Tag Archive | tune

It Gets Better

Expressing Cheer

Look for more positive aspects. Be more aware
Of the blessings bestowed upon you every day.
Take notice of the good things that happen for you.
You will cultivate a positive point of view
In so doing. You’ll find that it is the best way
To move out of a state where you simply don’t care.

If you struggle with a negative attitude
Or if you’re haunted by feelings of guilt or shame
Then you must find a better feeling frequency.
Perhaps you think that you can’t do this easily
But you can and your sense of self you can reclaim
And your feeling of worthiness can be renewed.

Positive aspects may be difficult to find
At first try but it’s imperative that you start
Finding things to appreciate right here and now
About you and your life. In this way you allow
Divine purpose and meaning to enter your heart.
Blessed are those who finally learn to be kind.

It Gets Better once you decide that it will be.
When you find things about yourself you like then you
Will find more of those things in others and the world.
Mysteries of the universe will be unfurled
In your consciousness as you pay attention to
Your prime directive which is to live happily.

Source Offers You A Signal

Purple Waves

You know that you’ve a strong and wise inner guidance
However sometimes you’re afraid that you may not
Be translating it properly yet you know that
Your reception of guidance is doomed to fall flat
If you think you’re not getting a hell of a lot.
How can you get your head around this circumstance?

Make your statements about what you want to create –
Not about what you’re fearful of. Then you will be
In the state of allowing what you want to come.
Negative statements you want to stay away from.
Your inner guidance speaks to you rather loudly.
Nothing about your life happens to you by fate.

There’s a wise Source within you who knows everything
You’ve been wanting since day one and even before.
It knows where you are now and how to get you to
Where you want to be so it’s important for you
To tune into its signal. You need not do more
Than be happy. Do whatever makes your heart sing.

It’s about preparation. Put some space between
Your asking and your hearing what Source has to say.
You’ll get inspiration and impulses to act
In such ways that you’re much more able to attract
What you’re looking for. It will come to you by way
Of your working on keeping your vibration clean.

Don’t Forget Who Gets You

Convergence At Hand

If you let someone know what you want they may ask,
“What the hell makes you think you deserve it?” and you
Find it hard to answer them without going south,
You must be careful of what comes out of your mouth
As you’re not in alignment with that which is true
To your heart. Your resistance may be hard to mask.

Most people offer most of their vibrations in
Response to what they’re observing. It’s a good thing
When what you’re observing feels good but it is not
When it doesn’t. Your vibration matters a lot
So decide to look at things that make your heart sing.
Life can be a contest where you’re destined to win.

You want people to ‘get you’ but why is this so?
It’s because you’ve forgotten who really gets you
Which is your inner being with whom you’re in touch
In each moment. Don’t depend on others so much
For your own calibration. You don’t have to do
Anything to access all that you need to know.

Calibrate to the frequency of the divine
Within you and all others. The power within
You is beyond description but do it for the
Pleasure of it. You can get there naturally.
Everyone may not ‘get you’ but once you begin
Getting your truest self things will work out just fine.

The Next Level

Love Joy

I do find myself in a really happy place
Usually. I don’t look at reality
To the point where I can get out of alignment.
I have no problem at all remaining content
With the world I’m creating. I live happily
In this knowing, loving universe’s embrace.

If I ignore reality just long enough
To get myself into a state of happiness
Then I can give my undivided attention
To my life which is an ongoing invention.
It’s the love in my heart that I want to express.
I’ve no time for all kinds of non-uplifting stuff.

I can speak words of passion about what’s to come –
Not what’s happening now although now is sublime.
My life hasn’t been better. I’m ready for more
Evidence of the things that I’ve been asking for.
Everything goes my way because I take the time
To acknowledge where all of my blessings come from.

Anything that I want I can have, do, or be.
I get to The Next Level by keeping control
Of my thoughts and emotions and not reacting
To occurrences. I know that I’m attracting
Life experiences that are good for my soul.
It’s in my best interest to live happily.

Dominance Of Wellbeing

Bright Horizon

Don’t you love knowing that you’ve the ability
To contour your vibration all day everyday
Into precisely that which will satisfy you?
Isn’t it nice to know that your dreams will come true
When you focus on them in a persistent way?
Isn’t this a perfect time space reality?

There’s no fate. There’s no chance. There’s not one single thing
Pushing itself into your life experience.
How you think and feel determines what comes to you.
No matter how it looks believe that this is true.
The wellbeing existent is rather immense.
It eclipses the wave of human suffering.

This cooperative universe is showing
You the very components that are equally
In the vibration that you’ve got activated.
This is how your reality is created.
You can have things the way you’d prefer them to be.
Abundance and wellbeing are overflowing.

You can think, feel, and then watch what happens to you.
A vibrational match they are, you’ll come to see.
Things are always working out for you and it’s time
You start living a life that is richly sublime.
Focus your attention more deliberately
Only on the wellbeing you have access to.

Who Are You?

Who? Me?

Who Are You? Yes, you’re the one being spoken to.
Don’t freak out. There’s just something that you ought to know
About who you are truly. You’re one of a kind.
From the heart of divinity you were designed.
Unto you many wonderful blessings can flow
And there’s nothing ridiculous you need to do.

You get close to who you really are when you feel
Absolutely delighted to simply exist.
When you offer that kind of vibration then you
Are extremely successful in all that you do.
When feeling good is kept at the top of your list
Then you’ll be living a life that’s most ideal.

Your power of influence is so huge when you
Get in touch with who you truly are at your core.
People will be astounded by your confidence.
Everyone will be speaking of your radiance.
You’ll appreciate life more than ever before.
You’ll be the witness to all your dreams coming true.

The nonphysical part of you is who you are.
It’s the part that’s eternal. You came here to be
A cooperative component to what you
Desire mostly in life. Pay close attention to
How you feel. You were meant to live life happily.
From where you are your true self is never too far.

Your Natural Frequency

Colorful Vibrations

We want you to find ways where you can consciously
And deliberately allow your vortex to
Tune you right into Your Natural Frequency.
When you reach this state you most certainly will be
Yodeling down the canyons of life. Now if you
Are not tuned then a rather screwed up world you see.

When you’re not tuned to Your Natural Frequency
You’re complaining. You point out all the injustice
In the world. Although it’s something you can’t deny
To preserve your vibration indeed you must try
Focusing elsewhere. How things are you can dismiss
Long enough to recover complete sanity.

Blame feels a whole lot better than utter despair.
You can say that it’s their fault and feel some relief
But it won’t last a long time unfortunately.
You must let go of any negativity
In your daily routine. Don’t let things give you grief.
About how you feel is the only thing to care.

You cannot get others to behave in a way
That will please you. You have to find a way to be
Pleased apart from what other people are doing.
Your focus on your vibration needs renewing
Constantly. It’s up to you to get yourself free
Of resistance and in a good mood you will stay.

Let The Universe Take Your Order

Culinary Skill

In a huge well-stocked kitchen The Chef operates
For the purpose of serving all of humankind.
All the good, bad, and ugly is on the menu.
It’s the contrast life offers that we all sift through.
As we choose preferences they become refined
In the mind as a wonderful meal it creates.

Now that you’ve placed your order kick back and relax.
Let the restaurant staff do their work faithfully
By not asking them how much longer it will take.
That would be rude and useless. The peace that you make
With your order will help you out enormously
So let your anticipation reach a climax.

As you’re waiting you can think about how the meal
Will bring to you much pleasure and satisfaction.
It’s absurd to be worried that it may not come.
It’s important then for you to stay away from
Negative thoughts by looking for some distraction
For a while from the thing with which you cannot deal.

If you aren’t selfish enough to care about how
You feel from moment to moment then you can’t tune
To the resources earmarked for you. You must be
Receptive to all the restaurant energy
And your meal will be delivered to you as soon
As you stop the resistance and learn to allow.

Be Happy With Your Dream

Fulfilling Dream

Everything you want will manifest. Let’s start there
Because it’s most imperative that you believe
That the statement is true. You must feel it within.
Only then will the things that you dream of begin
To take form because you’re in the mode to receive.
Of the blessings in your life be fully aware.

Sometimes you, in a moment of disconnection
From your Source, may feel doubtful that your dream will come
To fruition. Your dream could become a nightmare
If you let it. The epitome of despair
Is apparent when you get too far away from
Who you are. You’re in need of a course correction.

Don’t let the manifestation matter to you
More than being content with the evolving dream.
If the final outcome you make too important
The feeling of not having it means that you can’t
Get to where you can let yourself flow with the stream.
To get happy do what you’re most willing to do.

You can’t deposit ten grand into the bank now
And you can’t drop that extra fifty pounds of weight
At this moment but at least you can feel some hope
Which will nudge you right over the slippery slope
To fulfillment. Don’t let life determine your fate.
You’re the one who creates it by what you allow.

Remain Stable

Ominous Horizon

There’s always something coming to you. The questions,
Because you can’t turn off your point of attraction,
Are, “From where is it coming?” and, “What influence
Am I under as it’s coming?”
Does it make sense

To search hard for the answers with but a fraction
Of a clue and oblivious to suggestions?

People rise or lower to the expectations
Of others. Learn to not to let people train you
Through their behavior or through their disappointment
In their own life experiences. Discontent
In others will eventually make you blue.
Get yourself out of unhealthy situations.

Their best selves are what you want to tune yourself to –
Not their egos who always want to criticize
But you must first find harmony from deep within
Your own heart. Blessings come to you when you begin
Treating others – even the ones who you despise –
With compassion and love. It’s the right thing to do.

If you fear going to some places because you
Feel uneasy when you’re there then you haven’t tuned
Yourself properly. Don’t let the environment
Determine how you feel. You’re one hundred percent
In control of your feelings. You can heal the wound
Of perceived consternation and come out anew.

Positive Aspects

Thumbs Up

You may find that the world treats you better when you
Are your happiest and you know how to get there.
Look for Positive Aspects in all that you do.
Folks respond to an optimistic point of view
In a good way when you have your true self to share.
You may also find that most of your dreams come true.

If however you have a chip on your shoulder
And you’re usually ornery or upset
Then the world sucks and life is a constant nightmare.
You’re aware that no one in their right mind would dare
Get close to you. You come off as a lethal threat.
Confrontations with folks are likely to occur.

It gets better the better it gets and it gets
A lot worse the worse it gets. Which way do you find
More appealing? One cannot overemphasize
The importance of your coming to realize
That you can become more positively inclined.
Your true nature is one of your greatest assets.

Look for things about your life and the world that you
Can appreciate then you will find a lot more
In yourself to be thankful for. Look for the good
In all things and your life will work out as it should.
Take advantage of all that there is to explore
That uplifts you. Love what you give attention to.

Make It Easy For Yourself

Simple Delight

To anticipate positively is easy
If you haven’t been negatively doing so.
Make It Easy For Yourself.  Meditate early
In the day. Segment intend so that you can be
In control of your moments. Let wellbeing flow
Into your life. You are meant to live happily.

And don’t try so hard to make this about thinking.
Let it be about receiving information
From the Source that knows all. You’re not separate from
The all knowing consciousness from where all things come.
Powerful is the mind that wants to get things done.
In so doing a person may end up drinking.

When a tree falls in the forest it makes no sound
If there’s no one to hear it and in the same way
If you’re not thinking thoughts that separate you from
Who you truly are then many blessings will come.
Pay attention to what your spirit has to say.
Usually it’s nothing complex or profound.

“I like my feeling of becoming. I like the
Feeling of the influence I’m under and I
Like receiving impulses. I love having fun
And I know that I will never get it all done.
With what my spirit suggests I want to comply.
More than anything else I love being happy.”

Ignore Reality The Right Way?

Virtual Escape

There’s so much to ignore these days. It’s hard to find
Anything worth consuming. I’ve no appetite
For the horror and suffering. Sick I become
At the sight of it all. I must get away from
Any news that echoes the continuing plight
Of the evacuated soul of humankind.

So can I just ignore it all and find a place
That feels good and remain there? Can I feel my way
Around life and avoid its extreme bitterness?
It may seem that about life I couldn’t care less.
I simply don’t want my consciousness to decay.
I’m ashamed to be a part of the human race.

I can ignore it all long enough to get to
Where I need to be which is in tune with the whole
Of who I am then I am prepared to give my
Undivided attention to life. If I try
To engage things over which I have no control
There will be no effectiveness in what I do.

When I’m tuned in, tapped in, and turned on I’m aligned
With the whole of who I am. I see everything
With more clarity. I create reality
And within it I can be the best I can be.
I can give attention to what makes my heart sing
And be thankful for any contentment I find.

Stops Along The Way

Punctuated Routes

On the journey to what I think makes my life whole
And complete, there are many detours and places
To be checkpointed. Thank God for my GPS
For without it my life would be a total mess.
At each stop there are things that my heart embraces
Such that I’m not that bothered with reaching my goal.

Sometimes I’ll find myself on my way to some things.
Often my inner being will lead me to an
Experience that will help me to activate
And fine tune my vibration wherein I create
The best moment, then the next… I know that I can
Be aligned with the blessings each new moment brings.

I can look there and not find it then look elsewhere
And still not find it before I finally do.
All those places where I looked before were not wrong.
They’re all part of a fun game. As I play along
Blessings seem to be coming from out of the blue.
I honor the existence of both here and there.

Where I am is sufficient for getting where I
Want to be because I always have access to
Inner guidance. It tells me when I’m way off track.
My emotions offer me tremendous feedback.
Any place is the right place as long as I do
What it takes without my having to wonder why.

Just Enjoy The Process

Toward Solution

What can I do to step back from the sponsoring
Negative thoughts and get a more clear message from
My inner being or higher self? How can I
Be assured that there is some technique I can try
To relieve my anxiety? From where I come
Is a place of humility and wondering.

The question and the answer are two different
Points of view and vibration. I can’t receive when
The question becomes dominant I must chill out
And know that things are working out beyond all doubt.
The pulsating question I must let go of, then
I’m able to receive absent my self-torment.

The answer is to let some time pass and to be
Receptive to the answer. My inner being
Is revealing it to me constantly. I must
Be free of negativity, and I must trust
That my inner being is always far seeing.
I would like to say that it’s the best part of me.

The point of meditation is to clear the mind
Of its negative clutter and all resistance.
Let it do that. There’s no other reason to be
In alignment than to be absolutely free
Of resistance no matter what the circumstance.
Just Enjoy The Process as it is well defined.

Embracing Contrast


Can some environments be more challenging than
Others? Is this reality or is it just
In my own mind that I’m seeing things in this way?
Situations of struggle and constant dismay
Cause me to feel that in this world I cannot trust.
It seems things were like this since before time began.

It is not about which environment is more
Challenging than another. It’s whether or not
You are up to the challenge vibrationally.
What you don’t want creates what you do want. To be
In alignment with what you want matters a lot.
Be happy about getting what you’re asking for.

More ripe with opportunity and potential
For expansion is the way that’s more challenging.
Going through it you become better than before.
All the benefits of challenge you can explore
From a place of alignment. What you’re offering
By way of your vibration is something special.

The challenge is still there, so let it give birth to
Your desire once again. You will experience
Clarity and fulfillment immediately.
Embracing life’s challenges will help you to be
Stronger. The most challenging of environments
Are the ones that exist in the dark part of you.

No Matter How It Looks

Man In Tears

When I look at my troubled past, all I can see
Is someone who has taken too many wrong turns.
I’d call myself a loser, were it not a sin
To agree with most others. How can I begin
To make peace? This is the biggest of my concerns.
Does the universe find disappointment in me?

I’m not well and have never been. I can accept
That I may be dangerous to society,
But my inner being doesn’t see me that way.
It helps me to put up with myself through the day.
How I’ve been in the past matters so much to me
That at functioning here and now I am inept.

Things are always working out for me No Matter
How It Looks
at any point in time, and if I

Can accept this as truth and feel myself worthy
Of releasing my past, much better off I’ll be.
It makes no sense for me to keep wondering why
I evolved as I did. Screw the mental chatter.

I can think and feel, therefore, I can be aware
Of what happens because of it. I have control
Of my own thoughts and feelings. Things will be alright.
I am worthy of the good things in life despite
The perceived severe toxicity of my soul.
The relief is like taking a breath of fresh air.

Who Are You?

Big Look

When you get who you are, and when you get how who
The real you really feels, you’re beginning to be
A vibrational match to who you truly are.
Only those who are ignorant find it bizarre
That each person creates their own reality,
So, be glad that this knowledge is made clear for you.

Your power of influence is so huge that those
Who are watching are dazzled by your confidence.
Things work out for you. Life is ever evolving.
You do not have to waste time and effort solving
Life’s unsolvable issues. What makes better sense
Is to stay in alignment amid the shadows.

You came forth to identify what you want and
To enjoy life in its constant and eternal
Stream of exquisite beauty. You’re one with the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing because you know
That all of existence remains spiritual.
Your purpose on this earth is to further expand.

Now and then, you may find yourself paddling upstream
Against all that you want, and this contradiction
In your energy manifests as misery
In some aspect of your life. You’d much rather be
In a place where you experience no friction.
When you know who you are, your life can be a dream.

Let The Universe Help

Future Bright

You can’t be disappointed and get anything
That you want. Your disappointment is the one clue
That you’re not vibrationally in sync with what
You are wanting. It feels like the door has been shut
To the blessings of living. What you want to do
Is take care of your vibrational offering.

Do not beg God, the universe, or your best friend
To deliver to you what you want from a place
Of utter desperation. Stop talking about
Things in your life that don’t seem to be working out
To your liking. You’ll find people who may embrace
Your dilemma, but it never works in the end.

Your are asking, and it is delivered, but it’s
In vibrational form, so what you have to do
Is tune into the frequency of your desire
As it manifests for you. It doesn’t require
Tons of effort. Knowing the wise one within you
Comes with all kinds of spiritual benefits.

You’re the creator of you and all that you’ve placed
In vibrational escrow. Practice this knowing
Until you begin developing the habit
Of creating things that are to your benefit.
All you need is acceptance to get them flowing
Into your life, which now can be happily faced.

Everything In Your World Will Get Better

Bright Moment

It gets better, the better it gets when you seek
Out the positive aspects of what you’re giving
Your attention to. You tune yourself to receive
More good thoughts about everything when you perceive
But the best in all circumstances. You’re living
A life that people envy because you’re unique.

Many people may struggle in an attitude
Of self-criticism stemming from their childhood
Programming by parents, teachers, peers, and others.
Negative comparisons and all that occurs
Is held in the subconscious where it does no good.
It’s a monkey wrench in whatever is pursued.

By choosing a subject about which you’ve practiced
Fewer negative thoughts, you can tune yourself to
A better feeling frequency. Then from that place,
Redirect your thoughts to yourself. Fully embrace
All the things that you know are the best parts of you.
The whole world will in time be on your blessed list.

Look for positive aspects about everything
In your presence. Focus more on thoughts that uplift.
Be one who is deliberately looking for
Only good things. The universe will show you more
Than you could have imagined. Make yourself the gift
Of alignment and all of the good it will bring.


Firm Foundation

One cannot face reality as it plays out
On the deck of a great ship that has momentum
Through rough waters. It is by one’s expectation
That nothing on God’s green earth can ever be done.
What happens in the real world can make the heart numb.
How does on remain stable amid certain doubt?

There’s always something coming to you because you
Cannot ever turn off your point of attraction.
So, from where is it coming? From the consciousness
Of inspired desolation and incessant stress?
Or from your own vortex of pure satisfaction?
Contemplate that. You’ll be enlightened when you do.

Don’t let others train you through their disappointment
With their own life experiences. Folks will rise
Or lower by the expectations of others.
The conflicts we experience are the mothers
Of inventions that end up making us more wise.
 Optional is the feeling of deep discontent.

Where do you get your training? How do you train those
With whom you interact? What influence are you
Under when you’re creating? Stable you remain
No matter what the circumstance. One can abstain
From the struggle and chaos. Take not what is true
As an absolute, then easily your life goes.

Before Coming To Earth

Plans Made In Eternity

Before coming to this earth you said a few things
That are now worth remembering after so long
Being distracted from them by circumstances
You created. Life’s contrast offers you glances
At the contract you made which is righteous and strong.
You are in store for magnificent happenings.

“I’ll go forward into my earth experience.
I’ll see things that I don’t like, and things that I do
I will focus my attention only on them.”
All the things that you do here on earth truly stem

From the promises you made. A big part of you
Remains in the nonphysical. It is immense.

Ideas and impulses come up within you
That will lead you to everything that you desire.
Don’t fall for the notion that life’s meant to be hard.
The contrast here is tricky. You must say on guard
Of the negative thought patterns. What you acquire
Is by being receptive and most grateful too.

Seek the feeling of satisfaction as you go
About your chosen journey. Your inner being
Will hold fast to your contract and show you the way
That is least resistant. It will help you to stay
In alignment. The feeling is truly freeing.
You are meant to do big things here. Do make it so.

A Small Tuning

Toward The Clearest Vibration

There are some reasons to ignore reality.
One can just find that feeling place and wallow there
In the bliss of contentment and that is okay
If you do find some peace in living life this way.
It’s in no way dynamic yet you are aware
Of the fullness of yourself and how you should be.

In your ignorance it’s easier then to feel
Your way into that state where nothing can go wrong.
Tuning into your wholeness, focused attention
You give to all of life. There’s no need to mention
The ignorable horror which is a sad song.
Are you called Pollyanna for not being real?

Undivided attention to life you shall give
After some hibernation – enough to get you
Feeling passion for something that you already
Love to do when you’re being the best you can be.
It is not complicated, this thing you must do
In order to live the way that you want to live.

When someone asks, “How are you,” do speak what is true:
“I have never been better. Angels have blessed me
With a world of abundance. I’m in paradise…”

You might blow them away, but they must pay the price
For their asking. You can be assured they won’t be
Calling you Pollyanna or messing with you.

With Just A Small Tuning

A Minor Adjusting

To not look at reality is to ignore
What people have created out of nothingness.
So, to do so and just find that ‘feeling good’ place
Is the way to receiving every kind of grace
That the world makes available. And nothing less
Than a little adjusting can offer you more.

Ignore reality because it’s easier
To feel your way to happiness. Then you can tune
To the whole of who you are so that you can give
Undivided attention to how you can live
In a state where you are virtually immune
To the nonsense in real life that’s damned to occur.

A naive Pollyanna people may call you
For ignoring reality just long enough
To let happiness fill you with life energy.
But when you express the way things happen to be
You may blow their socks off with such powerful stuff.
People may stop their asking you, “How do you do?”

So With Just A Small Tuning the world you create
Through your intent and focus is all that you need
To explore your magnificence and be aligned
With the best self you can be. Be ever inclined
To define your reality. Dare to succeed
At the art of excitement. There’s no need to wait.