Tag Archive | attention

Your Attention

Brain Bulb

The only reason why people have great success
Seemingly all the time is because they’re able
To see things others can’t see. It’s their attention
That sets them apart. It’s beyond comprehension
How the mind can become completely unstable
To the point where there’s no achieving happiness.

People want Your Attention. It’s the reason why
They do things to attract it. They want you to know
Fully what they’re expressing without distraction.
Your response to them can bring them satisfaction
If you’re kind and you have nothing but love to show.
Respect for their humanity you can’t deny.

Attention without intention – simply being
Is a practice. Essentially you know that you
Exist because you have some sense of attention
At this moment. When you sleep a full suspension
Of attention is certain but it’s to renew
Your consciousness. It’s designed to be stress freeing.

Consciousness is attention – the most evolved part
Of the mind. Memory isn’t as important
As your conscious awareness of the here and now.
When you’re in it a true connection you allow
To your true self expressly. Don’t think that you can’t
Use Your Attention to give your life a new start.

Don’t Focus On The Absence

Spatial Emptiness

Emptiness is a real thing. Deeply I feel it.
The big hole in my gut that I fill with my mind
Keeps expanding as I approach reemergence
Into spirit. Why didn’t I have enough sense
To prepare something of value to leave behind?
That I’ve been a hell of a person I admit.

Yet if I keep on beating this old drum I will
Prevent my moving forward. I apologize
For my past ill behavior. I need to let go
Of my shame and guilt. I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow.
I know that I’m human by the tears in my eyes.
My demise I hope will give my victims a thrill.

On the absence of something that might have occurred
Had I not been a certain way I’ll not focus
Because that will only prolong right here and now.
I can get to a better place and I know how
To do it when I need to. This is a big plus
To my credit. My salvation is much preferred.

I need to get my mind off of disappointment
And onto the feeling of evolving into
Something better. It’s an emotional journey
I must take but I can do it successfully
Even if feeling better is all that I do.
I can get anywhere by my conscious intent.

A Bedtime Process

Wellness Sleep

Before bedtime you want to get yourself into
A relaxed state. You want to release all the stress
That has been building up throughout your busy day.
Take some time to reflect on how things went your way.
Think of all the things that brought you some happiness.
Doing this before bedtime will benefit you.

Many things have occurred throughout your day so you
May remember things that were not very pleasant
But keep your focus on all the things that went well.
You know that by the way that you feel you can tell
How you’re doing with becoming nonresistant
In preparing yourself for a sleep rendezvous.

While your in bed try to recall some of the most
Uplifting things that happened then isolate one
And ponder it. Milk it for everything it’s got.
This process doesn’t really require a whole lot
Of effort on your part. It’s so easily done
That it’s possible to become fully engrossed.

Say to yourself, “I’m going to sleep now and I
Want to sleep well and wake up refreshed with a new
Wholesome feeling positive point of attraction.”

When you’ve made your intent to your satisfaction
Off to sleep you go. The next day will be for you
One in which throughout most of it you’re flying high.

A Spotlight On Wellbeing

Mystical Sky

Many times I’ve asked questions about one thing or
Another and the answer I usually
Get is, “That’s not your work.” So should I continue
To keep asking? That would be a dumb thing to do.
I’ve managed to ask the right questions finally.
What’s my purpose? What did I enter this life for?

Direct answers I get when I ask in this way.
I believe what I’m getting and where it comes from.
I need not ask how I can fix a broken world
Nor do I need to have my consciousness be knurled
For the grasp of the threat of disaster to come.
That which answers does not want to hear of dismay.

Just what is my work? It isn’t a guessing game.
How, where, what, when, and who, I need not get into.
I ask why I came into this reality.
It’s not to shine a spotlight on humanity
But on love and wellbeing because it is true
That we’re all made of spirit which means we’re the same.

My work’s to shine a spotlight on the wellbeing
Of the planet in whatever way that I can…
To practice what’s wanted with profound attention
That it happens. Nothing’s beyond comprehension
When the spread of wellbeing is part of my plan.
I endorse any positive way of seeing.

It’s Ready

Daily Bread

Life is a well-stocked kitchen that has every kind
Of ingredient anyone could imagine.
You can pluck from the shelves and make your loaf of bread
Or you may decide that you want a cake instead
But there’s no way you would put tabasco sauce in
What you’re baking. The thought never enters your mind.

You may not like tabasco sauce but do not try
To have it thrown out of the kitchen. If you do
You’ll find that it has gotten baked into your cake.
When you push against something it only will make
Things a lot worse. It can get the better of you.
The rights of tabasco sauce you cannot deny.

Just don’t give the tabasco sauce your attention.
It exists on the shelf somewhere. Leave it right there.
Don’t join groups. Don’t protest. It only creates more
Of the thing you don’t want and as ever before
It will haunt you to the point of utter despair.
You can’t establish tabasco sauce prevention.

Keep your consciousness focused on what you’re baking.
In your imagination it’s already done
So just go through the motions and let life evolve
As it should. Not a problem there is to resolve
In this wonderful kitchen that serves everyone.
Be at one with the masterpiece that you’re making.

Serving Others

Pleasant Discourse

“How can I be of service?” This question comes from
Deep within the heart. It’s most fulfilling to be
In a position of service to everyone.
Never mind competition. If you’re having fun
Serving Others then you live your life happily.
To people who serve others many blessings come.

You need not ask the question, “What’s my purpose here?”
It will always be found in service to others.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. The more you uplift others the more
You’re uplifted. A warmth in your spirit occurs
In your heart when your mission is perfectly clear.

It’s an ancient concept but it’s still relevant.
To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. If you believe you
Need what you don’t have then you’ve gone a bit cuckoo
Regarding how you function in life but you can
Overcome many issues you think that you can’t.

The message of the morning is about what you
Can and can’t do but after the afternoon shift
It’s about service and knowing that everything
Is all taken care of. Be content in being
Of service to others. It’s a most precious gift.
Take this message to heart in whatever you do.

A Bedtime Process

Joyful Slumber

It’s because of your action orientation
That you want to believe that it takes hard work to
Make things happen but as you learn to direct your
Thoughts deliberately you’ll find that you’ll have more
Power and leverage. So much more you can do
With your focus. It’s your creative foundation.

You can focus your thoughts more consistently in
The direction of your heart’s desire rather than
Squandering the power of your thought by thinking
Opposite to what you want. Like a ship sinking
It may be hard to rescue good thoughts but they can
Be recovered. Right now’s a good time to begin.

Once you’re in bed try to recall some of the most
Pleasant things that occurred today. There may be some
Things that happened that were a lot less than okay
But direct your intention. Do your best to stay
Focused on something that you got some pleasure from.
Find a good thought in which you can become engrossed.

Ponder it when you find it. Prime your positive
Pump by saying things such as, “This day was alright.
I like how that thing happened to turn out the way
That I wanted.”
Recall the best parts of your day

Then you will have a most restful sleep through the night.
In the morning you will have your best self to give.

Your Attention To ‘What Is’


‘What Is’ is what is keeping you from what could be.
When you focus attention on the status quo
Nothing changes. Your manifestations never
Catch up with you. Moving forward takes forever.
The imbalance of energy makes for a slow
Pace of life. From ‘what is’ you must get yourself free.

When you hold a desire and you focus upon
It and you stop focusing upon its absence
Then the space will fill in with what you’re looking for.
As you shift your attention from ‘what is’ the more
Of what you want must happen. Forget present tense!
Having done this then all your resistance is gone.

As long as your awareness is on ‘what is’ now
And therefore ‘what is’ missing from now you create
A vibration that holds you right in the same place.
You prevent your reception of infinite grace.
Keep yourself always in a most positive state.
The receptive mode is one in which you allow.

‘What Is’ begs many questions that you can’t answer
Like: Why doesn’t it come faster? What can I do?
When will it become manifest?
Focus only

On those things in life that you want to come to be.
Do whatever you know that will satisfy you
Then your future will turn out just as you prefer.

It’s Easy To Receive

Receiving A Gift

There is not enough action in the whole world to
Compensate for confusion and misalignment.
Meditate for at least fifteen minutes per day.
When you do something out of alignment it may
Not work out well. You can by your conscious intent
Get yourself in a state that is better for you.

Let the energy that creates worlds help you to
Be receptive to everything going your way.
Give up your need to justify your existence.
Replace it with the infinite intelligence
Of the universe. Living becomes like child’s play.
You don’t have to work hard to receive what is due.

Do not be concerned about how others view you.
They know not enough to draw any conclusion
That is truthful. Give up the need to solicit
The approval of others who may not commit
To their current opinion. It’s an illusion
That they may have of you and it may not be true.

Give up your attention to the outcome. Instead
Enjoy the unfolding. Don’t care how it turns out
Because it feels good right now. You know that it will
Feel better in the future so go for the thrill
Of receiving. This is what life is all about.
Take your eyes of what’s now and start looking ahead.

Mindfulness Thoughts

All That Is

Mind is the forerunner of all things. Out of mind
Are created the many things that we believe
Are important. All human made things start as thoughts.
Often times though the mind may get tied up in knots
As you live your life. What you most want to achieve
Is a balance where with your nature you’re aligned.

When you sit quietly and pay close attention
To your breathing, a river of thought enters in.
The mind secretes thoughts the way the salivary
Glands secret saliva, but don’t let them carry
Any weight. Just keep breathing and you will begin
To lose thought and enter another dimension.

If you could hear the thoughts of someone next to you,
You would get away quickly. You’d think they were ill
In the psyche, but everyone’s experience
Is the same. Mental chatter gets really intense
Normally. It’s like a puppy that can’t sit still.
Yet you seldom think of anything that is new.

It’s like you’re stuck in a motel room late at night.
You can’t sleep so the TV becomes a plaything
But you can’t change the channel. So old thoughts remain
In you mind. It may feel like you’re going insane.
Mindfulness though is capable of offering
Lasting peace and a heck of a lot more insight.

A Better Version Of You

Change Of Appearance

It’s a dream never ending. A beautiful scene
In a wonderful movie is co-creation.
Your concern is with being who you really are.
As momentum increases, you’re not very far
From alignment. You maintain a high vibration
As your guardian angels so often convene.

How can you be a better version of the one
Who is you incarnated? By not giving so
Much attention to it. Don’t think that you’re not there.
Your inner being would have you be more aware
Of yourself as magnificent. It’s good to know
That is stubbornly holds on to that opinion.

You can’t ask the question and receive the answer
At the same time. You can’t be the problem and the
Solution. The more you keep asking, the more you
Keep the answer form coming. Be receptive to
Intuition and insight. The more you can be
Happy with yourself, the more good things will occur.

Get your attention off yourself. Start looking for
Things that are praiseworthy, and when you find something
That delights you, you are being the whole of you.
You are better already. Believe that it’s true.
Be aware of the vibration you’re offering.
Look within. You will discover blessings galore.

You Create With Your Focus

In A Moment Of Wonder

Life has caused you to focus. That’s why you are here.
You came for the experience of sifting through
All the contrast life offers. You came to express
What could be done to lead to your own happiness
Then to have fun through the process as dreams come true.
You knew that you would find many things to hold dear.

What you give your attention to is what you get.
Life shows you how you’re feeling no matter if you
Are exuberant or in a deep depression.
While you’re here on earth you have taken possession
Of emotional guidance which can lead you to
Anything you choose. It’s a tremendous asset.

The Source within you is giving its attention
To whatever you’re giving your attention to,
But it may be of a much higher frequency.
Its opinion may differ from yours completely.
In that case there is only one thing you can do,
And it’s not beyond anyone’s comprehension.

You always know more clearly what you want when you
Are right smack dab in the middle of the contrast.
Negative emotion lets you know right away
That things aren’t to your liking. It’s easy to stay
Clear of all that upsets you. You must be steadfast
In your acceptance of your Source’s point of view.

Make It Come

Inspirational Wear

Of this whole darned deliberate creation thing
I don’t have an understanding. I’m on the brink
Of a wonderful thing coming my way, but I
Can’t not notice its absence. The harder I try
To ignore it, the more negative thoughts I think.
What I’m going through is rather interesting.

What I want and its absence are joined at the hip.
So, how am I going to stop noticing that
What I want isn’t here yet? Think about something
Other than what I want? What on earth can that bring
But frustration? Engaging in mortal combat
With oneself is in no way a positive trip.

Give more airtime to other things that uplift you –
Not to things that upset you. You can’t keep doing
What you’re doing and get something different than
What you’re getting. You can manifest a new plan.
Anything that’s delightful is worth pursuing.
Don’t be tempted to feel bad whatever you do.

Make an end run around your negative feeling.
Understand the emotional scale and that you
Are the creator of your own reality.
Keep your focus upon that which is already
Going well. Then the chance of your dream coming true
Is made much better. Now isn’t this appealing?

Don’t Worry About What Others Think


People spend most of their lives in gut wrenching fear
Of what others may think of them. They lie awake
At night wondering how they would cope without the
Approval of others, and they obsessively
Change their image when they find the slightest mistake.
They can’t get satisfaction from how they appear.

To the verdicts of strangers we all surrender
Our freedom to fail gracefully. Those we don’t know
And don’t even like all that much we cater to.
Even though we don’t like being told what to do,
We do it without thinking. It causes us woe.
We play the role of the malignant pretender.

Don’t complain. Don’t explain yourself to anyone.
“Become independent of the good opinion
Of other people.”
Trust yourself. You and only

You know the enlightened one you were meant to be.
Don’t let other people’s judgments have dominion
Over how you feel. Then awareness has begun.

When we really mess up, almost no one will be
Looking or caring very much. They’re too involved
With their own issues. Our disgrace will be subsumed
Into social amnesia, so we’re never doomed
By unwanted attention. One who is evolved
Is above that kind of negative energy.

The Power Of Intention

Choice Of Mind

If your thoughts are on what always has been, and you
Do not like what always has been, you’ll continue
To attract what always has been. Life works that way.
It makes sense, so it’s worthwhile then for you to pay
Close attention to your thoughts and your feelings too.
You can be assured that it is easy to do.

Many of us don’t know what our own intentions
Truly are, so we go through our lives day to day
Unfulfilled in performance of meaningless tasks.
We will go on until something within us asks,
“Why the heck are you carrying on in this way?”
Insight comes to us from the inner dimensions.

What you are aiming for must be perfectly clear.
You’re intention then is focused on your desire,
And the tasks you perform are in full alignment
With your purpose. So nothing on earth can prevent
You from getting the thing that you want to acquire.
You are now in a more creative atmosphere.

Into the inconceivable you may ascend.
Put your thoughts and attention only on what you
Want to manifest. Don’t put your thoughts on what’s not
Happening for you. Be thankful for what you’ve got.
You can change all of your limiting points of view
And the obstacles in your life you will transcend.

Shift Your Vibration

Vortex Focus

Where you are is where you are, and what you do now,
Whether you worry, are hopeful, or you complain,
Determines the direction of you in the stream.
If you’re fighting against it, everything may seem
To get screwy too often. It helps to abstain
From your battles so that happiness you allow.

You can view where you are optimistically.
Talk yourself back into remembering who you
Really are, which is pure positive energy.
You don’t have to justify your reason to be.
Let your heart be the only voice you listen to.
You know that you’ll find your place eventually.

While you can’t change your circumstance right now, you can
Change what’s happening three days or three weeks from now.
If you don’t change it for then, then right now will be
Carried forward into the same reality.
Just get happy because you already know how
To do that. It’s always a magnificent plan.

To where you are now you pay too much attention
So that you keep projecting ‘what is’ everywhere.
You have to change your most dominant vibration
To the one that will lead you to the creation
Of a wonderful life that is beyond compare.
Keep your focus upon the higher dimension.

At The Heart Of Attraction

Royal Flush

Most people who are thinking in terms of money
Are approaching it more from the subject of lack
Than from just allowing the dollars to flow in.
They wind up wishing forever for their big win.
If you feel that you put out more than you get back,
Then it may be that you’re off vibrationally.

You don’t rise in the morning and breathe all the air
That you’ll need for the whole day before others can
Suck it up. You breathe in and breathe out as you need.
When it comes to your breathing, there’s no need for greed.
You don’t worry at all if someone has more than
They deserve. So, how to money does this compare?

Through our programming, we’ve learned to believe that we
Are not worthy enough to receive anything
Without hard work and struggle. We must justify
Every bit of good luck that happens to come by,
And we’re promised rewards for our hard suffering,
But this universe operates differently.

If you consciously focus upon the value
Of the dollars you do hold, then you’ll receive more.
Feeling good about the money you’ve got going
Is the best way that is known to keep it flowing.
The main difference between the rich and the poor
Is the feeling about all that money can do.

Purpose And Meaning

Life's Target

Nobody needs to ask the enormous question,
“What is my purpose?” It can be found in service.
Put your attention on making life better for
Someone else. To touch someone’s life is truly more
Valuable than a fortune. You can find bliss
By making life just a bit better for someone.

That’s how God thinks. You can achieve God consciousness
Through a number of practices or none at all.
You don’t need anything more than your willingness
To serve others. Your divine nature you express
As you share love with others. No kind act is small.
Do not be concerned with material success.

The day shift is about what you can and can’t do,
And you’re judged by society in many ways.
When the shift is over, it’s time to reconnect
To the energy that handles every aspect
Of existence. In this way, you consciousness stays
In alignment with the expanded part of you.

Surrender to that something that’s bigger than you.
Whatever you may call it, it is in control.
In so doing, the meaning of life is made clear.
You want to make someone’s life better while you’re here.
We each are a part of a magnificent whole.
Let the God source within you tell you what to do.

Discipline Your Thinking

Emotional Mind

If you are what you think about, then you have to
Start getting really careful about what you think.
You do this by being cautious about every
Conversation you have with others who may be
Of a negative mindset. You don’t want to drink
From the well of confusion whatever you do.

Don’t focus on what’s missing in your life and speak
To others all about it. That will amplify
The vibration of lack, and you will attract more
Of the same situation. It slams shut the door
To receiving. There are certain laws that apply
To the art of attaining all that you may seek.

You can only act upon your thoughts, and as your
Thoughts become higher and higher, you’re more aligned
With the things that you want. You will then act upon
Only those thoughts. Your sense of confusion is gone,
And it’s all done by the power of your own mind.
Of its wonder you can be absolutely sure.

Don’t believe that the world is a terrible place.
It’s a wonderful schoolhouse with lots of contrast.
You don’t have to buy into a sickened world view.
You are only either a host to God or you
Are a hostage to your ego. Screw the newscast.
Do anything that will keep a smile on your face.

More Reasons To Feel Good

Streaming Flow Of Happiness

A flowing stream of happiness starts off my day.
I’m awake. I have reemerged into this world
That is full of such wonder. I bask for a while
And consider those things that will cause me to smile.
My knob of feeling is appropriately knurled
So that I have a firm grip on life’s cabaret.

No matter where I’m going or what I’m doing,
It is my dominant intent to look for things
That feel good. When I feel good, my higher power
I vibrate with. The good life I want to devour.
I know that my feeling good ultimately brings
Into my life experience every good thing.

I’m in harmony with that which I consider
To be good. I am in the mode of attracting,
But it’s just good to feel good. Positive aspects
I look for all around me. Indeed, it connects
Me to my higher power. I am reacting
To its infinite guidance. It’s sure to occur.

Negative emotion comes up once in a while.
It means that I am focused on something that I
Do not want. I remember then that I want to
Feel my best. This will usually get me through
What’s already in motion. I don’t have to try
To do anything that doesn’t pay with a smile.

Set Your Day For Magic

Morning Devotion

There’s what needs to be fixed, and then there’s your desire.
Put your attention on that which is easier
And more fun to accomplish. Orientation
Toward making things happen gets not much work done.
There is tremendous leverage and great power
In your thoughts. Not a bit of work does it require.

Your action orientation in life causes
You to think that it takes hard work to get things done.
But as you learn to deliberately direct
Your thoughts, things working out quite well you can expect.
Focus more consistently in the direction
Of your wishes. Forget all about what was is.

Trying or working too hard is not the best way
To accomplish things. Prepare your day for magic.
Before bedtime the night before while still in bed
Let the things you appreciate drift through your head.
Fall asleep in a good state. This will do the trick
Of creating for yourself a wonderful day.

Prime your positive pump by saying sorts of things
That accentuate how you felt. Stick to your goal
Of remembering all the good things that occurred
Through the day. There’s no way one can call this absurd.
Once you get really good at this, you’ll have control
Of your day’s most eventful and fun happenings.

The Benefits Of Joy

Happily Receiving

There is something in balance with your energies.
When you hold a desire and you focus upon
It only and stop focusing on its absence,
In no time your satisfaction will be immense.
Blessings can happen when your resistance is gone.
Life gets better as you become easy to please.

If your reality now is not filling in
The way you want it to, your vibration is not
Where it should be, but you can change that instantly.
Your awareness of what’s missing can easily
Make you feel a bit needy. It matters a lot
That you muster some comfort within your own skin.

Creating is all about identifying
What is wanted, letting identification
Be enough, and then finding ways to get happy.
It is the natural state in which you should be.
You don’t need to worry about getting things done.
There is no limit to what happiness can bring

It’s already created – this thing you call now
A result of the energies that you have flowed
From the past, so look forward. All that lies ahead
Is created by right now. Be interested
In the things that bring you joy. Take the easy road
Through your life. You don’t need to worry about how.

Take Your Mind Off What Is

The Brink Of Desolation

I would like to let go of my reality,
But I can’t. It’s stuck to me like whiteness to rice.
I keep thinking that I’m moving forward, yet I
Cannot manifest no matter how hard I try.
What I need is someone to give me good advice
On how I can keep up with my own energy.

Something is out of balance. I know deep within
That when I focus on something and I have no
Resistance to prevent it from becoming real,
It will happen. It depends on the way I feel
About it. I can choose to just go with the flow.
This present moment is the best time to begin.

My awareness of my now is preventing my
Now from changing. It’s my responsibility
To maintain my vibration, so my attention
Is on good things. This does lead to the prevention
Of depression. What is now can elevate me
To the next level. All of my now does apply.

Now has already been created. It’s old news.
It’s also the bouncing off place for what is new.
This is deliberate creation at its best.
I can improve on how my wishes are expressed.
My emotions will tell me what I need to do.
I am kept in alignment by which ones I choose.

Let It In

Enjoy Life's Treasures

You’re the creator of your own experience.
The world isn’t broken. It’s just varied in ways
That cause clarification of what you prefer.
Do not place your bets on whatever may occur
In the contrast. You’re able to focus your gaze
On the things that delight you and make of life sense.

You’re in a well-stocked kitchen. It has everything
Imaginable in terms of ingredients.
You can pluck from the shelves and make a pie that you
Really love. No tabasco sauce can get into
Your pie unless your thinking of it is intense.
Your pie is of the vibration you’re offering.

Tabasco sauce is something that may worry you.
You don’t want it in your pie. How it ends up there
Is by your constant worry and much attention.
If you form a group supporting its prevention
From all kitchens, it will only end in despair.
Protesting is not something that you came to do.

All the trampling and bombing and voting against
Tabasco sauce in kitchens is offered in vain.
Look for things that are most satisfying to you.
It is one of the easiest things you can do.
Letting in the perfection, you have much to gain.
Take advantage right now of what will have commenced.

Dealing With A Controlling Spouse

Following a long illness he decided to
Retire early. His spouse became the caretaker.
Which he appreciated, but lately she’s been
Obsessive about it. He does not like it when
She controls his activity. He would prefer
Less attention paid to him. What should the man do?

She believes she is doing the right thing, of course.
She refuses to listen to what others say.
Corrective meditation does him little good.
It is difficult when things are not understood
By them both, and they just cannot go on this way.
If continued it could even lead to divorce.

It was a good co-creative attraction in
That he needed some caretaking, and she was there
To provide it profusely. He doesn’t care for
What he’s attracted and cannot take any more
Of what he now considers her abusive care.
Communication is the best place to begin.

He could have some fun with this and make it a game,
Using words carefully so as not to offend.
“I needed some caretaking. You’re magnificent!
But I didn’t need meddling or constant torment.
You’re an awesome controller, but I am your friend.”

Understanding is needed or things stay the same.

Become Happy

Joy Is In The Mind

It is said that the average person loses
Their attention many times in just one minute.
Cumbersome are the thought patterns of people who
Fail to concentrate adequately. What they do
Is done with some anxiety mixed into it.
The heart may guide the way, but the mind refuses.

Researchers have done studies with monks who know how
To focus their attention. Their experience
Is substantial. Brain scans on them revealed a lot
Of frontal lobe activity when these monks thought
Of things like compassion and love that is intense.
They are also well trained in living in the now.

A control group of folk considered average
Were given the same brain scans. The shocking result
Indicated no activity in the brain.
With this bit of knowledge there is something to gain.
To acquire the monk’s brain is not that difficult.
There are practices in which we all can engage.

Thinking of unconditional love, compassion,
Or divinity, when they are focused upon
On a regular basis, will make one feel good.
Pay attention to life. It’s better understood
When the causes of fear, hate, and doubt are all gone
Thinking with emotion helps to get the job done.

Purpose And Meaning

The Reason For Existence

Until now my existence is like a pinball
Being bounced ever wickedly. The difference
Is that no points accumulate. Is this okay?
Is the rest of this mad world living quite this way?
I keep wishing that my life would make perfect sense.
I believe that my thinking needs an overhaul.

My purpose will always be found in service to
Other people, and if I can just for one day
Concentrate on making life better for someone
I’ll feel fulfilled because of this thing I have done.
Providing service to others, wise people say,
Is the key to my happiness, and this is true.

To touch someone’s life is more valuable than
Any amount of money. This ancient concept
Is still relevant now. People are best fulfilled
In their service to others. Most people are thrilled
To do that. It is best that illusion is kept
To a bare minimum. I believe that I can.

To believe that I need what I don’t have is not
Sane and healthy. Connecting to the energy
That takes care of everything is all that I need.
Living this way, my creative spirit is freed
To grow into the person who I want to be.
I still have some time left to give life all I’ve got.

Discipline Your Thinking

Doctor The Brain

If I am what I think about then I’d better
Be extremely careful of what I think about.
So, every conversation I have with others
I should have only if it completely concurs
With my soul’s prime directive. I have not a doubt
That I’m not here to be a toxic begetter.

What is missing in my life is not worth telling
Everyone that I know about. I will attract
Only more evidence that things are not okay.
Universal forces support all that I say
No matter what the vibration is. This is fact.
I know that positive talk is more compelling.

I can only act upon my own thoughts, but I
Can think whatever thoughts I choose. It then follows
That what I intend to create is primary.
World news, gossip, and idle chatter are for me
Detrimental even if I’m holding my nose.
My thoughts must keep me on a perpetual high.

I don’t have to fill my head with violent things
Or issues of concern in the world. They tell me
That the world is a terrible place. It Is Not!
To be quite well informed is to suffer a lot
The trials and tribulations of society.
I am grateful for my positive offerings.

Permission Slip

Be Yourself; Do Your Best

There are so many processes, tools, and techniques
Like religion, exercise, and meditation…
This is certainly not a bad thing. It in fact
Gives us many ways to keep the spirit intact.
So there is no reason for not choosing just one.
We each listen to the voice that most loudly speaks.

Each one gives us permission to be who we are
At our purest. Belief systems play a big part
In the choice of tradition, and the artifacts
That are used may be the very thing that attracts
One’s attention. One’s method is taken to heart.
That place of inner knowing is never too far.

We can change belief systems as easily as
We can change our appearance. The tool that we use
Allows for that to happen. When we are in need
It is by our belief system that we are freed.
What’s even more awesome is that we get to choose
How much weight on our living that each moment has.

Whatever we’re attracted to, we are because
It works well at the moment, but ultimately,
You come to know that you’re the one making changes
To your outlook as the universe arranges
What is needed. You are the tool absolutely
In complete compliance with universal laws.

What Gets In Your Way

The Trash In The Travel

If this reality can create within you
A desire then it does have the wherewithal to
Bring to you the full-fledged manifested version
Of your wish. All you have to do is have more fun
While you’re getting to that somewhere dearest to you.
All the power you have is in your point of view.

Desire and strong belief are both necessary
And an absolute knowing that it will occur
But what gets in the way is too much awareness
Of the place where you are. You should look at that less
And keep your focus on the things that you prefer.
In this way you can keep yourself centered and free.

That’s the rub about living. Your destination
Is a near perfect vision compared to the place
Where you are now while knowing it will get you to
The place that you are going. What you need to do
Is suspend you attention. The more you embrace
Something that is unwanted no peace has begun.

Find the heart of what you want and why you want it.
You must make it a mood building experience.
When you feel the emotion rather than the thought
It is less than likely that you’ll get yourself caught
In the negative whirlpools of psychic suspense.
For the better your world will change as you permit.

Finding Lost Feeling

The Heart Of Depression

Things are not the way I want. It’s getting me down,
And I’m not in a position where I can see
How to get what I want. What on earth should I do?
I keep repeating this until my mind turns blue,
But I need to do something or I’ll never be
In fulfillment. Yet I can’t help wearing a frown.

I have this thing all backwards according to those
Of a better vibration than I can produce
Here and now in my agony. It makes no sense
That when I feel like this nothing good will commence.
In fact all is against me if I don’t make use
Of content with my journey. My higher self knows.

The journey is the destination. I can know
That I can find fulfillment each part of the way
To the way that I’m after. I’ll do everything
In my power to entertain thoughts that will bring
Feelings of satisfaction and not of dismay.
Focusing on what’s missing is not how to go.

What I want is unfolding, and I’m satisfied.
I am in the receiving mode and ready for
The next piece of the puzzle, and then the next one.
They won’t come if I’m troubled. I can’t be undone
By the present which isn’t so tragic a bore.
What I wish with a pure heart cannot be denied.

Letting Go

Profound Releasing

…Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub… Rest, Dub-Lub…
The heartbeat is a rhythm that moves life along
As the intimate drummer becomes different
In each moment of being. To disorient
Is the mission of Satan, the master of wrong.
Any verse can provide a spiritual scrub.

There’s so much information. It floods consciousness
Through the integral networks of society.
I must know what is going on, and I must feel.
Images of the horror and torment are real.
Nervous systems, extended by technology,
Are more interconnected. Has there been progress?

The unthinkable misfortune brought to you by
Your efficient news network can eat at your soul.
Take as much as you can of it, then let it go.
Your psyche will not be haunted by its shadow.
There are some things over which we have no control.
The frustration and sorrow are hard to deny.

I can be with the feeling and not deny it.
I can put my attention on just the feeling
Without thinking about where the feeling comes from…
Or about anything. Do not beat any drum
That will start thought momentum. Just by allowing
The feeling without resisting, I can stay fit.

Everything Is Ripe And Ready

Beholding The Harvest

The world seems to be broken to little old me.
It would take no convincing that I could be wrong.
Some would say that it’s ‘varied’ instead of deranged.
I would like to see that way. Can my view be changed
In an instant after having lived for so long
Witnessing human nature as gross as can be?

Yes, the glass is half empty and also half full.
But of what? It’s a question that begs to be asked.
Wine of wisdom or wickedness… or something worse?
All that happens is because the world is diverse
Too much so for too many. The proudly unmasked
Are the perpetrators of some share of the bull.

Yet amid the mass psychosis I understand
That the kitchen is well stocked with ingredients
Of all kinds. If I don’t want tabasco sauce in
The pie that I am making, I would not begin
Protesting its existence. That wouldn’t make sense.
Where is there room for our consciousness to expand?

Well, that isn’t my problem. I’ll not make it so.
I could join groups against tabasco sauce, but why?
Focusing my attention on what pleases me
Still remains a most significant remedy.
Empathy for the tormented I can’t deny.
There’s a lot about this world that I need not know.

Knowing Truth

Becoming Informed

Harsh judgement for harsh acts performed as I am ill
Keeps the gate locked on unpardoned parts of my soul.
The prison I’ve created I deem adequate
Yet the enemies of me have cause to debate
That no gnashing sufficient is worth my parole.
That I’ve been such an asshole does my spirit kill.

My remorse is reality as is my joy
That the pain is made bearable in my belief
That I need to be punished more than I am now.
Is my healthy survival in trouble somehow?
From my own misconceptions I need some relief
Otherwise I’ll continue to hurt and annoy.

The world is just a word. It is I who exist
And I am capable of experiencing
Absolute truth, but I shall never attain it.
I am guilty of all the sins that I commit.
There is no way of reconciling this damned thing
Yet I must learn to deal with the thoughts that persist.

In the mind there’s a prism that translates pure light
Into many distortions. My illness only
Sees the trees – not the forest. I glean redemption
Through clearing of my faculties. As this is done
It eventually helps me to better see
Somewhere in all the darkness a future that’s bright.

Where Is Heaven?

Finding The Way Within

Heaven is on this earth plane, some people have said.
But for me to believe that there’d have to be some
Lame condition that would have to be satisfied.
Yet what I dare demand offers access denied.
I have trouble believing that the kingdom come
Has no queen and is right here on this rock instead.

We are told that the nature of heaven is bliss
And of unending loving of God and of all
That exists to cast love upon, including us
Through our intimate journeys and absent the fuss
Of conditions of any kind. No one is small
In this place of pure spirit. I do believe this.

Could heaven be connected to earth in some way
That makes one an imperfectly real reflection
Of the rest of existence? If this could be true
It becomes then much easier to take the view
That I do have some trouble with. I am the one
Who shall find the connection to joy come what may.

This fantastic phenomenon of existence
Remains all that has ever been projected here
In this moment. This leading edge of creation
Is where spirit is focused. Each and everyone
Of us is part of heaven that heaven holds dear.
The freedom offered by this notion is immense.

The Cycle

Ever Changing Momentum

When one thinks about cycles what things come to mind?
Life is full of examples. Infinite they are.
So ingrained in the psyche, the symbol is seen
In everything observed. All is one great machine.
We’re the consciousness that can perceive its own star.
Cyclic is the way the universe is designed.

We, conceived of the heavens, conceive in return
The apparent perfection of all creation.
The grand clock of the cosmos keeps eternity
As its parts keep time only, yet naturally,
We’re enthralled by this thing that may forever run
And delight in all that we may never discern.

The seasons are the numbers upon the round face
Of the analog drama of which we’re a part.
The magnificent contrast gives us assurance
That fulfillment of wanting is the circumstance
That is dominant. This is how all thought should start.
Integral are the cycles that generate grace.

To Be or To Be not is the challenge taken.
Every speck of existence gathers momentum
That the cosmos responds to. Each then can receive
Through belief in The Cycle. They all interweave.
We have internal knowing of what is to come
Because we cycle through it again and again.

You’re Not Earning, You’re Attracting

With Every Waking Breath

You get up in the morning then go rush outside
To breathe in all the air that you’ll need for the day.
Others will suck it all up if you hesitate.
It would be a disaster if you had to wait
Until air is replenished. To live in this way
Is absurd, most atrocious, and undignified.

Paranoia is normal in times of distress
Where the most basic needs may be subject to threat.
But reality dictates that all is quite well.
In the mind of the not aligned much fear does dwell.
When you think about money and feel some regret
You grow into the circumstance of having less.

It’s your aspect of beingness that you engage
Much more than tons of hard work to make yourself feel
Justified in the having of a salary.
You don’t feel that you’re quite worthy enough to be
In reception of good things without the ordeal
Of the quid pro quo contract for a decent wage.

With ten dollars you can do so many good things.
As you embrace that feeling you appreciate
Everything that you do have. Then you will have more.
Look for reasons to feel good, and learn to explore
All the things that excite you. What you then create
Is a life of abundance and many blessings.

What The Universe Wants You To Know

All Is Wonderfully Well

There is only one consciousness that is for real.
All others are illusions the one contemplates.
It’s the best way it knows to express its selfhood.
To it, all there is to know is well understood.
But to each of its parts knowledge evaporates.
All remains as inscrutable as a weak meal.

You are in the exact place you were meant to be.
There is nothing off schedule. Your life is on track.
All the billions of others who find themselves here
Did come forth not to please you, yet some are most dear.
Don’t fall into the trap of eternal payback.
Look to the source within you, and trust completely.

The whole universe lives within each breathing cell
As well as in the outermost reaches of space
Which is being created faster than light speed.
You can notice the subtle ways your source will lead
You to what you’ve been wanting by infinite grace.
Relax into who you are, and know all is well.

There’s nothing you need push against for you to get
What it is that you’re after. No maneuvering
You need do to get into the right time and place.
Everything is on course. There is nothing to chase.
Radiate who you truly are by honoring
The lost virtue of selfishness without regret.

Are Other People Real?

The Plasticity Apparent

This question that I must ask of my consciousness,
Wide awake and with focus upon humankind,
May be moot to most others who would call insane
Anyone who would ask it. Within their disdain
Is the key to the answer. Relief may I find
In engaging my asking, but not to excess.

People never are as I perceive them to be.
 Each of us wants to mold into specific shape
What we know through the senses. So, reality
Is just how I perceive it. And this I do see
As a fact most confounding. Is there an escape
From the pit of inscrutable uncertainty?

When connected to spirit, I see through the eyes
Of the source of all of us. The realer they are
They may rise to the image I see as their best.
They’re as real as I make them. This begs to suggest
That the eye that beholds others is just as far
From the truth, as imagined. My, what a surprise!

Chains of Pain are created through my observing
What I don’t care to look at, then adding to it
Some more doubt and confusion plus firm evidence
Of a flaw in the fabric of my existence.
The eye of the beholder sees what it sees fit
To be worthy and justified in its being.

Why Do People Ignore Me?

Unlike Eyes Repel

If I could be a fly on the wall in the minds
Of the people who know me, what would I find out?
I may know by osmosis or telepathy.
Compound eyes has the fly, but my own cannot see
Why most people ignore me. So riddled with doubt
That I turn to the occult and things of those kinds.

I do find the true answer by looking within
Where the soul has a dark space that I cannot hide
Nor can I hide within it because it’s so dark
That I’m blind even to my apparent birthmark
To be worn on the outside with much pride implied.
There are reasons why I get under my own skin.

A complex of bad habits, like talking too much
About only myself and not letting folks speak
Drive a wedge between me and all others I meet.
People do like to talk but not due to conceit.
It’s that sense of communion that most people seek.
Personality often is used as a crutch.

I don’t want to be ‘negative’ yet it’s my way
Of dissecting the challenges life offers me.
I should keep to my own self my piss poor outlook.
All the jerks in the world I must let off the hook
Just because I may be one. Again, I can’t see
Past the surface illusions that we all portray.

I know that I am boring, but not by first hand
Information directly from people, but from
The collective unconscious we have access to.
I know too damned much about what I have to do
With the pearls I am given, and it would be dumb
To succumb to society’s perverse demand.

Racing Thoughts

Formula 1 Brain

So one after the other, they leapfrog around
And create their own business that can’t be resolved
By themselves nor known others. Their quest is futile.
In their race for more heartache each painstaking while,
They prevent me from being more spirit evolved.
What they come up with isn’t at all that profound.

Keeping me wide awake at nights, they have control
Of my very existence. I need to detach
From the process that isn’t a real part of me.
Knowing that it is not me allows me to see
What it is that would be but a more fitting match.
I know that which I don’t want and what makes me whole.

Panic thinking is useless. It serves no purpose.
From that powerful standpoint I’m able to choose
Something else to focus on as hard it may be.
I may regain some control eventually.
It seems to be a gamble. There is much to loose
Because if I do nothing, further I’ll regress.

Then there’s always the body – the final frontier.
Since I know thinking sucks now, I know my breathing
Will provide a diversion and needed relief.
When caught up in a problem, relaxing is chief.
A small pocket of comfort this small act will bring.
Issues still will exist, but stress will disappear.

One Simple Trait

Focused Intent

How do birds of prey find exactly what they want
As they scan countless acres of raw wilderness?
Nature gives them keen senses. Their infrared sight
Helps them track mammal urine in pitch black of night.
Extreme intent and focus they also possess.
Any creature below them they’re willing to daunt.

Andrew Carnegie, after he made great success,
Caught the ire of the government. They thought that he
Was engaged in illegal things. He proved them wrong.
When they asked him why his businesses were so strong…
“I can keep myself focused,” he said truthfully,
“On one thing for five minutes. I won’t go for less.”

School systems value information as ideal,
And too much floods the mind with what it does not own.
When attached to memory, I identify
With the things I remember and barely get by.
Knowledge is the true quest. Information alone
Is useless because it’s not the same as what’s real.

What too much information can do to the mind
Is severe Attention Deficiency Syndrome.
One loses the ability to take things in

Through the senses and consciousness. It’s such a sin.
To know that I know not much gets me close to home
In this world of deep data that traps humankind.

Just Attend To Your Breathing

The Life Affirming Function

A delightful companion is always a plus
In the fine art of ‘breath watching,’ as it is called.
It’s a mechanism of the body, we know.
When we pay more attention to it, we will grow
Both in health and in spirit. We can be enthralled
By this motion magnificent for life and thus.

It is the most practiced form of meditation.
It’s so basic and simple while easy to do
Since we do it most constantly yet not aware
Of this God given process. We give much more care
To our outward appearance, but any guru
Would advise more attention to breathing be done.

A sharpness or a keenness begins to ensue
As perfect becomes practice within a time short.
It’s a process amazing most naturally.
One can only get more conscious and completely
Needless of preparation or others’ support.
An increase in awareness will surely accrue.

The perpetual play of my breath, as I see,
The maker of my body holds with a kind hand.
The taker of my being, the same creator
Whose hand I firmly hold until there is no more,
Has no wish to escape. My most vital demand
Is ongoing fulfillment of wanting to be.