Tag Archive | deliciousness

Divine Timing


I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now understanding that where I
Am now is an utterly temporary place.
I can cope with the many issues I must face
By the power within me. Still I wonder why
Things take so long to happen. It keeps me depressed.

I know that I’m impatient. It’s just part of me.
I know that I can’t be a vibrational match
To what I most desire if I’m feeling this way.
If I want things to speed up I’m willing to pay
More attention to how I feel. If I can catch
A bad feeling thought early enough then I’m free.

I don’t want it all right now. I want to receive
Only what I’m ready and able to allow
Into my life experience right at this time.
There’s hope of redemption for committing the crime
Of impatience and I can have it here and now.
Contentment is a state that’s not hard to achieve.

I’m never going to be fully satisfied
With where I am and that’s a good thing because I
Want to tweak that dissatisfaction to where it
Feels fresh and titillating. It just takes a bit
Of fine tuning in order to keep flying high.
I can say then that time is always on my side.

Positive Aspects

Isolated Worth

Finding that golden nugget amid the darkness
Heir apparent is challenging if you believe
Something’s wrong with the planet or with our species
So it’s best to see the way your inner self sees.
In this way many helpful insights you’ll receive
Regarding your misperceptions of hopelessness.

Make lists of Positive Aspects and revel in
The perfection of this planet’s proximity
To others in their own orbits. Be aware of
All that’s good about existence and be in love
With all that you’ve created. You were meant to be
In a happy state and this is where to begin.

When you awaken speak your appreciation
For the new day. Thank the sun for having risen
Whether or not you can see it. “It’s a good day,”
Say to yourself. Then in a good mood you will stay.
Blessings of the universe will follow you when
You acknowledge the goodness of all creation.

You have such a good basis from which to begin.
All is well with you. Source Energy is aware
Of you and has your back. Everything that matters
To you it knows. Be mindful of all that occurs
On your way to more good times and take special care
Of your Point of Attraction. All starts from within.


Tea Break

I would like to happen a little faster.
Focusing on what I want has caused momentum
To pick up. I feel like I’m following my bliss.
Perhaps I’ve always seen myself living like this.
But there are things I’m wanting that haven’t yet come.
‘Seems the timing of it all I cannot master.

So, in other words, give me what I want right now.
Why not go directly to where I want to be?
I would miss the deliciousness of the journey,
And I never will be satisfied completely.
What can I do in order to set myself free
From the urgency? Can some psychic tell me how?

Here I am, and I am an evolving being.
Bring me the best that I am able to receive
At the moment. I’ll just keep looking for the best,
And it’s all good. I don’t need to get myself stressed.
I have nothing but good intentions up my sleeve.
There is nothing like a better way of seeing.

I’m making the best of where I am. A rampage
Of appreciation for my hear and now will
Tweak my vibration. I’m ever asking for more
Than I have now. I should always be striving for
An extreme of contentment. Life can be a thrill
The momentum increases the more I engage.

It’s Ready To Happen

Prepare For The Jackpot

Perched on the precipice of manifestations,
You have come as a body of pure consciousness.
Your vortex of creation is ripe and ready,
And its calling to you is intense and steady.
You are open to the utter deliciousness
Of this time space reality which offers tons.

The next unfolding is evident to you now.
Where you are in relation to things you desire
Is a gap that is closing as you realize
Fulfillment in the journey. The ultimate prize
Can’t consume your attention. All that you require
Are the thoughts and the feelings that let you allow.

Your expectation focus is in a new place.
Your satisfaction level is greatly improved.
Your setpoint of attraction is elevated.
There’s no urgency in what is long awaited.
By the present moment you are profoundly moved.
Take stock in the universe’s infinite grace.

Don’t stand at the tree watching. The fruit calls to you
To partake of it. Don’t let it ripen away.
All the waiting is over. Right now you can be
Entertained and delighted in all that you see.
In so doing, what you want comes with no delay.
The process of becoming is always brand new.

Let It In

Bright Beginning

The sunshine is delicious as I Let It In.
This day has been a miracle. I’m grateful for
How the laws of the universe train me to be
In alignment with what I call Source Energy.
Opportunities I have to learn a lot more
About this Source and my life. Where do I begin?

When I say that it’s possible, what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be, but it’s not right now.
Therein lies some resistance. If I say, “It’s Done!”
Then I am in alignment with the vibration
That will let the thing happen. I need but allow
Its becoming. My doubting causes delaying.

The larger part of me has already become
What I’m after. The feeling is different from
That of being uncertain. It’s done already.
When it’s done, I have freedom to just let it be
So that more quickly the things that I want will come.
I can’t let anything in if I’m feeling glum.

If I feel that it’s not done, then what do I do?
Who do I need to talk to? I don’t have to go
Through this mental gymnastic when I know It’s Done.
I don’t have to try harder, and I can have fun
On the way to fulfillment. Relief I can know
In accepting the doneness that I’ve access to.

Create Miracles

Easy Magic

When you are connected to who you really are
You are powerful. What you give attention to
Is what you attract into your experience.
Between you and your true self the big difference
Is that your inner being has a forward view.
It looks not to the past. You may find that bizarre.

Looking forward, your true self is naturally
The eternal custodian of all your dreams.
Exposed to the contrast of your life, you create
A vibrational version. When you reach a state
Of delighted contentment then everything seems
Magical. Is this not the way life ought to be?

You accept the vibrational version as real
As its manifestation. Your inner being
Knows all that you have wished for. It communicates
An idea or impulse. Your passion creates
Positive momentum. It is helpful seeing
The reality of everything that you feel.

Feel the power that you own to make miracles
Happen for you and others. Get into that state
Of pure positive energy, and let it flow
Through your life. There is little else you need to know.
Be aware of the thoughts that uplift and elate.
Know that you and your inner being are great pals.

Speechless Timing

Accelerated Synchronicity

Divine timing is timing. There’s only one kind
That this time space reality cares to reveal.
Synchronicity rules this immense universe.
All that happens does so but for better or worse.
Consciousness finds that timing has constant appeal
Even though it may sometimes befuddle the mind.

My career as an actress is progressing well
But I’d like things to happen a little faster.
How can I be a vibrational match to that?
I feel that on some level it’s mortal combat.
I’m thankful that my life is not a disaster
At least not so that too many others can tell.

I know quite well enough now that I cannot say
To the universe, “Figure it all out and then
Give it to me all at once.”
This never happens.

I’d miss out on experience and making friends.
My desires are delicious, and I know that when
I enjoy them profusely, things do go my way.

I’m an evolving being. I’m making the best
Of where I am now and clearly understanding
That where I am now is a temporary place.
Here I am, and it’s good. Timing is at a pace
That, as I feel my best, is ever increasing.
Everything falls into place as I manifest.

What Is Done Already

Don't Overdo It

When I say that it’s possible what I’m saying
Is that I know it could be but it isn’t so.
I have some trouble taking the stance that It’s Done.
What that means I must understand or I’ll have none
Of the peace that I’m after. How far will I go
To learn all about me and the role I’m playing?

But if it feels lost or incomplete it will change
My preferred expectation. I have already
Done the work necessary. I need but allow
What is done to be done, but my question is how
Do I let go of temptation and only see
What Is Already Done without being too strange.

If I say I want to attract something it means
That I don’t have it yet. Focus on its absence
Is the major vibration I’ve got going on.
If I know that It’s Done then all my doubts are gone
By the wayside completely. Relief is immense.
It is one of the best spiritual vaccines.

What does Done mean? There’s a different attitude
Than when something is not done. I give up control
Of what isn’t my business. Divine forces will
Attend to all the details and kindly fulfill
Any dream that I may have. I like feeling whole.
There is nothing more I need do I must conclude.


The Cycle Game

Everything is on track. I am doing quite well.
My career as an actress is moving along.
I’m excited. I’m having fun. My life is bliss.
But the negative feeling that I can’t dismiss
Has to do with my timing. Something may be wrong
With something that I’m doing as my senses tell.

I want it to happen just a little faster.
How can I be a better vibrational match
To some acceleration with my profession?
Can I ask of the universe that it be done
In a tenth of an instant? With loving dispatch
Do attend to my wishes as I would prefer.

I’m not being forsaken. The timing is fine.
Bring me the best of what I’m able to receive
At this moment, and I’ll just keep looking for more.
Here I am, and from here there is much to explore
On my path of fulfillment. What I must achieve
Is acceptance of here and now by the divine.

I am making the best of where I am right now
Understanding that where I am now will not last.
There is much to appreciate here at this place.
Mostly I’m satisfied. I will always embrace
Feeling just a bit better. What can happen fast
Is a change in my attitude if I allow.

With These Words

Appreciation of the General Perfection

Revel in the general perfection of things
And make lists of all positive aspects there are
Concerning your existence. Source does have your back.
You do not have to tolerate feelings of lack.
Your appreciation for life will take you far.
Do bask in all the goodness your happiness brings.

Thank the sun as it rises for its being there
Whether or not you see it. You know things to be
In some fantastic order that cannot go wrong.
Feel the wonderment in knowing that you belong
In this world of perfection that you choose to see.
Of all good that is happening do be aware.

Your body has intelligence. It keeps you well.
With unconscious precision it knows what to do.
Thank your cells for their doing a fantastic job.
Nothing on God’s green earth has the power to rob
You of absolute happiness. Do know that you,
At the art of fine living, can learn to excel.

On an eternal treasure hunt you truly are.
The universe knows paths of least resistance
To your dreams, hopes, and wishes. Heaven earth can be.
Everything that matters to you is completely
Known and attended to in each life circumstance.
To find your place in living you need not look far.

Let In What Is Already Done

...You Can't Undo It.

When you say that it’s possible, what you’re saying
Is that you know it could be, but it isn’t yet.
When this is your underlying vibration, then
You’ll expect only failure again and again.
What is already done are the things you can let
Be your experience and with no delaying.

When you say that there’s something you want to attract
That sounds like you don’t have it, which never is true.
Everything that you’ve wanted is held in escrow
And right now it’s accessible. It’s good to know
That your wishes have been heard. All you have to do
Is line up with the feeling of virtual fact.

The larger part of you has become everything
That you’ve ever imagined could come true for you.
In the moment of asking, it’s done already.
You must know it with passion, then it comes to be.
Operating from scarcity, things that you do
May defeat your intention. Despair that would bring.

When something isn’t done there’s some anxiety
Due to timing, impatience, and feelings of lack.
When it’s done, you don’t have to try harder. It’s Done!
You have done all the work. Now kick back and have fun.

Know that infinite intelligence has your back
And will guide you to where you have wanted to be.

Empowering News

The Only News Of Value

I consist of two life forms inside of one skin.
One of them is my true self – my inner being.
It is made of no substance – just pure consciousness.

Divine Light is its essence. It wants to express
Everything that is wholesome and spirit freeing.
It will never go back to where once it has been.

The other being is a most personal one
With a flesh and blood ego, personality,
And a growing collection of hopes and desires.
It is that self which struggles and easily tires.
In its quest for its being who it needs to be
It will frequently lose track and feel overrun.

The only difference between the two is that
My true self doesn’t look back. It looks straight ahead.
It’s the forwardmost version of me here and now.
Anything that I want is mine if I allow
Myself to be directed by spirit instead
Of the sad sack who suffers and has it down pat.

There’s no need for defense or justification.
My comparisons cripple and have no meaning
But contrast is a good thing. Without it no growth
Would occur in the one self yet surely not both.
I must go with the one which is forward leaning
Where my issues are weaker and I have more fun.