathe my damned lungs numb. Nothing will unfold
But a room full of hot air. Is my life a curse?
Or do those who can breathe well have something to say?

I take my breath for granted, as many folks do
In the mainstream of living and keeping ends tied
But it’s the only answer to staying alive.
We can never stop breathing. It’s how we survive.
Once the technique is learned, wellness can’t be denied.
Then I’m able to handle what I’m going through.

I can curse like a sailor because I was one.
I’ve screwed up rather royally for one lost soul.
I’ll breathe that along with the fresh air I’m allowed.
Things I’ve done in the past can never make me proud.
I’m alive to the point where I still can be whole.
The decision to breathe is a new life begun.

Racing Thoughts

Formula 1 Brain

So one after the other, they leapfrog around
And create their own business that can’t be resolved
By themselves nor known others. Their quest is futile.
In their race for more heartache each painstaking while,
They prevent me from being more spirit evolved.
What they come up with isn’t at all that profound.

Keeping me wide awake at nights, they have control
Of my very existence. I need to detach
From the process that isn’t a real part of me.
Knowing that it is not me allows me to see
What it is that would be but a more fitting match.
I know that which I don’t want and what makes me whole.

Panic thinking is useless. It serves no purpose.
From that powerful standpoint I’m able to choose
Something else to focus on as hard it may be.
I may regain some control eventually.
It seems to be a gamble. There is much to loose
Because if I do nothing, further I’ll regress.

Then there’s always the body – the final frontier.
Since I know thinking sucks now, I know my breathing
Will provide a diversion and needed relief.
When caught up in a problem, relaxing is chief.
A small pocket of comfort this small act will bring.
Issues still will exist, but stress will disappear.

Before The Mind Rushes In

Peaceful Prelude To Illusion

The First Moments of noticing anything new
Flash within, yet, unnoticed, they then fade away.
Just as quickly, the ego mind wants to rush in
Because it needs to know things so it can begin
To adopt a conception. That is its forte.
Now, well shrouded, these first moments one cannot view.

If one is a professional, use of the mind
Is of immense importance throughout the workday.
If relied on completely though, one may become
Cold to others because the feelings have grown numb.
Circumvent well one can this and still not betray
All the skill and experience which is defined.

The paths of the spiritual healers are such
That their minds are no issue. They have them controlled
So that they reach the person and not the symptom…
Nor a patient or client. The healing comes from
Their connection with spirit. The power they hold
Is one most universal. We all are in touch.

Many times we’re not thinking. The moment we see
Something new, for a brief while, we take it all in.
There’s that space unattended and free of judgement.
Being more conscious of this awareness event
Intertwined with the ego is where to begin
Deepening of the person who I’m meant to be.

Merging Into Awareness

The Eternal Knowing

No thinking is required in this special moment
Made eternal by spacious light of consciousness
Which makes my awareness possible. My thinking
Wouldn’t add anything to it. It is nothing
But a nest of distraction and utter distress.
Yet I can detach from it by being present.

I’m aware of myself and what is around me.
That is all that is needed. Sublime subtlety
Is the nature of this kind of focusing on
Everything without context. From within is drawn
My true self at its purest most powerfully.
Merging Into Awareness does set my soul free.

Sometimes it’s just not possible to shush the mind.
So in such cases I use the body portals,
Like my breath and all my sensory perceptions.
Presence arises from this. From it I get tons
Of relief from the menacing mental canals
That I often get trapped in. I’m quite the behind.

The power itself doesn’t grow. It’s infinite.
Manifestation in me grows as I’m aware.
The more often this communion I do partake
Greater is the chance that I’ll come fully awake.
When life does something to me that doesn’t seem fair
I’ll respond – not react – with power to do right.

What Really Matters

The Search For Life's Truest Meaning

Seductive and hypnotic is movement of thought
Through the bowels of the gray matter. Deeply ingrained,
My subconscious assumption that this moment now
Is of lesser importance than the next somehow,
Causes me much frustration, in that I’m constrained
To what is nonexistent. In this web I’m caught.

So I hear people speak of This Moment so much.
It is vital I get what the hell these folk mean.
It ain’t all that damned obvious to the novice
How to find in This Moment some measure of bliss.
It don’t take much pretending before I come clean
With my truest of feelings responsive to touch.

What’s important is already here, I must know,
And not in the next moment which does not exist.
Ever presence is consciousness’ only act.
In the place of no substance nor form, the abstract
Shining essence of my true self cannot be missed.
In all that I’ve become, I’ve the need to let go.

Realizing this truth takes some practice for sure.
Everybody inherits the pattern of mind
That lives outside of right now. So practice it takes.
It requires little effort or psychic headaches
To achieve awareness of the transcendent kind.
What matters in This Moment will ever endure.

Perceiving Without Labels

Appropriate Futility of Scrutiny

It’s so hard not to use labels with or without
Specific information about what’s inside.
Human egos have them, and they place them upon
Anything possible. We depend so much on
Our conceptual symbols. No way are they tied
To the essences naming them. Be there no doubt!

We can sense life in two ways. Personality
Is a relative tool of survival we use
To communicate everything stored in the mind.
But the other way is of a different kind.
There’s the space of light consciousness which, if we choose,
Can get us to perceiving things quite label free.

The practice of perception is done anywhere.
Most ideal is the environment of nature.
There, one can just observe things simply as they are.
Dropping into this beingness is as bizarre
As the person who senses it’s calming allure.
Getting in touch with one’s true self shouldn’t be rare.

Consciousness on two levels – the transcendent one
And the self with its biases – both we engage.
What plays out in the foreground is of the ego.
In the background, the true self can lovingly show
Its full brightness. The false self may then come of age
Through the coolest relationship ever begun.

Like a lampshade, the person I am gives the light
From my spirit eternal its formative hues.
The conditioned self is dense and heavy a load.
Knowing of my true light source I’m well on the road
To then loving my neighbor as my true self who’s
The same essence eternal which is just as bright.

The New Day

Rise And Shine

Preceding the new day, I am already here.
The first thought that emerges must come from somewhere…
And that place is within me. I notice the mind
Fishing frantic for personhood as it’s inclined.
I need not engage with it but just be aware.
My emergence into now becomes ever clear.

It is not yet a habit but good exercise.
If I practice it daily – just being Present
I will notice my true self within a vastness,
As the mind like a butterfly finds its egress
From the space that allows it, I’ll find deep content
With myself, the new day, and the life enterprise.

Be aware of the nothingness in the expanse
That allows all to enter. The things that arise –
Memories and projections that must coalesce
And precipitate personal powerlessness
Pale pathetic compared to my Being in size.
Simply Being Aware does the process enhance.

Being hugged from the inside out by someone whom
I’ve made some scant acquaintance I’d like to occur
As often as is possible. While getting there,
My awareness of progress I’ll nurture with care.
I can get the day to unfold as I’d prefer
From the Presence and Beingness I can assume.

Busy Without Stress

Work Equals Play

“Hurry Slowly.” This concept is truly ideal.
Taken from the Zen masters, it means letting go
Of the outcome desired in what I am doing.
Doing so burns the ego – a cumbersome thing
That distracts from the moment. My routine can flow
As if I’m lucid dreaming a life that is real.

 Sometimes during an illness that’s long and severe,
There can be an awakening post surrender
To the forces beyond one. Then peace ushers in.
It’s a feeling like being absolved of all sin.
Feeling better, so that depression won’t recur,
Vigilance is a must. It will mitigate fear.

I need not become sick, though, to let go of stress.
I need only be present in the enjoyment
Of the thing that I’m doing now and not much more
Than the eternal moment existing calls for.
On the outside I’m busy. Inside, I’m content
In the slowness of working in full beingness.

It becomes an addiction but one that’s healthy.
Things that used to perturb me, like waiting in lines,
Are now fine chances for me to practice presence.
Otherwise I’d be elsewhere at my own expense.

No one likes a damned worker who constantly whines.
The nonsequitur self is the best worker bee.

Illusions Of Survival

Convoluted Conundra

Save the planet? Or screw it? Before we decide
Just a moment of silence everyone should take…
Not the grim kind reserved to honor famous dead,
While programmed thoughts of sorrow run loose in one’s head.
Thoughtlessness of real silence, and not the opaque,
Is reality’s essence and intimate guide.

All manner of illusion confusion does breed.
Is ‘reality’ spiritual or of mass?
Concepts, constructions of words, and complex theories
Are but well-crafted entities of brain feces.
Since it’s not an idea, we reach an impasse
When we try to describe it, so on we proceed.

Living means surviving from pre-birth ‘til the end
Of a process uncertain as time is concerned.
So we need time and ego as well as money.
These three are the most rigidly illusory.
There is no past or future that can be discerned
In the present eternal where one may ascend.

The real self and the ego are never the same
Yet most don’t understand that so cannot believe.
A crude representation of self is ego.
If one values clear thinking, this is good to know.
To let go of all thought about what we perceive
Is to be in the realness that has not a name.

Now is not a clock tick – a specific instant
Where the future turns into the past. Now is more
Than the pop of a cork. It’s the sound of the gong
That awakens and resets all that is made wrong
Through our acts of surviving and our striving for
The true sense of fulfillment that living may grant.


Being Ever Present

When the mind can be emptied, then full it is made
Of the loving awareness present here and now.
Mindfulness become industry is a good thing.
Educating the masses creates a wellspring
Of wisdom and kindheartedness as is the Tao.
Love is mother to presence, the real escapade.

The incorporating into daily routine
Principles of the Buddhist tradition is done
Through the myriad works of authors and masters.
Tuning into the body instantly transfers
Attention from destructive thoughts and to the one
Thing that can be controlled. It’s a gifted machine.

Loving kindness begins by my breathing it in,
Taking notice of sensations and surroundings,
Then exhaling the waste collected by the mind.
It’s an organ of value, but it’s not designed
For working in the present. Too often it brings
Misery through delusion, the ultimate sin.

Bringing loving awareness into the body
Is an easy enough process for peace of mind.
Perception without interference, judgment, or
Conceptualization can open me more
To the self undiscovered in whom I can find
All there is that I need to behave properly.

Getting Focused

Clarity In Each Blink of the Eye

Intellect turned against me; my focus unclear…
Psychological processes have more value
Than the ones existential. One worm of ill thought
In the mind become weakened welcomes the onslaught
Of disgust with humanity. What can I do
For the health of my psyche that I hold most dear?

Fleeting thoughts and emotions consume my life force
If I don’t pay attention to wonderful things
That are happening everywhere not in my head.
If I gave life more notice I’d feel much less dread.
Everything in the universe and in me sings
Of our interconnectedness with divine source.

I’m too full of myself. Can I say that to me?
I’d resent it from someone else. If I’m in need,
Then others have advantage and too much control
Over what I experience. My only goal
Is to be more of my best and indeed exceed
What I’m worth as an asset to society.

Suffering is a process just as existence.
One takes place in the mind; the other, everywhere.
The moment of awakening can be sustained
Through preventive self-therapy. I can be trained
To become who I am. Should my mental health care
Draw the worst from within me? It shouldn’t make sense.

There is substantial evidence scientific
And medical pointing to proof that we all are
Better at what we’re doing when we feel our best.
Consciously the decision to not feel depressed
Is the one I must make that cannot leave a scar
On the soul of this sensitive lone lunatic.

One Thing At A Time

Stay Out of a Knot

Something deeper can be felt in all that I do.
Simultaneous tasking is not the best way
To align with my spirit. Though getting things done
Is the work I must do so that I may have fun,
When I focus on one thing I cannot betray
Consciousness of the now moment sacred and true.

I hate doing the laundry when I’m not aware
Of the process of living and being at one
With sublime ever presence. When I am awake
To my pureness of being, wisely do I take
Every moment attentive to newness begun
Within little things noticed otherwise not there.

Attention is most powerful. It can infuse
Things with my conscious essence and energy field.
Little things done with spirit attuned to the now
Bring deeper understanding. The time I allow
Presence into the process, the treasure revealed
Is worth all of the trouble. And I cannot lose.

The destructive obsessions that occupy me
Are functions of the ego in its restless state.
Its seduction implying I’m bored is to laugh
In its face. It would make a candid photograph
Of free will at its freest to freely feel great
Through benign rigors mundane and necessary.

Being Triggered

Remotely Controlled

My anger is explosive. It sneaks up on me
Like a flimsy hair trigger. I can get upset
In one tenth of a moment. It happens so fast
That reactive behavior comes on with a blast
Meant to show I can be a formidable threat
To those who dare oppose me to any degree.

At issue is the pain body. It’s a dense field
Of life energy where pain and anger are stored.
If I’m not aware that the pain body exists,
Then I am yet unconscious, and chaos persists.
After my ill performance I see no reward
But emotional baggage foolishly revealed.

Full identification with the pain body
Means that I and my ego and it are the same
Which is false, but while unconscious, thinking it’s true,
I’m a slave to its drama. Then what can I do
But to fly off the handle? The aim to be tame
Is one taken in wisdom. It’s better for me.

That I have a pain body I must be aware
But in absolute presence and knowing full well
That I’m separate from it. It then dissipates.
I don’t want to be someone who constantly hates.
Through the practice of presence in peace I may dwell.
Contentment in the moment is what I find there.

Inviting Presence And Building Good Karma

Keeping the Inner House Clean

The word ‘Karma’ means common sense to those who know
That we can live in harmony. It’s still a dream
From the fossilized hippie days when love and peace
Were appropriate discourse. The need to release
Ancient patterns that fill the mind to the extreme
With executive drama most clearly we show.

I find waiting a challenge. I can get upset
Due to ingrained impatience, origin unknown,
Yet somewhere in my past. There’s but one thing to do –
Concentrate on my breathing and take in the view.
Otherwise my discomfort will become full blown.
Reacting only causes me harm and regret.

That which had been annoying is a lucky break
From the baggage of karma I’ve carried for years.
All that I care to notice, as presence I find,
Is a blissful observance detached from the mind.
As my power of presence grows, gone are my fears
Of certain situations. I’ll just be awake!

 People become reactive to worldwide events.
In so doing, more karma then accumulates
And continues the cycles of drama and fear.
Is the practice of presence something to hold dear?
Can one world be receptive to changing our fates
By erasing bad karma? I think it makes sense.

Growing In Presence Together

The Moment of Co-Creation

With spiritual guidance comes many a test
To the union of presence in full awareness
Of the bond made between them and others they know.
Interaction among them can help all to grow
In the light of alignment. The love they express
Is a viral infection at nature’s behest.

We emit certain energies, not of the mind,
But of how we are feeling and what we may need.
This strong field is an aura that others perceive
At the gut and heart levels. It cannot deceive
The intuitive process performed at light speed.
It’s a feature included with all humankind.

Questions simple and complex both have one answer.
Disidentification with the ego’s thoughts
That confuse the reception of wholesome advice
From one’s own inner being can be only nice.
Awareness is the presence that keeps giving lots.
That it spread through humanity I would prefer.

We are each other’s teachers for worse or better.
Destructive is the energy people release
Who have not been awakened. Unconscious is life
Through the mind’s ill abstractions that generate strife
For the innocent spirit. It does deserve peace
So that healing and growth continues to occur.

The Gift Of Presence

The Joy of Opening the Self

From a night not quite silent into the new day
Still a part of this earth realm, the gift I must share
With myself and with others is my being here.
Unlike where we all came from, this schoolhouse of fear
Offers difficult lessons, often of despair
Yet by free will all have something merry to say.

We need one day to say it. Perhaps many more
Scattered throughout the whole year might keep hate at bay.
Knowing that’s wishful thinking, better the ideal
Than the negative nature that can make me feel
Ill at ease as I live, I’m encouraged to pray
That I first know who I am right down to the core.

Many packages, some tied with fancy red bows,
And some rather plain looking, are inside of me.
I know not where they came from, so it’s a surprise
That I’m able to find them despite their disguise
As past failures and troubles. Today I can see
That my presence is one thing the universe knows.

Knowing that there is presence in all that exists
Here on earth and in heaven does make it worthwhile.
I can learn to be kinder from that peaceful place.
Most the world for one day is receptive to grace,
A new vision of hope, and a reason to smile.
It is only the ego that strongly resists.

Subconscious Sabotage

Sub-Surface Self-Undoing

When I try to maintain presence throughout the day,
My subconscious need for superiority
Sabotages my progress. As an example,
People anxious around me when I am peaceful
I resent with a passion. Yet if they were me,
I’d expect warmth and kindness. Why am I this way?

Is this normal among people? Am I unique?
Or is my nagging issue not of importance
To the general public? Were I not aware
That I’m asking these questions, then would it be fair
To say that I’m unconscious in living by chance
That the mind will provide me the answers I seek?

I’m aware of awareness of being aware
Of my mental creations, then cunningly so,
Mind reenters and hijacks the presence I’d gained
And creates a new story wherein I’m restrained
In its falsified structure. It’s good that I know
How the mind plays its tricks and tries to keep me there.

To not know that I know not that I am asleep
Is to live in confusion and utter chaos
Within stories created from subconscious fears.
Many problems are caused by what’s between my ears.
If I simply observe it all, there’ll be no loss.
To remain not awakened, the price isn’t cheap.

Burned Out And Depressed

In the Heat of Stress

I can’t practice my presence because I’m burned out.
Around people I often find I get depressed.
I’m having difficulty and notice no change
Toward a better direction. Why am I so strange
That I can’t take direction nor can I digest
Simple teachings of spirit? I suffer in doubt.

The declarative statements that come from the mind
In an unending torrent are only concepts
That create a false story which I then believe.
If I identify with it I won’t achieve
The presence that eludes me. My frequent missteps
Indicate there is progress. My journey is kind.

Statements made can be tested by getting among
Other people, then practicing being aware
Of the body’s sensations and what it perceives
And each breath of fresh air that the body receives.
This is just the beginning of personal care
That will keep myself healthy and forever young.

Starting with the reality now in my face
That requires my attention, I must come awake
To the fact that I’m consciousness separate from
What appear to be problems I must overcome.
Can I look at the story and know that it’s fake
And become more enlightened in natural grace?

Seeing Beauty In Everything

All The Universe Is A Masterpiece

Beauty is of the feminine. People are both
In one physical package, yet one becomes more
Than the other. Unbalanced is nature’s odd ways
As perceived through the mind’s eye which can offer praise
For the dominant handedness of us. Therefore,
Everyone has some feminine to enhance growth.

Masculine is of beauty that it may behold
With emotional pleasure. It seeks to impress
Its intent and desire for the object wanted
To the thing and all noticing. Unconscious dread
Of failure in the process causes no distress.
Beauty is the encounter that’s meant to unfold.

We start out with the sense perceived life. As children,
Everything is of beauty. Our reality,
Without words to assign things, is pure awareness.
We are so filled with wonder the need to express
Is suspense made eternal. The world that we see
Is of utter connectedness time and again.

Focusing on the small things we do every day
Can lead us to the presence that makes life a dream.
The big things are just fine, too, if they fit in well
With our homemade reality wherein we dwell.
Addiction to technology is an extreme
Among many unhealthy. All lead us astray.

There are rose colored glasses that alter the mind
And can act as strong doorways through which one may peek
Deeper into awareness of utter presence.
Capable we are of creating such events
By the nature of consciousness. That which we seek
Is alignment with nature and all humankind.