Tag Archive | control

Nothing Disturbs Your Peace

Alone Time

Stop giving other folks the power to control
Your mind, your happiness, and your life. Laugh in the
Face of adversity and leap before you look.
To the world your life need not be an open book
But it can be if you really want it to be.
Do whatever you feel that will make your life whole.

You can’t change anyone but you can be the one
Reason that someone changes. You don’t have to wait
For other people’s permission to be who you
Truly are. Be authentic in all that you do.
You have the best opportunity to create
When you do it for the purpose of having fun.

True kindness expects nothing in return and should
Never be with conditions. The strongest people
Find the courage and caring to help others though
They themselves may be going through crises. They show
Deep respect for humanity and they’re hopeful
That evil is always overtaken by good.

Turn your obstacles into opportunities
And your problems into possibilities. Keep
Your eye on the big picture. Become more aware
Of the peace that resides within you. When you care
More about how you feel many blessings you’ll reap.
Be the one to whom things come quickly and with ease.

The Psychology Of Money


Behavior Over Knowledge… Financial success
Is more about how you behave with money than
What you know and your emotional discipline
Regarding money is truly where to begin
Reprogramming you mindset. First know that you can
Feel your way toward your financial happiness.

Some folks seem to effortlessly accumulate
Wealth while others struggle. Notice how folks behave
Who have much of it. They don’t apologize for
All the good that comes to them. Indeed they get more
The more they remain on the continuous wave
Of contentment. They know how to appreciate.

True wealth is about having the freedom to do
What you want when you want to. Your ultimate goal
Should be financial independence rather than
The accumulating of possessions. You can
Feel that freedom right now just by playing the role
Of a person of wealth. This must satisfy you.

Be most thankful for what you have and understand
All your financial boundaries. Take your advice
From those who have achieved wealth – not from someone who
Struggles constantly. This is of no help to you.
Feel yourself always to be worth the highest price.
Be respectful of all the wealth you have on hand.

Keep Going

Morning Run

When the going gets tough you know just what to do.
Don’t give up. Laugh in the face of adversity.
Put one foot in front of the other. Keep Going.
How you feel about living life means everything
To inspired perseverance and high energy.
No one can overcome your resistance but you.

When you lose your smile you lose your way easily
In the chaos of life. You’re the master of your
Attitude. You can’t control what happens to you
But you can change you thoughts about it. When you do
Things will change. The feeling of good luck will endure.
Each step forward is a new opportunity.

When you have a strong purpose in life you need not
Be pushed into things. Your passion takes you right there.
Guard well your thoughts when you’re alone and your words when
You’re with others. When you realize your truth then
Your inner guidance will make you much more aware
Of the things about your life that matter a lot.

Nothing can disturb your peace of mind unless you
Allow it. You’re in charge of your own happiness.
Courage is feeling fear and not letting it be
A diminisher of creative energy.
You’re the one who evaluates you own progress.
Be accepting of all that’s exciting and new.

Don’t Wait, Catch It!

Arms Open Wide

If you care really strongly about something, then
You focus on its opposite it feels awful.
Don’t wait until it begins to feel anything.
Catch the negative feeling as it’s happening.
When you’re mindful of how you feel then you can pull
Yourself out of the psychic ditch time and again.

It can get a bit tricky. Your satisfaction
Or the opposite already has momentum
So if you really want this thing you have to be
Lined up with your receiving it. Your energy
Must be free of resistance. What you want will come
When from not having it you find some distraction.

That nuanced control you don’t have when momentum
Is too strong. You can’t guide how you feel easily
About what you want not having manifested.
About how you feel be completely invested.
Take your mind off of it and let it come to be.
Don’t be beating any kind of negative drum.

Tune yourself every morning by meditating
For a few minutes. Find that place where everything
Feels just right. When you find yourself having a thought
Through the day that is off easily it is caught.
It gets better with practice. Indeed it can bring
About peace of mind which ought to make your heart sing.

From Moment To Moment

Tender Togetherness

What you think right now is a manifestation
Even though it’s intangible, and how you feel
Is also your creation. What’s happening now
You create but you may not know exactly how
This is done. This topic may not have much appeal
But perhaps it may turn into fascination.

Just like the car in the garage and all the nice
Things that you find of value that are physical,
Thoughts and emotions are manifestations too
In fact everything that is happening to you
Is a manifestation. It’s illogical
To assume that your life is a throw of the dice.

The most important manifestation is how
You are feeling From Moment To Moment because
You control every other manifestation
From this moment. Your life is your own creation.
Keep your primary focus away from what was
And keep yourself always in the mode to allow.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’ll experience your power and clarity
In so doing. Let how you’re feeling tell you how
To keep track of this moment and all that is there.

Evidence Of Wellbeing

Inner Peace

Having fun at the airport with some of your friends
You find really nice people with whom to engage.
Mutual entertainment erupts everywhere.
People have all kinds of pleasant stories to share.
Your delight in the moment is setting the stage.
Happiness pays high spiritual dividends.

Other flights have been cancelled but yours is on time.
When you get to your gate many people are there
Standing, waiting, and wondering why this one flight
Is on time. Many of them are getting uptight.
That things are working out for you you’re well aware.
You are living a life that is truly sublime.

The gate agent is having a horrible day.
Cancellations and dealing with people upset
Has depleted her energy but a kind word
From your heart is a wonderful thing to be heard.
It’s a small act that she probably won’t forget.
In your state of alignment it’s not hard to stay.

Evidence Of Wellbeing is all around you.
Feedback is coming to you continuously
Indicating where you’re at and you can control
Every bit when happiness is your only goal.
You can notice the evidence as easily
As you choose in each moment in all that you do.

Facing Contrast


How can I think good feeling thoughts when I’m in pain?
If there isn’t an answer then what can I do
To relieve myself of this intense agony?
Is there any hope of my ever breaking free
Of this thing I seem to be putting myself through?
Normalcy of existence I need to regain.

I have to separate the emotion from what
Is being manifested within my body.
If I can postpone my feeling utter despair
For a brief moment I can get to a place where
I can whittle the pain away gradually.
I need something to catapult me from my rut.

I can understand that the manifestation
Of how I feel I can control right here and now.
I can change how I feel no matter how I feel.
I do not have to make of the pain an ordeal.
Anything I can get through if I can allow
The wellbeing to flood my imagination.

I can’t let ‘what is’ be the reason why I feel
The way I do. The reason must be because I
Intended to feel this way. I get to decide
In each moment to feel fine or dissatisfied.
Now I don’t have to keep on asking myself why
I must suffer that which is not the ideal.

Observing Versus Creating

Mind Power

“I respond to my environment therefore I
Need to have control of it although I cannot.”

It’s the greatest dilemma known to humankind.
Unless conditions are right we simply can’t find
Satisfaction. Your giving it all that you’ve got
Doesn’t get it no matter how hard you may try.

By observing things then responding to them you
Give up much of your power to feel as you should
In any situation whether it’s pleasing
Or disgusting. The only thing that’s worth seizing
Is contentment in each moment. Your feeling good
Is your primary focus in all that you do.

Don’t attempt the impossible. Don’t say that you
Would feel better under a certain condition.
You put yourself in a very difficult place.
There’s an alternate mindset that you can embrace.
Be prepared for the ultimate acquisition
Of wellbeing and all your wishes coming true.

Instead of observing ‘what is’ try conjuring
An image and letting ‘what is’ respond to it.
Feeling good is the purpose of this exercise
And in time there’s no doubt that you will realize
Much improvement. All it takes is just a small bit
Of accepting that you can create anything.

Dominance Of Wellbeing

Bright Horizon

Don’t you love knowing that you’ve the ability
To contour your vibration all day everyday
Into precisely that which will satisfy you?
Isn’t it nice to know that your dreams will come true
When you focus on them in a persistent way?
Isn’t this a perfect time space reality?

There’s no fate. There’s no chance. There’s not one single thing
Pushing itself into your life experience.
How you think and feel determines what comes to you.
No matter how it looks believe that this is true.
The wellbeing existent is rather immense.
It eclipses the wave of human suffering.

This cooperative universe is showing
You the very components that are equally
In the vibration that you’ve got activated.
This is how your reality is created.
You can have things the way you’d prefer them to be.
Abundance and wellbeing are overflowing.

You can think, feel, and then watch what happens to you.
A vibrational match they are, you’ll come to see.
Things are always working out for you and it’s time
You start living a life that is richly sublime.
Focus your attention more deliberately
Only on the wellbeing you have access to.

Living In The Now

Momentary Midday Pleasure

Make it your highest priority to live more
In the present if you want to live happily.
You don’t need lots of money and all the nice things
It can buy. What’s found in the present moment brings
You the insight to experience ecstasy.
Within you is all that you ever have need for.

All unhappiness is formed when you get away
From what is most important – this present moment.
Disappointment and anger come from focusing
On the past. Fixation on the future will bring
Worry, stress, and anxiety. Conscious intent
Is required so that you in the present will stay.

Use this moment to appreciate anything
You can think of – the breath of abundant fresh air
That you’re taking in – the energy inside you –
How the cells of your body know just what to do
To keep you in the best of health. Just be aware
Of the goodness and wellbeing that’s happening.

When the things you do are infused with your presence
Everything you do is done with more quality,
More connection, and more love. There’s greater success
On all levels. The measure of your happiness
Is how connected to the present you can be.
Happily ever after you live your life hence.

Don’t Blame Others

Criticism Exchange

Falling out of an airplane with no parachute
Is about what it feels like when you’re off your game.
Don’t say that someone pushed you because it’s not so.
You attract what comes to you. By now you should know
That for your crappy life you have no one to blame
But yourself. Blaming others is in no way cute.

It’s your right to take credit for your own point of
Attraction. Don’t let others take control of it.
Indeed no one is doing anything to you.
They’re in your life experience to help you to
Discover what would be more to your benefit.
Ultimately you must look upon them with love.

Otherwise if you really believe that someone
Else has control over what happens to you then
What’s the point? You might as well call yourself a slave.
It’s an unfortunate way for one to behave.
You may gain all the clarity that you need when
An existential awakening has begun.

You may feel like you’re in the eye of a storm when
In confusion you lose track of who you’ve become
But the storm is truly your point of attraction.
In the calm at the center find satisfaction.
Don’t Blame Others. As long as you’re beating that drum
Then the same old thing happens again and again.

You’re Not Here Being Tested

Freedom Of Youth

You’re Not Here Being Tested although it may seem
That you are at times but when you get out ahead
Of things then you’re not always out on the bleeding
Edge where every thought must be precise. Misleading
Is the notion that you can’t be happy instead
Of always having to paddle your way upstream.

Getting out ahead of things means being aware
Of how you want to feel in each moment and why
You deserve feeling happy. Every moment can
Be fulfilling if you make it so rather than
Letting things up and happen. Don’t act on the fly.
For each moment you must take the time to prepare.

You’re not being challenged by the universe. This
Is not a contest of wits. It’s a response to
Your vibrational output. Your split energy
Is the reason why your living happens to be
Not fulfilling. No one’s doing a thing to you.
There’s nothing that can keep you from a state of bliss.

Calibrate your vibration ahead of time by
Meditating and segment intending and you
Will control every moment. Create a bubble
Of wellbeing. It isn’t all that much trouble
To transmit a vibration that reaches out to
The ends of the universe. So keep flying high.

Surrender To Satisfaction

Happy Friendship

The emotional scale indicates the degree
You’re allowing or resisting the wellbeing
Ever present. At one end there’s blame, hurt, despair,
Revenge, anger, and hatred. Who isn’t aware
Of these feelings? Most people end up agreeing
That they suck. Is there a reason for them to be?

At the other end of the emotional scale
Is love, appreciation, passion, ecstasy,
And excitement. It’s not often people remain
In such states for a long time. There’s practical gain
At the scale’s center. It’s the place you want to be.
Be aware of the good life in vivid detail.

At the middle of the scale is satisfaction
And contentment. There’s no resistance in the mind
Or the heart as you have vibrational control
Of each moment. The secret to becoming whole
Is appreciating everything you can find.
This will greatly enhance your point of attraction.

The more time you spend looking for reasons to be
Satisfied then the more Law of Attraction brings
More rivers and streams of things that are just the same.
Satisfaction means that to the world you exclaim
Your surrender to happiness as your heart sings
Of the praises of your newfound reality.

Your Way

Green Luck

Yes you can have it Your Way! Don’t let anyone
Tell you otherwise. You absolutely control
Your own destiny by being fully aware
Of your thoughts and feelings. When you give proper care
To your attitude you’ll achieve any set goal
And your life will be accented with lots of fun.

You control your relationship with everything
That surrounds you. It’s vibrational at its core.
There are some things you cannot control with action
Because this universe is one of attraction.
From your place of alignment you can do much more
Without effort because of what you’re offering.

When you get into that place you stop trying to
Control anything but your vibrational stance
Of alignment. The Law of Attraction takes care
Of everything. You just have to be more aware
Of the good coming to you. It isn’t by chance
That the universe delivers good things to you.

So control the only thing you need to control
Which is how you feel, then you will have it Your Way.
Practice, maintain, and own a healthy vibration.
How you live your life is your most prized creation.
You can keep yourself in alignment come what may.
Your Way always will lead to your becoming whole.

Create Who You Are

Living Art

You’ve an axis of power when you surrender
To the infinite interior of your soul.
“I don’t know” is your mantra. You don’t try to force
Anything. You’ve learned how to rely on your source
Of creative influence. That which makes you whole
Has become your own emotional scale tender.

The Brahman is unknown to those who know it and
Is known to those who know it not. Anytime you
Voluntarily give up control you access
The unlimited power of your consciousness.
You may be limited by the things you cling to
But how to let go of them you now understand.

Much energy can be wasted on self-defense
Or in trying to make things conform to your will.
You know now that it makes you not trust anyone.
You’re the dictator who knows not how to have fun.
Letting go requires no special rigorous skill.
Being efficient comes with too great an expense.

The true power within you allows you to be
The cooperative component in your own
Self creation. You’ve learned how to be satisfied
With yourself as you are and to take certain pride
In how much in the way of consciousness you’ve grown.
Happiness comes with living in humility.

Whatever It Takes

Alone At The Shore

What lies far in the distance is where I have been.
The old habits that I have I need to release
And today is the first day of eternity.
I need to choose the path that is the best for me
And I find it a challenge to find inner peace.
Am I doomed to go through it all over again?

Far beyond where I am now is where I belong.
Something in the horizon is drawing nearer.
To prepare for its coming I surrender to
All that is most uplifting, exciting, and new.
What I need to do now becomes ever clearer.
It’s to punish myself for all that I’ve done wrong.

Carefully I can do this with inner guidance
And not fall into danger of self-undoing.
What of myself can I offer in sacrifice
For my not having been someone normal and nice?
There’s this fear that I have that I keep renewing
The old karma as if my soul’s in abidance.

Hard it is to look forward but that I must do.
The past can’t interfere with what’s happening now.
The insanity which is my humanity
Is a tool that I can use to help me to be
Only better if the time I have will allow.
There are many things that I can look forward to.

Giving In To Your Power


Sometimes words can put you back into alignment
When you’re not. You can give up the struggle and say
Things like, “It is what it is. I give up control
Of this tough situation. It’s only my goal
To be happy.”
When you talk to yourself this way

You can alleviate much of your discontent.

Many momentum building statements you can use
To uplift yourself. “Things are always working out
For me”
isn’t the best one you could use right now

But from where you are find something that will allow
Your own power to find you. There are without doubt
Many good affirmations from which you can choose.

“I give into my goodness. I give up the pain
And the struggle. I give into my worthiness.
I give into not caring what others may say
About me. In my state of alignment I’ll stay.
Into the probability of happiness
I surrender. I know I’ll have so much to gain.”

Talk yourself into your power. Feel easier
About life. Happiness is your primary goal.
Let the earth spin in its orbit. Let your heart beat
Through the night on its own and be willing to treat
Yourself and others kinder. It will make you whole.
Nothing keeps you from living the life you prefer.

You Will Control Every Manifestation

Magical Control

How do you feel this moment? This question is so
Important because it’s your point of attraction.
Manifesting is easy when you have control
Of the moment. When you feel powerful and whole
Everything you do is to your satisfaction.
From right now all of your manifestations flow.

It’s a manifestation what you’re living in
Any moment. Surrounding you are people who
You may play with or not. Your life is unfolding
According to the things to which you’re beholding.
Manifesting can come naturally to you
And right now is an excellent time to begin.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestations of your moment, but what trips
People up often is that they’re looking long term
When they don’t know enough to come up with a firm
And clear mission. It seems that they’re caught in the grips
Of a limiting mindset perpetually.

What’s the most significant manifestation?
It is this very moment. The way that you feel
Indicates how much power is at your command.
That you have control you must fully understand.
You can reach for the feelings that are most ideal.
In this moment you’ve the power of creation.

Why I Get Irritated About The Small Things


Everyone has their pet peeves. I have compassion
For someone who is crabby. They may have issues
With the family. What I cannot tolerate
Is some person’s noise when I want to concentrate.
Rude behavior by others I cannot excuse.
Understanding of some people’s acts I have none.

The ones whose phones ring at the movie theater…
The unconscious snot suckers and all their gross sounds…
Those who interrupt always when I want to speak…
An escape from humanity is what I seek.
May I have this wish granted to me on the grounds
That I’m not really a deranged people hater?

I just want relief from being irritated.
I know that it’s much deeper than getting upset
Over little things. It’s way out of proportion
And indeed some soul searching will need to be done
To find out why I feel people are such a threat
To my peace. Can my angst be eliminated?

When I judge someone that impulse comes from deeper
In the psyche. My biggest fear is that I’ve no
Control over people so I subconsciously
Find fault with them. This disconnected part of me
Prevents the more enlightened part of me to grow.
Relief comes when I become my own peacekeeper.

Shift Your Attention Inward For Answers

Inward Looking Head

Instead of looking outward look inward to find
The answers to your questions. When you look outside
Of yourself then control and manipulation
Enter the picture. How is looking inward done?
Is there some kind of process that can be applied
To look inward? What if one is not so inclined?

What you want to create is authentic power.
Looking inward accomplishes that easily.
It’s not difficult and there’s no special technique
To follow. If it’s answers to questions you seek
Then just go there. Your focus is necessary
For ideas planted to begin to flower.

There are two worlds – the outer world and the inner.
What happens on the inside is more important
Than the external drama. The world you perceive
With you physical senses will make you believe
In its absolute reality and you can’t
Shake that notion. The mind must completely concur.

Multi-sensory beings we’re all becoming.
The soul wants harmony and cooperation.
In a world ruled by external power we can
Find the time to look inward. This is the best plan
To be focused on for your soul’s evolution.
Shifting your attention inward means everything.

Control The Mind

Brain Machine

Have you ever found yourself deeply engrossed in
A good book or a movie where time seemed to pass
Effortlessly so quickly? This experience
Is a routine form of hypnosis. It makes sense
That it’s called ‘everyday trance.’ It is in a class
Of its own. It is from this premise we begin.

Hypnosis is a normal state that we enter
Many times during the day, and each time we get
Really focused on something. This ability
Can work miracles if it is done correctly.
Self-hypnosis is a valuable asset.
Consciousness is of which the brain is the center.

It involves becoming highly focused in your
Experience while giving yourself positive
Suggestions about ways to reach your goals. It can
Be empowering because in a short time span
You can change for the better the way that you live.
For what ails you self-hypnosis may be the cure.

Find yourself a comfortable and quiet place
To relax using a hypnotic induction
Like progressive muscle relaxation to ease
The tense body and breathe in and out as you please.
You then introduce a hypnotic suggestion.
It may be anything that you truly embrace.

Whatever It Takes

Focused On Success

Greatness has its cost. It can take you to the brink
Of a breakdown. It puts your friends and family
On the back burner. It will reschedule your plans,
And at times your promoting won’t win any fans.
It makes you feel misunderstood to the degree
That you learn not to care about what others think.

Greatness demands everything from your mind, body,
Spirit, and your soul. Many will talk about how
They hate losing, but they do nothing about it.
Greatness means that you’re ever willing to commit
To doing Whatever It Takes and to allow
The free flowing of your positive energy.

Winners will show up early, stay late every day,
And talk to anybody that will help them to
Get ahead with their project. They have confidence
In themselves and what they’re doing, so it makes sense
That success is the outcome. The more that they do
To support their agenda has to be okay.

Some would say life’s a dog fight. With that point of view
One may win certain battles through much grief and pain.
Focus on what your doing. Do not be concerned
With a fighting world wherein nothing can be learned.
In the long run the fruits of your effort you’ll gain.
The only fight to win is the one within you.

Everything That You Want Is Downstream

Constant Connection

Imagine taking your canoe down to the edge
Of a fast-moving river. You get in and then
You begin paddling deliberately upstream.
Why on earth would you do that, though? It doesn’t seem
Like a healthy idea. Again and again,
People do it as if they’ve made a solemn pledge.

People do it because everybody does it.
We don’t want be lazy, and we have been trained
To believe that hard work and struggle are to be
Seen as virtuous qualities. Society
Is upstream oriented as if it’s ingrained
In our psyche. It can be of no benefit.

There’s nothing that you want that’s upstream anyway.
The rewards for a difficult life can’t be worth
Feeling absolute pleasure in every moment.
People learn how to get by with their discontent.
When it gets to be too much, then they’re giving birth
To a change in direction and a brand new day.

Everything that you want is downstream. Everything
That makes up the stream is what you’ve been putting there
Through your wanting a better life. Inspiration
Comes to you, and it helps you in getting things done.
Just let go of the oars and become more aware
Of your worthiness and your passion for living.

Pay Attention To One Thing

Singularity Of Focus

There are lots of things you can’t control with action,
But you can control anything from the standpoint
Of alignment with what you believe can come true.
Controlling your vibration is easy to do.
It’s a magical essence you use to anoint
Every day of your life with excitement and fun.

When you get to a place, though, where you can create
What you want, you stop trying to make anything
Happen for you. Things just seem to fall into place.
It’s as if you have tapped into infinite grace,
And it’s true. It’s amazing what focus can bring
Into your life experience and not by fate.

The vibrational frequency you’re achieving,
Practicing and maintaining attracts unto you
Everything that you have. What your mind can believe
Has everything to do with what you can receive.
What will you get if you’re constantly feeling blue?
Innocent little thoughts of lack are deceiving.

There’s no ‘Should I or shouldn’t I’ when you’re aligned
With who you really are. There’s only certainty
That things always work out for you in the long run.
There’s no rush and no effort in getting things done.
Pay Attention To One Thing: how to get happy.
Abundance and wellbeing you’re likely to find.

Stop Blaming Others

Finger Pointing

Are you practicing the negative vibration
Of pointing out the faults and misdeeds of others
Instead of your core vibration of harmony?
Do you find it difficult to let others be
Who they are? Are you frustrated when it occurs?
Is it true that your patience is little to none?

When someone makes you happy because they’re aligned
With who they truly are, you become addicted
To their positive energy, yet when it’s gone
You may think that there’s no one else to depend on.
But in reality you are not restricted
In your happiness. Get a grip on your behind!

Don’t ask someone else to be responsible for
The way you feel. The obnoxious one can show you
What it feels like to be on the path of something
Much better. Concentrate only on the feeling
Of alignment. This is the best thing you can do
For yourself and the other. Do not declare war.

In the moment you pronounce all others to be
Undependable to the way you feel, you’ll feel
So much better. Maintain the power of control
Of your own feelings. This indeed will make you whole.
Nothing then happens to you but the most ideal
Of encounters with others. You have become free.

Don’t let Them Control You

Social Puppeteering

It is good to come together for the purpose
Of creating in this world. You’re source energy.
Know that your power is always flowing to you.
It’s the essence of love. You are encouraged to
Recognize it, feel it, and become it wholly.
Your conscious awareness is always a big plus.

A good mood is important for getting along
In the real world. Sometimes in your quest for valor
Or approval, you look for something other than
A good feeling, and without knowing it, you can
Trick your self into acting not as you’d prefer.
In your dealings with others, your will must be strong.

Your mood is your moment, by moment, by moment
Indicator of all the mix of vibrations
Between you and your higher self. How well are you
Allowing the convergence? All that you can do
To get happy enhances your excitations.
How you feel in each moment is no accident.

Don’t let folks control you by their response to you.
When you, by their perspective, behave in a way
That displeases them. Don’t try to butter them up.
It would be self-undoing to drink from that cup.
In control of your own life you are meant to stay.
To thine own self it is your duty to be true.

Focus On Your Emotions

Effective Conversation

On this leading edge of creation, we are here
To support one another. We are the springboards
Of expansion. We’re not here to mimic others
Nor to be accepting of whatever occurs.
Positive emotions do have their just rewards.
One of them is a mind that is perfectly clear.

No one is here to ‘get’ you because we are all
Part of one diverse species. We each are a piece
Of an infinite puzzle. We each are a gift
To all others. We’re here to comfort and uplift
One another. For the soul, it is a release
Of the love that we’re made of which cannot be small.

Don’t defy your own guidance system. Do rely
On your keen intuition. Accept how you feel
To be accurate. Don’t allow yourself to be
Disillusioned by others. The world that they see
Is their world. If to you they have not much appeal,
Then it’s time to respectfully tell them goodbye.

If you feel satisfaction, then you’re in a place
Where you have much control. You could go either way,
So it pays to be conscious and fully aware
Of how you feel in each moment, and you must care
More than anything that you will have a fine day.
Feeling satisfied means that your life you embrace.

Something You Can Control

Physical Pain

I’m in pain, and it’s chronic. I find no relief.
Positive thoughts escape me. What else can I do
But to suffer throughout life? My ailing body
Is the source of my torment. I so want to be
In the best of health. I know something is askew
With something I don’t know about, which gives me grief.

How can I think positive thoughts when I’m in pain?
Is that not a fair question, given that I take
This body everywhere I go? It’s a big part
Of how I feel at any moment. In my heart
I know that there’s an answer. God, give me a break
From the psychic conundrum. I’ve nothing to gain.

Positive emotion is what I want to feel.
I have to separate out the emotion from
The manifestation that I call my body.
The emotion I can control quite easily,
But the body has already gained momentum,
So it may take time for it to completely heal.

Between fear and hope there is a big difference…
Like between life and death or recovery from
A health issue. If I can manage to prolong
The manifestation of pain, I can’t go wrong.
The condition will have an amazing outcome
Feeling better is what to me makes the most sense.

Simple States Of Affairs

Emotional Creativity

How I feel is important. So, what else is new?
By default I can feel one way or the other,
Yet it seems I’m controlled by my environment.
Why do I often fall short of feeling content
With a life that includes all the things I prefer?
I have now asked the question. What else can I do?

It’s just the simple state of affairs that I’m not
Up to speed with my higher self. It doesn’t mean
Any thing else but that. Negative emotion
Only means that I know that something can be done
To get happy but no way to do it is seen.
I had known this at one time. Somehow, I forgot.

The larger part of me maintains my vibration,
And I know every reason for every feeling
Of emptiness is that I am blocking the flow
Of abundance and wellbeing. I also know
What to me at any moment is appealing.
For this knowing I have much appreciation.

My higher self is the much larger part of me
Who exists mostly in spirit but who’s also
With me here and now. It’s well worth remembering
That my higher self is the source of everything
I could ever conceive of. The more that I know
Of what it knows, the much better off I will be.

Whether Anything Changes

Things Work Out

It’s the greatest dilemma that deliberate
Creators have to deal with. Do I respond to
My environment? Do I try to control it?
Or can I by sheer practice get some benefit
From achieving a good thought? Perhaps it is true
That a better environment I can create.

I can’t control the environment, but I can
Change the way that I’m feeling in any moment.
I want to establish a vibration that will
Penetrate what exists here and now to fulfill
My wishes. I believe in my conscious intent.
I don’t need to struggle with some asinine plan.

If I say I want something, I have to believe
That it’s possible, otherwise it will not come.
Conjuring up an image of what I desire
And then focusing on it until I’m on fire
Is the fine beating of a magnificent drum.
I must be in alignment with what I conceive.

Whether Anything Changes or not, I can be
Feeling better than ever. When I find a piece
Of contentment, I know that I’ll be given more
And more of the moments that are worth waiting for.
Then things will change and resistance to it will cease.
I am glad that I have made the choice to be free.

Catch It!

Bad Mood

I’ll erupt into anger at the slightest thing,
And it gets me in trouble. When I lose control,
Things that are already hopeless only get worse.
I cannot keep on going with such an adverse
Disposition. Don’t touch me with a ten-foot pole
While onto the most negative feelings I cling.

Do I like feeling this way? It seems that I do.
It’s a much better feeling than utter despair.
No where near satisfaction am I with where I
Am in my life. I keep on asking myself why
Things are not getting better. Does anyone care
About the pain and suffering I’m going through?

The degree of my satisfaction has to do
With the power and momentum of my desire.
The degree of my dissatisfaction, therefore,
Is my moving away from or closing the door
To my wishes. Some relief is what I require
And perhaps a more open-hearted point of view.

I don’t have to wait until it really gets bad
To where I become someone I’m not meant to be.
I can catch it before things get way out of hand.
Of my thoughts and feelings I must take full command.
If I tune myself each morning, the best of me
Is available. Peace is what I will have had.

Manifest How You Feel

Allow Joy

What is manifestation? Is it the new car,
Or the big raise in salary? Is it romance,
Or a fun-filled vacation? The way that you feel
Is a manifestation. Your feelings are real
And important. You can, in any circumstance,
Be a kind, loving person. This is who you are.

Your life unfolding is a manifestation.
And in rapid succession as moments go by,
You create in each one of them how much of you
Is getting through to others. If you’re feeling blue,
There’s not much of you present. You may wonder why
You feel trapped in an unworthy situation.

You have constant personal control over the
Manifestation of your moment. Stop looking
To the future. You have not enough clarity
Or power. Your concern keeps you from being free
To be the chef who knows what the hell is cooking
In your own kitchen. Right Now is where you should be.

Just be present in this moment and be aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
You then adjust your vibration accordingly.
The good feelings that you have are the primary
Creations of your moments because they allow
You control of all of the things for which you care.

Your Emotional Frequency

Dance Of Vibration

Who can predict the weather to any degree
Of a semblance of accuracy? No one can.
So why do they keep trying? Is their intention
To piss off we the people? If so, it is done.
A fortune teller is more reliable than
The fallacious forecasting one does often see.

You can control the weather by controlling the
Only thing that you can control – your vibration.
Yet, the word ‘control’ may be a bit misleading.
In this instance, it means that you are succeeding
In doing the only thing that needs to be done.
You ‘control’ your vibration emotionally.

Your vibrational stance of alignment is your
Way of changing reality. By how you feel,
You adjust your attention to feeling better.
You send to the universe an open letter
Stating your declaration of what is ideal.
Whatever you focus on, it will give you more.

Having practiced the vibrational frequency
Of achieving, maintaining, and owning what you
Have created, now everything else will follow.
How can this be a difficult pill to swallow?
Feeling good is the only thing there is to do.
You can get a whole lot done emotionally.

In Your Spare Time

Simply Joyful And Carefree

The earth spins in its orbit in proximity
To other spatial bodies. From your perspective,
This alone is a reason to be satisfied.
The perfection of it all cannot be denied.
It could be that it’s your only reason to live.
If it is, then the universe has to agree.

That wellbeing is dominant is the point here.
Things are going to happen that will bring you down.
Someone may bump you car. Your flight may be canceled.
In the depths of depression, you may be compelled
To consider the reasons for wearing a frown.
You are not in a crisis. This must be made clear.

Emotions indicate degrees of resistance
Or allowing. Anger, regret, fear, and despair
Are the worst. Love, appreciation, and passion
Are the best to experience. Nothing’s more fun
Than to feel your excitement, which is why you care
First and foremost about making your life a dance.

At the middle of the spectrum of emotion
Is serene satisfaction. You are contented
And have energetic vibrational control
Of the moment. Whatever awakens your soul
Is the clue to where you must be oriented.
Do believe that your life is supposed to be fun.

Control Every Manifestation

The Magnificent Brain

What is manifestation? You know it to be
Something brought into being through conscious intent
Or through unconsciously creating without care.
As your life is unfolding, you are more aware
That you are manifesting in every moment.
You can be present in each one successfully.

Money, people, places, and the perfect lover
Are all manifestations. The way that you feel
Is also your creation, as well as how you
Play with others. In fact, everything that you do
Is a manifestation. All that is made real
In your life is of your doing, you’ll discover.

Be aware of the creation happening now,
And then adjust your vibration accordingly.
You’re not looking long term where you have not enough
Power, answers, or clarity. Don’t make life rough
By pretending to be who you weren’t meant to be.
All that comes to you is by how much you allow.

The most important manifestation of all
Is a good feeling moment, and you have control
Over that. Know that you’re the creator of you
And you life as it happens. Each moment is new
And one in which you can manifest from your soul.
Manifest happiness in a big way or small.

All That You’ve Asked For

Ultimate Treasure

You now know too much, having been here for a while.
You know who you are. You know that your vibration
Is maintained by the larger you, and you know how
To stay in the receptive mode and to allow
Energy to flow through you for the creation
Of a positive and most fulfilling lifestyle.

When you’re not up to speed with the best part of you,
Emptiness is the feeling. The state of affairs
Is a simple one. You know that you have control
Of how you feel. The circumstance can make you whole
In the knowing that the larger part of you cares
About you and about all that you want to do.

You could be… but you’re not. Negative emotion
Keeps you stuck in a cycle. You know how it feels
To be happy and carefree. This state of being
You have known to be one of the most agreeing.
You are receptive to what your spirit reveals.
You know that there’s value in appreciation.

Feeling good feels, at first, like your acknowledging
That you feel good, then appreciating the fact,
And, upon recognizing that you have control,
Your intention to feel good will be your main goal.
It becomes easier to maintain your contact
With all that you have asked for, indeed everything.

The Most Important Story

A Relaxing Good Read

Once I had mental illness. Perhaps I still do
And don’t know it, but that’s okay. I’m feeling fine.
If I had something physical, I might feel pain.
Would I then have a reason to bitch and complain
About life? It could be that I’m ill by design.
Any excuse for my behavior I’ll cling to.

There’s a kind of arthritis that cripples the mind
And makes of it a battlefield. I remember
Ways that I’ve treated others. I shelter my shame
In my writing. I have but my own self to blame
For the damage. This life has been a disaster
As I now reflect on how to leave it behind.

Positive thoughts evade me when pain is intense.
I can think only thoughts that reflect how I feel
At any given moment. The need to detach
Is apparent. I am a vibrational match
To all that enters my life. My self-made ordeal
Is a foolishly pathetic psychic expense.

My body with its sick mind is different from
The intense emotion that steals my attention.
I can change how I feel much easier than I
Can get rid of the illness. I don’t have to try
To get better. I remain in this dimension
Looking forward to whoever I may become.

Creating Who You Are

The Perpetual Masterpiece

There are only two reasons why you do not know
What you want. One is that you have it already.
The other is that you don’t know yourself enough
To know what you want. Your life may seem rather rough
On the edges. The fact is you can never be
In complete knowing of yourself. It’s a shadow.

It is not all that tragic a state of affairs.
The divine is never an object of its own
Fund of knowledge. Just as light can’t illuminate
Itself, nor can a knife cut itself, you create
Of yourself a self that is completely unknown
By some essence within you who cautiously cares.

To itself, it’s always an endless mystery.
“I don’t know,” as it’s uttered in the infinite
Interior of the spirit, is the relief.
The time that you have left here may be rather brief.
Wasting energy forcing things doesn’t seem right.
Letting go is the same thing as humility.

Yet, you don’t have to let go. There is nothing to
Grab on to. It’s achieved for you by the process
Of nature. Once you get this, you will suddenly
Find that you have full access to the energy
You’ve been wasting. You find self in your selflessness.
You are always creating the best part of you.

Magic Mantra

Earth Becomes Heaven

I Am Satisfied and that’s the way I should be
Just because I am conscious. I’m fully aware
That I’m not here to fix a world that is broken.
It is not. Why this truth does remain unspoken
Is a mystery I need not the wide world share.
If I said I was lying would you believe me?

I Am Satisfied with what has not yet occurred.
I have not the resistance that I had before
When I was tripping over what’s not happening.
There is nothing more harmful to my wellbeing
Than to say there are no avenues to explore.
Thinking that things are hopeless is simply absurd.

I’d been pushing the concrete noodle way too long.
It has not brought me happiness but misery.
I cannot make things happen. I cannot dictate
To the universe what I want it to create
So that I can be made eternally happy.
I’m surprised now by how I had things so damned wrong.

I can’t turn the world right side up. I can only
Be a part of all that is, and that is content
With all that is. I trust, stay in tune, and allow
The guidance of discovery to show me how
In this moment to be here and fully present.
Satisfaction with nothingness is ecstasy.

The Magician’s Control

The Master Creator

It’s a strangeness of contrast. This world that we know
Only half way may cause us a heap of concern
For survival and existential sanity.
Density of the mist causes us not to see
The dark forces. Sometimes we’re able to discern
Benefit in the contrast and go with the flow.

What we manifest in life – the physical things
Like the house and the car – can only come to be
Through our focused and positive conscious intent.
Long term goals are a problem. Stay in this moment
Where you have absolute control. You’re completely
Free to manifest universal offerings.

Manifestations are not only physical.
The emotions we feel are examples of such.
The people that we meet and the way that they play
Or do not, and the way you feel throughout your day
Are all manifestations. When we know this much
We are then connected with the spiritual.

Just be in the present moment and be aware
Of the manifestations that are happening
Now and adjust your vibration accordingly.
The most important manifestation must be
How you feel in each moment so that everything
You control. It’s completely a feeling affair.


Natural Overcoming

As you identify it in general terms
Then the specifics of it will come before you
Put your label on it. Rather than deciding
What it’s going to be and forever trying
To make the universe fit into your own view,
Why not have faith in what all that is good confirms?

Chill out and let the universe show itself to
You as it is. Everything you’ve ever wanted,
One at a time, is kept track of yet in spirit.
You must be in the receptive mode to get it
If not, then by acting you become self-daunted.
People who don’t know this by now are but a few.

Spirit knows the relationship that each of your
Wishes has with the others. Cooperative
are arranged by Law of Attraction.

It’s your inner being who gets everything done
On the spiritual level. You want to live
The thrill of expecting and then receiving more.

In that quieted mind state, you are not trying
To make it happen, yet you are unstoppable
In your faith in unseen forces working for you.
No matter what is happening, you’ve access to
Infinite intelligence. Perfectly stable
Are the laws. They need no over-clarifying.

The Most Important Story

The Greatest Tale To Be Told

Once there was an old man who did not feel worthy
Of the slightest of good luck or the smallest chance
Of a blessing because of a mountain of guilt.
Psychological walls over time had been built.
Those whom I’ve harmed should know that I’m not in a trance
But my excuse is absolute insanity.

I’m in pain. The body hurts. I’m coming of age
Where I see things more clearly than ever before.
I find myself pre-living a full life review.
How can my thoughts be positive? What can I do
To feel better? Is there something I can explore
That will help me to not be a fool upon stage?

A complete separation from the emotion
Of the pain is accomplished through conscious intent.
I can manifest general feelings of hope.
If I get to remain here I’m willing to cope
With the mess that I’ve made and to somehow repent
For a life that was mostly spent in delusion.

In the face of what is unwanted I can still
Feel the goodness life offers, and I might as well.
Punishing myself for what I’ve done can’t be done.
Once I have wrapped my heart around this I’ve begun
To climb out of my peculiar version of hell.
Making this story right shall relieve me of ill.

Focus Only On This

Forget Everything Else

Public hearings are underway. Riveted are
The world’s eyes on the goings on. Things in Ukraine
Are the same as expected. Mass shootings were nil
For the past week or so. The raw instinct to kill
Was felt only – not witnessed. The proudly insane
Have upon the nation left a terrible scar.

Justice is entertainment. It makes absolute
Sense that we pay attention to what’s happening
Because of its importance in reality
But to stay focused there makes it harder to see
Signs of hope or improvement. What’s interesting
Is that reality is a fatal pursuit.

Our control of the weather is yet within reach
In the far distant future, but even right now
Among those in alignment with all they’ve become.
What goes on it the real world we can escape from
Long enough so that when needed we can allow
Spiritual insights from those who want to teach.

Focus only on controlling your vibration
Which is how you feel at any given moment.
Doing so, you have power to create what you
Want in perfect detail, knowing that it is true
That you can achieve that state of pure alignment.
Most of your work in this sense is already done.

Manifestation Space

The Field of Creation

Memories and impulses that are unconscious
Are the dark matter filling the space of the mind.
Derived from ancestral memory in the brain,
Common experiences it’s known to contain.
In all air breathing humans the space is designed
By our genetic nature. At times, it’s a plus.

We would all like to feel good rather than not so
And we all have our images, most similar
In their themes and in detail of how that would look.
People are free to author their own storybook.
The collective unconscious is nothing bizarre.
That there’s something that binds us is healthy to know.

People who are not fear based don’t need to express
Domination. It means they doubt they have power.
So brute force is the only way they can relate.
It is much easier to learn how to create
What you want through your focus in every hour.
At any given moment you have full access.

Those who are in denial that they are in denial
That their fear based beliefs are turning them into
Negative manifesters are way too many.
Manifestation Space is known by you and me
At an unconscious level. The least we can do
Is to come up with some way to make people smile.

The Choice Is Yours

Total Self-Responsibility

Motivated by money, power, and control,
The ego of humanity triggers decay
Of its terminal body. Madness and disease
Are the rhythmic death rattle. The putrid feces
That escape as it dies is enough to convey
That the human condition is less than heart whole.

The system is bankrupt so those now in power
Want to hold on to all that they can and to kill
Off a lot of people so that they can retain
Their control over everything. All is in vain
Because there are those who recognize their free will
To remain oblivious to things that occur.

People fell into too low a conscious level.
The human spirit once enslaved by the ego
Has long left. Narcissistic we’ve grown in mindset.
Savage capitalism is then a big threat.
The body is decaying. The process is slow.
Where in this is there space where the heart can revel?

We are all instruments of a higher power.
Mass psychoses and Kool Aid cults all must take place.
The cycle of existence – creation and fall
And eternal redemption – we go through it all.
We’ve the choice to be zombies or creatures of grace.
Is it so hard to figure out which you prefer?

Everything You’ve Asked For

Wishes Come To Be

If you’re not up to speed with who you really are
It is not condemnation. It’s stating of fact.
You respond to this simple statement of affairs
As someone who knows too much and someone who cares
About staying healthy by maintaining contact
With your own inner being which is never far.

That’s all negative emotion is. It’s a split
Between what your true self knows and your own belief.
But you know what to do now. Relax and accept
That your magic is real and not just a concept.
In accepting the concept you find true relief
Positive emotion is what you can transmit.

The Vortex contains everything you have asked for.
It’s the state of emotion that has true power.
Every dream, wish, or wanting that you’ve ever had
You can have. It’s a promise that is ironclad.
It is natural that you blossom and flower.
Every good thought leads to the creation of more.

Getting into this Vortex is not difficult.
Anyone can achieve this most high frequency
Of positive emotion. Your source knows it all.
Everything You’ve Asked For – both the big and the small
Is available to you. You just have to be
In the state of receiving to get the result.

Things Will Change

The inevitable Action of Being

Happiness is a simple choice. Hard it may be
To let go of the need to control everything.
The greatest dilemma to befall humankind
Is demanding that conditions be well defined
Before some satisfaction does efforting bring.
It’s not by desperation that one becomes free.

Can I be happy in this moment anyway
Without something pleasing outside me to occur?
I can’t control conditions. They’re impossible.
There must be some solution. I remain hopeful
That a positive change, one that I’d most prefer,
Can happen from within me. I pray that it may.

There are only two choices. My environment
I can respond to, then try to manhandle it
Into humble submission. Or I can create
A vibration of happiness to orchestrate
The environment I want. It’s best I commit
To the feeling of living in full enjoyment.

Conjuring up an image is how to begin
To get my circumstances to respond in kind
To the image created. The changes will come
If I can stop the habit of beating the drum
Of unworthy crusades. I can leave them behind.
Nothing will change outside until there’s change within.

Control Every Manifestation

The Ease of Creation

Take command of the weather as no one has done.
Atmospheric conditions and all that takes place
In your world of reality you do control.
You have just what it takes to achieve any goal,
And you know that you’re worthy of God’s loving grace.
You have healthy relationships with everyone.

That dream job you’ve been wanting or that fancy car
Or the ultimate lover you know you create.
These are manifestations. Indeed this is true,
But how you’re feeling in this moment is one too.
How you feel in the wanting of what you await
Is the time for discovery of who you are.

Looking long term way into the distant future
You have not enough power or the clarity
To provide enough answers to all you may ask.
You don’t need to know too much. Your primary task
Is to tune your vibration so that you will be
In receptive mode – always serene and secure.

Be present in this moment. Be fully aware
Of the manifestation that’s happening now.
It is the most significant one that occurs.
And the truest you that this world greatly prefers
Is alive and available. So do allow
The magnificent present to honor your care.

Day Of Judgement?

Deepest Self-Assessment

If someone is deplorable does he or she
Get the same love from God that anyone else would?
To the mind locked in dogma it shouldn’t be asked
For the fear that this same hateful God will then cast
One’s dark soul into Hades. It’s well understood
That we worship a God who’s as strange as can be.

There’s judgement and there’s justice. They are not the same,
And neither will suffice for the settling scores
And providing the closure that so many crave.
Acts of God are not like the ways humans behave.
What happens here on earth not a good God ignores.
Like a house pet, we want to give our God a name.

Whenever I’m feeling negative emotion
It means I have a point of view that doesn’t match
What the God within me thinks about the same thing.
Is the notion of my judgement supposed to bring
On an act of submission? No wrath I’ll attach
To a God whose love is as wide as the ocean.

People get what they ask for. Things do balance out
As the God who created all sees all take place.
Never ending, unfolding perfection is God.
That I am that way also cannot be so odd
That I don’t have full access to God’s loving grace.
No longer am I troubled by lingering doubt.

Awareness And Self-Empowerment

Life Energy Focus

To be as little children, alive and carefree…
To believe that all good things forever come true
Is to be in a state older folks won’t admit
Feels a lot better than the false need to commit
To a rigid philosophy. All that we do
Can come through openheartedness, and easily.

I offer my vibration to the universe.
In that way I create a point of attraction.
What then come into my life by sheer momentum
Are the manifestations. All of them come from
What I focus on mostly. I can be someone
Who is kind and fun loving and not the reverse.

Seventeen seconds is all it takes to jump start
The cold momentum engine. Full throttle it runs
After more than a minute of intense focus
On the thing that is wanted – or not. It is thus
Infinitely better and it will help me tons
If I tend to the things that are close to my heart.

I can get out ahead of it long before it
Creeps upon me unnoticed. I have more control
Of my day at the start of it. I can align
My vibration so that everything is just fine.
And as children I have but one intimate goal
Which is to have as much fun as life will permit.